Esther Mikaelson - Tumblr Posts
quick thoughts that I have at mind in night: it makes me fucking mad how the writers handled Marcel and Klaus relationship.
Klaus was practically his father, and both Marcel and Klaus (and even Elijah) said a thousands of times they saw each other as father and son, because that's what they are.
But yet they practically were at each others throat 24/7. The Mikaelson (my baby girls all of them, except Mikael and Esther, they can rot) treated him like some outsider but welcomed Hayley (also my baby girl) with open arms.
(Not exactly tho, but you get my point. I could go on a whole speech about how the Mikaelson only see people they share blood with as family)
And I completely adore Hope, but why was she more important to Klaus than Marcel??? It's pushing the whole "bio kid is more important and loved that the adopted one" down our throats.
Also, I'm so mad they didn’t even get a goodbye scene in season 5. Fucking Caroline, his one night stand did, but not his own son?
I'm aware it's all fault of Julie Pl*c disgusting racist ass, but oh well.
hi, writing an originals / tvd elijah fanfiction on ao3 and i like your brain. can you elaborate your thoughts on klaus and his preoccupation with his sister rebekah? he’s obsessed and i’m wanting to give you a space to just go nuts on the topic and maybe help me with my characterization? my fic revolves around trauma, religious and generational, and i’m not looking to paint klaus as anything other than severely disturbed. and this disturbing opinion is not one i encounter a lot. so: what’s his deal with his sister?
Klaus is an incredibly difficult character to write and he is, in my opinion, the most complex character in the tvd universe.
As a human, Klaus craved love desperately and the only people who gave it to him were Elijah and Rebekah: I wouldn't count Esther in, because despite the fact that she clearly loved him and all her kids, she just didn't give him the reassurance and comfort he needed, and she didn't protect him from Mikael either. As a result, Klaus clinged to the two of them and that only got worse when they turned into vampires. His "clinginess" turned into paranoia mixed with a toxic love, and as a result, he started controlling their lives by daggering them or/and killing any potential lovers because he was scared his siblings would love those persons more than they loved him and/or leave him because of it.
With Rebekah it was just worse, because they were the closest growing up and they remained the closest as vampires as well until Hope was born, where Elijah took her spot because she was finally free of him. It's canon Rebekah stood with Klaus even when Elijah didn't, and knowing how controlling he is, it's safe to assume she didn't get to be away from him for more than a month without having him throw a fit (I'm not counting The Originals days in this, because as I said before, it took Rebekah wanting to kill him to make Klaus see he was an asshole and he has to change his ways for the sake of his unborn daughter). In top of that, there's the side of him that gets insanely jealous whenever Rebekah has the smallest crush.
That is part of what I said about his paranoia and toxicity: he couldn't and wouldn't allow anyone to take his spot in her life, he loved her in a way that was abusive and Rebekah had no other choice but accept it. He was more than just overprotective and she falls in love way too easily, not just because he denied her the chance of a lasting relationship but also because mentally she's just a teenager that tends (at least in tvd) to lash out emotionally when people don't love her the way she wants them to.
In romantic terms, Klaus was denied of love too: he got rejected by Aurora in the most cruel way ever and Tatia didn't love him because she was in love with Elijah, and even a thousand years later the wounds caused by both women were in a sense still fresh. So he took it out on his little sister too, who was fond of anyone who was sweet to her, perhaps because he didn’t want her to go through the same heartache as him, and because he has been in love too and those feelings clouded his thoughts too much.
I mean, like when Aurora dumped her to the bottom of the ocean, when he was flirting with Hayley, when he was also flirting with Caroline while the mother of his daughter was kidnapped, or when he sacrificed himself for Cami: Klaus has put those women over his family a lot of times, something all his siblings have done with their respective love interests, and yet he criticizes them when they do it. They all chose love over family, but in Klaus's mind, he was the only one who had the right to. He's selfish like that, he can do whatever he wants but as soon as his family does the same he flips.
Despite that, he clearly loves his family. He loves Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Freya, and even Finn: after all, he daggered him and kept him in a box for a thousand years and stuffed his mother into a coffin but he still carried their dead bodies around because he wasn't willing to abandon them despite everything.
One of my personal headcanons that you can take as canon if you want is that a part of his abuse towards Rebekah is because she looks like Esther. Their mother binded him, stripped him from his werewolf heritage and in a fit of rage he killed her: but it didn't do anything to quell his anger because his favorite sibling, his little sister, was her living image. We all know Klaus doesn't deal well with his emotions, especially the ones related to betrayal, so of course he was gonna blame his mother's actions on Rebekah.
And I don't know if that's what you meant, but I have a dumb brain so if you intented to have Klaus having "romantic" feelings for Rebekah it's more or less the same: he was obssesed with her, he didn't allow anyone to have her and she was the only woman who showed him loyalty, so his feelings could have easily changed into a form of twisted love and the mentality of "if I can't have her, no one can".
