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[2] Seeing Each Other Around Town
Summary: James discovers his favorite student and his mom are his across-the-street neighbors and now he can't stop seeing her everywhere.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Tiny little bit of angst in this one but it's negligible. Y'all this is gonna be a slow burn but we'll get there. Also I'm updating sorta regularly now yay!!!
A/N (23/5/24): FINALLY edited this. I'm out of school, so hopefully I'll have time to continue this series <3
Previous Part: Parent-Teacher Conferences Next Part: Career Fair Series Masterlist here
![[2] Seeing Each Other Around Town](
Poor James is completely infatuated with you after parent-teacher conferences
He just can’t get you out of his head
And Sirius and Remus are usually the ones who suffer the consequences
Their apartment is on the way to school from James’ house, so they almost always carpool
And lately, the entire car ride, James Cant. Shut. Up. about you
(“Boys, you should’ve seen her—she’s so sweet—of course she’s Liam’s mom—Pads, you don’t understand—they’re so similar—Remus, she’s gorgeous—did you see her????”)
By the end of the week, Sirius and Remus are very amused with James’ adoration for you
But it also gets kinda irritating after a while, so they’re pretty thankful when the weekend rolls around and they (hopefully) get a small break from his incessant enamored babbling
Saturday rolls around, and James is up at six thirty (hard to break out of the habit when school starts at eight) and shuffling out to the lobby of his apartment building in his pajamas, robe, and slippers to get the mail and the newspaper
But just because James’ body wakes up early doesn’t mean James’ brain wakes up at the same time so he’s out by his mailbox looking confusedly at the newspaper and wondering why he suddenly can’t read
And after like a solid thirty seconds of him just squinting really hard he finally realizes it’s because he left his glasses inside
He’s doing his best guys, he’s doing his best
So James is about to turn around and go back to his own flat to get his glasses (and probably a cup of coffee) when he hears his own name— —just … well, kinda
“Mr. Potter?”
James just about jumps out of his skin because what teacher expects to see one of their students outside of school???? Like no thank you
Don’t get me wrong, James loves his kids to death and he’d die for them any day
But it’s the weekend
So no thanks
But then James realizes it’s Liam and he’s lowkey relieved because like
If he has to see a student outside of school, he’d rather it be this one
And then it occurs to James that if Liam is in his apartment building at six thirty in the morning, then he probably lives here
And if Liam lives here, then …
Poor James can’t help the full-body flush that rushes through him at your voice
Boy looks like someone dunked him in tomato juice
His head snaps from Liam (or at least the blurry shape that has Liam’s voice) to where your voice is coming from, and it hits him that you’re whispering (very tiredly and cutely, if you asked James) from the floor below his own, leaning over the railing to watch as your son presumably gets the mail
How the hell didn’t he notice you lived in his apartment building????????
Not that he’s complaining ofc :):):):):):)
James realizes after a minute that Liam asked if he’s alright, and he’s just like “Yeah!!” and utterly beaming
(Unbeknownst to James, you realize who exactly Liam is talking to and blush just as terribly as James does when you realize you’re still in pajamas and aren’t at all presentable)
You say good morning to him as well (from the balcony) and James is pretty sure he’s about to melt
(You call him Mr. Potter tho and it lowkey makes him cringe and remember that Liam is like RIGHT next to him)
So you and him exchange pleasantries like Romeo and Juliet with the balcony :) you get it?? :):):) while Liam gets the mail from your own mailbox and walks it up the stairs back to you
(he says “here you go, mama” in his sweet little voice as he hands the small stack to you and you say the gentlest “thank you, baby” back and James’ heart feels like goop in his chest)
James barely makes it back into is own apartment before he’s squealing and doing a goofy little dance out of overflowing joy
And the best part?
That's not the last time he sees you. Not even close.
