Fanfic writer and all around nerd. I post writing prompts, screenshots, and fandom thoughts. You can read my fics on AO3, DeviantArt & FFN.
347 posts
OTP Writing Prompt #20
OTP Writing Prompt #20
Your OTP breaks down in the middle of nowhere and has no cell reception. They have to walk to the nearest town for help.
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Story Starter #39
Relationships should come with warning labels; “Caution: High Maintenance,” maybe, or “Handle with care.”

This expedition has some great snek dolphins.
Snek dolphin go boom into ground.
Character Prompt #7
Write about a vigilante who focuses on a crime or social injustice you feel strongly about. Avoid giving them superpowers, as these can very easily take center stage, and make sure they are a rounded character instead of a mere mouthpiece for your cause.
Character Idea #5
Write about a character who thinks they are well-liked but who everyone else finds annoying. (Unreliable narration is likely to ensue.)
Scenario Prompt #3
Your protagonist is late for work, but when they arrive, they find everyone dead. What happened? And is your protagonist now in danger?