24 yrs old & she/her Self-proclaimed Princess of Angsty Writing I run off of gremlin energy and loud music Unhealthily obsessed with skulls, dark colors, and demon-core aesthetics
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Ghostxrose - Shasta Rose - Tumblr Blog
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Here's the second chapter, Lovelies! Hope yall enjoy the read, and let me know if there are any tags I should add! <3

Enji Todoroki has always been a focused and serious person, someone who always did what needed to be done. He may have hated being bossed around and being at the bottom of the food chain, but his drive for power and need to be at the top are what got him where he is today. The day he became a Marshal was the day he truly began to look down on those he thought were far beneath him.
It hadn’t been very long after the day he ranked Marshal when the first Kaiju had pulled itself from the depths of the ocean and showed no mercy to the people of the cities it destroyed.
In all of his years, he hadn’t given the preposterous idea of aliens a single thought. There wasn’t any evidence to back up the claims of various wack-jobs around the world. Astronomers had proven time and time again that space was just cold and empty. Had Enji given even half a thought on the topic of aliens he certainly wouldn’t have ever suspected that they would emerge from the ocean.
It didn’t take very many attacks on major coastal cities around the world for nations to band together and try to come up with a solution to fight back. With the production of Jaegers came the preparation of pilots. Most of those who were volun-told to be pilots went through their training terrified. Enji, though, remained calm and level-headed through it all.
The day he stepped into a Jaeger and completed his first Drift seamlessly, Enji felt a new kind of power wash over him. He felt truly invincible like he could take anything on headfirst. And with this new feeling of power came a cockiness that he had trouble hiding behind a mask of stoicism.
Enji and his co-pilot, Toshinori Yagi, had made a powerful team. They hadn’t gotten along very well outside of the drift, mostly on Enji’s part, but they kicked Kaiju ass, nevertheless. They held the record for most Kaiju kills in Japan for two years. They were unstoppable.. until Okinawa.
It was 2200 and the two had just gotten back to their bunk when the alert sounded. Despite being as tired as they were, the two had suited up and rushed to their Jaeger, Mighty Endeavor. They had loaded up, Drifted, and made sure that everything was calibrated. Then they were flown off to Okinawa.
It was supposed to be an easy take-down and another kill for Mighty Endeavor and its pilots. The Kaiju, code-named Speartail, was a fairly small Category 3. Enji had worn a cocky smile the whole flight to Okinawa as adrenaline had coursed through his veins. Being in the red-haired man’s brain, Toshinori had just rolled his eyes with a good-natured smile.
The kill was supposed to be easy. They were supposed to have won.
Instead, what had happened was they were dropped into the water just off of the coastline and were immediately met by Speartail. The Kaiju, in all of its seemingly mindless brutality, relentlessly attacked the Jaeger. It moved quicker than anticipated, gliding through the water more smoothly than Mighty Endeavor. Enji and Toshinori had lost sight of the damn creature at one point, the both of them having to rely on Loccent to tell them where to look.
Unfortunately, in the few seconds that Enji had spent screaming at Loccent, Speartail had found its opportunity to launch itself at the Jaeger. Mighty Endeavor was hit hard, and Enji and Toshinori struggled to regain balance. Neither of them had seen the long tail of the creature coming toward the face of their Jaeger until the sharp, pointed end of it was speared through Toshinori’s chest.
A cross between a roar and a scream had been torn from Enji’s throat when he was struck with the phantom pain. The tail retreated as quickly as it came, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of Toshinori’s body. Blazing red and molten hot rage filled Enji and fueled him to not only pilot on his own but also kill the Kaiju. All the while, Toshinori’s lifeless body swung around limply from the piloting harness that it was stuck to.
Getting back to the Shatterdome that day had not been the success-filled occasion that it should have been. Instead, Enji was numb and his body had felt cold. It wasn’t until he saw the tear-soaked faces of Inko and Izuku that the reality of what had happened hit him.
Enji became cold and closed off, even more stoic, after that day. He hadn’t even congratulated or shown an ounce of pride when Toya became a full-fledged Ranger and pilot. On the day of Toya’s Drift-compatibility test, Enji silently brought his son to a private training room and tested to see if they were Drift-compatible.
Once Enji had confirmed that he and his son were, in fact, Drift-compatible, he asked to be sent a new, more up-to-date, Jaeger. Bravo Inferno had arrived quickly equipped with the latest technologies, smoother and quicker movement capabilities, and better weapons than what Mighty Endeavor had. The men’s first drift and test run of the new Jaeger went without a single hitch.
Enji and Toya had been Chiba’s most effective team of co-pilots, holding the record for most kills out of all of the teams stationed at the Shatterdome. While he took the job seriously in front of his father, Toya’s ability to be humble only ever went that far. Outside of his father’s intimidating presence, Toya was overly confident and cocky as hell. The only people who could stand him, the only people he wasn’t cocky around, were his mother and siblings.
He would genuinely smile and laugh when teasing and playing with his brothers and sisters. He would cry in his mother’s arms whenever he came back from an especially rough deployment. Behind the closed door of their family bunker, he could just be himself instead of the Toya that had to deflect the judgment and harsh words of his peers by being insufferably cocky and easy-going. He laughed boisterously at the comments flung at him even though all he wanted to scream was that he didn’t even ask to be the Marshal’s, his father’s, co-pilot. He never did understand why people couldn’t see that Enji always treated Toya like he was just another Ranger to boss around like the rest of them. That is the number one thing that Enji would come to regret every day after the day that Toya died.
The alert for the deployment that day had woken both Enji and Toya from their slumber. The AI’s voice told them that Bravo Inferno was being deployed to take down a Kaiju entering the shallows a few miles down the coastline from the Shatterdome. The Kaiju, code-named Kurassha, was labeled a Category 3, a level of Kaiju that they had fought and won against many times by that point.
They suited up, locked themselves into their harnesses, dropped and Drifted, then they were off. The whole flight to the Kaiju, while short, was full of Enji trying to ignore the fact that he could see his old self in his feral-eyed and manically grinning son. Instead of joining in on Toya’s hype, Enji simply told his son to “take the situation seriously” and to “stay focused” in his ever-commanding, anger-bitten, militant tone. He wasn’t in any mood to deal with Toya’s energy, not to mention, Enji was still pissed that Toya had been late getting to the Bay to suit up.
Their Jaeger was dropped into the water within the general vicinity of where Loccent had tracked the Kaiju. It hadn’t taken much looking around before Kurassha had decided to show itself. The massive creature had simply chosen to slowly rise out of the water about 40 feet away from where Bravo Inferno stood ready for battle.
Enji hadn’t been as phased by the appearance of the Kaiju as Toya had, his son’s fear flooding his mind and covering his own. Even if Enji hadn’t been sharing a brain space with his son, one could tell from the look on Toya’s face that he was terrified. Enji had swallowed his own fear, gritted his teeth, and demanded that Toya get it together and get ready to fight.
The decision to rush Kurassha was made at the same time the huge beast began rushing them. The brutal collision of beast and metal seemed to have shaken the earth beneath their feet, waves ripping through the water around them. Bravo Inferno’s metal fists landed punch after punch to the Kaiju, the impacts not seeming to do much to stop its assault on the Jaeger.
One of the Kaiju’s hands, which had been far larger than it should have been in proportion to its body, had come up and immediately grabbed Bravo Inferno’s right arm. Neither Toya nor Enji could keep their roars of pain in as the monster in front of them started crushing Bravo Inferno’s arm in its grip. It wasn’t until minutes of pain later that the Kaiju just ripped the newly crushed arm off of the Jaeger.
Panting and gritting his teeth, Enji had ignored Toya’s pleas to tell Loccent to send back up. He shouted at Toya to shut up and focus back on fighting, wholly believing that they could still finish and win the fight. He pressed a series of buttons and activated one of Bravo Inferno’s weapons as he attempted to block Toya’s thoughts from his mind.
Before Bravo Inferno’s remaining arm could fully transform into the weapon Enji had selected, the Jaeger was being picked up. Kurassha’s massive hands fully wrapped around Bravo Inferno’s middle, crushing the metal and digging its claws into the Jaeger’s spine. Shouts of pain erupted from both Enji and Toya, once more, their suits shocking them with violent pulses of electricity.
Suddenly, they were spinning, the monster that had a hold of them gearing up to launch them. After a couple of spins, Kurassha let go sending Bravo Inferno flying toward the jagged rocks of the shoreline. The loud ear-piercing sound of stone puncturing metal echoed throughout the surrounding area along with the roar tearing from the Kaiju as it bounded after the Jaeger.
Both men were dazed, Toya shaking with fear, as they tried to get back up from their harsh landing, but the machine that they were linked to seemed stuck. Enji was silent, trying to figure out their next move, as Toya shouted into the Comms for Loccent to send out backup. Loccent had been in the middle of informing them that backup was on the way when the Kaiju pounced on them. The action caused the sharp rock that was already embedded in the back of Bravo Inferno to pierce through further, the sharp tip protruding from the Jaeger’s chest.
Kurassha made quick work of crushing and ripping off the Jaeger’s left arm. As the Kaiju continued with its brutal and aggressive assault, Enji did something he had never done before; he froze. To him, everything was happening in slow motion. Sounds were muffled, his body jostled in the harness as the Kaiju tore the Jaeger apart from the outside of the Conn-Pod. He hadn’t even registered Toya screaming at him until he saw the cracking of the glass panel in front of him.
It was then that sound came crashing into his eardrums and he was forced back into reality. Multiple alarms were blaring, Loccent was cutting in and out, metal groaning and crumpling, and the gut-wrenching sound of Toya crying. A frantic look around the Conn-Pod told Enji that the monster outside had a massive hand wrapped around the head of Bravo Inferno and was slowly crushing it.
Even though he knew the risk, Enji manually released himself from his harness and immediately went to prepare the escape pods. Somehow, it was still possible for them to eject and that was the one and only time that Enji thanked whatever God may be out there. He turned toward Toya, shouting for him to get out of the harness and get to a pod, and saw his son struggling.
Toya’s manual release wasn’t working no matter what he did.
Enji felt his stomach sink and he rushed over to try to help his son, but when neither of them could get the harness to release and the Conn-Pod was closing in more and more by the second, Toya stopped his movements. Enji was filled with panic and exasperation and was about to yell at Toya to keep trying but stopped when he met his son’s eyes. Toya’s face, while calm, was solemn and his eyes were filled with deep sadness and defeat. Enji was pulled into a hug that he didn’t reciprocate because his mind was still in shock over the realization he just made.
“You better take care of them, Dad. They’re your family, not soldiers. I love you, Old Man.”
Those were Toya’s final words before shoving Enji away from him and shouting for him to get into the escape pod and leave. Enji’s entire being was numb in a way that he had never felt before, not even when Toshinori was killed. As if on autopilot, he had climbed into an escape pod, pressed everything that he needed to then was ejected from the head of Bravo Inferno seconds before it was finally crushed with his son still inside.
He flew through the air waiting for the escape pod to crash land somewhere when a new kind of pain shot through his numbed body. It wasn’t like the phantom pain one could feel through a Drift and it was far worse than any physical pain he had ever felt. It was the kind of pain you only feel when you lose someone you love.
That was the day Enji Todoroki started regretting treating his son and the rest of his children like they were soldiers.
That was the day Enji Todoroki started feeling disappointed in who he was as a person.
That was the only day that Enji Todoroki had ever wished that he had never chosen to make being in the military a lifetime career.
“Marshal Todoroki.” Aizawa’s firm voice knocks reality back into Enji’s mind and he blinks a few times at the tablet in front of him before looking up to his second-in-command with a question brow raised.
“You were.. overthinking the pairings, again.” Aizawa subtly excuses Enji’s wandering mind though his tone is tired and he lets out a sigh.
“Right.. My apologies, Shota. Where were we?” Enji asks, falling back into his serious and stoic mask.
“We were just re-evaluating the co-pilot pairings for the six that tested first earlier today. I just want to be sure that you are certain about who we’ve selected to be co-pilots,” Aizawa says, casting an unsure glance between the tablet in his hands and Enji.
“You have doubts about the pairings?” Enji questions with a tick of annoyance on his face.
“Only about one of them. Rangers Hado and Kendo will work well together, I believe. Rangers Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are practically twins, so they’ll Drift just fine. It’s Rangers Bakugo and To-” Aizawa begins to explain, ready to give his reasoning as to why the last pair wouldn’t mesh well when he’s cut off.
“They’ll work just fine together, Shota. If not at first, then they’ll learn to make it work.” Enji states, his tone definitive, and Aizawa lets out another sigh as he rubs his forehead.
“Okay then.. That’s all of the pairings, then. What time do you want to commence first Drift trials?” Aizawa asks tiredly.
“Set the mass alarms for 0500. We’ll let the Rangers eat breakfast before announcing their co-pilots and Jaeger assignments. We’ll have them all report to Bay 3, I’ve already had the groups’ Jaegers moved there.” Enji says as he scrolls through the pairings on his tablet one last time before closing tabs and signing out of it.
“Alright Enji, alarms are set,” Aizawa announces before closing the tabs on his own tablet and signing out of it.
“See you at 0530. Goodnight.” Aizawa says while standing, bowing slightly before leaving Enji’s office.
Enji mumbles out a “goodnight” as the door closes behind Aizawa, then releases a long sigh as he leans back in his chair. He checks the time on his watch, seeing that it’s already a bit late. He wonders if Rei has eaten already or if she waited for him. She doesn’t wait up for him as much anymore, usually choosing to grab him something from the Mess Hall and keeping it in their family bunker. But she does sit and talk with him while he eats and that’s more than he could ask for after everything they’ve been through over the years.
Especially when she’s the only one in their family that doesn’t blame him for Toya’s death.

Note ~ Let me know how you're feelin' about the story so far! Also, I know that I said that Enji is trash, and HE IS, but every other chapter/part or so will be written from his focus. I am still having a bit of trouble grasping onto Third POV stories as I mostly write in First or Second POV. So if the overall story or POV are a bit choppy, thats why haha! Anyway, I love and appreciate you all!! <3 <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
Thanks for answering my request so fast! Nobody's answered me so fast, even if you didn't write anything. It's fine, though!! Maybe I'll change my request? How about, an angst (of course) where female reader and Bakugou are married and have kids (doesn't matter how much or how old) but it turns out, Bakugou has been cheating (angst ending pls, unless you don't want) on Yn for a while now?
Ive been looking for something like this recently but never found it!
Thanks! 😘😘
Thank you so much for the ask, Lovely! I'm sorry that it took so long for me to answer, but I hope that I excuted the idea well. If I'm being honest, I had some trouble with this idea. Cheating isn't something I write about, but I hope that you get your fill of angst, haha.. Anyway, much love and appreciation, Lovely!

Earth Shattering | Bakugo Katsuki & Reader
You gaze out of the window of your parent’s dining room, gently rocking the half asleep one-year-old in your arms. It’s warm and sunny outside, but even the sun’s rays can’t melt away the cold feeling at the back of your mind of something being off. Life has been going well, you have everything you could ever want, but still that voice of intuition won’t quit its whispering.
“He hasn’t been with you three when you’ve come by for these lunches in ages. Your father and I just miss seeing our son-in-law, that’s all, hunny.” Your mother says with a touch of concern in her tone.
“He’s the country’s Number Two Hero, Mom. He has a busy schedule and he’s exhausted during his days off.” You say, giving her the same tired excuse that you’ve been giving her for nearly a year now.
Your gaze shifts to the bubbly three-year-old giggling and babbling nonsense to your father. A small smile pulls at your lips and something in your chest warms while simultaneously aching.
Truthfully, Katsuki has barely had time for the three of you. Your poor husband is always either out on the streets fighting demented villains or ends up staying late at his office drowning in paperwork. It’s put a bit of a strain of your relationship, but you know that he can’t do much about his work schedule, so you tough it out.
As much as you would have liked for him to come with you to your parent’s house today, you had seen just how exhausted he was. So you told him to spend his day off resting while you and the kids were out of the house for the day. He had asked multiple times if you would be fine handling them, if you were sure about him staying home. He knows that being a stay at home mom can be draining at the very least and you appreciate him wanting to help out. But you had reassured him over and over that you would be fine and told him to just relax as much as he could.
You can admit to yourself that you have been feeling frazzled these days.. It’s no easy task for one person to take care of a rambunctious three-year-old along with a fussy one-year-old. But you do it every day with a smile, even if some days that smile is a bit forced or strained.
“I know, hun,” your mother says softly, walking up to you with a warm smile on her face. She looks down and coos quietly at the sleeping baby in your arms. A more easy smile graces your face and you follow your mother to the couch to sit down.
You talk with your parents for a few more hours. It’s all general conversation and talks about taking the kids out to fun places. You feel slightly more sane on days like this, days where there’s other adults to talk with. Even chatting about mundane things like the weather feels good compared to the constant drone of kids cartoons and baby cries.
You love your kids, of course you do. They’re both the perfect mix of you and Katsuki in looks and personalities. Starting a family had been something you and Katsuki had talked about for a long time after you started dating. When your first child had been born the joy and light in your husband’s eyes was unmatched to any other feeling.
Admittedly, your second child had been an accident.. The result of the night Katsuki had been named Number Two. A night which you hardly remember except that you both had too much champagne and you forgot to take your birth control. But your second child entered the world with a warm and loving welcome from you and Katsuki.
You look over at the clock on the wall and let out a quiet sigh, “Looks like we should head out. It’s getting close to dinner time and I think Kats said he was going to make curry.”
“Alright, sweetie. We’ll help you load up the munchkins,” your father says as he stands up, your tired and fussy three-year-old sleepily clinging to him.
You buckle your one-year-old into their carrier, then grab the diaper bag. Your mother walks out of the kitchen with a container of spiced cookies, one of Katsuki’s favorites, and flashes you a smile. You give her an appreciative smile, then you all file out of the door to your car.
It’s a challenge for your father trying to buckle up your worn-out and inconsolable three-year-old, but the task gets completed. Once your kids are buckled in and everything has been secured in place you turn the car on, then make your way back to your parents. You hug them both, thank them for a nice day, and tell them you’ll try to get Katsuki to come with next time. By the time you slide into the driver’s seat of your car, your once inconsolable three-year-old is passed out and your one-year-old peacefully stares out the window.
The drive home is filled with you quietly humming along with the radio and trying to ignore the sudden and heavy feeling developing in the pit of your stomach. Your mind can’t provide a reason behind the feeling, so you just brush it off. You move with the flow of traffic until you eventually slow to pull into your driveway.
The security gate is already open and the feeling that’s been sitting like a rock in your stomach churns. Pulling up to the house the sight of an unfamiliar car parked in front of your garage is unavoidable. Your body begins to tremble as a million scenarios race through your mind, the top one being that somebody has broken into your home. You put your car in park, leaving it running but turning off the radio. A quick glance in your rear view mirror tells you that both of your children are sleeping.
Panic surges through you as you try to think about what to do. You pull your phone out of your purse and dial Katsuki’s number. It rings for what feels like forever until you get Katsuki’s voicemail. You try calling him a couple more times, but you keep getting his voicemail. Trying to school your breathing so that you don’t wake your children, you call Izuku and luckily he picks up on the first ring.
“Hey, Y/N! What’s up?” Izuku asks with his usual cheerfulness.
“Hey, Izuku. I’m, uhm, I’m kind of freaking out right now,” you say quietly, your eyes darting between your house and the view of your children in the rear view mirror.
“What’s going on?” Izuku’s tone quickly becomes serious and concerned.
“I-I just got home with the kids and the gate was open and there’s a car here that I’ve never seen before.. Katsuki isn’t answering his phone and I don’t know if he’s okay a-and I don’t know what-” Your words rush out of you and despite your best efforts your breathing picks up and tears sting at your eyes.
“I’m on my way right now, just stay in your car, okay? Do you have the doors locked?” There’s the sound of a door closing in the background as Izuku talks to you and a bit of relief fills you.
“Y-yeah.. What if.. what if Katsuki’s hurt, Izuku? What if a villain found out where we live o-or this is a robbery and they have weapons? I-I don’t.. I-I c-can’t..” You bring a hand up to muffle the cry that’s crawled up your throat and your watery eyes look into the mirror again.
“I’m almost there, Y/N. It’s all going to be okay. I’ll find out what’s going on and everything will be just fine.” Izuku tries his best to reassure you, but your stomach still churns with a now sickening feeling and all you can respond with is a weak “okay.”
It doesn’t take long for Iuzku’s car to tear into the driveway, your friend parking haphazardly a few feet away from you. He quickly gets out of his car and flashes you his signature smile before rushing to your front door. You watch him disappear inside and your emotions build up until you feel like you’re going to explode.
Suddenly, the front door is thrown open and a shaken-looking woman rushes out. Her hair is messy, her clothes look like hastily thrown on, and she looks a bit scared. She closes the door behind her and starts to head toward the car parked in front of your garage. Her eyes flit around until they land on your car, and your shocked gaze meets hers. The woman’s eyes widen and she practically runs to her car, quickly getting inside then peeling out of your driveway.
Your shocked mind suddenly goes blank and a numb-feeling spreads through your entire being. With one last look back at your sleeping babies, you get out of your car. You close the door of the running vehicle as slowly and quietly as you can. Mom-guilt about leaving your children in the car eats at the back of your mind as you make your way to the front door.
As soon as you open it you hear shouting coming from down the hall where your bedroom is at. You feel nauseous now and stomach acid burns at the back of your throat as you step further into the house.
“Don’t fucking tell her, Izuku! Sh-she doesn’t need to know! Th-the other women were just stress relief, I still love Y/N!” You hear Katsuki shout at Izuku and it takes conscious effort not to puke your shattered heart out.
You’re sure you’re wearing the same look of horrified shock as Katsuki when you get to the doorway of you and your husband’s bedroom. His is riddled with guilt, though, as your tear-filled eyes meet his. Izuku is at your side in an instant, letting you lean against him as your knees threaten to give out. The silence filling the room is tense, heavy, and suffocating as you take in your husband’s appearance. He’s nearly naked except for a pair of boxers, his hair is messier than usual, and he looks sweaty.
Your swallow dryly and straighten up, “Izuku, can the kids stay with you and Ochako for the night?” Your voice comes out surprisingly even given the situation.
“Y-yeah.. Y/N-” Izuku stutters in his reply, but you cut him off before he can speak further.
“Everything they should need is in the diaper bag in the back of my car. Call if there’s any problems or you guys need anything. Thank you.” You say a bit firmly as you fight to keep your composure.
Katsuki just stands there silently gaping and looking at you with an almost unreadable mix of emotions. You can’t help the trembling of your lip or the tears that continue to spill from your eyes as you stare right back at him. A horrible pain shoots through your chest and it really feels like you can feel your heart breaking. Izuku squeezes your shoulder before silently leaving and you wait until you hear the front door close before letting your composure crumble.
Gut-wrenching sobs are ripped from your chest and your legs finally give up on keeping you standing. You wail into your hands as painful heartbreak and rage consume you.
Katsuki arms are suddenly wrapping around you, “Y/N, baby, I-I’m so sorry! I-”
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You scream as you shove him off of you and crawl backwards away from him. “Take a fucking shower, then meet me out in the living room. I’m not talking to you in the same room you fucked other people! Unless you fucked them on the couch too?! You know what, I’ll be in the damn kitchen! It’s probably safe since you’ve refused to even fuck me in there!”
You’re quick to get up and leave the bedroom, slamming the door behind you before Katsuki could even get another word in. You sob as you make your way to the kitchen, the sight of half-eaten take out boxes sitting on the counter pushing you further over the edge. You barely make it to the trash before the contents of your stomach make their reappearance.
After cleaning yourself up and rinsing your mouth out with some water, you sit at the table and wait in the deathly silence. Too many thoughts run through your mind as you try to figure out if this is reality or not. Your mind supplies you with the reminder of how you noticed Katsuki’s behavior change not long after he had hit Number Two. How he seemed to have more late nights at the office during your second pregnancy, and even after the birth of your baby. How his days off were either spent here at the house by himself or the two of you doing your own things around the house.
The worst thought your mind supplied you is how rarely you were intimate with Katsuki anymore. You had just brushed it off as his sex-drive lowering because of the busy life you both lived. You never would have thought that he was getting his pleasure from other women while you were blissfully unaware and having to pleasure yourself..
You flinch at the sound of the bedroom door closing and your chest aches with every footstep approaching. The sound of the chair across from you being pulled away from the table makes you cringe as the feet of it scrape along the floor. You can feel Katsuki’s gaze on you, see his arms resting against the table top from your peripheral vision. You stare down at the spot on the table in front of you for another moment until you gather the courage to look him in the eyes.
“How long?” You ask quietly, your voice shaking.
Katsuki bites his bottom lip and his eyes shift down to his hands, “Please, Y/N.. I-I fucked up, I was a damn idiot, but please we can work-”
“How long, Katsuki? How long have you been screwing other women while I take care of our children? While I clean our house! While I do your laundry! How long have you been fucking other women in our bed while I’ve been playing loyal wife?!” You ask with such a bitterness and rage that Katsuki flinches.
“..it started a couple months after we found you were pregnant again.. " Katsuki admits quietly, his fists clenched and guilt written all over his face.
You choke on a muffled sob and your mind surges back to to the first message you had gotten from him telling you that he was staying late at work. Every single other message flashes through your mind until you’re reminded that he eventually just stopped sending them and left you to assume.
“..Wh-why? Di-did I do something? Wh-when did I become not enough for you?” You ask brokenly as you wonder how your heart is still beating even though it feels like it should be failing.
“Baby.. Y/N, y-you didn’t do anything.. not on purpose. Y-Your body was so sensitive when you were pregnant, it seemed like every little touch caused you pain.. A-and your mood swings were so constantly changing and I didn’t want to take my frustration out on you because you were carrying my fuckin’ child, so I just bottled it up..” Katsuki tries to explain, but his excuses are poor at best and rage burns in your veins.
“So instead of talking to me about it, instead of having a conversation with your wife, you chose to cheat?” You ask incredulous and hurt.
Katsuki clenches his jaw, his tell-tell signs of anger appearing on his features, “It felt like my wife didn’t want me around, let alone touch me! So, yes, I took advantage of the fact that women willingly throw themselves at me and I got my rocks off that way!”
You flinch as if his words are physical blows and another sob tears from your chest, “You tore apart our lives just to get your dick wet? I am so sorry that my difficult pregnancy pushed you to such an option. I am so sorry that I was so sore that even wearing clothes hurt. I am so sorry that I was so full of hormones that the mood swings that made me feel like shit, made you feel so unwanted. I am so sorry, Katsuki, that carrying, birthing, then caring for both of your children forced you to go put your dick in other pussies!”
Katsuki lets out a frustrated growl, his own anger firing up, “Christ, Y/N, I’m sorry! I’ll be sorry for the rest of my fucking life! I’m sorry that I wasn’t better, but I can be better! I won’t touch another woman again, I promise you! We can work through this, I still love you, damn it!”
A dry, humorless laugh bubbles out of your mouth and you can’t breathe for a moment. Katsuki pants across from you, caught up in his emotion, and stares at you bewildered.
“You’ve made promises, Katsuki,” you spit once you’ve caught your breath. “You stood across from me at that damn alter five years ago, said the same vows that I did. We made the same promises for each other, but the difference now is that I upheld mine! We can’t work through this, I don’t trust you anymore! You’ve single-handedly burned us to the ground-”
“Don’t, baby, please! Don’t say what I think you’re gonna say,” Katsuki begs as he half stands from his chair to try to reach across the table for you.
You push away from the table, standing fully from your chair and looking at Katsuki with anger and hurt, “We’re done, Katsuki, I want a divorce. In the mean time, the kids and I will be staying at my parent’s house. Don’t bother wasting your efforts trying to fix the shit you’ve broken. We are done.”
You leave Katsuki half hunched over the table stunned with tears in his eyes. You rush to the bedroom and hastily throw articles of clothing into a suit case. You grab a couple pairs of shoes, then quickly leave the bedroom nearly running into your husb- Katsuki. You shove past him as he starts spilling apologies and pleas for you to stay. Every weak grasp on your arm or wrist is met with you wrenching yourself away from him.
Ripping open the front door you rush to your car, throwing your little bit of belongings into the back seat. You climb into the driver’s seat and turn the car on, taking the picture of you and Katsuki off of your sun visor and throwing out of the window. As you back your car up to turn it around, you catch sight of Katsuki one more time. He’s standing on the front porch with guilt, shame, and sadness on his face. Tears cascade down from the eyes that you used to find so beautiful and you have to will yourself not to put the car in park and go running back into his arms.
Your tires screech as you pull out of the driveway, but it doesn’t cover up the sound of you screaming your heart break at your windshield. Tears pour down your face and hinder your vision as you try to maneuver through traffic. You’re desperate to see your babies, to hug them and tell them that you love them and that you’re sorry for what their future is going to become. You’re also desperate for someone’s comfort, whether it be your parents or Izuku and Ochako. You need a shoulder to cry on, a pillow to scream into, and maybe a stiff drink or two.
As you scream, sob, beat your steering wheel, and drive a bit haphazardly, too many thoughts flood your mind. Why would he do this to you? How could he do this to you? Why weren’t you enough? What more could you have done? Is this all actually happening? Is this really your reality?
“This is my reality..” You say aloud hoarsely as you sit in your car looking at Izuku and Ochako’s front door. Your body is simultaneously numb and aching all over. Your mind has finally gone blank, but it’s in the worst way possible. Tears still roll down your face and you sniffle every now and then as you continue dazedly staring.
How is it that your entire world can shatter within the span of a day?

