jackal - they/them - 19 |REQUESTS ARE CLOSED| inbox: 2/7 - drafts: 1/7
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Hello Can I Request Mentor! Nezha X Student! Reader?
Hello can I request Mentor! Nezha x student! Reader?
Where Nezha is reader's mentor but reader tends to push themselves a bit too hard
Oh fun!! Dude nothing hits like a mentor with a burnt out student where the mentor has to actually keep an eye on things
"Blooming" (670 w.c)
Mentor!Nezha x Student!GN!Reader
CW: burnout, Nezha is disappointed

“No, you were too slow. Try again.”
You panted as you put your hands on your knees, looking at the weapon you’d dropped on the ground when he disarmed you. You were putting all your energy into this, and even though he wasn’t even using his powers, he was still much stronger than you. You’d been training under Nezha for weeks now. Shouldn’t you be more ahead?
Nonetheless, you picked up your spear, going back to the edge of the circle you two trained in. You got into the starting position just as he did.
He rushed at you, letting himself go into the loose defense so you could try to implement the move he was teaching you that day. A sweep of the legs that, if done correctly, would end with the handle of your spear across his shoulders to pin him down. But against the type of plans he had for you to go by, you had spent a few hours last night trying to exercise a little more than you were meant to. And by the gods, you were exhausted. And now you were pinned, too, and you didn’t even remember what happened while you were thinking.
“Okay, we’re done.” He frowned at you, taking your weapon. You didn’t even try to stop him. But this wasn’t how lessons usually ended—he would normally help you up and have you explain what led to the outcome of the fight.
“What? Did I do badly?” You scrambled to get up and follow him to the small building near his home that served as a home gym. He didn’t slow down his pace, his hands were balled into fists.
“It didn’t even feel like you were trying, y/n. Do you have something going on that’s making it harder for you to fight?” His disappointment hurt more than your muscles at the moment. You hung your head.
“I’m sorry. I’m really trying, I swear.” You explained, holding your hands in your pockets. He turned to face you in the doorway of the gym. His arms were folded across his chest as if he were upset, but his eyes were concerned and searching your face for something. You looked at him. He wouldn’t stop teaching you, would he? You’d worked so hard, you couldn’t just stop now!
“You’re not giving me 100 because you haven’t got 100 to give,” He sighed, dropping any anger he might have been holding. “Y/n, have you been doing more work than I’ve told you to do?”
“I mean, I’ve been doing some more night exercises, but no more than a few hours—“
“Hours? Y/n, I set guidelines for you because it’s meant to be completely adapted to your schedule and difficulty level. Doing more than that for the sake of getting ahead isn’t helping, it’s hurting.”
Nezha led you to the center of the yard, where he had you sit with him on the grass. He was across from you and could tell you were trying to directly mirror his pose. Always needing to do it like him.
“I don’t understand. Isn’t it good if I just want to be better?” You asked quietly. He took a few breaths, with you in tow.
“Getting better takes time and proper pacing. Jumping ahead because you think you can handle it isn’t always bad, but in your case, it’s burning you out. We’re putting a hold on your fighting, right now we just need to readjust your pace.” He explained to you. You listened to every word, internally cursing yourself for thinking you’d be able to just sneak this past him. Your intentions were good, it was just…too much.
“You’re a good kid, y/n. Just slow down and wait for me, alright?” Nezha ruffled your hair.
“So you’ll still teach me?”
“Of course I will. You’re my favorite student.”
“I thought I was your only student!”
“You are, you are!”
You two laughed and then settled into a quiet bit of meditation.
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More Posts from Crypticjackal13
Capsule I request a angst/comfort RedSon x reader? It’s mostly a thing where the reader sort of helps RedSon show his feelings to his parents.
