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2 years ago

Songs That Remind Me of SWK Except I Don't Explain

"You Don't Know Me" Ben Folds and Regina Spektor

"Lonely Dance" Set It Off

"The Winner Takes It All" ABBA

"As It Was" Harry Styles

"onion boy" Isaac Dunbar

"Ruler of Everything" Tally Hall

"I Just Wanna Run" The Downtown Fiction

"brutal" Olivia Rodrigo

"It's Alright" Mother Mother

"Life Itself" Glass Animals

"World's Smallest Violin" AJR

Songs That Remind Me Of SWK Except I Don't Explain

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2 years ago

Could you do Mk, Mei, and Macaque (and maybe Pigsy and Tang if that's not to much) separately reacting to meeting Wukong's secret G/n!Spouse (introduced for Mk Mei Pigsy and Tang) who's not only an immortal demon monkey like himself but is completely opposite to him energy wise, as in, they are the embodiment of calm and serenity, hardly fazed by anything, and the nurturing type, always ready to get some tea and talk over issues or just offer comfort and reassurance.

Bada bing bada boom



How had he not heard of you before?? Either way, they're probably impressed by how well you balance out Wukong's energy. Wants to know if you have any fun stories about Wukong. Or, even better, if you have some fancy monkey magic that the great sage hasn’t told him about yet! Also, surprise, you’ve automatically become another parental figure to them. You thought you were giving them an autograph, boom, it’s adoption papers.


happy to make a new pal, but probably questions where you were during everything else(if you mean that everyone’s being introduced after the events of season 3). Likes your vibes! Maybe vents to you every once in a while about whatever’s on her mind, but it’s never done with bad intentions.


This man was SO confused when he got an invite to a wedding. Especially WUKONG’S wedding. But when he discovers you aren’t like Wukong, that you’re actually really nice and not at all petty towards him? He chills out pretty fast. Visits you from time to time just to relax and let his guard down for a bit. Internally questions why you’d ever marry Wukong, but hey, not much he can do about that.


WAIT WHICH PART OF HISTORY IS THIS?…oh. There’s nothing about you in his books. Weird. Asks you a lot of questions, especially about your powers and what you can do compared to the monkey king. Maybe some about the wedding, too. Thinks you’re pretty cool, but still treats you like a regular person.


really doesn’t care who you are, as long as you don’t cause any trouble(that includes demonic trouble, harm to MK, or taking copious amounts of noodles for free) he doesn’t have any problems with you hanging around. Doesn’t mind talking to you about whatever while he works, especially if you can get along with Tang as well and possibly keep him in line(from taking those noodles I mentioned…).

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2 years ago

Swk and macaque x little brother reader one shot (who’s also a monkey and like 500 years younger than them) I need more platonic content❤️

As someone with a younger brother I did write in favor of the older siblings 🥱 sorta. but this idea was fun either way!

“Important Information: He’s Not Happy”

(Sun Wukong x Macaque x Younger brother!Male!Reader)(PLATONIC ONESHOT)(507 w.c.)

cw: none, literally two swears at the very end

pronouns: he/him

“(NAME)! Did you seriously use the rest of my body wash?!” Wukong trudged out of the bathroom, bearing an empty soap bottle that had his name on it to discourage stealing. He had either already bathed or was about to, judging by the sheen on his fur. 

“I didn’t even know you owned body wash. It wasn’t me.” (Name) didn’t even look at his older brother, choosing to keep his eyes on the television screen. Finally, he had gotten to choose what was playing. 

“What do you mean by that?! I smell fine!” Wukong gave himself a sniff, flinching as he did so, but still acted like he was correct.

“I’m a solid five feet away from you, and I can smell you. For a guy who likes soaps, you don’t use them.”

There was bonking noise as the empty bottle was thrown his way, however it missed its target—perhaps it was a warning shot. 

“Have you asked Mac? He showered last night.”

“He doesn’t like the scented stuff. Plus, he’s off at his dojo.”

“Then go to the dojo and interrogate him! Just quit bothering me!”

(Name) was glaring at Wukong. Despite being the youngest, it wasn’t like he wasn’t intimidating. He was just as powerful and strong as Wukong and Macaque. He just happened to be several centuries younger. 

Hours passed without discussion of showering, and (name) was happy to report that he got to enjoy some time alone—alone as he could get, with some smaller monkeys taking to the empty spots of the couch to relax—but every now and then he’d hear a dramatic sigh as Wukong aired his complaints about whatever he felt like complaining about. (Name) knew he was just looking for a reason to pick a fight with him. That was the glory of it all, though—he didn’t respond to a single statement.

So, when Macaque came home, with some food for them to share, it was essentially the same discussion as in the morning, just retold to a new witness.

“Hang on. It smelled like blossoms?” Mac paused, looking at the bottle. “Ah. Yeah, it was me. I was wondering why I had a headache this morning.”

“I TOLD YOU!” (Name) pointed and laughed at Wukong. Wukong pushed him, and since the three of them were all perched on branches of a tree, (name) yelped as he dropped to the ground. He got back up just as fast.

“Did you do it on purpose?”

“Not like I could see. I was just focused on getting clean.”

“You shower in the dark??” (Name) chimed in. 

“Yeah, so what?? It’s the same as in the light!”

“No it isn’t!! If you shower in the dark, like a psycho, then how can you tell what you’re doing??”

The three continued to “argue” well into the evening, but as they went back into the home to try and get some kind of dinner started, it was reduced more so into playful banter. Yeah, (name)’s brothers were assholes, but they were his favorite assholes.

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2 years ago

Hey! Found your blog a few days ago I believe and I love your writing!

I was wondering if you could do a

Swk, redson, Mk, and macaque x reader who take a long time to process things? Or like they have dyslexia ( a learning disability) that makes it hard for them to learn things fast so they need extra help understand certain stuff? If not I completely understand!

I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night! Take care of yourself!

Thank you anon!!! I did my best to look into dyslexia a bit so I wasn't flying blind, however if there are any problems with what I wrote please tell me!



Oof same

Though he tries his best to read himself, he tries extra hard to help you when you need it.

The two of you together probably mix up directions a lot(Mei and Redson will help lol)

Thinks it’s kinda cute if you mispronounce things; won’t make fun of you for it but will help you sound it out. If he doesn’t know either, you two just make guesses until something sounds right lmao

He himself uses a lot of visual aids(it’s why he loves drawing) so I can see him extending that offer of making some for you if you’d like!

Really good at getting you to calm down if you’re starting to get stressed at something you’re trying to comprehend.

Encourages you to take your time with stuff, there’s no rush, no one’s mad or anything.


They’re a little confused at first. The words on the menu are so easy to read, why are you having such a hard time?

(You’ll probably have to explain it to them)

Once they figure out what’s wrong they’re much less condescending toward you. They’ll pretend to not like giving you resources but trust me they love helping you any way they can.

