hyperactivewhore - nik's wife
nik's wife

she/her. xvii. i'll bark for a mikaelson. shifter. just a spanish girl who loves talking shit about her favorite characters.

560 posts

I Wanna Punch Klaus Every Time I Remember He Told Hayley She Wasn't A Mikaelson

I wanna punch Klaus every time I remember he told Hayley she wasn't a Mikaelson

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More Posts from Hyperactivewhore

1 year ago

Not me being in my period and reading this 😭

Okay, I'm in pain. Braces are not a joke. But hey fuck braces I'm a women and don't need a man, but here I am.

Reader being in her period and Klaud being a good boyfriend and going to the store and buying pads, tampons, chocolate, heating pads, etc.

All fluff, please.

Okay, I'm In Pain. Braces Are Not A Joke. But Hey Fuck Braces I'm A Women And Don't Need A Man, But Here

Help, Care, Love

Klaus poked his head round into Y/n’s room cautiously, he had gotten a meltdown of a phone call from her crying that she needed him.

He could’ve panicked that she had been in danger but he had learnt to recognise this specific cry. And he knew what she needed.

So he had made a quick detour to the shops before rushing to her house.

He stepped inside quietly and noticed her bathroom door a little open making his eyes soften. He neared it and pulled the pads and tampons out of the plastic bag before pushing it through the gap and holding it out until he felt her hand brush his as she took it from him.

“Thank you” she sniffed and he smiled softly to himself. He closed the door with a click and went to sit on her bed before noticing the sheets were bloody. He removed her bedding, bringing it to her laundry room and putting them in the washer before grabbing her other set and quickly putting it all on. Making sure the room smelt like fresh linen like he knew she liked and lighting a similar scented candle that he had bought for her and placing it on her dresser.

“Klaus?” She whispered hoarsely through the door and he looked over

“Is something wrong my love?” He asked gently, he could hear her shuffle on her feet and her thickly swallow

“Can you get me some clothes please?” She uttered, embarrassment in her voice.

“Of course” he replied quickly as he grabbed her some joggers and one of the henleys he had left there a little while before. He tapped on the door, prompting her to open it and turned his head away as she took the clothes from him and stepping back when she disappeared again.

He set the back on her side table and pulled out the box of chocolates, placing them on the side of her bed along with a a range of crisp brands, haribo and other snacks he picked up.

Y/n slowly opened the bathroom door and looked up to where Klaus stood waiting patiently for her, his expression softening when he noticed the clothes bundled up in her hands.

“Let me wash those for you angel” he murmured as he took them from her, flashed away and then back to her with clean hands and a loving smile.

Her fingers fiddled together before he moved forward and wrapped his arms around her frame. His hand held the back of her head, pressing her face into his chest and kissing her hair lightly.

“I got you something to eat if you’d like? Ibuprofen is best taken on a full stomach, but you can have your paracetamol now” he told her gently, stroking her hair leisurely. She nodded soundlessly and he leaned back a little to kiss her cheek before leading her back to her bed.

She froze when she looked to her bed, seeing he had already tidied everything for her and sniffed again making him gently stroke her face “Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” He questioned and she shook her head before hugging him tightly making him let out a breath and rubbing her back.

“I love you so much” she whispered and he smiled softly

“I love you so much more…” he murmured back, petting her head lovingly. “Is there anything you would like angel? Can I do anything for you?” He asked wanting to care for her as much as he could.

“I just need you” she whispered and he smiled warmly. He kept his arms around her, hugging her to him and waddling them other to her bed. He sat her up against the headboard, keeping her comfortable and tucking her legs under the covers. He pulls the pillows to support her back and grabbed a tube of pringles, placing them in her lap as he snuggled up to her side and pulled himself closer.

“Netflix..or…?” He trailed as her head dropped to rest against his shoulder

“Disney?” She asked quietly and he hummed, the one time y/n would get away with having him watch anything she wanted.

“If you insist dear” he agreed, a small smile on his lips when she nuzzled closer. He passed her the remote and dug his hand into his pocket to pull out the pain relief he had retrieved for her. He rummaged through the things he had bought her and popped the top off her bottled water. “One now?” He asked as he brought the pill to her mouth, she nodded and accepted. Once consumed he kissed the side of her head and let his hand rest on her lower belly.

