Draculaura - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
I Wonder How Draculaura Feel If She Found Out She Was Clawdeen Lesbian Awakening

I wonder how Draculaura feel if she found out she was Clawdeen lesbian awakening

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6 months ago
Ok I Own A Draculaura She Neat
Ok I Own A Draculaura She Neat

ok I own a Draculaura she neat

Ok I Own A Draculaura She Neat

She cast machine gun

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6 months ago
eggman91lives - Eggman91 lives!

so here my attempt at doing a miles John monster high if you know you know

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5 months ago

Bro I just read some Monster High fanfiction where it mentioned Draculaura was still at monster while everyone else was adults now

it just made me think god that’s depressing and I mean it’s kinda of canon?because how many times did Draculaura seen her friends grow up age become adults lose touch and watch them grow old and die

That’s a really depressing ideal gonna keep that in my ideas box … but anyways

Bro I Just Read Some Monster High Fanfiction Where It Mentioned Draculaura Was Still At Monster While

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4 months ago
A Sketch Of An Outfit For Draculaura :))

A sketch of an outfit for Draculaura :))

I plan to make it for garden mysteries Lala because I lover her red colours!!

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4 months ago
WIP Draculaura Outfit!

WIP Draculaura outfit!

Both the shirt and pants were made with @cosmomoore ‘s patterns! (Thank you!!)

For garden mysteries Draculaura (as usual :3) I can’t wait to get my claws on her when she comes to Canada!! (More details under the cut!)

WIP Draculaura Outfit!

I worked so hard on these pants!! The lace on the bottom, the embroidery, the star chain… I did such a good job :)))) She’s going to wear a different shirt tho, I just haven’t made it yet :P

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5 months ago
() Freaky Just Got Fabulouusss!

(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Freaky just got fabulouusss!

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2 years ago

Dorm Leaders x male!Draculaura!Yuu

I’m making this because no one else will and because I’m chronically obsessed with both fandoms

🌹Riddle Rosehearts🌹

I feel like there would be a rule against pink skin or something😭

Yes this is twisted wonderland where people are used to others with unnatural features but PINK SKIN??

I think it would be very off putting to him at first but he eventually accepts it

He enjoys your quite outgoing and cheery nature, he deserves to let loose once in a while and you’re his first option for just that

Both of your old victorian-esque styles would clash very nicely

He would often invite you to tea parties which you’d enthusiastically accept, and maybe dress in a nice pink dress which would always put a small blush on his face

He’d introduce you to the hedgehogs and they would probably be fond of you (especially the pink one)

Enjoys having someone who’s about his height or shorter. It’s a welcome change for him

Always has an umbrella handy for any sun exposure you may run into

Trey also enjoys having you around so that’s like a bonus for Riddle

Very accommodating towards your vegetarian diet

Overall very happy that you happened upon twisted wonderland, he couldn’t imagine his life without you

🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁

Can someone say SIZE DIFFERENCE

Your hella short compared to him

He can’t lie and say he’s not a fan

Y’all probably met while you were admiring the pink roses in the botanical garden and came across him napping

You didn’t wanna wake him up so you just stepped over him

He noticed you right away (probably because you’re like walking cotton candy) and was somewhat interested in you

As in curious as to what your deal was, I doubt he falls in love that fast

He sneaks glances at you every once in a while throughout the day

Was ACTUALLY introduced when he saw you hanging out with Jack

He was very drawn to your energetic personality which was the complete opposite of his and you vice-versa

Everyone wonders how in the world Leona got a cute, peppy, stylish bf (who everyone thinks may be a vampire but they don’t have much proof for that)

He’s probably aware that you’re capable of taking care of yourself when need be, but is still generally very protective because of your somewhat naive tendencies

After all this is a school for villains people aren’t the nicest here

Always kisses your heart shaped birthmark

Wouldn’t be as diligent with bringing an umbrella to block sun exposure but will still do what he can to make sure you avoid it

He’ll even block the sun with his own body if he has to

Forgets you’re vegetarian very often

Is willing to try to be a little more active if you encourage him to

After all he does really wanna impress you

Very happy he met you, you make his life a lot cheerier even if he refuses to admit it

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Probably met because Floyd likes to bother you a lot

Not everyday you get a pink skin non-human from another dimension ya know?