Never ever rushes you to try and understand something. If someone else does, they threaten to set the person on fire if they don’t back off and give you a minute.

I think Redson is actually pretty good at explaining things in different ways. It requires some patience on their end, but they wouldn’t mind it for you.

If you want them to write something down for you because you’re kinda struggling on your own, they will. Their handwriting is really pretty.



He’s super supportive, don’t get me wrong, and he does his best, but this monkey cannot read to save his life.

Thinks in pictures, deals in pictures. You two can potentially help each other out? You present words, he’ll match a visual to it. The math is adding up

He takes things slow a lot of the time, so if you’re getting stressed about reading or understanding something, he encourages you to do your best. If you still can’t figure it out, don’t worry about it, it’s not a life or death situation!

If he sees you zoning out he has two options: join in(bc honestly he probably likes daydreaming!) or very gently helping you to zone back in. If it helps you to fidget with something he lets you play with his tail.

Doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about you. You’re not dumb to him, you’re not lazy. You’re trying just as hard as anyone else!


Like Redson, slightly confused at first. But then he remembers how Wukong is and understands immediately.

You’ll have to talk to him about what helps you the best, but in the meantime he doesn't mind reading aloud to you when the words just won't stop moving.

Very patient with you if you’re talking and pronouncing things wrong/mixing up words/etc. If you don’t mind him doing it he’ll correct you, but if you’d prefer he let you figure it out, he’ll shut up.

Has no sense of schedule for himself, but if you wanna work on your own time management he might partner up with you to figure out a routine for the two of you to follow(Please this man needs sleep. Give him a bedtime.)

If you’re into drama and theater like he is he’ll want you to help him with his plays! It’s hands on so you won’t have to stress that much

He’ll probably go terrorize anyone who insults you and your intelligence in front of him

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2 years ago

Hello Hello! Could i have a seperate headcanons for Sun wukong, Macaque, Nezha & Red son with their female s/o who is a secretly a assassin , when they're with their s/o she looked innocent and sweet (also shy) but she's secretly bad ass and dangerous (also scary) when she's on the mission from their organization or in bad situation, what would the boys reaction when they find out their s/o's secret who been hiding all along from them?

This request is inspired the anime I watched is "Spy x Family", for reader's personality is inspired of Yor Forger!

Ah!! I love Yor, she is,,, very nice ;-; /pos


SWK, Macaque, Nezha, and Redson x Assassin!Fem!reader Headcanons!

SWK - concerned more than anything else, in the beginning. He wants to ensure that she’s never in harm's way. What if she got hurt? What if he couldn’t protect her? But then she pops off and actually protects him, and not only is he amazed, he’s much more curious about her than before. Maybe encourages her to train with him to see her skills, and even give her new moves to work with! He is supportive of her, but he also has a healthy amount of fear for her!

Macaque - like Wukong, he wants her to stay out of trouble. However something was bound to happen eventually, and there she was pulling knives from her boots and throwing them with amazing aim at their target. His jaw is on the floor, he can’t believe how cool it is, he himself might not even join the fight just so he can see her finish it off. Afterwards he makes sure she’s okay before asking her “what the heck was that?!”. He vows to never underestimate her ever again.

Nezha - Nezha, being his dutiful prince self, will instinctively try to protect her sweet soul like it’s glass. He loves how sweet and genuinely nice she is, especially to him. However, he gets so worried when there’s that moment he can’t jump in front of her to take the brunt of an attack, but what’s this? She’s got her own weapon, and stopped the attack midair. He’s incredibly shocked, however he’s also SO PROUD OF U BB GO KICK THEIR BUTTS! She manages to finish off the fight on her own, and then when she’s done he goes up to her and is all like “omg you did so good are you hurt at all?? Let’s go get some food :)”

Redson - doesn’t mind having to take the lead for her! The least he can do for someone so sweet and special to him is to do the fighting and violence stuff. He was going to launch his flames at the demon that dared to try and mess with her, but when he looked, there she was beating them into next week. He could not be more proud!! Won’t make a big deal if she doesn’t want him to, but definitely celebrates her victory!! Power couple!!

Hello Hello! Could I Have A Seperate Headcanons For Sun Wukong, Macaque, Nezha & Red Son With Their Female

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2 years ago

this has been on my brain for a few days now, male reader who run a soup stand/ restaurant that also sells pastries, who is very clumsy and awkward, but has golden retriever energy x red son, swk, mk and macaque. like the boys just run across it one day and order some soup and the reader offers them pastries, which happens to be their favorite and so they just kinda keep coming back because they like y/n and also to make sure theyre okay from their own actions

ok so I know this took me so long but it in my opinion is worth it bc this was so fun to write?? Enjoy!!

"The Boys Are Here"(1,063 w.c)

Redson, MK, SWK, and Macaque x Golden retriever energy! Reader

Fluffy romantic oneshot

Pronouns: you/yours, ngl this is pretty neutral

CW: food, mention of injury

This Has Been On My Brain For A Few Days Now, Male Reader Who Run A Soup Stand/ Restaurant That Also

Now listen, when you opened up your tiny bakery, you didn’t expect a whole lot of traffic. It was simple pastries, some cookies, and cakes as well.Those who came in generally really enjoyed your food, and you were proud of yourself for making it this far! What you didn’t expect was four regulars who weren’t exactly of the “normal person” variety.

“I told you, noodle boy, you need to watch how close your tail gets to my fire! If I ever plan to roast you, it’ll be on purpose!” A redhead walked in, holding the door open as the next three figures came in. First was a shorter man with unruly brown hair and a red bandana, carrying a staff.

“I didn’t mean to!! I just overestimated how much space I had to work with!” He said. Behind him were two monkeys, one ginger and one raven-colored with some white streaks. They almost looked like they were related.

“What matters is that we put you out before it took the whole thing off, MK. Now c’mon, I’m starving!” The ginger ruffled the ‘noodle boy’s hair. 

“Welcome! What can I get you?” You finally spoke, attempting not to stare at them too hard. They were all so attractive in their own ways, and you worried it would affect your abilities to serve them. 

“Do you have anything peach flavored?” The ginger pressed his face up against the glass of your display case, and so did MK. Now that they were closer, you could see that they looked as if they’d been in some kind of fight. Some light scratches here and there on their faces, dust and ash coating their hair and skin. You could see MK’s tail, and the end was a little bit singed. 

“We have some sodas, but nothing pastry wise. Sorry.” 

“I’ll take one of those sodas, and actually a few of those sugar cookies as well.” 

You put on some gloves and got to work on putting this all on a tray. You figured they’d want to stay and eat.

“Can I have a slice of that lava cake?” The redhead was pointing politely at the case, and you nodded as you went to retrieve the slice. 

“And for you?” You made eye contact with the quiet, shadowy figure who stood closest to the door. 

“Oh, uh…do you have coffee?” 

“I do!”

“Black, please.”

His eyes were darting around the space, probably trying to understand why he was dragged here. But he also had a light red tint to his cheeks, like he was surprised you acknowledged him at all.

