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Testing out these hc's and also NSFW. Don't like, don't read. What you do on the internet isn't my fault. (CW: mentions of trauma, food, drinking, and s3x)
My Ghost(Simon Riley) Headcanons

He's not addicted to his mask. The dialogue between him and Soap about it is funny as hell("bet you sleep with that thing" "soundly.") But like he probably takes his mask off once he's home alone and what not. Sometimes forgets to wash it but he keeps a reminder on his phone to do it at least once a week. Has a few extras with his stuff, and carries at least one baclava in his uniform's pocket just in case.
He's not super insecure. He's confident, he knows he's hot. I could see him being a bit self conscious about his scars, and he likely doesn't like anyone touching them. But other than that, he doesn't mind how he looks(like his body weight, his height, etc)
Doesn't smoke(or very rarely does it). But he does drink. It's very controlled, though, and he refuses to have any more than 3 drinks because he doesn't want to be irresponsible. Some nights he's actually likely to be the designated driver if the team heads to a pub.
Eats regularly. At least two good meals a day, and he's fairly mindful about what he's eating. Sometimes he doesn't have the time or resources to get like a bunch of veggies or whatever, so he does settle for fast food or junk food. He doesn't starve himself, he knows he won't be able to do his job efficiently if he does.
I think he's not cold and emotionless all the time. He likes jokes and witty banter!! He probably doesn't mind listening to someone ramble for a while!! It might take him a bit to warm up to someone on his own, but he might feel better if there's a mutual friend(i.e. Soap). But he isn't a robot all the time it just takes him a minute to adjust to a new person. (He does always have that lingering fear of betrayal, though. He wishes it wasn't there always nagging at the back of his mind.)
Did go through a lot of therapy. Both for his physical health(after being hung by his ribs and what not) and his mental health(for basically everything). He wouldn't have been considered fit to serve if he hadn't done it. (I also think this would make him the type to make jokes about his own trauma sometimes just for the hell of it)
NSFW. It takes a solid couple of weeks/months into a relationship for him to feel comfortable with sex. He doesn't mind kissing/hugging/holding hands/cuddling, but in terms of intimacy he needs to know that he's safe with someone to actually do that stuff.
He's very nice about it. Checks up on his partner multiple times throughout to make sure he's not doing anything to upset them. If he is, he immediately backs off.
Manhandles by accident. Tends to get lost in the moment and so he just kinda,,, moves his partner around. Quickly apologizes and chuckles and asks them if they're alright in this position.
He's a little kinky. Not a whole lot, but I imagine he'd be okay with things like easy bondage, light impact play, and maybe some stuff with toys if that's what his partner likes. If his partner wants to do something new he does hella research first. Also he may be more leaning dominant but he's not gonna be a hard Dom.
Tends to pass out right after the fact. To combat this he usually tries to keep some snacks, drinks, and wipes in the room in case his partner wants any. Of course he'll make it up to them in the morning--I think he's really good at making proper tea and coffee.
TL;DR I see way too much mischaracterization of him. He's a little guy and he deserves better. :)

Beautiful display of solidarity ongoing right now from the US calling for a ceasefire in Gaza

Source: @jvplive on Twitter
Can I request Yin and Jin crushing super hard on Shy!Younger sister of Mk, they're both trying constantly to get her attention and win her over, and the gang is not happy about it (especially Mk)
Assistant Demon: What are doing, you oafs?
Yin and Jin: She's pretty~
Assistant Demon: And you're ugly now get back to work
Lol thank you for this, also it turned out way longer than I thought it would
Yin & Jin x MK's Shy Younger Sister Reader Headcanons!

stupid lovesick fools --is how the assistant demon describes these two when she first finds out about their crushes on you. she is the backbone of their group and she does not understand why they can't JUST FOCUS ON TRYING TO WREAK SOME CHAOS
I imagine they came across you on accident. you were just there with Mei and MK, probably getting some food and TRYING to have a chill day with your bro, but then they came along like "HAHA FIGHT US MONKIE KID--oh hello who's this??" and they instantly tried to poke their noses into your business.
obviously MK whooped their asses for even going near you(he is very protective of you dammit)
Mei is also upset(bc if MK gets upset so does she) and she will whoop their asses too
The assistant demon shows up to collect the boys and instead of the two of them being upset they lost as usual they're instead........rambling and gushing about this cute girl they saw??? she doesn't understand.
Yin and Jin become a real thorn in MK's side for the next few WEEKS because they've learned where he is, you aren't far behind
you're freaking out bc why are these demons so interested in you?? but they're like being super obvious about their crushes--they ABSOLUTELY sat outside your house with a boombox and some flowers and "whatever else human girls are into these days"
Pigsy and MK scared them off because it was 3 in the morning
eventually the two of them caught you alone, and very quickly tried to explain why they were there--trying to make it brief just in case MK might be lurking somewhere
they're very sweet about it, they politely ask you out, and you do your best to explain to MK and Pigsy and Tang that you've simply caught the boys' fancy and you're gonna go on a date with them to give them a chance!!
everything goes smoothly(about as smoothly as it can with those two), but expect to see three poorly-disguised men following along at a distance. it's just MK, Mei, and Pigsy in trenchcoats, sunglasses, hats, and fake moustaches--don't be alarmed
.....yeah, it's gonna be a little awkward having Yin and Jin over for dinner
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.

this is so upsetting, PLEASE rb to spread awareness