doylldonmagar - TheMysteriousMsX

Doyll Donmagar

1228 posts

Okay Also, The Woman Never Injures The Other Person, Which Implies Women Are Weak And Can't Hurt Someone

Okay also, the woman never injures the other person, which implies women are weak and can't hurt someone whether or not they are trying, and it implies that it's okay to use violence so long as you're a woman and you care about them, which is kind of a mix of sexism and reverse sexism (by which I mean sexism against women vs sexism against men, but obviously everyone is harmed by any form of gender discrimination etc)

And the male version of these scenes is guys shaking the female (imo) because men can't hit women and be good guys, so media loopholes that by using shaking instead of hitting.

Oh and also Grey's anatomy. Multiple occurrences and people.

Women hitting people in movies and books.

(This has been bouncing around in my head for a while but it's not like cohesive thoughts, so apologies)

There are the Molly Wesleys (Harry Potter), the Aunt Cass' (Big Hero 6, specifically after they get arrested), Katniss Everdeens (The Hunger Games, especially at the end of the first book), and I know there are more but that's just off the top off my head.

There are these scenes where the woman gets so upset, usually because she's worried about someone, and hits the person. It never injures them, but she hits them and saying something like "how could you do this!! I was so worried about you!!" And it's played as just a sign of their concern and it's no big deal. But like ??

I haven't really come to a conclusion on where I stand on this, but it feels wrong. Like, it's not violence because they actually love the person??

Also please reblog because I have like 5 followers and I want more opinions 👍👍

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The fact that I didn't read these books for YEARS because people whose opinions I valued told me that they weren't any good and laughed at the nonexistent love triangle...and now I find these genius commentaries on the books. Bless you op

"snow hates katniss because she's lucy gray reincarnated" well no. it's not magic, not some kind of prophecy, not a saga of one family that's fated to overthrow the regime. katniss *isn't* lucy gray, she's just a girl. that's the point. she's nobody.

except that she is lucy gray. not *actually* but in spirit, in her actions. because what lucy gray and katniss -- and snow himself -- prove is that nobody can be truly independent of their community. snow wants to believe (he is taught to believe) that we are all ungenerous, calculating, power-hungry. that we all value ourselves above all else, that we could never love selflessly because we are, at our core, selfish. so when lucy gray shows him that doesn't have to be the case, it terrifies him. and so, in his fear, he kills her, hoping that will kill the doubt she seeds inside of him. kill the source of the doubt, kill the doubt itself. prove to yourself that love is selfish. win at the game that you yourself created -- snow lands on top.

and for years, you really believe that. you won. you gain steadily gain power, people show you the same story, over and over. and it twists you, warps you, into the calculating dictator you were told you had to be.

only then, decades later, another girl shows you the very same thing: true, unselfish, radical love. a girl who volunteers to die for her sister, who sings to her friend as she dies, would rather die than kill the boy she loves, and she's from the same place as the very person who first made you doubt it. you thought you'd killed that doubt years ago, but what you failed to account for was that killing lucy gray doesn't kill her love.

so katniss reminds snow of lucy gray, but not because she *is* her, but because she created something that can't be killed. it's not magic, it's art. it's no accident that katniss grew up singing her songs. lucy gray is dead, but her art lives on, and woven into that art is the love she showed snow all those years ago. her love can't be killed because it doesn't belong to her individually -- it belongs to her people. and it's nurtured in that community. it's in the art, the music, and thus in the people that live there. love becomes the soundtrack of an entire community, and then it lives on in their lives and their actions. it lives on in katniss' father who sings his way into her mother's heart, it lives on in haymitch who holds his ally when she dies, and then in katniss and prim and peeta and every person from district 12 who shows that same, selfless, radical love. it wasn't fate, or destiny, or even one family. it's community. it's art. no man is an island. we cannot survive without love.

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1 year ago

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