“And what about you?” You peered over the counter at MK.

“I can’t really decide…it all looks delicious.”

“I have a sample dish you can get, with one of each cookie on it.”

“Ooh! Yeah, I’ll do that!”

You rang them all up, and then each one searched their pockets for a wallet.

“Relax, all of you. I’ll put it on my credit card.” Red walked past all of them, handing you the card. You laughed at their antics as you finished the transaction and handed them the tray. They went over to an empty table.

“I’ll get you your drinks in just a second.” You pointed out, turning on your heel to get them. Once you did, you kind of made a show of bringing it to them. There was a small chance they’d notice your efforts in flirting, but there was also a chance they wouldn’t.

“Do you guys want, like…something to clean up with?” You asked.

“Nah. We’re all headed home after this, but thank you!” The ginger answered for the group. You nodded and left them to enjoy their snacks, opting to do some tidying up. In the back of your mind, you were listening to their conversations. The shadowy figure was named Macaque, the ginger was Monkey King, and the redhead was Redson. And of course you realized this meant that you were hosting several very powerful beings in your humble cafe. At least they tipped well?

This was all months ago. Since then, they’d show up at least once a week. They’d either be worn out from training, coming from a battle, or just showing up for fun. You came to be close with them, and eventually they all very politely asked you out. Now you were in a loving polyamorous relationship with them.

“Y/N, I’m gonna grab an ice pack from the freezer!” MK practically hopped your counter as he waved to you. You were busy ringing up a customer, but you gave him a thumbs up.

“Slow down!! You’re gonna steal the frosting out of the container again, aren’t you?!” Redson dashed in an effort to follow her boyfriend, but stopped to give you a quick peck on the cheek. The customer you were serving left with their order, and you turned your attention to the four people that were coming in quick succession. 

“MK, if you’re gonna be back there, maybe you can check the dates on those for me?” You called.

“The chocolate’s good for another month. Vanilla could use another package, though.” You felt a chill as Macaque phased through one of his portals, licking a spoon. Wukong followed behind him, drinking his usual peach soda.

“How long have you two been here?!” You asked, trying and failing to snatch the spoon out of your partner’s hand. He was faster than you, though, leading to him laughing at your attempts.

“Long enough that I’ve gone through a whole pot of coffee.” He chuckled.

“Alright, no more for you today. And for goodness’ sake at least give me a heads up before you raid my kitchen!” 

“Sure thing, boss.” He mocked you, ducking into the shadows again and emerging at a table to sit down with Wukong. MK and Redson came out of the kitchen as well, with MK holding an ice pack to his shoulder as he sat down.

“What did you do this time?”

“With all his brain power, he thought he could crash his way through a truck in the way of the demon we fought. Thank goodness it wasn’t his swinging arm.” Redson pointed out. You sighed and sat down with the group.

“You lot are pieces of work.”

“Yeah, but you loooove us!” MK gave you those puppy eyes, and you nodded in agreement.

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2 years ago

Hello, there! I hope you're having a good day :Dc If it's no trouble, can I request Red Son, Nezha, SWK and Macaque meeting their s/o's family for the first time?? But here's the twist; s/o's family is really fracking wholesome, and their family never judges them once! Like,, they don't care about their god/demon/villain status - and: they didn't get nervous when Red Son or Macaque appears, nor did they immediately worship SWK or Nezha bc of the legends, they just treat them like they were any normal person, casually talking to them about their hobbies over dinner, and even once affectionately calling them their own "son"/"child". Basically, s/o's family really approves of them because they make their child happy, and doesn't judge them for who they are! :Dc These fellas gets a second family and they honestly deserve it-

THEY DO DESERVE IT YOU ARE CORRECT anyways here's some headcanons/scenarios since y'know stories are. difficult

Redson, Nezha, SWK, and Macaque Meeting their S/O's very supportive parents for the first time! Headcanons!(ROMANTIC)(GN)

Redson - so confused at first. He’s formal, prepared to justify everything about themselves to s/o’s parents. Probably was expecting them to be like his parents, but then they treat her not only nicely but also like a person and not some nasty creature?? What??? They may think they’re being tricked, but no, the s/o’s parents gush about their kid and then compliment Redson about his skills and how they’ve heard so much about them!! Dinner goes super well, and they send Redson home with the leftovers because “she needs some more meat on those bones!!” You talk to Redson after you two leave and ask them what he thought; Red bursts out crying /pos

Nezha - He goes in thinking he’ll have to explain everything about his past, surely s/o’s parents have heard about the terrifying Nezha? But to his delight they don't care about all that. They want their kid to be happy, and oh my what a strong young man you are! We’ve heard all about how sweet and protective you are!! He’s absolutely flabbergasted. He probably brought along some kind of food to offer them, and they literally love him so much! S/o has to reassure him he doesn’t have to be so stiff. The parents appreciate him for keeping their child safe and give him their blessing to keep dating and maybe even marry s/o if the two do end up wanting to marry(cue embarrassment from both Nezha and s/o)

SWK - listen. This man has worked so hard for his reputation as a good guy. But he’s got some stuff in his past he’s not proud of nor does he care for. So he’s going in fully prepared to be insulted, berated, overall just not treated right. But……the parents don't mention anything about his past. They don’t ask, they don’t press him about it. They compliment him, how nice he is, how he dresses well. They don’t nag him when he stims after s/o said something funny. They have something with peaches in it for dessert that he practically cries over. He’s so perplexed over the whole situation but honestly it’s in the best way possible. Very excited to see s/o’s parents again.

Macaque - there’s no way s/o’s parents would like him. C’mon, he’s a demon, he’s hurt people, he’s got this big scar over his eye…but they love him. They like his stories, how cool and calm he is, and the jokes he makes. He’s never felt so accepted before except for when he’s with s/o. Definitely thinks it’s a prank or a cruel joke, but it’s not, and he DEFINITELY cries about it. He would love to see them again. Thinks about how kind they were to him every day because it makes him happy that not only does he have s/o in his life, he’s also got their parents to support him as well. 10/10.

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2 years ago

i loved the anon asking for the characters parents!! could u do the same characters, but instead of them meeting readers parents they meet their brother(s)? u dont have to do this, its just an idea i had in mind !! the brother(s) are kinda off-put at first but they soon become friends with the character? i hope u have a wonderful weekend by the way!! 💕

Ah thank you!! I thought the idea was super fun to write! Have a great weekend as well and enjoy the hc's!! <3

Redson, Nezha, SWK, and Macaque Meeting S/O's Brothers headcanons! (Romantic)

Redson - fully prepared to fight. Since he’s an only child she has no clue how siblings are supposed to act. And obviously, they’re a demon, so their appearance is slightly jarring. But after a little while of conversation and the s/o gently nudging both parties to actually talk to each other, the brothers accept Redson. They actually probably find her to be cool with all his demon powers and now Redson gets to hear embarrassing stories about the s/o. It’s a win-win…..I think.