The reader is RedSon’s happy go lucky girlfriend who recently told him that she wanted him to meet her parents! RedSon being the overachieving (and praise seeking) man he is, agreed, only to be confused when she leads him to a graveyard. There the reader introduced two gravestones as her parents, looking at RedSon expecting him to talk to them. (Ex: “Hello Mom and Dad I want you to meet my new partner! Say hi RedSon!”)
the reader’s parents died not to long ago and as a coping mechanism/comfort she would visit them and talk to their grave stones as if they could hear her. RedSon as the reader is talking to the gravestones starts to wonder what she is feeling, as in how he would feel if his parents would have died. RedSon after the meeting goes to his parents and hugs them and tells them that he does in fact love them very much.
ack my heart 😭 may or may not have cried while writing. /Pos
"Here With You" (1010 w.c)
Redson x Fem!Reader
Pronouns: she her
CW: this is very sad especially at the end bc ya know family stuff
“Are we there yet?”
Redson was, for once, not behind the wheel of his car. He agreed to meet his girlfriend’s parents. But apparently their location was a surprise of sorts.
“Not yet, just a little more to go!” She reassured him. He had to admit, though, that the route they were taking was aesthetically very nice. Lots of greenery, not a whole lot of traffic. Y/n parked the vehicle and hopped out, and Redson got out too. He assumed the building across the street, a small tea shop, was the place they were meeting at. But she took his hand and took the lead.
“This way!”
They entered the cemetery gates. She didn’t hesitate once as she took a mossy brick path towards one side of the space before coming to a halt in front of two humble tombstones bearing her last name.
“Mom, dad, I told you he’d be excited to meet you! This is Redson!” She spoke, still holding his hand. Redson was less nervous, now, and more…aware? Conscious of that matter of mortality? He wasn’t quite sure himself. But he still bowed his head in respect.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. l/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m a fan of your work.” He said.
The visit, although quiet, was much more pleasant than the awkward dinner that they sat through when y/n met his parents. He went along with every part of the conversation that he could as y/n told the story of how they met, how cool he was, how he had helped to save the world. And he listened to every word she said about her parents, how kind they were, how much they cared for her.
When they bid the stones adieu, y/n was less cheery than before. Her shoulders drooped and her eyes were just slightly glazed over. He stayed close to her, hooking his elbow with hers.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Red.” She mumbled. Their shoes made rhythmic tapping on the stone ground.
“It’s no problem, y/n. I’m glad I got to meet them. Even if it threw me off at the beginning,” he nudged her, trying to get her to smile, even a little bit. “They seem like lovely people.”
She finally met Redson’s eyes with a smile that held quiet sadness behind it. They stopped walking as tears started to fall. He wiped away every one. He didn’t push her to continue walking, or even to talk about what happened. At this point all that he cared about was letting her get it all out. She buried her face in his chest and he wrapped his arms tightly around her.
“Alright. I’m ready to go.” She sniffled, pulling away from him. He still had an arm around her shoulders, but they made their way back to the car and went home. He dropped her off at her house before going back to his own.
The drive to get to his place was silent. The radio was turned off on purpose—he wanted to think. No one was there to greet him when he got home, and looking at the time, he realized he’d missed dinner with his parents. Normally, he’d be fine with this, opting to sit by himself with whatever food there was left, but this was different. The energy was different. He walked around his home in search of life, even stopping a few of the bull clones to see if they had seen his parents. Finally someone gave him an actual answer—they were in the lounge, probably watching that cooking show. From there, Redson made a beeline to the room. Instead of bursting in like he usually did, he gently pushed open the door, and just sort of stood there, waiting to be noticed. His mother looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
“Ah, you’re back. How did it go?” She asked. She was the one who, that very morning, helped him get ready and gave him advice. Don’t assert yourself heavily. Wait for them to ask about your history before you tell them, otherwise it’ll be rude. In a way, he didn’t go against that.
“I…” he swallowed, not even sure what he wanted to really say. His father paused the show, turning to him.
“You didn’t embarrass yourself, did you?” He half-joked.
“No,” his hands shook despite being buried in his pockets. He didn’t really want to, but he could feel steam coming off his face as he started to cry. His mother got up from her seat in an instant, approaching him to try and figure out what was wrong.