“Where’s your heating pad?” He questioned quietly as her face scrunched in pain while she watched her film.

“I forgot to charge it” she whispered, disappointment clear in her tone.

“I’ll put it on charge and get you a hot water bottle instead okay?” He offered, though it wasn’t really a question more of an informative statement. He hurried down the stairs and grabbed the disregarded heating pad, plugged it in and boiled the kettle.

When he came back he found an overly emotional version of his girl as she munched on her chocolate buttons, wiping her tears after witnessing Mufasa’s death.

He couldn’t help the smile that creeped back up on him seeing her so vulnerable and soft.

Klaus slid back under the covers, pulling her close and holding the hot water bottle in place where she needed it, taking pride in her pleasure filled sigh. Her head rest on his shoulder and his head lay on top of hers. Both humming ‘Hakuna matata’, knowing it all to well from the amount of time she had him watch the movie.

The was only one look in the both their eyes. Love. A love so strong that it was all either of them could ever think about. On they never wanted to lose. Something worth living a thousand years.

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1 year ago

If you're a Damon or Katherine fan, I really don't recommend you read this. But if you dislike them as much as me, go ahead.

I was (stupidly) one of the few people that chose to think Damon didn't rape Caroline, because Pl*c said he didn't. And like, I prefer to believe that, not because I like Damon, I despise him, but because the amount of sexual abuse this show has is disgusting.

Tyler trying to rape Vicky, Damon raping Caroline, Katherine raping Stefan, etc. And damn, perhaps even when Klaus made out with Caroline while he was in Tyler's body.

Do I think he would have slept with her? No, but the fact that Caroline had already took her shirt off and Klaus didn't stop her until later always felt off for me. I don't think he would have raped her, at all. I don't see any of the Mikaelson as the rape type, perhaps Mikael, but not even then.

But anyways, while scrolling through Google, I decided to search how Julie actually "confirmed" Damon didn't rape Caroline, and honestly it's just pathetic.

If You're A Damon Or Katherine Fan, I Really Don't Recommend You Read This. But If You Dislike Them As

What does this even mean? Caroline herself said he abused her, AND fed on her. I mean, the quote is literally "I remember how you manipulated me. You pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories. Fed on me."

Yes, Caroline consented to sex the first time, but after that? He fed on her, and raped her as well.

And Katherine raped Stefan as well, I'm pretty sure. When she began compelling him, to "go on exactly like they wanted", he literally wasn't mentally able to consent to a romantic relationship with her, less alone sexual. And Stefan was 17, exactly the same age Caroline was when Damon raped her.

So, if I'm correct, Katherine raped Stefan, Damon raped Caroline and Andy, Tyler tried to force himself on Vicky and I think it's implied Stefan is a rapist as well in a flashback, but I'm not too sure because the last time I saw TVD (other than seasons 3/4) was in 2018, right when it ended, but the whole thing is him being seen with naked women and blood all over them while he had his humanity off I think. Anyway, disgusting.

I don't think the writers intented for them to be considered rapists, especially if we take into account the three of them are fan favorite. But it was 2009, a lot of things were taken lightly and I'm 100% sure TVD wouldn't have made it past the pilot if it had been streamed in 2020.

And yeah, every single character is a murderer on this show, but there's a difference between them. Both are traumatic and both are unforgiving, and in real life no one wants to be through that (I've seen people compare Elena and Caroline's trauma, her being raped and the first being abused by Klaus, which it's disgusting, there is no need to compare them). But if you're gonna bring one of them to fiction, always chose murder. Because in murder there may be a "redeeming" quality that explains why you did it, but rape? It's completely disgusting, it's awful and there is nothing that will ever excuse taking someone's free will like that.

But anyways: The Vampire Diaries is racist, rapist and a lot of things I'm for sure forgetting now. It's really hard to be a fan of this show sometimes, but I still like it, though I'm more of a fan of The Originals. And that show has problems of it's own, considering it made Elijah look racist and made Klaus sympathize with a group of vampires that the show recognized as nazis.

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1 year ago


Anyway, Elijah and Tristan definitely fucked. That's it, that's the post.