Anyway, I'm really honored you asked me about my opinion 🙌. Klaus is a fucked up person and it's hard to think why he does the things he does, people love to blame all his actions and the way he is on his bad childhood and Mikael's abuse and yeah, he deserved a better human life but his actions were his, being abused doesn't mean you have abuse other people and in his fear and hate he turned out to be even worse than Mikael in a sense.
(He's still my bitch tho)
Do you think that Klaus loves Hope enough to forgive her for anything? Like say, she kills one of his love interests like Caroline, Aurora, or Cami, would he still forgive her? Or if, she killed one of his siblings like Rebekah or Kol? Personally I think that if Hope killed one of his love interests Klaus would react much the same way Elijah reacted when he killed Gia. Obviously hurt and angry, but at the end of the day, he’ll forgive her because he loves Hope more than anyone else. But I don’t know how he would react to the lost of one of his siblings. Even when he daggered them, he still loved them in his own twisted way. He refused to abandon any of them, including Finn. After all, he hauled their bodies around the world for centuries.
Klaus would forgive her, but not forget.
Before his daughter was born, Klaus was the center of his own universe. He's narcissistic, paranoid and he spends all his time making enemies anytime he much as breathed. Those enemies were trying to kill him 24/7, and that included his own family more than once.
Literally all of his siblings (except Henrik but he didn't even reach puberty) have tried to kill him at least once: Elijah in the ritual, Rebekah by summoning Mikael to New Orleans and by siding with the Scooby-Doo gang, Kol spend half of his life trying to remove his brother from earth, Finn was manipulated by Esther and Freya seemed really ready to take him off the way if he didn't stop threatening her.
I don't remember Klaus seriously trying to kill any of his siblings: he just daggered them and kept them in coffins so they wouldn't be away, but the only people in his family he tried to seriously murder were Mikael and Esther, but that might be wrong because this characters are constantly being rewritten to fit into the narrative so correct me if I'm not in the right. And judging by how much Marcel and Klaus went back in their threats, they would never be able to actually kill the other and Marcel even said he couldn't hate him, because he's his father and stuff.
It's not hard to see that Klaus is toxically attached to his family members and he allowed Finn, his least favorite sibling and someone who originally intented to harm Hope, to live despite everything because he did love his brother no matter what.
So if Hope ever wanted to hurt anyone of his inner circle I don't see him taking it well, but I also don't see him hating her for it. Especially taking into account how Hope is: the only way I could see her ever harming anyone in her family is by having her humanity off, and not even then because when she had it she was only bullying all of them except Marcel (stan her for that btw.)
It's obvious how much he loves her, so I'll skip it and go straight to the point: Klaus would 100% forgive Hope, that girl could set the world on fire and he wouldn't give a fuck as long as she is safe and sound. But if she ever harmed anyone he cares about it would definitely hurt him. I don't see him picking the same strategy he always goes for whenever someone hurts him, that is playing the victim. No, Klaus would be definitely disappointed and hurt for a long time and that may strain their relationship for a while, but that wouldn't change his love for her.
Again, I can't see Hope hurting someone she/he loves in purpose without having her humanity off and not even then, but Klaus wouldn't hold it against her.
He would forgive her, because as Marcel said, Klaus will love the very worst of her until the oceans are dust.
Some people have this weird fixation about making Klaus choose Caroline over Hope, especially in fanfics. I’ve seen fics where Klaus abandons Hope, or kills Hayley for disrespecting Caroline, or just ignores Hope in favor of Caroline. Like some people forget Hope’s his daughter - of course, he’s going to choose her over everyone. I think any decent parent would choose their child over a potential girlfriend/boyfriend. And Hayley is Hope’s mom, a very important person in her life. I don’t think Klaus would kill Hayley unless she posed a threat to Hope or if she tried to take Hope away from him. Honestly, I don’t think he would even tolerate people openly disrespecting Hayley in front of Hope, regardless of who it was.
Another thing that I’ve noticed is how people are so determined to make Klaus a father figure to the twins, particularly Lizzie. I’ve read a fic in which Klaus clearly and openly favored Lizzie over his own daughter - which would never happen. I think that if Klaus and Caroline actually did end up together, he still wouldn’t be that present in the twins lives. Since he is overprotective to the extreme, I think that he would hold some resentment over how the twins treated Hope in their younger years. He’s petty enough to hold a grudge against a kid. And anyway, I don’t ever see Alaric allowing Lizzie or Josie to get close to Klaus, no matter what Caroline says.
I don’t know… it’s just weird that people keep diminishing Hope’s relationship with her own father to benefit their ship. Sorry for the rambling.