Over the next several weeks, James begins to notice you everywhere around town
He sees you and Liam at the grocery store (you’re there with Liam and give him the choice between dino nuggets and spring rolls; he decisively choses the latter)
And on his way to work (on one of the few days where Remus and Sirius aren’t carpooling with him, as Remus was sick and Sirius stayed home to care for him), James sees you in your own car on your way to work
And when you and Liam go on walks on the weekends (James had taken to mowing Remus' mother's lawn, which was on your walking path, shirtless every Saturday morning—for entirely unrelated reasons, of course, and he will take no questions on the matter …)
James still isn’t sure how he hadn’t noticed you before because how could he have missed you?? You’re gorgeous????
(Of course, poor Remus and Sirius get to hear about his fawning even more now)
(They both find it cute though and they like to give him advice, so it’s fine)
So eventually one Friday night, James can’t sleep and is done with his lesson plans
And he’s just bored, so what does he do?
Go to the grocery store, of course
So James ventures out, once again in his pajamas, to the grocery store to get some treats to eat while he watches Antiques Roadshow until he falls asleep
And of course—he should’ve known at this point honestly—there you are
(Also in your pajamas)
And James says hi before he can really stop himself, and you look a little spooked for a second (because who tf would be talking to you in the grocery store at ten at night?) but then you realize it’s him and you say hi back with a sweet little smile that turns James' insides to warm fudge
Apparently, Liam is at Draco's birthday sleepover (Draco's a little shit, and James never understood how Liam could stand the kid) and you don’t have a shift at the hospital tonight, so you decided to indulge in some celebratory ice cream
James ends up helping you choose which ice cream you want (chocolate chip cookie dough—a classic) and as thanks, you go with him to the candy aisle to help him pick out treats
James ends up getting a container of pretty much every candy, cookie, and chip that grocery store because he didn’t want to leave yet lmao
And when you’re in line to check out, James mentions that there’s a career fair at school in a month and he’s wondering if you’d maybe want to come and talk about being a nurse????
Pretty please??????
James doesn’t notice how your face falls ever so slightly. You kind of forgot for a second that he’s your son’s teacher and not just some pretty guy that you’ve sorta had a crush on for the past couple weeks. Nothing could happen between the two of you—not if it meant messing with or—god forbid—hurting Liam’s education. But it’s okay. You’ll just suck it up and stick to your job and your son. It’s fine. It’s fine.
You’re agreeing in an instant, and James promises to email you the details so you can plan around it
James leaves the grocery store with like ten pounds worth of treats feeling full to the bursting with warmth and his eyes are glowing the rest of the night
He sees this really pretty pearl and gold necklace on Antiques Roadshow and catches himself thinking about how pretty it would look on you, but he doesn’t bother trying to stop himself at this point
It wouldn’t be any help anyway
![[2] Seeing Each Other Around Town](
Next Part: Career Fair
[3] Career Fair
Summary: James holds a parents' career fair, to which Liam's mom is invited.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Hah, remember last time where I said I was updating semi-regularly? Ok well I actually mean it now, I promise lmao. Not edited but I'll do that tomorrow. Also kinda short, sorry
A/N (1/8/2024): okok I came back here to change the names of some kids bc I forgot that this is a marauders au so I can use the names of like real kids from harry potter smhhhhh please don't get mad at me this is my first time writing an au
Previous Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town Next Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Series Masterlist here
![[3] Career Fair](
James ended up pushing the career fair back a couple weeks because there was a conflict in the schedule
(not because you emailed him back saying you wouldn’t be able to come the day he had originally planned it)
(and definitely not because he asked you to send him your shift schedule so he could make sure you could come, and you were working overtime for two weeks straight)
(James was pretty sure your work schedule violated some labor laws or something, but he was in no place to question you)
Liam is soooo excited for the couple days leading up to the career fair
Because his mom is cool af and he can’t wait to show everybody just how badass you are
(You had Liam pretty young, so you’re totally the parent who all the kids think is the coolest person alive and who all the kids’ older siblings have crushes on and who all the kids’ parents judge because of your age and assume you’re irresponsible, but we don’t have to talk about that)
James is also excited because he hasn’t had a real conversation with you in a couple weeks and he really just wants to talk to you
Poor Sirius and Remus have had to deal with him swooning and fawning and over you and also helping him frantically prepare for this career fair because “guys it HAS to be perfect”
