Regulus X James - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

June 1 Pride — @jegulus-microfic — word count: 553

“Sorry, what was that, love?” James taunts, tilting his head to the side and leaning closer. A delicious spill of red covers Regulus’ cheeks, which he tries to hide by turing his head away. Now, James will not be having that.

James moves one of his hands, both of which were planted firmly next Regulus’ head on either side, and drifts it over to Reg’s cheek, using that hand to urge him to look back at James. Regulus does, because he’s so good.

Regulus wants so badly to kiss James, James can see it in his eyes, in the way he turns even redder, in Regulus sticking his tongue out to coat his dry lips. But James won’t kiss him, won’t let Regulus lean in to do it himself. If Regulus wants to kiss him, he’ll have to set aside his pride and ask.

They got into another row because Regulus said James doesn’t actually like him, and he just wants someone to fuck, so, here James is, abstaining himself from this beautiful boy, to prove a point. It’s fine, because he really does love Regulus for more than what he can do, he really, really does.

“Reg, I do not like you for your body. I don’t. I like your body and I like you. Simultaneously. We could never have sex again and I would still stay with you. I would never have sex with you again, or kiss you again, or touch you again if you didn’t want me to. I would still come to this room, and talk to you, and come to your games, and spend time with you, and just be near you, so long as you want me to be,” James says. At some point in the rant, James has stepped away. It’s all spilling out, word-vomit style, and he means every word of it. Merlin, help him, he means it. “Regulus Black, you are my number one. I love you more than I love the planet we live on. You deserve the world and I would happily provide that for you. I would collect the earth, with the moon, and the sun, and all the planets and stars, if you asked me to. And I’d do it all just to see that beautiful smile of yours. Don’t ever doubt that, and, if you do, come back to me. I’ll remind you.”

Regulus looks awe-struck. His mouth has fallen open and his eyes are welling up with tears. What? James’ brain is in uproar. What’s wrong, love? is all James can think. His head is a loop of sirens and ‘Reg? Reg, why are you sad, Regulus?’ and James thinks there may be someone screaming in the background.

Regulus swallowing thickly is what snaps him out of his daze. James steps back and replaces his hand on Regulus’ cheek. “Baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” James asks gently.

“James. Kiss me. Right now,” Regulus demands, but he fists a hand in James’ hair and pulls him in before James can react. Plus, hey, Regulus did as James wanted, so he doesn’t fight it.

It’s not until much later that James realizes why Regulus was so adamant to be kissed so urgently. Apparently, James managed to let slip the three-words-eight-letters he’d been feeling for so long now.

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9 months ago

June 2: Night – @jegulus-microfic – word count: 266

The Sun is a large entity. It sits high in the sky, and signifies a new beginning, and gives way to The Moon, leaving space for it to have its time. The Sun is a giving being. It gifts heat and light to all life surrounding it with nothing in return. The Sun expects nothing. The Sun rises and falls, without fail, dusk and dawn, with small gratitude. Sure, there’s a sunset picture here and there but that’s about as far as the appreciation goes.

The Stars are small beings. They reside at night, glittering where few think to find them. The Stars, more often than not, are curtained by The Clouds. They drift by and smother what little light The Stars produce. Very few people appreciate the subtle beauty of The Stars. Things as such make The Stars quiet and dull, makes them wilt.

The Sun glow brighter than The Stars. The Stars are subtle and The Sun is loud. They are polar opposites, and yet, they are so commonly associated with each other. The Sun and The Stars, The Stars and The Sun.

But the thing is – the thing is – they are so very similar. Put The Sun beside The Star, and just watch how bright The Star shines. Watch The Star just be. Put The Sun next to The Stars and watch The Sun dim down, until it’s subdued and calm. Until it can truly rest.

Because, together, two things that are so completely different can exist freely as themselves, creating a universal stillness.

James and Regulus are much the same.

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9 months ago

June 3: Enchant – @jegulus-microfic – word count:173

A threadbare cream sheet sits in the middle of an endless green field, and atop lays an assortment of fruit and snacks. A glass vase sits in the very middle, filled with a bouquet of lavender roses, and a bit of water.

