Character Idea - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Character idea that I had at some point: A dance teacher who had to give up his own highly promising career as a performer after an injury, and now makes his living giving lessons to children. He comes off as stern, serious, and frighteningly strict, and even some of the parents have a hard time believing that the kids genuinely like him and enjoy the lessons. Which, to be fair, are frightening to watch with no context of what this is about.

The children go through their practices with downright eerie, automation-like, coordinated synchrony, with stern and focused looks on their faces, while the teacher circles them, observing and correcting, brandishing his cane like a weapon and every once in a while dramatically lamenting about how "you little vermin can't do anything right", and occasionally the music stops and the only sounds coming from the studio are of kids running and screaming while their teacher bellows about teaching them a lesson.

This, however, is all just method. He started the first lesson with the children by proposing a game: How about they play flea circus, where he is the cruel evil ringmaster and they are all his poor suffering little fleas. One of the girls starts crying, protesting that she doesn't want to be a flea. Well, how about mice? Mice are cute. The children accept these terms, and ever since they've spent dance lessons playing Evil Circus.

For reasons beyond adult comprehension, children of a certain age really love playing pretend in a setting where everything is Dark And Horrible And The Worst, and Evil Mouse Circus is exactly that. And whenever he picks up that the kids are starting to get too genuinely nervous or agitated, that's when he goes "that's it I'm going to beat all of you" which is their cue to take a break to run around screaming, while he chases them. He won't catch them and isn't even trying to, the kids just need to let the nervous energy out.

It looks horrible to an outside observer, but the kids are having an excellent time playing circus mice.

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1 year ago

A professional exorcist, but with the attitude of a professional pet handler. A demon whisperer, if you will. Just showing up to places that have a ghost problem, figuring out what the creature's problem is, and then just... give them chew toys, usually. The girl whose soul is trapped in your cellar is scared and bored in there, of course she'll rush at you and shriek every time you try to go in there. Ease her into human interaction, leave the door open sometimes and talk to her until she gets used to you.

Yeah the thing clawing on your walls is a bear spirit. Yeah a bear was slaughtered on the spot of this house incorrectly in the 1800s or something. Yeah performing the proper rites now won't make it go away, it's already used to your trash - bears are creatures of habit. Just do these little rituals to appease it every once in a while. In the good news, the ghost bear will keep the living bears off your trash. Yeah bears have a lot of reverence to their dead.

Oh, "poltergeist" is an outdated term, we don't use it anymore. It was used as a kind of a blanket explanation for a whole bunch of different phenomena that couldn't be explained otherwise. What you have here is an undiagnosed autistic child who's also on psychic spectrum. Yeah no there's actually significant overlap between the two. Here's where to find resources on how to better accomodate your kid, the furniture should stop exploding on its own once you've figured out a better way to communicate so they don't get overstimulated.

This house right here is just build on a demon area. No yeah the mysterious scripts you found carved in the stone that your house's foundation was built on literally just say "DEMON AREA DO NOT BUILD". They don't live here, it's just like an ant road. Except the ants are the size of a truck and immaterial. No you can't redirect the demon highway, you gotta move. You built a house on top of a stone that literally says "DO NOT BUILD". I get that you didn't know it at the time, but you do know now, so if you choose to stay, that's a you problem.

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1 year ago

A trope that gets to me: 'guard dog' character and their partner who are both fully aware of it and honestly don't care/kind of like it. Someone says "call your guard dog off" and their partner does call them off. That person, their 'guard dog', is someone who is unreservedly, irrefutably loyal to them. Someone undoubtedly dangerous who is willing to kill, to maim, to obey, simply because of their love for one another. There's no manipulation involved— it is loyalty, brutal, dogged loyalty. And it goes both ways.

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1 year ago

Some more non-romantic relationship dynamics I like to see in media

Enemies to reluctant allies

Enemies to enthusiastic partners in crime

Partners in crime to bitter rivals

Moron in chief and their right hand man

The mature voice of reason VS their forty stupid friends

Platonic soulmate BFFs who share everything

You WERE my idol but now you're basically my parent and also a huge nerd

We tried dating but realized we're WAY better as a professional criminal partnership

Enemies to parent and kid

We're essentially the exact same fucking person and everyone sees it except us

Goofy mentor and very serious pupil

Straight-laced person (craves violence) and wildcard (craves stability) stuck together

Married to get people off their backs and faking that married life in public

The group that NEEDS to be kept separated because they're fine and normal individually but together they make things explode

This is my pet dad who I pulled out of the trash, yes they are functionally useless

Airhead jocks who would die for each other

Stupid in opposite ways

Small diverse gathering united only by a powerful obsession with an incredibly specific niche interest

Enemies while at work, bros off the clock

Incredibly dangerous criminal and their cinnamon roll friend

Person determined to be shitty VS person determined to fuck with them

Tired voice of reason VS enthusiastic dumbass

We hate each other but there is strong underlying admiration and respect

Normal person and just the most unhinged freak you've ever come across in your life

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I want more characters like. Okay you have unnaturally long hair. Might as well serve ! Braid post-its in it to remember things ! Hide weapons ! Make it sentient ! Move it like tentacles or more hands !