Nezha - he’s basically brothers with Wukong, so he knows the vibes. He acts stoic at first because he can tell that they’re sizing him up. But s/o makes a dumb joke and they all bust out laughing and from there things go very smoothly. By the end it’s like they’ve known each other for ages. He just fits in super well with them! And now s/o has a full on protection squad :)

SWK - very nervous, but also has faith in his abilities to read people and try to keep the peace. He understands why the brothers are apprehensive of him…he is a literal monkey, after all. That stage fright of his kicks in fast when he meets the brothers, however it’s a lot better as long as s/o is there. He really does his best to impress them and make them feel like he’s a good person and thankfully it goes over well. He shows them his tricks, they think it’s cool as heck. But afterwards he’s overthinking the whole thing so his s/o will have to calm him down lol

Macaque - not super nervous or anything, kinda just goes with it. He stays close to his s/o the whole time for comfort but he’s doing very well! The brothers think it’s a little weird that he’s a monkey, but they accept him fairly fast since he’s casual and not stiff. He tells them stories with shadows, shows them some of his powers. Like with Nezha, s/o ends up having a protection squad >:)

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2 years ago

Hi can I request a parents sun Macaque and PIGSY and dbk sandy x adopted Demon daughter reader

Like the reader is a demon like them but even tho they are not by blood but was raised by them as one and during the fight with Lbd they end up possessed and have to fight their father while the LBD taunts them saying looks like you're going to give up on them I guess you never really cared for them so they're not by Blood. And you abound them for the other's

When it in fact not true at all they love there kid blood or not and try to save them and get them from underneath the control of ladybone demon

Ok so I vaguely understand what you're saying, however I need some fluff to cancel out the angst I posted earlier so here's just some hc's about them as dads

SWK, Macaque, Pigsy, Sandy, and DBK x Adopted!Demon!Daughter Reader Headcanons!(fluffy, platonic!)


The other monkeys on FFM probably found you first. And, curious about what you were, they brought you to their king! The rest is history, he probably took you in right away

He’s very chill in terms of keeping you out of trouble. He’s protective, sure, but he encourages you to explore and put yourself out there as long as it’s not super harmful

I think he loves engaging and messing around with you. Helps you hone your powers and what not all while having fun or playing games to make it a positive learning experience

If you’re ever feeling bad about not being related to him by blood, he is very good at comforting you.

He reassures you that no matter where you come from, he’s happy he gets to raise you and watch you grow up, and he is proud to call you his child.

If anyone makes comments about it while you two are in public you might have to hold him back because he WILL fight them

His favorite thing is dad jokes


Was most likely scouting stuff in the city when he found you. He felt terrible that someone would abandon a baby so he took it upon himself to raise you, even if he’s a little underprepared

Super protective. He’s constantly worried something will happen to you but there are rare occasions where he’s calm

Spends a lot of time reaching out to his fellow demons about figuring out how best to take care of you. He knows you’re not a monkey like him so that logic is out the window mostly.

If anything ever happens that may be dangerous, he will stop everything, ask if you’re alright, and then go get rid of the danger. After that it’s time for first aid and a warm meal.

Knows how it feels to be different from your family(he was probably one of the only demon monkeys on FFM) and reassures you very often that he’s your dad and loves you as such.

His favorite thing to do with you is read or tell stories. Often he starts them off by saying “you won’t see this one in the history books!” And it makes you laugh almost every time

Other demons he knows will know about you and so he basically has a backup team in case anything happens to him. Very paranoid about all that


Idk how he would come across you, but I could definitely see him legit adopting a kid. MK is surprised but excited to have a kind of sibling!!

He’s got the dad business down to a science. I think he goes with his gut on almost everything and it works out in the end.

You’re probably brought up the most normally out of the whole lineup of these characters. He gets you in school, you’ve got your own room in his house, and you help out in the shop.

He takes every situation as it comes. A little strict, but overall he just wants you to be happy, healthy, and safe.

He has you taste test new recipes when he cooks and he also loves when you help him cook in general

The one thing he’s not entirely sure of is how to comfort you if you have doubts or bad feelings about not “really” being related to him.

All he can really do is affirm that hey, he raised you and he loves you more than anything—more than noodles!—and that he’s there for you whenever you need him.


Would definitely adopt a kid through the system. But if he found a baby on the street he’d probably go that route too!

He def reads up on parenting books for the basics, and then has to improvise the rest since demon kids are built a little differently from human kids

Gentle parenting at its finest. Has a small set of easy rules and deals with each thing accordingly—no yelling from him at all though!

You’re taught how to be gentle and take care of other living things by growing up around his therapy cats! And they love you anyways because, well, they’re cats

He takes you on a fun adventure or outing whenever he gets the chance. He wants you to see and experience the world, not be cooped up in one place.

Because he’s so good at helping others with their emotions, he walks you through and comforts you when you’re feeling inadequate in terms of blood relations.

Cheers you up, gets you some of your favorite tea, and assures you that he loves you and cares about you.


By far the most knowledgeable about raising demon babies. He himself is hesitant at first but Princess Iron Fan convinces him to take you in.

They’re prepared for all your powers and what not, so honestly it’s smooth sailing for them

DBK is a little harsh sometimes but he is doing his best to be there for you!

He thinks that because you’re part of this family, you deserve to be treated like they are; royalty! You get pretty much anything you ask for :0

I think he would carry Redson and you around a lot. No idea why but maybe it’s a comfort thing. It’s just this towering Bull figure, very menacing, but on his shoulders are his over dramatic son and adoptive daughter

(He goes about his business but the fun part is you and Redson just having conversations over him. And he chimes in too sometimes. I can’t get this pic out of my head it’s so cute and funny)

Anyways he’s better at reassurance through action rather than through words. He can tell when you’re down, whether it’s because you feel different or if you’re just having a bad day. So he brings you your favorite meal and a warm blanket, lets you know he’ll be in the kitchen, and gives you your space.

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2 years ago

May I request Wukong with an s/o who purposefully butchers their singing voice?

When they sense someone's in proximity to hear them, they go wild and off key to hide their voice. Everyone thinks they are horrible especially when they sing confidently off key. They even go as far as to shamelessly duet with Mk and Mei when they blast music to get the message across. They can absolutely smash high notes but they're too shy to perform seriously in front of anyone.

Just imagining the godly reverb in Wukong's gave brought forth this idea.

Nothing hits like a good vibrato 🙏 enjoy!

SWK x GN!"bad singer" Reader Headcanons!

One way or another this man will find out what your voice really sounds like.

Don’t get me wrong, he thinks it’s really cool how you’re confident in singing “badly” in front of others. With his stage fright, he could never!

But with how you speak normally just talking to him, he has a hunch that you’re keeping a secret.

Cue monkey shenanigans to try and get you to sing for real. Tries to enlist MK and Mei’s help but you always catch on

It’s super frustrating for him, but he obviously hides what he’s trying to do.

