Aurora De Martel - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I feel people talk a lot about Klamille, Klaroline and Klayley and completely ignore the influence Aurora had over Klaus.

Now, I don't really like any of the main ships of Klaus: Candice herself confirmed in a live no long ago that the producers started writing the whole Klaroline ship because the reaction of the fans to their first scene (which they didn't intend to turn romantic) was massive and positive, so their whole relationship was fan service from beginning to end. I like Klamille, but the fact that she was her therapist and they fell in love always creeped me out. And Klayley, well, they weren't even a couple but I feel that the potential was there.

But Klaurora? They fell in love in a time where neither of them were pure evil, and Klaus had been literally turned into a vampire two years before. And she wasn't "crazy", as people try to make her look: she was just bipolar, in a time where help was nowhere to be found. And Tristan just made that worse through their lives as vampires.

Now, this is my personal opinion, one I made by watching the show, you don't have to agree with it at all. Personally, I don't think Klaus and Caroline were in love with each other (not Caroline, unless she was playing hard to get in which case go girl ig), at least not in the Mystic Falls era. In New Orleans, however, they had both grown, and they seemed more comfortable in the other's presence (I still don't think they would have lasted as a couple, as I say in this post) so if they wanted to persue a romance then, go ahead.

But back to the point, Klaus was literally being an asshole in love talking about the smell of Aurora's hair and writing love letters to her: he was down bad for the woman, and it's canon that her breaking his heart is what made him the ruthless and abusive bitch we all know in canon ("you knew that your secret betrayal was the cause of everything i became" 3x05, said by Klaus to Elijah in a rather hypocrite fight).

And it's not like he got over her as his life continued: he painted her, eight hundred years after their breakup, and judging by the fact he said it became the tomb of his memories of her, he probably painted her a thousand of times before. When he showered her that painting, a millennium later, he confessed that thinking he could forget her is one of his biggest mistakes, meaning that while he was flirting with Cami and Care he still hadn't gotten over his first love. And with the way he was looking at her, I doubt it was a lie.

And they literally started being together again not even a day after she showed up in New Orleans. He didn't give a damn about Camille, or Caroline. His "however long it takes" or his "I would have found you" were completely forgotten in his mind, his own sister was kidnapped by her and he couldn't care less because he was busy showing her New Orleans, something Lucien pointed out.

Elijah noticed as well, because the whole "Do you love her" wasn't directed towards Camille, and with the way Klaus answered his question it was clear. And Klaus also asked him to never say Aurora's name in his presence (I like to think that being the little shit he is Kol always said her name whenever he was around and that's why he got daggered so much, but that's a personal headcanon of mine).

Klaus only lashed out at her when he found out Rebekah was at the bottom of the ocean (Emma who lmao), not safe as Aurora had promised him after fucking. And he did say he intented to keep his love promises to her, made in the modern world, hence bye bye his two blonde lovers (also, the fact that they resemble Rebekah so much, his favorite sibling who he's always been obssesed with, it’s so fucking weird).

He didn't chose Camille or Caroline over her, Aurora pushed him to it and he seemed pretty upset about it in the whole episode of their dramatic breakup. And Camille did say more than once she believed Klaus still loved Aurora, something Klaus didn't actually deny (he said he didn't care about her, that's all.)

I know Klaus did love Camille, he did even after a decade of her death, and I know he was obssesed with Caroline, but I personally believe that the one he loved the most has always been Aurora.

Funny enough, in 3x18, after her murdering Camille, his actual love interest, turning her into a vampire, and trying to kill his whole family, he didn't even try to pull away when she leaned to kiss him. He could have tried to bite her, or to back away, but he didn't.

And don't even get me started on him keeping her alive even after the serum left her sistem. Klaus couldn't kill her, and he was clearly distraught when Hayley inyected her that serum to send her to sleep. This fucker couldn't kill her, and he needed his girlfriends to do it.

Anyways, ik this is a unpopular opinion, but I always found the messed up dynamic of Klaurora so entertaining to watch. Aurora loved him until her death, and I think he continued to love her until his as well, knowing how much of a obssesed yandere he is.

And try to ignore any grammatic mistakes lmao, I'm spanish and I was eating a donut writing this.

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1 year ago

People love to act as if Elijah was their parent and yes, to some extent he was (it was even said by him in the last season) but he was just their older brother, and he was as much traumatized as every other Mikaelson was.

If I'm correct, he's the only Mikaelson shown to actually have remorse for his actions continually: after learning he killed Tatia, the first thing he did was beg for Klaus’s forgiveness because he was terrified of losing Klaus, despite the fact that he had done a lot of things worse to him. Or the whole Aurora thing, when he compelled her to believe Klaus was a monster and stuff, canonically the reason Klaus turned out to be how he was in the modern day and stuff: Elijah did regret what he did, and he stayed at his brother side through everything (something born out of guilt, as Klaus seemed to think, but anyway).

