gooseofthevoid - A goose paints minis
A goose paints minis

I print and paint minis! take a look if you want  He/Him

50 posts

As Promised, The Finished Octopus, Waves All Dried And Painted. Those Bubbles Are Definitely In The Way,

As Promised, The Finished Octopus, Waves All Dried And Painted. Those Bubbles Are Definitely In The Way,

As promised, the finished Octopus, waves all dried and painted. Those bubbles are definitely in the way, but you can still make out theres an octopus in there, so its not a complete loss :).

As Promised, The Finished Octopus, Waves All Dried And Painted. Those Bubbles Are Definitely In The Way,
As Promised, The Finished Octopus, Waves All Dried And Painted. Those Bubbles Are Definitely In The Way,
As Promised, The Finished Octopus, Waves All Dried And Painted. Those Bubbles Are Definitely In The Way,

Different angles, and next to one of my sharks. Tried doing the waves slightly different for the octopus, but I think I prefer the ones on the shark in the end. Oh well, still looks pretty nifty anyway :)

Making the resin dam: Here.

Pouring the resin: Here.

  • frutbat
    frutbat liked this · 3 years ago
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    sleepyforestbeast liked this · 3 years ago

More Posts from Gooseofthevoid

3 years ago
This Is The Third Beholder I've Painted.
This Is The Third Beholder I've Painted.
This Is The Third Beholder I've Painted.

This is the third beholder I've painted.

I might have a problem :T

I just really like them. Maybe its because each gets to be unique and different.

Maybe it's because they're such iconic monsters.

Maybe it's because, unlike regular minis, the eyes aren't tiny little specks that require perfect pinpoint precision to paint.

Anyway, I really like how this one came out. I played around a bit with the airbrush on this one, and tried out doing a little bit of purple undershading in which I think turned out quite well, though it could've been maybe just a touch lighter in retrospect.

I printed the support piece separate from the mini and base, so I could do it in transparent resin and give it a purple stain. My thought is it's meant to be a sort of psionic pillar of anti-gravity or something. (because psionics are purple, as we all know).

I also had a go at making a glow effect on the base around the support, something I've been nervous to experiment with so far. I'm always worried about ruining a paint job I spent hours on, but since this base is a simple and quick paint job it was the perfect bit of low-stakes practice.

This model is Beholder by Lord Of The Print.

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3 years ago
New Mini!
New Mini!
New Mini!
New Mini!
New Mini!

New mini!

This is Atropos, a half elf (?) bard, painted for Yoshikagequeens' character in an upcoming campaign! Atropos will be in the same party as Frix! I'm looking forward to it.

I'm weirdly chuffed with my choice of dark red for his pants, and I think the highlights along the creases look really good. I also got the opportunity to finally properly use some of the colour shift paint I got like half a year ago, to put some glitter in his hair, so that's neat. I put the colour shift just in the parts and underside of his hair, to kind of make it looks like some sort of underlayer shining through. I really like the effect in person, seeing the glitter shift as you move your viewpoint is quite cool! Photos don't really do it justice.

My least favourite bit of this mini is the base. I shoved a generic column into a generic base, rather than using the desk base that comes with the stl for this mini. I wanted to push the character more into bard territory, rather than the professor character it's originally meant to be. I think it works for that, and I like the column he's leaning on, but the ground of the base is just a bit too plain. I put some cracks in it with an Exacto blade and added some cut up grass tufts to give it a bit of texture, but it's still not quite right. In the end, I just had to stop fiddling with it before I made it worse.

It's a learning experience to remember next time I try and make a custom base though, gotta remember to have texture or something on there.

The mini used here is Professor Syiva, by Twin Goddess Miniatures.

The column used on the base is Socket Pillar, by Phillip Meys.

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3 years ago
Double Post! I Realised I Never Actually Made A Post About This Halfling Smith I Painted Last Week, Which
Double Post! I Realised I Never Actually Made A Post About This Halfling Smith I Painted Last Week, Which
Double Post! I Realised I Never Actually Made A Post About This Halfling Smith I Painted Last Week, Which
Double Post! I Realised I Never Actually Made A Post About This Halfling Smith I Painted Last Week, Which
Double Post! I Realised I Never Actually Made A Post About This Halfling Smith I Painted Last Week, Which

Double post! I realised I never actually made a post about this halfling smith I painted last week, which is a travesty, because she's cool as heck! Also, she's a four fingered smith now, because I'm a clutz and dropped her while carrying her over to take pictures ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

One of the great things about 3d printing, is that when I want to paint a mini like this to display on a shelf rather than use on a table, I can just scale it up a bit before printing, rather than having an oddly sized mini on a shelf next to a bunch of larger figurines!

I really like how all the different colours and materials came together on this paint job, I think I managed to keep everything cohesive but distinct.

I'm also pretty happy with how the skin tone came out. I tried something a bit different to what I usually do, by mixing my favourite light skin tone paint with a little bit of reddish brown paint to get a slightly more tan colour as a base I could work up from. I think it turned out great, and really suits this halfling smith!

This print is Helen, the Blacksmith Halfling by Bite The Bullet

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3 years ago
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint
Something A Bit Different To What I Usually Paint, But I Saw This Model And I Just Really Wanted To Paint

Something a bit different to what I usually paint, but I saw this model and I just really wanted to paint it! Its just such a neat little model, especially that spherical cockpit.

The model is printed in resin on my Mars 2 Pro, and the stand was done on my Prusa in a copper silk filament. I love that copper silk for decorative things, it just looks so good.

It is a bit messy in some points, mostly because painting the cockpit wrecked me, it wasn't until I actually started painting it until I realised how fiddly it was to do. My metallic covers way better than my yellow does, so every little mistake took quite a few careful coats to fix.

That said, I really like how it turned out all the same! Most of my messy points fade away once its a on a shelf rather than right up in my face at painting distance.

The model is Red Stinger by Heriberto Valle Martínez.

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3 years ago
Finished Painting This Neat Sculpt Of Samus The Other Day!
Finished Painting This Neat Sculpt Of Samus The Other Day!
Finished Painting This Neat Sculpt Of Samus The Other Day!
Finished Painting This Neat Sculpt Of Samus The Other Day!
Finished Painting This Neat Sculpt Of Samus The Other Day!
Finished Painting This Neat Sculpt Of Samus The Other Day!

Finished painting this neat sculpt of Samus the other day!

I just did a fairly simple paint job on this one. Partly because I think it works well for the video game kinda look, and partly because I'd forgotten how poorly my orange and yellow paints cover, and I decided I wanted to deal with that as little as possible. I think it turned out pretty well though, the dark wash I put in the seams of the armour panels really helps make up for the lack of highlighting.

Theres a bit of an attempt at a glow effect in the barrel of her arm cannon, and on the bits of her armour mid-assembly. Its not amazing or anything, but I think you can kind of see what I was going for with it. Having lighting effects beyond just highlighting from above is something I've mostly avoided in my painting so far, but its somethign I want to start playing with. Its a bit daunting, but I think it will be rewarding if I can get it down.

I also realised as I was painting this that I've never actually played a metroid game. The most direct exposure I think I've ever had was watching one of my cousins play one of the games on his Gameboy at christmas. I feel like this is something I should rectify at some point.

This neat model is Samus Aran - Metroid - 25cm model by Printed Obsession. (The print pictured above is scaled down from 25cm to fit with my other prints).

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