But at long last, the day finally arrives
James scheduled the career fair in the afternoon so he could threaten children with canceling the event if they misbehave, so both he and his kids are bouncing off the walls in excitement all morning
He eats lunch in the library with Remus and Sirius, and they both spend the entire time hyping him up
(It’s mostly Sirius tho)
“You’ve got this, Prongs—be smooth—be nice—you’re a nice bloke, that’s not gonna be a problem for you—”
And eventually, it’s time
The parents that are participating in the fair arrive ten minutes before James has to get the kids from the cafeteria so he can explain to them what’s going to happen (because god knows the majority didn’t read the goddamn email he sent)
You’re a little late (profusely apologizing again, and it reminds James of the first time you met back at parent-teacher conferences) but you read the email the night before (and take another piece of James’ heart hostage while you’re at it) so it’s no worries
James’ summary instructions take a shorter amount of time than expected, so the ten or so parents all get to talking
And ofc James takes this opportunity to talk to you
You’d emailed back and forth about the fair but you hadn’t really talked in person since that night in the grocery store, and James was starting to feel like he’d die if he went another day without talking to you
So he’s plotting his route to you across the classroom when he notices you’ve secluded yourself a few steps away from the majority of the parents’ conversation
James is also horrified to discover you look slightly uncomfortable
Like you’re somewhere you don’t belong
And of course James can’t have that
So he sidles up next to you and asks how your day is going, if your boss gave you a hard time getting off work early, how the chocolate chip cookie dough from a month and a half ago was—anything he can think of, really
By the time James has to go get the kids from the cafeteria, you’re smiling and laughing, and James desperately wants to keep you like that all the time
He shakes himself out of his daydreamy state on the way to the cafeteria because this is your JOB, James, you can’t be distracted by your favorite student’s mom. His sweet, kind, whip-smart, dazzling … mom …
(In the back of his mind, James knows he’s screwed, he just has no idea what to do about it)
(CERTAINLY not act on it, because that would be a complete conflict of interest and totally unprofessional of him)
(But it’s just a crush)
(It’s fine)
Liam’s on the lookout for you as soon as he steps through the door, and he beams the sweetest little chubby-cheeked smile when he finds you and points you out to his friends
You wink playfully at him, and he and his friends giggle excitedly as they sit in their seats
If James is being completely honest with himself, the career fair was a little disappointing
The majority of the parents’ presentations were kinda lame
And they didn’t make their jobs understandable or appealing for the kids
Dean's mom (she’s regional manager of a popular grocery store chain) complained to the class about her boss pretty much the whole time
Luna’s father, a rather eccentric professor at the local university, just spewed a bunch of nonsense technical jargon about the soul or the meaning of life or something that not even the adults in the room could understand
And Draco's dad (he owns the local insurance company and is just obscenely wealthy, which explains quite a bit of his son's attitude) straight up said he hated his job, so there’s that
But then there was your presentation
James is sure he’s in love by now because you made being a nurse sound so amazing
You talked about how you’re in charge of taking care of people when they’re sick or hurt, how it’s nice to be able to help people, how even when your job gets hard, you feel like you’ve made a positive impact at the end of the day
Once the parents left, James asked the kids who’s presentation they liked the most
And ofc every kid in that room agreed that yours was the best
And a solid 75% said they wanted to be a nurse lmao and he was just so proud
Proud of his kids and also you because your presentation was just so fucking good
As James is taking the kids out to the buses, Liam thanks him for inviting you to the career fair
Ofc James says it was no problem and that you’re really cool, so it was a pleasure to have you there
And Liam kinda gives James this … look … and is like “… yeah, my mom is cool …”
And James gets this horrible feeling that Liam somehow knows
Knows he’s completely smitten for Liam’s mom
Fallen head over heels
Practically in love at this point (though James has a nasty habit of throwing that word around willy-nilly)
(Liam kinda freaks James out a bit sometimes lmao)
![[3] Career Fair](
Next Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift
July 2: doctor | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 1,036
*surgeon x patient au*
Previous part, part one
James smiled to himself softly, replaying the day's events in his mind like a movie. He was convinced that this was definitely the best day of his life. James has, of course, had many great days, such as his 21st birthday, and the day he graduated med school. He might be overexcited about this all, but he was sure that this day ranked on the list for best days ever. Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes.