My point is that he owed nothing to his family. Yes, he should have tried to make Klaus stop daggering their siblings and I'm pretty sure it's shown in both shows he did try, but Klaus was a crazy motherfucker who loved to victimize himself and stuff. He shouldn't have treated Finn the way he did, that was so screwed up, he acted as if Finn didn't have the right to be bitter and mad after being locked in a box for an entire milennia.

And the way he treated Marcel makes my blood boil. It was so fucking disgusting, and his whole "you're not needed, the bio and white kid is here and she can make my brother better" line in season 4 is just fucking racist. I know it's because the writers are stupid and stuff, but after season three his character just got ruined for me. He was happy in s5 tho, and I hated the way they made Elijah not being able to live without Klaus as if he hadn't spent twenty years away from him without any contact prior tvd.

Anyway. Elijah is a good character, with flaws, that has a savior complex with his little brother, and who was basically the glue of the family. The family didn't see each other for a reason after his death, he was the one who kept them together and when he died they just couldn't remain the same.

"This isn't the end of the Mikaelson" it very much was. Klaus and Elijah died and the remaining family members other than Marcel and perhaps Freya, didn't give a damn about their niece, something y'all are always forgetting about. This turned into a inchorent rant, hmm, anyway.

Hi! Got here from Tik tok and you really like Elijah.

Just some conversation I wanted to share was how scary I think they made Elijah in the originals. Note that I don’t actually have any attachments to the characters so I might be stating things blantely. Another theory to why I believe the originals is “darker” than TVD.

This is because of Elijah. In TVD- Elijah helped all of his siblings. In the originals his character got a bit retconned.

In the originals, the entire plot-line of Elijah serving klaus was probably a perverted survival of the fittest ideology. Which he then subconsciously re-animate the trauma of not helping Niklaus , because deep down Elijah knows his reason was absolutely terrifying(self preservation).

I say re-animate trauma because Elijah says he too was “beaten without mercy.” So it’s not like he could’ve helped. But he had to convince himself he should’ve even though it wasn’t possible.

If it were possible than I would completely buy into it. But the writers explicitly say it wasn’t possible.

And because of that* he needed to devote himself to Klaus. Which makes sense because it is shown that Elijah is self loathing.( I can bring up examples if you want) And self loathing because he knows his facade is based on self interest and not nobility. They already say he isn’t noble and already pretends to be. And nobility is doing good for others without self interest.

And -I don’t know why but it seems like he pretends to love his siblings. Apparently he got rid of Finn because he wanted to be the oldest and the most respected in that manner. (The writers put this somewhere) . And he did so because … survival of the fittest.

And even Elijah’s actor admitted Elijah’s pretend love for his siblings.

In all honestly I don’t know why Elijah couldn’t love his siblings. The writers kinda just wrote it as such in the originals. -They hinted Elijah didn’t care about Rebecca’s happiness.

In TVD he wanted all his siblings out of the box . In the originals we see Elijah help Klaus out them there.

*saved Klaus from Mikael


(The entire klaus asking Elijah to run away with him when they were human -I don’t fully understand that,yet took the time to think about it)

Hi love, thanks for following!

Honestly, my biggest response to most of this is: poor writing. I could write a whole novel on this.

The CW is known for prioritizing ratings over the quality of the show and TVDU is no exception.

The Originals was definitely meant to be a darker show. They aged up all of the characters and focused more on the fight for survival rather than the teen romance we see in TVD.

So when I say the writing wasn't good at times, it's because the show let the audience drive it. Klaus was a favorite so they made a whole show around him and his redemption, often sacrificing the characters/development in order to push the narrative they believed would be most popular. So we see things like Kol and Finn's characters getting completely sidelined and Elijah being absolutely obsessed with Klaus when that wasn't the case for all of TVD.

I also like to think the writers intentionally made the Mikaelsons very biased in their storytelling, but it likely was just more inconsistent writing. But to me, it is more important to watch how they behave rather than what they say. Elijah and Klaus have a tendency to tell stories from the perspective of Klaus, discrediting even Elijah's own struggles/trauma.

I also think too much was put on Elijah at a young age. I see a lot of the fandom angry at Elijah for not protecting his brother when it is clear all of the siblings are just as terrified of Mikael as Klaus is. And I also would find it surprising if they all didn't receive some form of physical/emotional abuse from Mikael as children (remember Klaus was initially Mikael's favorite). But, as you said, Elijah and Klaus have convinced themselves that Elijah failed him as a way to shift blame from Klaus onto Elijah. Elijah is very much viewed as the parent of the family despite their parents' existence and even the failures of their parents are somehow blamed on Elijah.

I do think a lot of Elijah's attachment to Klaus was because he felt guilty for not protecting him better as a child. Childhood trauma has a way of sticking with you and can create a lot of negative trauma responses. But, in my head at least, it is also because that is his closest sibling. We see Elijah is born at a time of upheaval and depression in his family and is often neglected by his parents. To me, Klaus was likely the first person Elijah ever felt a bond with, ever felt love for/from.