Anyway, Elijah And Tristan Definitely Fucked. That's It, That's The Post.
Anyway, Elijah And Tristan Definitely Fucked. That's It, That's The Post.
Anyway, Elijah And Tristan Definitely Fucked. That's It, That's The Post.
Anyway, Elijah And Tristan Definitely Fucked. That's It, That's The Post.

1 year ago

People love to act as if Elijah was their parent and yes, to some extent he was (it was even said by him in the last season) but he was just their older brother, and he was as much traumatized as every other Mikaelson was.

If I'm correct, he's the only Mikaelson shown to actually have remorse for his actions continually: after learning he killed Tatia, the first thing he did was beg for Klaus’s forgiveness because he was terrified of losing Klaus, despite the fact that he had done a lot of things worse to him. Or the whole Aurora thing, when he compelled her to believe Klaus was a monster and stuff, canonically the reason Klaus turned out to be how he was in the modern day and stuff: Elijah did regret what he did, and he stayed at his brother side through everything (something born out of guilt, as Klaus seemed to think, but anyway).

My point is that he owed nothing to his family. Yes, he should have tried to make Klaus stop daggering their siblings and I'm pretty sure it's shown in both shows he did try, but Klaus was a crazy motherfucker who loved to victimize himself and stuff. He shouldn't have treated Finn the way he did, that was so screwed up, he acted as if Finn didn't have the right to be bitter and mad after being locked in a box for an entire milennia.

And the way he treated Marcel makes my blood boil. It was so fucking disgusting, and his whole "you're not needed, the bio and white kid is here and she can make my brother better" line in season 4 is just fucking racist. I know it's because the writers are stupid and stuff, but after season three his character just got ruined for me. He was happy in s5 tho, and I hated the way they made Elijah not being able to live without Klaus as if he hadn't spent twenty years away from him without any contact prior tvd.

Anyway. Elijah is a good character, with flaws, that has a savior complex with his little brother, and who was basically the glue of the family. The family didn't see each other for a reason after his death, he was the one who kept them together and when he died they just couldn't remain the same.

"This isn't the end of the Mikaelson" it very much was. Klaus and Elijah died and the remaining family members other than Marcel and perhaps Freya, didn't give a damn about their niece, something y'all are always forgetting about. This turned into a inchorent rant, hmm, anyway.

Hi! Got here from Tik tok and you really like Elijah.

Just some conversation I wanted to share was how scary I think they made Elijah in the originals. Note that I don’t actually have any attachments to the characters so I might be stating things blantely. Another theory to why I believe the originals is “darker” than TVD.

This is because of Elijah. In TVD- Elijah helped all of his siblings. In the originals his character got a bit retconned.

In the originals, the entire plot-line of Elijah serving klaus was probably a perverted survival of the fittest ideology. Which he then subconsciously re-animate the trauma of not helping Niklaus , because deep down Elijah knows his reason was absolutely terrifying(self preservation).

I say re-animate trauma because Elijah says he too was “beaten without mercy.” So it’s not like he could’ve helped. But he had to convince himself he should’ve even though it wasn’t possible.

If it were possible than I would completely buy into it. But the writers explicitly say it wasn’t possible.

And because of that* he needed to devote himself to Klaus. Which makes sense because it is shown that Elijah is self loathing.( I can bring up examples if you want) And self loathing because he knows his facade is based on self interest and not nobility. They already say he isn’t noble and already pretends to be. And nobility is doing good for others without self interest.

And -I don’t know why but it seems like he pretends to love his siblings. Apparently he got rid of Finn because he wanted to be the oldest and the most respected in that manner. (The writers put this somewhere) . And he did so because … survival of the fittest.

And even Elijah’s actor admitted Elijah’s pretend love for his siblings.

In all honestly I don’t know why Elijah couldn’t love his siblings. The writers kinda just wrote it as such in the originals. -They hinted Elijah didn’t care about Rebecca’s happiness.

In TVD he wanted all his siblings out of the box . In the originals we see Elijah help Klaus out them there.

*saved Klaus from Mikael


(The entire klaus asking Elijah to run away with him when they were human -I don’t fully understand that,yet took the time to think about it)

Hi love, thanks for following!

Honestly, my biggest response to most of this is: poor writing. I could write a whole novel on this.

The CW is known for prioritizing ratings over the quality of the show and TVDU is no exception.