James' head snapped up at McGonagalls' sharp voice. "Yes, Minnie?"
"Are you done daydreaming or will be getting your work done today?" She raised an eyebrow skeptically.
If he was honest, James had forgotten where he had been. He took snuck a glance of his surroundings and saw he was sitting at a computer with an article on knee bones and joints opened. "Minnie," he scoffed jokingly, "of course I'm getting my work done." He raised his hands innocently. "Just doing a little research, that's all. Plus, I've finished my charts already," James grinned at her.
"Alright, Potter but to let you know, your darn pager's been going off for a while now, it might be important," McGonagall told him curtly, leaving the little room afterward.
Sighing, James lazily picked up his pager then jumped to his feet when he saw the room.
James' breathed out in relief that it wasn't a 911 page, nevertheless, he still had a snippet of worry tugging at the back of his mind. However, despite his worries, James was ecstatic. Regulus wanted to see him. Regulus wanted to see him. James smirked. His plan had worked.
After Dorcas told him that Regulus liked him, James decided to play the card he knew always worked: playing hard to get. And, oh, was it working.
James was so pleased with himself that he made the grand decision to beatbox as he sauntered to Regulus' room. He bobbed his head to the tune he was making up as he entered the lift. He turned, back to the still open doors, and scanned the papers on the tiny bulletin board in there.
James whipped around at the sound of his name to see Sirius standing behind him, hands on his hips. The doors to lift were closed and Sirius had already punched in the floor number he was traveling to.
"Christ, Sirius, you scared me!" James blurted out with a chuckle.
"Well, I wanted to have a word with you, actually," Sirius said, smiling, though his eyes told a different story. He took a step towards James. "Dorcas told me." Sirius' eyes flashed dangerously.
James heart seemed to do some sort of backflip inside his chest. "Uh, t-told you, um, what, exactly?" James choked out, scratching his head nonchalantly and suddenly becoming very interested in the bulletin board again.
Sirius sidestepped and stood in front of James face. James had to look down at him because he was a few inches shorter than he was. If he was honest, Sirius looked hilarious like that, glaring up at James through his curly black bangs with the rest of his long hair tied up in a knot on his head.
"She told me you've been making lovey-eyes at my little brother!"
Sirius fully just put his hand on James' face to stop him from talking. "Mate," he started, "I know that us Black brothers are very, very pretty, but when you're operating on my brother, please try not to focus on our dashing family genes and focus on the surgery at hand and do your job as a doctor." Sirius grinned. "I'd tell you you're picking wrong brother, and I'd tell you that out of the two of us, I'm the one with the magically delicious looks, but, frankly, I'm quite taken with your friend, Remus," Sirius waggled his eyebrows.
"You're not mad?" James ventured as soon as the shorter man slid his hand off of his face.
"As long as you don't hurt him in any way, shape, or form."
"Are you, like, giving me permission to snog your brother?"
"Hey!" Sirius gasped dramatically, hand on his chest. "You are talking about my brother! I do notwant to hear whatever nasty plans you have for him!" Sirius placed his other hand on James' chest and gave him a tiny shove.
James laughed and copied the eyebrow waggle Sirius did.
"And the eyebrow thing is mine!" Sirius moved his hands to press his palms on James' eyebrows and pushed his head back playfully, laughing while he did so.