I also think you are spot on with the self-loathing. People love to say Elijah pretended to be noble. But he never did. Others said that about him and he didn't necessarily correct them. Yet when we hear him talk about himself, he very much views himself as a monster (hence the red door). He is very aware that his entire motivation in life is protecting his family and he will cross any line to do so. He is also aware of how messed up that is. But this is exactly why you often see him as the one to volunteer to do the worst of the worst deeds. He is still attempting to preserve his siblings' redemption and, since he views himself as a lost cause, he continuously sacrifices his chance at redemption to save his family.

Now, where I think the show failed was how Elijah treated the rest of his siblings, especially Rebekah. I don't think he got rid of Finn to be the oldest (he never had an issue with Freya). But I do think he didn't move to save Finn because he resented him. Finn never protected Elijah, rather he often made things more difficult for his siblings. Elijah had to step up because his older brother refused to.

But I still don't buy that Elijah wasn't trying to protect his siblings for a thousand years. We only see about 1% of their life. But from what we can gather, Kol was locked up around 30-40% of the time and Rebekah was daggered for decades at a time. We don't know anything really about Elijah's experience with the dagger, but we know it has been used on him in the past. But like you said, Klaus asked Elijah to run with them when they were kids, but Elijah wouldn't leave the rest of his siblings behind. He prioritized all of his siblings, not just Klaus. So there was this shift in TO where Elijah was all of a sudden prioritizing Klaus over everyone else. They even apply it back to flashbacks, but it really makes no sense for the character we saw in TVD.

I think an aspect of him not protecting his siblings could be fear of Klaus or fear of isolating Klaus. He didn't act until Klaus had pushed him too far. But at the end of the day, it likely is just bad writing in order to prop Klaus up. The writers always wanted Klaus to have his redemption and didn't really care about the other characters. If no one believed in Klaus' redemption or fought for him, it would be harder to get the audience to fight for him. Klaus had to end up being the good sibling that they all loved so they had to sacrifice the one who actually made the most sense for the part.

Basically, in my opinion, Elijah loved his siblings more than anything and would have made any sacrifice for them. We see it through his actions (even if he's not always great at showing it) more so than the words/storytelling. He sacrificed himself countless times for them and would have died for them, not just Klaus. Unfortunately, the show was hell-bent on being centered around Klaus so we lost a lot of good character development.

** Side note, I don't tend to trust anything Daniel (the actor) says about Elijah. He did an amazing job with the acting but he very much did not pay attention to themes or overall storylines

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1 year ago

I read your 'Aurora's influence over klaus' post and I agree with you 100%. It always surprised me how little their dynamic was discussed when they had the most interesting one.(I feel like that's mainly because of shipping reasons). I agree he loved camille but I don't think that affected his love for aurora. Even after kidnapping Rebekah, trying to kill originals with white oak, killing cami etc.. when he literally literally had the opportunity to shoot her with white oak he hesitated(which Aurora used for her advantage). Cami was definitely worried(she says so to Vincent) and so was Elijah. I also agree that 'unloving' is not exactly a klaus thing. If he loves you, he'll love you forever in his own messed up way. Had Aurora chosen to side with his family over doing everything she did, I have no doubt that he would have taken her back.(Again this doesn't mean he'll magically forget cami. I think he would do everything he did for cami in canon even if he was with Aurora. But I think he always thought of her as 'too good/pure for him' so he would probably prefer if she stayed away from the chaos that happened)

This is the main reason why I believe that out of all his love interests, the one he loved the most was Aurora.

All of their interactions just scream he never got over her and was still in love: she killed Cami, dumped Rebekah to the ocean, and a lot of other bullshit, and yet he got jealous when he realized her and Lucien were "a thing". I don't know if I said this, but he also kissed her before knowing Elijah had compelled her, so he allowed her to kiss him without even actually knowing why, and the cutoff of the scene is so crazy because they kiss and when we see them again they're still lip-locked and full on making out lmao, they had been kissing for like ten minutes.

Klaus never admitted he was still in love with her out of respect for Cami and hatred towards himself, but it was quite obvious for me and he never actually denied he didn't love her.

I think it's easy to see he was still in love with her and stuff, and it's so clear it was the same for her. Klaus was willing to forgive her for the whole Rebekah thing, he said so himself, but once she took Cami hostage it was over for them and he was quite grumpy about it. But I do think that if she had brought Rebekah back after that whole mess and promised to not hurt Cami, he would have taken her back.

Perhaps it sounds weird, but it's more or less like the whole Klaus-Elijah-Gia situation: despite clearly having feelings for Gia, Elijah forgave Klaus for killing her because he loved his brother more. And in this situation, Cami is Gia, the actual Klaus is Elijah and Klaus is Aurora.

