doylldonmagar - TheMysteriousMsX

Doyll Donmagar

1228 posts

Also Donna And Rachel In Suits. They're Both Supposed To Be Like Independent Strong Women But Like ??

Also Donna and Rachel in Suits. They're both supposed to be like Independent Strong Women but like ?? They slap male characters who are just, okay with it ?? But to mention s2e16 Rachel slapped Mike 2 times, goes for a third and he stops her, and they're both like yeah he's been lying for as long as you've known but like let's get back together

Women hitting people in movies and books.

(This has been bouncing around in my head for a while but it's not like cohesive thoughts, so apologies)

There are the Molly Wesleys (Harry Potter), the Aunt Cass' (Big Hero 6, specifically after they get arrested), Katniss Everdeens (The Hunger Games, especially at the end of the first book), and I know there are more but that's just off the top off my head.

There are these scenes where the woman gets so upset, usually because she's worried about someone, and hits the person. It never injures them, but she hits them and saying something like "how could you do this!! I was so worried about you!!" And it's played as just a sign of their concern and it's no big deal. But like ??

I haven't really come to a conclusion on where I stand on this, but it feels wrong. Like, it's not violence because they actually love the person??

Also please reblog because I have like 5 followers and I want more opinions 👍👍

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