For the rest of the ride, Sirius and James continued to play around and joke with each other. When the lift doors opened, they stepped out in sync and glanced at each other, before bursting out laughing again.
Sirius made his face solemn. "James, this lift ride has been nothing but utterly life-changing, and, now, I'm afraid I've no choice but to bestow upon you the greatest title of my best friend." He gripped his shoulders.
James settled his face and responded with equal seriousness, "And I guess I've no choice but to accept." He shrugged with a frown, then couldn't hold his grin for a second longer.
"Well, best friend, I have got to rush my arse down to the operating room, so, how about we arrange for some drinks later after you get my number from Remus?"
After that last remark, Sirius took off in a skip to a different hallway. James made a mental note to himself to later ask Remus for apparently his new best friend's phone number. James liked Sirius. He was funny. James liked that. Actually, scratch that. Sirius was hilarious. Even though Sirius seemed to have a habit for invading other's personal space, James really didn't mind. He found it somewhat endearing.
James slowed to a stop in front of Regulus' door when he reached it, deciding to click his heels on the ground for a dramatic flair. James could be a diva when he wanted to be as well. Before entering, he slapped on his most dazzling, practiced smile that always got onlookers swooning and he ran a hand through his hair quickly.
His plan: continue playing hard to get.
next part
july 3: boggart | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 654
*surgeon x patient au*
previous part, part one
When James had stepped into Regulus' room he hadn't been ready at all. Regulus had been avidly texting Evan and wasn't prepared at all for James of all people to just saunter in his room. He hadn't even knocked. As a result, Regulus jumped with a start, clutching his chest. He relaxed, but only slightly, when he saw it was James who had interrupted his gossip session with Evan. Regulus hastily turned his phone off, mentally willing Evan not to blow up his notifications while he was busy talking to James. Evan had a habit for freaking out if Regulus didn't respond within 10 seconds. Quite similar to how Barty would freak out if Regulus didn't show him enough love.
A package deal from the beginning, Evan and Barty were Regulus' best friends, annoying as they may be in their own, unique ways each. Evan and Barty had been dating for a solid 3 years, although those 3 years had more than a few break ups and get-back-togethers. Regulus was pretty sure though that despite their overdramatic tendencies, Evan and Barty really did love each other. Pandora and Regulus even had a bet going for who would propose first.
Regulus raised an eyebrow at James. "Obviously no one's ever taught you to knock?" He rolled his eyes, fighting the tiny smile that was threatening to dawn on his lips. "You scared me like a boggart, James."
James didn't respond to Regulus' quips, he simply went to stand at the foot of his bed, wearing another one of his stupid, dazzling grins. He fluttered his eyelashes just slightly, and Regulus hated that his heart did a flutter at the same time. "You paged?" James asked, voice coated in honey.
Regulus stiffened just slightly, making a desperate, last-ditch attempt to fix his into something neutral. "Y-Yes." Regulus internally screamed at himself for his stutter. "I've decided I want the surgery."
"That's all you paged me for? Just to tell me that?"
"Yes." Regulus swallowed. For some reason, he wanted nothing more than to drag James closer. But he also wished for James to just leave. Regulus was annoyed with himself and was afraid he might take that out on James. "You can leave now."
James laughed and Regulus could've choked on the sound. "Actually, I have to stay and give you information about getting the surgery," he replied, coming around to sit next to Regulus on his bed. Regulus moved over instinctively without even thinking about what he was doing. He felt his face flush when James' leg brushed against his own.
"Well, get on with it then," Regulus answered stiffly.
"The surgery is called Open Reduction and Internal Fixation. In the surgery I'll be setting the bone fractures with some screws. We'll be doing this as soon as possible to try to prevent any further injuries," James told him.
Regulus nodded. He wasn't really listening due to the... distraction right in front of him.
"After the surgery though, it could take anyway from 3 months to a year for you to recover," James continued, "your knee is gonna hurt, be swollen, and stiff. You might need a brace for it, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there, love. You'll be needing some physical therapy and you won't be able to drive for about 6 weeks."