Like, it wasn't that he didn't want to kill her, I'm pretty sure he wanted to after having her hurt his family and Cami, but he just couldn't do it. Klaus had to lock her behind a wall while talking about the portrait of her he made. It's funny if we think about his line in 3x18 where he said he still had hopes for them, when it's obvious he wanted to emotionally manipulate her, but perhaps there was a tingle of truth in it. After all, they were immortal in that moment and immortality is a long time for someone to hold resentment forever.

But that wouldn't take away his feelings for Cami, it's obvious. I believe he thought the same, her being too pure for him and his world, and I'm pretty sure he regretted having a relationship with her in the end because she ended up dying, which is the reason why he stayed away from her after Hope's birth. Klaus loved Cami, that's obvious, and he wouldn't had stopped loving her if he ever got back with Aurora.

What an interesting dynamic we could have had with them *sigh*

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1 year ago

it will never not be funny to me that out of all of klaus 3 main love interest, hope ended up having a better relationship with aurora than cami or caroline 😭 aurora took the step mother title CK and KC stans have been trying to claim for their fave for a decade!

It's hilarious to me too tbh

Like, Cami only knew Hope for the first two years of her life and while she probably loved her as if she was her own daughter, Hope didn't remember her at all and everything she knew about her were things Hayley told her (because it's canon that Hayley told Hope about Cami and Jackson, a producer said it a long time ago) and the only time Hope mentioned Camille was so offputting. It's clear she didn't really have an opinion of her, and I honestly can't blame her.

With Caroline is even more strange, because apparently Hope always had been a troubled kid in school and the only close relationship she had with an adult was Alaric, because if she was close to Caroline I'm pretty sure Lizzie would had mentioned it. So they weren't close, and asides from Hope wanting to belong into the Saltzman family because her own family didn't give a damn about her, that's all they were to each other more or less. Perhaps they could get closer as she's now the headmistress, but Hope already has a mother figure in Freya and I don't see them having a mother-daughter bond, just being good friends because Hope loved Klaus and despite everything her father did to her, Caroline definitely wouldn't be throwing every single one of his sins in her face like Alaric did.

But the last moments between Aurora and Hope are heartwarming, their whole dynamic was so touching and it proved Rory could definitely had loved her if they were given the chance. I mean, in the few days she was with Klaus in the modern world she definitely knew about his then baby daughter and considering they were together/kind of, I'm pretty sure she thought about the fact that she would become her stepmother. That didn't end up happening, but still. After all, she did see the best parts of Klaus in Hope.

In short words, Aurora had spent her whole life hating the Mikaelson family and loving and despising Klaus in equal manners, so having her give her life for Hope was such a good way to end her character. Imagine Hope, who had grown - mostly - only hearing bad things from her father be told he wasn't pure evil and that she wasn't either.

Either way, Tristan must be rolling on his grave as we speak lmao

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1 year ago

hi, writing an originals / tvd elijah fanfiction on ao3 and i like your brain. can you elaborate your thoughts on klaus and his preoccupation with his sister rebekah? he’s obsessed and i’m wanting to give you a space to just go nuts on the topic and maybe help me with my characterization? my fic revolves around trauma, religious and generational, and i’m not looking to paint klaus as anything other than severely disturbed. and this disturbing opinion is not one i encounter a lot. so: what’s his deal with his sister?

Klaus is an incredibly difficult character to write and he is, in my opinion, the most complex character in the tvd universe.

As a human, Klaus craved love desperately and the only people who gave it to him were Elijah and Rebekah: I wouldn't count Esther in, because despite the fact that she clearly loved him and all her kids, she just didn't give him the reassurance and comfort he needed, and she didn't protect him from Mikael either. As a result, Klaus clinged to the two of them and that only got worse when they turned into vampires. His "clinginess" turned into paranoia mixed with a toxic love, and as a result, he started controlling their lives by daggering them or/and killing any potential lovers because he was scared his siblings would love those persons more than they loved him and/or leave him because of it.

With Rebekah it was just worse, because they were the closest growing up and they remained the closest as vampires as well until Hope was born, where Elijah took her spot because she was finally free of him. It's canon Rebekah stood with Klaus even when Elijah didn't, and knowing how controlling he is, it's safe to assume she didn't get to be away from him for more than a month without having him throw a fit (I'm not counting The Originals days in this, because as I said before, it took Rebekah wanting to kill him to make Klaus see he was an asshole and he has to change his ways for the sake of his unborn daughter). In top of that, there's the side of him that gets insanely jealous whenever Rebekah has the smallest crush.

That is part of what I said about his paranoia and toxicity: he couldn't and wouldn't allow anyone to take his spot in her life, he loved her in a way that was abusive and Rebekah had no other choice but accept it. He was more than just overprotective and she falls in love way too easily, not just because he denied her the chance of a lasting relationship but also because mentally she's just a teenager that tends (at least in tvd) to lash out emotionally when people don't love her the way she wants them to.