Eventually he gives it one last mischievous try.

One day he mentions he’s gonna be getting ready to spar with MK. You hear the front door of the house close, and he’s clearly walking down the path. You search to see if this is another prank, but there’s no sign of him.

You throw on some tunes and you let your true skills shine. Every note in your chosen songs is hit, everything on beat, and the perfect pitch.

What you don’t see is him in his eagle form on the roof, listening intently to your siren’s song. That was a clone he’d sent into the woods and he stayed behind.

He waits an hour or two before “coming back”.

He keeps this little bit of spying to himself—he doesn’t want you to stop singing out of paranoia that he might be listening.

Next time you do karaoke with Mei and MK, he sits with his chin in his hands and a knowing smile across his face.

Hide it all you’d like, but he’ll cherish that voice of yours forever :3

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2 years ago

do you know about the Ben 10 alien called Anodite Ben and Gwens Grandma is an Anodite and I was wondering if you could do a Wukong x Anodite fem reader One shot were Wukong meets the reader after she crashes on earth injured and helps her out and develops feelings for her

I had to do a bit of research about ben10 for this but I think I've got it? If nothing else, we have a lovely alien reader x Wukong :)

"In Which My UFO Crashes and Insurance Won't Cover it" (688 wc)

Wukong x Fem!Anodite!Reader

Romantic Oneshot

Pronouns: she her

CW: uhh none I believe?

Do You Know About The Ben 10 Alien Called Anodite Ben And Gwens Grandma Is An Anodite And I Was Wondering

With the world in a state of relative peace, it was perfectly reasonable in the Monkey King’s mind to take a night to stay in and relax. He treated himself to the activity of building a small fire and making s’mores. Some other monkeys had gathered around just to chill with him as the sun set and the brilliance of the stars and moon could be seen by all.

That is, until a large saucer looking thing crashed into the forest nearby on the island. Wukong told the monkeys to go wait in the water curtain cave so he could go investigate.

Smoke was almost everywhere, however he could see a figure frantically trying to wave it all away and put out any fires. Wukong stepped on a twig by accident, causing the figure to look up. Now he could see—she wasn’t human. Her hair was in one large ponytail that seemed to be glowing. The rest of her was a more purple color. But she didn’t have any real discernible features.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” She called out. She was holding a screwdriver in a threatening way, but he was far from intimidated.Slowly he stepped out from his hiding spot behind a tree.

“Hey, uh, what are you doing on my mountain?” Wukong asked. She pointed at what he assumed to be the engine of her ship.

“I crashed. I don’t mean any harm or anything, I just need to fix this and I’ll be out of here.”

“No offense but I don’t think the engine is the only thing that needs fixing.”

They both looked at the ship. Dents and scratches galore, with many of the small lights either flickering or out and the windows broken in. She sighed.

“Ugh. Just what I needed.” She got back to work and ignored him. He stayed where he was, just observing.

“So…where are you from?”

“If you must know, I’m from the planet Anodyne.” She glanced over her shoulder at him. Wukong saw this as a perfect pun opportunity.

“I’ll tell you what, no matter what planet you’re from, you’re out of this world.”

She paused.

“…Was that a flirt?”

He hesitated. Was that a positive tone or the kind of tone that meant that he was about to be slapped into next week?

“It could be?..”

“You know what, I’ll take it.” She shook her head with a laugh. “My name is y/n. What’s yours?”

“I’ve got a lot of titles and names…think you wanna hear all of them?”

She seemed to smile. “We have nothing but time.”

He cleared his throat and puffed out his chest. “My name is Sun Wukong, the Handsome Monkey King and the Great Sage Equal to Heaven!”

“That’s certainly a mouthful. Are the Handsome Monkey King and Great Sage parts silent?”

“Well, the handsome part is kind of a given.” He waggled his eyebrows. Y/n laughed again, and as she moved away from the engine, it roared to life. The lights shone and smoke stopped coming out of it. Fully functional…except in appearance.

“Oh, good! It’s working again!” He cheered for her. She wiped her brow—did she have one??—and the tools she had in front of her dematerialized. He had barely noticed they were made of pure energy.

“I should get going, then. Get this repaired so I can travel in style again.” Y/n said.

“You’re leaving?” His expression dropped. “Will you come back?”

“I can come back and visit,” she took one of his hands and he blushed. “If you’ll have me, Handsome Monkey King.”

“Yeah! N-No pressure or anything!” He acted like it was no big deal, but he wished he could enjoy how soft her hands were on his own for forever.

“I’ll make an effort to stop by. I promise.”

She used her magic to get the ship itself out of the dirt and into its standing position, and then she climbed inside. He waved at her as the UFO took off and disappeared into the inky sky.

For an extraterrestrial encounter, he thought, it wasn’t like the stories that people told.

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2 years ago

I am back! AND I LOVED THE HEADCANNONS SO TY TY- Anyways, anoher Nezha, Redson, Mk, Mac, Sun And Mei this time only with an S/O with bird wings, can be any tipe of bird but wary soft and huggebull wings. This on can by any gender...and kinda of a tipe of person whom is not afraid to put someone in there place if needed to but is mostly a chill and down to earth person! Lots of love and hugs! - SNake annon

I'm glad you enjoyed them! ^^ however my character limit is 5 so I'm gonna have to eject Nezha from this prompt...if you want this one for him super badly though lemme know ✍️

MK, Redson, Mei, SWK, and Macaque x GN!Winged!Reader Romantic Headcanons!

MK - oooo! This boy most definitely wants to fly with you! Whether it’s transforming himself or convincing you to carry him, it’s gonna happen! He also loves looking at your wings in general. If you’re ever just sitting and chilling with enough room for him to sit behind you so he can be sandwiched in between your wings, expect him to be there. He offers to help take care of them, if you have a specific wing-care routine. Also, probably nicknames you “angel”!

Redson - They think you’re pretty cool, but they’re not gonna make a big deal out of it. Red compliments them a lot, though, just because they think the wings suit you very well. Extremely gentle around them, because they don’t want to set you on fire. You would probably be the one who has to convince them to let you carry them so you can fly together. They’ll be clinging onto you really tight the entire time, though!

Mei - she is OBSESSED. Likes flying with you, feeling them, taking care of them—if I’m honest, she would probably collect feathers that fall off of them or the ones that you can give her—basically, she thinks you’re one of the coolest people she knows. Also, she gets to brag to people that her s/o has super cool wings. Calls you her “guardian angel” since you, as her partner, probably have to help keep her out of trouble.

SWK - He thinks you’re really cool! He also probably does a lot of bird/angel puns, sorry. He lovesss just feeling your wings and practically sleeping on them, at least until you get him to move because you can’t be his pillow ALL day(as nice as it sounds). The other thing he likes is watching you take care of them. Since it’s wayyy different from monkey grooming, he’s not gonna stick his nose in it, but he likes observing. You two fly together a lot!