Regulus lets out a small sigh, letting his eyes fall closed, and relaxing his head more into James’ lap. His fingers have found their way to Regulus’ hair, massaging his scalp.

“Jamie?” Regulus mumbles quietly.

James hums in questioning.

“I love you.”

“I love you, Reg.”

Regulus opens his eyes and looks at his lovely boy. His boy who has his eyes on Regulus, looking enchanted and horribly in love. It’s rather embarrassing, really. Regulus tells him just as much.

James chuckles gently, leaning in to nuzzle Regulus’ nose with his own. James tips his head down, capturing Regulus’ lips in a kiss. A flame spreads across his cheeks.

When James pulls back, he smirks down at Regulus, and says “Who’s embarrassingly in love now, Reg?”

Regulus can’t even defend himself.

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9 months ago

June 6: stay – @jegulus-microfic – word count: 697

Footsteps echo in the dark corridor, as James and Regulus walk towards the come-and-go room. Regulus has his wand raised, a small ball of light bobbing ahead. As they pass, portraits chastise them, telling them to turn out that god-awful light.

James has his cloak, but they aren’t using it. James has been covertly checking the map, keeping a tab on Filch making sure they don’t wander into him. The only issue, however, is that the map doesn’t show animals, so they have to listen for Mrs Norris. James’ll have to bring that up to the rest of the Marauders. Lucky for James, though, she wears a small bell around her neck. An oversight on Filch’s part.

Regulus’ light turns a corner first, then Regulus, and, just before James could follow to do the same, Regulus flings himself back around the corner, and ridding the light, bathing them in black.

“Regulus, wha– hmph.” Before James could finish the question, a slender hand claps over his mouth and a cold wall meets his back.

“ Shut up, ” Regulus hisses out, barely above a whisper.

James wraps a hand around Regulus’ thin wrist, prying it away. “What is it, Reg?” James murmurs.

“Mcgonagall,” Regulus mutters back, wide-eyed.

“If it’s Minnie, we can’t stay here,” James stresses. Mcgonagall will see them if they don’t go elsewhere where.

“We can’t walk away. She’ll hear us!” Regulus grumbles.

“Fuck, okay.” James could use his invisibility cloak, but he doubts he’ll have enough time, and she will hear it. “I have an idea and I don’t think you’ll like it, but you have to trust me, okay?”

“ James, ” Regulus warns, as James grabs his waist and pulls. James knows Mcgonagall isn’t homophobic, and if she sees them she won’t mind, if anything, she will just be surprised. That’s James’ defense mechanism. “What are you- she’s going to see us!”

“That’s the plan,” James grins, and then he leans in, capturing Regulus’ mouth in a deep kiss, just before Mcgonagall comes flying around the corner, her own light following her. The footsteps stop, and for a beat it’s silent.

Regulus seems to catch on quickly, and he really plays it up, making himself look focused and without a single ulterior motive.

“Mr Potter,” Mcgonagall chastises. “I will be entirely honest with you when I tell you this, Mr Potter, I am not even a fraction of what is the appropriate shock of seeing you out of bed, at this hour.” Her eyes slide over to Regulus, who is breathing heavy, and is resting his head against James’ chest. “You, however, Mr Black, have surprised me. Tell me, boys, what are you doing out of your dormitories?”

“Well, Professor,” James says, grinning. “I thought it is rather obvious.”

“Yes, very good, Mr Potter.” Poor Minnie sounds completely knackered. “Mr Black, anything to say for yourself?”

“I’m sorry, Professor,” Regulus mumbles miserably.

“Thank you, Mr Black, 5 points from Slytherin for being out of bed after hours. Mr Potter, 30 points from Gryffindor for the same reason. Go to bed, boys. Separately.” And with that, she sweeps away, bringing her light with her, leaving a spluttering James and a chuckling Regulus behind.

