she/her. xvii. i'll bark for a mikaelson. shifter. just a spanish girl who loves talking shit about her favorite characters.
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Do You Think That Klaus Loves Hope Enough To Forgive Her For Anything? Like Say, She Kills One Of His
Do you think that Klaus loves Hope enough to forgive her for anything? Like say, she kills one of his love interests like Caroline, Aurora, or Cami, would he still forgive her? Or if, she killed one of his siblings like Rebekah or Kol? Personally I think that if Hope killed one of his love interests Klaus would react much the same way Elijah reacted when he killed Gia. Obviously hurt and angry, but at the end of the day, he’ll forgive her because he loves Hope more than anyone else. But I don’t know how he would react to the lost of one of his siblings. Even when he daggered them, he still loved them in his own twisted way. He refused to abandon any of them, including Finn. After all, he hauled their bodies around the world for centuries.
Klaus would forgive her, but not forget.
Before his daughter was born, Klaus was the center of his own universe. He's narcissistic, paranoid and he spends all his time making enemies anytime he much as breathed. Those enemies were trying to kill him 24/7, and that included his own family more than once.
Literally all of his siblings (except Henrik but he didn't even reach puberty) have tried to kill him at least once: Elijah in the ritual, Rebekah by summoning Mikael to New Orleans and by siding with the Scooby-Doo gang, Kol spend half of his life trying to remove his brother from earth, Finn was manipulated by Esther and Freya seemed really ready to take him off the way if he didn't stop threatening her.
I don't remember Klaus seriously trying to kill any of his siblings: he just daggered them and kept them in coffins so they wouldn't be away, but the only people in his family he tried to seriously murder were Mikael and Esther, but that might be wrong because this characters are constantly being rewritten to fit into the narrative so correct me if I'm not in the right. And judging by how much Marcel and Klaus went back in their threats, they would never be able to actually kill the other and Marcel even said he couldn't hate him, because he's his father and stuff.
It's not hard to see that Klaus is toxically attached to his family members and he allowed Finn, his least favorite sibling and someone who originally intented to harm Hope, to live despite everything because he did love his brother no matter what.
So if Hope ever wanted to hurt anyone of his inner circle I don't see him taking it well, but I also don't see him hating her for it. Especially taking into account how Hope is: the only way I could see her ever harming anyone in her family is by having her humanity off, and not even then because when she had it she was only bullying all of them except Marcel (stan her for that btw.)
It's obvious how much he loves her, so I'll skip it and go straight to the point: Klaus would 100% forgive Hope, that girl could set the world on fire and he wouldn't give a fuck as long as she is safe and sound. But if she ever harmed anyone he cares about it would definitely hurt him. I don't see him picking the same strategy he always goes for whenever someone hurts him, that is playing the victim. No, Klaus would be definitely disappointed and hurt for a long time and that may strain their relationship for a while, but that wouldn't change his love for her.
Again, I can't see Hope hurting someone she/he loves in purpose without having her humanity off and not even then, but Klaus wouldn't hold it against her.
He would forgive her, because as Marcel said, Klaus will love the very worst of her until the oceans are dust.
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More Posts from Hyperactivewhore
random question, but what’s you’re favorite tvdu ship and crack ship?
Hmm, I don't think I actually have a favorite one, but the one I like the most is klaurora.
This probably sounds strange, but hear me out: we have Klaus obssesed with her for over a millennia, he was canonically still in love with her while "being" with Caroline, Cami and Hayley, and her breaking his heart is what made him turn out to be how he is now. He was painting her in literal walls, that were "tombs of his memories of her" and Aurora loved him just as much.
And the what if's are also an amazing part of the ship too! What would have happened if Aurora went with him in 1002? Would they had stayed together, would they not? Would Klaus still turn evil? And what would have happened if they didn't break up during s3? What would the family's reactions be? The dynamic between klaurora and Cami, who is very much in love with Klaus, a man who actually recipocrates her feelings but loves his girlfriend more, would be so incredible to watch.