Like many others your sunny disposition is very welcome to him

He was always made fun of as a kid so having someone who not only accepts his *freaky* flaws but encourages him to embrace them makes his heart melt

Enjoys having someone shorter than him since the tweels are basically towers compared to him

He has a pretty good sense of fashion as do you so I imagine he would purchase a lot of very nice (and pink) clothing/accessories for you

You would probably be willing to help around the lounge which is much appreciated from him

You would likely scold him if he tried to make a deal too serious (like taking someone’s bodily control)

You’re still very impressed by his UM though

Your excitement for things never fails to get him flustered

He would go to the ends of the earth to make you happy

🥳Kalim Al-Asim🥳

It’s like looking in a mirror

Not in terms of physical features ofc but in terms of personality

Y’all are like two peas in a pod

Jamil has never wanted to disappear more/hj

He loves having someone who’s just as cheery and down to party as he is

You’re definitely an enabler

But not in a bad way

Jamil is the one to keep you both in check if you guys try to do something stupid

But you keep Kalim distracted to for that Jamil is thankful

Always takes you on magic carpet rides because he loves to see the way your eyes shine seeing this wHoLe NeW wOrLd

Will spoil you with extravagant gifts and clothing

His siblings probably love you

Also one to kiss your heart shaped birthmark

If you’re someone who’s not used to compliments get ready because this man will SHOWER YOU with love

Loves to carry you around bridal style

Idk why I just feel like he would

You both are incredibly obsessed with each other and he wouldn’t have it any other way

🦚Vil Schoenheit🦚

He would try to hide his interest in you but that doesn’t go over well for him



Probably thinks your skin color is like body makeup or something at first

Pretty shocked when he finds out it isn’t

He tries not to be disappointed that you’re put into ramshackle instead of his dorm

Not necessarily in a romantic way he just feels you’d fit in there so much better

Would get to know you through Rook constantly spying on you

He didn’t ask him to, but it is a bonus

Would always dress you up in stunning pink ensembles

Think Haunt Couture or Limited Edition Draculaura

Would show you off to his fans (with your consent ofc)

He would love if you modeled with him

Is very understanding of your vegetarian diet and always gets you vegan snacks

Will always have a beautiful pink umbrella handy for potential sun exposure

It’s very important to him that you keep yourself safe

He’s more than happy to let you pick out his outfits

He could never be more happy that he met you

👾Idia Shroud👾

He would be scared of you

Not because you’re a scary person, but because you’re just so nice

He simply does not understand

He would try to avoid you like the plague but he doesn’t get very far since you and Ortho get along so well

You also like hanging out in Ignihyde a lot because of the dark lighting

You approach him first with mountains of compliments about his hair and overall looks

His face goes the shade of your pink skin

You tell him your interest in his video games since I don’t imagine you’ve played a whole lot of those so he asks if you would like him to teach you

Your enthusiasm is unexpected and leaves him blushing profusely

He grows to really like your outgoing and kind nature even if it’s the exact opposite of him

You encourage him to go meet others a lot which he’s opposed to at first but its gotten him a lot more friends which he doesn’t hate

Always lends you his hoodies

You convince him to let you dress him up and he likes the style you’ve given him much more than he expected

You paint each other’s nails

Is the only person he lets mess with his hair

He also likes that you and Ortho are such good friends, it makes him happy that two of his favorite people get along

He would dox someone for you💙

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

You being a 1600 year old vampire you can definitely relate to the feeling of being lonely for so long

Which is why you always go out of your way to attempt befriending him

You’re more than happy to talk to him at lengths about his love of gargoyles which is what made him fall for you in the first place

That and your lack of cowardice in speaking with him

He always asks you to dress him up since he knows you like doing it so much

He likes the color change

Also someone who is a fan of the size difference

It makes it feel more like he has someone to protect

And protect he will

Always shields you from sunlight by standing the direction the sun is pointing from

He is indeed tall enough to block it out

Gifts you with beautiful pink gemstones he finds

You try to explain to him current technology which he appreciates even if he doesn’t understand it

You would probably decorate his horns with different chains and jewels

He refuses to take them out

You invite him to any and every event if he wasn’t already

He would destroy every realm if it put a smile on your face

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2 years ago

I did enjoy your insightful view as to who would fit within the Universe the best, however I apologize it seems that I may have not worded my words correctly. I meant as if all the Yuus' were different characters in the same universe (so one per leader), which Yuu would be best for each Dorm Leader (Ship wise, Dorm Leader x Yuu)? Ex: I like Prince! Yuu for Idia and male!Draculaura!Yuu for Riddle. I hope this made more sense. I apologize again for my wording. Thank you for your time anyways.

