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Hey! Found Your Blog A Few Days Ago I Believe And I Love Your Writing!
Hey! Found your blog a few days ago I believe and I love your writing!
I was wondering if you could do a
Swk, redson, Mk, and macaque x reader who take a long time to process things? Or like they have dyslexia ( a learning disability) that makes it hard for them to learn things fast so they need extra help understand certain stuff? If not I completely understand!
I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night! Take care of yourself!
Thank you anon!!! I did my best to look into dyslexia a bit so I wasn't flying blind, however if there are any problems with what I wrote please tell me!
Oof same
Though he tries his best to read himself, he tries extra hard to help you when you need it.
The two of you together probably mix up directions a lot(Mei and Redson will help lol)
Thinks it’s kinda cute if you mispronounce things; won’t make fun of you for it but will help you sound it out. If he doesn’t know either, you two just make guesses until something sounds right lmao
He himself uses a lot of visual aids(it’s why he loves drawing) so I can see him extending that offer of making some for you if you’d like!
Really good at getting you to calm down if you’re starting to get stressed at something you’re trying to comprehend.
Encourages you to take your time with stuff, there’s no rush, no one’s mad or anything.
They’re a little confused at first. The words on the menu are so easy to read, why are you having such a hard time?
(You’ll probably have to explain it to them)
Once they figure out what’s wrong they’re much less condescending toward you. They’ll pretend to not like giving you resources but trust me they love helping you any way they can.
Never ever rushes you to try and understand something. If someone else does, they threaten to set the person on fire if they don’t back off and give you a minute.
I think Redson is actually pretty good at explaining things in different ways. It requires some patience on their end, but they wouldn’t mind it for you.
If you want them to write something down for you because you’re kinda struggling on your own, they will. Their handwriting is really pretty.
He’s super supportive, don’t get me wrong, and he does his best, but this monkey cannot read to save his life.
Thinks in pictures, deals in pictures. You two can potentially help each other out? You present words, he’ll match a visual to it. The math is adding up
He takes things slow a lot of the time, so if you’re getting stressed about reading or understanding something, he encourages you to do your best. If you still can’t figure it out, don’t worry about it, it’s not a life or death situation!
If he sees you zoning out he has two options: join in(bc honestly he probably likes daydreaming!) or very gently helping you to zone back in. If it helps you to fidget with something he lets you play with his tail.
Doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about you. You’re not dumb to him, you’re not lazy. You’re trying just as hard as anyone else!
Like Redson, slightly confused at first. But then he remembers how Wukong is and understands immediately.
You’ll have to talk to him about what helps you the best, but in the meantime he doesn't mind reading aloud to you when the words just won't stop moving.
Very patient with you if you’re talking and pronouncing things wrong/mixing up words/etc. If you don’t mind him doing it he’ll correct you, but if you’d prefer he let you figure it out, he’ll shut up.
Has no sense of schedule for himself, but if you wanna work on your own time management he might partner up with you to figure out a routine for the two of you to follow(Please this man needs sleep. Give him a bedtime.)
If you’re into drama and theater like he is he’ll want you to help him with his plays! It’s hands on so you won’t have to stress that much
He’ll probably go terrorize anyone who insults you and your intelligence in front of him
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More Posts from Crypticjackal13
I'm about to watch Nezha:Reborn on Netflix. I will be back when it's over with notes on what the heck I'm looking at :0 wish me luck
Hello!! Is it alright if can i have a oneshot request for Red Son with a fem s/o where he wanted her to introduced his parents (and also wants his parents approvement of their relationship), when reader met his parents, they asked reader some so many questions about their relationship with red son cuz they were curious and also aware of reader because they think reader was using their son or etc. His parents noticed the look of reader's like in determine and love, reader answered every question with sincere & honest, prove their love & loyalty towards to Red son like how much she love him or care about him, not for fame or etc. Just loving him.
The match for their kid has to be THE ONE OK /hj
“Honest and True!” Redson x Fem!Reader(ROMANTIC)(oneshot)(810 w.c.)
cw: none I think? Demons being vaguely threatening?
pronouns: Redson is he/him THIS TIME SO IT’S NOT CRAZY CONFUSING, reader is she/her
This needed to go perfectly. One wrong move too many and any chance of Redson continuing his relationship with Y/N would disappear. What if they didn’t get along? What if Y/N wasn’t up to his parents’ standards?