My favorite crack ship would be klefan, I guess. Klaus was so pressed about Stefan not liking him any more to the point it was comical, he was literally throwing tantrums because his favorite vampire hated him while Stefan was constantly like "😒🤚"
They also have a lot of sexual tension sometimes, and that makes it a lot better. And, along with the fact that in my opinion Klaus is a raging bisexual, just makes it wonderful.
Say whatever you want, but I'll always headcanon they fucked.
Marcel and Kol would 100% wear pink to go watch Barbie
Elijah would wear a whole pink suit willingly, and Klaus would be forced by Hope and force her whole family to sing all the songs. And Rebekah would without a doubt go buy new outfits for Freya, Hayley and herself and they wouldn't say anything because that's the baby of the family
If Hayley's real name is Andrea Labonair, then why is she still referring to herself as Hayley Marshall? And why is everyone still calling her Hayley?
Hayley found out Andrea was her real name by the time she was 19/20, and by then she had been called Hayley for her whole life.
She is Hayley Marshall, the orphan werewolf who managed to found a family in the Mikaelson, not Andrea Labonair, the confident wolf queen the Crescent pack awaited for.
Hayley and everyone else keeps calling her that because she is Hayley Marshall. By the time she found out that she was Andrea Labonair, Hayley was already beginning to be a part of the Mikaelson family and yes, she still became the alpha of her pack, but as Hayley and not Andrea.
Some people have this weird fixation about making Klaus choose Caroline over Hope, especially in fanfics. I’ve seen fics where Klaus abandons Hope, or kills Hayley for disrespecting Caroline, or just ignores Hope in favor of Caroline. Like some people forget Hope’s his daughter - of course, he’s going to choose her over everyone. I think any decent parent would choose their child over a potential girlfriend/boyfriend. And Hayley is Hope’s mom, a very important person in her life. I don’t think Klaus would kill Hayley unless she posed a threat to Hope or if she tried to take Hope away from him. Honestly, I don’t think he would even tolerate people openly disrespecting Hayley in front of Hope, regardless of who it was.
Another thing that I’ve noticed is how people are so determined to make Klaus a father figure to the twins, particularly Lizzie. I’ve read a fic in which Klaus clearly and openly favored Lizzie over his own daughter - which would never happen. I think that if Klaus and Caroline actually did end up together, he still wouldn’t be that present in the twins lives. Since he is overprotective to the extreme, I think that he would hold some resentment over how the twins treated Hope in their younger years. He’s petty enough to hold a grudge against a kid. And anyway, I don’t ever see Alaric allowing Lizzie or Josie to get close to Klaus, no matter what Caroline says.
I don’t know… it’s just weird that people keep diminishing Hope’s relationship with her own father to benefit their ship. Sorry for the rambling.
People fail to remember that Klaus is his own person and not an extension of the ships they like, and that ship half of the time is klaroline because they are obssesed with making him her personal puppy, as if that ever happened in canon.
Granted, Klaus said a few nice things to her and did like two good things to make Caroline not feel so guilty about wanting to fuck him, but other than that there's no way he would ever seriously chose her over his family, especially his own daughter. He chose to save her over Rebekah back in Mystic Falls because his sister is immortal, Caroline isn't.
I've never actually read long klaroline/klamille/klayley fanfiction. Sure, I use to read some oneshots from time to time because they have really good writing, but this fanfics I'll talk about best used to show up while I was in the klaus or mikaelson tag and I used to take a look because I was curious. It has some wild elements, that's for sure.