The Originals was definitely meant to be a darker show. They aged up all of the characters and focused more on the fight for survival rather than the teen romance we see in TVD.

So when I say the writing wasn't good at times, it's because the show let the audience drive it. Klaus was a favorite so they made a whole show around him and his redemption, often sacrificing the characters/development in order to push the narrative they believed would be most popular. So we see things like Kol and Finn's characters getting completely sidelined and Elijah being absolutely obsessed with Klaus when that wasn't the case for all of TVD.

I also like to think the writers intentionally made the Mikaelsons very biased in their storytelling, but it likely was just more inconsistent writing. But to me, it is more important to watch how they behave rather than what they say. Elijah and Klaus have a tendency to tell stories from the perspective of Klaus, discrediting even Elijah's own struggles/trauma.

I also think too much was put on Elijah at a young age. I see a lot of the fandom angry at Elijah for not protecting his brother when it is clear all of the siblings are just as terrified of Mikael as Klaus is. And I also would find it surprising if they all didn't receive some form of physical/emotional abuse from Mikael as children (remember Klaus was initially Mikael's favorite). But, as you said, Elijah and Klaus have convinced themselves that Elijah failed him as a way to shift blame from Klaus onto Elijah. Elijah is very much viewed as the parent of the family despite their parents' existence and even the failures of their parents are somehow blamed on Elijah.

I do think a lot of Elijah's attachment to Klaus was because he felt guilty for not protecting him better as a child. Childhood trauma has a way of sticking with you and can create a lot of negative trauma responses. But, in my head at least, it is also because that is his closest sibling. We see Elijah is born at a time of upheaval and depression in his family and is often neglected by his parents. To me, Klaus was likely the first person Elijah ever felt a bond with, ever felt love for/from.

I also think you are spot on with the self-loathing. People love to say Elijah pretended to be noble. But he never did. Others said that about him and he didn't necessarily correct them. Yet when we hear him talk about himself, he very much views himself as a monster (hence the red door). He is very aware that his entire motivation in life is protecting his family and he will cross any line to do so. He is also aware of how messed up that is. But this is exactly why you often see him as the one to volunteer to do the worst of the worst deeds. He is still attempting to preserve his siblings' redemption and, since he views himself as a lost cause, he continuously sacrifices his chance at redemption to save his family.

Now, where I think the show failed was how Elijah treated the rest of his siblings, especially Rebekah. I don't think he got rid of Finn to be the oldest (he never had an issue with Freya). But I do think he didn't move to save Finn because he resented him. Finn never protected Elijah, rather he often made things more difficult for his siblings. Elijah had to step up because his older brother refused to.

But I still don't buy that Elijah wasn't trying to protect his siblings for a thousand years. We only see about 1% of their life. But from what we can gather, Kol was locked up around 30-40% of the time and Rebekah was daggered for decades at a time. We don't know anything really about Elijah's experience with the dagger, but we know it has been used on him in the past. But like you said, Klaus asked Elijah to run with them when they were kids, but Elijah wouldn't leave the rest of his siblings behind. He prioritized all of his siblings, not just Klaus. So there was this shift in TO where Elijah was all of a sudden prioritizing Klaus over everyone else. They even apply it back to flashbacks, but it really makes no sense for the character we saw in TVD.

I think an aspect of him not protecting his siblings could be fear of Klaus or fear of isolating Klaus. He didn't act until Klaus had pushed him too far. But at the end of the day, it likely is just bad writing in order to prop Klaus up. The writers always wanted Klaus to have his redemption and didn't really care about the other characters. If no one believed in Klaus' redemption or fought for him, it would be harder to get the audience to fight for him. Klaus had to end up being the good sibling that they all loved so they had to sacrifice the one who actually made the most sense for the part.

Basically, in my opinion, Elijah loved his siblings more than anything and would have made any sacrifice for them. We see it through his actions (even if he's not always great at showing it) more so than the words/storytelling. He sacrificed himself countless times for them and would have died for them, not just Klaus. Unfortunately, the show was hell-bent on being centered around Klaus so we lost a lot of good character development.

** Side note, I don't tend to trust anything Daniel (the actor) says about Elijah. He did an amazing job with the acting but he very much did not pay attention to themes or overall storylines

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