darkjazzpunk - creative fandom
creative fandom

24, she/her, living in germany. Otome-Fan and simp for fictional characters...asks and inspiratons are always welcome

430 posts

Do You Have A Link To The Cut Scene That Shows The Archons? The Only Group Shot I've Seen Of All Of Them

Do you have a link to the cut scene that shows the archons? The only group shot I've seen of all of them actually turned out to be a piece of fan art work that somebody had done in the cut scene style that then got ripped off by a bunch of sites.

They are all on colored rays of light with a seal-like picture of Celestia in the center? That's it. I wish I had bookmarked the source Insta. I was excited there might be proof the dendro archon, even if she was shorter, wouldn't be the literal whitest child possible. I was so disappointed.

F*****! It seems I fell for it. I watched a video that shows all cutscenes of the game because I was sure I saw it there, but it seems I'm wrong, hehe. Time to put my little rant down I think. Thank you for telling me to check for the special scene! I was so sure about it V.V

This proofs that, again, everyone can be a victim to false information on the internet. Always check your sources, even if your sure about it.

I'm sorry my rant about Kusanali was wrong. She might become some whiteskinned little child in the end...

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More Posts from Darkjazzpunk

2 years ago

A little something I'm working on latley...

...."Oh please, don't tell me you don't have a nickname you only call me by when I'm out of earshot", Baizhu remarked teasingly. You answered, mocking his teasing tone of voice"Yes, I do. But as you mentioned, you won't get to hear it." Venomous Boss Bitch Gui slapped a hand over his mouth to keep from groaning in horror. You had just talked back to his master without even batting an eye. He didn't even want to imagine what kind of punishment Baizhu would impose. The doctor, however, even smiled in amusement. You leaned on the counter opposite him and flirtatiously stuck your butt out in the direction of the entrance: "I also know that you only call me 'lotus' because blue lotus is a strong aphrodisiac and my butt brings you the customers where your silver tongue and pretty looks aren't enough. Because let's face it, what you have in brains, you just lack in other areas." You nodded your chin in the direction of his rather flat buttocks. Changsheng's mouth was now open in shock as well, and she looked alternately at Baizhu and then at you. The doctor folded his fan with a quick movement and placed it under your chin tilting it up. "You're absolutely right. Your ass is far more profitable than your loose tongue. Who knows maybe I'll ask at the Pearl Galley if they have any use for you." That was the moment Gui silently took off to...well, clear the field before something blew up. When the all-around eloquent and patient apothecary became blunt, it was best to avoid the situation before getting dragged in. "I doubt that's part of our contract. Actually I think that might be illegal."...

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2 years ago

I'm going to mak a second round, cause I like too! Everyone is welcome but look up what I answered already here! Have fun choosing ^^

Food/Drink Emoji Prompts

😝 Their least favorite food/drink?

😋 Their most favorite food/drink?

🍲 What food do they like to eat when they're sick?

🥦 Are they a health nut? Why or why not?

🍫 What's their comfort food/drink? Why?

🍰 What's their favorite dessert? When did they discover it?

🥪 Do they pack a lunch for work or school? What do they usually pack?

🎒 What food/drink do they usually take with them when traveling or jogging?

🥡 How often do they get takeout, if at all?

🍟 Do they like fast food? Why or why not?

🍩 Do they have a sweet tooth? If so how bad is it?

🥯 What kind of breakfast food do they eat? Why?

🥣 Do they know how to cook/bake? To What extent?

🧁 Favorite pastry?

🍵 Are they a tea drinker? Why or why not?

☕ Are they a coffee drinker? Why or why not?

🍛 Do they do well with spicy food? Why or why not?

🍋 Do they do well with sour food? Why or why not?

🥓 Do they do well with savory food? Why or why not?

🍨 How often do they treat themselves?

🤧 Any food allergies?

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2 years ago

I would really like to hear other opinions on this O.O, any ideas anybody?

Brainstorming things

I'm currently thinking about what kind of angry Baizhu might be? Probably Passive aggressive, thats what I suppose. He would also never lose his composure in front of Qiqi or customers.

What do you guys think?

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he's one to throw a shoe after Gui if he f*cks up something expensive. Or more the one who curses a lot and harsh if no one except Changsheng can hear him...

Any other suggestions?

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2 years ago

That first part is exactly what I could imagine! I could also imagine him just killing a nasty customer with kindness that sprays pure venom. Like he is saying something extremly insulting in such a manner no one understands it (apart from Changsheng and maybe Gui) and smiles sheepishly doing so. ┌( ‘o’)┐

But I actually don't think he would have the energy for a full on rage fit ( as good as it sounds). In my mind there is this picture of him acting like a raging mom throwing his shoe after Gui (but it needs a lot to make this happen) or hitting with a hand-fan at someone like a old teacher with a ruler.

Brainstorming things

I'm currently thinking about what kind of angry Baizhu might be? Probably Passive aggressive, thats what I suppose. He would also never lose his composure in front of Qiqi or customers.

What do you guys think?

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he's one to throw a shoe after Gui if he f*cks up something expensive. Or more the one who curses a lot and harsh if no one except Changsheng can hear him...

Any other suggestions?

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2 years ago

Here is at least one more !!!!!!!


If there’s 10 million Baizhu fans… I am one

If there’s 10 Baizhu fans…. I am one

If the world is against Baizhu… I’m against the world

If there’s no Baizhu fans… I am dead

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