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It works with all of them I have concluded. SO… if you want, you can kill rykard, and still do the assassinations after. But only as long as you don’t talk to the people in the manor after I assume. (Also I didn’t do the final letter quest tho I just sent straight for rykard through the manor)
Question for some of you Elden Ring players. If I talk to patches and already have his letter, can I kill Rykard first and then go back and kill tragoth? I know you have to talk to patches before killing rykard but I was just wondering if I could talk to him, kill rykard, and then kill tragoth.

Ok soooo, I managed to do it. Turns out if you pick up the letter from patches, kill rykard, DONT go back to the manor and tell everyone you did it, and then kill tragoth, you still get the armor. I assume this works for the other assassinations letters as well but I haven’t tested it.

Question for some of you Elden Ring players. If I talk to patches and already have his letter, can I kill Rykard first and then go back and kill tragoth? I know you have to talk to patches before killing rykard but I was just wondering if I could talk to him, kill rykard, and then kill tragoth.

The most accurate part of this is that the boss is complaining to ya about being short staffed while also doing fuck all.

Just curious, what has recently happened with Johnny depp? I don’t follow celebrities but I just had a few posts come across my fyp that basically said he was terrible and was wondering what happened now.

quick reminder that my own gay ass genuinely supports the hell outta each and every one of you. regardless if i know you or not, im happy to be living in this shithole of a life in the same world with you.
and im proud of you, i know in my heart just how beautiful, amazing, talented, smart, and worthy you are and i hope you can see that too🏳️🌈🌈

Ok. Thx
Question for some of you Elden Ring players. If I talk to patches and already have his letter, can I kill Rykard first and then go back and kill tragoth? I know you have to talk to patches before killing rykard but I was just wondering if I could talk to him, kill rykard, and then kill tragoth.
Question for some of you Elden Ring players. If I talk to patches and already have his letter, can I kill Rykard first and then go back and kill tragoth? I know you have to talk to patches before killing rykard but I was just wondering if I could talk to him, kill rykard, and then kill tragoth.

TED LASSO 2.03 Do the Right-est Thing
Dick Grayson after moving into his new room in Wayne Manor days after his parents died in front of him:

i saw this:

and thought it would be fun to actually work that out. so

^^^ every doctor who episode in chronological order
(pls let me know if theres any mistakes! i got most of the info from the tardis wiki so idk if its 100% accurate)