hobieswify - SWEETNESS.


118 posts


โ€” ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ฎ !


๐Ž๐‹๐ƒ ๐๐‹๐€๐˜๐‹๐ˆ๐’๐“

vanilla bean frappacuino [ hq ]

โ€” a starbucks frozen drink, made in a blender, Vanilla Bean Creme Frappucino is caffine free and doesn't contain any coffee

boba tea [ mha]

โ€” A tea is made of tea, milk, water, sugar and tapioca pearls. Iced sweet milky tea is given a good cocktail-style shake, after which tapioca pearls are added.

lavender tea [ genshin ]

โ€” Lavender tea offers a delicate flavor and aromatic fragrance that boasts extensive health benefits.

pastries [ jjk ]

โ€” sweet breaded treats that are usually eaten with teas, and hot beverages eaten with teas, and hot beverages

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More Posts from Hobieswify

2 years ago

๐‰๐”๐’๐“ ๐ƒ๐€๐˜๐ƒ๐‘๐„๐€๐Œ๐ˆ๐' ๐€๐๐Ž๐”๐“ soft megumi pulling you to sit in his lap, flashing you a cute smile never failing to make you blush. "What are you starin at hm?" He asked teasingly, only making you take his face in both hands and return his smile. "A pretty boy, with even prettier eyes." You cooed, feeling heat rise up his cheeks in your hands. "You think so?" He asked mumbling, earning a nod from you before kissing both eyelids. "The prettiest gumi." It was like looking at an angel, you holding his face so gently.

The light of his bedroom cascading on the side of your figure, he couldn't stop smiling. So when he leaned up to kiss your lips, he smiled humming into it. Your arms finding its way around his neck, and his hands trailing up your back. Only pulling back when your both breathless, letting out a airy chuckle before resting his forehead on yours. "I love you so much pretty." Your smile grew wider at the confession, pecking his lips softly you whispered an "I love you too gumi." Against the dark haired boys lips. "Can.. we stay like this for a while?"

"Of course gumi."

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2 years ago

๐ˆ๐๐”๐Œ๐€๐Š๐ˆ ๐๐… ๐‡๐„๐€๐ƒ๐‚๐€๐๐๐Ž๐๐’

เฒŒ genre : fluff

summary: inumaki as a bf

ุนห–โบ Maki is a very clingy lover, as we all know. So having him by your side 24/7 is just natural for the both of you, back hugs, cheek kisses and hand holding is just the norm for you both

ุนห–โบ I can see toge being a thigh and boob man, after long missions all he wants to do his rest his head between your thighs. You read right, toge loves snuggling his head in-between your thighs your legs over his shoulders as you play with his hair. That's paradise for toge.

ุนห–โบ maki is a very good listener, especially if your upset or sad. All he'll do is nod his head and take the back of your hand and press a kiss to it to know he's here for you. And after your done ranting he'll pull you into his lap and press soft kisses all over your face before placing on your lips, before hugging you tightly.

ุนห–โบ hates it when you have a pet or plushie and cuddle with it instead of him, now toge hates the thought of using his curse technique on you but seeing you all cuddly with the plushie/pet makes him wanna drop kick it out the window. Trust and believe he will pout visibily until you notice and plead for his lovely cuddles.

ุนห–โบ toge is also a very good kisser, his kisses are soft and gentle. Pulling back at times with a smile on his face kissing your nose before kissing your lips again. His kisses are slow and intoxicating, don't ask him how he's that good of a kisser. (He doesn't even know.)

ุนห–โบ lovess flustering you, not in a mean way, well sometimes but mostly by kissing your cheeks and cuddling the shit outta you. He's so wholesome its adorable.

ุนห–โบ also he's so cute when he sleeps, he doesn't snore and if he does it just a very light snore. He needs to be holding you before he falls asleep, doesn't care if he's hot he'll pull the covers back and cuddle you all through the night.

ุนห–โบ I think toge thinks he looks weird without his face covering on outside of training and mission, so when he takes it off infront of you for the first time he's worried you might think he looks like an alien or something. He could not be more wrong, your smile is so wide as you pepper kisses all over his face. "Your such a pretty boy toge."

