exrankluck - bright star
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72 posts

How It Started Vs. How It's Going

How It Started Vs. How It's Going
How It Started Vs. How It's Going

how it started vs. how it's going

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More Posts from Exrankluck

1 year ago

URADOL - Summer Vacation 【URADOL Stage/moving】 ♪ Lyrics Translation

Their secret is that they are fraudulent idols, covered in lies. A new idol group called "SPYAIM" is set to debut from the entertainment agency "evol."

♪ Lyrics

When the wind blows on the beach and brushes past my cheeks

I can't act like an adult anymore, I want to take off my shoes and go barefoot

If you smile under this blue sky

Let's get drunk on the heat until we get dizzy, holding hands

Even the unbearable sultry heat can be blown away

We won't let it end here

It’s our Summer Time

Let's cross this ocean like a flash of light

Even the sun is on our side

Get so passionate that you burn with desire

This summer won't stop, our hearts beating faster

Like a thrilling love

It burns because it shines so brightly

It's the best vacation

vocals: KENN / Tomoaki Maeno / Wataru Hatano


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1 year ago

Dear Vocalist Unlimited Veronica Translation — 四神相応 [track three]

Dear Vocalist Unlimited Veronica Translation [track Three]

disclaimer: this is 90% AI-generated transcription and translation, some things might be inaccurate or awkward.

ディア ヴォーカリスト Unlimited エントリーNo.5 Veronica / モモチ (CV: 豊永利行)

- Drums: YAMATO (CV. Shunichi Toki)

- Guitar: OHGI (CV. Makoto Furukawa)

- Bass: AMA (CV. Kengo Kawanishi)

- Keyboard: SHIZURU (CV. Yoshitaka Yamaya)

mmc: Well then, once again, everyone, thank you for your hard work at the Fes, and congratulations on the successful Survival. Cheers!

all: Cheers!

Ohgi: Akkun, your manager isn't here with us today, huh? I thought you would definitely bring her with you.

AMA: Yeah, we were together until just now, but it seems she still has some work after this. She says hello to everyone.

Yamato: Oh, that's too bad. I thought we could finally drink together after a long time. And also with Momochi's girlfriend~

mmc: Sorry, it seems like she has plans with her friends tonight! Hahaha…

Ohgi: Come to think of it, I haven't seen your girlfriend in a while either.

Ohgi: How is she doing? She didn't come to the Fes, did she?

mmc: Oh, no, she did come to the Fes, but, um...

mmc: Ah, at that time, she was with her friends so she couldn't come to the dressing room or the after-party.

mmc: It seems like she left right after it was over. Hahahaha… ah.

mmc: By the way, how long has Akkun’s manager been working with him?

mmc: I feel like she was already with him when we met, so it's been a while.

AMA: Since I started modeling, I guess.

Shizuru: She made Akkun a super popular (top) model all by herself, right?

mmc: Definitely~ She's really skilled.

mmc: By the way, how old is she? She looks pretty young.

AMA: She's one year older than me, so she's the same age as Momochi-kun.

Yamato: Oh, that's nice~ I'm envious of having a personal manager like that.

Yamato: Maybe I should ask someone to manage me too, someone like Akkun’s manager who is cute and capable at the same time.

Shizuru: But that's a pretty high bar, isn't it? Rather than a manager, she could be a model herself.

Shizuru: At first, I thought Akkun's manager was his lover.

AMA: N-no, it's not like that.


mmc: Well, I guess I should go home soon.

Yamato: What? Already? It's not even 11 yet.

mmc: Yeah, but I actually have something to do after this.

Shizuru: Right now?

Shizuru: You're still as busy as ever, Momochi-kun.

Yamato: That's true. The agency's holiday is almost over, and when Survival resumes, Momochi-kun will be even busier.

AMA: Right, there's also the new song to think about.

mmc: Yeah, well...

mmc: But, you know? It’s for Veronica's sake.

mmc: We worked hard for Survival to be a success, so we have to keep going.

Ohgi: That's right.

Ohgi: Oh, by the way, someone at the radio station earlier said they’re looking forward to Veronica's new song.