Long !

Hair !

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6 months ago

I’m using at least one of these

Less Impressive Warlock Patrons

A metric fuckton of quasits who collectively add up to the power of one balor.

Mid tier internet celebrity who gives you instructions in the form of 3 hour video essays. That's how their eldritch blasts work too, incidentally.

Another Warlock! See, if you become patron to 10 warlocks, who become patrons to...

The Algorithm.

Keir Starmer

A really big guy. I know, I know, he doesn't sound like a patron, but you don't understand. He's really big.

Blorbo (From your show)

The Bit

The lifepath system from Traveller.

Undying Patron who's a gestalt of the souls of every monster you kill, that's why you get EXP from killing things.

1/1000th of a pact with a 1000 different patrons at once.

"Powerful Fiend" no-one else has heard of who bears a distinct resemblance to the warlock wearing a halloween devil costume. Odd that!

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1 year ago


They’re all wonderful and very good, even just to look at

The banded coral shrimp is giving lifesaver vibes, maybe they rescue people from nasty sea monsters and then eat the sea monsters??

Today I learned there’s a bunch of interesting shrimp, and now I want them as Cookies

I’m just going to list some I found today. I’ve already talked about Pistol Shrimp, so I won’t talk about it here

Harlequin Shrimp:

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies
Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

Like where do these things start and end? I don’t know, but they look really cool. I heard they can also change color based on their mood. If you were to make them a Cookie, I’d say make them a clown, perhaps for a rival circus to the Big Top Circus (that was the name of Banana and Ice Juggler’s circus, right?)

Amano Shrimp:

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

Okay, so maybe they’re not the most interesting looking, and maybe also not the most interesting, but still. Though also I hear that they change color based on their diet? I dunno. But what I was looking at that I thought was interesting was that they’re apparently very active cleaners. I feel like you could make them a cleaner that’s also very particular about messes, and perhaps a bit of a germaphobe? Like, if they see a mess, they just have to clean it

Vampire Shrimp:

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies
Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies
Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

(They apparently come in multiple colors, so I just got a few different pictures of different colors)

I think what makes them most interesting is that despite their size (apparently they’re pretty big, at least for shrimp) and name, they’re apparently rather calm and non aggressive. Also they’re supposedly pretty shy and reclusive. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of Dark Choco Cookie, which is probably a big reason I like them. Also they’re very big and bulky, which makes them look kind of cute to me, I don’t know why. Also they only come out at night, which is probably another reason for their name

I don’t have much in terms of ideas for a Vampire Shrimp Cookie, other than people finding them scary at first, only to realize they’re really not. I just wanted to show you them (also I feel like using this for a Dark Choco/Lobster kid if I ever do one)

Ghost/Glass Shrimp:

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

I mostly just added them because it’s an easy “ghost Cookie” if you wanted to have one. Also they’re see through, which is cool

Bay Ghost Shrimp:

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

Apparently these shrimps are soft, or at least softer than other shrimp. Also they have asymmetrical claws, as you can see. They apparently spend a lot of time burrowing. I’m also running out of ideas for how to turn this into a Cookie, but I thought it was neat. I suppose it would be something pertaining to its digging abilities

I think I’m gonna stop here, but still, cool shrimp

Edit: oh, also, another one, Boxer Shrimp, also known as Banded Coral Shrimp, among other names

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

Apparently they use their claws to clean fish and remove things like algae and parasites from them to eat. Also they can sense fish with their antenna apparently. I’d say either go the obvious route of a boxer, or something to do with their cleaning thing, though I don’t know what. Perhaps some sort of doctor? Maybe just confined to other sea creatures?

