De:pp - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Remember when Steven Universe almost ended over Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding, but when the network understood how popular it was they continued the series for a movie and a spin-off?

And then She-ra was able to capitalize off of that success and get approved to have Adora and Catra kiss and end up together at the end of the series?

And then The Owl House was able to capitalize off of that success and was allowed to have Luz and Amity be canon love interests from season one?

And in the meantime there was show after show featuring queer main and side characters to rave reviews and success?

And we all thought, this is it. The domino effect is working. We’re making progress. And animation was the industry with the most and some of the best queer representation in all of visual media and it was only growing?

And then The Owl House got canceled with nothing to replace it. And Kipo and OK KO and Dead End and every other queer-inclusive show that had popped up in the meantime all ended quickly or were canceled with nothing new to fill their holes.

And now we have nothing left. And the trend that had been escalating for the past 10 years to create a golden age of queer animation has seemingly been shot dead with nothing to show for it.

Remember that?

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2 years ago

Now I’m gonna spam de:pp incorrect quotes because I saw someone say it’s bad and now I will do everything in my power to personally piss them off

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2 years ago

Barney: *running towards Courtney with open arms*

Courtney: *moves out of the way*

Barney: Hey, why'd you move?!

Courtney: I thought you were going to attack me.

Barney: I was going to hug you!

Courtney: Why would you hug me?


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2 years ago

Barney: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare.

Pugsley: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great.

Barney: Not when you’re playing with Norma, it’s not. She puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”

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2 years ago

Norma: Courtney, why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?

Courtney: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.


Norma: Sanitize. I wrote sanitize, Courtney.

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2 years ago

Courtney: What’s it like being tall?

Courtney: Is it nice?

Courtney: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?

Barney: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.


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2 years ago

i double share this

I Feel The Need To Share This

i feel the need to share this

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2 years ago

Norma: So, a coworker showed me a picture of her babies and asked me what she thought.

Norma: Apparently I was supposed to say ‘Aww, they’re so cute!’

Norma: And not ‘I don’t know. I’m just not a fan of the franchise.

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2 years ago

Norma: Hey, random question, what’s your favorite flower?

Badyah: Peonies. Why?



Badyah: Were you going to get me flowers?

Norma: It’s a possibility

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2 years ago

Logs: Little gay and ready to play

Badyah: Big straight and ready to participate

Norma: Average bi and ready to try

Barborah: Aroace and on the case

Barney: Massive trans and ready to throw hands

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2 years ago

Trans Barney and trans Norma friendship

okay i feel like not enough people are talking about the scene in episode 9 where Barney calls out to Norma while she’s being possessed by Paulines ghost and she responds by saying, “Don’t you dare use my middle name,” like,,, is Paulines middle name Norma?? Was Norma being named that simply a coincidence or did she just asked to be called after learning Paulines middle name? I don’t think it’s the latter but still???

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2 years ago
Amber Strikes Again!! This Time Dropping A Grumpy On What Johnny Loves The Most. .. #grumpy #shitsandgiggles

Amber strikes again!! This time dropping a grumpy on what Johnny loves the most. 💔 .. #grumpy #shitsandgiggles #shits #amberheard #turd #johnnydepp #depp #depphead #poop #Trial #celebrity #gossip #popculture #heard #celebritycouple #abusiverelationship #dump #poo #johnnydeppfans #wearewithyoujohnnydepp #johnnydepplove #johnnydeppforever #johnnydeppisinnocent #amberheardisanabuser #amber #Johnny #millionairelifestyle #millionaireminds #millionairelife #fame (at New York)

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