Regulus absentmindedly nodded again. He hadn't caught a single word.
"Oh, and you'll also be needing a pair of crutches," James added. He poked the tip of Regulus' nose, drawing him back to the present and out of yet another fantasy, where he may or may not have a starring role. "You still with me, Reg?"
Regulus blinked. "Um, yes." Blinked again. "Don't call me that."
"Okay, Reggie," James smiled again when the other boy scowled. "Now, I've got to tell you about the possible complications."
Regulus nodded. It might not hurt to try to focus this time.
next part
july 4: wings | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 728
*surgeon x patient au*
previous part, part one
Regulus stirred slightly in his sleep. Yesterday had been an emotionally taxing day. What with him discovering he fancied his own doctor and then said doctor flirting right back at him. So, of course Regulus was a bit tired. After James had finished giving Regulus a rundown of everything to expect from getting surgery, he stuck around for another hour, claiming that if anyone needed him, they could just page him. After spending more time with James, Regulus realized that underneath James' outer layer of charisma, was a dumb, funny, sweet, and overall annoying man. Regulus couldn’t help but be intrigued.
Regulus stirred again in his sleep. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he yelped when he saw a face staring down at him.
“Barty!” Regulus cried, jumping back as his friend grinned in his face. “I thought I told you to stop waking me up like that!”
“Hello, past lover,” Barty crooned, clutching Regulus’ face tightly and smacking a dramatic smooch on his forehead.
Regulus groaned, a small smile on his lips. He glanced to the side and made eye contact with Evan. “Mate, how many times have I told you to put a leash on him?” he asked as Evan peeled Barty off Regulus and deposited him in a chair on the side.
Barty smirked evilly up at Evan. “He has.” He bit his lip, eyes dark.
Evan snorted, smirking back down at Barty.
“Christ, Barty, you’re in public,” Pandora chimed in from where she was standing on the opposite side of Regulus’ bed. “Hey, Reg,” she purred, giving him a quick hug.
“How has my favorite past lover been feeling?” Barty sat his head on his fist.
Regulus rolled his eyes.
Barty shot up from his chair at the sound of his friend’s silence. “You’re not all of a sudden dying now, are you?”
Regulus raised an eyebrow at his best friend.
“Oh, Reggie, tell me you haven’t sprouted angel wings and plan on flying to heaven!” Barty wailed, jumping into Regulus’ lap.
The other man looked up from where he had been hugging Regulus’ waist and smiled at him mischievously. Regulus couldn’t help but grin back and respond with a deadpanned, “Oh, yes, actually, I’ve already died and I am a ghost.”
“Reg, but seriously, how are you?” Pandora asked quietly.
“The painkillers they gave me have got the pain down to almost nothing,” he shrugged. He didn’t feel anything, just a twinge every now and then. The power of the medicine honestly impressed him more than anything. He squeezed Pandora’s hand reassuringly to let her know he really was okay.
Barty snapped his fingers in his face to get his attention. “Dollface, you think you might be able to slide me some of whatever they’ve got you on?” Barty quirked an eyebrow up then scowled when Evan hit him on the shoulder.
“No,” Evan reprimanded. “You’ve just gone clean 2 weeks ago.” His eyebrows were furrowed together. “Please, love, you’re doing so good this time,” Evan pleaded, face gone softer.
Barty’s face also softened. “I know,” he murmured, “was just trying to poke a little fun at our boy all hopped up on the hospital’s meds.” Barty pouted innocently at his boyfriend. “I didn’t mean it, Ev.”
Evan nodded stiffly, gripped Barty’s shoulder affectionately, then turned to dig in the bag he had thrown over his own shoulder. “Regulus, I’ve brought you that book we were texting about yesterday,” he said handing him a book with a smooth black cover.