Also Fairy Shrimp

Today I Learned Theres A Bunch Of Interesting Shrimp, And Now I Want Them As Cookies

I wasn’t able to find much on them, but they’re relatively large and slow and typically used as food. Also they like to swim upside down. They’d probably make for a more cute Cookie

You know, I find it kind of ironic how I’m now thinking shrimp are really cool, despite the fact that my dad is allergic to shrimp (and I’m not sure if I am), and my family just generally dislikes seafood

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9 months ago

Here’s something to start

Bug girl

Heres Something To Start

Bug girl

Who catch bug

And is bug

I’m like so close to being able to work on a larger creative project

But I realized that as much as I’m a big fan of my idea, I need people around me to just listen to my ideas and give me feedback/encouragement

So maybe I’ll just start talking about what I wanna do and see if the void responds

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2 years ago

Urmull (Borderlands Fan Clan)

Due to the colder temperature of the planet they migrated from, the Urmull are a nocturnal people. Their large pupils are highly sensitive to light, so they are usually seen with a protective mask when outside during the day. Their skin is also a shade of blue, a trait gained from the planet of Xylourgos.

They live within underground cave systems that are guarded by designated females. These protectors are the sturdiest of the group, and are usually seen wielding larger weapons.

The Queen, titled "Hjarta" Is the largest member, sporting a mane of thick hair. She is highly respected and protected by her clan. She is usually the largest member of the clan, and is the strongest daughter of the previous Hjarta. Her mohawk runs down along her entire spine, and is well groomed in order to show status. Hair may be decorated with colors and/or jewelry.

The "weaker" daughters may leave the clan and start their own haram, building a clan of their own. This is rare, as most daughters prefer to stay within the safety of their birth clan.

Most Urmull are female, though a male may be recruited if new children are needed. The queen and her daughters are the only ones permitted to mate with said males. If a male is born, it will either be killed and eaten by the Hjarta or her daughters. Inbreeding is avoided in any way possible.

These men are chosen with physical capabilities in mind, brains are less important to them, though it is preferred over stupidity. The Urmull want their children to grow up strong enough to survive and expand the clan.

Smaller than the First-Bloods, and therefore feared them. However, once the final First-Blood grew too old to fight, the Urmull became more hostile. Their "natural predators" are all out of commission, allowing them to take control.

Pretty advanced tech wise, having made an agreement with Maliwan. (Perhaps even, the Hjarta and a Maliwan CEO are in some kind of relationship) The current Hjarta has cybernetic parts that make her stronger 

Can speak fluent English, though they do have their own language used to communicate amongst their own clan. This language is a mixture of Icelandic-like words and animal noises.

Maliwan provides armor and weapons to the Urmull, and in return, the Urmull are loyal to only Maliwan. Atlas forces on Pandora are attacked, and all spoils of war are reused to strengthen their own armory.

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4 years ago

Chinese Zodiac as D&D Characters:

Rat- Rogue, Gnome

Ox- Fighter, Goliath

Tiger- Sorcerer, Tabaxi

Rabbit- Druid, Moon Elf

Dragon- Wizard, Dragonborn

Snake- Warlock, Yuan-ti Pureblood

Horse- Ranger, Deva (Aasimar)

Goat- Bard, Firbolg

Monkey- Monk, Halfling

Rooster- Cleric, Aarakocra

Dog- Paladin, Shifter

Boar- Barbarian, Half-Orc

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2 years ago

Character Idea~!

The Warlock who loved their Patron

Ingredients: 1. Warlock of any understandable subclass (something like Hexblade might get a little iffy).

2. A willing DM.

The Hook: An adventurer that fell for someone of holy status. A long and blissful union occurred between the two but was suddenly cut short due to the holy lover's religious duties and their inevitable ascension into godhood (you might already see where this is going). The adventurer now must travel the land with their one purpose of discovering a way to ascend as well in order to fully live side-by-side with their once lover, now Patron, once more.

Added Spice: The Adventurer had something of a darker past that was tossed aside after falling for their holy love. Without the constant physical presence of that love, they may be inclined to slip back into their old ways, whether on purpose or by their nature slowly creeping its way back in. Their darker past could be something based on a previous job like a highwayman, a mercenary, a torturer, or an executioner. Their internal conflict could be physically represented by taking levels in Cleric, showing the adventurers attempts to ascend, while every level they might take in Warlock would put a wedge further between them.

Added Bliss: There isn't really any internal conflict with the adventurer who just wants to ascend to meet their lover again but the two bicker comically between themselves like old couples do.

This idea is for sale. The price is, you must tell me how it plays out for you in your own games! Enjoy~!

