Age 22 | Like a platypus, I don't do much | Multi-Fandom Crossover Enthusiast
809 posts
So... Once Again Thinking About The Darksiders Characters If They Were Implemented Into A MOBA. Sorry
So... once again thinking about the Darksiders characters if they were implemented into a MOBA. Sorry if this is a tired idea to anybody. It's just, with playing Wild Rift, it gets me thinking, and Darksiders is one of my favorite video game series, so sometimes thoughts just form together.
I was thinking about passives and got an idea while trying out Tryndamere. Maybe for the Horsemen, just like how Tryndamere generates "Fury," the Horsemen generate "Wrath." I don't think it's a bad idea, considering in the Darksiders games "Wrath" can be generated when in combat just like "Fury" is for Tryndamere.
Tryndamere isn't the only one with "Fury" in LoL either. Renekton and Shyvana also do use "Fury," just in different ways to Tryndamere. So, maybe "Wrath" is generated differently for each Horseman. Using the Rider of the Black Horse as an example, Fury could say generate "Wrath" in a similar way to Shyvana, where her abilities are based on how long they cool down and her "Wrath" is what is used for her Ultimate. Meanwhile, War and Death could take inspiration from Renekton and Tryndamere. War could generate "Wrath" and for his next basic ability will get an empowered effect once enough is stored, while Death when generating "Wrath," depending on the amount, could get a higher chance for a critical strike. Now, that just leaves Strife. He's a bit harder to figure out. His "Wrath" would be generated in combat just like the other Horsemen, but what extra effect could it have, if needed? I'm stumped. Oh, or maybe Strife is the one with "Wrath" related to his Ultimate while Fury share "Wrath" use similar to War or Death.
Now, what of other Darksiders characters? Would they use "Wrath?" I think that could depend. As part of a hypothetical passive in a MOBA, maybe it could work, while others I could see as having a Mana bar like Ekko, or an Energy bar like Akali. Depends on their personality, I guess. Or some could just be baseline Manaless, all their abilities being a bit more based on cool downs.
Someone like Absalom would probably also have "Wrath," while someone like Azrael would probably have Mana. Don't know what characters could use Energy though, not many feel like they have abilities built around doinf things quickly like Kennen, Akali, Shen, or Zed. Funny idea I just had while typing this is maybe The Hunter from Darksiders 2 having Ferocity, just like Rengar... I'm joking! That could probably fit Samael? Ulthane's abilities I could see being purely based on cool downs.
Speaking of Ulthane, what could his passive and abilities be? I think his passive could be a Living Forge type of deal similar to Ornn from League, where he can forge his own items on the battlefield instead of always having to return to base, and at least one of his abilities has to be throwing his hammer, while another could be a type of charge/dash, while maybe another could be something like throwing a powerful enough haymaker it sends out a shockwave, and I have no idea at the moment what his Ultimate could be. Now, some may be asking, "Why a powerful haymaker that can create shockwaves?" Simple enough answer. Considering War needed the Tremor Gauntlet to open heavy doors and lift Ulthane's hammer in Darksiders 1, a Gauntlet that can allow War to create shockwaves on the ground with a certain move, who's to say Ulthane can't be strong enough to do something similar? Or maybe it could be a Thunderclap, similar to what the Incredible Hulk can do?
Anyways, this is feeling like it's getting a bit long, and I am up bit late as I am writing this, so I will return to this later and try coming up with more ideas at some point. Hope you all enjoyed this and hey, if you got ideas you wish to add, that's cool.
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Marvel/SMT Crossover Idea
Why this crossover? ...Why not?
It's overall a pretty basic idea at the moment. I would do my best to combine what I can of the Marvel Universe and the SMT Universe, highly likely leaning into the mythological sides of both, maybe trying to figure out how to fit things like mutants in as I go along?