Lol don’t beat yourself up too bad bud, honestly I think the mistranslation was just because I was being lazy and dumb💀

🌹Riddle Rosehearts🌹

I’m torn between Prince!Yuu and Male!Lizzie Hearts!Yuu

Because on one hand, Alice was quite literally made to oppose to Queen of Hearts (aka Riddle) so I feel like there’s a better established relationship there? But Lizzie and Riddle are supposed to represent the same person so they’d get along well right? Well yes, but I just feel like there’s more there for Prince!Yuu. Maybe I’m a sucker for opposites attract but if I had the option between Male!Alice and Male!Lizzie I’d have to go Alice because there’s just more there (I’ve also just been thinking about their dynamic a lot more so maybe that has something to do with it). But I like Alice’s almost reckless but childlike wonder and curiosity mixed with Riddle’s rigid views of life, I just really think it’s the best match to balance em out and it’s also just generally interesting to me (god i wanna write em more now)


🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁

Male!Cerise Hood!Yuu

Tbh this is probably me just stereotyping bc they’re both of beast kin but hey that also means they’d probably understand a lot of unique struggles that most don’t. Shedding during the spring which needs to be constantly brushed to not leave fur everywhere. A large appetite for meat and disliking veggies. I also just think their contrasts can go well. Leona is usually very lazy, wanting to nap all day and sleep in the sun which has ended up affecting his grades, living a luxurious life has made him spoiled, meanwhile Cerise has been shunned by mankind leaving him to hide what he truly is just to keep him and his family safe, which also means he definitely had a more rough and rugged childhood, he has had to work for what he has and while he respects the fact that not everyone was raised that way I think he still expects others to learn basic functions of human life. Long way to say Leona’s attitude would not slide with Cerise. Cerise wouldn’t nag him about it but I feel like he would make it clear he wants someone who’s willing to put in effort for results, not just lie down and expect it. This alone influences Leona to put a little more work in his life to get the things he wants/needs because he really does admire his strength and since he sees him as an animal on the level of a lioness (huge honor btw) he wants to impress and please him because he really does want to make things work. He gives me a “I may annoy my husband half to death but if anyone else disrespected him I would kill” vibe

Male!Cerise Hood!Yuu

🐙Azul Ashengrotto🐙

Male!Cerise Hood!Yuu

Ngl even I surprised myself with this one seeing as they come from amazingly different backgrounds. But as stated in the headcanons they also understand a level of isolation very few others could. Not even their closest friends would ever really be able to understand being completely shunned from the world because of what you look like and so it’s like a support for each other. They know that whatever problem they have or insecurity their partner will understand and can know how to help based on their own experience of coping mechanisms. I also think they can have a lot of fun with each other and see so many new things. Cerise is probably not a strong swimmer though she’s not necessarily weak it’s just not her forte and vice versa for Azul therefore they can help each other discover so many new things. Cerise and Azul can hike the mountains with a pack of wolves and learn how to appreciate nature and also how to respectfully use it to ones advantage through natural medicines and food maybe. They could also go on diving or boating adventures in the large sea with a school of fish and discover creatures they’ve never seen in person before, the art of aquatic camouflage and overall so many things neither would have experienced otherwise.

🥳Kalim Al-Asim🥳


Tbh this is heavily because I like the idea of Kalim walking into any room and going like “Hello I’m the incredibly wealthy heir to the Al-Asim family name and this is my incredibly impoverished boyfriend that shot through a portal and I picked him up off the ground like a sack of potatoes and he’s mine now.” I honestly can’t tell if this is a balanced relationship or if this is just double babysitting duty for Jamil. I just don’t think he takes the thievery seriously cause he doesn’t understand the consequences it could have so he just kinda lets Aladdin go ham. The stealing tendency is before he had a rich bf, after he gets one then he slowly understands he’s not in danger 24/7 on the streets. Though they probably still have a game of it, Aladdin snatches something and if Kalim calls what it is he wins. This is more headcanony than my reasoning behind it, sorry. But it kinda feels like Aladdin and Jasmine just if Jasmine liked to party and was more laid back. There’s also a different perspective to bring into the relationship from Aladdin. Kalim hasn’t experienced the pain and loss of living on the streets, fighting everyday for even a piece of food while also trying to support the lives of children on the street. Aladdin would probably recommend donating to charities for impoverished communities and Kalim would do it in a heartbeat. This also gets Jamil to see Aladdin more positively than just another nuisance because he appreciates how he isn’t using Kalim’s riches for his own benefit even though he really could but is instead trying to use the relationship they have with one another to help others.