James wants to check the map to make sure Professor Mcgonagall has left, and isn’t just waiting around the corner – something she’s done before – but if James uses the map now, it would be too dark to see the words, but if he casts a light, Regulus will see it. Not that James doesn’t want to tell him, but it’s not his secrecy to share. So, James will just have to hope she’s gone.

A small kiss to Regulus’ forehead spurs him to start moving again, grabbing James’ hand and charming another light before he begins the trek to the come-and-go room.

Just as they turn the corner a little jingle sounds directly behind the pair, making them freeze. They try to hide from Mrs Norris, but, just as they turn to do so, a rough, croaky voice speaks ahead of them.

“Where are you two off to, then?”

Regulus sighs, dropping James’ hand, flickering his wand, banishing their light. James just groans.

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9 months ago

June 7: welcome – @jegulus-microfic – word count: 414

It all starts with one small question.

“Reg? Do you think you would want to stay at my house for the Easter break?”

It’s mumbled into Regulus’ bare shoulder one night while he and James are in the come-and-go room together, arms wrapped around each other, and legs tangled in thin sheets. When James asked the question, though, Regulus pulls back to look him in the eye.

Regulus shouldn’t. He really, really should not. His mother would not allow it. But, he could just not go home. Regulus rids himself of that idea immediately. He can’t. His mother would hunt him down. The last heir to the Noble And Most Ancient House of Black? Regulus is mad if he thinks she wouldn’t leave him be for a single second.

“James…” Regulus murmurs back. There would be no way he would be able to go.

“No, I know. Just think about it, yeah?” James rushes out. “Besides, we have plenty of space, and Mum and Dad wouldn’t mind at all. You are always welcome back home. Sirius would be ecstatic. So would I.”

“Mother wouldn’t allow it, James,” Regulus says, but, Merlin, does he want to say yes.

“What if you just, like, don’t? Like how Sirius did?” James sounds hopeful. Can this man read Regulus’ mind?

“Run away, you mean?” James nods. “James, I’m their final heir. Mother would hunt me down. Maybe bring Sirius with me, while she’s at it. She would hurt us.” James presses his lips fiercely against Regulus’ cheek. “I don’t want that for Sirius. He got out, and now I have to stay. So that he can be safe.”

“I will keep you safe. Both of you,” James declares, and he appears to be confident that he, a seventeen year old, who is still in school, could fend off Walburga Black, a fully-trained, fully-grown dark witch. “Mum and Dad will help. They can fight, I’ve seen them dueling once. And they’ll set up wards, and they will contact the ministry and the school and we can talk to Sirius and we’ll–”

“Okay, James,” Regulus interrupts. Regulus wants to get out, and he has full trust in Euphemia and Fleamont Potter. They are brilliantly talented wizards. If they all work together – all five of them – Regulus trusts they can defeat Walburga and Orion.

“Okay? You’ll leave?” James eyes glitter with how thrilled he is. He swoops in and kisses Regulus on the forehead before swaying away again.

“Okay, James.”

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8 months ago

july 17: fee | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 406

Regulus was aware that he was going about 20 over the speed limit. But he was so, so late for his meeting. He didn’t care that he was being a tad reckless. He had to get to that meeting.

When Regulus saw the flashing lights and siren in his rearview mirror, he cursed as he slowed and pulled over. He felt like he might cry. He’s never gotten pulled over before.

He heard the door of the cop’s car shut and he shakily pressed the button to roll his window down. The cop took the hat he was wearing off his head when he reached Regulus’ door, and Regulus really wished he had kept the hat on. Because underneath the hat was probably the most handsome man Regulus had ever seen. Perfectly tanned skin, dazzling grin, piercing eyes, and a mess up dark curls on his head. 

“So,” the cop started, “you know why I pulled you over?”

Regulus nodded, probably too eagerly and managed to choke out, “I was, ah, speeding.”

The cop put his hands on his hips. “Indeed you were, love.” A smile was pulling on his lips. “Before I write a ticket, I’ll need to see your license and registration.”

Regulus dug in his glove compartment and handed over his papers and license. “Is this going to take long? I have a very important meeting to get to,” Regulus pleaded. 