“What happened, dear? You’re not even yelling, that can’t be a good sign.” She cupped his face.
“I just…” he shook even more as he fought to hold himself still. “I love you guys. I don’t always appreciate what you do or even show that I care, but I really do.”
His mother was taken aback, looking at his father worriedly. The Demon Bull King knelt down to his wife and child, still confused, but now aware that this wasn’t a time to try and shame his son. He was getting better at recognizing those moments.
“Did they insult you? Do we need to go attack them?”
“They’re…not with us. It just made me think, and I don’t—“ Redson started breaking down, allowing his shoulders to move as he looked at the ground and let his tears fall. His mother pulled him into her arms, combing her hands through his fiery hair. His father sat on the ground, still much taller than both of them, but now in a position where he could easily embrace them. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“Don’t worry and overthink it, Redson. We’re not going anywhere anytime soon, alright?” His mother shushed him.
“At least, not without a good fight.” His father contributed.
They helped Redson to clean himself up, before going back into the lounge and sitting down all together to enjoy the show.

I'm knee deep in work, I've got stuff to do, but I just wanted to tell y'all I appreciate you!!
I've been writing fandom stuff for years(it's been a time) but until recently and getting into LMK haven't really had the confidence to post it. I'm beyond happy that people enjoy my content and want to actually see more of it!
It's been so cool seeing the different ways people write for LMK. All the AU's, the art, the connections to the actual mythology and literature (JTTW)...it's all so amazing and I'm so happy I'm here to see it all happen in front of me. This applies to other fandoms too, but obviously the monkeys have a grip on me and will NOT let go
Catch y'all later today, I'm trying to pump stuff out 2 at a time so I can open up requests again!
-Very lovingly, Jackal <3

(ps. Should I do some kind of writing giveaway? This is huge for me so if I did a super special story or something would y'all be interested??? Lemme know)
I made some memes and posted them on twitter.com

Funky fun fact
A lot is happening, and I am okay, just a lot of moving parts and some stuff that's out of my control but I'm still gonna do my best. I promise y'all will see these drafts be posted over the weekend!
Love yall!
-Jackal :]
To say I cried is an understatement,,, this is so cuteeeeeee /pos

The sky is dancing for us

Macaque groaned in his sleep, his body kept turning over and over as his hand lazily patted on the bed in search of his lover’s body. Despite his drowsy state, Macaque couldn’t stop himself from shivering against the winter cold, the fireplace probably went out during their sleep. The touch of the winter’s cold was slightly tickling his body, he wanted to at least get some heat in the cabin..but fatigue was king of his mind for the night, ordering him to stay in bed and do nothing. Even invoking a shadow clone was not an idea he liked currently.
Finally, after a few attempts, his hand managed to touch part of his lover’s arm and a relieved sigh escaped him. With a slow movement, his hand slided around the waist of his lover, bringing them closer to his body. The body heat of his partner against his was comforting, and above all very safe. His tail intertwined against theirs, holding it tightly just to be sure they won’t move away in their sleep. There, it was so much better.
The six eared simian let out a content sigh, he finally relaxed against the body of his lover. He was in a good position, with a good mindset to finally sleep, the snowflakes slowly fell down on the roof, alongside with small crackling and light hissing noises all around them…
What ?
The shadow demon opened his eyes once again and sat up in one motion, completely still. He even managed to slow down the beat of his heart with controlled breaths. His six ears flickered all around in search of a certain threat that could be around the cabin. Nothing. There were no other heartbeats other than his and his partner, everything was calm.
But to reassure himself, the six-eared Macaque stood up, putting on his thick coat and boots that were suitable for the mid-winter cold. Maybe he will have to boil some water for the tea after the inspection..the morning will be rough after all. He opened the door and took a few steps on the balcony, the snow was illuminated by a greenish color..how?