In romantic terms, Klaus was denied of love too: he got rejected by Aurora in the most cruel way ever and Tatia didn't love him because she was in love with Elijah, and even a thousand years later the wounds caused by both women were in a sense still fresh. So he took it out on his little sister too, who was fond of anyone who was sweet to her, perhaps because he didn’t want her to go through the same heartache as him, and because he has been in love too and those feelings clouded his thoughts too much.

I mean, like when Aurora dumped her to the bottom of the ocean, when he was flirting with Hayley, when he was also flirting with Caroline while the mother of his daughter was kidnapped, or when he sacrificed himself for Cami: Klaus has put those women over his family a lot of times, something all his siblings have done with their respective love interests, and yet he criticizes them when they do it. They all chose love over family, but in Klaus's mind, he was the only one who had the right to. He's selfish like that, he can do whatever he wants but as soon as his family does the same he flips.

Despite that, he clearly loves his family. He loves Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Freya, and even Finn: after all, he daggered him and kept him in a box for a thousand years and stuffed his mother into a coffin but he still carried their dead bodies around because he wasn't willing to abandon them despite everything.

One of my personal headcanons that you can take as canon if you want is that a part of his abuse towards Rebekah is because she looks like Esther. Their mother binded him, stripped him from his werewolf heritage and in a fit of rage he killed her: but it didn't do anything to quell his anger because his favorite sibling, his little sister, was her living image. We all know Klaus doesn't deal well with his emotions, especially the ones related to betrayal, so of course he was gonna blame his mother's actions on Rebekah.

And I don't know if that's what you meant, but I have a dumb brain so if you intented to have Klaus having "romantic" feelings for Rebekah it's more or less the same: he was obssesed with her, he didn't allow anyone to have her and she was the only woman who showed him loyalty, so his feelings could have easily changed into a form of twisted love and the mentality of "if I can't have her, no one can".

Anyway, I'm really honored you asked me about my opinion 🙌. Klaus is a fucked up person and it's hard to think why he does the things he does, people love to blame all his actions and the way he is on his bad childhood and Mikael's abuse and yeah, he deserved a better human life but his actions were his, being abused doesn't mean you have abuse other people and in his fear and hate he turned out to be even worse than Mikael in a sense.

(He's still my bitch tho)

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1 year ago

random question, but what’s you’re favorite tvdu ship and crack ship?

Hmm, I don't think I actually have a favorite one, but the one I like the most is klaurora.

This probably sounds strange, but hear me out: we have Klaus obssesed with her for over a millennia, he was canonically still in love with her while "being" with Caroline, Cami and Hayley, and her breaking his heart is what made him turn out to be how he is now. He was painting her in literal walls, that were "tombs of his memories of her" and Aurora loved him just as much.

And the what if's are also an amazing part of the ship too! What would have happened if Aurora went with him in 1002? Would they had stayed together, would they not? Would Klaus still turn evil? And what would have happened if they didn't break up during s3? What would the family's reactions be? The dynamic between klaurora and Cami, who is very much in love with Klaus, a man who actually recipocrates her feelings but loves his girlfriend more, would be so incredible to watch.

My favorite crack ship would be klefan, I guess. Klaus was so pressed about Stefan not liking him any more to the point it was comical, he was literally throwing tantrums because his favorite vampire hated him while Stefan was constantly like "😒🤚"

They also have a lot of sexual tension sometimes, and that makes it a lot better. And, along with the fact that in my opinion Klaus is a raging bisexual, just makes it wonderful.

Say whatever you want, but I'll always headcanon they fucked.

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1 year ago

I'm sorry but the only reason klaroline ever got so much popularity and their huge fan base was because the fans used Caroline as a self insert: she's the stereotype of a teenager girl, a gorgeous blonde vampire who's insecure and is always put second aka what every teen has been in one point of their lives.

That's why other Klaus’s ships, such as klayley, klamille, klaurora and especially klonnie, didn't get the hype and love klaroline did. These women were all adults or young adults when they were introduced (except Bonnie of course) and the people didn't like them at all at first. I mean, the hatred towards Camille, Hayley and Aurora when The Originals was streaming was crazy and this has reduced a little, but still remains.

I'm aware that even if klaroline hadn't happened, klonnie wouldn't have gotten half the support that Klaus and Caroline have. Of course it wouldn't, why would they care about a poc romance? Bonnie wasn't ignored only by the show itself, but by the fans and this shows. I mean, even klena (Klaus x Elena) gets more love than them and while I don't hate this pairing, it just proves that writers will never put their favorite white person with a black woman.

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1 year ago
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.
"Loveisnothingbutatrap. Theonetruthyouspeak, Theone Thing That Iagree With Entirely; Only Thelove Offamilyisunbreakable.

"Love is nothing but a trap. The one truth you speak, the one thing that I agree with entirely; only the love of family is unbreakable. It is the only love worth fighting for."