“Hey, hon, you’re on fire again.” She interrupted his thoughts. Immediately, he turned off his powers, and blinked a few times to reassess where exactly they were. Right, they had been freshening up in his room in preparation for dinner. This dinner was different, though—Y/N would finally be meeting Redson’s parents.
“Are you ready?” She asked him. He nodded, putting his worries to the side…but still keeping them within his reach. As long as no one said anything stupid, first impressions would be a breeze.
They entered the dining room, and Y/N looked around in awe at everything. Sure, she’d been over to Redson’s house before, but he’d neglected to show her every room. This place was huge! And the fact that there was lava around the platform that served as the area for the table was nothing short of impressive. However it did make for a higher temperature. But nonetheless Redson pulled out a chair for his beloved, and once she was seated he went ahead and sat himself, just as his parents entered the room.
His mother, Princess Iron Fan, strode in, but then chose not to walk the rest of the way and teleported instead. Following behind her was the Demon Bull King. He didn’t look at Y/N until he sat at the other head of the table, and even then it was more of a side glance. Awkward couldn’t even begin to describe it.
“So you’re the Y/N that we’ve heard so much about?” Iron Fan finally spoke, and her sweet tone was laced with skepticism.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Iron Fan,” Y/N smiled, sort of bowing her head as a sign of respect. She did the same for DBK, but he didn’t put up the same front of niceness as his wife. He only really grunted in response, choosing to sip on his drink instead. Thankfully Redson offered up a new direction for the conversation to go.
“Y/N has been very kind to me, mother. She was the one who gave me that throw blanket you asked about.” He said, clearly trying to hype her up.
“How sweet. And she didn’t charge you anything for it?” Iron Fan seemed to joke, and even smiled a little to punctuate it, however Redson knew what she was trying to imply or even get Y/N to admit. He looked at Y/N, and she had a curious look on her face.
“Of course not. It was a gift I knew Redson would like.” She said. Iron Fan liked this answer, evident in how her brows unfurrowed.
“We wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of our lovely son, is all.” Iron Fan started.
“Whether for money or anything else.” DBK finished the sentence. His first spoken words to Y/N, and it sounded vaguely like a warning. Redson glanced between his parents, hoping that they’d chill out, at least a little.
“I understand that! You guys clearly hold him near and dear. I’m just here because I care about him too!” Y/N may have been addressing his parents, but she was looking forward at Redson with nothing but adoration in her eyes. Redson looked at her, too, blushing madly but very nervous to hear what the other two would have to say about it.
To his surprise, his mother and father were staring each other down. For a few moments, it looked like maybe they were deliberating on how they wanted to get rid of Y/N as fast as possible. But this wasn’t the case. In real time, it was only a minute at most, but at that table it felt like ages before their gazes softened and they actually smiled at each other and at their son.
“Y/N,” DBK sighed, probably because he realized he’d have to be nice, “we grant you permission to continue dating our son. But so help us, if you ever break his heart—“
“Love, please. She doesn’t seem foolish enough to do that. Just treat him right, dear.” Iron Fan cut off her husband, but the last part was aimed at Y/N. She nodded, and Redson blushed again, but felt a giant weight lift off his shoulders. Now he didn’t have to worry about anything. Nothing could possibly go wrong—
“Now that we’ve finished dinner, I can break out the baby pictures. Would you like to see them?” His mother asked. Y/N grinned.
“I’d love to!”
The two women left the table, and now Redson would have to deal with the humiliation of stories from his childhood. Just wonderful…
Oneshot idea! (Platonic) Swk x His extremely young stone monkey child (whether he created them biologically or magically doesn't matter) Set during the episode 'Amnesia rules' where Swk loses his memories, and in this case, the memory he's a father and that's his baby, so when he see's them he just gusting over them because "O.m.g. Tiny baby monkey, aren't you the fuffiest, cutest thing! (*o*) *gasp!* They called me Baba, I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED." P.s. hope you feel better soon, had the plague too.
1, thank you anon! I’m almost all recovered :D
2, this is the sweetest request I’ve ever received and I LOVE THIS IDEA SO MUCH :OO literally the cutest thing I ever did see,,,
sorry it’s super short my brain is legitimately mush
“Embrace For Impact” (Amnesia! Wukong x baby monkey!reader)(PLATONIC)(oneshot, 320 wc)
Traveling with the monkey kid and his friends honestly didn’t seem like a bad idea at first, especially when (name)’s way of convincing their pa to let them go with them was by stowing themselves away in his cape. When the group inevitably found them, they agreed to let them stay. Now here they were, supervising Mr. Tang and Pigsy as pa…meditated? Slept? They weren’t really sure, but he wasn’t giving them attention, which annoyed them.
