She/her. Love: KOTOR 1 & 2; revalek; NWN 1 & 2; Rogue Trader; Star Wars; Avatar: the Last Airbender; Firefly; The Queen’s Gambit
193 posts
Once Upon A Time, There Was A Pretty Young Jedi Girl Who Fell Madly In Mutual Love With A Handsome Jedi
Once upon a time, there was a pretty young jedi girl who fell madly in mutual love with a handsome jedi knight. Unfortunately, they both turned to the dark side and then he tried to kill her by the hands of their mutual enemies. In fact, she killed him several months after, without all her memories, even not realizing how much he meant for her once... She might have got married a bright and promising Republic soldier, but she chose to return to the Unknown Regions, instead, to find out about the Sith threat and get the memories back... And then, I suppose, she lived unhappily ever after... That's it in a nutshell. Do you need more?
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More Posts from Dairine-bonnet
I have no idea of what this song is about, I'm not even aware of Star Wars: Visions (shame on me!) and why it looks like like anime, but I'm completely impressed by this ethereal melody and the gentle voice. Now eager to watch this episode at least as I'm soooo inspired not only by the song but also by landscapes and short scene shown in the clip. Want to have it here.
Carth Onasi tries to escape his past.
Bastila Shan wants to fix the past.
(Amnesiac) Revan wants to learn of her past.
(or at least to realize what the hell's happening around...)

My last Star Wars comic before I take a 2ish month hiatus on posting them (with obvious exception for things I share on Patreon and my Discord). I thought I might finish strong.
[Inspired by this Lil Nas X Tweet that still haunts my Dreams / Nightmares]
Revan must be fun to hang out with.
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Revan: problem solver, troublemaker. Two in one!
He dreams about her yet...
His chest was aching, a lot. He barley could breathe and see. Everything around were blurry and confusing, tortuous and- "Damn! She was alive!", Darth Malak thought. He smiled for a bit and almost feint on his desk; his heart was pounding so hard that it hurt, it hurt to have a heart and feel again the turmoil of emotions he didn't believe they were dwelling inside after so many years.
It hurt to know she was alive after all this time, and he wasn't there; it hurt to realize he couldn't kill her as he had believed; it hurt to know he failed as Sith; and, it hurt to see the anger in her eyes.
More than hurt, it scared him. She could kill him before, and she could do it again, this time Darth Malak wasn't going to expect any kind of mercy and forgiveness like the last time they fought; this time he will see those angry eyes as she fights and tries to defeat him. The hatred and pain, the anger and betrayal, the love and regret, all that he saw through her eyes in the second Revan met him in the hallway, he was able to feel it ever since. And will feel all that once more when they meet for the last time. It was an intoxicating nightmare.
Revan was good in hide her feelings to the opponent, she tried to teach him, but wasn't the Jedi way. Adding the Mandalorian mask, it was completely imposible to know her reactions, to witness the madness inside of her. The few times she took the mask off Infront of him were in the most intimate and vulnerable moments they could share. During the war and after the new 'Sith' occupation, was short the time he could be with her as two simple beings enjoying their existence and their feelings; the feelings they used to have for each other before war.
He can feel her yet just closing his eyes, she's there in the same room, smiling, tired, given up to him and for anything Malak wanted to do. He opens his darkened eyes and she's still there looking at him as tired and surrendered as he reminds, comprehensive, waiting for something to hear to respond, ready to answer any question Malak had in mind. Revan was there willing for anything Malak needed.
But why she wasn't like this the day they fought? Where was her comprehension about the path he wanted to take for their government? Where was her willingness to follow him just like he did in all these years? Why she rejected him and tried to kill him? Why she rejected him?
Revan is still there with arms crossed looking for his eyes, waiting...
"Maybe I should try harder to convince you..." Malak said. "Maybe I should show you what I was capable to achieve for us..." He regrets. "Maybe I should have made an effort to learn from you and understand your vision like before..." He perturbs himself. "Maybe I should let you kill me because I wasn't good enough..." He confesses, looking at her saddened eyes as he tries to feel her shoulder.
"I wonder how your face did look the day you wanted me dead. I wonder If your eyes were like flames full of passionate hate or were empty and quiet like the mask you used to wear." He asks and then triggers his lightsaber ready to attack the phantom by his side.