The cop laughed, pulling out a notepad and pen, and Regulus’ heart did a flop in his chest. “Writing the ticket right now, love, don’t worry about that meeting.” 

He handed back Regulus’ papers, fingers brushing slightly. Regulus was ashamed that the small touch had sent lightning bolts up his arm. Regulus quickly stashed the paperwork away, and turned quickly back to the cop. 

The cop tore a piece of paper off his notepad, folded it, and handed it to Regulus, brushing their fingers again. “Make sure to watch your speed in the future, love.” The cop winked. “I’m James by the way.” And with that, the cop retreated back to his car.

Regulus put his window back up and slowly unfolded the paper, expecting a hefty fee.

He blinked. There wasn’t a fine written in the paper. Just a phone number and a note that read:

Let me take you somewhere fancy.

And don’t speed.

Call me- James

p.s. Charming your officers out of a ticket doesn’t work every time, love. 

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8 months ago

july 18: fake | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 278

“You’re not real. You can’t be,” he whispered as the man he loved stroked the side of his face.

“I’m here, I’m here and I’m real and I love you so much, darling.”

Regulus screwed his eyes shut before the tears could fall. “No. You’re fake. It’s fake, it’s fake, it’s f—“

“I’m here, you can feel me, I’m real, it’s not fake, please, Regulus, just look at me,” the other man pleaded quietly, thumbs swiping gently at tears on Regulus’ cheeks.

Regulus opened his eyes and stared at him through the haziness of tears.

And there he was. James. With his tanned skin and dark curls. Eyes so focused on Regulus that one might have thought that he was the only thing James had ever seen in his life. 

Regulus clutched at James’ arms, straining to find a way to get closer. To see he’s really here.

“It’s just me, love. Please, breathe. You’ve known me for 9 years, we’ve been dating for 5 months,” James reassured him. “None of this is fake.”

“It has to be!” Regulus burst out with a heaving sob. “I’m not lucky enough to actually have you in my life. I-It can’t be real. I’m not that lucky!”


Regulus wrenched out another sob and crumpled into James’ chest. 

“You’re too good for me… I don’t— I can’t deserve this… Please… Don’t leave me, Jamie…”

“I’ll never leave you, darling. You deserve the world, please don’t ever tell yourself otherwise.”

Regulus felt a kiss on the top of his head as he sobbed, curling into James’ embrace.

“I love you, Regulus. I’m here.”

“I love you too, Jamie. Thank you for staying.”

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8 months ago

july 19: island | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 135


“I’m serious, Reg!”

“We are not going hiking for our honeymoon! I don’t understand how you find that relaxing!”

“Well, what did you have in mind then, love?” James asked Regulus, giving him a peck on the cheek.

“I was thinking an island. With pretty sunsets and water so clear you can see everything,” Regulus murmured as James swayed slowly with him. “We can go to the beach, relax, and maybe have a little fun there…” Regulus’ fingers played with James’ hair.

James hummed. That did sound way better than hiking. 

“And we can get a room right in front of the beach so we’ll have a view,” Regulus added quietly.

James pressed his smile into Regulus’ cheek and whispered, “You’re the only the view I need, love.”


“An island sounds wonderful, Reg.”

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8 months ago

july 20: response | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 242

Regulus walked out of the coffee shop with not only a coffee, but a handsome bloke's phone number and a small smile quirking his lips up.

The barista— named James— had taken the initiative to write his number on Regulus’ cup and to add a note that read: 

Text me later if you wanna go out.


p.s. My shift ends at 5pm ;)

When Regulus arrived back at his flat, he sat at his desk and merely stared at his coffee cup.

What if the number was fake?

What if James was teasing him?

What if—

Regulus shook his head to shake his ‘what ifs’ into the back of his mind. Without thinking he grabbed his phone, punched in James’ number, and sent the first message:

Hey, it’s Regulus from the coffee shop.

Regulus internally screamed for the whole five minutes where there wasn’t a response, until:

Hey! This is James but you knew that already :D

Regulus typed and re-typed his reply 5 times before he settled on:

So, what did you have in mind?