ุนห–โบ blushy boi โ„ข

ุนห–โบ boyfriend toge who loves you unconditionally and is slightly sad he can't voice that but makes damn sure you know through actions and touches of love. He thinks about you all the time, even during missions. And he hopes you feel the same <3

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2 years ago

๐‡๐ ๐Œ๐Ž๐’๐“ ๐‚๐Ž๐Œ๐Œ๐Ž๐ ๐‘๐„๐‹๐€๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’๐‡๐ˆ๐ ๐ƒ๐˜๐๐€๐Œ๐ˆ๐‚๐’ !

เฒŒ including : k. tsukishima , r. suna x fem!reader

เฒŒ genre: fluff

เฒŒ summary: what relationship dynamics the hq boys would mostly be in!


pretty girl: clairo

part two. part three



-`แƒฆยด- shy girl x sarcastic tall boi (who's secretly soft)

now as expected kei is one of those boyfriends who give no fucks for anyone else but you. Its kinda cute actually, like the 180 on his personality is kinda concerning but sweet in a sense. He'll still maintain that 'oh my god your so annoying' but dial it down a few notches as to not hurt your feelings. Basically tsun tsun tsukki. Kei also would make an effort to make first moves, despite being not the best flirt himself. Lucky for him his looks are that of a prince and he doesn't need much to fluster the likes of you <3

-`แƒฆยด lovey dovey girlfriend x not used to being loved this much (physically) bf

we also know kei isn't exactly the lovey dovey type on the exterior, however we do know he is love deprived. So for him to be with a girl who is very touchy and clingy would be heaven for him, of course he wants to reciprocate his feelings but he doesn't want to come off as overly clingy. So he'll keep his idgaf attitude while squeezing the life out of you teddybear style while you sit on his lap.

-`แƒฆยด- I hate you x I hate you more <3

probably the most popular dynamic for tsukishima and honestly most likely the ideal one as well. Tsukishima wants someone who can understand him and share some similarities with him, though opposites do attract he would need someone to get on his nerves. How else do you think you'll randomly pop up into his head when he's suppose to be studying? And trust and believe his teammates deadass think you both are having a serious argument, when really you both are arguing about strawberries or raspberries


-`แƒฆยด- hella flirty bf x shy gf

There is nothing suna loves more than getting an reaction out of people, so who better than to get a reaction out of than his own sweet gf? Suna lovess teasing you, he knows he looks good and uses that against you. So don't be surprised if he stares at you with a smirk on his face while your trying to study, he's just watching you unravel at his gaze alone. Rin loves you but he can't get enough of you trying to hold yourself together infront of him.

-`แƒฆยด- baby, looks could kill (would kill) gf x looks like they would kill you (secretly baby)

You and suna both know how whipped he is for you its not even funny, he can't go a day without kissing you, touching you or even speaking to you in general. One of suna's daily objectives is to fall asleep on your thighs everyday after training, def a thigh and boob guy. Rin also loves how secretly feisty you are, his favorite thing is seeing you get jealous when a waitress makes heart eyes at him. Leaving you to make it obvious he's taken by using his pet names: Rinny, baby, or rin rin.

-`แƒฆยด- loves talking x loves hearing her talk

Suna is a very good listener, and he could listen to you rant for hours. Yes there will be times where he gets lost in your cute expressions while retelling a story, he'll still be listening to you. But he's just more focused on your sweet voice and cute face <3 Suna will literally fall asleep to you talking, so don't be surprised when he calls you at 2-3am just to hear you talk. Even if its animal crossing language he would listen to your voice as if it was the one thing keeping him alive.

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2 years ago

๐‡๐ ๐๐Ž๐˜๐’ ๐…๐€๐‹๐‹๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ˆ๐๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ !

เฒŒ including: h. iwazumi, t. kuroo, w. ushijima, x fem!reader

เฒŒ genre: fluff

breathin: ariana grande


เญจเญง HAJIME :: waking up next to you for the first time was one of the best sights to see in the morning, most of the blanket pulled over your head to hide from the sun. Your figure snuggled into his side. Messy bed ridden hair, and an adorable sleeping face. His heartbeat was going understandably fast, were you always this cute? He wondered if he should kiss you awake or capture this moment. A small smile crept up on his face as he heard you murmer his name in your sleep, and you were dreaming about him.

Deciding to do both, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead making you shift impossibly closer to his chest with a soft smile on your lips. Careful as to not wake you he reached for his phone off of his nightstand, quickly grabbing it and snapping a picture of you. He's definetly teasing you with this later, but for now he dropped his phone on the bed. Wrapping his arm back around your waist, "cute."