I've seen a lot of fanfics where they make Caroline some weird ass hybrid/tribrid that manages to be a werewolf, witch and vampire all in one and it's like wtf. They complain constantly about Hope's existence because she breaks canon and yet they make this baby vampire the biggest Mary Sue ever. Yes, the producers created Hope because they wanted to create their own magical baby like Renaissance from Twilight, but they make a fool of themselves by making Caroline be anything but a vampire. Caroline was incredibly mean and a complete hypocrite as a human and don't bring me the "she was insecure and always in Elena's shadow" because I'm insecure too and that doesn't make me be a bitch to the people who love me. Klaus was always threatening her whenever she spoke in a way he didn't like, and that was when she was already the "sunshine vampire" people claim to love so badly, so people who think he would even let her live if he met her as a human are laughable.
Klaroline shippers are so pressed about Hayley being Hope's mother, I can't even tell you how many posts, videos and weird fanfics I've seen of Caroline being her mother and being the "Mikaelson's light". I've said it a lot of times, but the Mikaelson wouldn't like Caroline at all: Rebekah and Hayley were constantly slutshamed by her, Elijah hates people who insult/hurt his family, Kol was literally killed by one of her best friends and he would not be okay with that, Finn couldn't care less and Freya probably just heard bad things from her, if she even knew about her existence. And in top of that, Caroline literally threw a party when she thought Klaus died.
When they have any Mikaelson or Klaus, especially Klaus, kill Hayley, I just lose it. Why the hell would Klaus ever do that? He literally lost his mind when she died, he was a mess and they don't even want to admit he loved Hayley: new flash, he did. She was his family, the mother of his daughter, probably his best and only friend and he loved her. Not in a romantic way, but they still get pressed because how dare Klaus have feelings for anyone other than their queen Caroline.
Also, their obsession with making Caroline be called queen? It's creepy and weird, it must be really annoying for them that Klaus only called Cami and Hayley a queen. Those two girls were a thousand times closer to be considered family by him than Caroline ever could, and his siblings did care for those women too.
This reminds me of a really good point in klaroline fics: if Caroline is the one pregnant with Hope, Klaus will react a lot better. I just can't see this, Klaus’s daddy issues are literally the main point of his character. He hated Mikael as much as he desired his love, he always yearned for one of his parents to care and no one did: Mikael, because he was a piece of shit, Esther, because she was terrified of her husband and there's literally no other reason in canon that explains why she allowed Mikael's abuse and Ansel, because he was forced to stay away and was killed twice. That isn't gonna change just because he got Caroline, sorry to tell you.
I can see him reacting less murderer and less threatening. Alkaline covers this so well and it's one of my favorite Klaus fanfics, if he has a romantic relationship with the woman he got pregnant he wouldn't tell the witches to kill her and their baby, but I do think he would still think at first she cheated, not only because of his paranoia but also because he is supposedly incapable of having kids.
The whole Lizzie and Josie thing is really a good point! I agree, Klaus would never favor the twins over Hope or even Marcel. Those are his kids, he raised them and he never met Josie and Lizzie until they were like what, twelve? Thirteen? He even said people needed to ask him permission to even talk to Hope, he would 100% hold a grudge against the Saltzman twins for being mean to his daughter. I also think that the whole "Klaus would like Lizzie more than Josie" is because physically and in terms of personality, Lizzie is the one that resembles Caroline the most. So when writers have him openly prefer Lizzie isn't only weird, it has some uncomfortable pedophilic vibes.
I've only seen klaroline and some klayley shippers say that about klope, how he would love x girl more than Hope and etc. I hardly doubt they even remember canon Klaus, just their fanfic version because if Klaus ever had to chose he would always chose his daughter. I've also seen, in a lot of fanfics, not only klaroline ones, how Klaus would love more or completely ignore his oc kid (they also have Hope he a complete bitch from the start, even if it's her seven years old version) and it's just strange. There are a lot of reasons why Klaus and Marcel didn't have a stable relationship, mainly all the bad blood between them and the fact that Marcel was already grown up by the time they met, but he never hesitated to put himself in danger for him. Klaus even refused to kill him, knowing he was endangering Hope. I just can't see him ignoring his kid, especially if he got to actually see him/her grow up.
This is not bashing to the writers btw! Sorry if it came out like that.