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1 year ago

Why do you think that many people tend to devalue Klaus’s relationship with Cami, Aurora, and even Hayley? Honestly, I think that out of all his love interests in the show, Klaus truly only loved Cami, Aurora, and Hayley. Cami understood Klaus very well, and she loved him despite all his flaws. Cami encouraged him to become a better person for Hope. And when Klaus was imprisoned, the person he imagined was Cami.

Klaus was hung up on Aurora for centuries. He painted her constantly. While he loved Cami, he definitely also loved Aurora. He’s the type of person that falls in love forever. And while this is a super unpopular opinion, I think that if he was alive during Legacies, he would’ve ended up with Aurora.

Hayley wasn’t really a love interest and I don’t think Klaus loved her romantically - but he totally loved her platonically. She was his best friend. He truly valued her as a person and respected her so much.

Say what you want about Klaus, but he had excellent taste in romantic partners. All his lovers, including Caroline, are beautiful and amazing. And this is no hate to Caroline and Klaus shippers, but I really think that Klaus only loved Cami, Aurora, and Hayley. His feelings for Caroline are rather shallow when compared to his feelings for Cami, Aurora, and Hayley - so why do you think so many people ship Caroline and Klaus together?

Oh anon, I love talking about Klaus Mikaelson and his fucked up relationships.

Why people ship klaroline? Whenever I come across shippers of them, they always say it's because Klaus and Caroline had the biggest chemistry in all of tvdu. Which, in my opinion, is false. I personally think Caroline looks uncomfortable and pissed off with Klaus in half of their interactions, and their development is so bad done and weird so they just have him give her puppy eyes out of nowhere and have her laughing at his jokes when she hated him the episode before.

I think that a big part of why people ship klaroline is because Caroline was the first woman Klaus showed an romantic interest in in the series. We have Klaus who is the villain, who until the moment has been nothing but evil to everyone around him and out of nowhere he gets soft for her, so people lost their shit and started shipping them like crazy. Which mind you, is exactly like happened: Candice herself said klaroline just happened because the fans liked them.

But in my opinion it was just stupid. If they wanted Klaus to have any interest in Caroline, they should have built it better; the only explanation we get of his interest in her is nearly ten years later when Caroline says in The Originals she believes he only liked her because she reminded him of when he was human, innocent and young. And I kinda get this, because despite how much he goes on about being feared Klaus does love having people who say he can be saved, loved and etc.

The fact that the plot and timeline was often bended to their will is a turn off for many fans as well and it always pissed me off too because it didn't make sense and still doesn't. The biggest example I can think of right now is when Klaus sent her money for the Salvatore school: he was supposed to be trapped in Marcel's dungeon by then, but the timeline of these shows has never made any sense anyway. Or how in they inserted Klaus in every one of Caroline's scenes in The Originals; Daniel Gillies himself was upset by this, they even had to delete some of his scenes to fit hers in, which is a reason of why season five was so rushed and full of bad writing.

But honestly that's the main reason I can think of. Whenever I stumble across a klaroline ship the comments always are "their chemistry" or "they look so good together" and more things about the ship. I honestly think klaroline wouldn't have blew up the way it did if it had been done these last years, but many of the plots that there are in tvd wouldn't have made it to the screen if it had been streaming this year.

I fully agree with his other ships. Canonically Klaus just loved romantically three women: Tatia, Aurora and Camille. However, I don't really think he was in love with Tatia, just infatuated. He's not as affected by her as Elijah is, but once Klaus loves you or he takes a serious romantic interest in someone he really never forgets about them: Camille and Aurora are the biggest proof of this.

Losing Aurora really took a toll on him and shaped him to be the character we know and people often brush over this because they don't like Aurora/for shipping reasons. I think she's his most interesting romantic relationship, and they're my favorite tvdu ship. It's kinda canon he loved her more than any of his other love interests and don't get me wrong, I love Klaus and Camille but in my opinion Klaus always forgot about her whenever Aurora was around which just pissed me off.

If Cami had remained dead by the time Legacies took place, I do believe Klaus and her would have gotten back together. To me, Aurora was never truly evil and I think they should have handled her character better, but Klaus understood her even after everything she did to him and viceversa, and their chemistry is just so perfect and they had sexual tension in every one of their interactions. But if Cami had been alive, I honestly think Klaus would have remained with her.

Everyone who follows me knows I believe Klaus loved Aurora romantically the most, but by the time Legacies takes place Klaus would probably adore Cami a lot more than it's already shown in canon and perhaps they would even be married, and she was good for him and his family. In the modern day, Aurora wasn't good for him or his family at all (she was literally trying to kill Hope) and in general, she needed to work on herself, to try to let go of Tristan's abuse before getting into a relationship with the man whose family is responsible for her fucked up mental health.