People fail to remember that Klaus is his own person and not an extension of the ships they like, and that ship half of the time is klaroline because they are obssesed with making him her personal puppy, as if that ever happened in canon.
Granted, Klaus said a few nice things to her and did like two good things to make Caroline not feel so guilty about wanting to fuck him, but other than that there's no way he would ever seriously chose her over his family, especially his own daughter. He chose to save her over Rebekah back in Mystic Falls because his sister is immortal, Caroline isn't.
I've never actually read long klaroline/klamille/klayley fanfiction. Sure, I use to read some oneshots from time to time because they have really good writing, but this fanfics I'll talk about best used to show up while I was in the klaus or mikaelson tag and I used to take a look because I was curious. It has some wild elements, that's for sure.
I've seen a lot of fanfics where they make Caroline some weird ass hybrid/tribrid that manages to be a werewolf, witch and vampire all in one and it's like wtf. They complain constantly about Hope's existence because she breaks canon and yet they make this baby vampire the biggest Mary Sue ever. Yes, the producers created Hope because they wanted to create their own magical baby like Renaissance from Twilight, but they make a fool of themselves by making Caroline be anything but a vampire. Caroline was incredibly mean and a complete hypocrite as a human and don't bring me the "she was insecure and always in Elena's shadow" because I'm insecure too and that doesn't make me be a bitch to the people who love me. Klaus was always threatening her whenever she spoke in a way he didn't like, and that was when she was already the "sunshine vampire" people claim to love so badly, so people who think he would even let her live if he met her as a human are laughable.
Klaroline shippers are so pressed about Hayley being Hope's mother, I can't even tell you how many posts, videos and weird fanfics I've seen of Caroline being her mother and being the "Mikaelson's light". I've said it a lot of times, but the Mikaelson wouldn't like Caroline at all: Rebekah and Hayley were constantly slutshamed by her, Elijah hates people who insult/hurt his family, Kol was literally killed by one of her best friends and he would not be okay with that, Finn couldn't care less and Freya probably just heard bad things from her, if she even knew about her existence. And in top of that, Caroline literally threw a party when she thought Klaus died.
When they have any Mikaelson or Klaus, especially Klaus, kill Hayley, I just lose it. Why the hell would Klaus ever do that? He literally lost his mind when she died, he was a mess and they don't even want to admit he loved Hayley: new flash, he did. She was his family, the mother of his daughter, probably his best and only friend and he loved her. Not in a romantic way, but they still get pressed because how dare Klaus have feelings for anyone other than their queen Caroline.
Also, their obsession with making Caroline be called queen? It's creepy and weird, it must be really annoying for them that Klaus only called Cami and Hayley a queen. Those two girls were a thousand times closer to be considered family by him than Caroline ever could, and his siblings did care for those women too.
This reminds me of a really good point in klaroline fics: if Caroline is the one pregnant with Hope, Klaus will react a lot better. I just can't see this, Klaus’s daddy issues are literally the main point of his character. He hated Mikael as much as he desired his love, he always yearned for one of his parents to care and no one did: Mikael, because he was a piece of shit, Esther, because she was terrified of her husband and there's literally no other reason in canon that explains why she allowed Mikael's abuse and Ansel, because he was forced to stay away and was killed twice. That isn't gonna change just because he got Caroline, sorry to tell you.
I can see him reacting less murderer and less threatening. Alkaline covers this so well and it's one of my favorite Klaus fanfics, if he has a romantic relationship with the woman he got pregnant he wouldn't tell the witches to kill her and their baby, but I do think he would still think at first she cheated, not only because of his paranoia but also because he is supposedly incapable of having kids.
The whole Lizzie and Josie thing is really a good point! I agree, Klaus would never favor the twins over Hope or even Marcel. Those are his kids, he raised them and he never met Josie and Lizzie until they were like what, twelve? Thirteen? He even said people needed to ask him permission to even talk to Hope, he would 100% hold a grudge against the Saltzman twins for being mean to his daughter. I also think that the whole "Klaus would like Lizzie more than Josie" is because physically and in terms of personality, Lizzie is the one that resembles Caroline the most. So when writers have him openly prefer Lizzie isn't only weird, it has some uncomfortable pedophilic vibes.
I've only seen klaroline and some klayley shippers say that about klope, how he would love x girl more than Hope and etc. I hardly doubt they even remember canon Klaus, just their fanfic version because if Klaus ever had to chose he would always chose his daughter. I've also seen, in a lot of fanfics, not only klaroline ones, how Klaus would love more or completely ignore his oc kid (they also have Hope he a complete bitch from the start, even if it's her seven years old version) and it's just strange. There are a lot of reasons why Klaus and Marcel didn't have a stable relationship, mainly all the bad blood between them and the fact that Marcel was already grown up by the time they met, but he never hesitated to put himself in danger for him. Klaus even refused to kill him, knowing he was endangering Hope. I just can't see him ignoring his kid, especially if he got to actually see him/her grow up.