Ohgi: This Fes also had a livestream, and it seems to be a hot topic in various places.

mmc: Wow, really? That makes me happy~

AMA: I'm looking forward to it too.

AMA: The new song…

AMA: I wonder what it will be like this time.

Yamato: Me too, me too! I can never predict what kind of song Momochi-kun will come up with.

Yamato: But I'm really excited to listen to it now!

Shizuru: Veronica truly has a good luck charm.

Shizuru: Oh, by the way, when do you think recording will take place?

Shizuru: I might want to know my schedule for next year in advance.

Ohgi: What about you, Shizu? Will you be doing something again next year?

Shizuru: It's been a while since I had a solo piano recital. I think there will be a total of six performances.

Shizuru: But they're all in the spring, so I don't think it will affect Veronica's activities, but just in case.

Shizuru: On the day of the Tokyo performance, I'll invite everyone again, so if you can make it, please come and listen.

mmc: Ah, I'm excited~ I'll contact you about the new song schedule as soon as possible. Hehe.

mmc: Thank you for tonight, everyone. Enjoy the rest of the night.

AMA: Bye, Momochi-kun.

Ohgi: Be careful on your way home.

Shizuru: Good work.

Yamato: Bye-bye!


Shizuru: Well, we have to do our best this time too.

Ohgi: Yeah, even though our turn is still a long way off, we’ll make sure to prepare properly.

AMA: I feel like Momochi-kun's songs are getting harder and harder, so we have to do our best.

Yamato: But you know, we’re doing pretty well, all things considered.

Yamato: I mean, it's already the seventh Survival!

Ohgi: That's true.

Ohgi: Before we knew it, we've been around longer than the first generation.

*shiny sfx flashback*

mmc: Eh?

mmc: Got it. Well then, let's practice hard again from tomorrow.

mmc: This time, it's for the Live.

mmc: Good work, everyone.

Yamato: Good work! Take care on your way home.

Shizuru: See you tomorrow.

Shizuru: I said that, but...

Shizuru: I wonder if Momochi-kun really intends to come tomorrow.

Shizuru: It would be great if we could meet with all five of us, but…

Ohgi: We still have editing to do, so there's no need to push it.

Ohgi: But I don't want to make him feel left out since we are all doing this together.

Yamato: Yeah, but maybe we’re putting too much pressure on him. I’m a little worried?

AMA: Survival is already a big burden on Momochi-kun, and there's also a training camp for the new song, so...

Shizuru: Well, it would be weird to say he doesn't have to come now just because of that.

Shizuru: But, even so, did he record the vocals in just one take this time too?

Shizuru: As expected, it's impressive.

Shizuru: Thanks to that, I have a idea of what I want to do, and I think I can adjust things on my end too.

AMA: Mm, I listened to Momochi-kun's singing earlier and...

AMA: I felt like I finally understood the correct answer.

Yamato: Right?!

Yamato: “Ah, that’s what we were aiming for, OK!” That's what I was thinking too.

Ohgi: It seems like everyone was thinking something similar. I had a feeling from the way things were during the Awa-Uta time, but...

Shizuru: Well, this is our second Survival, so we're starting to grasp the Veronica style better, or rather, the way Momochi-kun does things.

Shizuru: To sum it up, you can't understand what Momochi-kun is thinking unless you listen to his singing.

Yamato: Yeah, yeah, exactly! But on the other hand, sometimes you can understand it just by listening to his singing. Like "this part should sound like this" or "this part should be held back a bit”.

Ohgi: In the end, Momochi-kun will make the final decisions. It's not always the case that we should follow his singing exactly. He's probably balancing the other parts to make the singing stand out.

AMA: But in our current rehearsal stage, we just have to feel our way through it. There aren't many verbal instructions.

AMA: Last time, I was really wondering how it would turn out. But after listening to the finished song, I thought, "I see."

Shizuru: There were hardly any instructions given during recording. When you feel like it’s not right, you can kind of sense it from the atmosphere, but he wouldn’t tell us specifically what was wrong.

Shizuru: I think that's kind of unique.

Shizuru: But, you know, I think Momochi-kun is way more normal than what we heard beforehand. Or is it just me?

Yamato: No, I was thinking the same thing.

