Age 22 | Like a platypus, I don't do much | Multi-Fandom Crossover Enthusiast
809 posts
Pretty Much The Theme Song To TWEWY, Who Doesn't At Least Somewhat Like Twister. I Think If I Was In
Pretty much the theme song to TWEWY, who doesn't at least somewhat like Twister. I think if I was in charge of music for this game, I would have chosen Twister as the main theme. It's short, the original version only being about a minute longer, but it definitely feels like a song that doesn't need to go on for much longer. I should probably replay the first TWEWY at some point. Sorry, it's just a bit easier to get back into replaying Neo: TWEWY. It's not really due to length, it's just that it's a bit easier for me to get back into Neo's gameplay.
Anyways! I don't doubt if you're finding this, you may already be a fan of TWEWY, but if you aren't, I suggest giving this song a listen. You may like it, or you may not. Won't hurt to find out.
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Beats Antique is a trio that creates a unique experience. Their music combined with Zoe Jakes' dance is said to be wonderful. Unfortunately, I have never seen them live and I probably will not any time soon. Doesn't mean they don't have some interesting music videos though.
I first stumbled across this when I think I was on a Primus kick for a small bit. The music video did catch my attention but the music made me stay for what Beats Antique brought.
This song honestly got me thinking of how interesting it could be to have a sort of action-platformer starring someone named Beezlebub. I also had the funny idea of Beelzebub from the Shin Megami Tensei series just singing this for whatever reason. Or just randomly saying shit like he always eats his veggies. Or that his eyes reflect the flame.
So... still thinking of Darksiders/League of Legends crossovers, and one thing that could be cool to see? War fighting Aatrox. Just imagine it! The Red Rider versus The Darkin Blade! A battle for the ages! Some of the biggest and baddest of their universes likely quake in fear once one of them show up!

Could War be the one to not only destroy the Darkin Blade, but finally put Aatrox to rest? Or would Aatrox come out on top with War as a new, powerful vessel for his plan to end the world?
I could potentially see it going either way. I am entirely unsure which would come out on top in more scenarios. Both are functionally immortal, with the power to potentially end worlds when at their strongest.
Hmmm. The brighter side of my mind makes me want War to potentially win this, at least so that the Darkin Blade himself can hopefully finally die. Aatrox only wishes to end the world because he's a broken man who is unkillable, all in the hopes that by ending everything that it would include his own end. Maybe War could give Aatrox that finality he so wishes for?
Don't got much to say about this. I have not listened to much Insane Poetry so far, I do plan on listening to more than this, OKS and Faith In Chaos, but I can say this is a cool listen if you are into horrorcore. Got a cool beat and each one on the track has got a good flow. I honestly went to listen to it a second time as soon as it ended.
While typing this, I also got a neat idea. Imagine if we got a Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider movie or show, personally preferably and animated movie or show, and it used hip hop, primarily horrorcore. From what I remember, Robbie and his brother Gabe are from Los Angeles, and while I have no doubts that there are heavy metal bands from LA, why not lean into hip hop and how plenty groups come from LA or the surrounding towns. Also, leaning into horrorcore for Robbie could help differentiate him from the likes of Johnny Blaze, who has a bit more of an association with the aforementioned genre of heavy metal,
To again speak of something I think would be cool to see get an animated adaptation... I would love to see the Marvel Team-Up arc of League of Losers.

You know? This team-up!
I don't got much to say beyond I think it would be pretty cool. One could even change up some things if they so wish, like maybe Dagger dies instead of Cloak, same goes Gravity or Speedball instead of Arana.
All these characters deserve some more recognition. Well, at least the ones nobody knows or remembers. It could even explore an alternate 2099, where the legacy heroes don't exactly exist, or at least exist a bit differently, but there is Mutant 2099. He is, from what I remember, a telekinetic mutant who uses his powers to move around in ways sort of reminiscent of Spider-Man.
I don't know what I'd change beyond who dies and maybe how the League of Losers is formed, I just think it could be something fun to see adapted into animation.
Marvel/SMT Crossover Idea
Why this crossover? ...Why not?
It's overall a pretty basic idea at the moment. I would do my best to combine what I can of the Marvel Universe and the SMT Universe, highly likely leaning into the mythological sides of both, maybe trying to figure out how to fit things like mutants in as I go along?
Going with what I have learned through some research of my own and a bit of the SMT playthroughs I have been catching live on Twitch, I would have likely go for a sort of combination of both Marvel Thor and SMT Thor, having it be that Marvel Thor's human identity Eric Masterson is acting as the Knowledge of SMT Thor, creating a Nahobino.
I have yet to play an SMT game so I'm not as well versed as I would like to be, however I am thinking of picking up SMTV at some point. You can only learn so much on a game without playing it, you know?
Wish I could say more, but sometimes I got basic ideas and can only write some of it out.