Fanfic writer and all around nerd. I post writing prompts, screenshots, and fandom thoughts. You can read my fics on AO3, DeviantArt & FFN.
347 posts
OTP Writing Prompt #20
OTP Writing Prompt #20
Your OTP breaks down in the middle of nowhere and has no cell reception. They have to walk to the nearest town for help.
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Someone on reddit was looking for these, and since I couldn’t find one, I decided to try making one in Gimp. This is my first time making a sewing pattern for anyone besides myself, so constructive criticism is welcome.
Character Idea #6
Write from the perspective of a non-human character who also perceives the world far differently than a human can. (For example, did you know plants have photoreceptors in their leaves which control cycles such as flowering, meaning they can “see” the sun? Or that when they are injured, they release chemical “screams,” jumpstarting their neighbors’ immune systems? Or if plants are too intimidating, how about the mantis shrimp, whose punch can boil water and whose eyes can see in a wider light spectrum?) Avoid the temptation to anthropomorphize (i.e. making them understand human speech and motives, or creating tribal cultures and religions).
Scenario Prompt #5
Your protagonist somehow winds up in a world of talking animals. The problem? Not only do they not speak the native language (and vice versa), but the natives have never seen a human and view them as completely alien. Do they react to your protagonist with curiosity, hostility, or some combination of both? And how does your protagonist react to them?

Skyrim is gorgeous in sepia tones.
Scenario Prompt #3
Your protagonist is late for work, but when they arrive, they find everyone dead. What happened? And is your protagonist now in danger?