เญจเญง TETSURO :: the first time kuroo heard your laugh he thought he was dreaming, seeing that cute smile tug at your lips as you went to cover your mouth was the single action that made the middle blockers heart swell. He wanted to kiss you and hug you so tight right then and there, his pupils filled with love and passion for you. He always wondered how he got so lucky to have such a breathtaking s/o, everything about you was damn near perfect. Especially your smile, fuck he was falling for you all over again. "You keep staring at her like that she's gonna think your being creepy." Kenma commented, eyes focused on his hand held game.

"Love is creepy now kenma?" "The way you express things will always make something weird."

เญจเญง WAKATOSHI :: watching you stand up on your tippy toes to kiss toshi everytime, never fails to make him smile down at you. He offers to help you, but you both know he likes seeing you struggle to kiss him. And then when you finally peck his lips, you'll wrap your arms around his neck. Making him chuckle as his hands found their way to his waist, "I did it!" The big giant hearts warmed seeing that cute dorky smile of yours, not being able to stop himself from pressing a soft kiss to your lips. "Yes, yes you did." A slight blush crept up on your face as you felt his lips against yours, "Can I have another love?"

Despite his slight teasing nature, you saw the hint embarassment in his face. "Of course toshi, you can have kisses anytime."

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2 years ago

๐“๐‡๐„๐ˆ๐‘ ๐…๐€๐•๐Ž๐‘๐ˆ๐“๐„ ๐…๐‹๐€๐•๐Ž๐‘ ๐Ž๐… ๐‹๐ˆ๐๐†๐‹๐Ž๐’๐’

เฒŒ including : o. miya, t. oikawa, k. tsukishima

เฒŒ genre : fluff

a/n: I literally had a burst idea about this, also haven't wrote for osamu or toru in a whilee

love like you by: Rebecca sugar

ุนห–โบ. OSAMU

เญจเญง- raspberry

samu loves giving you surprise kisses so while you were reading a new book he had bought you, as you read the novel in the living room about to flip to the next page when you almost jumped feeling a chin on your shoulder. "Hey pretty girl, ya like the book so far?" You sighed smiling softly, humming in response before feeling him lean down a little more to press a kiss to your lips. He flashed you a smile before joining you on the couch, "You used the raspberry one I bought you?"

"Yeah, I know how much you like it, plus it smells pretty good." You admitted, snuggling into his side as his arm wrapped around you. "And it taste good too." He stated, pulling you into a another kiss. This time swiping his tongue against your bottom lip, "S-samu! Your gonna take all my lipgloss off!" You whined, "Oh well, guess you'll have to put more on won't cha?"

ุนห–โบ. TORU

เญจเญง- peach

kawa thinks that sweet smelling scents suites you, perfume, body wash anything like that. So when you came home to see two bags full of bath and body works items, you looked to toru. "What? Can't I spoil my princess?" He asked with a pout, "Baby I don't mind you spoiling me but I already have 3 unused perfume bottles, and body wash AND lotion. I'm not even gonna start on lipgloss. I have 3 sets of peach baby, three"

He grinned walking over to your side, "Well how about this, we can try all of the lipgloss and chapstick flavors together. And I'll have to guess each one how about that?"

"I'd say thats an excuse to kiss me more." "You wouldn't be wrong~"

ุนห–โบ. KEI

เญจเญง- strawberry

as expected, kei loves his strawberries. So when he was waiting for you in bed, and smelt the scent of strawberries off your skin he tried to calmly ask if thats a new body wash. "Oh yeah, I just got it. Apparently it has some vitamins in it and it smells really good, I think its strawberry, do you like it?" Like it? He loved it. Thats why when you had also told him you had got a new scented/flavored lipgloss he was slightly excited to kiss you and see it was strawberry.

And to his dismay, it wasn't. Pulling back from the kiss he frowned slightly. "What the hell kinda lipgloss is that." You held back a giggle, reading the label of the tube. "Apparently blackberry." He sucked his teeth, reaching into his pocket before handing you a soft pink tube. "Use this one, and get rid of that nasty ass blackberry." Even if it looked like he was doing you a favor, you saw the blush on his cheeks. "Thanks baby, oh its strawberry!" You said, faking your surprise. "Wanna test it out?"

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