However, I do think Hope would stop her family if they tried to kill Aurora, she's really empathetic in these kind of things and they had a slight respect for each other by the time Aurora died. Klaus and her would probably talk, perhaps she would even have a conversation with Camille before leaving to live her best life which it's what should have happened in canon. Hayley would probably thank her for saving her daughter too, and I think they - by this I mean the whole Mikaelson family - would agree to try to not kill each other again, but who knows with them?

I love Klaus and Hayley together. Whether people ship them romantically or not isn't important to me, I can see their potential and though I personally think they wouldn't work, I can understand why other people do. I really like how often she stands up to him whenever she feels he's getting too cocky, or when it comes to their daughter. I love how much their relationship developed in the last three seasons and how gutted he was after her death, he didn't just love her for being his mother's daughter but for being his best friend and family. It was beautiful for me to see how much Hayley fought for him and never gave up, they deserved to raise their daughter together or at least, Hope deserved it.

And I honestly agree: he has amazing taste. I would get with any of these girls in an instant, they're all beautiful.

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1 year ago

Weird question, but what do you think of the sex scenes in the TVDU? I mean only The Vampire Diaries and The Originals 'cause I don't think Legacies has any.

What exactly do you mean, though?

If you refer to what I think as mainly - I think it fits how savage they are. They're vampires, they don't do soft most of the time and that is easy to see in their sex scenes. Stelena was the first important sex scene The Vampire Diaries had (because Damon absolutely raped Caroline so that doesn't count) and it amuses me how sweet and soft that scene is in comparison to how rough later scenes are.

Though my personal favorite is when Klaus and Camille make out in his bed the Christmas episode, it was just so sweet and the fact that Klaus trusted her enough to fall asleep beside her (literally the only girl he's actually slept beside) it's so adorable. I don't know if it counts as sex, but it's heavily implied more than once they fucked, but yeah Klaus is without a doubt an animal in bed (he started fucking Hayley in a table and they ended up in his bed, like hello, his quickie with Caroline lasted literally an entire day and Genevieve and Aurora were down bad). Elijah's sex scenes fit his character so well too because dear lord.

But I do wish they recognized certain people aren't having sex but raping persons instead, it upsets me so much how Katherine and Damon both compelled people to not be scared of them in bed and yet the fandom still believes they consented.

And Legacies actually has a few sex scenes, if I'm right. And I think Hope actually killed Landon when they did it for the first time, and I don't mean it in the ironic way...

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11 months ago

Ok soooo I love your opinions on The Originals and I want it for something I'm writing 🫣

Basically, how u think klaus would act if he gets interested in a OC with severe mental illness?? Specifically in my case a schizophrenic

And this will be a insecurity of her in their relationship

Hey! So I believe it depends, truth be told.

As far as I remember, Klaus isn't one to mock someone because of their illness, but we're also talking about Klaus, so I can't be really sure. I don't remember if Klaus actually interacted with someone with a confirmed mental illness aside from Aurora, but we all know he isn't exactly sane anyway.

Of course, if his interest in your ooc is romantic he'll obviously be kind about it, as long as your relationship is klamille and klaurora coded and not klaroline coded, because the one time Caroline actually needed comfort from Klaus he basically told her to go to hell. I think he would try to be supportive, and would specifically learn things about your ooc and her illness to make her as comfortable as possible, to try to not trigger her, and similar.

If this is an insecurity of hers, that would only amplify. Klaus isn't an easy person to love, he's complicated and messy and he's constantly reminded of that by family and people close to him, so he'd jump at any opportunity he has to remind her of his love for her if that insecurity is affecting their relationship or is potentially reason for a break up. I personally believe Klaus would worship the ground his s/o walks on, we all saw how he treated Camille and Aurora when their relationship wasn't rocky.

But if they do happen to get into a nasty fight or a particularly bad breakup, I can see bring him up her illness as a way to "mock" her or to try to belittle her, he kinda did it to Aurora and we all know how hurtful Klaus can be anyway.

Thank you for asking, and for loving my opinions! It's truly sweet from you to say it. Writing ooc's with mental illness is a challenge and I hope nothing I said came out offensive, you all know it's never my intention.

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9 months ago

Sorry if this is a weird question but I would want to hear someone else opinion on a matter that i hadn't pay much attention at the first time but now its really interesting..What your opinion on the fact that Klaus Mikaelson seems to be into B.D.S.M? It was kinda stated by Aurora but I don't remember the episode. Or about kol and Rebekah ,they also gives me vibes that they are into B.D.S.M too ,i cant really explain it. I never saw someone adressing this topic.

It's not a weird question, don't worry, especially when it comes to discussing the Mikaelson siblings.

Yes, you're correct, Aurora did state Klaus was into BDSM in 3x07 of The Originals and the line was "Oh, how you loathe me, so certain I've come to do you harm. Yet, as I recall, we did plenty of harm to each other. And, if I'm not mistaken, we both rather liked it, didn't we?". For me, it's not a surprise Klaus behaves that way sexually. He's desperate to be in control of everything, of course that would apply to his sexual/romantic partners as well, and with how his parents made him feel and the added bonus of his hybrid state, it's very much in character for him, at least in my opinion.

