hidden-for-reg - đź’śmiađź’ś

about me-usually very busy with coursework :')~~currently obsessed with jegulus~~my ships: jegulus, wolfstar, rosekiller, drarry, dorlene, marylily*header by cuckooboo_ on IG*

101 posts

June 30: Fix | @jegulus-microfic | Word Count: 629

June 30: fix | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 629

*surgeon x patient au*

previous part, part one

Regulus couldn't believe himself. He was so embarrassed he could... he could... he could- he was so embarrassed he didn't even know what he could do. He groaned and dropped his head on top of his knees, which were still folded into his chest. Regulus could not believe Dorcas would betray him like that and tell James, of all people, at he fancies him. He groaned again in frustration.

"Love, you okay?"

Regulus jolted and snapped his head up, cheeks flushing madly at the sound of James' voice. And there he was, standing at the foot of Regulus' bed, biting his lips nervously. Regulus latched his gaze to James' lips. He really shouldn't find that as attractive as he did. Regulus nodded slowly, feeling the redness in his face calm down. 

"So," James began.

"No," Regulus interrupted, refusing to talk about what just happened.

"Love, I was gonna say that I need to check what your heart rate is," James smiled and Regulus was chagrined all over again. Regulus scowled as James came up to him and whipped out a stethoscope from thin air, seemingly. 

James instructed Regulus to sit on the side of the bed, and, of course, Regulus did what James told him to. James leaned in close to Regulus, put the stethoscope on, and began listening to his heart. If you asked Regulus though, James was definitely closer than a doctor would need to be to check a heart rate. Regulus wasn't complaining though. 

James moved his hands, and the stethoscope, obviously, lower on Regulus' torso. James was staring up at Regulus with half-lidded eyes and Regulus could feel lightning coursing through his whole body at this point. 

"Stand up for me, love," James murmured. Regulus stood up obediently. "Turn around." He felt a smirk growing on his face before James grumbled, "Oh shut up, I can feel you smiling, and you know that's not what I meant." 

Regulus laughed as James listened to his heart beat from his back for some reason. Regulus didn't understand anything related to anything medical. When Sirius was still in medical school, all Regulus would hear about is the one million and one ways Sirius could fix him if he ever got hurt or sick. Regulus retained none of the information but was endeared that Sirius had promised to fix him up whenever he got hurt. Obviously, Sirius had not and did not fix him anytime he was hurt, but the sentiment was enough for Regulus. 

"Love, turn around again, please," James asked softly. And Regulus did. James gave him a lovely, lopsided grin. "Well," he started, "the good news is your heart is okay and really healthy and so are your lungs, though a little raspy." James reached out and tucked a loose curl behind Regulus' ear.

Regulus scrunched his eyebrows together and he searched James' face with confusion. "What's the bad news, then?"

"The bad news is according to this hospital I'm not allowed to snog you senseless," James murmured, his gaze traveling down Regulus' face to rest on the smile that Regulus now had on his lips. James leaned in until Regulus could feel his hot breath on his face. Regulus' smile turned into a smirk as he glared into James' eyes. "That's too bad," James added pulling away from Regulus. 

Regulus blinked.  Why was James pulling away? Regulus furrowed his eyebrows again. 

James slid a pager into Regulus’ hand. He clutched his hand and brought it up to his lips softly. He cleared his throat, dropped Regulus’ hand, and strode to the door. 

“I’ll see you later, love, page me if you need,” James flicked his gaze up and down, “anything.” He finished and strode out of the room, closing the door swiftly, leaving Regulus stunned.

next part

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More Posts from Hidden-for-reg

8 months ago
Ahhh! Quite Literally Never Thought Id Get Here Lol

ahhh! quite literally never thought i’d get here lol

when i started this blog, i was not at all thinking it would actually turn into something butttt.. now it kind of is? (still a small blog but now i think it can grow into more..?)

anyways, a big thanks to everyone who helped out with this ❤️

tagging my mutuals cause why not: @lulublack90, @monachopsisindefaultmode

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8 months ago

July 1: astrology | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 880

*surgeon x patient au*

previous part, part one

As soon as James had left, Regulus had wanted him there again, but he was sure James had tons of real work to do. In all fairness though, Regulus did need to talk to James about his surgery. Regulus had decided by now that he did want the surgery, and not just as an excuse to spend more time around James. Frankly, his knee was constantly in a low, throbbing pain even though Dorcas had given him some painkillers. It had been getting annoying. Plus, Regulus figured it couldn't hurt anyway since his brother was a doctor and therefore, Regulus had good medical insurance, so money wouldn't be an issue here.