For what?

You said you wanted to take me out somewhere?

OH. LOL rightttt xD


My shift ends at 5 so I can swing round yours and maybe we can have dinner at this restaurant near my flat?

That sounds great

See ya then gorgeous ;D

Regulus turned off his phone and threw it. 

He had a date to get ready for.

Oh god.

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8 months ago

july 21: core | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 280

“Reg, come on!”

“James, I said no.” Regulus snapped back at James, who was persistently following him through corridors.

“Reg, please!”

Regulus whipped around and James skidded to a halt in front of him. “James.”

James, the idiot that he was, grinned stupidly down at Regulus. “Reggie.”

“I said no.”

“Oh, come on, please, just one date!” James pleaded, eyebrows furrowed together and hands clasped together. Regulus imagined James in that same position but on his knees in front of him. He shook the thought away quickly though with a shiver.

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him.

“Reg, just one date so I can show you what an amazing boyfriend I would be!”

He merely stared back at James.

James pursed his lips before blurting out, “Come on, we’re meant to be, Reg, I can feel it in my core! Deep, deep down I can feel it!”

Regulus looked over James. He looked kind of adorable like that, with his eyes blazing, brows furrowed, and chest slightly heaving. “I think you’re being a tad dramatic,” Regulus scoffed, rolling his eyes.

James put his hand on his chest in mock surprise. “Dramatic is my middle name, Regulus, what can I say?”

Regulus looked James up and down again before turning away from James and gritting out, “You know what? Fine. I’ll… go on a date with you.” 

He heard James gasp and before James could start screaming, he cut in with, “But, don’t get all dramatic about it, yeah?” Regulus turned to face James again. “I want this to be just ours, not the whole school’s,” he murmured, “can you do that?”

James’ face softened. “Of course, anything for you, love.”

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8 months ago

"with every breath"

word count: 279

“When we’re older, we should get married,” Regulus had whispered softly.

“Yeah?”James looked at his boyfriend, who had been hugging his chest as they lay in bed together. 


James pressed a gentle, lingering kiss to Regulus’ head. “What kind of flowers should we have?” He asked quietly.

“Roses,” the younger boy answered. “But, only red ones, those are my favorite.”

“Anything you want, love, it’ll be yours.”

“You promise?”

“With every breath from my lungs, every kiss from my lips, and every touch from my hands, I’ll love you forever and anything you ever want, I’ll make sure it’s yours.”

“Ugh, James! Quit being such a sap!” Regulus chuckled affectionately. 

James smiled at the memory as tears rolled down his cheeks slowly. 

He knelt down to the ground and placed the roses he brought with him down next to him. 

James stared at the grave and the ache in his chest was all he could feel. He heaved in a shaky breath and felt a pang. 

He didn’t bother with trying to stop his tears from falling as he retrieved the old flowers and replaced them with the new ones. 

James closed his eyes and repeated the same speech he gave every time he went to see Regulus. 

“With every breath from my lungs, every tear from my eyes, and every rose from my garden, I’ll miss you until the day I leave to join you. But until then, I’ll love you now as fiercely as I did then. And every day from the year will be a reminder of a day we spent together.”

With that James left Regulus’ grave. 

Today would have been their anniversary.

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8 months ago

July 22: intelligence | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 185

“Delete that picture, I look disgusting!” Regulus exclaimed when he saw James’ wallpaper on his phone. 

James gasped. “I think you look beautiful in that one!” James snatched his phone away from his husband to look at the picture in question. 

Regulus glared daggers at him. “James, my hair is all over the place in that picture, and you’re showing it off to the world!” He shoved James’ shoulder lightly.

“But your smile is so cute in that picture,” James cooed, poking Regulus’ cheek teasingly. 

“You’ve got the same intelligence as a rock if you think that picture makes me look cute in any way,” Regulus muttered, stealing James’ phone back and unlocking it. He waved the phone. “I’m changing it.”

James laid his head in Regulus’ lap as he searched for a picture he deemed acceptable.

