heyitspersephone - It’s Persephone
It’s Persephone

The main blog || she/they/he || trying my best

852 posts

Im Fucking Wheezing My Sisters Bday Is Tomorrow And I Guess My Parents Planned On Putting Some Sort Of

I’m fucking wheezing my sister’s bday is tomorrow and I guess my parents planned on putting some sort of message in our yard (?? idk I wasn’t involved in plans) and I found out because she noticed someone creeping in our yard and panicked and told me to come look

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4 years ago

Me: Wow I really love ships where they're best friends and fall in love but aren't sure if the other is interested so they just spend forever being angsty and pining that's some good shit

Me, actually falling in love with a close friend: Oh for fuCK'S SAKE

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4 years ago

by Anonymous

Tony and Natasha pose as a couple for an undercover mission. Steve doesn’t find this distracting. Not at all.

And yet, it all goes downhill from there.

(5 times Steve is distracted thinking of Tony, and 1 time Tony distracts Steve on purpose.)

Words: 5449, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English

Fandoms: Avengers Assemble (Cartoon)

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply

Categories: M/M

Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Jane Foster (Marvel)

Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark

Additional Tags: Oblivious Steve, Jealous Steve, Feelings Realization, Undercover Missions, Pining, Mutual Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Truth or Dare, Protective Steve, Misunderstandings, Love Confessions, 5+1 Things, Getting Together, Fluff, Minor Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov, Minor Carol Danvers/James “Rhodey” Rhodes, POV Steve Rogers