Regulus' train of thought was interrupted by Dorcas coming into his room with a light knock. "Hey, babes," she cooed, plopping herself down next to Regulus on his bed, "I've got today's astrology horoscope, thought I might share." He scooted over to make more room for her and she curled into his side, taking out a magazine. 

Dorcas flipped it open and began rambling to Regulus about all the ways she was supposedly going to be lucky that day, according to her star sign.  Then, she opened the magazine to a new page and started telling Regulus about the ways he'd be lucky that day. 

"Wait, but how'd you know my birthday?" He asked her, interrupting her warnings to him about things he was supposed to avoid that day.

Dorcas laughed. "I may or may not have looked at your chart," she remarked with a smirk.

"Well, I sure hope you looked at my chart, you're the nurse on my case," Regulus retorted with a chuckle. 

"Oh, and Regulus, look," Dorcas added, tapping her finger on the page, "it says here that you'll be lucky in love, today." She smirked at him again. "Or, perhaps, have you already gotten lucky in love today?"

"Dorcas, I've not even known you for a day," he snorted.

"Hardly means I can't be interested in what you've got going on with one of the hottest guys in the hospital." 

"I thought you said you liked girls though?"

"My love, some things are just universally agreed upon, and James Potter is one of those."

Regulus couldn't argue with that so, he remained mostly silent and gave her a vague mumble to show he agreed. 

"So? Tell me what happened after I left!" Dorcas demanded, punching him playfully in the arm.

"Well, he came in, saying all this BS that he needed to check my heart beat," Regulus started, "then, he took out his little heart-listening-tool thing and stood a million times closer than normal. But, like, no complaints from me. Then, he was all like 'good news is you're fine, bad news is I can't snog you'. By that point he was less than an inch away, but then the git had the gall to just cut it quits there and leave. So, that's what he did!" Regulus finished his story with an exasperated flourish of his hands, dropping them in his lap after. 

Dorcas opened her mouth, clearly about to ramble again, when Regulus' phone began vibrating from where it sat on the bedside table. He picked it up, groaned inwardly when he saw the name on the screen, and answered. 

"Barty, mate, what is it?"

"What, I'm not allowed to check in on my best friend while he's in the hospital? When Evan had to go to the hospital for his broken ankle, I called him every couple hours. And he never complained, not once!"

"Barty, Evan's your boyfriend, of course he didn't complain!"

"Just because we're not lovers anymore doesn't mean you have to stop showing me the LOVE, Reg. Where's all that LOVE you showed me when we were together? The love we had when we were still f-"


"Right, right. Anyways- Evan, me, and Pandora are thinking of coming round the hospital to be with you before and after the big surgery." 

Regulus rolled his eyes.

"Well, if Evan and Panda don't decide to show up, I know I'M coming, because I'M an amazing best friend. Well, apparently not, according to the lack of love you're showing currently."

Regulus rolled his eyes again.

"HEY. I can feel you rolling your eyes. Because only a best friend would be able to tell and I just so happen to be-"

"Okay, yes, Barty, I love you, the love is here, this is me showing you the love," Regulus stated flatly. "Is that all? I was a bit in the middle of something."

"Oh, in the middle of something? Who have you charmed into thinking you're normal again? They better not be trying for the best friend slot, Reg. I don't know if I've made it clear, mate, but as your best friend, I kind of care about you and wouldn't like to see some other idiot kick you around. Call me a crazy, possessive ex, but hey, that's exactly what-"

"Barty, mate, love and care aside, please shut up."

"Alright, alright, I get it. I'll leave. I can take a hint. I can tell when someone doesn't love me anymore-"

Regulus hung up on Barty and sighed, putting his phone back on the bedside table. "Sorry, Dorcas," he mumbled. 

Next part

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7 months ago

july 21: core | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 280

“Reg, come on!”

“James, I said no.” Regulus snapped back at James, who was persistently following him through corridors.

“Reg, please!”

Regulus whipped around and James skidded to a halt in front of him. “James.”

James, the idiot that he was, grinned stupidly down at Regulus. “Reggie.”

“I said no.”

“Oh, come on, please, just one date!” James pleaded, eyebrows furrowed together and hands clasped together. Regulus imagined James in that same position but on his knees in front of him. He shook the thought away quickly though with a shiver.

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him.

“Reg, just one date so I can show you what an amazing boyfriend I would be!”

He merely stared back at James.

James pursed his lips before blurting out, “Come on, we’re meant to be, Reg, I can feel it in my core! Deep, deep down I can feel it!”