Sorry if it wasn't angsty enough! But I hope that you stick around for future angst! I really cannot thank you enough for the ask/request, it means a lot to me that you'd want to reach out to me at all! My hope is to start interacting with my readers more, so I hope that others see this and want to follow your lead!
Hope you enjoyed the read and keep being amazing, Lovely! <3
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |
Summary ~ The war between humanity and aliens began in 2013 when the first Kaiju hauled itself out of the depths of the ocean. It rampaged through three cities, destroying everything in its path and killing thousands before it was finally taken down. As more Kaiju emerged from the sea, nations put aside rivalries and hatred in order to ban together and find a solution to save the human race.
Azusa had never imagined that this would be the world that she would grow up in. Mankind using giant robots to take down massive alien monsters sounds like the stuff of movies not the reality that she’s forced to live. She had also never imagined signing herself up to battle the monsters from the sea, but somebody needed to avenge her brother’s death and her father sure as hell wasn’t doing it.
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentially triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Heyy, Lovelies! This fic is my twist on MHA characters in the Pacific Rim universe. I am absolutely obsessed with Pacific Rim, it's probably my most favorite movie! So this fic is my mash up of two of my fave things. It is xOC instead of xReader, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same. I'm one of those readers who will imagine myself as the main chacter no matter what, so this can be read as reader-insert. Anyway, enough with my rambling, enjoy the story My Lovelies! <3

“Get going, Azusa!” He says with urgency as he ushers her out of the kitchen.
“I’m not fucking going anywhere without you, Toya! I have a bad feeling about this one! Please listen to me, don’t go with Dad!” She pleads over the sounds of their younger siblings crying.
“Dammit Azusa, I have to! Dad doesn’t have another co-pilot! We’ll be fine, just go!” He borderline shouts at her as he makes his way to the door.
“Don’t go! Please, don’t go!” She cries, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door.
“Fucking let me go! This is a job, Azusa, and I’ve been called to go do it! Go help Mom with Natsuo, Fuyumi, and Shoto!” He yells, ripping his arm out of her grasp and rushing out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
“Dammit, Toya-”
Jolting upright in her bed, chest heaving and tears wetting her face, Azusa slams the button on her alarm. Letting out a groan, she wipes at her face and tries to even out her breathing. It takes a few minutes, as it always does, but she finally manages to recover and drags herself out of bed.
“Thanks, subconscious.” She mumbles bitterly as she makes her way to the bathroom. She goes through the motions of her everyday routine; getting dressed, putting her hair up, brushing her teeth, staring at the old family vacation photo on her dresser for too long.. Numbly, she finishes lacing up her boots, then stands up ready to answer the door for the knock she knows is coming.
The predicted knock does happen and she opens the door to greet her sister, “Morning, Fuyumi.” She says as she steps out of her room, closing the door behind her and locking it.
“Good morning, Azusa! You ready for today?” Fuyumi asks her as the two make their way to the elevator.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” She says with a slight shrug as they step into the elevator.
After pressing the button for the Mess Hall, Fuyumi joins her sister in leaning against the back wall of the elevator. She bumps her shoulder against Azusa’s with a small playful smile on her face.
“It’s a big day for you, kinda thought you’d be more hyped.” She comments, her features taking on a bit of concern.
“It’s just another day, Yumi. Just another day of being one of his soldiers that he couldn’t give less of a damn about.” Azusa replies in an emotionless tone to cover up the anger burning beneath her skin.
Fuyumi lets out a heavy sigh as the elevator doors open, “He does care, Zusa… And I know that it won’t be the same without Toya there to cheer you on.. but it’s been three years. There was nothing more you could have done that day to stop him. He’s gone, you’re here, and you worked your ass off to get to this point. You deserve to feel excited about today.” She says tiredly as they walk up to the food line.
“Yeah..” Azusa responds quietly, letting the conversation fizzle out. They fill up their trays with no further conversation being made, then head for a table with open seating.
Unfortunately for both of them the only table with open seating just so happens to be next to the table that Katsuki Bakugo and his group are sitting at. Azusa rolls her eyes at the comments and praises she hears being thrown the blonde’s way as she sits down. It’s been two years since her group entered the Ranger Program and Bakugo’s arrogant personality hasn’t dimmed a bit. Not even being behind the scenes during humanity’s war against aliens has done anything to lessen his pompous attitude.
“Who do you think you’ll be Drift-compatible with, Bakugo?” Azusa hears Mina’s perky voice ask.
“I don’t think any of you extras could handle being in my head and I sure as hell don’t wanna be in any of your idiotic brains. I’m just gonna ask the Marshal to let me pilot by my damn self.” Bakugo replies with a tone full of annoyance, earning himself a few gasps of shock and a bit of laughter.
“Oh c’mon man, you know single piloting is impossible even with the tech we have now! Plus, I think we’d be Drift-compatible! We work well together and we’re both super manly!” She hears Kirishima exclaim and she lets out a small huff of laughter at the pose she knows he’s doing even without looking at him.
“I don’t need a damn co-pilot and if I am forced to have one, it better not be any of you idiots!” Bakugo bites out and Azusa rolls her eyes once again as she digs into her breakfast.
“What a jerk, Dad’s gonna be pissed if Bakugo actually puts in that request,” Fuyumi comments quietly before taking a sip of her juice.
Azusa silently nods her head in absentminded agreement as she takes another bite. Suddenly, everyone around her quiets down, their heads bowing in respect and words becoming low whispers.
“Good morning, Rangers.” Marshal Todoroki greets, his booming voice echoing throughout the Mess Hall and demanding attention.
“As many of you know, today is the day that groups A through D will be testing to find their Drift-compatibility partners, or rather, their co-pilots. All other groups will be excused from their training to witness the event, but do not mistake this as a free day. Learn something from what you witness. As for groups A through D, tests will begin at 0800. Be prepared and be on time.” He continues, his stern tone making everyone give an intimidated nod of understanding.
“Ranger Azusa Todoroki,” Marshal Todoroki calls out, causing everyone’s eyes to turn toward the girl. Azusa clenches her jaw and her eyes meet the cold blue ones of her father.
“Come to my office once you have finished breakfast. Thank you, everyone, you may carry on.” He finishes with a slight bow of his head before he and his second-in-command, Marshal Shota Aizawa, turn to leave. Noise ensues once again with the disappearance of the Marshal’s presence. Meaningless chatter and the clattering of dishware fill the room, but one voice, in particular, catches Azusa’s attention as very much intended by the voice’s owner.
“Aww, the princess get in trouble, again?” Bakugo’s taunting comment grates at Azusa’s eardrums and her grip on her chopsticks tightens.
Other than the whitening of her knuckles, she gives no reaction toward the blonde, her eyes cast down toward her food tray despite wanting to glare at Bakugo. She numbly finishes her breakfast, tells Fuyumi that she’ll see her later, then stands to clear her place. She can feel eyes on her as she takes her tray to the trash bin, but she maintains her facade of emotionless neutrality as she walks out of the Mess Hall.
“The fuck does the old man want now?” She mumbles out angrily under her breath as she steps into the elevator.
Jamming her finger against the button for the floor that the Marshal’s office is on, she lets out a long breath. Stepping back to the middle of the elevator, Azusa crosses her arms over her chest and closes her eyes. A minute or two passes and the elevator groans as it comes to a stop. She prepares herself, mentally and physically, to step out of the elevator when the doors begin to open but pauses when she comes face to face with Marshal Todoroki.
“Marshal?” She questions, bowing her head slightly, confusion flashing over her features before she settles back into her neutral state.
“We will be going down to the Shatterdome instead.” Marshal Todoroki says, his voice taking on a much different tone than earlier.
He stares at Azusa with an expectant look as he waits for her to move back so that he can step into the elevator. Azusa shakes the confusion from her mind and dutifully steps back to let the large man through the doorway. Tense silence fills the cramped-feeling space as she presses the button for the Shatterdome. The elevator groans once again as it begins descending.
“Why are we going to the Shatterdome, Sir?” Azusa asks, tone neutral and emotionless and the Marshal lets out a tired sigh.
“Azusa, please, it’s just the two of us you can call me da-”
“I stopped calling you that a long time ago, Enji. Why would I start again now? Just tell me why you wanted me to meet with you instead of letting me go get ready for my Drift-compatibility tests.” Azusa bites out, cutting off her father’s words.
Marshal Todoroki’s jaw clenches and his fists clench before the tension deflates from his body and a look of defeat fills his features, “I want to show you something.” He replies vaguely and Azusa sends him an incredulous look.
“You want to show me something?? This is ridiculous! I need to be getting ready, not dealing with your feeble attempts at earning my forgiveness ba-” Azusa’s anger gets the better of her until she cuts herself off, clamping her mouth shut as the elevator doors open.
Marshal Todoroki stays silent as they step out of the elevator, only opening his mouth to greet others. They move through the hustle and bustle of the Shatterdome, walking past Jaeger after Jaeger and all of the people working on said Jaegers. They finally stop at the far end of Bay 12, both of them turning their bodies toward the Jaeger standing tall against the wall. Azusa’s neck cranes as she looks up at the gigantic robot, a tidal wave of emotions flooding her as she takes it in.
“Bravo Inferno,” Azusa whispers out, tears building up on her lash lines and the Marshal quietly nods from beside her. “The day Toya died.. I thought she was too destroyed to salvage, I mean, you barely came back in one piece.. H-how is she here?” She asks, her voice thick with emotion and tears slipping down her face.
“It took the repair techs a long time, but they were able to put her back together. In fact, she’s better than she was before.. on the inside, that is. I made sure the outside was redone to look the same as when she first came out of production.” Marshal Todoroki says quietly, his hands clasped behind his back professionally but his face full of emotions.
Azusa stares up at her brother’s old Jaeger with a mixture of awe and sadness. The blue flame-colored paint reflects the lights of the Shatterdome, giving it a pearlescent shine. Bravo Inferno’s emblem, a flaming phoenix, is stamped proudly on the left side of its chest along with the numbers from the year it was made. From head to toe, the Jaeger looks just like it had the day Azusa watched it leave the base being piloted by her brother for the last time.
“What was the point of this?” Azusa asks, coming back to her senses and remembering that she is standing with the man responsible for her brother’s death. “You piloting again or something?”
Still looking up at Bravo Inferno, the Marshal shakes his head, “No, my piloting days are long since over with. I’m passing Bravo Inferno on to you, Azusa. It’s.. it’s what Toya would have wanted had he thought the war would still be going on.” He says looking at Azusa with the ghost of a smile on his saddened face.
It takes a moment for Azusa to work past the lump in her throat, to straighten her back even though she wants to fall to her knees and sob. A strained “thank you” makes its way out of her mouth as she blinks away the tears in her eyes.
Azusa cracks her knuckles before crossing her arms and waiting for the tests to begin. She and the other Rangers who will be testing today are gathered around the training mats, most idly chatting as they wait for Marshal Todoroki and Marshal Aizawa. She does a quick glance around and sees some of the other Rangers stretching, so she follows suit.
“Hey, Azusa!” Someone calls out excitedly right as Azusa hears footsteps approaching her. Turning her head, she catches sight of Tetsutetsu and Kendo making their way toward her. She sends them a small smile and waves, Tetsutetsu’s bright smile making her want to put on sunglasses.
“Hey guys,” she says when the two get up to her, narrowly dodging Tetsutetsu when he tries to engulf her in a hug.
“You nervous?” Kendo asks when the three of them fall back into warm-up stretches.
“Nope. I just hope that I get a good co-pilot.” Azusa answers simply as she leans further into a leg lunge.
“How are you not nervous?? Literally, everyone will be watching; Rangers, Rangers-in-training, Marshal Aizawa, Marshal Todoroki.. You’re seriously not nervous about your dad watching the tests??” Tetsutetsu rambles out before he is whacked upside the head by Kendo.
“Dude, shut up!” Kendo reprimands and Azusa huffs out a laugh.
“No, I’m not nervous. I don’t care who’s watching.” Azusa says with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Attention, Rangers!” Marshal Aizawa’s stern voice calls out and everyone stands at attention.
“At ease,” Marshal Todoroki calls out next as he steps up next to Marshal Aizawa. Everyone relaxes but keeps their full attention on the two men at the front of the room.
“We’ll go over a brief explanation of how the tests will work, then we’ll get started.” Marshal Aizawa starts as the bleachers along the walls of the room begin filling with the other groups of Rangers-in-training that aren’t testing.
“The tests will work like this; one-on-one melee combat with bo staffs. You all have been broken up into smaller groups based on your results from previous Drift simulations and screenings. These one-on-ones will help better identify who exactly you work well with. Remember Rangers, these are dialogues, not fights. The goal is to find a co-pilot that keeps up with your moves and keeps the scores even. Should one of you outright win a match then we’ll know that person is not a match for you. The cementing stage of this test will occur at a later date when you and your co-pilot are assigned a Jaeger and go through your first real Drift together.” Marshal Aizawa explains in his normal serious yet tired tone.
“Rangers Bakugo, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Todoroki, Kendo, and Hado, grab your bo staffs then step onto the mat. Each of you will have one match with each other then Marshal Todoroki and I will review your scores later. Your co-pilots will be announced tomorrow if we get through everyone’s tests today. Marshal Todoroki, if you would choose the starting pairings, please,” Marshal Aizawa says and Marshal Todoroki scans over the six Rangers lined up in front of him.
“Kendo with Bakugo, Tetsutetsu with Hado, and Kirishima with Todoroki.” Marshal Todoroki says, tone firm as always and his gaze already full of judgment.
“Rangers spread out across the mat with your respective opponent and assume position. You will begin when I say so.” Marshal Aizawa commands and the Rangers listen accordingly.
Once they’ve reached a space far enough away from the other pairs, Azusa faces Kirishima with her bo staff positioned diagonally in front of her. She takes in a deep breath, steadying the few nerves that have crept into her system, and bends her knees slightly ready to move to either defend or attack. Kirishima does the same, winking at her when their eyes meet with a playful smirk on his face.
“Rangers begin,” Marshal Aizawa commands, and the pairs begin their matches.
The match between Bakugo and Kendo ends quickly with the score being; Bakugou 4 and Kendo 1. That’s not to say that Kendo didn’t try her best to keep up with Bakugou, it’s just that the blonde was relentless. Despite them all being told that the matches were supposed to flow like dialogues and not fights, it’s just like Katsuki Bakugo to do his own thing. Tetsutetsu and Hado’s match ended a bit better with their scores being; Hado 4 and Tetsutetsu 2. In both of their typical fashions, they shook hands at the end of the match, both of them wearing confident smiles.
Kirishima and Azusa started out neck and neck, but that changed quickly when Azusa got the upper hand. Their match ended with the scores being; Azusa 4 and Kirishima 2. Azusa helped Kirishima up after her final time taking him down and wished him good luck on his next match. Kirishima, being the ever-bright ray of sunshine that he is, smiled warmly at her and thanked her for a good match.
The next three rounds of matches seemed to fly by while simultaneously feeling dragged out. Azusa had won by 1 point against both Hado and Kendo, which made her feel pretty good about ending up being co-pilots with either of them. She, unfortunately, lost by 2 points against Tetsutetsu and she was a little disappointed by the fact that one of her two best friends wasn’t a very good match for her to be co-pilots with. At the end of their, match Tetsutetsu gave her an encouraging smile and told her that he would have been honored to be co-pilots with her.
“Time for the final matches for the first six Rangers. The pairings will be as follows; Hado with Kendo, Tetsutetsu with Kirishima, and Bakugo with Todoroki. Get ready, Rangers.” Marshal Aizawa calls out, and Azusa’s entire being fills with dread.
“Prepared to lose, Princess?” Bakugo goads arrogantly as the two get into position and Azusa’s blood boils a bit.
Marshal Aizawa tells them to begin and Bakugo doesn’t hesitate to make the first move. Azusa blocks his bo staff a couple of times but ultimately Bakugo lands a hit to her shoulder.
“1-0.” Bakugo comments with a cocky smirk.
Not wasting another moment, Azusa swings her bo staff knocking the blonde’s bo staff away and rushing him. With quick movements, she brings her bo staff up, then swings it down, stopping it only inches from his face.
“1-1.” She says quietly, challenging him with her eyes while her face remains neutral.
They go back and forth for what feels like hours, both of them having stopped keeping track of the score after they hit 2-2. Both of them panting and sweating, their match continues on and on until a booming voice pierces the bubble they seem to be in.
“That’s enough! Bakugo, Todoroki, your match is over. Put your bo staffs away and get on the sidelines.” Marshal Todoroki sternly tells the two and Bakugo releases Azusa from the hold he had her in.
The blonde stands and walks off to put his bo staff away, not bothering to offer Azusa help. The two don’t even look at each other once they’re both situated on the sidelines of the training mat, standing as far away from each other as possible. Kendo and Tetsutetsu both send Azusa twin looks of surprise mixed with heavy confusion, but she chooses to ignore them in favor of watching the next group of matches.

Note ~ I know that there may not be much to go off of but let me know what you think so far! Should I post chapter/part 2 sooner than planned? Idk, I'm just loving how the story is turning out and wanted to share it with yall! I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3
Ps, @tr-mha-fan I'm doing my best to work on your (second) request, I promise that I didn't ignore your ask, Lovely! <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
I read your "Love is the death of peace of kind" and I kinda fell in love with your writing
I am a sucker for angst and the way you wrote that one was awesome!
I don't know if you take request...but if you do can you do a Denki angst? Like, maybe, where he's blamed for being the traitor when he really isn't on top of him having an abusive home life, and Y/N is the only one who's on his side?
Again, Idk if you take requests, and idk if you even do Denki, sooo...feel free to ignore this!!😘😘
Heyy, Lovely!
First, thank you so much for all the love on my fic!! I'm also a huge sucker for angst, obviously the crush your soul kind lmao!
Secondly, I simply couldn't just ignore this because yours is the second ask I've gotten and my first request, so thank you for both🥹🫶🏻 unfortunately, I don't think I would be capable of this request. I'm not sure if I'd be able to write for Denki because I'm not as familiar with his character as I am with Bakugo and I wouldn't want to butcher it.
Now, that's not to say I won't attempt it and see how it goes. If I do end up writing it, I'll make sure to tag/credit you! Just please know my brainrot is all Bakugo😅 but I do want to try my hand at writing for other mha characters, so thank you for the idea/request!!
Finally, thank you so much for the ask/request, Lovely! 🥹🥰🫶🏻 I appreciate you even just visiting my works and my blog! Keep being amazing!!<3
Reblog if you write fic and people can inbox you random-ass questions about your stories, itemized number lists be damned.
Love's the Death of Peace of Mind | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Summary ~ For three years your life was great, then Katsuki said nine little words. Nine simple words. One singular sentence. And everything that happened after those nine fucking words were spoken? Absolute Hell.
Tags/Warnings ~ MDNI, some non-descript NSFW content, Fem!Reader, some fluff, on a scale we're lookin at mostly hurt accompanied by a little bit of comfort, heavy angst, angst w/a happy ending tho, potentionally triggering situations, mild description of injuries, !alternate ending- read note for info please!, idk what else to tag just comment if there's anything else <3
Note ~ Hey Lovelies, soo this fic is going to be long and it's going to be angstyyy. The word count is 16,667 words without the alternate ending, so buckle in, Lovelies! And just remember, I swear to you that this idea started out a lot smaller and a lot fluffier in my head. The plot just took over and churned out this monstrosity.
Now, onto addressing the alternate ending.. I think it's technically more of an extended ending that will crush your soul if you choose to read it. Do with that what you will, just know that I warned you. I put it below the second image divider, under the A/N..
Happy reading, My Lovelies! <3

