she/her. xvii. i'll bark for a mikaelson. shifter. just a spanish girl who loves talking shit about her favorite characters.
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Why Do You Think That Many People Tend To Devalue Klauss Relationship With Cami, Aurora, And Even Hayley?
Why do you think that many people tend to devalue Klaus’s relationship with Cami, Aurora, and even Hayley? Honestly, I think that out of all his love interests in the show, Klaus truly only loved Cami, Aurora, and Hayley. Cami understood Klaus very well, and she loved him despite all his flaws. Cami encouraged him to become a better person for Hope. And when Klaus was imprisoned, the person he imagined was Cami.
Klaus was hung up on Aurora for centuries. He painted her constantly. While he loved Cami, he definitely also loved Aurora. He’s the type of person that falls in love forever. And while this is a super unpopular opinion, I think that if he was alive during Legacies, he would’ve ended up with Aurora.
Hayley wasn’t really a love interest and I don’t think Klaus loved her romantically - but he totally loved her platonically. She was his best friend. He truly valued her as a person and respected her so much.
Say what you want about Klaus, but he had excellent taste in romantic partners. All his lovers, including Caroline, are beautiful and amazing. And this is no hate to Caroline and Klaus shippers, but I really think that Klaus only loved Cami, Aurora, and Hayley. His feelings for Caroline are rather shallow when compared to his feelings for Cami, Aurora, and Hayley - so why do you think so many people ship Caroline and Klaus together?
Oh anon, I love talking about Klaus Mikaelson and his fucked up relationships.
Why people ship klaroline? Whenever I come across shippers of them, they always say it's because Klaus and Caroline had the biggest chemistry in all of tvdu. Which, in my opinion, is false. I personally think Caroline looks uncomfortable and pissed off with Klaus in half of their interactions, and their development is so bad done and weird so they just have him give her puppy eyes out of nowhere and have her laughing at his jokes when she hated him the episode before.
I think that a big part of why people ship klaroline is because Caroline was the first woman Klaus showed an romantic interest in in the series. We have Klaus who is the villain, who until the moment has been nothing but evil to everyone around him and out of nowhere he gets soft for her, so people lost their shit and started shipping them like crazy. Which mind you, is exactly like happened: Candice herself said klaroline just happened because the fans liked them.
But in my opinion it was just stupid. If they wanted Klaus to have any interest in Caroline, they should have built it better; the only explanation we get of his interest in her is nearly ten years later when Caroline says in The Originals she believes he only liked her because she reminded him of when he was human, innocent and young. And I kinda get this, because despite how much he goes on about being feared Klaus does love having people who say he can be saved, loved and etc.
The fact that the plot and timeline was often bended to their will is a turn off for many fans as well and it always pissed me off too because it didn't make sense and still doesn't. The biggest example I can think of right now is when Klaus sent her money for the Salvatore school: he was supposed to be trapped in Marcel's dungeon by then, but the timeline of these shows has never made any sense anyway. Or how in they inserted Klaus in every one of Caroline's scenes in The Originals; Daniel Gillies himself was upset by this, they even had to delete some of his scenes to fit hers in, which is a reason of why season five was so rushed and full of bad writing.
But honestly that's the main reason I can think of. Whenever I stumble across a klaroline ship the comments always are "their chemistry" or "they look so good together" and more things about the ship. I honestly think klaroline wouldn't have blew up the way it did if it had been done these last years, but many of the plots that there are in tvd wouldn't have made it to the screen if it had been streaming this year.
I fully agree with his other ships. Canonically Klaus just loved romantically three women: Tatia, Aurora and Camille. However, I don't really think he was in love with Tatia, just infatuated. He's not as affected by her as Elijah is, but once Klaus loves you or he takes a serious romantic interest in someone he really never forgets about them: Camille and Aurora are the biggest proof of this.
Losing Aurora really took a toll on him and shaped him to be the character we know and people often brush over this because they don't like Aurora/for shipping reasons. I think she's his most interesting romantic relationship, and they're my favorite tvdu ship. It's kinda canon he loved her more than any of his other love interests and don't get me wrong, I love Klaus and Camille but in my opinion Klaus always forgot about her whenever Aurora was around which just pissed me off.
If Cami had remained dead by the time Legacies took place, I do believe Klaus and her would have gotten back together. To me, Aurora was never truly evil and I think they should have handled her character better, but Klaus understood her even after everything she did to him and viceversa, and their chemistry is just so perfect and they had sexual tension in every one of their interactions. But if Cami had been alive, I honestly think Klaus would have remained with her.