With a frown, he raised his gaze, and Macaque fell under the spell. His mouth was hanging open while his eyes became round like rice bowls. The sky was devoid of clouds, the stars were even brighter than usual, if he could discern a planet perfectly, it was Venus. But what froze him was those dancing green and pink lights, or maybe purple, they were moving in any way but with precise movements. He was in a trance, their songs of cracking and hissing were even louder, and he could discern a certain sound...as if crystals were clashing with each other, in such a soft and gentle way, and they never fell to the ground. It was a wonderful sound in his ears. They were northern lights.
A blink of his unique eye, and excitement gripped him by the shoulder. He turned back to the entrance of the cabin, not forgetting to close the door, Macaque did not hesitate to rush to the fireplace, he took a piece of wood and a lighter, lighting it as quickly as possible. He left some cussing words from his mouth, shit that stupid fireplace was so stubborn! Many attempts taken, and the damn fireplace finally lit up. In one movement, he moved towards the bed and saw his partner sleeping deeply.
His smile softened as he gently got on the bed, one hand resting on his lover’s shoulder, gently shaking them.
“Wake up, there is something you need to see." He whispered softly in their ear, his smile widening as his partner growled in their sleep.
The guilt wasn't there. With an even more vigorous shake, and his partner opened their eyes. Their gaze threw lazy knives at Macaque, who only sneered. "What do you want? It's late." You growled at the proud look on Macaque's face.
“Put on your coat and boots, you have to trust me." Macaque didn't dare turn around, he could feel your burning gaze behind his back. If looks could kill, he'd be down by now since you woke up. But he didn't regret a single moment. He heard your growl before you finally got up, heading for the rack where your coat was, and you put it on right away, you leaned over to your boots, putting them on just as quickly. The ground was frozen despite your partner lighting the fireplace a few moments before. "Is it really so important that you have to wake me up in the middle of the night?" You asked him in a tired voice.
"It's worth it." He replied, coming back to you with a cup of tea, you took it without further ado. He placed a hand on your lower back and walked you to the door. "Whatever happens, don't fall in love." He chuckled softly before opening the door, letting the love of his life getting out first. What a gentleman, you smiled to yourself.
It was a chilly night, the new moon absolutely made the horizon much darker than usual..but, where did the green light come from? You were confused, you looked sideways to silently question your love, Macaque only had a smile, and with a nod of his head he pointed to the sky. You followed the movement and wow.
Beautiful sheer drapes dancing in the sky, a mesmerizing green turning blue with a slight tinged pink. Northern lights ! You rarely saw those back in town !
A gasp escaped from your mouth, your whole body was filled with serotonin at the sight of the sky, a gift from the heavens. It was so beautiful! An unknown nostalgic feeling filled your whole being, as if the breath of the sky was whispering to you "Everything is fine, you are safe" while wrapping you in the arms of Morpheus.
You feel your husband’s thumb wiping the corner of your eye, blinking you finally realized that tears were flowing down your cold face, slightly freezing your fur, and you turned back to your husband.
"You are so beautiful, my dear jewel. I love you so much." He placed a soft kiss on your cheek before placing his own mug on the railing of the balcony, his arms wrapped around you in a loving and comforting way.
It was the best wedding anniversary gift you'd ever gotten. The sky dancing for your eternal love in its most magnificent colors. Macaque rested his chin on the top of your head as your tails entwined.
Everything was silent except for the little cracking sounds the sky made, following something more melodious than the angels singing, everything was perfect, you couldn’t ask for more than that. Perhaps you could try and live there with Macaque, everything was peaceful in this place.
"I’m pretty sure that they got brighter since they saw you coming out, my love." He purred out, before he felt a small hit on his stomach, making him laugh..unknowing that the northern lights moved so much faster to his laugh.
"Shh ! Just listen to their sounds. They must be talking about us right now. They probably never saw monkeys in snow." You snickered as the two of you softly laughed in the middle of the night. The greenish sheer of the northern lights turning to a slight purple.