Maybe it was meant to be or maybe it wasn’t. You knew the parameters of his job, his still-budding career, his dream. You knew why your relationship was kept a secret from everyone. You had both agreed to keep it hidden and you were even happy about it. You enjoyed the privacy of it all.. No one butting in with opinions or teasing comments. No risks of having your daily life plastered all over various media. No threats upon your life from vengeful villains. It was just you and Katsuki living your best lives together, until..
“I’m goin’ on a mission out of the country.”
Those had been the first words out of Katsuki’s mouth when he had finally decided to break the brooding silence that he had been exercising since he stepped foot into your shared apartment.
He had gotten home from work, taken his shoes off, and went straight to your guys’ bedroom without uttering a single word to you. It had been mostly uncharacteristic of him, but you had just brushed it off as him having had a rough day and let it be. When he had finally chosen to speak, you were both halfway through the dinner you had made.
Your chopsticks had clattered to the table as something paralyzing and numbing had taken over your body. You had looked over at him, your eyes glassy and your hands shaking. Shock, fear, anger, and sadness had slammed into you like a brick wall and made everything heart-breakingly surreal. He was staring down at his plate, refusing to look at you, but his jaw was clenched and his hand had tightened around his chopsticks.
“Look, ya know that this-” he had begun to argue, begun to try to defend himself and his job, but you had cut him off.
“When do you leave?” You had asked in a voice that was far more calm and controlled than you had ever thought was possible in a moment like that.
It was then that his eyes had widened slightly and he met your gaze, his features softening a bit when he had noticed the barely contained tears that had built up on your lash lines.
“Two days.” He had stated in a quiet tone and a bit of guilt in his eyes.
“F-for ho-how long?” You had stuttered out as your poorly held together composure crumbled.
He was quiet for a moment, eyes roaming your face and taking you in, before he spoke again, “A year. Could be shorter, could be longer.”
You could tell that he was a bit surprised that neither of you were yelling or fighting about it, yet. But he also knew that you had always been someone who never let things get to that point, nor had you ever aided in his fuse blowing. You had always been his calm, his quiet, his serenity.
You had quietly nodded your head as you took in the information and attempted to process. You were mentally going over everything you both would have to do to prepare for his departure when he had spoken up, yet again.
“I,” he had started, albeit abnormally hesitantly, before continuing, “I don’t want you to wait for me.”
Your entire world had shattered, caught fire, fucking exploded, in that moment and you snapped.
“What the actual fuck are you talking about, Katsuki?” You questioned, your voice raised and harsh.
Katsuki had visibly winced before hardening his expression and body language. In the three years that you and him had been together you had never raised your voice at him let alone ever said his name like that. His face had shifted into a heated glare, something that he was very much familiar with.
“You fuckin’ heard me, Y/N! I don’t need you mopin’ around this place just fuckin’ waitin’ to see if I’ll message you or even return home! I- I’m cuttin’ you free! Free to do whatever the fuck you want! Free to party! Free to go out with whoever you want! Free to fuck whoever you want!” He had viciously spat out, his voice raised to a shout by the end of his explanation.
Your brain had stopped working as horrified shock had taken over your features and tears had flowed down your face. You were only knocked back into reality when Katsuki had slammed his fist down on the table as curses flew from his mouth.
“Do.. how.. You truly think so low of me?” You had asked, your voice quieted by immense hurt and disbelief. “You truly believe that I wouldn’t be able to handle you being away? That I would let myself just sit here in our apartment and rot?! You truly believe that I would want to be with or fuck anyone else?! Jesus fucking Christ, Katsuki! Do the last three fucking years not exist?! Do you not fucking know me at all?!” You had shouted back at him, your voice cracking and raw.
You had shattered completely after shouting, your face in your hands as gut-wrenching sobs tore from your mouth. A metallic tang on your tongue with every harsh exhale had told you just how much your vocal cords had suffered. It had felt like you were choking as you sat there trying to wrap your head around what the hell was going on.
“Kirishima and Mina will be here tomorrow to help get my stuff. They’re going to store it for me until I get back. I’ve already taken my name off of the lease, but paid for the next six months’ rent. I..” Katsuki had paused for a moment, his disconnected tone wavering ever-so-slightly before he cleared his throat. “This is what needs to happen, Y/N.” He had said with emotionless finality.
That had broken you even more, something you had thought impossible at the time, and overwhelming nausea had slammed into you. You had bolted from the table and barely made it to the bathroom before what little you had eaten at dinner made its reappearance. You had locked yourself in that bathroom for the rest of the night. Katsuki hadn’t knocked, hadn’t called out to you to see if you were okay. You had caught the few times he had lingered outside of the door, but he had just walked away silently each time.
That was four months ago.
Now, you do anything you can to not be in that godforsaken apartment that he had left you in.
Every time you’re there, memories of the day he left shred you into nothing. Flashbacks of numbly sitting on the couch watching him gather the small amount of items he had left in the apartment and placing them by the door. Flashbacks of watching him make his coffee and eat in silence. Flashbacks of shivering from the devastating cold that had settled into your bones, no matter the amount of layers you had thrown on. Flashbacks of him not looking at you once as he put his shoes on, picked up his bags, and left without uttering a single fucking word.
The click of the door shutting is an echo that haunts and breaks you every single time you step foot in that place.
So now you spend your nights at friends’ houses or in hotels. You throw yourself into working or meaningless tasks. You fill all of your freetime with hobby after hobby. You do absolutely anything and everything you can because if you stop for one fucking second, then all of your thoughts go back to him.
Is this what he wanted for you?
You know about and pointedly ignore worries thrown your way. You dismiss the questions from friends and family about your sudden change in pace and mental state.
“Are you alright, Y/N?”
“Why are you working yourself so hard?”
“What are you constantly rushing around for?”
“Are you sleeping okay? Those dark circles are a bit concerning..”
“Has something happened?”
“Y/N, are you doing okay?”
Are you doing okay?
You force your happy facade back into place as you look at your reflection in the doors of the elevator. Ignoring all of the physical signs of you not being okay, you paint a smile on your face when you hear the ding alerting you of your arrival to the requested floor. Freshly baked goodies in hand, you step out of the elevator, your eyes searching for the door number you want. Finally seeing and getting up to the aforementioned door, you take a deep breath and knock. It takes a moment or two, but eventually the door opens.
“Hey, Izuku! I had some time and thought I’d drop by to give you these!” You greet cheerfully, holding up the bags of baked goods. “There’s, uhm, there’s.. Shit, what did I make, again..” You fumble and look down into the bags to remember what all you had baked.
Your memory comes back to you and with a triumphant grin, you look back up at Izuku, “Right! There’s some mochi, chocolate chunk cookies, uhm, red bean-”
“Y/N,” Izuku says your name softly, but in a way that feels offending-ly like pity and your words come to a dead-stop.
“Please don’t speak to me like that.” You quietly grit out, your hands gripping the handles of the bags tightly as your eyes fall to the floor, your stare boring holes into Izuku’s socked feet.
A sigh is exhaled through Izuku’s nose before he reaches out and gently grabs your shoulder, bringing you into his apartment. You let him guide you inside, your facade cracking a bit and letting your heavier emotions through to slump your body language. The door clicks shut behind you and you unintentionally flinch at the soft noise. Scarred hands come into your vision and gently take the bags from your still clenched ones.
Izuku is one of the only people who knows about your.. situation, other than Kirishima and Mina. You hate that anyone knows, but you especially hate that Izuku knows. You hate it because the only reason he knows is due to the letter that Katsuki had delivered to him the day he left. The letter that Izuku refuses to let you read. The letter that your green-haired friend refuses to even talk about with you any more than it stated to look after you.
The day Katsuki had left, Izuku had shown up not long after the blonde had closed the door. Izuku had let himself in using the key, Katsuki’s key, that had been in the envelope with the letter. You hadn’t moved from your spot on the couch. The green-haired hero had found you just sitting there staring at the wall with tears dripping from your face.
It was Izuku who had cleaned up Katsuki’s mess. It was Izuku who had quietly found a washcloth and dampened it, then used it to gently wipe your face. It was Izuku who had forced you to eat buttered toast and drink some water. It was Izuku who had sat there in the blaring silence with you until you ultimately passed out from the exhaustion of it all.
“Y/N,” Izuku calls your name softly, once again, bringing you back to the present. You look up to see him holding the bags you have yet to let go of with a small, albeit sad, smile.
“You can let go of these now, thank you.” He says gently as he slowly pulls the bags further toward himself. With a small nod, you finally relinquish your grasp on the bags. A slightly stuttered breath leaves your lungs before you straighten up and paint a smile on your face.
“My bad, sorry about that!” You say with a huff of forced laughter.
“Have you eaten today?” Izuku asks with a knowing tone as he makes his way to his kitchen. Your jaw clenches out of irritation and it’s only made worse when a sharp pang from your stomach hits.
“I have.” You lie, kicking off your shoes and moving to follow him, ignoring the way your body trembles slightly and how the room spins a bit when you move too fast.
“Well, I was just about to make dinner. How about you join me?” Izuku says, his question coming out as more of a statement even with the cheery lilt of his voice.
“I would love to but I’ve got, ya know, some stuff to do still, so-” You ramble out as you back-track toward your shoes and the door. You cut yourself off when you feel a warm static wrapping around your wrist and you stop walking. Looking down, you see a tendril of Blackwhip gently pulling you back toward the kitchen and you let out an irritated huff.
“Sit down for a bit, Y/N. How does katsudon sound?” Izuku’s annoyingly kind voice asks as another tendril of Blackwhip pulls out a chair for you.
With a tired sigh, you plop yourself down into the chair and grumble out, “Sounds good.”
Izuku listens closely for a few moments, standing at his cracked bedroom door. When he doesn’t hear anything more than the electrical humming of the apartment, he closes the door as quietly as he can. He makes his way to his bed and grabs his phone off of the nightstand, turning it on and navigating through apps.
After going through the extensive security process of the HPSC Communications app, he pulls up Katsuki’s file. Getting to the call function, Izuku presses it with almost no hesitation, then brings the phone up to his ear.
“The fuck are ya risking a call for, Nerd?” Katsuki’s agitated tone demands when the call connects after a few rings.
“Hello to you too, Kacchan.” Izuku says quietly while rolling his eyes.
“Cut the fuckin’ pleasantries, Izuku. You already know these damn calls can’t be long. Also, why the fuck are you whispering?” Katsuki, once again, demands. Though, he sounds more tired now than anything else.
“Y/N came by today, ended up crashing here for the night. Hopefully, she’s sleeping but I don’t want to risk her hearing me talking to you..” Izuku quietly explains, wincing slightly at how bluntly it all came out. Silence fills the call at the mention of you and Izuku tries to suppress his frustrations with his childhood friend.
“She’s.. she’s not doing well, Kacchan. If her physical state is anything to go off of, she’s losing it. She’s lost more weight, the bags under her eyes could pass as bruises, her mental stability is practically nonexistent-” Izuku says, diving into his reason for calling when he’s cut off.
“Goddammit, Izuku! The fuck do you want me to do?! I can’t come home! Not that I think that it would help any! Every fucking ‘update’ you give me does nothing! I know what I did was shitty! I know that! But I can’t do anything to change or fix things right now, so what the hell do you want from me?!” Katsuki shouts from his end of the call making Izuku wince and hold the phone away from his ear.
Sighing heavily at Katsuki’s angered breathing coming through the speaker, Izuku defeatedly replies, “You told me to give you updates, Kacchan, and I’m doing that. I don’t know what you should do with the information I give you and I know how you feel about what you did. I.. I’m just worried about her.”
Izuku runs a hand through his hair, letting out another sigh before continuing, “If she keeps going like this.. she’s going to-”
“Don’t.” Katsuki speaks up, his voice quiet and shaking slightly. “Don’t finish that fucking sentence, please Izuku. I can’t.. If she.. Just, don’t.”
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.. Obviously, I’m going to keep doing my best to keep an eye on her, but.. I can only do so much.” Izuku says quietly, defeat and helplessness churning his mind.
“I know, Nerd.. thanks.” Katsuki grumbles out, but his gratitude is still felt by Izuku.
“So, how’s the mission going?” Izuku asks awkwardly, changing the subject.
You wake up the next morning, taking a few moments to gaze around the room you’re in and remember where you are. Rolling onto your back, you yawn as you take in the familiarity of the guest room of Izuku’s apartment. You’ve spent more than a few nights (and days) in this room within the last four months, so much so that some of your clothes take up space in the closet. You hate feeling like you’re imposing on Izuku every time you spend the night, but you are eternally grateful for his friendship.
Letting out a sigh, you stare blankly up at the ceiling as a cold, numbing feeling sinks into your body. You don’t want to move. You don’t want to exhaust yourself anymore by pretending to be okay. You just want to lay in bed and rot. But you can’t because that’s what Katsuki expected you to do and you can’t let him be right.
Ignoring the beginning ache of a headache from crying multiple times throughout the night, you heave your body out of the bed. Slowly, you shuffle your way to the bathroom and try, very desperately, to find the energy to put together your facade of happiness. The smell of food cooking floats through the air and a small, appreciative smile pulls at your lips.
Finishing up your business in the bathroom, you make your way to the kitchen. You find Izuku humming quietly as he scoops rice into two separate bowls. Also spotting two steaming bowls of miso soup, you feel your stomach rumble a bit.
“Good morning, Izuku!” You greet happily as you walk up next to him.
“Oh, good morning, Y/N! I was actually about to come see if you were awake yet! You have good timing!” Izuku says with a warm smile as he hands you a bowl of rice and a bowl of soup.
“Woke up a few minutes ago,” you lie, not wanting to talk about the thirty minutes you spent mentally rotting. “Thanks for breakfast!” You say with a smile as you seat yourself at the island.
“Of course!” Izuku says with his signature smile as he sits next to you. “Any plans for the day?” He asks after a few bites of food.
You internally sigh, trying to conjure up a list of to-do’s to keep your day off from work as busy as it can be, “Uhm, I have to stop by the grocery store since I used up a lot of ingredients making a bunch of baked goods.. Akari is in for quite a surprise when they open their fridge if they haven’t already..” You say with a bit of nervous laughter.
“Ah, you’ve been staying with them, lately? How are they doing?” Izuku asks politely, though underneath, he’s still concerned that you refuse to stay in your own apartment.
“They’re doing well.. but, I think that they’re getting a bit, uhm, overwhelmed by my various hobbies, haha..” You say with a tinge of guilt as you nervously stir your soup.
Izuku sends you a reassuring smile, “I’m sure they would let you know if they were feeling overwhelmed. You know.. You still have your own apartment-”
“Izuku. You know that I just can’t-”
“Just hear me out, Y/N. I know that it still causes you pain being back there, but maybe it’ll help heal you if you go back and take the place back as your own.” Izuku advises, his tone calm yet slightly pleading. “Buy yourself some plants, rearrange the furniture, paint the walls, do something to make it different than when Katsuki was there. I don’t mean to sound harsh, but you’ve barely been there over the last few months. Realistically, you either need to start living there again or break the lease before you have to start paying rent again.” He finishes with a look of worry on his face.
You go deathly quiet, just staring intensely down at your food as your hand grips your spoon. You know that he’s right and that he would never try to hurt you by bringing up Katsuki.. But that doesn’t keep the pain in your chest from spreading. You let out a shaky sigh, your appetite completely disappearing, and you stand to clear your place.
“I should really change and head out, but thank you, Izuku. I’ll message you later.” You say stoically as you rinse your dishes, then leave the kitchen.
Getting back to the guest room you change quickly and gather your stuff. You fix up the guest room, taking the time to bring the bedding to the laundry room and put it in the washing machine. Finally, you head for the door to put your shoes on and Izuku hovers near you, guilt written all over his face.
“You can stop acting like a kicked puppy, Izuku,” you sigh out as you straighten up from tying your shoes. “I know you meant well earlier and I.. I’ll think about what you said, okay? I appreciate you caring about me at all in the first place.” You finish softly and step forward to hug him.
Izuku lets out a relieved breath and wraps his arms around you, “I’m still sorry for being so.. blunt earlier. I just worry about you, that’s all. I don’t have any siblings but after getting to know you over the last four months, you’re like a sister to me. I’m here for you whenever you need, okay?” He says softly, then kisses the top of your head.
You nod against him, emotion clogging your throat, and give him one last squeeze before you both release each other. You shoot him a wobbly smile before you open the door and step out into the hall, making your way to the elevator.
A few hours later, you’ve restocked your friend’s fridge and pantry with all of the items you used up while manically baking. They told you that you didn’t have to, but there was no way you weren’t going to replace it all when they’ve been letting you live at their house for the last week and a half. Eventually, they ask if you’ll be staying again tonight but you shake your head and thank them for being so amazing to you. With that, you gather up all of your stuff and pack it into your car before getting into the driver’s seat.
‘Izuku was right. I need to do this. I need to do it tonight before I have the chance to overthink myself out of it.’ You state to yourself as you start your car. You drive in silence the whole way to your apartment, your grip on the steering wheel white-knuckled.
Once you get to your apartment complex, your white-knuckled grip transfers from your steering wheel to your bags as you grab them from the trunk of your car. Your body trembles and your mind goes distant as you ride the elevator up to your apartment. Your stomach sinks and your heart begins to race as the elevator ascends. Finally, it stops and the doors open to the floor that you are so painfully familiar with. Your keys nearly fall from your sweaty hand as your trembles increase with each step toward your door.
The sound of them hitting the floor doesn’t register in your brain as you walk up to your cracked-open apartment door. Your bags join your keys on the floor as you, admittedly stupidly, push open the door. Reality slams back into your blank mind when your eyes meet those of some stranger who's standing in your living room. Fear pours over you like a bucket of ice water and you just fucking freeze.
Suddenly, pain explodes from the back of your head, your thoughts of what you should fucking do disappearing before any sort of move could be made, and everything fades to black.
Izuku checks his phone for what feels like the millionth time today and frowns at the lack of notifications from you. With a frustrated and concerned huff, he stuffs his phone back into his pocket.
“You’ve been checking your phone all patrol, bro. Everything okay?” Kirishima asks from beside Izuku.
Izuku wasn’t supposed to work today, but a hero never truly has a day off and he was called in to cover Mina’s patrol slot with Kirishima.
Izuku runs a hand through his hair, “I haven’t heard from Y/N all day. She crashed at my place last night and left this morning after I had basically told her to go back home to her apartment and try moving on with her life. I had apologized before she left and she didn’t seem mad, but even if she was she would have messaged me by now. On top of all of that, I have this weird pit in my stomach and danger sense won’t leave me alone and I don’t know what to make of it-”
“Woah, bro, okay calm down. Tell you what, let’s finish up our patrol, then I’ll come with you to check up on her. Where’s she staying this time?” Kirishima calmly, and a bit concernedly, plans out after cutting off Izuku’s panicked ramble.
“She mentioned this morning that she’s been staying with Akari, lately. Hopefully, she’s still at their place.” Izuku mumbles out distractedly as he checks his phone, yet again.
“Okay, we’ll go straight to their apartment once we finish up at the agency.” Kirishima says with a pit of worry starting to churn in his own stomach.
The pair rush through their end-of-shift tasks once they get back to the agency and soon they are seated in Kirishima’s car heading for Akari’s apartment. While giving directions from the passenger seat, Izuku texts and calls your phone, getting met with no answers each time. His stress and worry levels only increase with each missed call and he can only pray that you’re sleeping.
They pull into the parking lot of your friend’s apartment complex, Kirishima barely locking his car before Izuku is rushing off. The pair of heroes get up to the door of Akari’s apartment, Izuku knocking as politely as he can in his increasing panic. When the door finally opens, it’s only a confused Akari standing there wondering where the hell the fire is.
Akari tells the two heroes that you had packed up all of your stuff and left hours ago. Izuku’s stomach drops at this new piece of information and his mind jumps to worst case scenarios. His biggest fear is that you returned to your apartment, decided that it was all too much, and did something to yourself. A rational fear given your severe mental instability the last few months, but still an overly terrifying thought. As Izuku and Kirishima get back into the red-heads car, Izuku mentally berates himself for not accompanying, or at the very least getting ahold of you, earlier.
Kirishima speeds through traffic, his grip on the steering wheel near crushing. He feels extremely guilty for not keeping up with you as much as he should have since Katsuki left. He just figured that you wouldn’t want to talk to him because of his part in the whole situation with him holding onto Katsuki’s things. He’s mostly been getting updates on your well-being from Izuku, an admittedly cowardly move from the man who loves to preach about “manliness.”
Kirishima shoves down his guilt and worry driven nausea as he weaves his car through traffic. He’s just as worried as Izuku over the thought that you’ve done something to yourself. He isn’t sure how he’d ever be able to look Izuku, or Katsuki, in the eye again if they find you injured or dead in that apartment. He would never be able to forgive himself for playing a part in your pain.
“Eijiro! Are you coming or not?!” Izuku’s frustrated voice breaks Kirishima from his clouded mind, the red-head just now registering that they’ve arrived at your apartment complex. The two rush through the lobby of the complex and anxiously wait for the elevator to bring them to the floor your apartment is on.
The doors open and they barrel out of the elevator, practically running for your door. Izuku gets to it first and stops dead in his tracks when he finds your door wide open. Barely stepping through the doorway the green-haired hero spots the small pool of blood on the floor and his emotions surge through him.
“Damn it!” He shouts in frustrated anguish as he steps over it to search the rest of the apartment.
Kirishima follows behind him, stomach acid burning at the back of his throat. Neither of them find any other trace of you beside your bags haphazardly tossed aside on the floor. It’s Kirishima that notices first that there is stuff missing from the apartment. He grabs Izuku by the shoulders and shakes him a bit to get him focused, Izuku growling and about to go off when he sees the look in Kirishima’s eyes.
“Don’t touch anything else.” Kirishima states ominously. “Izuku.. This.. this is a crime scene.” The red-head finishes with a sad look in his eyes and Izuku’s entire being goes numb.
When consciousness comes back to you it’s slow and everything is blurry. Your head aches badly, your body feels heavy in its forced sitting position, and there’s something in your mouth. Your vision clears for the most part, aside from the slight spinning of the room if you shift your eyes too fast, and what you see makes your panic spike up painfully.
Firstly, you’re tied to a chair in the middle of a dimly lit room, possibly in some sort of abandoned building. There’s a man off to your left sitting at what seems to be an old desk and another man, a bit further to the right of the room, at the doorway. The man at the desk is clicking through files of a laptop, seemingly searching for something. It’s only when the man briefly goes to the main desktop screen that you realize it’s your laptop, the background being a photo of you and Katsuki together. Your stomach lurches and your heart sinks as a whimper escapes you, muffled by the gag in your mouth.
Your whimper catches the attention of both men and both of them look at you with smiles filled with malicious intent. Tears of fear prick at your eyes as the one at the desk tells the other to “go get Boss” and takes a tablet from his hands. A tablet that you realize is also yours judging by the customized Dynamight themed case.
The throbbing coming from the back of your skull gets worse as your breaths increase and you cry harder. You aren’t sure what they could be looking for on your laptop and tablet, you’ve always been extremely careful in burying any information that pertains to Katsuki’s job. Files tucked away within the depths of technology, locked up with passwords you’ve long forgotten and encrypted.
“So the princess woke up, huh?” A taunting voice startles you out of your thoughts and you watch a tall man enter the room with the man who was guarding the door following behind him. You mask your fear by glaring at the man as he casually strides up to you with a smirk on his face.
“Come now, princess, don’t be like that. Such an ugly look on such a pretty face.” The man coos out, condescending and sickeningly sweet.
You curse him out but your voice is once again muffled by the gag in your mouth. The man simply laughs at you as he pulls up a chair, its metal legs scraping harshly against the old laminate flooring. You cringe at the noise but manage to maintain your glare as the man sits down in front of you. His elbows rest on his knees, his hands clasping together around a phone and he leans forward to rest his chin on the top edge of it. His eyes look over your form as a twisted smile sits on his face.
“So you’re the great Dynamight’s secret little bitch.” The man states, not questions, but states. Your heart rate picks up and your glare falters slightly, making the man’s smile widen.
“I can see why he kept you so well hidden! You’re a real looker, ain'tcha? Smile so sweet it’s nearly tooth-rotting,” he continues, but now he’s opened the phone and is scrolling through picture after picture of you and Katsuki. Your glare crumbles completely as tears begin flowing from your eyes from both fear and pain over your past. Your eyes fall to your lap and your jaw clenches against the thick fabric in your mouth as you cry.
“God, where are my manners? Here I am telling a lady about how pretty she is and I haven’t even introduced myself! I’m terribly sorry, Y/N! My name is Isamu, but you may know me as Shadow Step.” Isamu- Shadow Step says with a sinister smirk and your body goes shock-still. Memories hit your pounding brain and bile rises in the back of your throat.
Shadow Step was a notorious human trafficker that would get his victims by getting them alone then using his Quirk to take them away. Once he was captured, it was discovered that his Quirk was teleporting through shadows, which was why he only struck at night. Katsuki was the leader of the team that finally took down Shadow Step and his operation. That was only a year ago, so how the hell is he back out on the streets?
“You know, you really played your part well in making all of this come full circle, princess. We were already planning on hunting you down after what we discovered at your apartment, but then you just showed up! Served yourself up to us on a golden platter! It’s honestly laughable how well things played out!” Shadow Step says with maniacal cheer, a slightly deranged laugh falling from his lips.
“Anyway, princess, you’re gunna help us with a little project. Nothing too crazy, just a little video to help bring your favorite little hero out of the shadows. Keishi, Reiji, get the princess dolled up for her role while I get the camera set up.” Shadow Step says more seriously as he stands up before ordering his two lackeys around.
One of them pulls Shadow Step’s chair away as the other roughly tugs down the gag from your mouth. Your body begins trembling and you hate how useless your Quirk is at this moment. It’s a low-level, and admittedly weak, nature-type Quirk; Vine Manipulation. You can only use it if there are vine-type plants near you and even then you can’t do anything substantial with the vines.
The two men, Keishi and Reiji, stand in front of you wearing twin sinister and sick smiles. Looking up at their faces, you’ve never felt fear like this before. Never felt such an overwhelming sense of impending doom and dread.
“Ready for your makeover, bitch?” One of them asks right before slapping you, hard. You cry out in pain, the side of your face tingling and on fire, echoes of the slap and your cry ringing out in the room.
The two take turns delivering blow after blow, ignoring your pleas to stop and your depserate cries for help. By the time Shadow Step tells them to stop your cheek has swelled up as well as one of your eyes. Blood drips from your lips while more runs down your face from the split skin above one of your eyebrows. You’re pretty sure they broke at least a couple of your ribs if the sharp pains every time you breathe are anything to go by. Tears still spill from your eyes, mixing with your blood and creating pinks rivulets that trail down your cheeks, chin, and neck.
You’re on the verge of passing out from all of the pain when Shadow Step bends down and makes himself face level with you, “I gotta say, princess, you look a lot prettier like this. You ready for your time on the big screen?”
You let out a pained and pathetic whimper that he merely chuckles at, “Your job is to just sit here and be quiet. You fail to do that and you really won’t like what happens. Got it, princess?” He says, his tone threatening and deadly. You nod weakly, whimpering when he pats your cheek a bit harder than necessary.
Shadow Step turns toward the camera, stepping up to it so that his body blocks yours out in the viewfinder screen of the camera. He motions for one of his goons to hit record and his little show begins.
“This is a message for the Heroes of our society,” Shadow Step begins in a calm, even tone with an easy smile on his face.
“I am looking for Pro Hero Dynamight, he and I have a little score to settle. I’ve come to understand that he is on a mission out of the country right now, so I need the rest of you little Heroes to help get this message to him. If he isn’t back by the end of the week, then I’ll kill the little number sitting behind me.” He states as he steps back to reveal your tied up and beaten form in the viewfinder.
“Who knew Dynamight had himself a girlfriend, I’m sure none of you did! Poor thing has been so scared since I brought her here, but as you can see I’ve been treatin’ her real well! Anyway, enough theatrics,” Shadow Step says, his face turning serious and his tone dropping low and threatening.
He pulls a gun out from behind his back and points it at you while his face is turned to the camera, “If you don’t think I’m being serious about this, then you’re dead wrong. You have four days, Dynamight.” He states in a deadly tone before pulling the trigger.
A scream tears from your throat before you could stop it as white-hot flames of pain flood your body. Your left shoulder jerks as the bullet pierces through it and your vision nearly blackens out. You dry heave and choke on cries of immense pain as the camera zooms in on your form, unbeknownst to you. You barely hear the dark laughter falling from the mouths of the three men over the ringing of your ears and your consciousness, along with your body, gives out plunging you into cold darkness.
The video ends, the final frame being a zoomed-in image of you slumped over unconscious in the chair you’re tied to, blood already soaking the fabric of your shirt. The silence in the room is suffocating and Izuku has to consciously fight to rein in his rage. The fleeting thought of just how to tell Katsuki about this crosses his mind before his attention is brought back to the meeting.
“As was stated earlier, the video was posted a couple of hours ago. We don’t have any leads yet on where the location of filming was nor just how exactly Shadow Step managed to escape imprisonment. It has also not been confirmed as to whether or not the girl has any connection to Dynamight-” A HPSC representative explains before being cut off.
“Her name is Y/N L/N. She is Kacch- Dynamight’s girlfriend. They kept their relationship a secret because they feared something like this happening. Even if she was just a civilian without a connection to Kacch- Dynamight, she would still be just as much a priority rescue.” Izuku grits out, the rage-filled look on his face daring the HPSC rep to say anything countering his statement.
Instead, the rep just swallows nervously and nods their head, “Y-yes, of course. Thank you, Deku. A-alright, with that confirmation the HPSC will notify Dynamight of the event. The Directors will decide if they want to take him off of his mission or not-”
“Are you serious?!” Izuku’s head whips over to Kirishima at the red-head’s outburst. “You heard that psycho! If Bakugo doesn’t come home, then that bastard is going to kill her!” Kirishima rages, one of his clenched fists slamming down on the table.
“R-Red Riot, I-I assure you that the Directors already have a plan in the works. It’s why you all have been brought into this meeting. I’ve been told to tell you that you five have been tasked with capturing Shadow Step.” The rep anxiously explains.
Izuku doesn’t miss the way they said what the mission was, though. Of course all the Commission cares about is having the Heroes find and put a stop to Shadow Step. To the Commission, it would be easy enough to explain it away or cover it up if you were to die before being rescued. To the Commission, saving a singular civilian such as yourself doesn’t take priority over capturing an escaped villain. To the Commission, you are nothing but collateral damage.
Izuku seethes where he is seated, his mind already working on the details of your rescue and cursing the Commission that he works for. He shares looks with the other four Heroes seated at the meeting table; Kirishima, Shinso, Jiro, and Tokage. The four reflect the determined expression Izuku sends them even though Shinso, Jiro, and Tokage all still seem to be in shock by the situation. Nobody had even an inkling that Katsuki Bakugo had anyone precious in his life other than his parents, and now the entire country knows.
The HPSC rep finishes up the meeting, letting Izuku and the other four Heroes know that the Commission would contact them with anything they find. A heavy silence follows the sound of the meeting room door closing, Izuku’s guilt laden thoughts waging war within his mind with the part of him that knows he couldn’t have predicted this.
“Do you really think that the Commission wouldn’t let Bakugo come home for this? Would.. would he even want to come home?” Kirishima meekly asks, sending Izuku a saddened and worried look.
“Hold on, why wouldn’t he want to come home? His girlfriend was kidnapped.” Jiro asks with a look of confusion.
“I’m not sure if they would let him come home, but if I know anything about Kacchan, it’s that he would find a way to get back here.” Izuku says with a heavy sigh, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table and his hands coming up to rub over his face.
“As for their current relationship status.. Kacchan broke up with her before he left for his mission. At the time, he thought that it would be better for her to be single rather than sitting around waiting for him to come back. His thought process was wrong but his heart was in the right place, and he regrets what he did. I can confirm that he very much still cares.. still loves her.” Izuku explains, cringing slightly at the harshly judgemental expressions on Shinso’s and Jiro’s faces.
“I’m just surprised that asshole could find anybody who wants to be with him, but that’s besides the point. So, what’s the plan here? Considering the injuries she had in the video on top of the gunshot wound, she may not have four days.” Shinso says stoically, his words like a bucket of ice water down Izuku’s back.
“They could be holding her anywhere. The room in the video looked like some sort of abandoned office space, but do you know how many abandoned business buildings there are in Japan? Not to mention, they could have moved locations since putting out the video.” Tokage says with solemn exasperation, rubbing a hand on her forehead.
Izuku pinches his bottom lip in thought for a moment before straightening up and tapping the table’s surface, awakening the technology beneath the glass. He pulls up a map of Japan, locates your apartment building, and highlights the point.
“Okay, so this is where her apartment is located. Let’s have Shinso, Jiro, and Tokage check the abandoned buildings within a five mile radius. You three have better stealth skills than Kirishima and I. While you three search buildings, I’ll further analyze the video for any possible clues.” Izuku says, taking charge of the situation. Shinso, Jiro, and Tokage simultaneously nod and send him looks of determination.
“Kirishima, I need you to look back through your files and give us as much information on Shadow Step as you can. You were the only one out of the five of us that was part of the team that took him down the first time. We’ll all keep in contact via our own closed Comms frequency.” Izuku directs, a look of agreement on everyone’s faces.
“One thing we all know for sure is that Shadow Step acts at night, so everybody should go rest up if you can because we’ll be officially starting this mission at sunset.” Izuku finishes with hardened determination coloring his tone and face.
You’re not sure how much time has passed with your consciousness phasing in and out. Everything hurts; your head, your face, your shoulder, your ribs. You feel weak in every sense of the word but more so physically, barely being able to keep yourself sitting up. You’re still tied up, your muscles stiff and your neck seemingly stuck in its hung down position.
When you’re awake the voices of Shadow Step and his lackeys blearily echo in your ears. Whether they’re talking to you or to each other you're not sure. They’ve done the bare minimum to keep you breathing; wrapping a cloth around your shoulder to stem the bleeding and sticking an IV in your arm to keep you hydrated.
The spinning room is far too dizzying when you’re awake and the feeling of hopelessness drapes over your mind. It’s easier being asleep, easier letting your mind fall into the loss of consciousness that your body yearns for. So you let go of the fear and escape to the depths of your mind, your dreams offering a reprieve from the suffering you’re enduring.
Katsuki fakes a gag as the characters on TV kiss, cliche romantic melodies playing in the background as their kiss becomes more heated.
“This shit is so fucking cheesy I might actually die from cringing so hard.” Katsuki annoyedly rasps out.
You’re cuddled up to each other on the couch two movies into your weekly “Saturday Night Movie Marathon” and your chosen movie playing on the TV screen.
“I won’t deny that it’s cringe-worthy, but it’s all so cute, too! They’re so in looooovvvve!!” You gush with a giggle over Katsuki’s disgusted face when you look at him.
“Can’t believe you make me watch this shit. They’re all the same story, I don’t understand the appeal of it all. The main characters go back and forth for fuckin’ ever until they finally admit they love each other, then it’s end credits. It’s so damn dumb.” He grumbles out, then lets out an irritated sigh as he leans his head back onto the couch cushion.
With a roll of your eyes and your own sigh you look back at the TV with a small pout on your lips, “If you really hate these kinds of movies so much, you can just tell me to pick something different. I like genres other than ‘sappy-mushy-lovey-dovey-crap’, you know.”
Katsuki lightly pinches your side, huffing a laugh at the yelp you let out and the glare you send him, “Don’t be like that, Sweetheart. Ya know that I’m just messin’ with ya.” He murmurs into your neck as he trails light kisses along the column of your throat.
“Such a bully,” you mumble out as you tilt your head to give him better access.
“Mhm, but you love it, dontcha Sweetheart?” He says into your skin as his kisses get a bit more passionate.
Feelings stirring up within you begin clouding your mind as your breaths become airy and panted. A soft moan slips from your mouth when he kisses and lightly sucks on a particularly sensitive spot of your neck. His arms circle around your body, his hands slipping under your shirt and coming up to play with your breasts.
He pinches your hardened nipples and the airy words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them, “Ah, yes, love you, Katsuki.”
Katsuki’s ministrations come to a dead halt and your mind sobers up as shock fills you. Did you really just say that?! It’s not that you don't mean it, but more so that you two have only been together for a few months! You’re not sure if this is something Katsuki is ready for! What did you just do?! What the hell did you just d-
“I love you, too.” Katsuki whispers, his face buried in the crook of your neck and his hands clammy against your skin.
Tears well up in your eyes and everything feels so surreal, “You.. you don’t have to say it back if you’re not ready..” You whisper out as your heart races. Lifting his head from his hiding place, he gently urges you to turn around to face him. Your eyes scan over his flushed features and you take in the soft look he’s giving you.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He repeats himself with more surety in his tone and gentle determination on his face as he manages to maintain eye contact with you.
A few tears of happiness drip down your face and you surge forward, connecting your lips with his. Your arms wrap around his shoulders and you readjust your position to straddle him. The kiss turns into a heated makeout session with teeth nipping at bottom lips and tongues fighting for dominance.
The movie is forgotten as the heated passion rises between you both and soon enough there’s a pile of clothes on the floor. Pants, groans, and moans fill the air as your connected bodies move against each other. This was love-making in its truest form and you were lost in the ecstasy of it all. Both of you lost in showering one another with as much physical affection as you could show as you both worked each other toward the edge.
Laying on the couch wrapped up in each other in the afterglow of sex, you couldn’t imagine a lifetime where you didn’t love this man.
You snap to consciousness when sharp, white-hot pain shoots through your body from your shoulder. You send a weak glare to Reiji as he just looks down at you with a sick smile on his face. His hand squeezes your injured shoulder harder, his fingers digging into the hole in your flesh. Fresh blood saturates the cloth wrapped around your shoulder and you weakly cry out, pleading for him to stop. Fresh tears stream down your face and wish so desperately to go back to the times when you were in the safety of Katsuki’s arms.
Izuku can't get himself to relax, let alone get some rest. Flashes of your beaten form burn behind his eyelids and your pain-filled scream echoes around his mind. Guilt tears up his stomach and fear has bile sitting at the back of his throat. Sitting on his couch with the TV's low volume droning on in the background of his racing thoughts, he's suddenly brought back to the present when his phone starts ringing. Pulling it from his pocket his stomach drops when he sees the caller ID.. It's Katsuki.
Taking in a shaky breath, Izuku accepts the call and brings the phone up to his ear, “Kacchan.. I-I’m s-so sorry.. I.. I sh-should have d-” Izuku softly begins, stuttering as emotions clog his throat, but his apology is cut short.
“Izuku,” Katsuki whispers out and Izuku doesn’t recognize the hollow despondent tone his childhood friend has taken on.
“Kacchan?” Izuku’s voice cracks as he speaks, the sting of tears making him blink rapidly.
“The Commission sent me the video.. Wanted me to confirm that it was actually Shadow Step and not some imposter.. Like I’d actually know that somehow without fucking being there..” Katsuki pauses, a couple of labored breaths then a sniffle filling the silence before he speaks again.
“Th-they.. They didn’t even say anything about, Y/N.. I-I told them that I wanted to come home, that I need to come home, but they won’t take me off of this mission, Izuku.. They won’t let me COME HOME! Wha-what am I gunna do?! What sh-should I do?! I-I c-can’t let her- Wh-what if she- This can’t be- I-” Katsuki’s words descend into a muddled mess as his breathing picks up and even if they hadn't been friends for so long, Izuku could recognize a panic attack anywhere.
“K-Kacchan, you need to calm down. Slow your breathing, okay. Deep breaths, just copy me.” Izuku calmly coaches through the choked sobs wracking his chest.
“I.. can’t.. calm.. down..” Katsuki wheezes out, his anger and fear evident despite his inability to breathe properly.
It takes a while, but Izuku eventually gets Katsuki to even out his breaths, both of them left panting in the aftermath.
“She’s gunna die, Izuku, and it’s my fucking fault!” Katsuki openly sobs out, his voice breaking and full of anguish.
“We’re not going to let that happen, Kacchan. Listen to me! I will not let her die at the hands of that bastard! Just focus on getting back here, forget what the Commision wants.” Izuku says with steely, firm resolve.
“I won’t make it back in time, Izuku! It took me four fucking days to get out here! What if you guys can’t find her in time, huh?! The last fucking thing I ever said to her was that breaking up was best for both of us! She’ll die thinking I don’t fucking love her!” Katsuki shouts over the phone, his voice raw and breaking further as he crumbles down to nothing.
“I promise you that we will find her alive, Kacchan! Just get your ass back home as soon as you can, okay?” Izuku says firmly, trying desperately to reassure Katsuki.
An hour later, Izuku hangs up his phone with a long, exhausted sigh. It had taken him longer than expected to bring Katsuki back to more rational thinking. Coupled with the task of trying to get Katsuki to trust that Izuku and his team will find you, it’s safe to say that Izuku is beyond tired. But there isn’t any more time to rest because it’s time for Izuku to meet back up with the other four Heroes on his team.
Izuku arrives back at the meeting room from earlier in the day just after Kirishima. The two of them only have to wait a few minutes before the other three Heroes on their team walk in and Izuku is quick to get into the details of their tasks.
“This map has been linked with the ones on your phones. Pinpoints of all of the abandoned buildings within a five mile radius of Y/N’s apartment have already been marked. Just let us know over the Comms every time you clear a building and we’ll mark it off of the list.” Izuku says in a serious tone, his mind focussed on the tasks at hand.
“I’ve already called in the best stealth-based sidekicks I could find. Each of you will have two accompanying you to help clear buildings faster. Report any piece of potential evidence you find, anything and everything could be imperative to the mission. Alright, pick your zones and head out. Your sidekicks will be waiting for you in the lobby.” Izuku further explains before essentially dismissing Shinso, Jiro, and Tokage.
Given the extreme importance of the mission and the time constraints, the three choose their zones and quickly head out leaving Kirishima and Izuku alone in the room.
“You look rougher than you did earlier man.. Did you get any rest?” Kirishima gently asks as he takes in Izuku’s worn-out appearance.
“I’m fine. I couldn’t manage to sleep, then.. Kacchan called. He’s a mess, Kirishima.. I’ve never heard him so broken before even during all of the crap we all went through at UA.” Izuku quietly says as he watches through the video, his eyes searching the background for anything.
Izuku hears Kirishima swallow thickly as the red-head shuffles through the files he brought. “I really hope that we find her in time..” Kirishima whispers, seemingly more to himself, and Izuku’s fists clench.
“We will,” Izuku grits out as he replays the video, this time at a slower speed.
After what feels like years of replaying the video and looking over the information Kirishima dug up on Shadow Step, Izuku’s exhaustion catches up with him and he snaps a bit. “Fuck!” He exclaims frustratedly as he sits back in his chair and rubs his hands over his face.
“Nothing at this building either, Deku, it’s clear.” Jiro’s voice comes through Izuku’s earpiece. The green-haired Hero growls out an “okay” and marks the building off of the map in front of him.
“Listen, man, if you wanna take a brief break, then I can handle the Comms for a bit..” Kirishima tries to offer, face full of concern as he looks at his friend and fellow Hero.
“I don’t have time to take a break. We have to find her before time runs out. I don’t know what else to do, there’s nothing in the video that would point us any closer to finding her. All of the buildings that the stealth team have checked so far have brought up nothing. What else could we possibly che-” Izuku cuts himself off from his exasperation-filled rant as an idea hits his brain.
“God, why didn’t any of us think of this sooner? Damn it!” He growls out as he brings up another hologram screen from the table.
“Think of what, man?” Kirishima asks confusedly as he scoots closer to Izuku.
“Security cameras,” Izuku mutters as he pulls up mini screen after mini screen of camera footage.
“Fuck.. okay, tell me where you want me to pull camera footage from. We can divide up the search between us both.” Kirishima says as he moves to a different part of the table and pulls up a hologram screen.
Izuku tells him where to start, then the two are nearly silent as their eyes search through hours worth of traffic and security cam footage. Occasional muttering from both of them fills the room, as well as Izuku’s responses to the stealth team. None of the five Heroes come up with anything until Shinso’s shaken voice comes through the Comms.
“Mid- Deku.. I found the room the video was filmed in,” Shinso informs Izuku, and the rest of the team, gravely. Izuku’s whole body freezes up and his eyes whip to the map to see where Shinso’s location is pinged. The map shows Shinso in a building about two and half miles South from your apartment complex.
“Deku, there’s a lot of blood on the floor here..” Shinso says, his tone disheartened, and Izuku’s nausea comes back at full-force.
“Shinso, stay there and wait for the police to arrive. Jiro and Tokage, take your sidekicks and all of you start searching the abandoned buildings around Shinso’s pinned location. From what we’ve gathered on Shadow Step’s Quirk he can’t teleport very far and his teleportation may be made more difficult if he’s transporting Y/N around.” Izuku orders while trying his best to keep in his Hero mindset and not let his emotions take over.
Izuku looks over at Kirishima, about to tell him to start searching the camera footage from around Shinso’s location when he pauses, “Kirishima, do you need a moment to step out?” Izuku asks as he looks over Kirishima’s stock-still frame and pale face.
Kirishima’s eyes snap to him and he shakes his head, “N-no. I’m fine. What do you need me to do?”
You’re brought into a hazy and slightly delirious-feeling consciousness by the feeling of someone changing your IV. You don’t have the energy anymore to make anything other than a small, barely heard, and weak whimper. You’re not sure how long it’s been since the day the video was made, since the day you were fucking shot. With the state that your body is in and Shadow Step constantly transporting you through shadows to different abandoned buildings, everything is blurring together.
Being awake is becoming more and more unpleasant and surreal. Your entire body hurts. You feel sick; feverish but freezing, weak, trembling so much that your teeth chatter. The thought that your gunshot wound may be infected has crossed your dazed mind, but you can’t do anything about it. All they’ve done for it is change the wrapping a couple times only because the three of them keep agitating the wound, making it bleed more.
You don’t even know how you’re still alive, honestly. Between the blood loss and the possible infection, you really feel like you should be dead. Hell, you almost wish Shadow Step would kill you before his self-set timeline ends just so that you don’t have to endure this any longer. At the same time, you pray that Katsuki is out there trying his best to find you.. Because even if he doesn’t love you anymore he used to and that has to count for something, right?
But you also know Katsuki.. You know that he never half-asses anything. If the mission he’s on isn’t finished, if they still need him out there, then he’s not going to abandon it to save an ex.
Whatever ends up happening, whether he comes home or not, you know that you won’t resent or hate him. Even with being in the most emotional and mental pain in your life during the last four months, you’ve never once hated him. Sure, you were pissed as fuck in the beginning, but your love for him hasn’t faded. There’s always been that voice in the back of your mind telling you that he hadn’t meant it. That he hadn’t meant to hurt you. That his heart was in the right place despite his fucked up execution of the situation.
As your blurred sense of reality fades out and you slip back into memory-filled unconsciousness, you grasp tightly onto the hope that all of this ends soon one way or another, and a small smile weakly tugs at your lips at the memory your mind begins playing..
You’ve looked over your entire outfit five times in the mirror by now, making yourself run borderline late. It’s been a while since you’ve been on a first date, so the world can kiss your ass for stressing over every detail. With one more touch up of your already perfect makeup, you breathe out a shaky sigh, then grab your purse.
The drive to the restaurant goes fairly smoothly and you pull into the parking lot 5 minutes before you’re supposed to be there. A soft gasp of shock and awe leaves you when you turn your car off and finally take a good look at the place. It looks ridiculously fancy and much too expensive for you to even be parked in the parking lot. You re-read the message Bakugo had sent you a couple of days ago detailing how to enter the building and ask about the reservation while exercising as much privacy as possible.
Admittedly, you were a bit apprehensive about going on a date with him at all. The man is freaking Pro Hero Dynamight and you had always told yourself that you didn’t want to be with someone like him. Someone who not only puts his life on the line every day, but who also has eyes on his every move at any given point. But a few casual conversations with Bakugo at your part time job at a local (but somewhat fancy) coffee and tea shop later, he somehow managed to charm you into going on a date with him.
In the days leading up to this date Bakugo had assured you plenty of times that he would do everything he could to keep things relatively private and just between the two of you. You had learned that while he is a Limelight Pro, he very much values keeping his private life just that; private. So you decided to trust his word, ignore the thoughts begging to know why he would want to even go on a date with a random-nobody-part-time-barista, and now you’re here.
At a fancy ass restaurant.
Feeling severely out of your league and still wondering how you ever caught his eye.
With a racing heart and shaky hands you grab your purse and get out of your car. Making your way up to the front doors of the restaurant, one hand fidgets with your necklace as the other grips the strap of your purse just a little too tightly. Walking through the door your eyes immediately search the sea of faces for the server Bakugo had mentioned in the message. A small sigh of relief leaves your mouth when you spot them and you politely wave them down.
“Welcome, ma’am! Is there something I can help you with?” They politely ask with a warm smile and it makes you feel a bit more comfortable already.
“Yes, uhm, I’m the other party for the reservation under K. B.” You tell them with a nervous smile.
“Ah, I see! Let me just check something..” They say as they look down at the tablet in their hands for a moment.
Your eyes glance down at the tablet and you watch them pull up a photo of you. You recognize the selfie as the one you took the day prior and had sent to Bakugo when he had asked for it. You had found it a bit weird when he initially asked, but he had explained the purpose shortly after receiving the photo.
“Perfect! If you’ll just follow me this way, please! Also, if I may say, you are just as gorgeous in person!” The server says, their smile kind and still just as warm, and your cheeks flush.
“Thank you,” you say shyly as you step forward to follow them. The blush deepens a bit when you think back to yesterday when Bakugo had commented on the photo and called you beautiful, even though it was just a simple selfie.
The server and yourself weave through tables and groups of people until you both reach a door with a gold plate that reads “VIP Seating” on it. The server slides a keycard through the handle and it beeps, signifying that it’s unlocked. They push it open, holding the door so that you can walk through, then they let it swing shut and wait a moment for it to lock again before proceeding to lead you to your table.
Looking around as you walk you notice that there are significantly less tables in this section of the restaurant and it doesn’t take you long to spot Bakugo. Your breath catches in your throat when you see him seated at the table leisurely sipping on what you think is whiskey on the rocks. He’s wearing a deep green button up with a black tie and a black vest, black slacks, and expensive-looking, glossy dress shoes. He looks stunning and you feel underdressed despite wearing your most expensive dress and a pair of pricey, name brand stilettos Akari let you borrow.
As you get lead closer to the table, Bakugo’s eyes stray from the window he was looking out of to scan the room. His gaze immediately catches on you and you watch his eyes widen a bit as they look your form up and down. You feel self-conscious but stifle a giggle as you watch him tug his collar a bit before he quickly moves to stand.
“Your table, ma’am! I’ll give you both some time to look over the menu but in the meantime, would you like something to drink?” The server says and you give them your drink order, then they’re off.
“Hi,” you say shyly as you look at Bakugo, your blush returning a bit.
“Hey,” he gently rasps out, his eyes still slowly roaming over your body causing your feelings of self-consciousness to return in full.
You look down at your dress and begin to nervously ramble, “I-I hope I dressed up enough.. you said this place was fancy, but I didn’t know it was this fan-”
“You look amazing,” Bakugo rushes out, effectively cutting you off, and your face practically catches fire. “Ah, uhm, let me get your chair for you.” He says in what you interpret as shyness, which you find adorable. As he walks around you to your chair your eyes catch on the pink tips of his ears, also freaking adorable, and you stifle yet another giggle.
He pulls out your chair and you thank him as you sit, scooching the chair toward the table with his assistance. ‘The brash Pro Hero Dynamight is actually such a gentleman, who knew?’ You playfully think to yourself as you watch him make his way back to his chair.
“You look pretty amazing yourself,” you say as a random bout of confidence hits your system. Your confidence and comfort only rises as you watch his cheeks begin to pinken. He sputters a bit before grumbling out a “thank you” and you let your giggle slip out this time around. He sends you what’s supposed to be a glare but the corners of his mouth tick up and there’s a playfulness in his eyes. The night rolls on with easy getting-to-know-each-other conversation, amazing food, and a comfortable atmosphere.
Everything is going so well, flowing so easily and feeling so right, but you’re still unsure if this is something you want to pursue further. It’s only when you get back to your car with Bak- Katsuki’s suit jacket over your shoulders, Katsuki wearing a mask and beanie that don’t match the rest of his attire at all, and he lowers the mask on his face to kiss you goodbye that your heart seems to stop as your brain comes to a startling realization..
You’re starting to fall, really hard, for this man.
To say that Izuku is emotionally, mentally, and physically wrung out would be an understatement. He and the rest of the team have spent day and night the last three days trying to find you with minimal success. Every building checked has turned up with nothing except more blood along with bloody bandage wraps, empty IV bags, and increased frustration. Not to mention the very few camera sightings of Shadow Step and his two accomplices, the sightings only being slivers of the man in the corners of the frames or glimpses of him slipping into shadows.
It doesn’t help that Izuku’s phone has been getting inundated with notifications from Katsuki, his childhood friend messaging or calling him every chance he gets between flights. Izuku has stopped answering Katsuki’s calls, though, simply because that every call is full of frustration-fueled screaming matches that end with gritted out apologies. The green-haired Hero feels for his friend, he really does, but he can only take so much of his yelling and berating. They’re not in school anymore and they’re actually friends now.
“This building is clear, Deku. No sign of them passing through here.” Kirishima reports as he walks up to Izuku, his face and tone heavy with tired frustration and sadness.
Izuku can feel his hold on One For All slip and green lightning radiates from his body as he struggles to keep from punching a wall, “Fuck!” He yells, his voice echoing throughout the room he was searching.
Kirishima lets out a heavy sigh and turns to leave, “C’mon man, lets go check out the next on-”
“I found them.” Tokage’s hushed voice crackles through the Comms, but it feels as though she shouted it into Izuku’s ear as her words ring through his brain. He just stands there shocked for a moment, briefly thinking that his overly exhausted mind is playing a cruel trick on him, before he dashes into action.
“Copy that. Pulling up your location now. Keep them in your sights, but keep hidden. All other Heroes and sidekicks start heading for Lizardy’s location.” Izuku commands as he moves as fast as he can out of the building, Kirishima just barely keeping up behind him.
On their way to Tokage’s location, Izuku had told Shinso and Jiro to wait for himself and Kirishima near a building about a block away from the target building. Izuku had also taken to using Blackwhip and Float in order to move faster, unfortunately having to use one of his Blackwhip tendrils to carry Kirishima. The red-haired Hero didn’t seem to mind this form of travel except for maybe the slight look of fear when he was initially lifted off of the ground.
The two get to the established meeting spot just after Shinso and his sidekicks, and they don’t have to wait but a minute longer for Jiro and her sidekicks to arrive. Izuku immediately hashes out a plan of attack, making it a priority for someone to get you first if they can.
“Everyone ready?” Izuku asks with eager determination and receives nods of confirmation filled with just as much determination. “Lizardy, do you copy?”
“Yes, I copy.” Tokage answers quietly.
“We’re set to get into position. Are they all still there?” Izuku asks as he nods at those around him, a silent command to get moving.
“Yes. Shadow Step is on his phone and his two lackeys are sleeping.” Tokage quietly reports.
“What about Y/N?” Izuku asks as his fear tries to override his Hero Mode.
“She’s tied up and on the floor in the West corner of the room. She appears to be sleeping as well, but Deku.. I don’t think she’s doing very well..” Tokage informs and her voice takes on a somber tone.
It takes incredible effort for Iuzku to shove down his emotions as he tries to keep himself together to complete the mission, but he manages to do it, “We’re all here, she’ll be fine. Lizardy, once everybody has confirmed their positions, I want you to send your hands into the room with a pair of Quirk canceling cuffs. Try to get them onto either Shadow Step’s wrists or ankles, then report if you managed to do so or not.” Izuku tells her as he reaches his position.
“Everyone else, if Lizardy succeeds, rush in immediately. If she isn’t successful, hold your positions and be ready for a chase.” Izuku quietly directs the others, receiving confirmations from the whole group.
“Alright, sending the cuffs in now.” Tokage whispers, her concentration on the task heard in her voice.
Izuku feels like he waits against the wall of his position forever, the Comms quiet and his heart racing a millions miles a minute. He notes just how dim it has gotten out and for the first time in his life he curses a sunset. His biggest fear right now is missing this opportunity because he knows that once the sun has set, Shadow Step will move you to another building. If he and the team lets that happen, then it’s back to square one and the possibility of getting you back alive practically diminishes.
There wouldn’t be enough time to hunt down Shadow Step, not with it already taking the team three whole days to find him now. Add that to the fact that Katsuki is only about halfway through his second to last flight back to Japan. Even if more Heroes were brought onto the case there just wouldn’t be enough fucking time.
The seconds tick by agonizingly slowly and Izuku has to fight the panic trying to grasp at his lungs. They have to save you. He has to save you. He doesn’t think Katsuki would be able to move past it if you died. Izuku isn’t even sure if he would be able to get past it if you died and he’s only friends with you. Katsuki, though, Katsuki was your boyfriend. He was and still is very serious about you as Izuku has come to find out. So serious that a month before Katsuki had found out that he was being sent on a mission he had bought a ring. A ring that you never had any idea about. A ring that Izuku only knows about because Katsuki drunkenly told him everything about your guys’ secret relationship a few nights before he shattered your heart. A ring that sits securely tucked away in a safe with the letter Katsuki had given Izuku the day he left for the mission.
So yeah, it’s safe to say that Izuku is feeling every ounce of pressure of making sure this massive opportunity is not fucking wast-
“The cuffs are on, everybody move in now!” Tokage shouts into the Comms and Izuku doesn’t hesitate for even a second rushing up the final flight of stairs that lead toward the room you’re being held in.
It’s pure chaos when Izuku bursts into the room, Shinso and Jiro right behind him with Kirishima trailing not too far behind them. Izuku bypasses Shadow Step’s lackeys as they rush the door, their adrenaline seemingly knocking away their sleep. Shinso and Jiro quickly garner their attention, fighting them to keep their attention away from helping their boss or getting to you.
Izuku finds Shadow Step lying on the ground with his ankles cuffed together. He almost counts it as a victory until he watches one of Shadow Step’s arms reach behind him, mostly likely trying to grab his gun. But he doesn’t get the chance to even touch the weapon because Izuku quickly restrains him with expertly controlled tendrils of Blackwhip. He manuvers Shadow Step so that he can cuff his wrists and secure the bastard’s gun.
“Who’s available to come take this bastard outside to wait for the police?” Izuku calls out, his eyes focused on your slumped and still form in the corner of the room.
“I got him, man. Go see if she’s okay.” Kirishima says after he’s finished helping Jiro cuff one of the lackeys.
Izuku waits until Shadow Step is firmly within Kirishima’s grip before rushing over to you. His stomach churns just looking at the state you’re in and stomach acid burns at the back of his throat when he gently puts his hands on your heated and shivering body.
“Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me? Come on, Y/N, wake up.” Izuku gently urges as he pushes the hair away from your face.
You let out a weak whimper, a string of whispered pleas to stop and to not hurt you anymore leaving your dry, cracked lips. Izuku’s heart breaks and he gently hushes you, telling you that it’s okay and that you’re being rescued.
“K-Kats? Y-you fou-found m-me?” You stutter out weakly, your breaths labored and your eyes still closed as Izuku holds your head up for you.
“It’s Izuku, Y/N.. Kacchan isn’t back yet, but he’s on his way, I promise. He’s trying to get back as fast as possible.” Izuku quietly tells you through his tears as he cuts the ropes off of you.
You don’t register Iuzku’s words, your infection-induced delirium and barely conscious state not letting you grasp his words, “I-I st-ill love y-you, Kats.. Do yo-you..” You don’t get to finish your question before you pass out, but Izuku can guess what you were going to ask.
A strangled sob leaves his mouth before he reigns himself back in and gently wraps his arms around you, “He does, Y/N. He does still love you.” He whispers out as he carefully stands with your limp form in his arms.
It takes a few days of being in the hospital’s ICU being pumped full of meds before you wake up with any sort of clarity. You couldn’t have any visitors because of the risk of an exposure to anything that would worsen your condition. It’s not like you would have remembered anyone visiting you if they could have, you were unconscious practically the whole time between the meds and your body being so weak.
But today you wake up of your own volition and it’s the best you’ve felt in what feels like years. The world doesn’t have a delirious haze over it, the pain in your shoulder and head have reduced down to dull aches, and your appetite has returned if the pang in your stomach is anything to go off of. You slowly reach your good arm out to press the call nurse button when the door suddenly bursts open causing you to flinch back and pain radiates through your body.
Katsuki’s angry tone slams rather than floats into the room with the opening of the door, “I’m done fuckin’ waitin’! Doc said she would probably wake up feeling better today since her healin’ has been on track, so I’m fuckin’ seein’ my girlfrie- Holy shit, you’re already awake?” He asks in disbelief when he finally looks at you.
“Just woke up,” You say quietly, your voice hoarse from lack of use and you cough a bit. Apparently the nurse that had been trying to keep Katsuki out of your room is just as shocked that you’re awake and lucid because it takes Katsuki demanding that she go get some water to knock her from her trance. She glares at Katsuki for a moment before telling you that she’s going to go get you some water and tell the doctor that you’re awake.
The door closes and the room fills with heavy silence, the only sounds interrupting the silence being your heart monitor and breathing. Katsuki just stares at you and when you can’t stand meeting his gaze any longer you look down at your lap. The hand of your good arm fidgets with the thin hospital blanket pooled at your waist as too many emotions whirlwind around your brain and heart.
“Can I, uh, is it okay if I sit?” Katsuki asks hesitantly and you almost want to say no, but you’ve never been good at saying no to him.
“Sure,” you say quietly and nearly regret it because with every step he takes toward the chair next to your bed, you feel the dam you didn’t know you had up within you crack. Your hand grips the blanket tightly when he sits and your eyes start stinging. You can feel the heavy weight of Katsuki’s gaze on you but you know that if you meet it the dam will completely crumble and you’re already trying so hard not to cry.
The silence that has settled back over the two of you is broken when the nurse comes into the room with a cup and a pitcher of water, “Alright, hon, here’s some water. Sip slowly, okay? Also, the doctor should be by within the next hour to see if you’re ready to transfer out of the ICU.” She says sweetly as she sets the water and the cup down on the bedside table.
She looks between you and Katsuki for a moment before asking, “You sure you want him in here right now, hon?” Concern coloring her features when she sees the shine of tears in your eyes, both of you ignoring the irritated sigh that leaves Katsuki.
“Yes, I’m sure, thank you. I’ll hit the button if I need anything.” You say with a small smile and take a couple sips of water.
“Okay, hon. Remember, small sips.” She says before she’s out of the room, the door slowly shutting once more.
“Y/N, I..” Katsuki starts and your hand tightens around the cup at his soft, saddened tone. “I don’t know where to start.. I’m so fuckin’ sorry-”
“You weren’t there,” You whisper out before you can stop yourself, tears finally tipping over the edges of your lash lines.
“I-I know, Baby-” He tries to butt in, his voice already wrecked and guilt-ridden, but you cut him off again.
“N-no, you weren’t there, Katsuki. You left for that mission and you weren’t in the apartment anymore. Not you, not your stuff. You weren’t there.” You continue, crying as you speak. “S-so I couldn’t be there either. For four months I slept on Akari’s couch, or in Izuku’s guest room, or in a hotel room. I-I even fell asleep at my desk at work a few times. You weren’t home, so I wasn’t either. For four months that apartment sat empty, void of people, un-until I-I decided t-to-” Your sentence hangs in the air incomplete as your breathing picks up at the bits of memories of what had happened that day flash across your mind.
“Fuck.. Y/N, Sweetheart? Breathe, Sweetheart. C’mon, take some deep breaths for me Baby, please.” Katsuki tries verbally coaching you through your panic attack but, much to his overwhelming concern, it isn’t working.
“Dammit, c-can I touch you? Is that okay, Sweetheart?” He desperately asks and all you can do is nod your head. Katsuki is quick to rise from his chair to carefully slide himself onto the bed. Being hyper aware of your healing injuries, he gathers you up into his arms and takes your hand into his, gently squeezing it.
“Okay, Baby, remember how we used to do this? Listen for my breaths and focus your attention on our hands.” He rasps softly, then begins taking slow and even deep breaths as his hand gently squeezes yours to the rhythm.
A few long-feeling minutes go by before your breaths even out and you’re left crying into his chest. He stays quiet, soothingly rubbing your back and lightly resting his head against yours, as he waits for your crying to subside. An additional five minutes later, your cries are little more than quiet sniffles and stray tears rolling down your face.
There’s a long moment of not-quite-silence before you speak again, “Izuku had convinced me that I should go back-”
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to talk about it if you’re not rea-”
Cutting each other’s sentences off seemed to be the theme of today and while you would normally just let someone speak, you needed Katsuki to hear this. You needed to tell him what had happened the day you were taken and..
“But I don’t blame him for what happened. He hadn’t told me to go back that same day, he just said that I should do it soon. Suggested that I go back to the apartment and do whatever I wanted to reclaim the space as my own so that I would stop thinking of it as ours. I know that he didn’t have any ill-intent behind the suggestion. I wasn’t doing very well, Kats, and I know that he was worried. He was just trying to help me bounce back.” You say quietly and pause for a brief moment to just listen to the sound of Katsuki’s heartbeat.
Katsuki remained quiet, surprisingly enough, so you continued on, “So when I left his place that day, I went back to Akari’s and gathered my stuff, then drove home. I know that I should have messaged him. I know that I should have at least brought Akari with me, though I’m glad that I didn’t.. Wh-when I got there, Kats, the door was cracked open and..” You trail off as you mentally berate yourself for being so stupid.
“..and I pushed it open because I’m that fucking stupid! I just walked inside like finding your apartment door broken open is fucking normal and that’s when I saw one of Sh-Shadow S-Step’s guys in the living room.. Do you know what I did next, Katsuki? I just fucking stood there! I didn’t scream, I didn’t run, I just stood there like a fucking moron! That’s when, either the other guy or Shadow Step himself, hit me in the back of my head and I blacked out.” You push on with your retelling of the events, Katsuki’s hold on you growing a bit tighter.
“Baby, just-”
Tears begin rapidly falling down your face again and a sob leaves your mouth, “I-I’m s-so s-sorry, Kats! I-I’m so f-fucking sorry! I-I-I di-dn’t mean t-to wor-ry eve-everyone! I-I j-just-”
“Y/N, stop.” Katsuki says firmly, his face pained as he gently forces you to look at him. “You are absolutely fucking not going to blame yourself for getting fucking taken by that guy, do you hear me?” His voice cracks as he speaks and you notice the glisten of tears in his eyes.
“If you want to pin blame on somebody, then pin it on that bastard, Shadow Step. Pin it on the dumbfucks who let him escape prison. Pin it on me.. Fucking pin it on me for leaving you the way that I did because maybe if I hadn’t.. Maybe you wouldn’t have ended up nearly dying! I’m the one who should be fucking sorry, Y/N, and I am! I am so fucking sorry and whatever I could possibly do to make it up to you, just tell me and I’ll do it! Please, Baby, I love you so much, I’m sorry.”
You’re both crying by the time Katsuki finishes, holding onto each other tightly as tidal waves of emotions slam into you both. Your heart breaks as you listen to the man you love sob into your shoulder and you pray to the universe that you never hear it again as you cling to him.
“I haven’t and I never will blame you for this, Katsuki. You couldn’t see it coming as much as I couldn’t.. But I’m okay now. I’m alive and safe and I love you too, Kats, so much.” You tearfully stutter over sobs, and Katsuki lifts his head to look at you.
He cradles your face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away your tears as best he can, “I know we’re both kind of gross from crying-” he softly starts and you can’t help the huff of wet laughter that leaves your lips.
He attempts to glare at you but his face is too soft, too loving, for it to pack any sort of heat, “-but, would it be okay if I kissed you?” He finishes, pink dusting his cheeks a bit and a small, wobbly smile on his lips.
“Have I ever made you ask for permission before?” You weakly tease as you lean in toward him. He meets you halfway, slotting his lips against yours without adding in any sassy comeback beforehand.
In that moment, it’s like you come alive again, like you’re home. It may have only been four months without him, but with everything else that happened stacked on top of those four months, you could have been convinced that it was a lifetime. Sure, you have some things that you’re going to have to work through, both with Katsuki and yourself. There’s definitely going to have to be some work put in by both of you to rebuild trust and you’re most definitely going to have to get some therapy to help work through the shit you went through getting kidnapped.
But for right now, you let yourself sink into the feelings of home, safety, and Katsuki’s love.
{A few months later}
“Izuku, I’m telling you right now that if I trip over something one more time because of this whole ‘put on this blind fold and I’ll guide you’ bullshit, I’m going to lose it and you will be the victim of that wrath.” You grit out half-jokingly when you stumble for the fifth time since this endeavor started.
Izuku laughs, obviously not taking your threat as seriously as he should, and helps to steady you, “I promise you that we’re almost there! Also, do you really think that I would let you get hurt? Kacchan would kill me- awff!”
Izuku lets out a weird noise as your elbow meets his stomach and now it’s your turn to laugh, “What the hell even was that? Oh my god, that was funny! Okay, back to business, we’re almost where, exactly?” You question in hopes that he’ll actually tell you this time.
“Nope. Elbows to the stomach aren’t as effective as you may think, but nice try! All you need to know is that we’re almost there!” Izuku answers all too cheerfully for your taste and a pout forms on your lips.
After an indeterminate amount of time continuing on this lovely nature walk, you’re assuming it’s lovely since you can’t freaking see, Izuku finally lets you know that it’s coming to an end, “Alrighty, just around the bend here.. And look at that, there’s Kacchan!” He excitedly exclaims and you fight the urge to elbow him again.
“Izuku, I can’t see anything, I’m fucking blindfolded.” You state in the most unamused tone you can muster. You hear two huffs from two different directions, each depicting two different emotions. One of them is the little pouty huff Izuku does when someone gets snarky with him and the other is the huff of laughter you know so well to be Katsuki’s.
“Kats, Izuku made me put on this blindfold and then he tried to kill me multiple times on the way here.. Wherever ‘here’ is.” You whine at your boyfriend, your lips forming back into a pout to hide the playful smirk tugging at them.
“He wouldn’t let anything happen to you, Sweetheart. His whole career is based on keeping people from getting hurt, plus he knows that I would kill him.” Katsuki says matter of factly and you can hear the mirth in his voice.
Behind you, Izuku makes a triumphant noise like he won something, “See! I told you- awff! Dammit, stop doing that!” Izuku makes the hilariously weird noise again after you elbow him in the stomach, again, and you can’t help the evil little giggle that leaves your mouth.
“Alright Sweetheart, stop abusing the nerd,” Katsuki says after he’s done laughing. “And do me a favor, yeah? Step forward about six steps, and before you say anything, no you aren’t going to trip on anything.”
Taking a brief moment to flip Katsuki the bird for his teasing, you hesitantly begin to step forward. You count the steps in your head since Katsuki was weirdly specific about it, then stop when you’ve taken the sixth step. You are beyond confused about what the hell is going on here, but you trust Katsuki so don’t question anything aloud.
“Hmm.. actually, take one more step forward.” Katsuki says in a quieted and calculating tone, he sounds closer to you now and that supplies more questions in your mind. Regardless, you take one more step, then just stand in place, your hands fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.
“Now, turn around.” Katsuki says and you can hear a bit of nervousness enter his voice.
“Kats, what’s going on? Are you oka-” You ask concernedly and your hands come up to peel off the blindfold.
“Don’t! Ah, j-just, don’t take that off yet.. please.. And, could you just turn around? Please?” He asks and you can hear his nerves turning into slight irritation, so you mumble out a ‘sorry’ then turn around.
You hear a bit of shuffling behind you and you begin to feel genuine concern and anxiety about what situation you three could possibly be in. After about a minute of shuffling noises and small grunts from behind you, Izuku’s voice pipes up from a bit of a distance in front of you.
“Okay, Y/N, you can take off the blindfold now.” He calls out and you breathe a sigh of relief as you pull the cloth off of your face.
You blink a bit against the bright rays of sunlight and when your vision adjusts you see Izuku making a “turn around” motion with one of his hands. His other hand is holding up what looks to be Katsuki’s phone, the front pointed at you as if he’s taking a video. You send him a look of utter confusion as his hand motion gets more urgent and his smile grows wider.
Hesitantly, you turn around and what you see has you gasping with tears immediately spring to your eyes.
Katsuki is down on one knee with a maroon colored velvet box clasped in his hands looking nervous as hell but wearing a handsome, genuinely happy smile on his face. Behind him, just past the ledge you both are near, is a breathtaking view of a canyon full of lush greenery and a river running right down the middle of it. Bringing both of your hands up to your mouth, you try to wrap your head around what’s happening.
“Y/N L/N, you have been the most consistent thing on my mind since the very first time I saw you. The day we met in that little cafe there was something about you that wouldn’t shake itself from my thoughts. I don’t know if it was your smile, your cheesy charm, or the way you treated me like I was just a normal customer, but you’ve had me hooked since then.” He pauses for a moment when a tearful giggle leaves your lips from his teasing little dig and you melt at the adoration in his eyes.
“I tried my damndest not to fall for you, especially when you had mentioned you didn’t think you could handle a lifestyle like mine, but with every conversation we had, you had me wrapped around your small ass finger more and more. I know that I’m difficult and I’ve fucked up, but you keep loving me. It’s probably one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever encountered in my life, but it’s also the most incredible.” Katsuki’s emotional staring is so intense and you almost want to shy away. You're a blubbering mess by now, absolutely drowning in his affectionate speech, and he keeps going.
“What we have is something that I’m never going to try to get rid of.. again..” Guilt flashes across his features when he says this even though you both have worked through it you know that he still beats himself up over it. But his happiness comes back in the blink of an eye and he continues, “So this is me tying ya down, Sweetheart. I love you, Y/N, more than I ever thought possible for someone like myself.”
He pauses one more time, his eyes darting down to the box in his hands as he opens it and presents it to you, his loving gaze meeting yours, and what he says next is the most “Katsuki” thing you think he could say in a moment like this..
“Y/N L/N, my Sweetheart, will ya fuckin’ marry me or what?”
Your laughter mixes with your happy crying as you fall to your knees, every form of “yes” you can think of at this moment spilling from your lips as he slips the ring onto your finger. Cheering is heard from Izuku as you pull Katsuki in for a passionate kiss, your heart so incredibly full that it feels like it’ll burst.
Katsuki is the first one to pull away from the kiss and he faces toward Izuku, raising your left hand into the air triumphantly, “We’re gettin’ fuckin’ married!!” He shouts and it echoes down the canyon along with the cheers from Izuku and yourself. Joyous warmth fills your chest and all you can think about is how Y/N Bakugo has such a delicious ring to it.