Regulus looked over James. He looked kind of adorable like that, with his eyes blazing, brows furrowed, and chest slightly heaving. “I think you’re being a tad dramatic,” Regulus scoffed, rolling his eyes.

James put his hand on his chest in mock surprise. “Dramatic is my middle name, Regulus, what can I say?”

Regulus looked James up and down again before turning away from James and gritting out, “You know what? Fine. I’ll… go on a date with you.” 

He heard James gasp and before James could start screaming, he cut in with, “But, don’t get all dramatic about it, yeah?” Regulus turned to face James again. “I want this to be just ours, not the whole school’s,” he murmured, “can you do that?”

James’ face softened. “Of course, anything for you, love.”

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8 months ago

June 27: heal | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 799

*surgeon x patient au*

Part one, previous part

If you asked Regulus, he'd say he was completely fine. But after he took the tiniest fall of course his idiot surgeon of a brother made him go to the hospital to get it checked out. But then of coursethe hospital in question doesn't allow family to treat family. So, now, of course Regulus is stuck with the hot, dumb doctor. Of course. And for the past 10 minutes that hot, dumb doctor, who introduced himself as James, has been talking non-STOP. 

“Okay, you know what? Stop, just stop talking,” Regulus snapped suddenly, pinching his nose bridge and closing his eyes for a second. “I’m fine. I don’t need surgery. I’m only here because my brother forced me. You can just give me some painkillers or whatever and I’ll leave.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest and frowned at James. “Come on, doctor,” he continued, “do me a favor here or something.”

“Oh— er, yeah, well,” James’ face flushed a bright shade of red, “your X-Rays aren’t looking great, and the only way to fix your knee is with surgery so, ah, I— well you can’t leave, basically.” James shifted his feet nervously from where he stood next to Regulus’ bed. He flashed Regulus an apologetic grin as if it might help comfort him or something. It did not.

“I’m fine,” Regulus gritted out between his teeth. The nerve of this doctor, honestly. 

“No, you’re not, but you will be once you get surgery. I promise the surgery is perfectly safe, and I’ve done plenty of them before. There’s nothing to worry about,” James said, voice softening. “And you’ll be able to heal in as little as 3 months.” James sat on the edge of Regulus’ bed and put his hand of Regulus’ leg under the blanket. Regulus decided he would let him stay there for now. “And, uh, not to brag, but I’m a pretty good surgeon,” James added as he leaned in closer to him, “so you’re in good hands, love.” James patted his leg. 

Regulus felt his cheeks grow hot as James flashed him a cocky, lopsided grin. Regulus was trying to look anywhere but James’ eyes. He was dumbly scowling down at his own hands, which now lay in his lap, threaded together. Oh he felt so stupid for this. He would not  be manipulated into this surgery by just a nice man with a nice smile. No. Absolutely not. He felt his cheeks flush harder. 

Regulus risked looking up to meet James' steady gaze. His eyes showed a little concern but were otherwise lovely to look at, not that Regulus would ever admit that to James though. The other man's lips curled up in the corners just slightly, and his thumb was tracing circles where it lay on Regulus' thigh. 

He decided to would probably be okay to share a small smile in return so that's what he did as he still held James' piercing stare. His eyes were so deep with varying hues of dark, chocolatey brown and warm amber.

James opened his mouth like he had been about to say something, then closed it, then opened again slightly, then closed. He drew his lips in a thin line and finally looked away from Regulus. He turned to look at the clock on the bedside stand and abruptly cleared his throat.

Regulus snapped out of his daze immediately at the noise and, instinctively, pulled back from where he was, apparently, leaning in. He trained his eyes back on his hands in his lap again quickly. 

"Um, well, ah, I got to- I have to- uh, paperwork," James mumbled awkwardly, giving Regulus' leg a firm squeeze then letting go and standing up. 

"Oh." Regulus merely stared at him, not really taking it the words yet. "Oh, yes, you.. go do that, uh, yeah."

"Hey," James said, walking to the door, "If you need anything or feel anything weird, just call a nurse and tell them to page me, and I'll be right over. I'm serious, don't hesitate if you need something." 

Regulus nodded, breathless at the moment for some unknown reason.

"And," he added, now already standing in the doorway, "if you could hopefully decide about surgery before tonight, that would- well, it would save me from some difficult conversations. And if you decide sooner, rather than later, you can out of pain sooner. Again, just tell a nurse to page me once your mind's all made up."

Regulus snapped out of his daze... again. "Yeah, okay."

"Alright, see you later, love."


As soon as James was nowhere to be seen, Regulus let out a tremendous sigh and flopped back into his bed. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. What was happening to him?

next part

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