Macaque - probably sees you as fairly cool compared to the average person. He never asks to touch your wings; he prefers to wait for you to give him full permission. Even then he’s super gentle since he doesn’t know if it’s painful or anything. He likes being surrounded by them since it actually muffles some of the noise he hears. Similar to Redson, you’ll have to convince him to fly with you. It’ll take a lot of trust on his end, but he will do it eventually.

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2 years ago

Hopefully I'm not too late to ask..! 💦

May I ask for Fem Pokémon trainer S/O for Sun Wukong, Macaque, and Syntax. Doesn't have any outstanding powers or abilities aside from sandwich-making and being able to emotionally connect with Pokémon, even the more scary-looking ones.

She's fairly easy-going and compassionate until someone says one negative word about her Pokémon, then she goes absolutely FERAL! Because they are her BABIES! The 'said Pokémon would then have to hold her back.

As for what Pokémon she has... Maybe the sandwich-loving Miraidon or Koraidon? If not or other than that, whichever is most easiest for you to write.

If you don't do crossover headcanons, I understand. Just know I love your writing!😊

Hmm alrighty, I'm gonna write these as if it's a pokemon kinda world in general...lemme know if that's a stupid interpretation/lh /hj

SWK, Macaque, and Syntax x Fem!Pokemon Trainer!reader (Romantic Headcanons!)

SWK - He loves your energy! He thinks your team is a good bunch and I think since he likes animals in general he can relate to your bond with your Pokémon and how protective you are over them. Likes battling with you for fun, and also so you two can hang out more often. He wouldn’t consider it as a date though…unless you want it to be! You two probably met because one of his Pokémon took a liking to one of yours. Your friendship then happened by proxy, and then you decided to start dating and go long-term!

Macaque - he thinks you’re pretty cool, but he has a reason to have some fear toward you. He was out and about with his Gengar when he spotted you giving a sandwich to your Miraidon. He made some comment about how it was kinda lame, and you immediately charged at him to beat him up. Thankfully your Pokémon held you back. He apologized a bunch, then you two got to hang out and get to know each other. From there you battled once or twice, then he admitted he really liked you and how you went about things. Bam boom bop, you two were dating!

Syntax - oh my gosh, first of all, he should’ve gotten a trainer card like some of the other characters did, second of all, he is DEFINITELY in Team Rocket. He challenged you one day, because his ulterior motive was to steal your most powerful Pokémon. However during the battle he regarded yours as weak….and you then beat him…with your fists. He then realized this mission wasn’t worth the black eyes he got, so he apologized and you then helped him recover. You bonded with him and eventually you two were able to call yourselves friends…and eventually lovers. He likes taking care of yours and his Pokémon together since I think that he’d learn to really respect them after seeing how protective you are of yours.

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2 years ago

Hi can I request a macaque wukong and mk x sugar mommy reader

Like reader spoils them so much that she would do anything for them like for example if they want a game/food/anything they want she will get it for them but if she finds out that someone threatened them or hurt them she will literally grab her weapon and she will beat the bitch up or anyone that will hurt them

Also can you do them separately please


Also I focused more on the money part bc it's just so cute to think the three most approval/attention seeking characters in the show and you buy them stuff???? 100000/10 in my opinion

SWK - you…you actually love him…and you wanna buy him stuff?? And besides loving and caring for you back he doesn’t have to pay you back?? Or prove he’s really grateful?? He can hardly believe it and thinks that you’re a demon trying to mess with him. But nope, you just give him a kiss and bring him to one of the stores he’s shown interest in and tell him to find some nice clothes. Then after you’ll take him to dinner. It takes him a while to get used to it, but he loves the attention you give him. He develops a sense of style that’s more than the same few things he’s been wearing for thousands of years and honestly? He’s so handsome. He has a habit of constantly checking for reassurance that you honestly want to do this for him, because he can pay you back no problem!! A few weeks into being with you and his mood is super upbeat, but like genuinely instead of masking.

MK - huh??? What do you mean you’re alright with just spending absurd amounts of money on him??? He’s super flattered, he never turns you down, but he’s an anxious lad who has never heard of a sugar mommy before. So you take him wherever he wants—his favorite place to blow money with you is definitely the arcade—have fun, and then he thanks you a million times. He loves being with you, not just for the money(though it is a nice bonus), and I think he’d gain some confidence from knowing that there’s someone who loves him and doesn’t need any grand gestures from him to prove it. Him being himself is enough for you.

Macaque - look, it’s gonna take a lot of time for him to be comfortable calling you a friend, let alone his partner, let alone…this. You’ll have to start small with him so you don’t scare him off. Promise him you won’t hold this all against him some day, and that you’re honestly doing all this because you love him. He usually seems very confident, however once he realizes your intentions are good, he almost becomes shy. It’ll take some serious coaxing to get him to point out things that he likes so you can get them, but you love how flustered he gets when he tries clothes on and asks you what you think. I think his love language receiving would be gifts(since let’s face it when he used to be friends(or more?) with Wukong he was never empty-handed by the end of the day) but in terms of giving he probably likes physical touch or words of affirmation…expect a clingy monkey after every trip :)

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2 years ago

Hi can I request a macaque, wukong, Nezha sandy x fem reader

Like reader has PTSD because a person close to her used her body to do bad things and other stuff….. but when months past sins that happened she stills has nightmares from what happened to her and when she’s closed to a man that she doesn’t know she starts getting a panic attack but if she forgets to take her pills that help her she starts hearing voices to do bad things to herself or hurt herself

ps: please can you do this because this has happened to me recently and I’m having a hard time right now and I want comfort from my comfort character also can it be Romantic for macaque, wukong, Nezha but for sandy platonic relationship like a father relationship please

I hope you find the comfort you're looking for in this, and I also hope you're able to heal on your own time. PTSD is nasty to have to live with, speaking from experience 😞

Macaque, SWK, Nezha, and Sandy x PTSD!Reader (Headcanons)


Macaque would swear vengeance when he finds out. Out of the group he would be the first resort to violence to cancel out what happened. If you tell him not to, convince him to stay and help you, he will. He'll drop everything to try and make you feel safe again. He keeps you close to him, making sure that above all else that whatever environment you're in that you are not in danger. If you have a panic attack I think he'd also panic a little bit but then he'd refocus and help to ground you, then help you get away from whatever triggered you. He has a very sharp memory so he reminds you to take your meds if you don't remember. But the downside is he'll feel super shitty if you hurt yourself. So he walks you through some guided meditation and breathing techniques.

Wukong focuses on you the moment he finds out. What are your needs right now? Have you taken your meds? Did you do some sort of self care today? He's super observant, he knew something was off with you, but he didn't want to pry. If you have a panic attack he will very quickly remove you from the situation so you're able to calm down. He gets you some water, your meds(if you forgot them) and tries to get your mind off of things. When it comes to what you do if you're off your meds, he's the king of distractions. He would never shame you for hurting yourself, but he would definitely try to steer you away from it and towards something healthier(i.e. squeezing an ice cube or scribbling on paper).