Note ~ Lovelies.. this fic definitely made me have.. feelings. Nothing even close to how emotional I was when I wrote One Life After Another, Forvermore but still, feeelliinngggsss lol. I really do hope that you enjoyed the read, though! And if there are any typos or errors please point them out because I finished and posted this fic to here on literally zero hours of sleep. I really do be just running off of nicotine and sheer fucking will lmao. Anyway, if you read past this note you will be entering "extended ending" territory, so just beware because it's sad. Big sad. I also may be overdramatizing it, but y'all can let me know. I love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3
Alternate/Extended Ending
The image of you, Katsuki and Izuku fades out until the emptiness that surrounded you when you first ended up here comes back. You’re on your knees as gut-wrenching sobs rip themselves from your chest. If there is a god, just how cruel of a being is he if he’s willing to show you how your life would have played out if you didn’t die? Does he get some kind of sick joy out of making you watch a movie of everything you ever could have dreamed of obtaining if you had just survived.
If you would have lived, would have kept breathing for maybe five minutes longer, the day they found where Shadow Step was hiding you then you could have had all of that. But you didn’t live. You didn’t survive. You died slumped against that wall mere minutes before Izuku came bursting through that damn doorway. Your body had just given up, so fucking pathetically too.
You had stood near your body watching Izuku sob as he performed CPR and you had screamed for him to bring you back. You watched him nearly kill the paramedic as they tried to, respectfully, pull your lifeless body away from Izuku to put it into a bodybag. You watched as the “ever-smiling” Hero Deku held your cold, dead hand the entire way to the morgue with nothing more than a disconnected look on his face.
Later that night, you watched the love of your life stand next to your body with tears streaming down his face as he ran a finger down your cheek. You watched as his face contorted into horrified disbelief and he stumbled over to a trash can in the corner of the room just barely making it there before he threw up whatever was in his stomach. You watched as the man you loved with your entire being cursed, screamed, cried, and destroyed the room until he was on his knees beside where your body laid. You watched as Katsuki screamed at your body that he was sorry, that he loves you, and that he wishes that it was him that was dead. You watched as your Katsuki hoarsely begged you to come back to him even though within his ever-logical brain, he knew that it wasn’t possible for you to come back.
You had never known what happened after someone died.
And now that you do know?
You wouldn’t wish this upon your worst enemy.
Not even on the man that sent you here in the first place.

Tag List ~ @bri-mercado-00 @queenpiranhadon @feral-ratatattat-king @queendynamight2001
Hey, Lovelies! Soo, my short-fic is currently 7k words and I've still got more to write before it's completed 😅😅 so my question is when it's completed should I post it as one long one-shot or do yall think I should break it up into parts?
Hey, Lovelies! I'm going to be dropping a new fic soon, TBD if it's going to be multiple parts, and it's going to be angstyyyyy lmao. It's Bakugo x Reader with some bestie!Izuku vibes! It was meant to be a quick write to hold yall over until I start posting my new Bakugo x OC long-fic, but I think we all know how one can get lost in the plot lol. Anyway, be on the look out, my amazing Lovelies!
I love and appreciate every single one of you! <3

I’m in tears your soulmate au series with bakugou was so beautifully heart wrenching!!! I loved reading each chapter and so so so happy they got their happy ending 💗 if your fic was a play, I would be giving a standing ovation and throwing flowers at the stage 💐 I can’t wait to see more of your work!!!
Firstly, thank you so much for being the first person to use that lil "ask" function. I was beginning to debate just tucking it away due to lack of interaction, but I have been dying to interact with my readers more and here you are so thank you!!
Secondly, 🥹😭🥹😭! Thank you so so so very much for your amazingly kind words!! "One Life After Another, Forevermore" was one of those fics that I wrote on a whim and somehow it turned into one of the best pieces of writing I've ever done. Thinking about it more recently (because I've been trying desperately to find that level of inspiration, motivation, and passion again) the intense emotions were mostly because I was writing as though it was my POV versus thinking like the readers POV was an "outsider" POV.
I won't lie and I'm pretty sure I stated it a few times in authors notes, but there were plenty of moments where I sobbed while writing this piece, haha. I was completely immersed in the writing and world building and story telling.
Anyway, I won't ramble any longer, and I'm sorry for my very long-winded thank you 😅 once again I thank you and I appreciate you with my whole heart, Lovely! 🥹🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
Worship Me Like I Worship You | Bakugo Katsuki & Reader
Summary ~ You love Katsuki. You worship him like the God he is. You would do anything for him. So what is this switch that flipped in your mind when you finally have him?
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Psycho!Reader, yandere themes, characters are in their 20's, stalking, roofying, dubcon/noncon but sex doesnt happen, Idk what else to tag.. psycho-shit, I guess lol
Note ~ Hey y'all.. I really have no explanation for this one.. I wanted to try my hand at writing twisted/psycho stuff and this is what I churned out. Now, it is based off of a couple of songs (All Around Me by Flyleaf and God Complex by Violent Vira) so just like Nicotine, I'm sorry if it's cringe. Welp, buckle in Lovelies because Reader really said "Marbles? What marbles??"

The day you got hired on as a secretary for Dynamight’s hero agency was the single greatest day of your life. You had been following the progress of Dynamight’s career since he started to get famous back in high school. Ever since you were thirteen years old and had first seen him on your TV during the UA Sports Festival his first year, you had known that he was the one.
Every video, news article, and picture uploaded online of Dynamight, aka Katsuki Bakugo, was automatically saved to your phone or computer so that you could look at him anytime you wanted. His loud and brash personality, explosive Quirk, and frequent encounters with villains made sure to keep him within the media’s sights and it really felt like he was all around you.
“Every time I see his face.. it’s like he’s thickening the air I’m breathing but in the best way possible. Like I’m burning and not used to seeing him, not used to seeing a God. Something about him makes me feel like I’m alive.” You dazedly tried explaining to a friend one day when they had noticed your obsession taking off not long after Katsuki’s hero debut.
Of course, your friend had no idea what you were going on about and had looked at you with such concern and.. fear. You couldn’t understand how your friend didn’t see the white light that shone behind Katsuki, illuminating the sacred being so brightly that you cry sometimes. How, in your dreams, Katuski takes your outstretched hand and promises to never leave you as you shout your beliefs in him, tell him that you worship him, and make sure he knows that he owns your heart and soul.
Now, years later, you no longer speak to that friend or any of your old friends. You don’t speak to anybody, really, but you don’t care. All you need is Katsuki and now, working at his agency, you’re going to have him.
Your Quirk, when it manifested, was registered as a weak and non-threatening anesthetic gaseous-type Quirk. When activated, your Quirk came out of your mouth upon an exhale as a colorless and odorless gas that you could control the potency of if you were to train it. The only tell that your Quirk had when it was activated was your body feeling physically colder to the touch. And, luckily enough for you, you are immune to the effects of your anesthetics with the exception of hypothermia from overuse.
Weak and non-threatening; that’s what your Quirk had been.. when you were a little kid. But you’ve trained with it in secret over the years, your test subjects being any animals you could get close enough to and unsuspecting people. You have worked hard to master the levels of potency depending on the subject, the proximity you would need to be to a subject, and keeping yourself warm so as to keep from developing hypothermia when pushing the limits of your Quirk.
You spent years putting together your plan and perfecting every single detail. The final piece of your puzzled plan falling into place when you discreetly snagged the Quirk canceling cuffs from an overly flirtatious officer that was chatting you up one day at the agency. You had blown a puff of weakly potented gas their way and the fucker had spent the next 20 minutes in a dazed high too busy poorly flirting with you to realize that you had made any move to touch them at all.
Currently, it’s a little after ten at night and Katsuki has just walked into the agency to finish up his shift then change out of his hero costume. You’re sitting in your car that’s parked not far from his in the lot and getting into character. You have about twenty five to thirty minutes until Katsuki walks out of the building and to his car, the perfect amount of time.
Your forehead is resting against the top of your steering wheel, your hands clutching the sides tightly with white knuckles, and loud sobs leave your mouth. A knocking on your window startles you and your head jerks up to see who it could possibly be at this late hour. There is a watery and truly pitiful look on your face when your eyes connect with sharp crimson ones.
You reach a shaky hand out to the door handle and open it slowly so Katsuki has time to move back to allow you to open the door fully. Your car’s interior lights don’t kick on, in fact none of your car’s lights come on, when you open the door and you let out a pathetic whimper.
“What are you still doing here?” Katsuki asks, his gruff tone holding slight irritation and discomfort.
Mentally you melt over the sound of that rough voice speaking words to you. You let the sound play on loop in your mind as you answer him in the most ‘helpless-damsel-in-distress’ voice you can manage.
“I-I’m s-so s-sorry, Dynamight, S-Sir.. M-my car w-won’t s-start.. I-I’m not s-sure wh-what’s wrong with i-it..” You stutter out between sobs.
“You didn’t think to call a friend to come get ya? Or maybe a tow truck?” Katsuki questions exasperatedly and you let out a couple more sobs.
“I-I h-haven’t m-made any fr-friends, y-yet.. I-I’m s-still new a-around h-here.. Pl-plus m-my ph-phone i-is d-dead..” You cry and stutter out then put your face into your hands.
Katsuki lets out a heavy and annoyed sigh, “Okay, okay, just calm down. Fuck, alright, let me take a look. I know some shit about cars.”
Your head snaps up and you look at him with max amounts of pathetic relief, “R-really?! Th-thank y-you so much, Dynamight!”
Katsuki rolls his eyes, “Yeah, yeah, and just call me Bakugo. I’m not in my damn hero gear right now. And pop the hood.”
“S-sorry, Bakugo..” You quietly apologize, then attempt to look for the lever to pop the hood. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the emotions of Katsuki’s short fuse flicker across his face before he schools his features and takes a deep breath.
“Move. I’ll do it.” He says curtly and you move out of the way for him.
“Thank you so much, Katsuki.” You say, your voice sultry and free of the shaky patheticness it’s held the whole time.
“The fuck did you just s-” He tries to angrily question but you’ve already blown a cloud of gas his direction and the effects are almost immediate. His face changes to surprise as his body gives out and falls back into your driver’s seat, then within seconds his eyes close and his breaths deepen.
You act quickly, pulling the Quirk canceling cuffs from behind your back and securing them around his wrists. You hum a happy tune to yourself as you move his unconscious body to the back seat with minimal struggle. Luckily, you have been hardcore working out in preparation for this part of the plan. You just knew that like any other God out there, Katsuki was built and densely packed full of muscle.
Once you have him situated in the backseat, you pop open the hood, reconnect your battery, then slide into the driver’s seat and start the car. ‘I know some shit about cars too, my lovely Katsuki!’ You think with a giggle as you leave the parking lot.
You drive for a few hours, occasionally blowing mentally measured doses of anesthetic gas into the backseat to keep Katsuki asleep. Finally, you drive carefully down a dirt road that leads to an old family farmhouse that you have fond memories of. The better of those memories being the most recent ones where you came out here to prepare the house so that it may be fitting of a God such as Katsuki. Though as you half drag, half carry his unconscious body into said house, something in you begins to feel.. ungratified.
You bring Katsuki to the guest room on the first story of the house and get him onto the bed. As an extra precaution, you blow a bit more gas into his face before going back out to the car to get your bags. Quickly getting back into the house and locking the front door behind you, you bring all of your stuff to the guest room and get to work.
In hindsight, it may have been a bit excessive buying chains to keep Katsuki in place.. but what if the cuffs failed at some point, huh? If you used rope then he would be able to blast right through them. At least chains would give him more of a challenge, and if there is anything that you know for sure about Katsuki, it’s that he loves a challenge.
So you get to work chaining each of his ankles to the bed posts at the foot of the bed. Then you disconnect the chain between the wrist cuffs and attach chains to each of his wrists that connect to the headboard. You stand back to look over your work, to take in his peaceful sleeping features, and realize that maybe you should have changed him before chaining him up.. Oh well, too late now, hopefully his jeans are comfy. All that’s left to do is wait for Katsuki to wake up.
It takes a total of three and a half hours for Katuski to finally stir and begin to wake from his forced slumber. Grumbles of slurred curses fall from his mouth and his eyes flutter open as he brings a hand up to his head. You watch this whole waking process from a chair in the corner of the room, some thoughts that have accumulated over the last few hours weighing heavy in your mind.
“Where the fuck am I? The fuck’s going on?” Katsuki angrily asks, the slur of his words starting to wear off.
“You are in the presence of your biggest worshiper, Katsuki.” You answer calmly, your legs crossed and hands clasped in your lap.
“Jesus fucking christ! I’m gonna kill you, you psychotic bitch!!” Katsuki shouts and aims a hand at you in an attempt to send a blast your way while he also tries to launch himself off the bed.
When neither action is successful he stares down at himself in horror while you just let out a semi-tired sigh. He looks back up to you as horror, shock, rage, and whatever else may be bubbling under his skin fights over who gets to contort his face.
“Maybe I was your biggest worshiper.. I’ve been having some interesting thoughts and feelings since we got here.” You ponder out loud as you pick at the threads of your pants.
“You’re fucking crazy!! What the fuck have you done to my Quirk?! Do you know how fucking screwed you’re about to be when people find out you’ve.. Find out about what you’ve done?! Ever heard of fucking Tar-”
“Enough, Katsuki.” You say sharply while holding a hand up. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Why you became a hero? So you could be praised? Loved? Worshiped like the God you are? I mean, your full hero name is Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight.” You say, a now dark and twisting devotion gleaming in your eyes and a small smile on your lips.
“You have always been a God to me, Katsuki. Someone I have always found worthy of my love and devotion and worship. But finally having you here with me, something has changed..” You look down from Katsuki to stare intensely at a spot on the floor.
“You mean you finally lost your last fucking marble?!” Katsuki snarls out as he looks at the chains on his limbs.
“You can’t lose something you never truly had, my lovely Katsuki.. No no, it’s these feelings inside of me. They’re not so much conflicting as they are two sides of the same coin..” You try to explain but Katsuki is having none of it.
“You’re not making a lick of fucking sense to me, psycho bitch! Now, let me the fuck out!!” He shouts but you wave him off which aids in pissing him off more.
“My old feelings.. I’ve spent all of these years screaming to you that I wanna be your true love, the only one for you.. That I could be just who you need.. But now.. These new feelings.. I want to be the God now.” You say, your voice distant as pieces inside of you click.
You stand from your chair and Katsuki’s body tenses as he glares harshly at you and snarls. You step towards him with the body language and face of a mother who is trying to sweetly calm their child. Right as Katsuki brings his hands up, making to punch at you, you blow an invisible cloud of low dose anesthetic gas towards him.
You watch as his body relaxes and his glare softens to something more neutral-dopey. You send him just a little bit more, just to ensure your own safety, and wait for it to take effect before you climb onto the bed. You straddle his lap, your arms looping over his shoulders, and look into his clouded and dazed crimson eyes.
“Won’t you just plead for me now, Katsuki?”
“You make me your God, Katsuki, and I’ll tear down the sky for you.”
“Y-Youu w-willl?”
“Mhmm, I’ll do it all for you for life, my love. We are meant to be, Katsuki Bakugo.”
“W-wee a-re m-eant t-to be..”
“Darling, please worship me..” You breathe against his neck, then start to kiss along it slowly.
The bottom of his jaw is as far as your lips get before something is suddenly coiling around your body and yanking you away from Katsuki. You shove down the urge to scream in favor of pulling in air so that you can exhale a large cloud of anesthetic gas but something wraps around your nose and mouth before you get the chance.
Your eyes dart to the doorway and connect with the glowing green eyes of Pro Hero Deku. Tears involuntarily begin to pour from your eyes and you’re not sure if it’s the fear, heartbreak, or lack of oxygen that’s getting to you. Your cries are muffled as Deku brings you closer to himself via the tendrils of his Blackwhip. He turns your body away from him while he slaps Quirk canceling cuffs on your wrists but you can feel his livid and burning gaze melting through your skull the whole time.
“Z-Zuku? Y-you’re here?” Katsuki questions dazedly from the bed.
It’s then that you see the ring on Katsuki’s left ring finger. It’s glowing a slowly pulsing red color and you scream at yourself for not checking him for tracking devices.
“Yes, Kacchan, I’m here. It’s okay now, Kacchan, you’re safe.” Deku says as he moves over to the bed to free Katsuki, all while Blackwhip squeezes tightly around you.
“Th-thanks, Zuku. Love you.” Katsuki murmurs to Deku but you could still hear him.
“I love you too, Kacchan, let’s go home.” Deku says as he breaks the final chain and picks up Katsuki.
“If there is any God that Kacchan worships it’s me, you psychotic bitch.” Deku darkly informs you as Blackwhip squeezes you even tighter and he drags you out of the house.