Going with what I have learned through some research of my own and a bit of the SMT playthroughs I have been catching live on Twitch, I would have likely go for a sort of combination of both Marvel Thor and SMT Thor, having it be that Marvel Thor's human identity Eric Masterson is acting as the Knowledge of SMT Thor, creating a Nahobino.
I have yet to play an SMT game so I'm not as well versed as I would like to be, however I am thinking of picking up SMTV at some point. You can only learn so much on a game without playing it, you know?
Wish I could say more, but sometimes I got basic ideas and can only write some of it out.
Thanks to HazSubTV for uploading all this cool unheard nu metal music! Stuff like this is so cool and interesting to see, if you ask me. If you've been wanting a metallic cover of Genie In A Bottle with a bit of a punk vibe to it, seriously check this out.
Don't got much to say about this. I have not listened to much Insane Poetry so far, I do plan on listening to more than this, OKS and Faith In Chaos, but I can say this is a cool listen if you are into horrorcore. Got a cool beat and each one on the track has got a good flow. I honestly went to listen to it a second time as soon as it ended.
While typing this, I also got a neat idea. Imagine if we got a Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider movie or show, personally preferably and animated movie or show, and it used hip hop, primarily horrorcore. From what I remember, Robbie and his brother Gabe are from Los Angeles, and while I have no doubts that there are heavy metal bands from LA, why not lean into hip hop and how plenty groups come from LA or the surrounding towns. Also, leaning into horrorcore for Robbie could help differentiate him from the likes of Johnny Blaze, who has a bit more of an association with the aforementioned genre of heavy metal,
Woo! New Darksiders teaser! Who else is super excited? Hope we get more news within the next couple months.
Anyways! Wanted to share another Darksiders crossover idea! Or, more like return to one particular crossover idea. The Darkness.

Oh, how interesting it would be if all the Horsemen could encounter good ol' Jackie Estacado. Strife I can imagine would probably try befriending Jackie. Fury would probably wonder what was so special about this human. War and Death would probably be cautious, just in their own ways.
Jackie however, would immediately be suspicious and on guard. Four people that he can immediately tell are of some kind of non-human nature, now taking an interest in the weird activity of New York City. He's especially suspicious once The Darkness starts cackling in his head about the chaos that will be wrought soon enough. He knows that once that thing starts going, there's a high chance that whatever it's talking about is no good.
I can imagine that maybe the Horsemen are on Earth for once, just enjoying what it's like in a modern city, and that once night falls and Jackie starts doing what he does best, that's also when the Horsemen start taking notice of The Darkness, as I like to imagine that's they may have a sort of sixth sense for things of a magical nature. Imagine if the other Artifacts, like say The Angelus, The Witchblade, The Rapture or the Spear of Destiny get brought into the equation, and the batshit insanity that may just erupt.
Oooo! Just had a neat idea for this. Imagine if like how the Spear of Destiny is... enchanted, I guess, by the blood of Jesus, imagine if in this crossover The Rapture is a portion of the Charred Council, just sort of chipped off or something. Or maybe if having the Witchblade get involved, with the Artifact being of both order and chaos, of both Light and Dark, it could be seen as like a proto‐Nephilim of sorts?
I really gotta get back to reading more of volume one of The Darkness, as it may help me get some ideas of writing something beyond just basic ideas for this crossover.
Pretty much the theme song to TWEWY, who doesn't at least somewhat like Twister. I think if I was in charge of music for this game, I would have chosen Twister as the main theme. It's short, the original version only being about a minute longer, but it definitely feels like a song that doesn't need to go on for much longer. I should probably replay the first TWEWY at some point. Sorry, it's just a bit easier to get back into replaying Neo: TWEWY. It's not really due to length, it's just that it's a bit easier for me to get back into Neo's gameplay.
Anyways! I don't doubt if you're finding this, you may already be a fan of TWEWY, but if you aren't, I suggest giving this song a listen. You may like it, or you may not. Won't hurt to find out.