Yamato: We were threatened a lot, but there are plenty of weird people in this industry, right?

Yamato: The vocalist of the band I was briefly in before ended up exploiting his fans and running off with the money.

Yamato: It’s too much trouble… But in that sense, Momochi-kun is kind to Cheers.

Yamato: And he gives off the impression of being devoted to his girlfriend, which actually makes me think positively of him.

Yamato: But he's not particularly kind to us?

AMA: Mm, I think Momochi-kun is kind. It's completely different from what I heard. But hearing about him from the agency and actually meeting him are completely different.

Yamato: Some people just don't click, you know? I think all the first-generation members were star members looking back on it, but they didn't seem to try to adjust to Momochi-kun's pace. They were more like “This is what I want to do!”

Ohgi: I think so too. I think everyone here has already noticed, but the band's biggest selling point is still the songs Momochi-kun created and Momochi-kun's singing.

Ohgi: If you can't feel the appeal there and make an effort, it might be difficult to work together.

Shizuru: Certainly. We're getting along well with that aspect in mind. After all, we joined thinking it was that kind of band.

Shizuru: “If you have something you want to do, just do it on your own without involving Veronica. You can do it anytime you want.”

Shizuru: It’s the same for all of us, right?

Ohgi: For me, the only reason I got involved with Veronica was because I thought Momochi-kun's songs were good.

Ohgi: I wasn't looking for anything else. That’s what I thought, but…

Ohgi: Now, it's because it's fun to do it with everyone. That’s become the purpose.

Ohg: We’re discussing and exploring Momochi-kun’s ideas, something that is hard to do when working alone.

Yamato: I know! We're all taking on the challenge of solving the mystery game that Momochi-kun created.

Yamato: The finished songs are simply cool, and there's a sense of unity. Isn’t it the best~?

AMA: I've always liked music work more than modeling, but it's really fun and comfortable to be with everyone.

Shizuru: Honestly, at first, it was more like going along with the flow, but now I hope this Survival continues.

Shizuru: Speaking of Veronica, everyone says it's just the five of us.

Yamato: Let’s do our best! Starting with the first generation, let's surpass them quickly!

Ohgi: Heh, that's right.

AMA: Let’s do our best.


Yamato: By the way, Momochi-kun's business, is it still about that~?

Shizuru: No, it's probably because it's time for his girlfriend to go back home.

Shizuru: Hey, it's something you have to be considerate of when you live together.

Ohgi: Oh? I don't have that kind of problem at home.

Ohgi: She does her own thing, and we're both okay with not seeing each other for a few days due to work.

Ohgi: But Momochi-kun has always been concerned about his girlfriend. He used to bring her to the set a lot, although not as much now.

Yamato: Right? It seems like they've been together for a long time, but he still cares for her.

AMA: By the way, Shizu never talks about that kind of stuff, like living together with his girlfriend.

Shizuru: Hmm, what do you think?

AMA: ! Oh, hey -

Shizuru: “Oh, thanks for the key. It's not as inconvenient to stay over now.”

Yamato: “Hey, why don't we live together?” Something like that, waiting to be asked that by his girlfriend?!

Shizuru: If you're going to say that, it's the same with Yama, right? Plus, his girlfriend is younger.

Shizuru: That's even more reason to admire that kind of thing.

Yamato: Eh, I'm still okay? Unlike everyone else, we haven't been together for that long.

Yamato: By the way, what about Akkun? He must have a girlfriend, right?

Yamato: I mean, there's no way he doesn't.

AMA: ?! I don't have one. I'm too busy right now to even think about it.

Shizuru: That's suspicious~ You still haven't lived with anyone yet.

Shizuru: Maybe Akkun is actually into the other team.

AMA: What do you mean by "the other team"?

Shizuru: Like Momochi and Ohgi, who always have someone waiting for them when they get home?

Yamato: Oh no! If that were revealed, it would be a huge scandal!

AMA: I'm telling you, it's not like that.

* 四神相応 (shijin sōō) i.e. balance and harmony.

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1 year ago

Dear Vocalist Unlimited Veronica Translation — ゆくすゑ [track four]

Dear Vocalist Unlimited Veronica Translation [track Four]

disclaimer: this is 90% AI-generated transcription and translation, some things might be inaccurate or awkward.