🦚Vil Schoenheit🦚


The way I wrote that dude is such a Simp with a capital S for Vil and the fact that Vil reciprocates it makes it that much better. I just feel like Vil has such a superiority complex that having someone socially considered beneath him is kind of a turn on, and The Prince needs a Queen to dote on so it works out perfectly. The Prince is royalty, he knows how to obey so when Vil demands attention he’ll give it to him, when Vil needs to be left alone The Prince understands, even small nonverbal cues are ones The Prince learns to pick up on. On Vil’s end he loves having a partner that’s so flexible because his schedule as a public figure is very tight making romantic relationships incredibly difficult since he can’t provide most people what they need in said relationship. He also likes having someone to dress up and boss around let’s be honest (I know this sounds like maybe a toxic-ish relationship but trust me when I say the dynamic between these two is wholly consensual, if it’s something that one or the other didn’t want they wouldn’t hesitate to verbalize)


👾Idia Shroud👾

Wei Wuxian!Yuu

I literally have no clue what his actual characterization is like so I’m basing this off of how I made him because that’s really the only thing I have to go off, but I just feel like they get along super well. I think he just connects better with him than my other Yuu’s do and everybody needs a lil bit of love :(. Wei can and will take care of everyone’s favorite gremlin man

Wei Wuxian!Yuu

🐉Malleus Draconia🐉

I wrote a whole ass essay I’m sorry in advance


I think realistically a huge problem with any character he’s paired with is that they’re usually mortal, therefore they’ll die way before him (if he ever does). It’s perfect for angst but for a happy relationship not so much so this is definitely the way to go for long term happiness. On top of that I think Draculaura’s positive outlook on things really balances Malleus out’. Not that Malleus has a negative perspective but sometimes I feel like he has a hard time allowing himself to have fun or at least not try so hard to always maintain an image. He is an heir after all and there are expectations. Draculaura could really show him the simple pleasures of life. There are also things individually that when paired together are very complimentary for the foundation of their relationship. Malleus is a very ancient figure, one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, and the heir to a throne. People could say he has everything but something tells me he’d give it all up for the chance at one real, true friend. Draculaura who’s lost his mother and bio father and has been forced to live 1600 years almost in complete solitude (minus Elizabat) and now would go to hell and back for his friends since they’re all he really has. In that way I think they kind of need each other. Draculaura puts a big emphasis on friendship in his life and sympathizes greatly with those who don’t have it because for him, it’s his whole life. Even being torn away from everything he knows he still wants to make friends because that’s how big a role platonic relationships play in his life. So he does everything he can to make Malleus understand that and squeeze his way into his little dragon heart because he’s been in Malleus’ position, and he doesn’t want that for himself or anyone else. Malleus is happy to have a friend who’s not his family or in it for some ulterior motive. It feels even better when they become something more because he truly never thought he’d find someone he loves so dearly that he can stay with forever. (Also someone who shares his love for gothic architecture)


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1 year ago
Draculaura Helps Walter White Sell Crystal Meth

Draculaura helps Walter White Sell Crystal Meth

Draculaura Helps Walter White Sell Crystal Meth

it's so funny-

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1 year ago
Im Supposed To Make A Book For Civics, But I Decided To Do This Instead,, She Was Actually Originally

I’m supposed to make a book for civics, but I decided to do this instead,, she was actually originally supposed to be Jackson Jekyll

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8 months ago
I Just Realized I Havent Posted In A While Lol, So Take This Draculaura

I just realized I haven’t posted in a while lol, so take this Draculaura

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7 months ago
Why Does The Sketch Always Look Better Than The Final???

Why does the sketch always look better than the final???

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