Barty, still sitting in Regulus’ lap, snatched the book first and flipped to the cover page inside. “Ooh, If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio,” he read aloud. He gingerly set the book on Regulus’ nightstand. He moved his hands to Regulus’ cheeks and patted them while saying, “I admire you, babycakes, I wouldn’t have the patience to put up with a single—“
He got cut off by James Potter entering the room. All heads turned in sync to look at James questioningly. Meanwhile, James blushed a deep shade of red, some form alarm and chagrin flashing in his eyes. Regulus couldn’t possibly figure out what reason James would have to be chagrined in this moment though.
“Woah, who’s the Adonis that just walked through the door?” Barty exclaimed from where he was still in Regulus’ lap and clutching at Regulus’ face.
next part
july 13: owl | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 283
“-and you can tell James that if he wants to be on speaking terms again, he’ll have to stop leaving his dirty shirts all over the house!” Regulus snapped at Remus, who rolled his eyes.
Remus shuffled to the other side of the living room to relay Regulus’ message to James. After a couple seconds, Remus came shuffling back.
“James said you guys could talk when you stop going to bed late.”
“We can talk when he stops setting his alarms for 4 in the morning!” Regulus huffed.
Remus went to James, then came back with his lips pursed. “James says to remind you that you like it when he goes on morning runs.”
Regulus pinched the bridge of his nose. James got him there. Regulus did like to see him in a tight tank top. Perfect morning view if you asked him. He let out a groan of frustration. “Well, tell him—“
“Yeah, you know what?” Remus interrupted sharply, speaking loud enough for both Regulus and James to hear him, “I’m not doing this anymore. I’m not an owl. You lot can figure this out on your own.” Remus gathered his things and left out of the front door of James and Regulus’ flat.
Regulus looked across at James who was smirking.
James’ smirk turned into a loving grin. “Come here, love,” James opened his arms and Regulus went to him, “Can we make up now?”
“Yeah,” Regulus whispered. “And, for the record, I don’t mind when you go on morning runs, darling.”
James pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Yeah, you’ve made it obvious, Reg.”
Regulus laughed then pouted up at his boyfriend. “But, seriously, James, please pick up your shirts.”
august 4: sweet | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 151
prompts are from the August 2023 collection from the lovely jegulus microfic mod
“Moony, I seriously don’t know what it is about him, I just can’t stop thinking about him!” James exclaimed, flopping backwards onto his bed.
James heard some shuffling then his friend’s response, “Who?”
“Regulus! He’s just so… He looked so sweet today in that black jumper,” James sighed, smiling at the mental image he’d given himself.
Earlier, when James had seen Regulus saunter into the library, wearing that oversized jumper, he couldn’t help but stare. It’d earned him a hit over the head from Marlene, but god Regulus had looked good in that jumper.
James turned his head to peer at Remus, who hadn’t responded, and instead made eye contact with Sirius, who was curled up to Remus’ side and glaring at James.
James gulped nervously.
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “Care to explain, Prongs?” He asked dangerously.
James got up and ran out of their dorm before Sirius finished his sentence.
imagine it: Jegulus X The Last Letter From Your Lover AU??? like yes???
James is obviously Anthony O’Hare and Regulus is Jennifer Sterling
FTM Trans! Reg was arranged to marry someone from the Sacred 28 and his parents only allow him to transition bc they needed a male heir and then he meets James who already got Sirius out and they have the whole secret affair with the love letters. ANDDD when Reg decides to run away with him and Walburga obliviates all his memories with James after the crash. And ofc there’s the classic Black Brother Angst bc Sirius thinks that he didn’t mean enough to Reg for him to go with him when he escaped and Regulus wishes that he meant enough to Sirius to get him to stay there with him because he was scared to leave.
Bonus Points if Jegulus is slightly Enemies to Lovers bc Reg hates him for stealing Sirius from him.
Also background Wolfstar in any shape or form !!
There’s definitely more and I can’t think of it rn but feel free to add you own ideas!!
Fr tho anybody who’s seen to movie (or read the book) and wants to should definitely write this :))