ディア ヴォーカリスト Unlimited エントリーNo.5 Veronica / モモチ (CV: 豊永利行)

- Drums: YAMATO (CV. Shunichi Toki)

- Guitar: OHGI (CV. Makoto Furukawa)

- Bass: AMA (CV. Kengo Kawanishi)

- Keyboard: SHIZURU (CV. Yoshitaka Yamaya)


Shizuru: Really? If you say so, I'll try to think positively.

Yeah, that's right. The recording is scheduled to start around next week.

No, the release is in the fall.

But, as always, we don't know a lot about the schedule until the results of the Survival are out.

Yeah, sorry for the inconvenience.

But, since we're here, I'll talk to the office about the additional performance we discussed earlier. If possible, before the end of the year.

Mm, okay. See you then.

Shizuru: Now then... Hm?

Shizuru: Moshi moshi.

mmc: Ah, moshi moshi, Shizu-kun?

mmc: Sorry for calling so late.

mmc: I heard you got a call.

Shizuru: Oh, mhm.

Shizuru: It's just a confirmation call. About the recording.

Shizuru: Is it okay to stick to the schedule as planned?

mmc: Yeah, that's the plan.

mmc: Ah, by the way, I sent you demos and some other things.

mmc: Did they arrive properly?

Shizuru: Yeah, they did, they did~

Shizuru: I haven't checked it thoroughly yet, but it looks super cool again this time. I'm looking forward to it.

Shizuru: Anyways, let's keep the reservations for all the studios that we have on hold.

mmc: Mm, thanks. Oh, by the way…

mmc: We haven't been able to meet for a while, and I haven't had a chance to say it, but I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your piano recital last month, even though you invited me.

Shizuru: Don’t worry about it.

Shizuru: In fact, I haven't even thanked you properly yet. You sent me flowers again this time.

mmc: It’s nothing. It was just a small gesture.

mmc: I heard this time was a great success too, I'm glad!

Shizuru: Yeah, thanks to everyone. Actually, I got a request for an additional performance.

mmc: Wow, that's great~!

Shizuru: Well, there's also Veronica's new song, so it's not official yet. But if you can come next time, please do.


AMA: Whoa!

AMA: Y-You scared me.

AMA: If you're back, let me know…

AMA: No, I wasn't sleeping. I was listening to music with my earphones on.

AMA: Um, speaking of which, Veronica's recording session is starting next week, so I wanted to listen to the demo again while I can.

AMA: Mhm, I think it's going to be a great song again.

AMA: I still don't really understand what he wants to express with this song.

AMA: Yeah, it’s difficult.

AMA: Both the music and lyrics that Momochi-kun creates are all...

*shiny sfx flashback*

AMA: How about… Huh, Momochi-kun.

mmc: Ah, it’s Akkun~ It feels like it's been a while since we last met!

AMA: Yeah, I was away from Tokyo for a while for a photo shoot for my photo book.

AMA: And, the release this time went well too.

mmc: I see, you're still busy as usual. Good job.

AMA: Guren Shinjuu seems to be getting good reviews.

AMA: As expected of Cheers.

AMA: Momochi-kun likes Japanese (wa) rock music. That’s good to know.

mmc: Hehe. Actually, I was quite hesitant this time. There were also discussions about the image, and even if Kataridori was popular, I don’t want to make Veronica's image too rock-like.

AMA: I see. Veronica is versatile, after all.

mmc: Mhm, that's right.

AMA: Um, I've been wanting to ask for a while…

mmc: What?

AMA: Is there a model (muse) for Momochi-kun's lyrics? Not just for this new song, but in general…

mmc: Why do you ask?

AMA: Just curious. Especially with lyrics about women, I wonder how you write them.

mmc: No, there is no model. It’s all in my imaginary world.

mmc: But don't you think it's ideal?

AMA: People like this…

mmc: Yes, that's what I'm aiming for.

mmc: I hope people who hear it, like Akkun, imagine all kinds of things.

mmc: Because songs that end after just one listen are boring, aren't they?

