hades-999 - Hades 999
Hades 999

174 posts

Theory Time

Theory Time πŸ•˜

New Felix promo

Guys, we get a new trailer for Felix, but first the necescary allert 😌:









So, the new trailer:

Awesome, right?



1. Mother complex

Theory Time

This look of Adrien's got me...... Maybe Adrien sees Nathali as a mother, more than Gabriel as a love interest? Could be.......

That is a beautiful statue and Adrien is nice to visite

It seems he is missing his mother, but also let her go.

2. Felix

Theory Time

Not so happy to see Adrien

More info in my Copy Cat 2 post

3. Akumas fight

Theory Time
Theory Time
Theory Time
Theory Time

Wow, Nathali ! 😁

Wow, Adrien! 😁

May you noticed the other Reflekta in the background. She could be Nathali... (She also "stoped" by Lady Wifi)

So..... There's 3 akumas..... But all of them colourful and have different weapons..... So, they are not Scarlett Akumas.....

Theory: Hawk Moth akumatize himself to be able create multiple Akumas......?

Hawk Moth akumatize Felix to do the same.....?

Maybe they do it, because Adrien thinks Nathali is Mayura 🐦

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    shsl-autism liked this · 4 years ago
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    aaathedog liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Hades-999

5 years ago

Theory Time πŸ•˜

Pararel realityes

I have the feeling Cat Blanc and Felix happened in the same day, just not in the same universe (or in the same one if Adrien just put away that hat......)

Main Villain

Theory Time

Opening / ending scenes

Theory Time

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5 years ago

Fun fact 😸


So, in "Cat Blanc" -or in "Heart Hunter", depends on what order did you watched the episodes- we could spot an interesting thing;

Fun Fact

Hawk Moth and Nathali could talk to each through phone/Miracle tool.

But we also saw Mayura and Hawk Moth make connection through they tools.

Fun Fact

However, sometimes Ladybug can't reach Cat Noir (when he is Adrien)

Fun Fact

So, maybe you have to think to the form of the holder's when you want to speak with him/her, or dial a special number.......

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5 years ago

🐍Snake Noir🐈

Miracle Queen











Usually we call Cat Noir useless or just a sidekick.

But anybody realised technically he defeated Miracle Queen almost by himself.

I mean:

Snake Noir

He saved Dragonbug from enslaving.


Snake Noir

Discovered the Mirage


Snake Noir

And...... Simply do the fight.

Finally he wasn't a clumsy cat as most of the time.

I'm so happy see him being hero of the day

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5 years ago

Cat Blanc was......









Ok, Cat Blanc was a good episode, not really bad, but there were some serious mistakes:

Marinette really can't wait one more day, after more than a year.......seriously?

Adrien can't imagine Marinette sended gift with Ladybug, but previously could belived they just has similar handwriting....... Shame

Bunnix really walked in the air...... That's not makes any sence

Where did she get that bowl?

Why can she see everything ...... She doesn't need to be there personal?

So, actually her power to create an orbit with Time doors........ strange, but ok..

Gabriel really a maniack

Cat Blanc Was......


Guys, if you ever mess with time, don't be stupid...... 'Cause you will do some too serious mistakes. Let me explain:

Bunnix can't be this old. She was at the same ages as Marinette/Adrien. If Cat Blanc was around the same age as now (or.....2 years older max) she was closly the same old

What's the point of the Snake miraculous if the rabbit's can change the timeline too (not just travel)

The most serious mistake: Why Bunnix took Ladybug to Cat Blanc? If they just watch what happend, they easily could travel back five minutes, and Cat Noir never will akumatize (or at least not like this)

The whole fighteing was pointless

Cat Blanc Was......

And an other And....

The only thing what can dammage a miraculous is the Cataclysm. Why Hawk Moth didn't akumatize the ring.....?

Cat Blanc Was......

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