Starving So I Can Come Back To Uni After Summer Break And Make Them All Jealous
Starving so I can come back to uni after summer break and make them all jealous

little0bunnyyyy liked this · 8 months ago
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Wait wait I need to add:
- blue fingernails because of getting cold easily
- getting light headed when picking something up from the floor
- having to pee 24/7 because my belly is only filled with water
To be successful means:
— losing my period
— have my hair fall out
— shivering 24/7 (even in summer)
— shaky hands
— gaining ‘fur’
(Is it bad that I want this?)
wish i was skinny and that my father loved me, at least i can fix one of those things!
Oink oink I just had cake
One like and I’ll purge x
To be successful means:
— losing my period
— have my hair fall out
— shivering 24/7 (even in summer)
— shaky hands
— gaining ‘fur’
(Is it bad that I want this?)
being pretty and thin would literally fix all of my problems