But, if I'm being honest, I mainly think Aurora just meant to let clear he likes to hurt the person he's having sex with - with their consent, obviously. Make them find pleasure in their pain, which really relates to his personal life and his personal experiences for me. Of all the Mikaelson (and honestly, all the tvdu characters) I believe Klaus is the roughest when it comes to sex, which it's quite ironic considering vampires have the highest sex drive yet Klaus is seen getting nearly no action.

Kol and Rebekah do give those vibes as well, especially Kol. I believe Rebekah is more of a merciless tease, while Kol just loves to make you cry (in the good sense). Elijah, in the other hand, seems pretty vanilla to me, just like Stefan and Caroline. Damon likes to paint himself as some kind of sex god, and yet Elena looked so ready to laugh sometimes when he talked dirty to her. Hayley, in all of her sex scenes, is always being absolutely manhandled and getting thrown into walls/tables/any surface available, so it's safe to assume she's into a more rough aspect of sex as well, which of course, makes sense considering she's a werewolf.

I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer! It was a funny ask, though.

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5 months ago

The way some people actually believe Elijah was responsible for the monster Klaus turned into is insane.

Yes, he's the reason Aurora broke his heart, which triggered Klaus to lose his humanity, but Klaus would have ended up becoming the same kind of person he's in canon all the same, his brother's actions just sped it up. He put all of his happiness and expectations in one person, who was just as damaged as him, and that could never end up well. As much as I love their relationship, realistically, Klaus and Aurora wouldn't have lasted as a couple outside France.

Tristan would have probably tracked them down, and with Mikael after them as well, this would without a doubt cause a strain in their relationship. Aurora would be forced to chose between her lover and her brother, who has a strange incestuous obsession with her, and I don't think Klaus could ever truly let go from his siblings. And once again, both of them were mentally damaged, in probably the worst point of their lives. Their short romance was practically out of a fairytale, and it honestly felt like they were only clinging to the past and a version of themselves that no longer existed in the present.

Stop blaming Elijah for the man his brother turned into, because Klaus was doomed either way.

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9 years ago
Aurora De Martel

Aurora de Martel

She is the sister of Tristan de Martel, and the daughter of Count de Martel. She is the first vampire ever turned by Rebekah Mikaelson, and a member of the Trinity. (x)

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9 years ago
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)
The Originals Characters In 10 Words - Aurora De Martel (insp)

The Originals characters in 10 words - Aurora de Martel (insp)

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1 year ago
 G O R G E O U S

‘ G o r g e o u s ’

Tristan De Martel x ImmortalWitch!Reader .

“ I’m not stupid, Y/N. I know that you’re in love with my brother. ” Aurora says with a playful smirk.

I sigh, staring blankly up at the art that littered the ceiling of the newest Strix mansion.

“ It doesn’t matter, Aurora. He’ll only ever see me as a colleague. He’s made it more than clear. ”

“ Don’t be so sure. He doesn’t keep just anyone around this long. ” She replies with a wink, her lavish accent shining through.

I lift my glass of bourbon to my crimson red painted lips, quickly guzzling the overpowering liquid.

“ Whatever. ” I say with a sigh, trying to appear nonchalant. “ Let’s talk about something else. Have you picked a gown yet for the next gala? ”

“ Not yet, should we make a trip to the city this weekend? surely my elder brother can excuse you for a few hours. ” she purrs, smiling.

“ I’m sure that can be arranged! ” I smile, straightening my charcoal mini skirt.

I see aurora glance at the door, instantly knowing who it is. I turn to see none other than Tristan De Martel, so magnetic it was almost obnoxious.

Walking towards Aurora and I. She stands to greet him, wrapping her arms around his taller frame as I stand there, trying not to stare.

“ Y/N, darling im glad you could make it! I assumed you’d be arriving Monday, along with Aya. ” He says, angelic in the way his raspy voice echoes off the walls as he ever so gently grabs my hand, kissing the back.

“ Well, I figured i’d surprise you. ” I say with a smile, before he starts talking with the lovely Aurora.

A true work of art in his black pea coat, fragrant of luxurious vanilla cologne and foreign cigars.

“ Can I make you a drink, Tristan? ” I offer, tucking a lose strand of hair behind my ear.

“ Yes, please. Thank you sweetheart. ” He purrs, smiling in my direction before continuing his conversation with his younger sister.

I walk over to the large, fully stocked bar, grabbing a clean glass and a fresh bottle of scotch. Aurora was right, I am *so* whipped. A faux sense of hope washes over me, as I can’t help but think about what it would be like to be loved by the Strix leader.

But alas, i’m not. To him, im just another person who runs around doing his bidding.

But a girl can dream, right ?

. . .

. . .

‘ you’re so gorgeous , i cant say anything to your face. ‘cause look at your face! ’

. . .

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