*shiny sfx flashback* [AMA]

AMA: The title track is still easier to understand. Momochi-kun is probably singing about the feelings of a certain woman.

But with this song, I really don't understand anything.

I might be able to understand the way Momochi-kun builds up the song by listening during the recording, but I still can't figure out what the theme of the song is.

No matter how much I think about it, I still don't understand. But I think that's what Momochi-kun is aiming for - not to arrive at a definitive answer, but to purposely avoid it.

Thanks to that, I've been in a state of constantly thinking about this song since the other day.

Yes. Well, that's true.

I think Momochi-kun is amazing. He doesn't talk much about himself, but I know that much.

Thinking about it, this song is like Momochi-kun himself. Even though I don't know anything, I find myself drawn to it.

Oh no, I ended up talking about work again.

We decided not to talk about work, didn't we?

It’s me who doesn’t like it.

Let's just be together here as lovers, not as manager and artist.


mmc: Yeah, that was really good! Can I get one more like that?

Ohgi: But I think it was a little boring. This current version is better.

mmc: Yeah, don’t worry. You could even make it more emotional or intense.

mmc: Okay then, thank you.

Ohgi: Good job.

Ohgi: Huh? Where's Momochi-kun?

AMA: Probably taking a break or on the phone.

Yamato: By the way, nice job with the "Ohgi" move!

Yamato: That move today didn’t go smoothly in the past, right?

Shizuru: Yeah, and he even made a request.

Shizuru: Isn't it unusual for Momochi-kun to do that?

Ohgi: Hah, it's just a coincidence.

Ohgi: What I’m doing isn't any different from what I’ve done before.

Ohgi: I guess it's like predicting what Momochi-kun will do and watching his reactions.

Ohgi: That method has caused a big mess in the past.

AMA: But that’s not a bad strategy. Ohgi did nothing wrong.

AMA: It was my fault for doing something unnecessary and causing a bad atmosphere.

Ohgi: Akkun covered for me, but in the end, the third generation was not called up.

Yamato: After all of that, we’re still somewhat recognized, especially Momochi-kun.

AMA: I hope so. Everyone did their best this time too.

Ohgi: I'm sure it'll be okay. The fact that we've come this far is proof of that.

Shizuru: Yeah, we can be confident.

Shizuru: We have achieved our goal too.

AMA: Goal?

Shizuru: Well, isn't it just the five of us who can embody Veronica's world?

Shizuru: No one talks about the first-generation anymore.

Yamato: That’s true~ We are the strongest team capable of embodying Mr. Veronica's world.

Yamato: So lets keep doing our best from now on!

Ohgi: Let's do that.

Shizuru: Hey, hey, isn't this the time to do that thing we talked about before?

Yamato: I was thinking the same thing. In that case, let’s do it!


AMA: Now then…

mmc: Hm? …Huh?!

Shizuru: Ah, Momochi-kun, you finally came back!

mmc: I-I'm surprised. Everyone was still here!

mmc: I thought everyone had already left. N-No way.

Yamato: No, no. Actually, we were waiting for you, Momochi-kun~

mmc: Eh? Me? Um... What?

mmc: ?! Are we having an after-party now or something?

Shizuru: Ah, there was actually talk of having a party to celebrate, but, well, the song isn't finished yet.

mmc: Eh? Ah… nevermind.

Ohgi: Our recording is done for the day, but your recording isn't finished yet, Momochi-kun. When everything is really finished, we should have another party.

AMA: Let's have an after-party again with everyone.

Yamato: Yeah, let's do that. Let’s do it!

mmc: Mhm, I definitely think that's a good idea. Hahaha…

mmc: Anyways, everyone worked hard this time.

mmc: Now it's my turn to work hard.

mmc: I'll make sure both songs are the best new songs ever, so look forward to it!

Yamato: Of course, I'm super excited~!

Yamato: So, let's call it a day and do our usual thing.

AMA: That's what I was waiting for.

AMA: Momochi-kun, you know what to do?

mmc: Oh, I see. Got it! I understand, we’re doing it here?

Ohgi: Now then, Momochi-kun, please take care of it.

mmc: Alright~ Ehem… Then let's go, Veronica! Ei ei oh (cheer)!

all: Oh (cheer)!