Note ~ Sooo.. did you like the little sprinkle of BKDK at the end there? Cute, right? *insert nervous laughter* Anywho, I hope that this fic does better here than it did on my AO3, Nicotine certainly has, so I have some hope. Stay tuned, My Lovelies, I think I'll start posting my newest fic soon! Oh and.. Happy Valentines Day, Lovelies, much loves to you all! <3
Nicotine | Aizawa Shota x Reader
Summary ~ When you started dating Shota, you knew what you were signing up for. What you didn’t expect to happen was for everything between you both to come crumbling down, leaving you pinned beneath the rubble and Shota not even realizing it.
Tags/Warnings ~ Minors DNI, NSFW content, Inspired by Nicotine by Panic at the Disco, hurt no comfort, angst, failed relationship, past relationship neglect, cursing, break up, sad ending, use of Y/N
Note ~ Hey Lovelies, I wrote this one night when I was craving some angst, lol. I did include some of the lyrics from Nicotine, sorry if it's cringe. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy the read? It is very angst forward so.. I don't know.. trigger warning..? Love and appreciate you, Lovelies! <3

You had shown up to his apartment not long after he called..
As soon as you were through the door, the two of you had dove right into sloppily making out and pawing off each other’s clothing..
You two had taken your heaving chests, kiss bitten lips, panted moans, and lust heated bodies straight to his bedroom without having a proper conversation beforehand..
You let out a loud moan, your orgasm taking over your mind, as Shota gives one last thrust and groans into your mouth in one last open-mouthed sloppy kiss as he cums. He stays on top of you for a moment, lazily making out with you, before he slowly pulls out and flops onto his back next to you.
As you both lay there panting and coming down from your highs you close your eyes. Shota slowly gets up, tying off the condom and heading to the bathroom to throw it away and clean himself up.
The post-orgasm clarity hits you and the feeling of disappointment fills you as you sit up. You let out a heavy sigh as you rub your hands over your still flushed face and swing your legs over the side of the bed. Your eyes scan the floor for your clothes, more negative and heavy emotions stacking themselves on top of the disappointment. Collecting your clothes from off of the floor, you start to get dressed.
“What are you doing?” Shota asks from the doorway of the bathroom, startling you a bit.
You don’t turn around to face him because you know that his face is either it’s usual tired disinterest or it’s occasional tired confusion.
“I’m getting dressed.” You state, attempting to make your tone blank and void of emotion.
“That much was obvious, (Y/N). Why are you getting dressed?” He says, his tone slightly more irritated than normal.
“This was a mistake, Shota.” You bite out, already feeling the sting of tears in your eyes.
You feel the bed dip behind you and hear Shota let out an exasperated breath as he sits down heavily.
“You said that the last three times we.. did this. I don’t understand what the problem i-”
“The problem is that we are stuck in this horrible on and off situation, Shota. I.. I can’t do it anymore..” You say, cutting him off and trying so desperately to keep your tone controlled and even.
“The only reason we’re ‘on and off’ is because you thought that being with a Pro Hero who also teaches full-time would be a walk in the fucking park, (Y/N).” Shota angrily spits, both of you still sitting with your backs facing each other.
A bitter rage floods your body and you lose the will to hold back any longer, “I never thought that, Shota! I knew it would be difficult but I was ready to put in the effort required to make it fucking work! I poured so much effort int-”
“I did, t-” Shota’s raised voice cut you off but you only let him get those couple of words out before doing the same.
“In the beginning you did, yes! But where did it go, Shota?!” You yell, turning around to face him.
“(Y/N)..” He growls out but you don’t let him get any further, once again, as everything that you’ve been trying to bury bubbles out of you.
“It’s been a year since our last date! A fucking year! All we do anymore is sleep, fuck, and go to work! I can barely remember the last meal we shared together! I fucking understood what it was that I had signed up for but it got to a point where I didn’t even feel like we were in a relationship anymore!” You continue yelling, your whole body heated from anger and tears streaming down your face.
“Y- you’re.. You’re worse than nicotine, Shota! I keep telling myself ‘one more hit and then we’re through’ but I can’t fucking stay away from you! It’s like I can constantly taste you on my lips and I can’t get rid of you! Every single day, whether I’m with or without you, fucking hurts!” Your yells crumble into choked sobs and you bury your face into your hands.
Shota is standing across from you, the bed between you both, just staring at you in silence. His eyes are the slightest bit shiny, his face is scrunched up as if he is in pain, and it’s the most emotion that you’ve seen on his face in a year. His mouth opens and closes a few times but no words come out. You compose yourself enough to look up at him with a heated glare.
“Did you even love me back the same way I loved you, Shota?” You ask bitterly. You’re met with more silence and nod your head with a dry, humorless chuckle.
“We’re done for real this time, Aizawa. Don’t fucking call me again.” You spit out as you gather the rest of your stuff and make your way out of his apartment.
You sit in your car for a few minutes screaming and choking on hard sobs over the pain of your heart shattering. “This was the last fucking time!! I fucking swear it!!” You scream at your steering wheel, praying to any and every higher power that may be out there to give you the strength to resist getting one more fucking hit.

Note ~ Someone please tell me that I am not the only one who will actively seek out angst, sometimes.. Is it healthy? Probably not. Will I continue to look for or write angst? Yes. Anyways, thank you all so much for the love! My amazing Lovelies, I love and appreciate all of you! <3
my dream as a fanfic writer is to write a story which people want to talk to me about and send asks about afterwards and discuss things the characters did and the symbolism and meanings behind certain lines and I'll be all "hehe thanks" but irl I'll be in literal tears because I wrote something that means something to someone
Dance With a Demon | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Summary ~ You thought it would be just another night at work until your eyes met the crimson ones of Pro Hero Dynamight..
Tags/Warnings ~ Minors DNI, NSFW 18+ Content, Charaters are in their 20s, FemStripper!Reader, P in V, unprotected sex, porn with some plot, oral sex, face riding, multiple orgasms, creampie, WC 9k, idk what else to tag
Note ~ Hello Lovelies! I hope you all enjoy this spicy lil fic i've got for ya here! I'm still not all that good at writing smut stuff so don't expect too much of me, haha. I do want to give a quick thank you for all of the hype I got for this fic from my Sneak Peek post, so thank you Lovelies! Anyway, I'll let all you fiends get to reading! <3

You let out a heavy sigh as you stare at the back door to the nightclub you work at from the driver’s seat of your car. You weigh the pros and cons of going inside and clocking in for your shift while you sip on your first Red Bull of the night. It’s not that you hate your job or your coworkers, it’s just that feeling that everyone gets before walking into work. That feeling of “ugh, I wanna go back home and be lazy” that settles over you until you shove it away and force yourself to get out of your car. With your bag slung lazily over one shoulder you lock your car, then head for the door that you’ve been dead-eyeing on and off for the last 30-ish minutes.
Once inside the nightclub, you make your way to your dressing room. The bass from whatever song whoever is on stage right now has chosen thumps through your eardrums and chest. You absentmindedly nod your head to the beat as you enter your dressing room. You close the door behind you and lock it, then walk over to the vanity. Setting your bag down, you grab the tablet sitting at the corner of the vanity countertop from its charging port and sit down. You log into the nightclub’s app and clock in before clicking the “songs” tab within the app.
Once it loads up you scroll through the list of suggested songs but none of them really call out to you or feel right for the vibe you create when you get on stage. You tap the search function then get to typing and looking up songs to add to your list for your sets tonight. As soon as you’ve lined up a pretty nice selection of six songs you submit the list, then shut the tablet off and begin prepping yourself for your first set.
You touch up your makeup and loosely curl your hair. After laying out both outfits you brought for tonight, you decide to flip a coin to see which one you should wear first. Heads is for the lacy dark purple bra and thong set with a pair of black open-toed stilettos - simple but still a favorite amongst crowds. Tails is for the slightly more intricately designed deep wine colored bralette and g-string set with dark red cross strap, heeled sandals - another crowd favorite because of the way it’s slightly more.. sheer as far as materials go.
You toss the coin into the air with a small but knowing smirk because you know that it really doesn’t matter what outfit you wear. What people really show up for are the feelings of dark attraction that the physical traits of your Quirk stirs up inside them. Attraction that makes them feel as if it’s taboo or maybe even dangerous to tamper with, but they enjoy the thrill either way.
Your Quirk is called Hellspawn, but you’ve never viewed it in a negative light. Your Quirk is the product of generations of similar Quirks possessed by both sides of your family. You’ve been taught your whole life to be proud of your Quirk and its traits, no matter what people might say or think. You confidently show off your demon-like horns, wings, fangs, and tail every day.
The coin lands on heads so you put on the dark purple outfit and stilettos, taking your time to make sure everything goes on just right. With one final glance in the full length mirror in your dressing room you smile at your reflection, then turn to leave and head backstage. As you walk through the back hallways of the nightclub you begin to feel excitement and adrenaline thrum through your veins. Just because this is a job doesn’t mean that you don’t have fun when you’re up on stage.
“There’s my girl! How’re ya doin’ tonight, Luci?” Sakura, the nightclub’s manager and owner, cheerfully greets you when you get backstage.
“Ask me that after my set,” you say jokingly. “Better yet, when you see me raking in tons of bills just assume that I’m feeling pretty good!” You add on with a smirk.
“Mmm, always love your confidence, Babes! Alright, now get out there and kill it like you always do!” Sakura says with a wink, then focuses back on whatever she was working on her tablet.
You smile to yourself, amped up by the vibes within the club and your rising confidence, and begin stretching to warm your muscles up for your first set of the night. More adrenaline, and the caffeine from your energy drink, hits your veins when you hear the ending of the last song for whoever is on stage and you wait for your stage name to be called.
“Alright everyone, can I get a round of cheers for our lovely Siren?! Don’t worry, they’ll be back a little later!!” Hikari, tonight’s DJ, says after hopping on the mic.
“You all are in for a real treat now, though! Please help me in summoning our resident hot demon-babe to the stage; Lucifer!!” A wild smile pulls at your lips as you take in the crowds hyped up cheers from the other side of the curtain. “Get your sexy ass out here, Luci!!” Hikari excitedly calls for you and you let out a giggle before taking a step forward.
Pulling back the curtain you slowly walk further onto the stage, emerging from a cloud of smoke and into the dark-neon lights shining onto the stage. You smile and wink over at Hikari in the DJ’s booth and she blows you a kiss making you giggle a bit. Looking back towards the crowd you sway your hips as you walk, your eyes half lidded and a sultry, fanged smile on your face. Your body getting into the flow of the music from the first song of this set. The bass produced from Obsolete Ritual makes you vibrate when it hits and it’s a rush that fuels the amped up fire within you that you’ll never get over.
Getting up to the pole at the end of the catwalk, you wrap your hands around it and walk in a slow, teasing circle despite the song’s tempo having sped up. Your eyes scan over the crowd, running across the familiar faces of regulars and lingering for mere seconds over new faces. For reasons unbeknownst to you, your gaze gets stuck on one new face in particular.
Sharp, crimson eyes connect with yours, the stranger’s handsome face set in a scowl. ‘The hell is he scowling in a stripclub for? If he didn’t want to be here, then why did he come? Or maybe he’s just mad that Siren’s set ended? Whatever, buddy, try to enjoy the show.’ You think to yourself as you pull your gaze from Grumpy Hot Guy and officially begin your routine.
As you bend, twist, and dance your way through Obsolete Ritual, Veins, and Descending you find that Grumpy Hot Guy’s eyes never seem to leave you. His scowl remained but his eyes seemed to burn more with every movement of your body. When you finish your set you have to force yourself not to look at him as you spread your wings and bow to the crowd.
The weight of his eyes on you grows heavy as you help the club’s “Money Grabbers” rake in your earnings. Purposefully ignoring him you smile, giggle, and thank customers as they stuff more bills into your lingerie as you work to grab cash from the floor of the stage. You move to head offstage once all of the money has been gathered when you’re stopped by a tug on your tail. You let out a yelp, then quickly turn around to hiss at whoever the perv is that committed the action. A security guard is already handling the guy but he still has the nerve to shoot you an unsettling and creepy smirk. You hiss anyway, then roll your eyes as you stand and quickly leave the stage.
“Christ, are you okay, Luci?? Fucking hate pervs like that bastard! He’s being thrown out as we speak, so don’t worry! How’s your tail??” Sakura frantically asks, immediately mother-henning you as soon as you’re backstage.
You let out a soft giggle and give her an appreciative smile, “I’m fine and so is my tail, but thank you. Handsy people are very annoying but I can handle it and I’m fine.” You say reassuringly and Sakura lets out a relieved breath, then looks you in the eye with a smirk.
“Ugh, what’s with the look, Sakura? Did I really make that much from the set?” You question with a slightly bored look.
“Way off base with the guess there, Babes! Seems like we may have a few heroes in the house tonight, literally! I was watching the cameras when that creep grabbed your tail and I saw a few customers try to get to you, one in particular seemed especially pissed. Any guesses as to who they could be before I tell you?!” Sakura explains with a playful glint in her eyes.
“You know I hate guessing games,” you say in a forced bored tone that hopefully masks your itching curiosity.
“Oh, you’re no fun sometimes, Luci! Anyways, Pro Heroes Cellophane, Chargebolt, Pinky, Red Riot, and Dynamight were rushing to be your knights in shining armor! How crazy and exciting is it that a few Top Ten Pros are here at my nightclub?! Wild, right?!” Sakura reveals and you mentally kick yourself for not piecing together that Grumpy Hot Guy with the crimson eyes and spiky blonde hair is Pro Hero Dynamight.
“Uh, yeah, that is pretty crazy.. Uhm, I’m gonna go clean up and get ready for my next set, see you back here in an hour.” You say in a slight daze, the shock from Dynamight not being able to keep his eyes off of you clouding your mind.
“Mhm, gonna go make yourself extra pretty for the Pros, huh?” Sakura says with a devilish smirk.
“Sakura, please, I’m hot enough as it is. If I got any prettier customers would start dropping dead.” You say matter-of-factly after you’ve turned to walk away, hoping that Sakura didn’t see your blush. Sakura bursts out laughing behind you telling you to not kill her sources of income. You wave a playfully dismissive hand in the air before disappearing down the hallway back to your dressing room.
Once you’ve locked your dressing room door you let out a long exhale. You had run into a few of your coworkers on your way back to your dressing room and had to reassure every one of them that you were okay. But not only that, you were reminded again and again that there are Pros out in the crowd tonight via your coworkers gushing over their favorites within the group that came. Apparently a couple of your coworkers are major Dynamight fans and you tried your best to keep your cool when they wouldn’t shut up about how hot he is.
Even now, sitting at your vanity touching up your hair and makeup, you swear that you can still feel his burning gaze on you. Thinking about every time you made eye contact with him during your first set stirs something up inside of you and your reflection shows the blush you can feel heating your cheeks. As you change into your second outfit of the night you can’t tell if you’re nervous or hyped to get back on stage.
As soon as the straps of your heels are tied you make your way towards the mini fridge in your room. You grab the small bottle of Grey Goose and a small can of Red Bull from inside the fridge, then a shot glass from the top of the fridge. Sitting back down at your vanity, you pour yourself a shot and crack open your Red Bull. Downing the shot, you give it a second to settle before you pour a second. After shooting the second shot, you put the Grey Goose back and start drinking your Red Bull.
‘Nothing wrong with a bit of liquid courage, right? It’s just to help me through my next set after that creep touched me.’ You reason with (aka lie to) yourself as you look over yourself in the mirror.
A little over five minutes before you are to be called onto stage again, you make your way backstage. The shots you took earlier have succeeded in helping you feel like the confident and powerful Queen of the Underworld that you are. A cat-calling whistle pulls your attention over to Sakura and she gives you a smirk.
“Thought I told you not to kill my customers, Babes! Gah damn, you look hot! Trying to impress some certain Pro Heroes out there?” Sakura exclaims with a shit-eating grin.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms, “Being hot is part of the job, Boss. I don’t need to impress anyone but myself.” You say as you suppress a blush and look at your nails.
“Damn straight, Babes! Preach! Ugh, sometimes I’d really kill for your level of confidence.” Sakura says in all of her dramatic flare.
You giggle and shake your head as you blow her kiss, then turn towards the curtain. You exchange smiles with Siren as they walk through the curtain to head back to their room and wait for your cue.
“Everybody, shh shh, quiet down for a moment,” You hear Hikari say over the club’s speakers and you wonder what she has planned. You stifle an excited giggle and bounce a bit with anticipation.
“Oh, sexy Queen of Darkness, please grace us with your presence!” Hikari half chants, half moans into the mic, and you have to cover your mouth to hold back your giggles.
“Lucifer, hear us and show yourself! We’re on our knees, begging! Get out here you little vixen!” Hikari dramatically cries out and you do your best to not laugh your ass off at her antics.
With smoke clouding the view of the curtain you slip through carefully so you don’t disturb it. Suddenly, you flare your wings out and let your eyes glow, your arms held out to your sides a bit as you slowly walk forward. Spotlights slowly crawl towards you and up your body until you’re illuminated and you flash an “evil” grin at the crowd.
“Oh yeah, baby!!” Hikari dramatically moans out as she starts the first song of this set.
A laugh leaves your mouth and a genuine smile pulls at your lips as you walk to the pole at the end of the catwalk. Each of your steps deliberately heavy so that your breasts and ass bounce to the beat of Hot Demon B!Tches Near U as you walk. You briefly lock eyes with Dynamight and in all of your confidence (liquid and natural) you wink at him before grabbing the pole and getting to dancing.
HDBNU and the second song Slayer are full of fast paced moves and ass shaking, money seemingly raining down like confetti. So caught up in keeping time with the song, you had blurred out the crowd. It wasn’t until the first base drop of your last song, Fill The Void, that you noticed something slightly startling.
You had your back against the pole and slowly slid down it. Your arms stretched above you gripping said pole and your legs spreading as you sank to the ground. Your breathing hitched a bit when your eyes connected with burning crimson, the owner of the eyes standing at the front of the crowd at the edge of the stage. You did your best to hide your surprise but of course Dynamight noticed and he sent you a small smirk.
You smirk back at him, accepting an unspoken challenge of sorts, slowly and sensually standing back up. Wrapping your legs around the pole you do a few tricks before you slowly slide down, feet hitting the floor once more. Swaying and moving your body to the music, you get to the front of the pole where you sink to the floor once again, this time getting on your hands and knees.
You bite your lip seductively and slowly crawl towards the crowd, your tail slowly swishing side to side and your eyes glowing. You stare Dynamight right in the eyes as you crawl and mouth the last few words of the song. You stop about half a foot from the edge of the stage and gently roll onto your back, arching it and sensually running your hands down your body. As the song comes to a close, your eyes glow significantly brighter, you let out a puff of blue-colored fire.
When the song finally ends, you stand up and bow, blowing kisses and smiling at the crowd. You cast one last glance at Dynamight and find that he looks slightly stunned. You smirk, then turn to make your way off of the stage, hips swaying the entire time. Getting backstage, your body feels like it’s on fire in the best way possible and Sakura definitely notices.
“Christ, Luci, I’m gonna have to call every ambulance in Tokyo after that performance! Shit, I think I’m even having heart palpitations! You fucking killed it out there, Babes!” Sakura exclaims, one hand fanning her face and the other on her chest.
“Stop, you’re gonna make me blush!” You say, feigning embarrassment, but ultimately giggling.
“You know who's blushing? Everyone out there who just jizzed their pants!” Sakura says, sending both of you into a laughing fit.
“But for real, great work! Now go grab a snack, get changed, and help out the other servers on the floor, please!” Sakura loosely orders with a bright smile.
“Yes, ma’am!” You say with a mocking salute and smile, then head to your dressing room.
Once you’ve changed into the club’s server outfit, aka a top that is basically a bralette paired with what could be the shortest skirt in the world, some cheeky panties underneath, and knee high stiletto boots, you make your way out to the bar.
“There she is; the girl who always makes me regret not bringing an extra pair of underwear!” Ruby, the bartender for the night, playfully exclaims as you walk up to the counter.
“Thought you knew better by now!” You say with a laugh and Ruby rolls their eyes with a smile.
“Alright, Love, here’s a tray of drinks for the group over at VIP table three. I don’t know if Sakura told ya, but the VIP section will be yours tonight.” Ruby says as they carefully slide a serving tray full of drinks towards you.
“C’mon, Rue, of course she didn’t tell me. Do I ever work any other section?” You comment with feigned annoyance and Ruby laughs.
In reality, you love working the VIP section. It’s always full of rich people with too much money to spend and they always tip very generously. It certainly helps that you flirt your ass off whilst serving but everyone does that.
Picking the tray up with the skill and grace you’ve perfected over the years of being in this industry, you send one last smile and wink to Ruby before heading for the VIP section of the lounge. You smile at patrons as you move through the crowd, giggling and thanking them for the compliments they give about your performance. While you truly do love your job, customer service could still be considered a performance and you are flawless at it.. Until you make it past the roped off entrance to the VIP lounge and see the group at table three.
Virtually unnoticeably, your steps falter and you’re thankful that the club's ambience is fairly dim as you take in a steadying breath. Mentally reasserting your confidence, you paint on a cool and flirty smile as you walk over to table three. Your thoughts run through your mind, filling you with the tiniest bit of dread, ‘Of fucking course it’s them.. I mean, they are Pro Heroes, why wouldn’t they be in the VIP lounge.. For fuck sa-’
“Good evening, everyone. My name is Lucifer, or Luci for short, I’ll be one of your servers tonight. I have your drinks here, but let me know if you need anything else.” You say as you set the tray down on the table, your voice coming out impressively even and a bit sultry.
“Yeah, uhm, I’m gunna need your number,” Chargebolt drunkenly slurs out, a dopey smile on his face and hearts practically in his eyes, as he grabs his drink from the tray.
You giggle at his attempt at hitting on you, having to keep from full-on laughing when you notice Dynamight’s jaw clenching out of the corner of your eye. You smile gently at Chargebolt, “Sorry, babes, but I don’t give my number out to strangers.” You say with a sympathetic pout as you try not to join the rest of the group in their laughter.
“I’m not a stranger, I’m Chargebolt aka Denk- OW! Man, c’mon, you don’t gotta hit me!” Chargebolt whines as he pouts at Dynamight while rubbing the back of his head.
“Sorry about him! He hits on anyone who breathes his way! Thanks for the drinks, Luci!” Pinky giggles out over Chargebolt’s whining, said man still on the receiving end of Dynamight’s murderous glare.
“No problem! I’ve got a few other tables to serve but I’ll check back in a little bit!” You say as you pick up the now empty tray and step back from the table.
You hear the rest of the group thank you as you walk away, Dynamight’s grumbled and gravelly ‘thanks’ sending a wave of heat through your body. ‘It should be illegal for someone’s one-worded, grumbled response to sound so sexy, what the fuck?!’ You mentally curse as you walk up to one of the other tables.
The hours fly by quickly as you wait on each of your tables. Every stop at the Pros’ table met with flirty quips from the group, minus Dynamight. In fact, he hasn’t even looked at you the whole time you’ve been off-stage. You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t just a little disappointed, but you shove it down to keep your sultry and flirty persona up. You flirtatiously thank the group at VIP table five as you stick the wad of bills that is your tip from them into your bralette and blow them a kiss as you walk towards the bar.
“Hey Ruby, you got the time?” You ask, exhaustion leaking into your tone.
“A little past one. You’re off at 15, right?” Ruby asks as they wipe off a glass. You nod, relief settling over you as well as exhaustion. It was a good shift but you are so ready to go home.
“This tray is for three, right? I’ll take it to them before I head back to my room.” You say, picking the tray up with a bit of a huff.
“Don’t act like you’re doing any favors for anyone, you just wanna see the Pros one last time before you leave.” Ruby teases with a smirk and you feign offense.
“Or I just want to reem them for tips, but go off I guess.” You playfully bite back, then giggle as Ruby raises an eyebrow at you.
Despite your exhaustion setting in more with each minute passing, you quickly make your way to the table of Pros. Pouring the last of your energy into your customer service persona, you set the tray of drinks down on the table and smile at the group.
“Hey Heroes, it has been an extreme pleasure serving and meeting all of you but it is now the end of my shift. One of our other servers will take over for me, I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your night!” The well-rehearsed spiel leaves your mouth with a pleasant tone and warm smile.
“I know I’ll be back if only to watch you dance again,” Pinky says with a flirty smile and wink that makes you giggle.
“Thanks for being so amazing!” Red Riot says with a bright smile as he hands you a fat wad of cash. You feign surprise as you take the cash and thank them all as you shove it in what little space you have left in your bralette. You spare one last glance at Dynamight and suppress a frown when you catch him looking very intently at his phone. You say your goodbyes, then rush to drop the empty tray off at the bar before heading back to your dressing room.
Changing back into the sweatpants and sweater that you arrived to work in, you feel the bone-deep heaviness that comes with being tired. You throw your hair up into a messy bun and slip your shoes on, then clock out from the tablet in your room. Slipping your bag onto your shoulder you leave your room and head for Sakura’s office to pick up your earnings from the night.
“Hey Boss, I’m outta here,” You announce from the doorway of her office.
“Alrighty, Babes! Here’s your check, you made pretty good bank tonight! Might be a little more than usual, awesome job!” Sakura beams as she hands you the envelope with your check in it.
Taking the envelope and putting it into your bag, you smile tiredly at her, “Thanks, Sakura. See ya later.”
“You want an escort to your car? I can call one of the bouncers back.” Sakura offers like she always does.
“Nah, I’m good. You already know that I’m the scary creature that lurks in the shadows.” You joke as you activate your Quirk a bit causing your eyes to glow while you shoot her a fanged smile. She laughs at your antics then bids you goodnight and you begin your walk to the back door of the club.
You step out into the chilly night air and are nearly blinded by a set of headlights coming from a car parked in the spot right in front of the door. You put your hand up to shield your eyes from the bright ass headlights and try to see who may be in the car. Suddenly the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and an anxious chill shivers down your spine. From your peripherals you see a hand reaching toward you and you try to move out of the person’s reach. Unfortunately, you’re a tad too late and they are able to grab your wrist and pull you towards them. You come face to face with the creep from earlier and your stomach drops as fear begins to course through you.
“Finally, some alone time with the demon-whore herself. Ya know, I’m a real big fan of yers. Wha’ do ya say we go back to my place and commit some sins, baby?” The creep-ass perv drawls out with a sick smile and your fear quickly turns to anger.
“Fuck off, you corny-ass pervert!” You growl out and you jerk your wrist up to your face, letting out a small breath of blue flames aimed towards the creep’s arm.
“Fucking bitch!” The degenerate of a man roars out as he yanks his hand away, continuing to curse from the pain.
You take the opportunity to whirl around and rush back into the club, locking the back door behind you once you’re inside. The door begins rattling from heavy banging against it and you can hear muffled shouts coming through from the man. You stand there shaking and trying to think of what to do now when you hear the footsteps of someone running towards you. Squinting through the dim lighting you nearly cry at the sight of Sakura and Pinky.
“Are you alright?” Pinky asks, her years of being a Pro making her voice come out steady even though she just ran here, and you nod shakily.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Luci! I should have checked the cams before sending you off! Fuck, I’m so stupid!” Sakura cries into your shoulder after pulling you into a tight hug.
“It’s not your fault, Sakura, it’s okay.” You whisper, your voice coming out strained as you try not to cry, and hug her back.
The three of you jump at the sound of an explosion coming from outside the door, and Pinky pushes you both behind her. You all stand there quietly for a few moments until Pinky’s phone goes off. She answers it quickly and you’re only able to catch her end of the call, “Yeah... She’s fine... Ugh, gross, what a bastard… Okay, thanks Red!” She finishes, then hangs up and turns around to you and Sakura.
“Are you sure that you’re okay? You don’t need to be checked out by a doctor or anything?” Pinky questions as her eyes roam over your form to visibly check for any injuries whatsoever.
“No, no, I’m okay. I just want to go home.” You quietly assure the two; Pinky cautiously believes you but Sakura is still suspicious that you’re hiding any sort of pain. A loud bang on the door makes both you and Sakura jump while Pinky just lets out a sigh.
“Unlock the door, dammit!” A voice shouts from the other side of the door and Pinky takes it upon herself to fulfill the demand.
The door swings open to reveal Dynamight, the dim lights from inside the club and the street lamps from outside the only things illuminating his figure. You can still tell that his face is scrunched up into something angry even with the poor lighting if the way he is grumbling about the “fucking creepy pervert” is anything to go by.
“Good job taking down that creep, Blasty!” Pinky cheers with a smile and a thumbs up.
“Shuddup,” Dynamight says with annoyance laced in his tone, but Pinky just laughs it off as she walks past him.
“Miss Sakura, if you could come with me? The police may want to see the security footage or get a statement from you.” Pinky says from her paused position in the doorway.
“Of course! Text me when you get home, Luci! I mean it, like, as soon as you pull into your driveway!” Sakura demands with a stern look on her face as she moves to catch up with Pinky.
“I will,” You promise with a small smile and send her a wave as she leaves.
A few moments of silence pass as you and Dynamight just stand there, an air of awkwardness beginning to settle in before you speak up, “Thanks for.. arresting that guy.” You say quietly, looking at him with a small smile.
“The guy had a pretty bad burn on his arm when we showed up.. Any idea where it might have come from?” Dynamight asks in a low and even tone, his sharp crimson eyes looking into yours.
Your smile drops and panic churns at your stomach, “I-I.. it was self defense! I-I didn’t know what else to do, h-he wouldn’t let go of me!” You fearfully begin defending yourself, only just now realizing that you used your Quirk unlicensed to harm somebody. Your heart begins to race and your breaths start to stutter, mind racing over the fact that you broke the law.
“Calm down, I was just curious. As far as the cops are concerned they think I did it, so you’re in the clear. Even if they do find out it was you, it’s legal if it’s in self defen- Jesus christ, take a deep breath, it’s okay!” Dynamight’s voice raises a bit when he notices you beginning to hyperventilate.
You turn away from him and make your way towards the wall, leaning against it to steady yourself. You close your eyes and take some deep breaths in hopes of calming down. After a minute, you open your eyes and look at anything except the hero in front of you when you turn back around.
“I’d like to go home now, if that’s okay? Or do I need to speak to the police?” You meekly ask as you adjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
“I’ll tell them that you’ll go down to the station tomorrow. The security cam footage should suffice for tonight.” He says and you can feel the weight of his gaze on you as you nod your head.
“Well, thanks again.. Goodnight, Dynamight.” You mumble as you move toward the door to leave.
“I’ll follow behind you.. to make sure you get home safe.” You hear Dynamight’s rushed and raspy words from behind you making you stop in your tracks.
“That’s not necessary, really.. Should you even be driving? You’ve been drinking all night..” You ramble out after you turn around to face him, your heart thundering in your chest when you find that he’s right there.
“I only had a couple drinks, plus I’m not weak like Dunc- Chargebolt, I can handle my fucking liquor. I’m gunna go get my car, do not leave this parking lot until I get back here.” Dynamight firmly demands before rushing off toward the front of the building.
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment before you shake yourself out of it and make your way to your car. You get in, hitting the lock button as soon as your door closes, and start it up. You spend a few minutes queuing up songs until you hear a honk from next to you. Nearly pissing yourself, you send a glare to Dynamight for scaring you but he just rolls his eyes and motions for you to go.
With a little bit of hesitancy in your gut, you back out of your parking space and begin your drive home. Looking at the routes on a map, it’s not a very far drive, but traffic always turns short trips into longer ones. Periodic glances at your rear view mirror tells you that you’re not the only one annoyed with the traffic. A small giggle leaves your lips every time you see Dynamight puff his cheeks with a huff or yell at some dick speeding past the both of you.
Finally, you arrive at your house, clicking the button on the gate opener and waiting for it to open fully before pulling up into the drive. Dynamight follows right behind you, pulling up next to you but just sitting in his car. You wonder if he’s going to watch you walk into your house then you wonder why he’s doing this at all. ‘There’s no way the Dynamight does this with even half of the victims he helps rescue..’ You think to yourself as you pull out your phone and tap the call function on Sakura’s contact.
The conversation is short and as soon as you hang up you turn your car off and gather your stuff, then get out. You barely register that Dynamight has gotten out of his car before he’s walking toward you. You look between him and his off car with a confused expression on your face.
“You gunna close the ga-” Dynamight starts but cuts himself off when he sees that the gate to your driveway has automatically started closing, the allotted time you have it set to stay open if you don’t close it yourself having run out.
“I didn’t realize you’d even be getting out of your car..” You comment quietly, and albeit nervously, as you make your way to your front door.
Silently, you take your keys out of your bag, placing the magnetic fob on its spot just above the doorknob. The lock makes a small beep and the keypad above the spot for the fob lights up. You sneak a glance behind you to see if Dynamight is looking but his back is to you as he seemingly surveys the driveway. You quickly type in the code for the lock and a chime rings through the air as the door unlocks. You push the door open a bit before turning around to Dynamight, unsure of what to do or say.
“Uhm, so-”
“Are you sure that you’re alright?” He cuts you off with his question as he turns to face you and his eyes scan over your body as you blink up at him.
“I- yeah, I’m fine..” You say, a little bit shocked by his behavior, and he just nods his head as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.
A moment of silence fills the air between you two before you blurt out, “Why did you do this? Made sure I got home safe, I mean. You.. you barely even acknowledged me after my performance at the club, and it’s a pretty well-known fact that Dynamight doesn’t really follow up with those that he rescues, let alone escorts them home..”
Dynamight’s jaw clenches and irritation fills his handsome features, and you have to remind your body that right now is not a good time to be getting aroused. His eyes meet yours and promptly melt you with their heat, whether it’s from irritation or something else you don’t know.
“Because, dammit..” He starts, dragging a hand through his hair and letting out an exasperated sigh, his eyes flicking to the ground and glaring at the cement.
“Strip joints aren’t my thing. They’re too fucking loud, there’s too many damn people, and I’ve never had any interest in watching people twirl around on a pole.” He continues, but gets interrupted by the scoff you defensively let out.
But he continues on before letting you get a word out, “But it was stupid Pinky’s birthday and that’s what she wanted to do, so I was dragged into going. I sat at that damn table hating every second until.. Until you got onto that fucking stage. And I know, I know, you probably hear this shit all the fucking time but dammit there was just something about you. I couldn’t tear my damn eyes away from you.”
You’re not sure when it happened but suddenly he is so close to you, crimson eyes sending a blazing heat through your body. Your breath hitches when you catch a whiff of his cologne and your panties are starting to feel much more damp.
“There’s some sort of lust factor to your Quirk, right? There has to be because I never feel like this towards anyone right off the bat,” He rasps out, his voice quieter than before and husky.
“Feel like what?” You whisper, playing the dumb-innocence card heavily as you stare into his eyes.
“Like I wanna fuck you until you’re nothing but a drooling mess cumming on my cock,” He rasps out huskily, his face mere centimeters from yours.
You can’t take it anymore, something in you just snaps and you’re smashing your lips onto his. Your moan mingles with his groan as your arms wind their way around his neck. His hands quickly find purchase on your hips and his fingers dig into the fabric of your sweats as he pulls your body impossibly closer to his. The kiss, if one could call it that, is aggressive with sharp canines nipping each others’ lips and tongues fighting for dominance.
In the midst of your devouring of each other, he backs you into your house, kicking the door shut behind him. You absentmindedly hear the chime of your door locking itself over the rush of blood in your ears and Dynamight’s groans. Your bag ends up crashing to the floor and you both somehow manage to haphazardly kick your shoes off.
You both stumble down the hallway as you lead him to your bedroom, pieces of clothing almost literally torn from each other’s bodies littering the floor as you go. By the time you fall back onto your bed, you’re both in nothing but your underwear. Dynamight stands at the edge of your bed seemingly entranced as you drag your hands along your body up to the front clasp of your bra. You slowly and sensually unclip the bra, making a show out of taking it off even though the Hero’s focus is solely on your tits.
His eyes then meet yours and his tongue darts out to wet his lips, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” He asks, his voice rough with lust but you hear the slight hesitance.
“I kissed you, didn’t I? Listen, I know I’m a stripper but I don’t usually fuck the patrons, I simply have no interest in it. I want this, I need this, and I’m clean if that makes you feel better. Plus, I’m on birth control, so please Dyn-”
“Katsuki. If we’re gunna fuck then you at least get to call me by my fucking name.” He bites out with fake annoyance, rolling his eyes as he shoves his underwear off.
You smirk up at him, toying with your breasts and moaning his name, just to test it out on your tongue and goddamn is it delicious. His eyes darken yet seem to glow at the same time like a whole new level of lust flowed over him, and you give him your real name.
“So, Katsuki, are you gunna fuck me til I’m a drooling mess cumming on your cock or am I gunna have to call Charg- shit, ahh, fuck-” You try to taunt him but are quickly cut off when Katsuki is suddenly on you, mouthing at one of your breasts while his hand kneads and squeezes the other.
He grinds his hard cock on your clothed pussy, right on your clit, the friction of it all making you pant and moan underneath him. Your hands sink into his hair, your claws scratching against his scalp and pulling more groans from him. He gives both your breasts equal attention, biting and sucking and leaving hickies in the wakes of his lips. His kisses begin to travel down your body until his hot mouth is sucking and licking over your already soaked panties.
It’s a slow kind of torture when he finally decides to drag your panties down your legs and off of your body. Needy whines and breathy begs leave your mouth as he uses one hand to slowly drag your panties down your legs while the thumb of his other hand rubs torturously slow circles into your clit.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.. You that needy for my cock, baby?” He husks out as he settles on his stomach between your legs.
“Y-yes, ah, been wet since, fuck, since my second s-set when, a-ah, wh-when y-you were by th-the stage,” You barely manage to get out between the slow stripes he’s licking up your pussy.
He sends you a cocky smirk before fully diving into your wetness and one of your hands flies to his hair while the other grips the sheets. He drinks you up like a man dying of thirst; going from sucking your clit and flicking his tongue against it to dipping lower and slipping his tongue in and out of your slit. Every ministration pushes you closer to that edge and you can’t stop your body from squirming as moans fall from your lips.
An idea manages to slip into your pleasure-addled mind and you pull at his hair to get his attention. This only results in what could only be described as a growl leaving his mouth and vibrating against your clit, nearly sending you. You fight off your impending orgasm as much as you can manage and try to use your words instead, “K-Katsuki, w-wait! I-I wa-wanna ride your face!” That gets his attention immediately, making him pause mid-lick to lean back a bit and give you a wild smirk.
“Fuck yeah, baby,” His lust-laced voice carries through the room as he shuffles around to get into position.
Once he’s comfortable, his lust-darkened and excited eyes catch yours, a devilish smirk sitting on his lips. You send him your own fanged smirk and carefully climb over his body, the shuffling of limbs resulting in your body facing your headboard as your pussy hovers over his mouth. His hands come up to grip your thighs as you slowly seat yourself onto his hot and waiting mouth. A half moan, half gasp leaves your lips when Katsuki immediately gets back to devouring you and one of your hands buries itself in his hair.
You let yourself drown beneath the waves of pleasure for a moment or two before forcing some clarity into your mind. You smirk down at him and his ministrations falter a bit as you trail the tip of your tail down his torso. He questions your action with his eyes until they widen a bit out of surprise as your tail slowly gets increasingly closer to his cock. His groan vibrates against your clit as you wrap your tail around him and his eyes flutter a bit.
You start jerking his cock slowly, your hips moving in sync, and both of your moans start filling the room. Katsuki becomes more aggressive with his licking and sucking, his tongue delving into you every now and then as you grind against him.
“Hah.. ah.. I-I’m g-gunna f-fucking.. cum..” You pant out between moans, your grip on his hair tightening as the overwhelming sensation of your orgasm begins flooding you once again.
“Fucking hell.. Cum, then, baby. Cum on my fucking tongue.” Katsuki’s muffled command is followed by another groaned out curse, his hips bucking a bit off the bed as you continue to jerk him.
“Aah, Katsuki,” His name comes out as a high-pitched moan as your orgasm hits you. Your pussy clenches around his tongue as you double over, your free hand sinking into the mattress next to his head. He tongue-fucks you through it as your eyes squeeze shut and your nails scrape against his scalp. In your bliss, you hear and feel him let out something between a groan and growl, and you’re not sure if it’s from pain or pleasure.
He continues swiping his tongue against your pussy as whines from overstimulation leave your mouth. Something more begins building in your abdomen and you forcefully lift your hips from his face to keep from potentially drowning the man beneath you.
You're both panting as you stare at each other with the same look of feral lust in your eyes. The moonlight shining in from your window making it look like his eyes are glowing and you feel just a bit envious over how fucking effortlessly attractive this man is. A playful smirk pulls at your lips when you squeeze your tail around his cock and he lets out an unintentional moan. Suddenly, in a blur of motions, you’re flipped onto your back with Katsuki hovering over you, his lips still shiny with your cum.
“Ya know, teasing isn’t nice.” Katsuki comments huskily with a smirk as he grinds his cock against your wet pussy, his tip catching your clit with every stroke.
In an instant his lips are on yours, swallowing your whines and moans. He holds himself up with one arm while the other leaves its position from beside your head. His now free hand runs down your body until he gets to your pussy. His fingers rub at your clit a bit before moving further down where he slips a finger into you. Your moans go up in volume as one finger becomes two and his lips suck hickies into the column of your throat. Your body begins to writhe a bit as his fingers brush over your g-spot and his teeth nip at your hot skin.
Soon enough two fingers turn into three and the tsunami-size waves of your next orgasm crash against the poorly built dam you’ve built. All the while, Katsuki just swallows all of begging and pleading for him to just put his cock in you already. His hot, hard cock that is currently weeping pre-cum all over your thigh.
“I-I think I l-learned my lesson ‘bout teasing, Ka-Katsuki! Oh fuck.. J-just put it in!” You demand when his mouth goes back to sucking more marks into your shoulder.
“Demanding little slut, flip the fuck over.” Katsuki commands after he pulls his fingers from your pussy.
You flip yourself onto your stomach, ass up in the air and tail swishing sensually slowly behind you. You look back at him with a smirk that quickly falters when you meet his gaze dead-on as he licks your cum from his fingers. A cocky smirk pulls at his lips when he finishes and uses that same hand to smack one of your asscheeks making you cry out. Pain and pleasure tingle up your spine and your pussy continues to leak.
“Yeah, kinda figured you were a pain slut by now. Only fitting for someone with a demon Quirk, huh?” Katsuki husks out following another smack to your ass.
Finally, without any further commentation, the fat head of his cock nudges its way between your pussy lips. He enters you slowly, groaning as you pant through the welcomed invasion of every inch of him. When his hips finally meet your asscheeks you understand why he had taken his time fingering you. Of course, you had noticed that his cock is big but you weren’t quite prepared to feel this full. There isn’t a single complaint that runs through your pleasure-melted brain, though. Only praises intermingled with moans fall from your mouth when he gives an experimental thrust.
“Shit, you’re so fuckin’ tight.” Katsuki grits out as he sets a steady pace, moving in and out of you while his hands grip your hips.
“So.. fuckin’.. good.. s-so.. full..” You moan out as you push yourself back on his cock, absentmindedly wrapping your tail around one of his wrists.
The room becomes hot and stuffy, the smell of sex and Katsuki’s cologne on every breath you breathe in. Your eyes are half-lidded, wanting to roll back, and your mouth hangs open as Katsuki begins drilling into you. You nearly cum from the sight of him throwing his head back and groaning at how your pussy squelches and clenches around him.
His cock hits your g-spot over and over, making that overwhelming feeling inside you unbearable. You don’t get anything other than a high-pitched moan out of your mouth as your second orgasm crashes into you. Your eyes roll back as you squirt all over Katsuki’s cock and pelvis. You become a babbling, drooling mess as he fucks your through your orgasm, his pace somehow getting faster. His exhales become grunts and growls as he pounds into you, his hands now gripping you so tightly that you nearly cum again thinking about the bruises they’ll leave.
“Fuck, I’m gunna fucking cum!” Katsuki groans out, his thrusts beginning to falter slightly.
“Ah, please cum, a-ah, pleasepleaseplease,” You mindlessly beg as you cum on his cock again.
“Sh-shit.. I-I.. fuuuuck,” He stutters out as he thrust hard into you one last time before stilling. You moan softly as warmth fills you, your eyes shutting from all of the bliss and pleasure you felt throughout the night.
Katsuki is hunched over you for a moment just trying to catch his breath before he kisses your shoulder and straightens up. He slowly pulls out causing both of you to groan, then he collapses onto the mattress beside you. You lower your hips down to the bed and stretch your body a bit before shuffling over to lay on his chest. With his eyes closed, Katsuki wraps an arm around you and begins lightly rubbing your lower back. It’s a peaceful and calm silence between the both of you, the only sounds being both of you breathing and your house’s A/C kicking on.
“There’s no lust factor,” You say quietly, your chin resting on his pec as you look up at his face.
Katsuki cracks an eye open and tilts his head to peer down at you in confusion, “What?” He rasps out.
“My Quirk, Hellspawn, is just demon traits. I don’t have any succubi traits or powers, so there’s no lust factor to my Quirk.” A teasing smile plays on your lips as you explain.
Katsuki is silent as he glares down at you, his face unamused until his lips twitch and a chuckle escapes him. You let out a few giggles yourself and Katsuki runs a hand down his face.
“Well, shit, there goes that explanation. If you’re telling the truth, that is,” He says as he gives you a look of feigned suspicion.
You gasp with feigned offense as you sit up a little, “I would never lie to a Pro Hero such as yourself! What’s the matter, Mr. Dynamight, you don’t believe in lust at first sight?” You can’t help the giggle that escapes you at your bad pun.
Katsuki groans as he rolls his eyes, “Jesus Christ, ‘lust at first sight’? I can’t tell if that's the stripper in you talkin’ or the succubus.”
“I’m not a succubus!” You exclaim as you playfully push him, a laugh leaving your mouth as you stare down at his smirking face.
“Where’s your bathroom, Succubus? We both need a damn shower,” Katsuki asks as he sits up.
His question feels like it’s muffled in your ears as thoughts of not wanting this to end flood your brain. You wonder if he wants this to be a one night stand. If he’ll get dressed, then ask you to not tell anyone about what you two did tonight. If maybe he doesn’t want the fact that he slept with a stripper to get out and ruin his grand reptati-
“Hey, we gunna get this shower over with so we can sleep or what?” Katsuki’s voice breaks you from your thoughts. “I’ll help ya change the bedding and shit after we get done ‘cause I’m sure as hell not sleeping in the puddle you made.” He says with a teasing smirk. You blink dumbly for a moment, then move to stand up to lead Katsuki to your bathroom.
‘He’s spending the night? Maybe he doesn’t want this to end just yet, either..’ You think as you step into the warm water of your shower, Katsuki stepping in right behind you. His arms wrap around you as he pulls you back flush against him, being mindful of your wings. He sighs as he kisses the crook of your neck and you lean back into him, closing your eyes and just enjoying the moment.