Everyone who follows me knows I believe Klaus loved Aurora romantically the most, but by the time Legacies takes place Klaus would probably adore Cami a lot more than it's already shown in canon and perhaps they would even be married, and she was good for him and his family. In the modern day, Aurora wasn't good for him or his family at all (she was literally trying to kill Hope) and in general, she needed to work on herself, to try to let go of Tristan's abuse before getting into a relationship with the man whose family is responsible for her fucked up mental health.
However, I do think Hope would stop her family if they tried to kill Aurora, she's really empathetic in these kind of things and they had a slight respect for each other by the time Aurora died. Klaus and her would probably talk, perhaps she would even have a conversation with Camille before leaving to live her best life which it's what should have happened in canon. Hayley would probably thank her for saving her daughter too, and I think they - by this I mean the whole Mikaelson family - would agree to try to not kill each other again, but who knows with them?
I love Klaus and Hayley together. Whether people ship them romantically or not isn't important to me, I can see their potential and though I personally think they wouldn't work, I can understand why other people do. I really like how often she stands up to him whenever she feels he's getting too cocky, or when it comes to their daughter. I love how much their relationship developed in the last three seasons and how gutted he was after her death, he didn't just love her for being his mother's daughter but for being his best friend and family. It was beautiful for me to see how much Hayley fought for him and never gave up, they deserved to raise their daughter together or at least, Hope deserved it.
And I honestly agree: he has amazing taste. I would get with any of these girls in an instant, they're all beautiful.
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I think I have seen your account on tiktok replying to someone saying you have never liked Caroline
I don’t either bc I feel like she never really had a dramatic development like people say she did
what do you think
This may come out as bashing towards Rebekah and Caroline, that isn't my intention at all because I honestly love Rebekah and I don't hate Caroline, as many people seem to think, I just don't like her. I don't care enough for any fictional character to hate them, I assure you that.
I feel Caroline just had development in season two, where her character got more popular, but after that it feels the writers went back to make her the same girl from season one but less mean and more confident.
Don't get me wrong, her personality did have a change but I don't feel it was as big as everyone says. Tvdu generally gives character development to its character only to take it away in the next season. I feel the biggest example of this could be Damon and Klaus, with Damon it was because they never decided if they wanted him to be good or a villain and I don't have a reason as to why they decided to do that with Klaus.
The main reason of why I feel Caroline wasn't that great of a character it's because of how her presence didn't significantly alter the plot and she was just there most of the time, I don't think the seasons would have changed that much if she wasn't present and in my opinion, Candice has never been really good at acting so I really don't feel anything whenever she cries, or in any other of her emotional scenes. Phoebe Tonkin, in my opinion, is more or less the same, and this isn't me shitting in their acting skills, it's just my opinion and before anyone (yk who) decides to come for my throat, I'm not "bashing" them for being women. I think Nina Dobrev, Leah Pipes and Kat Graham, as well as Danielle Rose Russell, are one of the best actress the tvd universe has.
The fact that Caroline was a mix of toxic female harmful stereotypes just makes her look bad as a character and of course this wasn't Candice's fault, but Caroline, as well as Rebekah, was everything a female character shouldn't be if you went for the route of feminist woman and that is what Julie Pl*c wanted them to be. Both of them had traits that weren't at all feminist and they didn't deserve to be used as punching bags for toxic abusive men. Having Caroline and Rebekah grow out of these behaviors and traits would have made them good characters and more interesting to analyze, because what do we know of these characters outside the unhealthy/toxic mentality they have?
They made Caroline a mother when she never experienced any desire to be one, they used her for her body and she never said a word about this. Rebekah suddenly became obssesed with becoming a mother out of nowhere, but with the way she behaves it's clear it would not be healthy for her to have a baby. Both of them antagonized women at one point for jealousy/insecurities and they never apologized. Honestly, there are more reasons but I feel I explained the more important ones. I feel Caroline and Rebekah are really similar but at the same time drastically different, not the same character in a different font, because their personalities aren't that similar but both of them deserved better storyline that weren't tied to men.
You probably did see my account in tiktok. My user is @nikmikaelsonswhore, ironic because I'm bashing him half of the time and people get really pressed. If people want this in the anti Caroline Forbes tag tell me and I'll tag it properly, because I honestly don't know if this comes out as anti, but be sure to tell me anyway!