After 5 minutes Regulus turned the phone to James. On the screen was one of the photos from their wedding. In the picture, James was hugging Regulus’ waist and kissing his cheek while Regulus had a big, beautiful smile on his face. 

James grinned. “That one’s perfect, love.”

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8 months ago

July 23: attitude | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 178

“Moony, he rejected me again!”

“That’s a shame.”

James spun around in his chair to pout at Remus. “I’m serious, I think I might be single forever!” James sputtered. 

Remus looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow at James. “With that attitude, I agree.” He hummed and returned to his book, absentmindedly continuing the conversation with, “Just keep trying, yeah?”

James sighed, leaning back. “Yeah, okay.” James thought on that for a minute before bursting out, “Wait, you agree I’ll be single forever?”

Remus glared up at James from his book. 

“You’re his friend, Moony, what do you think I should do?” James pleaded, giving Remus puppy dog eyes.

His friend closed his book. “Regulus is quiet and isn’t fond of excess attention so I suggest you stop declaring your love in the Great Hall,” Remus told James with a smirk.

“So, I can still declare my love, I just have to do it quietly?” James asked, waggling his eyebrows at Remus.

Remus rolled his eyes and picked his book back up. “You do you, Prongs.”

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8 months ago

July 24: dealer | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 595

Game nights were James’ favorite.

Every Saturday evening, James would host a small game night at his flat with all of his friends. They’d have a few drinks, maybe order in some food, and play card games for hours. James looked forward to it every week.

But this Saturday was going to be extra special.

Sirius, James’ best friend, was bringing his little brother, Regulus, with him to James’ game night. James had never met Regulus and was thrilled to finally meet Sirius’ brother. 

Sirius had told James that sometimes Regulus was fairly mean and not to expect much out of him. James mulled over that and thought about a million exchanges that might go down between him and Regulus that Saturday. 

However, James hadn’t foreseen that Sirius’ brother would be the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. 

Regulus was the first person to arrive and he came alone. 

When James opened the door his jaw dropped just slightly at the sight of the man in front of him. “Um, hi,” James stammered, “I’m James.” He held out a hand for Regulus to shake. 

“I’m Regulus. Sirius’ brother. I’m sure he’s said something about me,” the other man responded in a cool voice, taking James’ hand. 

He dropped his hand from the shake and led Regulus inside. “You’re the first to arrive, so it’ll be a bit boring before other people show up with the drinks and cards,” James explained, showing Regulus to his living room and gesturing him to sit on the couch with him. 

Regulus nodded and sat down next to James leaving a small gap between them. 

They sat like that, in awkward silence, for a few minutes before James couldn’t bear it anymore and asked, “Um, Sirius said you’re still finishing up in uni?”

Regulus nodded again and turned his piercing grey eyes on James. “Yeah, I’m about done with my last year.”

James muttered something that sounded vaguely like “That’s cool” before blurting again with, “So have you ever played cards before?”

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him. “I wasn’t raised under a rock, of course I’ve played before. What are we playing?” Regulus assured James.

James grinned and answered, “Blackjack.”

The other man’s cheeks went pink, which James found insanely adorable. “Oh.” Regulus looked sheepish all of a sudden. “I’ve actually… never played blackjack before. Our family only ever played poker.”

“Oh,” James said a quick prayer in his head before risking putting his arm around Regulus’ shoulders. “I can teach you the basics right now, if you’d like!” He grinned at the man.

Regulus rolled his eyes good-naturedly and huffed, “I guess.”

“Great!” James exclaimed. “So, in blackjack all the players are trying to get closer to 21 than the dealer, but they can’t hold over 21. If you go over, you bust and get nothing. Each hand is played separate and the end goal is to have a higher hand value than the dealer.”

Regulus’ brows furrowed while he took in the information. When James finished his explanation, Regulus remained quiet.

“So, did you understand any of that?” James asked with an airy chuckle.

The corners of Regulus’ lips tipped up in a small smile that lit up his eyes. “Er, no,” he confessed, laughing a little too.