Note ~ Welp, there we go, Lovelies! This was a fun fic to write even though I'm not familiar with the workings of a strip club. I did recently watch the movie Hustlers and felt a bit more confident about what I was writing, haha. Hope it was a good read and y'all stay tuned for more fics! Love and appreciate all of you, Lovelies! <3
Sneak Peek
Hey, Lovelies! Just wanted to hop on here and give y'all a little treat for all the love you've shown One Life After Another, Forevermore. I've got another fic in the works right now, not sure if it'll be a oneshot or multi-part series. I'm calling it Dance With a Demon and it's definitely an 18+ fic, so minors DNI this post or furture posts about Dance With a Demon, please and thank you.
Enjoy the lil snippet, Lovelies~

You’re not sure when it happened but suddenly he is so close to you, crimson eyes sending a blazing heat through your body. Your breath hitches when you catch a whiff of his cologne and your panties are starting to feel much more damp.
“There’s some sort of lust factor to your Quirk, right? There has to be because I never feel like this towards anyone right off the bat,” He rasps out, his voice quieter than before and husky.
“Feel like what?” You whisper, playing the dumb-innocence card heavily as you stare into his eyes.
“Like I wanna fuck you until you’re nothing but a drooling mess cumming on my cock,” He rasps out huskily, his face mere centimeters from yours.
it's okay if you're not on a rec list
it's okay if you don't have 1000 followers
it's okay if you haven't written as much as you wanted to this year
it's okay if you doubt yourself
it's okay to want more attention
it's okay if you're too shy to share your work
you are valued. you are here. you are important.
there's at least one person out there who recognizes you and looks forward to what you have to say.
you belong.
Fave moment(s) from One Life After Another, Forevermore aaannnd GO! 😁🤩🥰

One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Note ~ Happy holidays, Lovelies! I'm sorry that it has taken a few days for me to post the final part, I've been busy with work and adulting, haha! Anyway, I hope that you all are excited for this finale to this fic and love it as much as I do! It will be the shortest part yet at barely 900 words but in my opinion it came out so adorable, though I am biased, haha! Well, enough with my rambling, enjoy the read My Wonderful Lovelies! <3
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)

You were nervously playing with the end of your long dark braided hair as you walked up to the door of the classroom. You still couldn’t believe that you had gotten into U.A., let alone the Hero Course. You smoothed over your uniform then slid the door to Class 1-A open.
Your eyes swept over the few students already in the classroom then you looked up at the board for the seating chart. When you looked back to the sea of desks and located where yours was, you saw a tall blue-haired boy sternly lecturing an ash-blonde boy sitting at the desk behind yours.
You quietly made your way over to your desk and slid into the seat, making the blue-haired boy halt his lecture towards the blonde behind you. You turned in your seat to face them and gave them a shy smile when you saw that both were staring at you.
The blue-haired boy was staring at you in what seemed to be recognition but you weren’t quite sure since you had no idea who he was. But the ash-blonde boy was glaring at you intently and you couldn’t figure out what you had done wrong.
“Hi, I’m..” You introduced yourself shyly, your violet eyes darting between the two nervously.
The blue-haired boy gave an.. enthusiastic.. greeting while the blonde just made some sort of dismissive noise and turned his head to look out the window. You felt a pang of something hit you in the chest briefly before turning around to face the front of the classroom again.
After the teacher had come in and introduced himself, he had your class change into P.E. uniforms and then meet out on a baseball field. You listened as he explained what you would be doing and what the purpose of the test was before he called up a student to demonstrate one of the exercises.
“Bakugo..” Was all you heard your teacher say before your ears tuned out the rest.
You watched the crimson-eyed ash-blonde walk up to the teacher and grab the ball before moving to the pitching mound. It was like everything happened in slow motion as you watched Bakugo wind up his arm and throw the ball.
Not even the explosion from the boy’s hand could pull you out of the daze that you had apparently gone into. Your eyes met his as he walked back to stand with the rest of your classmates and you found something so familiar within all of the crimson.
You went through the series of Quirk tests completely absent from reality. It’s like you were on autopilot and out of your body until you heard Aizawa Sensei’s words dismissing your class. The other girls from your class had picked up on your strange behavior and tried to make sure that you were feeling okay. They wore worried looks on their faces as you all changed in the locker room and made your way back to the classroom.
By the end of the day, you had still felt like you weren’t back in your body. Or rather, you felt like something was missing, maybe? You couldn’t pinpoint what was going on, you just knew that you had felt off.
As you walked towards the school gates to leave, you spotted a familiar head of ash-blonde hair. You moved faster to catch up to him, unsure of why your brain thought that he would have any answers as to what was wrong with you.
“Bakugo, hey, wait a sec-” You called out as you reached for his hand.
As soon as your skin made contact with his it was like a movie started playing on fast-forward in front of your eyes, right in your mind. Flashes of different worlds, and different realities, different settings filled your vision and made you feel unsteady on your feet. Along with the flashes came feelings; unthinkable heartbreak, overwhelming joy, unimaginable physical and emotional pain, peace.
Finally, your vision cleared and you felt tears dripping down your face. You looked up at Bakugo and saw his wide shiny eyes and almost unreadable face. You felt his warm hand gripping yours almost too tightly.
Suddenly, Katsuki’s arms were wrapped tightly around you and you automatically reciprocated the action.
“My Love.” You murmured into his shoulder.
“My Violet.” His raspy voice whispered into the crook of your neck.
Every lifetime after that one began like that; forgetting your past lives, finding each other, remembering, then living out your lives until you died of old age.
You always passed away peacefully and always in each others’ arms.
And every time, the Goddess of Fate smiled with pride for the both of you.
You and him would never know it but the Goddess of Fate had never laughed at your shortcomings, had never found joy in taking you away from each other so early within your past lives.
The Goddess of Fate had just done what she does best; tied your souls to each other, put you through as many trials as you needed to prove your compatibility, then gave you both the peace you deserved.
You and him were never star-crossed lovers tied together as a joke, you were always meant to be true soulmates.
You and he were always meant to be Eternal Lovers...
One life after another, forevermore.

Author's Note ~ And we have reached the end of this fic *wipes tears* I loved writing this fic so much. The amount of emotion that I poured into this fic is something that I have trouble with doing again now. It was a special kind of inspiration that I had felt when writing this fic and I crave to have it back to be honest.
Even though they won't compare to how this fic turned out, let me know if I should post my other fics here! I would love to get some tips or comments about what I could do better! I don't want to be a one hit wonder, you know? I want to share my works and have them be good enough for people to really enjoy. So, please let me know what you think!
I love and appreciate every single one of you, Lovelies! <3
Tag List ~ @damnirina @queenpiranhadon
One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Note ~ Hello, Lovelies! I hope that you all have been enjoying the series so far! I cannot express enough just how much I appreciate every like, comment and re-blog, so thank you all so much! This part will be shorter than the last two with only about 3.3k words, but I hope that you enjoy it all the same! <3
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)

You weren’t sure how long you had spent in limbo waiting for Katsuki.
It could have been seconds.
It could have been years.
You prayed it had been years for Kazuki’s sake. That sweet little boy deserved to have at least one parent to guide him through life.
You had also prayed that Katsuki had lived the rest of that life as well as he could have even if you weren’t by his side.
Even though your time in limbo was indeterminate, you spent it wondering when you and Katsuki would get a full lifetime together...
Because once you got one whole lifetime together, from meeting until death by old age, it was guaranteed that every single life afterward would be like that.
You were tired of one or both of you dying young, never able to finish out the lifetime together.
In the eyes of the Goddess of Fate, you were both still young souls, but the pain of losing one’s Eternal Love in horrible ways over and over again can make it feel as though one is much older than they are.
For 500 years, you had lived on an Earth where humans did not exist. Large creatures with massive wings, scales covering their bodies, breath made of fire, and the ability to communicate telepathically were at the top of the food chain during this reality. And you were born as one of those magnificent creatures.
The scales that covered your body were a deep midnight purple and had an iridescent shine in the sunlight, and the scales of your underbelly were a dark blue. The horns protruding from your head along with the claws on your hands and feet were pitch black. The massive wings on your back were iridescent black along the ridges of bones while the webbing was the same dark blue of your underbelly scales. The fire you could breathe from your sharp-tooth-filled mouth was violet in color and molten hot. Your eyes were violet with cracks of piercing blue, the same as they had always been.
Just like your previous lives, your mother showed you endless love while your father ignored your existence. The family, or more appropriately called flight, of dragons you were born into was fairly large and decently powerful. Not long after you hatched you were thrilled to discover that you had some familiar souls surrounding you. Souls such as; Izuku, Ochaco, Shoto, Momo, Tsu, Iida, Itsuka, and Tetsutetsu.
It puzzled you that they remembered you from their previous lives. That was one of a few firsts in that new life you were living. Another first had been entering that new life with more than just your parents, Katsuki, and Katsuki’s parents as familiar souls you could recognize. You guessed that the group of souls you met in your previous life that now surround you were either new souls cast down to Earth by the Goddess of Fate or you all were simply too spread out to run into any of them in any of your other lives. Either way, it made you realize just how much you seemed to learn about reincarnation with each new life you lived.
In that life of giant scaly beings, though, you decided to let Katsuki come to you. It had been a few lives since he was the one to find you so you wanted to see how long it would take your Love to set out on a journey to reunite with you. You could spare the patience and quite frankly you thought that it could be entertaining. You wondered if he would travel by himself or if he would bring others with him. You hoped he would finally reconnect with the red-haired friend he had during your Mermaid lifetime. Katsuki had seemed to really like that soul and you missed the cheerful energy the redhead always carried.
So you spent 500 years learning the ways of your flight, roughhousing with your friends, doing the tasks assigned to you by the elder dragons, and maturing. Dragons were known to live for a long time, the end of their lifespan reaching anywhere from 1,500 years to 2,000 years. Once a dragon had reached the age of about 500 years old they were considered mature adult dragons. At that age, they could leave their flight and go off on their own, join another flight, or stay within their birth-flight. They could do whatever they wanted to, even find a mate.
That world of dragons was much more peaceful than one would think. Dragons from all across the world had gotten along, so wars were simply not a thing. Sure, there were small fights occasionally either within flights or between two different flights. But that was just what would happen when one dragon touched another dragon’s treasures.
Peaceful. That’s what it had been like when you woke up to the routine sound of the flight elders’ roarings and wake-up calls echoing through the air. Early morning rays of dawn were slipping into the mouth of your cave when you opened your eyes. You let out a long huff as you stretched your sleepy body then stood up and made your way out of your cave. You sluggishly made your way to your flight’s field of sunbathing rocks. You found yours then laid yourself out on top of it, ready to soak in the warmth of the rising sun. Ochaco, Izuku, and Momo along with your other friends joined you and lounged out on their own rocks not long after you had arrived.
It was your flight’s morning ritual; the elders would go around to wake everyone, and then you all prepared for the day by letting your cold-blooded bodies heat up in the rising sun together. It was like a community bonding type thing done before everyone headed off to do their tasks. It was common for most to chat idly as you all splayed out on your rocks and gained energy from the sun’s golden rays.
Like most mornings, you chatted with Izuku, Momo, Tetsutetsu, and Shoto about where you would be hunting that day. That was the main task the five of you were assigned to do by the elders. Every morning, midday, and evening you and the other four members of your group would go out and bring back loads of meat for the whole flight.
As your bodies woke up and became more energized and warm, your little friend group got more rambunctious like usual. Playful swipes at each other, teasing words, and small puffs of smoke or fire had ensued like you were all still young whelplings. You and Tetsutetsu were probably the worst out of the bunch; constantly throwing teasing remarks back and forth, play-fighting every chance you got, and spitting harmless flames at each other. It was safe to say that you and Tetsutetsu were best friends in that lifetime.
As soon as the communal sunbathing was over and everyone was warmed up and energized, you and the other hunters set off to gather breakfast. The five of you flew down to a valley that you hadn’t hunted in lately and split up to hunt on your own for a while. When the five of you met back up, each of you carrying a few dead creatures, Izuku took inventory of everything everyone had caught. He deemed it just shy of being enough for the whole flight and suggested that you all try to gather more during the flight back.
Your group had been successful in grabbing more creatures on your way back to the flight and were praised gratefully by the elders. The five of you plus a couple of the elders distributed the food amongst eagerly waiting flight members before settling down and eating for yourselves.
The rest of the day continued on as normal as any other day of your life. You sunbathed a bit more with Ochaco, Momo, and Tsu. You went searching for treasures to add to your hoard with Izuku and Shoto. You had a strength competition with Tetsutetsu that you most definitely won (read as; lost) and had proven to the stubborn silver-scaled dragon once again that you can(t) beat him. You did your tasks and even went to the hot springs with your mother. That night as you curled up in the darkness of your cave preparing for slumber, you let the feeling of near-contentment settle over you even though you knew you wouldn’t breach full-contentment without Katsuki there.
You awoke later that night, moonbeams spilling into your cave from the full moon hanging at its highest point in the sky. The sounds of another dragon shuffling around your cave sent you into attack mode. If there was one thing about your flight it was that everybody respected everybody else's space, nobody just wandered in and out of others’ caves. So with that knowledge at the forefront of your mind, you launched yourself at the strange dragon rifling through your small bit of territory.
The both of you tumbled out of your cave and you pinned the stranger to the ground as warning growls rumbled loudly through your chest. You built up an inferno within your chest and was ready to release it when the invader spoke.
“Wait! Please, wait! I know that wasn’t very kind of me to do, just walking into your cave without permission, but I mean you no harm!” The dragon beneath you pleaded.
You glared down at him for a few moments as you took in his words then got off of the strange invader. Once he was upright again you took in his features the best you could in the light of the moon.
His body was all red, the scales of his underbelly a darker shade of red than the rest of him. His horns were the same shade of red as his body and his claws seemed to be gray in color. His eyes were red as well, similar to Katsuki’s, but a different shade. Before you could ask the invader anything about who he was or why he was there, angered roars and telepathic shouts echoed through the canyon and within your mind.
Different colored flames could be seen lighting up the night from a few different caves and you began to panic slightly. The red dragon you had tackled took off towards Izuku’s cave where bright green and bright orange flames had been spilling from. You wanted to make sure that your friend was okay so you took off, following after the red dragon.
When you got to the ledge of Izuku’s cave the green and black dragon himself and another dragon tumbled out. The other dragon that Izuku seemed to be fighting was covered in black scales, its underbelly a bright shade of orange.
You and the red dragon dove towards your respective friends and pulled the two fighting dragons apart. You stood protectively in front of Izuku, glaring at the two invaders when your eyes met the ones of the dragon that the red dragon had been holding back.
“Katsuki..?” You asked telepathically in disbelief.
Immediately, the crimson-eyed black and orange dragon stopped struggling against his friend and looked at you.
“Fucking finally! Yes, it’s me, Violet!” Katsuki telepathically yelled in relief.
Before you could say anything else to him, other members of your flight were exiting their caves. Most were curious about what all the commotion was about and a few were hauling other invaders out of their caves while demanding to know what was going on. You let out an annoyed huff while looking back at Katsuki, wondering if he knew or cared about the drama he caused.
“Don’t huff at me, damn it! I was just trying to find you!” Katsuki agitatedly shouted at you telepathically, giving you your answer.
After a long discussion with the elders, you convinced them that the foreign dragons were not here to harm anybody and did not pose a threat to the flight. The elders even graciously granted the outsiders permission to use a few of the empty caves to rest in so long as they didn’t cause any more ruckus. You, the outsiders, and even Katsuki thanked the elders then you led the outsiders to the caves they could stay in for the rest of the night.
You wanted to be petty over the headache Katsuki caused you that night and not let him sleep in your cave with you but one look and you gave into his silent pleas. You and he made sure his friends were settled before you led him back to your cave. Once inside, you both wordlessly curled up next to each other and fell into the best slumber you ever had during that lifetime.
The next morning when you awoke to the elders' calls you decided that you didn’t want to join the rest of the flight for morning sunbathing. You simply didn’t want to deal with all of the questions that your friends would have. So, you and Katsuki moved to the ledge that extended from the mouth of your cave and laid out next to each other as you awaited the warm rays of the sun.
“So, who are the members of your little band of troublemakers, my Love?” You teasingly asked Katsuki. He huffed annoyedly as he shifted his body to lay his head on your shoulder.
“The red one is Eijiro, you might remember him from your mer life. He was the redhead that always came around to bug me, that hasn’t changed apparently.” Katsuki said in feigned annoyance and you hit him lightly with your tail.
“The yellow and black one is Denki, he’s kinda dumb but entertaining. The all-black one is Hanta, he said he knew you from our previous life. And the pink and yellow one is Mina, she’s just as annoying as Eijiro. They all insisted on traveling with me and I couldn’t manage to get them off my tail at any point along the way.” Kastuki finished explaining and you huffed a laugh.
“You said Hanta remembers me? It's probably because he was one of the cooks, and also one of my friends from my life in the castle, last lifetime. Do any of the others remember their previous lives at all? My group of friends here all seem to remember me from our last life along with some having memories of their other past lives.” You told him as you both moved to sprawl out and let the sun hit your bodies fully.
“Well, Eijiro remembers you and me from the life you were a Mer. Denki and his Eternal Love are possibly new souls because they don’t seem to have memories of previous lives. And Mina is actually Eijiro’s Eternal Love, we just never got to meet her during the lifetime you were a mer. But she has memories of her previous lives. I’d say, out of both of our groups, you and I may be the oldest souls.” Katsuki told you and you hummed in agreement.
You shifted your body so that you were tucked into Katsuki’s side and he wrapped a wing around you, “Tell me, Kats..” You started.
“What, my Violet?” His gruff voice asked gently within your mind.
“Did you and Kazuki live a good life?” You asked forlornly as a cold sadness that not even the warm sunshine could thaw settled over you.
“We did, my Love. It was fucking painful at times without you there but I made sure our kid knew he was loved by not only me but you as well. He was so strong just like you told me he’d be and.. and he was just like you in so many ways. He had my god-awful attitude sometimes but most of the time he was just like you.” Katsuki told you, a sadly nostalgic and awe-filled tone in his voice.
Your heart ached at Katsuki’s words and you wished so very desperately that you could have lived that lifetime with them.
“Did you-” You began to ask but Katsuki cut you off knowing what the question was.
“Yes, Violet. Kazuki had his pops around until he was about 23 then I got sick. It was a bad illness that was rolling through the other kingdoms until it finally hit ours. Damn me for saying this, but my body was too weak to fight it off and once I got it, my body just quit on me. But I left that lifetime not worrying about our son because I knew that he was strong like his pops and brave like his mother.” Katsuki said in a slightly somber tone, his voice thick like he could cry if that was something dragons were capable of.
“Kats..” Your voice cried even if your eyes could not and Katsuki curled around you tighter.
“It’s okay, my Violet. We will see our son again. We will have our peaceful forever together as a family. I’m not sure when but I know that we will.” Katsuki soothingly murmured to you as his head nuzzled against yours.
You hadn’t realized at the time that your Love’s words would ring true during that lifetime.
Shortly after Katsuki had found you in that lifetime you, your Love, and both of your groups of friends had set off to start your own flight. Your flight had found a spot of free territory and settled there. You and Katsuki had each other, and your friends had their mates.
The years went on and on, full of both happy times and tragic ones. You and Katsuki welcomed the arrival of Kazuki in that lifetime with overwhelming amounts of joy in your hearts. You had rejoiced the day that the little dragon had hatched out of his egg. He had your midnight purple scales covering most of his body except for the burnt orange of his underbelly scales. He had his father’s crimson-colored eyes and a lot of your personality. He was just as Katsuki had described him being many years before when he had found you in that lifetime.
The bad times were rough on everybody. You and Katsuki had to watch your friends lose their Eternal Loves in sad or horrible ways. You both knew what that gut-wrenching pain felt like but you also knew that there was no way to help your friends. Just like both of yours, your friends’ lives rested in the hands of the Goddess of Fate.
You and Katsuki lived that lifetime with a healthy dose of fear that you could be ripped from each other’s arms within a moment's notice but something miraculous happened...
Curled up into each other, neither of your old bodies willing to move anymore and your breaths shallow and labored, you and Katsuki looked at each other and knew.
You both had finally made it.
You looked into Katsuki’s eyes, the sun setting behind where you both were lying in that grassy field, and you felt so many emotions at once.
“We made it, Kats.” You told him, your voice soft and quiet.
“We did, my Violet. We made it to our peaceful forever together.” Katsuki rasped.
“I love you, Kats. Don’t forget to look for me.” You whispered as your eyes closed peacefully.
“I’ll never forget, my Violet. I love you.” Katsuki whispered back, joining you in closing his eyes and giving in to the familiar pull of death.
Though this time, for the first time, you both peacefully welcomed death knowing that when you find each other again in your next life and the one after that and the one after that.. That you will have the whole lifetime together.