Nezha is very cautious with you. He is fully prepared to be violent if you want him to be however his top priority is you. He helps you find some kind of routine that ensures that you're getting what you need to function--water, meals, and some physical activity. If you have a panic attack, he's actually really good at helping to ground you. He lets you squeeze his hand or braid his hair. If you end up hurting yourself he first assesses the area--is there something there that triggered you? And once that's done he helps you. He helps you to get comfortable and provides some kind of activity for you to do instead. He still always offers to "get rid of the problem", though.

Sandy knows where you're coming from and he's determined to help. He starts out by getting some tea ready, and while that brews he talks to you. He walks you through your feelings and the basics of what happened. You relax a bit as he helps calm you down. If you allow him to he'll encourage you to spend some time with the therapy cats(especially Mo) and he'll even prepare the couch for you to sleep on if you want to spend the night. He is probably the best out of the group when it comes to reminding you to take care of yourself and take your medicine. If you happen to spiral or fall into a dark place he gently coaxes you into doing something else and relaxing again. He knows how to handle panic attacks like a champ and always tells you he's proud of you and how strong you are, even if you don't see it.

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2 years ago

Hello! I love your work! (Call me 🐉 anon)

Can I please request Swk & Macaque (together), mei, reds on and mk (separately) with a mystical s/o who can turn into all different types of dragons? Ex: wyvern, Easter dragon, land Drake, water dragon, ect.

Thank you! Your writing is so good I love it! Hope you have a good day/night!

Aw thank you!! I dub thee dragon anon!! Enjoy!

Shadowpeach, Mei, Redson, and MK x GN!Dragon Reader Headcanons!

I did a similar kind of dragon prompt with Mei a while ago, you can find it here(or you can send another ask if you want me to just redo it >:[ /lh)

Shadowpeach - most likely to be a badass trio with you. Two celestial monkeys and a whole dragon??? NOBODY is gonna mess with y’all now. I think the pair of them would have fun and spar with you in different dragon forms you have, just to see what it’s like to fight a dragon. If you have some fun dragon features when you’re in your human form they’ll definitely tease you lightheartedly about them! Overall, a very good combo, since if they ever end up in a fight then you’re the wildcard—monkey, monkey, and oh? Another monkey? NOPE ITS A DRAGON

Redson - FIRE DUO FIRE DUO—He thinks you’re very cool! Finally, he has someone who can appreciate a lava bath and absurdly hot food with him! Also, they would definitely spoil you with some kind of special scale cleaning stuff for you to use. Never pressures you to take one form or another when you’re with her but I think he has a preference for your Eastern Dragon form just because it’s the one he’s the most familiar with(that and you look really cool ok)

MK - ultimate hype man. It’s basically large s/o x small s/o when you’re in your dragon form it’s wonderful. He loves just watching you,,, be a dragon. Seeing you fly is his favorite thing because he can fly with you!! On his cloud!!! Also maybe bugs you for rides. You obviously don’t have to give him any, but can you really say no to a face like his? Also, expect him to make drawings of your different forms. Pose for him if you feel like it!

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2 years ago

Hi how are you can you make a request of a macaque wukong and spider queen x sick fem reader

Like reader has a really bad fever and like she can’t get out of bed so macaque,wukong and spider queen comfort and taking care of reader

I’m sorry for the little words I’m just sick and I can’t concentrate on writing

Aw I hope you feel better! I loved this idea, please enjoy!!

"Darned Germs" (803 w.c)

SWK, Macaque, and Spider Queen x GN!Sick!Reader

Romantic Oneshot

Pronouns: you/yours

CW: sickness, mentions of food/eating, a single joke about eating people

Hi How Are You Can You Make A Request Of A Macaque Wukong And Spider Queen X Sick Fem Reader

“Gods, you’re burning up!” 

Macaque took the thermometer from you with wide eyes. You could really only nod, and even then it was hard to really move. You were lying in his bed, since you had spent the night after watching movies with him, however you awoke feeling as if you were on fire. He had gotten you set up with plenty of fluids and an ice pack on your forehead, but it wasn’t helping as much as he had hoped. He took out his phone, typing up some messages.

“What’re you doing?” You asked, your words slurring. His tail was swishing as his expression was concerned. 

“I’m calling in the big guns.” 

Not even half an hour later, your other two partners appeared. Wukong came in the door first, and held it open as Spider Queen came in with some grocery bags. Macaque helped to take their coats. 

“Queenie, I told you, I had food covered.” He protested, raising an eyebrow at how much she was actually carrying. She shook her head, stepping into the apartment’s kitchen and opening the fridge. It was nearly barren, save for some leftover takeout and a single plum. 

“Yes, because this’ll be enough to nurse a whole army back to health. Gimme time, and I’ll have just the remedy for this blasted fever,” she tied all her dark hair back into a bun and then moved past the monkeys to where you were. Upon seeing you, it was like she was going full mom-mode—the term Wukong had coined after she had made a habit of fretting over you, him, and Macaque on a normal basis. “Oh, sweetheart, look at you!”

“Hi Queenie…” you reached out to her and she enveloped you in a hug. 

“How’d this happen? Who was so cruel to pass on these germs to you?!” 

“I dunno,” you spoke into her chest. Even though you loved the attention, you were still very warm. She pressed the back of her hand to your forehead. “But I’m really tired…”

“That’s okay. You just lay back while I go make something to help, alright? No work, no nothin’ until you’re better.” She gave the crown of your head a kiss before stepping out of the bedroom to go begin the meal. Wukong came in next, with Macaque trailing behind him. 

“Hey, peaches. You okay?” He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over and kissing your cheek. 

“Not so much. I’m drinking water and stuff, but I still feel cruddy.” You said. 

“Aw, well no worries! We’ll take care of you!” He reached into his own bag, that you didn’t even realize he’d brought in, and retrieved a stuffed bear. You happily accepted the plush, hugging it tightly. 

“Thanks Wukong!! I love him!” You smiled. He smiled back. Him and Macaque settled onto the bed, making small talk. Every now and then they’d pause and remind you to drink water, before resuming and grooming each other a little bit. Eventually a wonderful smell wafted through the air. All three of you went to the bedroom doorway and looked toward the kitchen. 

Queenie stood facing the stove, her sleeves rolled up and a hand on her hip as she stirred something in a pot. She taste tested some of it, before shaking her head and adding some herbs to the mixture. 

Sensing the pairs of eyes on her, she turned her head, gaze softening as she saw you all looking toward her. She taste tested again, this time nodding, and then she motioned for you to come over. Wukong moved forward first, practically salivating, and Macaque rolled his eyes and scooped you up bridal style. He carried you over to his table, sitting you down and then going to get dishes. 

Once everyone was set up at the table, the queen scooped some of the stew from the pot and into the bowls in front of you and the others. 

