Smash Intros: Little Mac VS Mario
Smash Intros: Little Mac VS Mario
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Little Mac:"Pizzaaa Pastaaa!"
Mario:"Are you-a making fun of-a my weight, Mac?"
Little Mac:"Just feelin' a lil'...nostalgic."
[Pizza Pasta was an Italian stereotype boxer from the old arcade Punch-Out that hasn't been seen since. Double reference if Mac is in one of his Wire Frame costumes.]
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Smash Intros: Ryu VS Little Mac
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Ryu:”The WVBA allows boxers to use WEAPONS!?”
Little Mac:”And magic, power boost sodas, and squirrels. It’s crazy!”
Ryu:”It’s disgraceful, is what it is.”
[This is a reference to the various tricks, cheats, and gimmicks all the Punch-Out boxers use in the Wii game. As a traditional martial artist with a strong sense of fair play, Ryu would likely frown on such practices.]
Smash Intros: Palutena VS Meta Knight
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Palutena:”In some languages, the word meta means ‘goal’ or ‘ambition’.”
Meta Knight:”Mine is to be a knight worthy of my title.”
Palutena:”And mine is to knock you into next week.”
Smash Intros: Ike VS Pokemon Trainer
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Ike:”Fire burns Grass, Grass absorbs Water, and Water douses Fire. Sounds easy enough.”
Trainer:”But how does Fire beat Wind, but lose to Thunder?”
Ike:”I...think you’d be better off asking Soren that.”
[What happens when different elemental weaknesses interract.]
Smash Intros: Lucas VS Donkey Kong
Inspired by “If Smash Bros Had Intros Like Mortal Kombat” by Mister BlackJack
Lucas:"You lost your mother too?"
DK:"She was...old, Lucas. It was gonna happen sooner or later."
Lucas:"That doesn't mean it hurts any less."
[Wrinkly Kong was Cranky Kong's wife, who appeared as a ghost in DK64. The two are often believed to be DK's parents.]

just wondering how Zuko and Druk might have met..