So, when there was some sort of problem that warranted Pigsy to sock Wukong in the mouth, (name) half expected him to spend time with them when he was awake. But instead, he took on an…odd…personality.
“Hm. I must’ve scared the demon off. It’s safe to come out, master! You too, piglet.”
They laughed as Pigsy got upset at the nickname. When they did, Wukong turned around fast to look at them.
“Baba, that’s not his name!” (Name) giggled. Wukong gasped and got close to them, standing over them as his eyes lit up.
“Oh. My. Goodness. You are the cutest thing I have EVER seen!” He ruffled their hair. They chirped happily, especially when he picked them up.
“Monkey king, that’s (name).” Tang said.
“(Name)? That’s a perfect name for them!” He cooed, absolutely melting over how cute they were. Getting caught up in all the Samadhi Fire business had made everyone lose their sense of having some fun, so even if the monkey king had lost his memories, this was a nice change of pace.
“Baba, I’m hungry, can we eat?” (name) asked. As fun as this was, they hadn’t gotten a snack in a while.
“We also have to keep our eyes peeled, we don’t know where that demon went.” Pigsy said.
“DID YOU HEAR THAT?! They called me baba! I’ve been ACCEPTED!” Wukong cheered, lifting (name) up above his head as they squealed.
Yeah, things were gonna be fine.
Swk and macaque x little brother reader one shot (who’s also a monkey and like 500 years younger than them) I need more platonic content❤️
As someone with a younger brother I did write in favor of the older siblings 🥱 sorta. but this idea was fun either way!
“Important Information: He’s Not Happy”
(Sun Wukong x Macaque x Younger brother!Male!Reader)(PLATONIC ONESHOT)(507 w.c.)
cw: none, literally two swears at the very end
pronouns: he/him
“(NAME)! Did you seriously use the rest of my body wash?!” Wukong trudged out of the bathroom, bearing an empty soap bottle that had his name on it to discourage stealing. He had either already bathed or was about to, judging by the sheen on his fur.
“I didn’t even know you owned body wash. It wasn’t me.” (Name) didn’t even look at his older brother, choosing to keep his eyes on the television screen. Finally, he had gotten to choose what was playing.
“What do you mean by that?! I smell fine!” Wukong gave himself a sniff, flinching as he did so, but still acted like he was correct.
“I’m a solid five feet away from you, and I can smell you. For a guy who likes soaps, you don’t use them.”
There was bonking noise as the empty bottle was thrown his way, however it missed its target—perhaps it was a warning shot.
“Have you asked Mac? He showered last night.”
“He doesn’t like the scented stuff. Plus, he’s off at his dojo.”
“Then go to the dojo and interrogate him! Just quit bothering me!”
(Name) was glaring at Wukong. Despite being the youngest, it wasn’t like he wasn’t intimidating. He was just as powerful and strong as Wukong and Macaque. He just happened to be several centuries younger.
Hours passed without discussion of showering, and (name) was happy to report that he got to enjoy some time alone—alone as he could get, with some smaller monkeys taking to the empty spots of the couch to relax—but every now and then he’d hear a dramatic sigh as Wukong aired his complaints about whatever he felt like complaining about. (Name) knew he was just looking for a reason to pick a fight with him. That was the glory of it all, though—he didn’t respond to a single statement.
So, when Macaque came home, with some food for them to share, it was essentially the same discussion as in the morning, just retold to a new witness.
“Hang on. It smelled like blossoms?” Mac paused, looking at the bottle. “Ah. Yeah, it was me. I was wondering why I had a headache this morning.”
“I TOLD YOU!” (Name) pointed and laughed at Wukong. Wukong pushed him, and since the three of them were all perched on branches of a tree, (name) yelped as he dropped to the ground. He got back up just as fast.
“Did you do it on purpose?”
“Not like I could see. I was just focused on getting clean.”
“You shower in the dark??” (Name) chimed in.
“Yeah, so what?? It’s the same as in the light!”
“No it isn’t!! If you shower in the dark, like a psycho, then how can you tell what you’re doing??”
The three continued to “argue” well into the evening, but as they went back into the home to try and get some kind of dinner started, it was reduced more so into playful banter. Yeah, (name)’s brothers were assholes, but they were his favorite assholes.
So true. I love philosophy (/lh)
Shadowpeach good