Age 22 | Like a platypus, I don't do much | Multi-Fandom Crossover Enthusiast
809 posts
CKY... A Band That From What I Can Tell Has Had Plenty Of Ups And Downs. I Like This Band, My Favorite
CKY... a band that from what I can tell has had plenty of ups and downs. I like this band, my favorite song of theirs being 96 Quite Bitter Beings. It just rocks. Anyways, wanted to talk about an idea I had concerning this song.
An adaptation of Marvel's Inhumans, with the opening credits set to this song.
Considering the Kree experimented on early humans to create the Inhumans, some of the experiments were probably unsuccessful and some not so humane. Imagine a montage in the opening credits to a new adaptation of the Inhumans, where Kree scientists are experimenting on early humans in a bid for super-soldiers in the Kree-Skrull War. Some humans survive, others don't. In the end the project would be shut down and maybe seen as a failure, leaving what surviving Inhumans behind on the Blue Side of the Moon.
What do you guys think? You agree l, disagree, got any ideas? Would love to hear some if any are willing to share.
ifyourgunnabedumbyougottabetough liked this · 9 months ago
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So... I finished the Ultraman anime on Netlfix the other day. You know, the Ultraman anime about the son of the original Ultraman? Yeah, that one.
Overall, it was a fun show. It being a sbow about someone essentially learning to be a great hero while also trying to live up to expectations set by the ones that came before may get some people to make some comparisons to Invincible. Which isn't unwarranted, I think.
Don't let the similarities be a negative however, since from what little I know of the Ultra Series, this Ultraman anime is still very much Ultraman, just in its own way.
Some plot points may feel a bit odd or rushed, which is kinda expected. It is an adaptation of an Ultraman Manga that probably ran for at least a couple hundred chapters while the anime is probably shorter.
Shinjiro is a good character, a teen trying to figure out his place in the world, eventually taking on the role of Ultraman. The other Ultramen, like Moroboshi, Seiji, Kotaro, and Jack are all interesting in their own ways as well.
After watching this, I am excited to check out Ultraman Rising next at some point.
The Battleground of the Gods. What a way to waste their time when Creation is on the brink of destruction. At least it is a designated battleground that puts little to no collateral in the way. No humans to kill in a bid to destroy those you hate. The Minions are more like a type of godling than anything else, in a way.
Those were Strife's thoughts as he took in the sites and breathed the air of the battleground. He had ended up here some time ago, some time after the Destroyer had made his attack on the Maker's Tree. He suspected his last minute spell had brought him here to what is a essentially a prison for those that the Charred Council could not destroy without unbalancing the universe. So a pocket dimension where you could keep all these Gods and Monsters together for however long was probably the best option anybody could come up with.
Walking forward into the battleground, Strife readied himself and reached for his guns, only to find he had neither on him. Right. He lost them. Having an idea of where Mercy and Redemption ended up, the Rider of the White Horse pulled out his blades and checked for his caltrops, knowing that he may have to go into battle with less power than he would have liked.
So... a while ago I made a small post about Blue Eye Samurai, as well as Daken from Marvel. Mostly as a way to talk about how it would be interesting for the son of Wolverine to be adapted to other mediums and get some recognition.
I know that last time I spoke of this, I talked about the idea of Daken's quest for revenge against his father and the idea of him bonding with Laura/X-23. I think with BES being a story about revenge, I think going with Daken bonding with his sister would be the better option. Oh! The adaptation that features them could be an adaptation of Wolverines, the comic where Logan is dead and people like him and/or connected to him are kidnapped and used by... I honestly forget who and for what purpose, it's been a while since I read Wolverines. I do remember it also featured Sabretooth and Mystique
Or maybe one could just go with his quest for revenge, or maybe have it be the story of a young Akihiro growing up, that anger and resentment at his father building and building, eventually him being trained by Romulus as something of a weapon against Logan.
If anybody else has any ideas, it's cool to share them. I wouldn't mind hearing of those ideas.
So... lately I sorta, kinda gained some interest in the Shin Megami Tensei series after watching a livestream playthrough of SMT 3 Nocturne. It was fun being there to watch and interact when I could. The playthrough featured the ability to recruit Dante from the Devil May Cry series, so it kinda got me thinking of other crossovers.
First up is the idea of Darksiders crossover: Darksiders' Four Horsemen could arguably fit pretty well, considering SMT has its own version of the Four. Also, it would be pretty cool if we could see how Death, War, Fury, and Strife could work in an RPG setting.
Next up, Hades: Zagreus and company would be so interesting to see crossover. Maybe Zag could be someone like Demi-Fiend, where he's got both human and non-human parts to him and thus is a strange mix.
Curse of the Dead Gods: Imagine someone like the Demi-Fiend or Nahobino just encountering Caradog McCallister. The old guy already has his hands full in the temple, so imagine him making out and finding out the world went to shit or something and just deciding to wander because of that. He could probably be a real interesting optional boss fight.
Overall, I think I had fun with some of these ideas. You think the crossovers could work or nah? Got any other ideas for crossovers?