“This recipe’s warded off sickness from me and my boys for ages,” the boys in question being her henchmen who she said were also her subjects. “So I want you two to eat it as well, just to be on the safe side.”

“Promise there’s no meat or people in it.” Wukong joked, remembering what her diet could consist of. 

“Relax, I wouldn’t feed y’all that stuff! It’s just veggies and herbs. Now dig in!” 

Indeed, you all ate as if your lives depended on it, but really, it was just that delicious. Macaque noticed you were tired after the fact, so he helped to set you up in his bed again, opting to sleep on his own couch. In the morning, you awoke and felt as if the fever had never even been there, snuggled up with a happy stomach and your new stuffed bear.

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2 years ago

could I request for wukong and macaque (seperate or poly is fine!) x reader who is super physically affectionate? like they rlly enjoy cuddling or just random touches, and can get quite protective if the person they care about is ever in danger? ty!! and no worries if you don’t want to either haha

I'm feeling zesty so you can have both

Shadowpeach, SWK, and Macaque x GN!Affectionate!Reader Romantic Headcanons!

Shadowpeach - you have the combined force of two celestial monkeys to keep you company, so rest assured you’ll never be without at least a tail to hold. Most of the time what will happen is you’ll start out just doing your own things, then Wukong will stop by for a random hug or smooch but then he gets comfy with you(even if he’s in the way…he’s like a cat). Eventually Mac will come along and join in, and by then no one’s going anywhere for at least an hour. They love seeing you get all protective over them, even though they can definitely handle themselves just fine. Their favorite thing, though, is just laying down with you and chattering while grooming each other and you. It’s almost serene—these two terrifying beings are suddenly calm and purring as they aren’t causing chaos for once. 10/10

SWK - he’s very, very touch-starved so I think he’d vibe very well with you! He tends to pop up out of nowhere and kiss you for a little bit, before zooming off again— unless you stop him and insist that he stays. His absolute favorite thing is coming home after a long day of training with MK, getting into some comfy clothes, and then falling asleep cuddled up with you. He lets you do your thing being protective of him; all the while knowing that if something were to happen he would gladly take care of it. 10/10

Macaque - he is also super touch-starved but it will still take him some getting used to when it comes to receiving physical affection. But soon enough he finds himself looking forward to when you come around, because that’s when his face will be kissed ever so sweetly and his hands won’t be as cold as they usually are with you holding them. He’s extremely gentle with you when he gives affection simply out of habit. He also has a habit of retrieving you through a shadow portal, taking you back home, and wrapping you up in blankets with him so he isn’t lonely. It’s honestly cute, if it weren’t an inconvenience sometimes. Also, he is just as if not more protective over you than you are over him--see below comic 10/10

Could I Request For Wukong And Macaque (seperate Or Poly Is Fine!) X Reader Who Is Super Physically Affectionate?

(credit to the original artist)

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2 years ago

Hi can I request a macaque wukong x fem cat reader

Like reader has fore cat ears like two normal cat ears and two small ears and she has super sensitive hearing and like she’s loving towards anyone and wants attention like a cat but back at what I want is that reader was playing fnaf in her room until macaque and wukong entered the room and scared her as reader let out a screach as she died in the game and they tried to comfort her for her loss in the game as she died in the game as macaque and wukong tried to play the game as reader watched them suffer as she smiled

I want some comfort because I’m sick and I tried beating the game in hard mode in fnaf


I don't think I ever made it past night 3 in FNAF 1 tbh

“Jumpscare!” (697 w.c)

Wukong x Macaque x Fem!Neko!Reader

Funny romantic one shot

pronouns: she/her

CW: getting scared, general FNAF description stuff

Okay, only a fewwww more minutes, then it’ll be six AM!” Y/n muttered to herself, eyes trained on the cameras. She had been trying to beat this part of the game for ages now, and hadn’t really left the game room. She had snacks, a drink, and a nice blanket with her…so theoretically, she could try all day if she wanted to.

The one detail she forgot about was her two boyfriends.

They had indeed all woken up together that morning, with Macaque running some errands early on and Wukong stopping at Pigsy’s for a visit with MK. But now they were both home, and neither had really heard from y/n.

With his six ears, Macaque could tell she was playing that creepy game again. He didn’t mind the horror, but the noises that the animatronics made when they killed the player hurt his head. Wukong thought it was just a weird game, but wasn’t opposed to when she would invite him to watch her.

“I have an idea.” Macaque said, knowing y/n was too immersed to try and eavesdrop right now. 

“Oh? Do tell!” Wukong’s tail wagged.

“Here’s the plan…”

Y/n’s ears perked up, thinking she was hearing whispering. But she also figured it was the odd ambience of the game, so she paid it no mind. The power went out in the game; this now had her anxious as to whether Freddy would be quick to finish her off or if he would let her progress to the next night. Just as his song ended, she screamed as a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and a different pair of hands covered her eyes. And through her headphones, the animatronic bear screamed too.

She had lost. Again!

“Ughhhh not fair! You’re both lucky I didn’t try scratching at you!” She whined, spinning the chair around and playfully pushing her boyfriends away from her. Wukong laughed and Macaque appeared through one of his portals. He ruffled the hair that was close to her four ears. 

“You’re funny when you get angry! Just like a pouty kitten!” He teased. Y/n narrowed her eyes.

“C’mon, we were just having fun! No need to be upset!” Wukong tried to back the shadow up on this, but Y/n wasn’t having it. She unplugged the headphones and got up from the chair.

“If you two wanna play games,” she smiled with a glint of mischief in her voice “then you can sit down and play.”

This was less of an actual invitation, and more of a challenge. The monkeys looked at each other, weighing their options. There was a good chance she’d let this all go if they humored her on this one.

Wukong took the seat first, leaving Macaque to find a different chair. Y/n, however, was already getting comfortable in Wukong’s lap, so that option was gone too. He supposed he’d just stand. 

Wukong clicked the “continue from night 3” button, and let it begin again.

Several tries later, and they had managed to get to 4 AM without losing power. Y/n happily munched away on her snacks, even with Wukong growing more afraid each time he saw one of the robots. Macaque had put on his sensory headphones to block out the noise, but was still giving his opinions and directions. 

“No, you need to check the cove! He could’ve moved!” He said, tugging on Wukong’s sleeve.

“I just checked on him! I’m trying to find the rabbit!” Wukong clicked onto camera 2B, and his tail puffed up. “WHAT IS THAT?!”

Y/n glanced at the screen, seeing the telltale sign of an incoming golden Freddy jumpscare. She shrugged.

“Ah, probably just a glitch.” 

“If you’re sure….” He put down the tablet to check the doors, but was instead met with the yellow bear. His screen flashed and a loud scream rang out, causing him to flail and knock over the chair by accident. Y/n landed on her feet and was laughing at him. 

“Now you know how it feels!” She crossed her arms. Macaque couldn’t help but laugh too. He was just glad he wasn’t in the chair.

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