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2 years ago

Rejoining of the Immortal Lovers

D&D Longterm Quest Idea


1. A main hub of operations like a city or a gang hideout!

2. A party of traveling adventurers with good intentions in their souls and lots of places to visit!

3. Lots of places to visit!

The main crew, the gang, your lovely PCs, have a common home or base they return to between adventures. Within this base could be a wide array of things. Family members! Rivals! Their favorite tavern! A marketplace~! Etc... But the most important thing there (for the sake of this random tumblr idea) is the shop that contains The Immortal Lovers!!!

....At least one of them.

A random shopkeeper, maybe from a store that sells magical items from across the land, or maybe a tavern keeper that deals in the trading of secrets and information. Regardless of whoever they are, they’ve made shop in the place you’re located and have just one thing to ask of you once you’ve earned their trust.

“Please help me find the missing pieces of my love!! An odd request to be sure.

Through RP our group finds out that this NPC is actually immortal due to idunno blood sacrifice or something and their long lost love met an unfortunate fate so now due to probably blood sacrifices again their body was scattered Across the World!! Your party is tasked with this “BODY-PART FETCH QUEST” (maybe that should’ve been the title) that they can complete while they’re already out and about exploring the world. Kind of like the side getting all of the Korok seeds in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild but instead of mystical seeds it’s some guy’s liver~~~

Now every time the characters search a dungeon, a graveyard, a mad scientist’s crazy mad science lab, they have a chance of finding a little piece of flesh or a limb that gives off the same glow as all of the other immortal parts they’ve found so far. They return home after completing a mission and carry the body parts back with them to give to the immortal lover, who offers something alluring in return~ Is it gold? Is it a cool weapon? Is it perhaps some Additional Spice?

Additional Spice: The Immortal Lover has been around for quite some time and has seen most of your Homebrew world (which is looking marvelous by the way, really love the lore behind it). Because of this, they might have snagged an heirloom of one of your PCs. A long lost Flute that was fabled to have belonged to the ancestor of that Goliath Bard in the party or maybe an enchanted set of armor baring the family crest of the Aarakocra Fighter. Whatever it is you think might push the plot forward, it’s gonna be hanging up on that immortal’s wall!

Additional Spice with a Lemon Twist: The Immortal Lovers are actually evil wizards that have engaged in naughty phylactery nonsense and what-have-you. Once you manage to locate the last piece, the other lover is fully resurrected and the two begin wreaking havoc on the world making your new mission to put them down once and for all. 

This idea is for sale!! The cost, you must run it in your campaign, and tell me about it when you do! Happy Rollin~!!

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3 years ago

Character Idea #2

Give a character a job you were good at and make them terrible at it.


Give a character a job you were awful at and make them even worse.

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3 years ago

Character Idea #5

Write about a character who thinks they are well-liked but who everyone else finds annoying. (Unreliable narration is likely to ensue.)

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1 year ago

new trope villain that is incompetent on purpose and could definitely murder the hero at anytime but likes to see them happy

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2 years ago

So. The idea of Night Raven College having a female version have been stuck on my mind lately. Therefore I decided to come up with ideas for the students. I present to you the dorm leaders(I searched for photos since I can't draw) PS: English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any misspelled words


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Mallory Rosehearts (Riddle's cousin)

Age: 16

Grade: Freshman

Height: 162cm

Species: Human

Weeds have no place in my perfect rose garden.


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Scarlett Lightwood




Species: White tigress

My teeth and ambitions are beared. Be prepared.


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Loona Bane




Species: Siren

Do I help them? Yes, indeed.


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Alisha Sahara




Species: Human

If you don't have anything, you have to act like you own everything.


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Cleo Durst (Izzy's twin sister)




Species: Human

If I look good, it is not an accident.


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Izzy Durst (Cleo's twin sister)




Species: Human

They want to evolve but they refuse to change.


So. The Idea Of Night Raven College Having A Female Version Have Been Stuck On My Mind Lately. Therefore

Name: Blanca Morgenstern




Species: Night Fae

Let her sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world.

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2 years ago

I am here again and now I had the idea of what kind of unique magic the housewardens would have. So he you go.



Plant whip:

Allows her to summon a large plant with numerous vines which are comtroled by her will.


Zero sign:

Allows her to suppress her and/or other people's presence to go unnoticed by others.


Siren's call:

Allows her to persuade someone of doing anything by using her voice. The memory of being enchanted will be erased from the target's mind.



Allows her to gain wings after setting herself on fire.


Healing fountain:

Allows her to heal someone by using her tears. It can also be used on plants and animals.



Allows her to communicate with and control technological entities.



Allows her to generate illusions and/or cause hallucinations through a fog.

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2 years ago


Changing the appearance of Heartslabyul housewarden:


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