Author's Note ~ Just one more part after this one, Lovelies! I feel like I rushed with putting this out for you all, but with all of the feedback and love that has come from you all so far I couldn't keep myself from posting! I'm also a very impatient person, haha. Let me know your thoughts on the series so far and/or if you want to be added to the tag list! Much love and appreciation, My Lovelies!! <3
Tag List ~ @damnirina @queenpiranhadon
One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Note ~ Just want to say thank you all so much for the love on my fic so far, it literally brings tears to my eyes seeing people enjoy my work. I love and appreciate you all so much! Also this part is nearly 8k words, just a heads-up.. Enjoy, Lovelies!! <3
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)

Your eyes opened up to another new world and your cries proved to those who were in the room that you were a strong and healthy baby. You weren’t sure what life you were on now but you did remember the last few were different types of animals. You and Katsuki had found and lost each other in each life before being able to be together for any significant amount of time. It was in that new life as you screamed your lungs out as a tiny infant that your innermost consciousness wondered if you and Katsuki would ever get to fully live out any of your lives together.
In that new life, you were born a human. A royal human, as you would come to learn, a Princess to the Kingdom of the North. Other humans took care of you, served you, and did things for you. You lived in a grand castle amongst lavish things but not everything was as luxurious as they may have looked.
Your mother, the Queen, had died giving birth to you, and your father, the King, made sure that you were kept out of his sights. After his wife’s death, he had been grief-stricken and disappointed. His disappointment had been in you, a female, being his first and only child. He would have no heir to his throne unless he remarried and tried for a male child. He paid no regard to the way that Eternal Loves worked, he only cared about his reputation which seemed to be a recurring theme throughout your lives.
So that is what the King did; he informed the entire kingdom that the Queen and their child had both died during the birth, he ignored your existence, remarried, and a few years later a male heir was born. Your father, his new family, and the kingdom’s subjects rejoiced while you were hidden away in your room.
The years went on of you being ignored by your father and his replacement wife and kids. You were at least still treated like the rightful Princess you were by the servants in the castle. And they didn’t mind doting on you, talking to you, or fulfilling any requests you made. Many of them had told you that they much preferred when your mother was Queen and they spoke of how kind, beautiful, and lovely she was. It made you happy to hear but also left an ache in your heart that yearned for your mother’s love.
Not long after you had turned seventeen, you had decided that you were sick of the oppressive walls of the castle. You were sick of your father and his replacement family. You wanted to see more of the world, you wanted to exist in the world. But most of all, if you had stayed in that damn castle your whole life then you would never find Katsuki.
Your most trusted servants, and quite frankly your best and only friends, helped you to gather items and pack. Tsu had given you a cloak and a map of the country. Itsuka packed you a bag of clothes and dried fruits and even managed to get you some of your mother’s jewelry. Lastly, Reiko had been able to get you a decently-sized pouch of coins. You thanked them for all of their help and hugged the three of them tightly.
You laid in bed that evening but you didn’t sleep. You waited for Tsu to come by your room once your father and his family were asleep. When she did come to get you, the both of you quietly made your way to the kitchen. Waiting for you there was Itsuka, Reiko, and your favorite two cooks; Hanta and Rikido. Hanta smiled warmly at you as he handed you a bag with bread, cheese, and dried meat, and Rikido wished you luck as he handed you a bag of sweet baked goods. You gave them both a teary smile and thanked them quietly.
As you said your last goodbyes to your friends one of the castle’s guards, Mezo, silently entered the kitchen. You wiped your tears, straightened your back, and flipped the hood of your cloak up. You nodded to Mezo in silent communication then smiled, wide and warm, at your friends as you waved to them and walked away.
You quietly followed Mezo through the castle and outside to the royal garden. He led you to the back edge of the garden where a secret exit had been hidden away in the vines that covered the barrier that surrounded the castle grounds. He pulled the vines away and opened the door for you, standing back so that you could go through.
“Good luck on your journey, Princess. Please be safe on your travels.” He said quietly while he held a small sword out to you.
“Thank you, Mezo.” You said with a warm smile and took the sword from him.
You went through the door, sending Mezo one last wave as he closed the secret door behind you. You took a moment to slide the sword's sheath onto your belt and re-fastened it before quietly sneaking away from the castle. You were a bit scared to be on your own but knew that this was what you needed to do and you had prepared well.
Over the past couple of months, your friends had taught you various skills that would help you survive on your own. Itsuka taught you how to read a map, a compass, and the sun. Tsu had shown you how to sew which was beneficial towards clothing and wounds alike. Reiko had written you a journal full of information and drawings of different herbs and plants and their uses. Most importantly, Mezo had shown you how to use the sword on your hip and had trained you how to fight.
You silently made your way to the edge of the forest where you had one more person to meet. As you neared the trees the light of the full moon illuminated the figure of a person on top of a horse, another horse patiently standing next to the pair.
“Hello? Koji?” You quietly called out as you approached.
The person’s head whipped in your direction as if spooked and you smiled sheepishly, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you!” You quietly apologized.
“I-it’s a-alright, Princess. Y-yes, I-I a-am Koji. Th-this i-is y-your h-horse, M-Mira.” Koji told you and you smiled at him, then at your new horse companion. Koji taught you everything you needed to know about caring for and riding horses.
The moon was low in the sky and you knew the sun was due to begin showing itself soon. Koji asked where you headed first and you pulled out your map. You pointed to the Kingdom of the West and explained you would go there first since they were allies to the Kingdom of the North. Koji nodded, warned you to stay away from the South as he reminded you of the Barbarian kingdom that ruled there, and wished you luck on your travels. You thanked Koji with a warm smile and wished him well then set off on your journey to find your Love.
When you arrived at the Kingdom of the West you were in awe at how different it had seemed from your home kingdom. You bought yourself a room at a nice Inn that also had stables to keep your horse in. The Innkeeper was a nice round-faced girl about the same age as you by the name of Ochaco.
You had mentioned to Ochaco that you would probably be staying for a few days and she had cheerfully offered to show you around. You excitedly accepted her offer and couldn’t wait to experience what this kingdom was like.
True to her word, the next day Ochaco had come by your room to take you out and about the capital of the Kingdom of the West. As the two of you walked down the main streets of the capital, Ochaco talked about their king. Supposedly, he was a kind and gracious ruler by the name of King Yagi. Ochaco also talked very highly of Queen Inko and Prince Izuku.
According to your new pink-cheeked friend, the whole royal family was very kind and on any given day you could find the Prince out and about the capital offering help to anybody who needed it. It made you feel a bit envious hearing about how nice the royal family was not just to their subjects but to each other and other kingdoms. They were even kind to the Kingdom of the East despite King Enji’s one-sided rivalry with King Yagi.
“Oh, oh! Look! There’s Prince Izuku!” Ochaco had practically squealed as she pointed to a green-haired boy helping out an elderly shopkeeper. Ochaco took hold of your hand and dragged you over to the Prince, eager to introduce you to him.
“Izuku! Izuku!” Ochaco cheerfully called out and captured the Prince’s attention. The Prince blushed a bit when he saw you both approaching but smiled brightly.
“G-good a-afternoon, Ochaco! Who is this?” Prince Izuku greeted her, then turned to you with a kind smile. You smiled shyly and introduced yourself, not bothering to make up a fake name since practically no one knew of your existence. But apparently, Prince Izuku was smart and well-educated about his kingdom’s allies.
“Your family name sounds familiar, are you related to the royal family of the Kingdom of the North?” Prince Izuku asked curiously and you hesitated slightly.
“M-maybe we could talk about that somewhere more private..” You said nervously.
“Of course, we could talk in the royal garden if you’d like?” Prince Izuku offered but before you could answer a tall knight appeared by the Prince’s side.
“My Prince, I am not sure if it is a good idea to invite a stranger into the castle grounds!” The knight said, one of his arms chopping the air to accentuate his point.
“Iida, I’ve told you that you can just call me Izuku, and I don’t believe that she has any malicious intent, not if she is from our ally’s kingdom.” Prince Izuku said in a light tone.
“Prince Izuku is correct, I do not wish to harm anyone here. I am simply just trying to experience life outside of the kingdom I grew up in. If you would like to know my story then I do ask that we discuss it in private.” You said reassuringly as the knight, Iida, assessed your words.
“Very well then, I will escort you all to the royal garden,” Iida announced, his face and tone serious as ever. Prince Izuku smiled brightly then led you and Ochaco to the castle grounds.
When you got through the gates to the royal garden you were once again in awe of your surroundings. The Kingdom of the West’s royal garden was filled with plants and flowers different from the ones in the garden back in your kingdom. However, you did recognize a couple of kinds of flowers that seemed to have been gifted to the Kingdom of the West from your home kingdom.
Prince Izuku led you and Ochaco over to a very nice outdoor furniture set where a boy with half-red, half-white hair and a girl with long black hair had been sitting. You were curious as to who they were since Ochaco hadn’t mentioned that Izuku had any siblings. Prince Izuku kindly asked Iida to inform the servants to bring out some tea before greeting the other boy and girl.
“Good afternoon, Shoto and Lady Yaoyorozu!” Prince Izuku said cheerfully as he invited Ochaco and you to sit.
“Good afternoon, Izuku, Ochaco.” The two-toned boy, Shoto, greeted in a neutral tone.
“Good afternoon, Izuku, Ochaco! I thought I told you to just call me Yaomomo, Izuku.” The girl, Yaomomo, told Prince Izuku with a kind smile.
“O-oh, right! S-sorry, Yaomomo!” Prince Izuku stammered out with a sheepish smile.
“It’s alright, Izuku. Now, who is your new guest?” Yaomomo asked and smiled at you warmly while Shoto stared intently at you as if he were trying to read your thoughts.
You introduced yourself and caught the slight shift in the look in Shoto’s eyes when you gave your family name. But he didn’t say anything further so you just brushed it off. Tea was brought out shortly after introductions and you mentally prepared yourself for the conversation that you were about to have.
“Alright, if you’re comfortable enough to share your story, I would like to hear about it. I can promise that you can trust Shoto and Yaomomo as well as Ochaco and myself.” Prince Izuku said in a warm and inviting tone after he took a sip of his tea.
You took a deep breath, then told them about your life back in your home kingdom. You told them that your mother passed away giving birth to you and that your father made sure that the rest of the kingdom never knew about you. How he remarried and had other children while you were left to yourself in the depths of the castle. Then you told them about your decision to leave the castle and see the world instead of just rotting away in your room.
You left out the part about wanting to find Katsuki because you weren’t sure how that would play out. In all of the lives that you had lived so far you hadn’t met anyone else who remembered their previous lives the way that you and Katsuki did. You just hoped that a life wouldn’t come where you and Katsuki forget all of the good times from your previous lives.
“Wow, that sounds truly lonely, I’m so sorry,” Yaomomo said with a sympathetic and sad face.
“I do wish I could have known my mother but the castle staff had become my family when my father and his new family wanted nothing to do with me.” You said with a small smile.
“Well, please know that you are welcome to live here at the Kingdom of the West or visit any time you like! You said you wanted to continue your travels, right?” Prince Izuku said with a warm smile and you nodded.
“Thank you very much but yes, I do want to travel a bit more before settling somewhere.” You said with a grateful smile.
“Where do you plan on going next?” Ochaco asked excitedly. You got a bit nervous because even though you were warned against going there, you wanted to check the Kingdom of the South for your Love.
You decide to play it safe and tell them a small lie, “Oh, well, I was thinking of going ea-”
“Do not go to the Kingdom of the East,” Shoto spoke suddenly, his voice was full of bitterness and he was staring angrily down at his tea. You sat in your place shocked by the outburst and unable to respond.
“Shoto.. Maybe explain a little bit? You’re scaring her..” Yaomomo said quietly as she rested a hand on his shoulder.
“I apologize. I did not mean to frighten anybody. It’s just that.. My father is King Enji of the East. He is already an instigating bastard, but if he hears word that you are from the Kingdom of the North then I do not see it ending well for you.” Shoto explained with his eyes full of worry as he looked at you.
“Oh, I see. Well, thank you for the warning, then. I’ll be staying here for a few days so I will just take a look at my map and figure something else out. I’m.. I’m sorry, Shoto.” You said and shared a look of understanding with the runaway Prince.
The topic had changed to something lighter after that and you were fascinated by some of the stories your four new friends had shared. Prince Izuku had even managed to convince Ochaco and yourself to stay for dinner to which you felt incredibly honored. Even though you were a Princess you had never had dinner with your father and his family, let alone ever had dinner with any other royal families.
Returning to your room that night you felt a true happiness that you weren’t sure you had ever felt in that life. If you hadn’t known that Katsuki was out there somewhere waiting for you then you probably would have made the Kingdom of the North your new home.
When you woke up the next morning, you decided to go out and explore more of the capital since you and Ochaco didn’t get very far yesterday because of seeing Prince Izuku. You dressed yourself in one of the skirts Itsuka had given you, a flowy button-up half-sleeved shirt, and slipped on your shoes. Once you grabbed your pouch of coins and your room key, you locked up and headed out.
You stepped into a small bakery near the Inn and immediately melted at the scent of baked sweets and coffee that swirled through the air. A tired-looking boy with purple hair around your age wrapped up the goods you bought with a bored look on his face. You wanted to make a comment about him also having purple eyes but the boy seemed pretty stand-offish so you only thanked him and went about your exploring.
You wandered in and out of shops for a while until you came across a blacksmith shop. You went inside, curious as to what weapons they might have that you could use. You found an area in the shop where the smaller swords were on display and were fascinated by some of the designs on some of the handles and blades.
“Oh, hello there, Miss Beautiful! I don’t think I've ever seen you in here before!” A cheerful and slightly flirty voice greeted you from beside you.
“I’m just traveling and decided to rest and restock here in the capital.” You explained as you smiled hesitantly at the boy.
As you looked at the boy with dark hair that had been tied back with a cloth around his forehead, you wondered how many more people around your age you were going to meet. Was it common for people your age to work in shops and such? All of your friends back in your home kingdom were about ten years older than yourself, how soon in their lives had they started working?
“You traveling by yourself?” The boy asked and you started to grow nervous. Before you could answer him, a different and more gruff voice called out to the boy from the back.
“C’mon, Yosetsu! We have to get the materials that the Bakugo family ordered loaded up before the journey tomorrow!” Another boy with slightly unruly silver hair and oddly sharp teeth came into view from the back with an annoyed look on his face. The first boy, Yosetsu, grumbled as he disappeared into the back of the shop.
“Sorry, if he was bothering you, miss! I’m Tetsutetsu! Did you need help with something?” Tetsutetsu kindly asked you with a smile.
You stood there slightly frozen as the name Bakugo replayed over and over in your head. These guys were going to wherever Katsuki was and they were leaving the next day! You could almost feel the Goddess of Fate smiling at you.
“Uhm, miss?” Tetsutetsu questioned with slight concern.
“Oh goodness, I’m so sorry! Uhm, what would you say is best for someone traveling? I already have a small sword about the same size as these but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have another one? Or maybe something smaller?” You nervously rambled a bit but it worked out.
“Ah, let’s see.. Since you said you already have a sword, why don’t you take a look at the daggers? That way you aren’t too weighed down while you’re traveling!” Tetsutetsu happily suggested as he led you to where the daggers were displayed.
“I’m sorry but I really have to go load up some materials. Just shout when you’re ready to buy something or if you’re leaving!” Tetsutetsu said before he disappeared into the back of the shop.
You took your time looking at the daggers, testing the weights of them, and looking at the intricate designs. You eventually decided on a decently weighted dagger that had a simple dark-colored handle that was easy to grasp in your hand. What truly sold you on it were the intertwined dragons on the sheathe. Both dragons were silver in color but one had a red ruby for its eye and the other had a purple amethyst. Once again you felt the eyes of the Goddess of Fate upon you.
You wandered up to the counter and hesitated before shouting Tetsutetsu’s name. You awkwardly waited for a few moments then before you could shout again, Tetsutetsu bounded in from the back.
“Find something you like?” He asked with a grin.
“Yes,” You said with a small smile as you put the dagger on the counter.
“A fine piece you have chosen there, miss! Simple but definitely reliable!” He happily exclaimed then told you the price.
You paid him the amount but didn’t turn around to leave like he assumed you would. “Did you need something else, miss?” He asked, kind as can be.
“I.. uhm.. You mentioned earlier that you would be traveling tomorrow? If I may ask, where to?” You nervously asked.
“Oh, uhm, we’ll be running some materials to the Kingdom of the South. They’re allies of the Kingdom of the West and occasionally buy metals from us.” Tetsutetsu explained.
“I see.. W-would you mind if I traveled with you? It’s just my horse and I.” You asked, hoping that he would say yes.
“Are you sure you want to travel to the South, miss? They may be our allies but the people there are a bit.. Rugged.” Tetsutetsu very hesitantly explained to you while he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes, I’m sure. We will both be traveling there anyways, so I just thought I’d ask if we could travel together, but if you do not wish t-”
“No, no! It’s not that I don’t want to! I was just making sure that you realized where exactly you would be traveling to,” He said, slightly panicked at having thought he offended you. “Yes, you absolutely can travel with Yosetsu and me! Though, the back of our wagon will be completely full of materials, so you’ll have to ride your horse.” He finished.
“That’s not a problem! Thank you so much!” You gratefully exclaimed then formally introduced yourself.
“Alright, we’ll be leaving at dawn tomorrow! We’ll meet you at the southern entrance of the capital!” Tetsutetsu said with a happy, sharp-toothed grin.
You thanked him once more then headed out of the shop. You wandered around the capital a bit more before your feet became tired and you made your way back to the Inn. When you got there, Ochaco was behind the counter and cheerfully greeted you. You asked her if it would be possible for anyone to come wake you at dawn the next day and she gave you a confused look.
“I thought that you said you would be staying a bit longer?” Ochaco asked confusedly.
“I did, yes. But there is a group leaving tomorrow and they said I could travel with them.” You poorly and vaguely explained why the situation changed.
“Where are they traveling to?” Ochaco asked, her tone slightly suspicious but mostly worried.
“Uhm.. to the Kingdom of the South..” You nervously admitted.
“The South?!” Ochaco exclaimed then rubbed a hand across her forehead as you nodded sheepishly.
“Well, I have no right to stop you from going but please be careful! We may be allies with them but Barbarians are people who are rough around the edges!” Ochaco said and sighed.
“I promise to be careful, Ochaco. Will someone be able to wake me a bit before dawn?” You assured her then questioned hopefully.
“Agh, yes. I’ll be sure to let Kyoka know to wake you.” Ochaco said in a resigned tone.
“Thank you very much, Ochaco! It’s been really great meeting you and thank you for helping to show me what life is like outside of the walls of a castle.” You told her and gave her a warm smile.
Ochaco let out a small noise then ran around the counter and hugged you tightly. She made you promise to come back to the capital at some point either for a visit or to stay. Even though you knew it was only a promise to visit again, it was a promise you had no problem making.
A firm knocking on your room door woke you from your sleep the next morning. You opened the door and thanked a shy but kind girl, Kyoka, for waking you. Once you tipped her a few coins she left and you set about lighting the lanterns in your room so that you could get ready for the day.
You got dressed, combed through your long dark hair, braided it, and tied the end off with a red ribbon. You packed your bag, slid your sword and dagger onto your belt before fastening it, and donned your cloak. You slipped on your boots and blew out the lanterns then left the room.
Sitting comfortably on the back of Mira, you made your way to the southern gate of the capital. You ended up getting there a bit early but you didn’t have to wait too long for Tetsutetsu and Yosetsu. They both greeted you with cheery smiles when they arrived and the three of you set off for the Kingdom of the South.
The two asked you many questions during your travel together and you tried to answer as vaguely as you could. You didn’t know them so you didn’t want to tell them too much about who you were or where you came from. You never even told them your family name, so at least they couldn’t connect you to your father.
In turn, you asked them about their lives. How they came to work as blacksmiths. If they had ever traveled for anything besides work. Anything that took the focus off of you for at least a little while.
Finally, as the sun had neared being low enough in the sky to be considered the beginning of sunset, your small group was approaching the borders of the capital of the Kingdom of the South.
You saw that large spiked logs stuck up from the ground and formed a tall wall around the Kingdom of the South’s capital. You huffed a quiet laugh to yourself at the thought of Katsuki’s family believing that spiked logs would seem more intimidating than a normal stone wall. If you were to see them, that wouldn’t have been the first lifetime you “met” Katsuki’s parents, so you already knew what kind of people they were.
Your group got up to the entrance and was stopped by some.. not-very-kind-looking guards.
“What is your reason for entry?” One guard demanded.
“We have the metal that the royal family ordered,” Tetsutetsu answered calmly.
“And what about the girl? She’s never been with you guys before.” Another guard questioned.
“Oh, she’s not from the Kingdom of the West! She just traveled with us because she wanted to visit the Kingdom of the South!” Yosetsu dumbly answered before Tetsutetsu could say anything.
Both you and Tetsutetsu cringed at Yosetsu’s poor explanation and for good reason..
“A mystery traveler, huh? You’re coming with us, little girl! The King and Queen can decide if you can stay or not,” The second guard stated harshly and grabbed the reins from your hands.
“Metal workers, go on through! Mystery traveler, get off the horse and follow me!” The first guard commanded.
You quietly cooperated, a bit of fear filled your stomach but you knew you would be okay when you saw Masaru and Mitsuki. The first guard came over to where you were standing with the second guard and he took your bag along with your weapons. Tetsutetsu and Yosetsu rode past you and Tetsutetsu shot you an apologetic look before smacking the back of Yosetsu’s head. A small smile graced your lips before it was wiped away after a harsh yank to your arm told you the guard was taking you to the King and Queen.
The guards walked fast and you kept up with them fine except for the few times you got tripped up on rocks. The guards seemed to not care about your well-being seeing as the one dragging you by your arm had a grip so tight you wouldn’t be surprised if it bruised. You really wanted to stop showing up to Katsuki with injuries in the lifetimes where you seek him out.
You became very confused when the guards led you through a side entrance of the castle, then proceeded to practically drag you down a flight of stairs.
“Wh-where are we going? S-sir, I thought you said I would be seeing the King and Queen?” Your shaky voice questioned.
“You dumb little girl! Why would a random stranger such as yourself just automatically get a meeting with the King and the Queen? What right do you think you have to that, huh?” The first guard taunted.
“That isn’t how we work around here, sweetheart. You’re gonna sit in one of these lovely cells and wait your damn turn.” The second guard said with a harsh laugh afterward.
You get stopped in front of a cell and shoved unceremoniously into it, the guards slamming the door shut and locking it behind you. As you sat down on the cold stone bench you let out a defeated whimper. You prayed that they wouldn’t go through your things or steal your mother’s jewelry. You prayed that they would even let the King and Queen know that you were here.
You weren’t sure how long you had been down in the cold dungeon cell but when you heard the door unlocking you lifted your head from your knees. One of the guards from earlier walked in and looked at you with disdain, “C’mon, get off of your pathetic ass and let's go! The King and Queen are waiting!” He said in the same harsh tone he had earlier and grabbed your wrist.
Unfortunately, your legs had fallen asleep from sitting in the same position for so long, so when the guard pulled on your wrist, your knees buckled. You let out a small cry when your knees hit the stone floor but the guard didn’t stop. The guard dragged you out of the cell, the rough stone floor tearing through your pants and scraping your skin. The pain made you grit your teeth and you tugged your arm back towards you in an effort to help yourself back onto your feet. Your attempt was successful, though it did earn you an irritated growl from the guard who just yanked your arm again.
The guard didn’t let you go the whole trek through the castle and only stopped dragging you when you stopped at a pair of fancy-looking doors. The guard sent you one last glare before he straightened up and knocked on the doors. You heard Mitsuki’s voice call out from inside and the guard opened one of the doors.
You were once again unceremoniously shoved and you stumbled into the grand throne room. You straightened up the best you could and tried to resist the urge to rub your wrist. You kept your eyes down towards the floor mostly out of shame over the disheveled appearance you wore. You could feel the pull of Katsuki’s soul and the knowledge that he was in the room gave you comfort.
“Good evening, young traveler. We sincerely apologize for any misunderstandings that may have occurred since you arrived-” Masaru’s gentle voice started.
“Misunderstandings? Jesus, Pops, look at her!” Katsuki yelled, coming to your defense, and your face flushed as your chest filled with appreciation.
“Shut it, brat! What is your business here, traveler?” Mitsuki demanded though she sounded more tired than anything else.
“I-I just wanted to see new lands, your highness. I come from a very small and sheltered village. I apologize for causing any trouble, Your Highnesses.” You said then finally looked up. Your eyes automatically connected with Katsuki’s and you pushed down the urge to giggle as his widened in surprise.
“You didn’t cause any trouble, young traveler. As for the matter of you st-”
“She can stay.” Katsuki’s statement cut off Masaru and earned him a glare from Mitsuki.
Mitsuki’s glare quickly turned into a smirk when she saw the look on her son’s face and you, once again, had to refrain from giggling.
“I suppose we can allow her to stay as long as Katsuki is with her at all times to keep an eye on her,” Mitsuki said with a teasing lilt to her tone.
“Fine. That’s fine.” Katsuki agreed quickly, making both of his parents look at him like he was a complete stranger.
“Alright.. Now that that’s settled... Katsuki, get the guards that brought her in to give her back her things and show her to a room.” Masaru said with a warm yet slightly hesitant smile.
“Thank you very much, your highnesses.” You said with a grateful smile and a curtsy.
Katsuki quickly got up from his throne and made his way over to you, lightly grabbing your arm and leading back through the doors you had entered through. He didn’t stop to talk to the guards though, he just kept pulling you through the castle wordlessly. After going down a couple of hallways you were finally pulled through a door into a bedroom that you assumed was his.
Katsuki closed the door behind you then immediately wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around his bare torso equally as tight as giggles-turned-sobs left your mouth.
“I thought I told you to stop showing up to me injured, Violet.” Katsuki’s voice rasped against your skin.
“I tried this time, Kats. I really tried not to get hurt, but.. the guards that brought me in weren’t so kind.” The words spilled from your lips before you could stop them.
“And you’re going to point out who those guards were and I’ll punish them accordingly, starting with the one that pushed you into the throne room earlier,” Katsuki told you in a calm and even-toned voice but you could feel his hold become tighter from anger.
“Actually… the one that brought me to the throne room was one of them.. I don’t even care that they hurt me, Kats. I just want my stuff back and to finally just be with you.” You said quietly then kissed his neck once.
Katsuki let out a heavy sigh then nodded and pulled away from you reluctantly. His hands came up to your cheeks and gently wiped away your tears, a sad smile forming on his face.
“What’s wrong, my Love?” You asked softly as one of your hands came up to cup his cheek.
“I was just remembering the lifetime when you.. when you were a Mermaid and you didn’t know what tears were.” He said quietly as his eyes went slightly glassy.
“Aw, Kats..” You whispered before you leaned up and pressed your lips against his.
Remembering that lifetime was always really rough on both of you. It had been the one where you were together the longest, even if it had only been a few months. And it was the only one where you two had a child, even if the child hadn’t been born yet. The memories of how that life had ended still hit you both pretty hard.
“C’mon, my Love, let’s go get my stuff, maybe snag a meal because they didn’t give me any food while I was waiting for the meeting, and clean up my injuries, then we can cuddle all night long while we tell each other about this life. Sound good, Prince Katsuki?” You said softly with a warm smile.
“Yes, my Violet,” Katsuki murmured before kissing you deeply one more time, then leading you out of his room.
You slid the strap of your bag over your shoulder and re-sheathed the sword and dagger while Katsuki glared menacingly at the two guards that had brought you in. After he was finished silently threatening them, Katsuki took you to the kitchen where he cooked you a simple meal and sat with you while you ate. Finally, the two of you went back to his room for the night.
You were sat on the edge of Katsuki’s bed with your pants rolled up as he cleaned the scrapes on your knees and shins. He was grumbling about ‘killing the fucking bastard that did this’ and you were carding your fingers through his hair. When he finished bandaging you up he kissed over each knee then stood up and gently took your hand in his. He raised your arm and kissed over the bruise forming on your wrist then leaned in to kiss your lips.
You giggled into the kiss as Katsuki slotted himself between your legs and brought a hand up to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You ran your hands up his bare torso and a groan left his throat. You pulled back from the kiss to catch your breath and rested your forehead against his.
“So.. no shirt and just a cloak? You don’t believe in shirts in this life, my Love? All the girls in the kingdom just get to see what’s mine?” You teased as you walked your fingers over his defined abs and chest.
Katsuki chuckled and moved his head to bite your cheek before straightening up again, “I don’t know, Violet, this is just how I was raised. And let all of the other extras look, you’re the only one who gets to touch, Violet. You’re the only one I want to touch, my Eternal Love.” Katsuki explained, a smirk on his face when he finished talking.
He chuckled when you tried to cover up your flushing face. You always blushed whenever he would go all sweet and lusty. You poked at his chest as you stood up then went over to your bag and pulled out your nightgown. You both faced away from each other when you changed simply because there was a silent agreement that you wouldn’t have sex tonight but if you saw each other naked then there would be no going back.
Katsuki made sure that you were lying down before he put out all of the lanterns, then joined you. He snaked one arm under your head while the other curled over to pull your body into his. You both let out a sigh of contentment and he kissed your forehead.
“Kats?” You mumbled sleepily.
“Yes, Violet?” He questioned quietly.
“C’n we talk ‘bout our lives t’morrow? ‘M tired.” You said, your words slurred from exhaustion.
“Yeah, baby. It can wait til we wake up.” Katsuki said, his voice low and raspy from being tired.
“ ‘mmkay. Love you, Kats.” You whispered on the edge of sleep.
“Love you too, Violet,” Katsuki mumbled as his consciousness gave into the call of slumber.
At breakfast the next morning, Katsuki was informed that he would be excused from any princely duties he would’ve had for the day to show you around the capital. Queen Mitsuki had a servant fetch you some of her old clothes to wear and you gratefully thanked her. You and Katsuki finished eating and returned to his room to change.
You both managed to change without tearing each other's clothes back off as much as you both- but mainly Katsuki- had wanted to. You could feel his hungry gaze on you the whole way out of the castle. When you first put on the new clothes, you felt kind of exposed by the sleeveless and strapless top that barely covered your chest and ended just above your belly button and the low-rise pants that ended mid-shin. But your Love was quick to put your worries to rest as his eyes hardly left your body and he murmured sweet and lusty compliments into your ears.
As the both of you walked around the capital you got many stares cast your way and it felt like you could hear everyone’s whispers at once. Katsuki took your hand and squeezed it reassuringly while glaring at anybody who continued to look your way. You pushed your anxieties away and continued about your tour, Katsuki taking you to different shops and buying you small gifts and new clothes.
When you returned to the castle, you and your Love’s arms were full of enough clothes to fill a wardrobe along with some traditional jewelry and a few pairs of shoes. Katsuki was very determined to get you everything you would need to start feeling comfortable there in what was to be your new home kingdom.
“I truly did not need all of these things, Kats.” You said with a sheepish yet appreciative smile as you helped him put your new things away in his room.
“Of course, you needed all this damn stuff! I finally have you in my arms again and I don’t plan on letting you go, Violet!” Katsuki grumbled back to you with feigned annoyance.
“And I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, my Love. Though, your parents are under the impression that I will only be here for a few days.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your chin against his chest, looking up at him.
“We’ll figure something out, Violet. Not our fault if nobody else remembers their previous lives.” He rasped gently then kissed your forehead.
In one swift motion, Katsuki scooped you up bridal style, took a few steps to his bed, and gently dropped you onto it. You giggled at his actions then let out a quiet ‘oof’ when he laid on top of you with his full weight. You took comfort in his warm weight squishing your body into the mattress and brought a hand up to run through his hair.
“So, you gonna tell me about your life this time around or what?” Katsuki mumbled into the crook of your neck and you smiled at the tingly shiver that ran down your spine from the feeling of his lips brushing against your skin.
“Well, believe it or not, I’m actually royalty just like you in this life.” You started, then proceeded to tell Katsuki about your life up until that point.
He had been shocked to find out that you were a Princess, then angered over how you were treated by your own father. He was also annoyed that you ended up in Prince Izuku’s company before his but was easily soothed by some head scratches and kisses. When you were finished with your tale, Katsuki told you all about his own.
From that day forward, you had remained in the Kingdom of the South and made it your new home. It hadn’t taken much to convince King Masaru and Queen Mitsuki to let you stay as they had witnessed how much of an interest their son had taken in you. They had allowed Katsuki to court you and Mitsuki had treated you like the daughter she never had.
As time went by, you and Katsuki had become increasingly happy that things in your lives had seemed to be going very well. But along with the happiness and joy, there was also the anxiety that sat in the pit of both of your stomachs of something going wrong.
Your time together had reached a new record as you approached three years past finding each other in that lifetime. When your time together had reached two years and nothing happened to bring about either one of your deaths, you and Katsuki had decided to get married. Not long after marrying, you and Katsuki had been crowned the new King and Queen of the Kingdom of the South.
Soon after you both crowned the new rulers of the Kingdom of the South, you found out that you were with child. Though you had planned for it, after much discussion between the two of you, it was still a bit scary to discover that you had been sick not because of an illness. You and Katsuki still had nightmares from the memories of your lifetime as a Mermaid but you both shoved away the fears as your new life seemed to be going just fine.
As the months had gone by it was not just you and Katsuki who were excited about the baby. The kingdom’s subjects were very excited and happy for you as well, and many of them had sent gifts to the castle. You spent a lot of your time going through said gifts and appreciating the hard work that had gone into them. Many times Katsuki had found you blubbering over handmade baby clothes, small pairs of shoes, hand-stitched quilts and blankets, and even pieces of jewelry for yourself.
Then the day had come for your and Katsuki’s baby to make their arrival and, oh, what a long day that was. You labored for many hours and Katsuki was there for you the whole time. He had endured your pain-filled screams and bone-crushing grips on his hands and even a few insults thrown at him from your pain-driven rage. He did it all with excitement in his heart, amazement in his eyes, and encouraging words pouring from his lips.
Finally, as the sun was setting that evening, the loud cries of a new life echoed off of the castle walls. With your husband, your Eternal Love, by your side, your dark-haired and crimson-eyed baby boy was put into your weak and shaky but waiting arms. You looked to your Love, saw his shiny eyes full of love and amazement and the few tears rolling down his face, and smiled tiredly.
Suddenly, the room had begun to spin and you told Katsuki to take the baby because you feared dropping your new son. Katsuki’s joy quickly turned to fear and his panic-filled voice started asking what was wrong. You weakly told him that you weren’t feeling good as the castle doctors were now scrambling as they tried to get your bleeding under control.
“Please, Violet, please don’t leave us.” Katsuki pleaded in a broken voice, his few tears becoming streams down his face.
“I’m s-sorry, Kats.. Do y-you th-ink w-we are g-getting closer to o-our pe-peaceful f-forever to-gether? O-or are we g-going t-to have to k-keep s-suffering?” You asked weakly as you cried and held a hand out to brush against your baby’s cheek.
“Damn it, Violet! You fuckers better keep trying to help her, damn it! Just hang in there, my Violet, please!” Katsuki shouted before crying into your shoulder as he carefully hugged you close.
“T-take c-care of Ka-Kazuki.. H-he is g-oing t-to be s-so str-str-ong j-ust l-ike h-his papa i-is.. I.. l-love.. y-you.. both..” You weakly whispered out as final tears left your eyes and your vision faded to a familiar blackness.
The shattered and pain-filled shout Katsuki let out as you fell limp in his grasp echoed throughout the castle and around your dark void.

