deb79ful - DEB79ful's Corner
DEB79ful's Corner

Just an artist starting off simple for now, doing traditional art and improving my digital skill.

474 posts

Happy Birthday To Me! Here's Some Proper, Fresh Birthday Art For The Occasion, Complete With A Fresh

A chocolate cake in the shape of the number 27—the 2 covered in red frosting, and the 7 in blue—sits atop a blank white space. Atop it are a human (David, the artist), a robot (Ica), a ghost (Ghostie), and a green insect (Cole). David is sitting at the top of the 2, while Ghostie is sitting at the bottom of the 7. Cole, at the bottom of the 2, has a dollop of red frosting in his claw that he's eyeing curiously, while Ica, at the top of the 7, has one of blue frosting held in his wrench like a spoon.

Happy birthday to me! Here's some proper, fresh birthday art for the occasion, complete with a fresh chocolate cake! (Some of the OCs couldn't come to the party right away, but don't worry, they'll be getting their own cake.) Timelapse of this art below the cut! I'm really proud of how the cake rendering came out.

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10 months ago

As a little thing of fresh art to share on this mother's day, I'd like to delve into a bit of character lore and discuss one of my OC's moms—specifically, Ghostie's.

A picture of a orange-ish ghost, with white-banded red spots along her back and the cuffs of her mitts, stares down with green eyes towards the smaller, white ghost nestled in her arms, his own yellow-and-red eyes staring back up at her. To the right of them is a pink crib, unoccupied with a blanket and pillow inside. The entire image has a sepia-toned filter to it.

Here's Helen Szellem, wife of Peter Szellem and mother to the adorable Ghostie Szellem. He doesn't have many memories of her, unfortunately—she disappeared from his life when he was barely a few years old. No, not in that way you might be thinking of—Pete recalls her excitement over exploring an archaeological site far away from Pequan Island, one last kiss before she rushed off to the docks, a letter or two sent afterwards about her trip... then, nothing else. No photographs, no return trips, no little trinkets she got to keep from the excavation, nothing. It's been a while since then. Pete's gotten by without Helen by his side as best he can, while Ghostie's unfazed—he was barely a hatchling last he saw his mom, after all. But both of them would be delighted to see her again... In case you're curious about the patterning she has, here's another fact: Despite being called ghosts, their species is actually corporeal—and related to snakes! So like snakes, they can have patterning to their scales. I'd say it works pretty well at keeping their appearances from looking too monotonous, and when I create more it'll mean a lot more possibilities for designs and color sets! (Though don't expect Ghostie to get prominent patterning in the future; poor kid's scales are too pale for that.)

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