Ghostie - Tumblr Posts

Not even Ghostie can resist his own boops. (This one, thankfully, was done at a reasonable hour in a reasonable amount of time, less than an hour ago.)
So, we got's us a Boop-o-meter on Tumblr today, eh?

To celebrate, here's Ghostie giving his fellow Deb79ful OCs some boops of his own!

Nobody can resist a boop! ...Well, they can get upset about it, to varying degrees. But they can't resist it! (I stayed up from midnight to 5 in the morning drawing these, please send help)

Sifting through my old sketchbook art to decide what to post next, and found this piece of... I guess fanart's the best word for it? @mattibee had a vision of a sweater, and I found it nice enough to put on Ghostie. Such a goofy lil' cat design. Still kinda want it in real life.
It's my birthday!
Here's a selection of birthday-celebrating drawings I've done over the past few years, while I work on one to celebrate mine and my twin's twenty-seventh!

(The only notable think about these is that the race car and bear slime in last year's art were inspired by my own little sister's birthday card. She's a wonderful artist! And probably better than me...)

Happy birthday to me! Here's some proper, fresh birthday art for the occasion, complete with a fresh chocolate cake! (Some of the OCs couldn't come to the party right away, but don't worry, they'll be getting their own cake.) Timelapse of this art below the cut! I'm really proud of how the cake rendering came out.

Here are some more old sketches of Ghostie! Putting him in a platforming setting—that's what sort of game I hope to put him in someday. (I'd love to pop open Godot and get down to work making one, but it feels like I have barely enough free time nowadays...)
As a little thing of fresh art to share on this mother's day, I'd like to delve into a bit of character lore and discuss one of my OC's moms—specifically, Ghostie's.

Here's Helen Szellem, wife of Peter Szellem and mother to the adorable Ghostie Szellem. He doesn't have many memories of her, unfortunately—she disappeared from his life when he was barely a few years old. No, not in that way you might be thinking of—Pete recalls her excitement over exploring an archaeological site far away from Pequan Island, one last kiss before she rushed off to the docks, a letter or two sent afterwards about her trip... then, nothing else. No photographs, no return trips, no little trinkets she got to keep from the excavation, nothing. It's been a while since then. Pete's gotten by without Helen by his side as best he can, while Ghostie's unfazed—he was barely a hatchling last he saw his mom, after all. But both of them would be delighted to see her again... In case you're curious about the patterning she has, here's another fact: Despite being called ghosts, their species is actually corporeal—and related to snakes! So like snakes, they can have patterning to their scales. I'd say it works pretty well at keeping their appearances from looking too monotonous, and when I create more it'll mean a lot more possibilities for designs and color sets! (Though don't expect Ghostie to get prominent patterning in the future; poor kid's scales are too pale for that.)
I should really get back into doing more art, but between getting sick and spending time with my friends I haven't found the time to make any. But, this morning I found the time and energy to make this quick thing, based on a certain meme going around.

A few years ago, I saw an art challenge to draw an OC using the Cartoon Network color palette, and I decided to try it out! Ghostie came out pretty well in it! Though I will admit it's a bit of a cheat due to how monochromatic he is.
Since I'm currently working on a few more art pieces that aren't ready to show yet, and am not sure about which of my old traditional pieces I want to share next, let's take a moment to appreciate this little piece:

This is the avatar I used for my secondary account on Twitter, one appropriately called "Deb79ful Switch Video Backup." As you could tell by the name, I used it as a place to dump the videos I recorded while playing on the Nintendo Switch, which I saved a lot of. And often, simply because I often wasn't motivated to post them, they would pile up until the 1,000 video cap, at which point I would just dump a massive backlog of vids all in one sitting. I did eventually catch up to the present day on that account! ...On June 9th, this year, the day before Twitter integration was discontinued for the Switch. Better late than never, I suppose! That account's gonna be a relic now, I suppose, just sitting there for all to witness the mundanities of a guy playing Sky, Pokemon, Tetris, F-Zero, Obakeidoro, Disney Speedstorm for a little while, the works. I'm still recording vids, obviously, though now they're just for my personal benefit. But maybe I'll post some of the new ones to here, instead! (Nah, my cred would plummet instantly if I start doing that /s) But yeah, here you can see how I drew a whole Switch for Ghostie to play, and you can probably see the reptile scale pattern used on my avatar (both this version and my normal version!) a little bit clearer. It's a nice effect, though admittedly one I don't use much for him in his recent digital art. Maybe I should use it more? (...Goodness, can't believe I put down that many words for an old avatar.)

Time for Ghostie to prove himself as the best Pokemon photographer out there! ...Y'know, I don't think I ever actually finished New Pokemon Snap. I should get on that. (After I finish Shield and Violet, of course.)

Originally uploaded June 16, 2019 Happy Father's Day to those who celebrate.

Today, I visited my counselor for the first time in ages—something really stressful happened last week that my family and I agreed was worth visiting her over—so here's some art I made from back when I first got scheduled appointments for her. Anonymized by way of being put into Ghostie's world, of course.

And there we go! The last thing I got ready for Art Fight, the funky card! Here's to many an artistic attack over the coming month! (I plan on putting more than just those I finished the reference sheets for onto my Art Fight page... Once the website stops being overloaded of course, which hopefully happens after 3:20PM-me writes this description.)

Per a friend's advice, I spent the day yesterday mostly offline to unwind and de-stress, and I'd say it helped a bit—I managed to make Ghostie's character reference sheet from scratch over the course of this evening! I definitely need to do this more often. The head shape took a few tries to get right, but I think having it smoothly go to the body without a neck fits best with how I've been drawing him more recently.

Well, seems like that's my first Art Fight in the books! Didn't do as much art as I wanted to do—time management is still something I have to work on—but I'm more than pleased with the pieces that I did end up making! Can't wait for to take part next year!

Just a quick drawing I made yesterday, of Ghostie and Cole wavign at nobody in particular, to try and get myself back into the habit of drawing. Ended up not doing more, due to being frazzled by something that... frankly, I had no right to be frazzled by. But eh, it happens!

Get ready to swing into action with Ghostie's latest platforming adventure! (...Once I learn how to code. And make better backgrounds. Hey, the only experience I've had so far was drag-and-drop Game Maker with the pre-built assets and a few cheapo handmade ones. Weren't even platformers, just mazes where you bounced off the walls.)

It's been long enough, and now it's time I finally did something: Opening up asks! That's right, you'll now be able to send in asks for any of my characters (or me), and they'll answer them! And not just the septet onscreen, either—if it's a character I've drawn, feel free to ask about them. (Probably won't do that for everyone, though, there's only so much one can say about a fisherman wielding a shark...)
Oh hey, I should probably check the results now that it's been... a little over a month, wow. Uh, let's see!

Well hey, not bad! Sure, it's only 2 votes, but it's 2 more votes than I was expecting to get. Thanks!
You know, I've been on here a while, and I'm not quite sure how this'll go down, but I'm curious:
(If you pick "Other," make sure to specify which one of mine you like, in either a reblog or a comment!)