Shizuru: Alright. With this, there's no doubt that this Survival was a huge success.

mmc: Well, that goes without saying, hehe~

*ゆくすゑ (yukusue) - fate; one's future i.e. “what lies ahead”

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1 year ago

Dear Vocalist Wired Momochi Translation - Cast Free Talk

Dear Vocalist Wired Momochi Translation - Cast Free Talk

disclaimer: this is 90% AI-generated transcription and translation, some things might be inaccurate or awkward.

(i’m not translating this word for word because tossi is too chaotic)

カレはヴォーカリスト CD「ディア ヴォーカリスト Wired」 エントリーNo.5 MOMOCHI(モモチ)

cv. Toshiyuki Toyonaga 利行 豊永

q: what did you think about playing momochi in this work?

a: It hurts my heart. It really hurts my heart. I say this every time during recording.

‘Is Momochi always such a terrible person?’ I ask that kind of thing.

The staff at Rejet said, "Well, it’s good."

They said there was a reason for it.

I don't know what will happen in the future.

It would be nice if the day came when we could reveal why Momochi turned out like this.

Well, yeah.

But it was fun. As always, I enjoyed playing the role while thinking, "This is crazy."

q: what was your favorite scene in the drama?

a: Ah, but the part where they were drinking at the bar, I felt like it gave a glimpse into Momochi-kun's feelings.

Or rather, his state of mind.

Personally, I thought it was good.

It showed that the main character wasn't just being mean all the time.

It was like, "Oh, he has some thoughts and feelings too." It was kind of rare.

And also, um... Duct tape?

Or maybe it was masking tape?

Everyone who's listening, especially the Cheers, you're all probably wrapped up in duct tape by now.

You're probably just spinning around and around. You're being wrapped up like crazy.

q: If you had to name one good thing about Momochi, what would it be?

a: Hey, really!

Why are you asking that? I'm just going to keep bringing Momochi down during this free talk, so why ask me that?

I'm sorry, it's not like I hate Momochi or anything, but I just don't think we could be friends.

If I had to name one good thing about him... well, it's not that there isn't any, but rather...

Having no good qualities is a good quality in itself, right?

I mean, just from looking at him...

But, I feel like that's how it is, you know? Like, there's really nothing more to it. This guy.

So, I have to do something about it myself or something like that.

I don't know what it is about him, but "somehow I have to help him" or "I have to be the person he vents his stress at".

That's why you're listening, right? Everyone.


Isn't that what it's about?

You know, like, seriously, there are women and men on the Rejet Staff, and the male team are pretty much at the "what's even good about him?" state.

That's the situation, you know? Every time we talk and chat on the job site, that's the topic that comes up.

The women are like, 'Well, I mean, this is good.' That's the feeling they have.

I think everyone feels that way. Of course we guys can understand to some extent, but it's still difficult to fully understand.

So, I think that's what makes it a good place. And, well, anyways,

Momochi likes kissing. He likes kissing.

He also likes to bite.

I kiss and bite right away. That's how Momochi is.

Really, it's something that can't be done on a daily basis, so I'm grateful to be able to do it. Thank you. Let's continue.

“Momochi hates the president of the agency, Panda President.”

Haha, that’s a sharp statement.

“When Panda President makes unreasonable demands, Momochi agrees with those around him and laughs awkwardly before running away to the smoking area.

Please teach Momochi how to get along with his boss.”

This is not just for Momochi, but for anyone working in a company. It's probably something that many employees have in common.

[…] Instead of avoiding them, maybe there's something to be gained by engaging with them.

You might see something that you wouldn't see otherwise, right? Momochi.

So don't just go out for a cigarette right away.

Let's try talking at a drinking party or at the office, okay? Hey, Momochi.

Sorry, I seem to be drunk today. No, I'm not drunk. (lol)

I said a lot of things, but...

Uh, I think it's better not to associate with people like Momochi too much in the real world.

But that's why you can enjoy this kind of work, isn't it?

That's also what I think, and when it comes to ethical issues... I want to speak my mind during those times.

People who listen and enjoy it can release their stress and not cause any problems.

Because, you know, there are certain common sense boundaries.

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