Author's Note ~ Okay, so.. don't judge me for Katsuki and Violet's child's name.. I wrote this fic months ago and I liked the name at the time (it means strength if I remember correctly) and haven't changed it to anything else since, haha.. Also, I'm sorry for yet another tear-inducing ending but it hurts so good doesn't it..? *smiles nervously* <3
Tag List ~ @damnirina @queenpiranhadon
One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Note ~ This part is a long one folks.. nearly 5k words.. idk feels long to me so I thought I'd warn ya. Enjoy the read! <3
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)

When you had breathed the first breath of your second life you could already tell that it was vastly different than your first. With the little bit of understanding you had been given at the beginning of that new life, you noticed that your new world was underwater. Your parents seemed to be the same, though; your mother was loving while your father couldn’t care less about you.
As you got older, you learned that the new species you had been born into had called themselves Mermaids or Merfolk. You had a tail instead of legs and appendages called arms, hands, and fingers. You only had hair on your head and all of the teeth in your mouth were sharp.
Your tail and fins were stunning gradients of deep, dark purple into dark blue that shimmered in the sun. Your skin tone was a sun-kissed and glowing golden tan. Black claws grew from the nail beds of your webbed hands. Your long, flowy hair was jet black and your eyes were the same stunning violet with cracks of piercing blue.
Growing up, your mother and the elders of your pod had told tales of destructive and vicious two-legged beings that lived on land. The stories of your captured and slain kin terrified and angered you. Luckily, in that new life, you had been born much stronger.
Your mother and elders had taught you and the other Mers your age how to become fierce hunters. Not only that but you had been taught how to fight and defend yourself in the face of danger. You had excelled so much that time around that you were regarded with the highest amounts of respect within your pod. A proud candidate of becoming a future leader of the pod someday.
Shortly after entering adulthood, you and a couple of other strong Mers within your pod were tasked with hunting along the reefs near the shoreline. While your mother worried for you, you reassured her that you wouldn’t have been given the task if you weren’t strong or fast enough to handle it. The task itself was easy, the schools of fish that gathered near the reefs made for easy hunting.
Your first few trips to the reefs went by without any problems and were always bountiful. You and the others you went with had yet to run into any of the evil two-legged beings that were rumored to live near the shore. You even got so bold as to perch yourself on a rock that stuck out of the water and sunbathe some days. You only got away with it because your group would split up to hunt and you were fast enough to collect a good bounty before you had to go back to the pod.
During what had felt like your millionth time out at the reef, you were excited to find that when you perched yourself on your usual sunbathing rock, the surface world was gloriously sunny and warm. Laying back on the warm rock, you unconsciously let the happy clicks and whistles leave your mouth.
As you sunbathed to your heart's content, you heard the familiar clicks and squeaks of a pod of dolphins swimming by. Sitting up with an excited smile, you clicked back at them, calling them over to play a bit. You slid back into the water when they drew nearer, having accepted your invite, and began swimming around and jumping with them. Some form of tag had ensued and you were chasing around some of the younger dolphins of the pod.
You were only out of the water for a moment, having been mid-jump, but a moment was all your sensitive ears needed to pick up the sound of voices drawing near the shoreline.
“Aw, man, look! Dolphins!!” An excited male voice had called out, the sound and vibrations of his heavy footsteps picking up their pace.
“Yeah, I see the fucking dolphins! Let’s just hope the bastards didn’t scare the fish away, again! Fishing in this area lately has been shitty!” Another raspier voice yelled out as the pair stepped onto the sandy shore.
You were quick to hide behind your sunbathing rock, only the top of your head and eyes sitting above the water. You fought the urge to hiss as you observed the two-legged beings mess with long weird sticks. But along with the anger, something else bubbled up inside of you, something strangely familiar.
It was a feeling that didn’t feel anything like anger and it left you confused. Two-legged beings were bad. They were monsters. They captured and killed your kind just for your scales. You hated them.. except.. looking at the tall, muscular, and angry-faced ash-blonde on the shore.. you didn’t feel any hate.
You flinched as the two males waved their long sticks around and hissed quietly as two separate somethings landed in the water not far from where you were hiding. You silently slipped completely under the water and swam to where one of the objects had sunk into the sea.
Right away, the flash of something shiny caught your attention along with something else brightly colored. Cautiously swimming closer, you saw that there was a piece of fish meat stabbed onto something curved and sharp. You weren’t sure what the shiny piece or the brightly colored thing was, but the whole thing seemed threatening.
You grabbed the object angrily intending to steal it, but instead, you felt a sharp pain as your hand closed around it. You screeched and tried to pull away but the object was tugged in the opposite direction instead. You momentarily panicked as the object embedded itself deeper into your palm as it was tugged. That’s when you noticed the shine of something very thin attached to the urchin-like weapon.
You quickly bit at the nearly invisible line, hearing the snap of it breaking as your sharp teeth sliced it. Seconds after, you heard yelling so loud that even the water around you barely muffled it. You snickered to yourself for having angered the two-legged being.
You sobered quickly though when the smell of your blood hit your nostrils. Looking back down at your hand, your stomach turned as you inspected the curved barbs embedded in your palm and fingers. Your hand was stuck in a partially crumpled position and blood steadily seeped from the wounds. You prayed to the Sea Goddess that there weren't any sharks around.
Of course, if you had remembered anything from your previous life, it should have been that luck did not favor you.
It had happened fast, and your first sign had been when all of the reef fish had gone into hiding. Your second sign was the warning calls from the dolphins before they fled the area. You growled to yourself, pissed at the situation you had gotten yourself into.
You were fast but sharks were just a bit faster than Merfolk in general, so swimming away wasn’t an option. You also really didn’t want to get back up on your rock because the two-legged beings were still at the shoreline. But when you saw a flash of gray and white out of the corner of your eye, you knew that you had no other choice.
You darted back over to your rock and clumsily lifted yourself onto it. You had just barely managed to get your tail tucked to your side and away from the edge of the rock when the shark jumped out of the water towards you. You screeched at it loudly, narrowly avoiding its open and deadly mouth.
Letting out another shriek as it partially landed on your body, you swiped at it with your uninjured clawed hand. You slashed one of its eyes and left deep claw marks all over its face as it writhed and thrashed, desperate to get back in the water.
Avoiding its mouth the best you could, you shoved it away from you using both arms and all of your strength. Yet another screech left your mouth as you shoved the shark because the action was driving the object stuck in your hand deeper into your flesh. The shark finally fell back into the water but not without scraping its teeth along the length of your arm and pulling a pained shriek from your lungs.
Water as salty as the sea itself streamed down your face, seemingly from your eyes, and made it difficult to see. Pained noises rose from your throat involuntarily as your chest heaved. Your whole body shook uncontrollably as you watched the shark swim out to deeper waters and eventually disappear, coming to terms with the fact that there was no meal to be had here.
“What.. the.. fuck.. just.. happened?” The angrier male voice from earlier spoke aloud from behind you.
You whipped your head around even though the action caused the world to tilt and spin slightly. You attempted to hiss and growl and warn the two-legged monsters to stay away from you, but your attempts were weak. Your threats turned to whimpers and pained moans very quickly and you looked down at your arm. Blood flowed freely from the sliced flesh, steadily dripping onto the rock below you.
“Ah, uh.. Fuck! Are you okay?!” The previously cheerful redheaded male called out, his voice panicked. You looked back at them, debating whether or not you should answer or just leave and try to swim home.
“You dumbass! She probably doesn’t even understand you!” The angry blonde yelled at the redheaded male. The redhead was about to say something back to the blonde but you interrupted.
“I.. u-under.. s-stand.. W-we.. s-speak.. the.. s-same..” You weakly stuttered out as black spots began to appear in your vision.
“Are you able to come.. To.. shor-” The redhead tried to ask you but it was distant and muffled, and suddenly you were in the ocean again before everything went black...
When your eyes cracked open again, you panicked. Some sort of dim light had revealed that you were no longer in the ocean. Instead, you were surrounded by weird cave walls that weren’t rounded and were made of something weird that didn’t appear to be rock. Not only that, but you were in a very small body of water, the end of your tail had stuck out and was painfully dry.
Panicked clicks and squeals left your mouth as your eyes darted around. Pained yells soon left your mouth as you tried to climb out of the small body of water but your injured arm protested heavily against the action.
Suddenly, the angry blonde from earlier was bursting into the cave-not-cave. You hissed and growled defensively when he tried to approach you. He let out a quiet, irritated growl of his own and put his hands up in a placating manner. Something in you clicked into place when you heard that familiar growl of annoyance come from him and you immediately quieted down. You stared at him with wide and confused eyes while he lightly glared at you.
“You done throwing your damn tantrum?” He asked, his voice full of agitation.
You silently nodded and he rolled his eyes before putting his hands down and stepping closer to you. The pain in your arm and hand hit you again in full force and a loud, pained whimper left your mouth. You went to grab at your arm, now wrapped in weird red-stained material, as more whimpers left your mouth but a large warm hand stopped you.
“Shh, it’s okay. I know it hurts but you can’t touch it, understand?” The blonde said in as gentle a tone as he could muster with his raspy and gruff voice.
You looked into his eyes, his breathtakingly beautiful and familiar crimson eyes, as water flowed from yours once more. He reached his other hand up and carded his fingers through your hair soothingly, his face soft and concerned.
It was like the air was stolen from your lungs when you whispered, “You’re from my first life. You’re him.. My Eternal Love..”
The blonde’s eyes widened for a second before he gave a small smirk, “Yeah. My name is Katsuki Bakugo. Are you planning on being hurt every time we meet, idiot?” He said with a teasing smile on his face.
“It just sort of keeps happening, I’m sorry, Katsuki.” You apologized quietly then gave him your name.
“Do you.. Will you have to go back to the ocean, Violet?” Katsuki asked you, a sad look in his eyes.
“Violet? What is that? My name is not Violet.” You told him, confusedly.
“Agh.. I-I know that! But it’s the color of your damn eyes! And it’s the name of a stupid flower! It’s romantic, damn it! J-just answer my damn question, Violet!” He said exasperatedly as his cheeks turned pink.
A sense of warmth filled you at the name given to you by your Love and a small smile graced your lips. It soon turned to a frown as you thought back to his question.
“I’m not sure.. I don’t think I would be able to live out the rest of my life in this very tiny ocean and I’m sure my pod is worried that I didn’t return to them.. But I do not wish to leave you, Katsuki.” You said in anguish and looked back into his eyes as more water spilled from your own.
“Shh, Violet, shh..” Katsuki said gently as he pulled you to his chest. “How about we get your arm healed and we can figure it out after that?”
You nodded against his chest, your uninjured arm clutching the material he was wearing over his torso. The water continued to flow from your eyes and you let out a low irritated growl.
“What’s wrong now, Violet?” Katsuki asked as he leaned back to look at you.
“My eyes, Kats! What is this ocean water coming from my eyes?! Why won’t it stop?!” You asked exasperatedly.
“How do you speak the same language as me but not know what crying is or the word ‘tears’?” Katsuki asked amusedly as he wiped the water from your face.
“Crying? Tears? Why are these things happening?” You asked curiously as the ‘tears’ from your eyes began to slow.
“It’s just something that happens when you get sad or hurt, or sometimes if you’re feeling really happy. I suppose you wouldn’t notice tears if you lived in the water.” Katsuki explained to you, then kissed your forehead.
You nodded quietly in understanding while a yawn suddenly left your mouth. A small smile curled the corners of Katsuki’s lips up and he stroked one of your cheeks.
“Get some more rest, my Violet. See that bed right over there? That’s where I sleep and it’s probably where I’ll be when you wake up again, okay?” Katsuki told you gently and you nodded your head again.
He helped you get the end of your tail rehydrated before you sank the top half of your body further into the water. With one last kiss to the top of your head, he made the dim light go out and got into his bed. You fell asleep quickly to the sound of your Love’s breathing and ocean water hugging your body.
The next day, you are woken up by the panicked voice of your Love, “Violet?! Hey! Wake up! C’mon, Violet, wake up!”
You groaned as you groggily opened your eyes, thoroughly confused about what all the commotion was about, “Wha..? What’s wrong, Kats?” You asked as you looked up at his wide eyes and shocked features.
“What’s wro- Violet, look down!” Katsuki said a bit too loudly.
You complied anyway and looked down at your tail.. or.. what had been your tail.. but was now a pair of golden-tan legs.
Shock settled on your face and your mouth gaped wordlessly. Holding out your arms you saw that your fingers, much like your new toes, were no longer webbed or clawed. You felt around your ears and discovered that they were just like Katsuki’s now, no longer bearing finned shells to improve hearing. Your tongue ran along the now flat edges of your teeth and the gills that used to line your ribs were gone.
The only evidence that you were a Mermaid at any point were the small patches of tiny shimmery scales on your arms, legs, and face. At a distance, they could be mistaken for freckles.
You looked up at Katsuki, a tidal wave of emotions crashing through you as you tried to take in what happened to you.
“You didn’t know you could do this?” Katsuki asked gently as he crouched down next to you. You shook your head as your breaths started to get more labored from the panic settling into your bones.
Katsuki was quick to act as he lifted you out of the water and brought you over to his bed. He covered you in something large and soft then seated you in his lap and hugged you close. He spoke soothing words into your hair and rocked you gently from side to side.
Once you had calmed down, you spoke in a shaky voice, “I’ve never heard of this happening. The elders of my pod never mentioned anything like this being possible.”
Katsuki was silent for a moment before speaking quietly, “Violet.. I’m sorry about you possibly losing your family and your home.. but.. what if this was meant to happen by way of the Goddess of Fate? What if this is for us to be together?”
“I.. I can only hope that I’ll be able to visit my home and my family again someday, maybe in my original form, but.. I am very grateful for this, Kats. Of course, I would want the chance for us, you are my Eternal Love.” You said softly and pulled away to look at Katsuki face to face.
Katsuki’s eyes widened a bit before filling with adoration and softening alongside the rest of his features. Neither of you said anything more before you both leaned in toward each other and slotted your lips together.
A few months later, you slowly woke up to the morning sunlight shining into the hut you shared with your Love. Katsuki was already awake, his head rested on your chest and faced towards your stomach as he whispered words and gently stroked the small bump that seemed to grow a little more each day. You smiled warmly as you looked down at your Love, your chest filled with overwhelming emotions.
“Good morning, my Love.” You said as you brought a hand up, your fingers running through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp.
You heard Katsuki whisper ‘I love you’ and then he kissed your stomach before he shifted his body to lean up and kiss your lips.
“Good morning, Violet.” He said with a smile. “You still want to come with me when I go fishing today?” He asked as he laid back onto the pillows and pulled your body even closer to his.
“Yes. I think it’s time I stop fearing that I’ll see a member of my pod and visit the ocean again. I’ve been missing it lately.” You said with mixed feelings.
You were excited at the thought of connecting with the sea again. Excited to walk along the shore, telling your unborn child about everything you see. But you were also nervous and scared of the chance of encountering a mer from your pod. You knew they would be angry at you for not only not coming back home but for choosing to stay on land with the humans.
“You have nothing to worry about, Violet. I’ve been fishing the spot we’ll be going to for a while and there haven’t been any signs of Mers in that area. The fish are always plentiful and my fishing gear stays intact unlike when your crazy ass cut my line.” Katsuki said with a teasing smirk at the end.
“But if I hadn’t messed with you that day and had gone back to my pod like I first wanted to then it would have taken us longer to be together again.” You told him and poked his cheek.
“You were also attacked by a fucking shark, Violet. I think it would have been okay for us to wait a little longer for each other if it meant I didn’t have to see you so damn injured again. But at least I was able to help you with your injuries this time.” He said with an upset look on his face before he hid it and nuzzled it into the crook of your neck.
You tried to apologize but he was quick to kiss you to prevent you from getting the words out. After many more kisses and a bit more time in bed just holding each other, you both got up. When the sun had reached its highest peak in the sky, you and Katsuki went into the village to get fishing bait. Once he had everything he needed, Katsuki led the way to the fishing spot.
It wasn’t a very long walk and your feet were sinking into the warm sand before you knew it. The water was fairly calm at the cove that Katsuki had brought you to, the waves gently lapping at the shoreline. You hesitated for a few moments before stepping only close enough that the water touched your feet when gentle waves rolled in. Your eyes had screwed shut and you anticipated the return of your tail and fins when the lukewarm ocean water first touched your skin.
You were brought out of your scared and racing mind when a large pair of arms wrapped around you and your Love’s voice filled your ears. “Are you okay, Violet?” Katsuki asked in a concerned tone as he rested his chin on your shoulder and his hands gently stroked your stomach.
“Y-yes, I think so.. I just wasn’t sure what would happen when I touched the sea again.” You explained after letting out a relieved sigh at the sight of your still-human legs.
“I told you that you would be fine, Violet. Now, make sure you watch my amazing fishing skills and tell our brat all about how great their papa is!” Katsuki declared with a smirk.
You giggled as he kissed your cheek, then let you go to pick up his fishing pole. He made sure you watched as he cast his line out, a triumphant smile on his face when it went out quite far.
You spent a while talking out loud about everything you saw, your Love’s fishing skills per his request, and shells you found in the sand. You had been in the middle of rubbing your stomach and telling your unborn child about small sea creatures when you were suddenly splashed and hissed at.
Fear washed over you and you stumbled away from the water’s edge. Your panicked eyes searched the water until they caught on a pair of glaring cold blue eyes and blonde hair. Even if that was all you could see you instantly recognized the Mer as your podmate Neito. Your arms wrapped protectively around your stomach and you glared back.
“What are you doing here, Neito? Leave!” You called out angrily. You were splashed and hissed at again, and suddenly Katsuki was standing in front of you protectively.
“Who the fuck is this, Violet? What’s going on?” Katsuki growled out as he glared at Neito who had fully raised his head above the surface.
“How dare you abandon your pod?! Especially for a two-legged! You know what they do to our kind and here you are with one, carrying its child!!” Neito shouted, his voice was full of bitter anger and disgust.
“What the fuck do you know about humans, huh?! What your damn elders have told you is fucking wrong!” Katsuki shouted back angrily, his arms held out to the sides as if to shield you from Neito’s words.
“Oh, I know plenty about you two-legged monsters. Though, I do suppose that you do not seem all that intimidating. I would go as far as to say that you seem like a weak one.” Neito taunted with a smug look on his face.
Before you could stop him, Katsuki had shouted out in anger and raced towards the water. He wasn’t more than shin deep when two other Mermaids appeared from the water and grabbed him. The water became foamy from Katsuki’s thrashing attempts to fight off the holds of the two Mers, but they remained unaffected as they dragged him into and under the water.
As soon as Katsuki was grabbed you screamed, fear and dread filled your body and mind. You ran towards the water after your Love and the Mers that were dragging him away. Neito and the other Mers were fast so by the time you were waist-deep you weren't sure where they had gone.
That’s when you felt your body changing and your vision whited out for a moment. When it cleared again you looked down at your body to see that you had gained your Mermaid features back; tail, fins, and everything else.
You pushed your sudden transformation to the back of your mind in favor of diving under the water and searching for your Love. With your Mer-hearing back, you heard and felt the vibrations from thrashing from feet away and near the surface. You swam as fast as you could towards the commotion, tears flowing from your eyes even though they were immediately lost to the ocean around you.
When you came upon Neito, the other two Mers, and Katsuki they were all surfaced and Katsuki was panting heavily. He was kicking his legs to keep himself afloat but he was no longer fighting the Mers holding him. Judging from his red and swelling cheek and the cut above his eye, you had guessed that the Mers hit him for fighting them.
You swam towards Katsuki but Neito blocked your path causing a growl to come from you and Katsuki. You quickly quieted yourself down when one of the Mers holding Katsuki slammed its tail into his stomach. The pained wheeze and cracking of Katsuki’s ribs caused your chest to hurt and your stomach to drop. You whimpered as you cried and peered around Neito, your eyes connecting with Katsuki’s. He tried to mouth that it was okay but all your brain focused on was the look in his eyes... The same one that he had had in your last life when you were dying.
“Finally, they’re here,” Neito said, his face still smug.
You watched in horror as the heads of your parents and the rest of your pod surfaced, all of them wearing looks of disgust. You cried harder from the fear of the situation. Your parents swam up to you, your father’s face full of disgust and disappointment while your mother’s was full of shame and sadness.
“You have betrayed us. You have betrayed the pod. You, this monster, and the abomination you’re carrying inside your body must be punished.” Your father said in a bitter and cold tone. This may have only been your second life with your parents but you already resented the way your father made the decision to toss you away so easily.
Suddenly, your parents grabbed your arms and held onto you painfully tight as they dragged you beneath the surface. You heard Katsuki yell and curse until his voice was muffled from the mers holding him dragging him underwater.
You and your Love were positioned to face each other, the two of you being held in place by your captors as you all floated in the open water. Katsuki couldn’t speak it but you could see the fear and love in his eyes. Your heart shattered and you sobbed. The elders of your pod surrounded you both and you knew what they were going to command.
“I love you, Katsuki! I’m so sorry!” You screamed as you thrashed against your parents’ holds. You saw the air bubbles escape his mouth as he tried to say he loved you. Anguish, love, adoration, and heartbreak swirling in his eyes as well as yours.
“Drag him down.” You heard one of the elders of your pod command.
You shrieked, screeched, and wailed as you watched the two Mers quickly drag Katsuki down into the dark depths of the sea. Before you could attempt to break free and chase after your Love the elders gave another command, “Slice up the traitor then leave her and the abomination for the sharks.”
Your shrieks, cries of pain, and blood were all that filled the water as your pod mates took turns swimming past you and dragged their claws through your flesh. You don’t know how long the torture went on for but your voice had given out at some point and your body was almost numb to the feeling of flesh being torn. After your parents each had a turn at leaving their marks your pod left without another word or look back.
As you sank into the dark, cold depths you apologized to Katsuki and your unborn child. It wasn’t long before something fast swam past your limp body. Staring blankly up at the dimming surface, you were happy that your consciousness faded before you could feel the jaws of a great white bite into you.

Author's Note ~ A few months ago when I had first written this fic I *sobbed* as I typed out the end of this lifetime for our poor Katsuki and his Violet, soo.. uhm.. I'm sorry if you cry.. But I appreciate every single one of you Lovelies and thank you so much for everything! <3
Tag List ~ @damnirina @queenpiranhadon
Shasta Rose's Masterlist

One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)

Dance With a Demon | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
18+ Oneshot

Nicotine | Aizawa Shota x Reader
18+ Oneshot

Worship Me Like I Worship You | Bakugo Katsuki & Reader

Love's the Death of Peace of Mind | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader

Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven |

Earth Shattering | Bakugo Katsuki & Reader, Kirishima Eijiro x Reader
Part One | Part Two

The Greatest | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two

Taking Over Me | Aizawa Shota x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three |

One Life After Another, Forevermore | Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five (final)
Summary ~ Your soul and his were tied together by the hands of the Goddess of Fate. It never mattered where you were or what you were, you would always find each other. Every lifetime destined to fall in love with each other and every lifetime destined to die before you could have everything that you wanted together. With every death you questioned; were you and him really eternal soulmates or were you just star-crossed lovers meant to be laughed at by the Goddess of Fate?
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!Reader, Reincarnation, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Emotional, Temporary Character Deaths, Depictions of Injuries, Potentially Triggering Content, No Use of Y/N, Hurts So Good (let me know if I should tag anything else <3)

If you tried hard enough, dug deep enough within your mind, you could still remember that very first life where you met him. You and him were brand new souls who had been freshly cast into some version of reality. The Goddess of Fate had just finished tying your soul to his when she sent you both to an Earthly plane to begin your eternal chase for each other.
Your first life hadn’t been easy and it seemed to set the premise for future lives to come. You had been born a wolf with beautiful dark fur and violet-colored eyes with cracks of piercing blue running through them, belonging to a fairly large pack. Unfortunately, and unlike the rest of the pack, you had been born weak. From the very start you were small, the runt of your littermates. Still, your mother cared for and loved you as she did with all of her pups.
As you grew, you tried to keep up with your siblings and the other pups of the pack. You tried to be strong, tried to be a good hunter, and tried to master the skills of your elders. But you lost every play fight with the other pups and you could barely successfully catch small game on your own. In the eyes of the pack, you were useless.
Your pack had been hunting one evening when you all crossed paths with another pack that had also been hunting. Growling, snarling, gnashing teeth, and howling filled the air as aggressive fighting broke out between the two packs. You fought as hard as you could but your weakness was your downfall. Your pack left you there alone and bleeding from multiple bite wounds as the chilly autumn night settled in.
That night when the moon was at its highest, he had found you at the base of a tree where you had dragged yourself. Disturbed by his sniffing and nudging nose, you startled from your slumber and weakly growled at him thinking he was a threat.
He growled back at you before going back to nudging you and licking at your wounds. You didn’t know that he was a lone wolf that had separated from his pack to try to search for his mate. You didn’t know that it was you who was his mate until somewhere in your brain, it just clicked.
You whined in pain when he nudged you a little harder in an effort to get you to stand up. You had barely been able to drag yourself to the spot where you laid, there was no way you could muster up the strength to get back up. There was more blood on the ground around and under you than there was in your body at this point. It was only a matter of time now.
Sensing that you weren't going to be getting up, he keened sadly and laid down next to you. He licked at your face as you absorbed the heat radiating off of his body. Your head rested on top of your front legs and your eyes looked up to meet crimson ones that almost seemed to glow in the moonlight.
Your breaths were coming out as short and shallow pants and your eyelids were becoming heavier with each passing second. Lowering his head to lick your face again, your mate let out a loud and heartbroken whine. A broken keening left you as you reciprocated his heartbreak and your eyes began to slowly shut.
Before your consciousness finally left your body, you heard your mate howl loudly into the night, the sound utterly heartbroken and full of misery.

A Little Author's Note Here ~ Hello Lovelies, my name is Shasta Rose! This is my first time posting one of my fics to Tumblr so please forgive me if this post is rough or un-aesthetic! I am completely open to tips and helpful criticisms if y'all have any! I do hope that you come to enjoy the story and just know that I appreciate you! <3
Thinking about posting my Bakugo x Reader fic on here.. 🤔🤔🤔

*gets addicted to literally anything that distracts me from the fact i exist*