19/ She/They /Lesbian/ Sometimes I draw freaky art minors dni
12 posts
Debauchedartist - Drawmaxxing - Tumblr Blog

POV you are marcille and you're realising you're gonna have to get better at healing spells if you wanna make this work

I give you...Crabchuck
I think he would be exceedingly unhappy to get hit by the chimera beam so I have drawn him as such. I really like the idea of a monster au where the main cast become cursed by the mad mage and Falin gets her buddies back in chimera format, it's fun.

Here's Undine!Marcille from the last post. Hopefully I'll get to add all the main cast eventually.

I couldn't pick between background or no background. Anyway
If you like AI art/AI covers/AI voice acting I'll kindly ask you to leave my blog.

Was thinking abt hitting everyone else with the chimera beam and what monsters would work for each character. This is a lil concept of Undine Marcille. I haven't had any time to do the others but maybe Mimic Chilchuck next??? Living armour Laios?? Golem Senshi perchance?

I am promoting my fanfiction because I like it and you might also like it if you enjoy a healthy lesbian relationship that is only weighed down by their circumstances. Anyway I love Karlach so much but her story hurts me and it would also hurt my Tav. Not being able to really address it up until the point where she is like about to explode is a lot.

And so begins the attempts to figure out tumblrs censorship rules.
Hi, I draw horrible, terrible but mostly delightful women and their partners in various states of undress.
Men sometimes but clothed (unless for artistic purposes)(no schlong though sorry).
Oh yeah I'm a lesbian and also 19
Minors dni please
Terfs, truscum, maps, zoophiles, ai users get outta here I don't want to see you on my blog
Same goes for people who are into scat/vomit, age play, race play, inflation, or patriarchy kinks.
I like fantasy, wlw, a touch of monster fuckery and other spooky stuff that I'm sure will come up.
I write fanfiction too. Don't look at the original works they are...bad, I just don't have the strength to orphan them yet. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Wizardman

My lovely warlock tiefling for my fictional band, The Macarbre Union. Her name is Vice. I'll post her equally edgy gf tmr.

A pleasure to finally post something. I decided to start out right with a free-titted mushroom lady. She is based on the shaggy ink cap mushroom. I don't know what Tumblr likes yet but I shall learn. I'm just an artist trying to get away from Instagram's shitty algorithm.
Also, I drew this with Ibis Paint X for anyone curious. With my fingies bc I got a tablet late in life and am averse to change. π