James waved his hand, dismissing the problem. “Lily’ll explain it better anyway.”

James and Regulus made eye contact and burst out laughing together. 


Their heads snapped to the living room entrance where Sirius stood, bewildered expression on his face and a pack of 6 drinks in his hand. 

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8 months ago

"always never"

word count: 96

“Let me take you out for coffee.”


“We can see a film?”



“Promising, but still no.”

James groaned. This was probably the millionth time Regulus had turned him down. 

“Just let me take you on a date, Reg,” James pleaded. “I’d always be good to you.”

He scanned the face of the younger boy who scoffed, “I’ll never go out with you, Potter.”

“I don’t believe in never,” James said simply, lips curling up. 

“I don’t believe in always,” Regulus countered.

“Well, opposites attract.”

“Never.” He raised an eyebrow.

“Always,” James finished, smirking.

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7 months ago

july 25: bundle | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 227

Regulus groaned and buried his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder at the sound of a blaring alarm going off.

“Jamessss,” Regulus grumbled. “Turn it off.”

James stirred awake at the sound of his daily alarm and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He glanced down, saw Regulus, and scrambled to quickly turn off the alarm on his phone. 


In his mind, James panicked. This was the first time Regulus had stayed over and of course James had forgotten to turn his dumb alarm off. James always woke up early. Clearly Regulus did not.

“I’m sorry, love,” James whispered to him. He stroked the side of Regulus’ face gently.

The other man merely grumbled again and hugged James tighter.

Regulus slept for another hour until James couldn’t stand doing nothing anymore. James shook his shoulder softly, trying to wake up Regulus. 

He stirred and lifted his dreary, sleep-heavy eyes to look up at James. 

James grinned down at him and kissed his forehead softly. “Good morning,” he said as he peppered little tiny kisses on Regulus’ jaw.

Regulus squirmed and mumbled, “S’too early.” He furrowed his eyebrows and tried to shove James but ended up just flopping on top of him. 

James chuckled quietly and poked Regulus’ cheek. “You’re quite the bundle of energy in the mornings, aren’t you, love?”

His boyfriend rolled his eyes. “Quite.”

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7 months ago

July 27: pressure | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 275

“Reg, watching the mailbox through the window isn’t going to make the mail come any faster,” James laughed as he gently pried his boyfriend away from the window overlooking their tiny front lawn.

“Jamie, the letter could arrive any day now,” Regulus protested as James pulled him away, lips turned down.

James led him to the kitchen of their flat. He pulled two mugs from the cupboard as Regulus retrieved two tea bags.

As James had finished boiling the water in the kettle, Regulus burst out, “The mail! James, it’s here!” His boyfriend took off running to their mailbox. “Come on!”

James quickly set the kettle aside and ran after Regulus. When he reached the front door, Regulus was already sprinting back to James clutching a thick envelope. 

“It came!” He exclaimed. Regulus’ face was etched with nervousness as he used his thumb to tear open the envelope. Regulus snatched the letter out and scanned it eagerly. His eyes widened and he looked right up at James. “Baby, I got in!” Regulus cried jumping into James’ arms. “I got into that law program at Oxford!”

James exhaled as soon as the words left his boyfriend’s mouth and he felt an invisible pressure get lifted from his shoulders. James caught him and spun them in a circle. He set Regulus down and grabbed his face. He kissed Regulus and drew away to look in his eyes. “I’m so proud of you, love.” 

Regulus’ face was glowing with happiness as he grinned from ear to ear. “I did it,” he mumbled, tears filling his eyes.

“You did it,” James murmured, stroking a stray tear from Regulus’ cheek. 

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7 months ago

July 29: ignore | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 342


Thanksgiving 1977

“Reg, love, you can’t keep ignoring me,” James pleaded with his boyfriend, who was pointedly looking anywhere but in his direction. He stood on the opposite side of the empty classroom they were in with his arms adamantly crossed. 

Regulus stayed silent, merely raising an eyebrow, giving James the go-ahead to speak. 

“Regulus…” James took a step closer to him, tucking a loose curl behind his ear, “I don’t want you to stay in that house. Please. My parents have already said they’d be more than happy to have you stay at ours. And Sirius wants you to escape before…”

“Before they inevitably force me to take the Mark.” Regulus snapped his head to glare at James as he talked. His eyes swirled with a thousand emotions that James couldn’t really put names to. “I know, James.” 

James pulled him closer to hug him. Regulus turned away from him but didn’t pull away from the embrace. 

“I-I know they’re awful, but James,” Regulus finally turned to look at him, eyes shining with tears, “they’re my parents.” He choked on a sob before continuing, “But, I know I have to leave soon.”

James rubbed his back comfortingly and whispered soft consolations as his boyfriend sobbed into his chest.

Regulus sniffed and shifted his gaze to meet James’ again. This time, James saw nothing but resolve and determination set into his eyes “This Christmas break. I’ll apparate. I’ll do it on the day before Christmas Eve. I promise.”

New Years' Day 1978

James frantically searched the train platform for signs of his boyfriend. 

He hadn’t come on the day before Christmas Eve. 

James had been worried out of his mind. Regulus hadn’t even sent a letter to explain why he didn’t show up. 

Then, James saw a glimpse of Regulus’ black curls. He left behind his bags and sprinted to where Regulus sat on a bench, eyes trained on the ground. 


Regulus lifted his head. The second he saw Regulus’ eyes, he knew.

“I’m so sorry, Jamie,” Regulus whispered.

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7 months ago

July 30: enter | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 322

“James, stop clinging to me so much, you literally haven't let go since the guy at the line said we could enter, just relax!” Regulus exclaimed, as James was clutching his boyfriend’s arm. “It’s just a haunted house!”

James looked at Regulus with wide eyes. “It’s all dark in here!” He clutched Regulus’ arm tighter. He dropped his voice to a terrified whisper and said, “And did you see that bloody zombie back there?”

“Yes, I saw the clown.” Regulus shook his head and rolled his eyes with an affectionate smirk. He patted James’ head as they turned a corner in the gloomy house. “I think you’re grown enough to not have to hug me through the whole experience,” Regulus cooed, peeling James away and walking ahead of him. 

James swallowed nervously as they continued to trek through the seemingly endless twists and turns. 

Regulus was a few feet ahead of James and made the turn into the next hallway before James did.

A second after Regulus turned the corner, James heard a shriek and a loud thump on the floor. 

“Reg!" James worriedly yelled after his boyfriend and sprinted around to see what happened.

As soon as he set foot in the new hallway, he came face to face with a wide-eyed Regulus and one of the haunted house actors dressed as a werewolf sitting on the floor, cradling his face with his hands.

Regulus grinned sheepishly at James, which was all it took for it to dawn on him.

"You didn't..." 

Regulus nodded slowly, his terrified eyes running all over James' face. 

"It's 'just a haunted house', huh?" James asked with a chuckle as he pulled Regulus in to give him a tight, comforting hug. 

"Oh, shut up," Regulus snapped. He put a finger on James' chest threateningly. "We are never speaking of this, do you hear me James Potter?"

James couldn't help but laugh again before responding, "Yes, dear."

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7 months ago

august 3: reputation | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 150

Prompts are from the August 2023 collection from the lovely jegulus microfic mod

Regulus knew he had a reputation.

He didn’t do “relationships”. He preferred casual. No attachments. 

This all changed when he started with James Potter though. 

Suddenly he found himself caring about the other man and wanting more than just a fling.

The look in James’ eyes had enough to make Regulus’ heart and knees go weak.

Regulus found himself even getting jealous when he spotted James chatting with other blokes. 

Finally, one day when Regulus had had enough, he grabbed James by his shirt and pulled him into a closet.

James had started to lean in but Regulus shook his head adamantly. 

“I want you,” Regulus demanded, “all to myself. I hate sharing.”

“So we’re dating now? What happened to ‘casual’?” James smirked down at him.

Regulus put a finger on James’ chest. “I told you, I hate sharing.”

James chuckled as he leaned over and locked the closet door.

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