This is not bashing to the writers btw! Sorry if it came out like that.
Matt and Caroline, characters who added absolutely nothing to the trama and one of them was only there bcs fan favorite, got to be at the ball and yet my girl Bonnie couldn't???
I will always hate the Mikealson Ball episode simply because Bonnie wasn’t there. 🤷🏽♀️
I get being upset about Bonnie not being invited to the Mikaelson ball, but here you go once again, blaming Caroline for a choice the writer's made, something she had no part of. People are getting weird AF with their anti Caroline stance and it's getting ridiculous.
Here you go once again, putting words I didn't say in my mouth.
Does it upset me that Bonnie wasn't invited to the ball? Yes. Does Caroline being there make me mad? No. Do I think she shouldn't have come? Yes, I certainly think so.
I complained about Caroline and Matt being there because plot wise it was absolutely stupid and it made no sense. They didn't add absolutely nothing to the events developing there, and their presence was completely unneeded: Caroline and Matt were there solely because of Klaus and Rebekah/delena. This was the moment the showrunners decided to start writing klaroline, exclusively and only because the fans liked their first scene together, so they decided to have her going to the ball just to have their "romance" developing, which made no sense for her at all;
Klaus literally tried to kill her a few episodes prior, he had Tyler bite her on her birthday leaving her on the brink of death and then he showed up to heal her. Where is her self-preservation? Wasn't she scared of him at all?
It's funny to me that she only accepted to go because of Rebekah inviting Matt. Did she thought he was in potential danger? Did she decide to go to try to protect him? I get she was worried about her friend, but this is slightly strange.
Matt was just there for Rebekah and to make Damon and Elena fight because of his altercation with Kol, nothing else, and his presence and the issue he caused wasn't that serious because they made up an episode later. Why would he go? He was a human on a house full of the oldest vampires to ever live, and he was aware of this. I'm aware Matt isn't the brightest person to walk the earth, but everybody knows a human shouldn't be around bloodthirsty vampires.
Again, just stupid. Caroline and Matt shouldn't have been at the ball, that's all. Elena and the Salvatore going made sense: she was the doppelgänger, Stefan had story with them and Damon wouldn't allow her to go anywhere without any of them.
Bonnie, however, had every single reason to be there:
She was Ayana's descendant.
Esther would want to meet a Bennett witch, seeing she was best friends with one once and she knew they were powerful allies.
She had been more close than anyone to killing Klaus: the fact that he didn't try to seduce her or try to kill her was ooc, especially because he befriended witches before klaroline came in.
Kol loved witches and this bitch knows everything about everyone. It surprises me that he didn't try to get her on his side or at least use her to try to take down any member of his family.
The Bennett bloodline is far more powerful in magic terms than any other family could ever be, their blood was needed for like half of the most powerful spells and the fact that not a single person thought about getting on Bonnie's good side is completely stupid.
What is ridiculous is that people dickride 3x14 to hell because of the fanservice. I love this episode, but calling out it's flaws it's not a bad thing.
One thing that will always upset me about the Mikaelson family is how young they are in vampire standards. They're supposed to be the oldest family in history, the first vampires to ever live and they're just a thousand years old??? They should have been older.
In the books, Klaus was over a six thousand years old and born in the Bronze Age and he was also a lot worse - his siblings didn't even exist.
Do you know what I despise about The Originals?
When the writers have the Mikaelsons be the most powerful witch bloodline when Esther was taught everything there is to know about magic by Ayanna a BENNETT WITCH. Esther went to Ayanna to turn her husband and children into vampires because Ayanna was far more experienced than her, but Ayanna refused, so Esther was forced to do the spell herself and probably had difficulties casting it. The spell probably took her days or even weeks to complete, while it probably would have taken Ayanna a night. Esther needed the help of Bonnie and her mother to kill her children, descendants of her mentor. She praised Bonnie for almost killing Klaus, which she stated was impressive. In TVD Bennett witches are the most powerful witch bloodline. Bennett witches have practically created supernatural creatures because Qetsiyah created the world's first immortals, which led to Esther getting the idea to turn her children and husband into the world's first vampires. So the TO writers really want me to believe that the Mikaelsons are the most powerful witch bloodline? First of all, Dahlia, Esther, Freya, and Hope aren't Mikaelson witches. They're Hagen witches. Dahlia was Mikael's sister-in-law, not his blood relative. She was Esther's sister, and their last names were Hagen. So, the women would be Hagen witches. Second, the TO writers want us to believe that the Hagen witches (I'm not calling them Mikaelson witches because they aren't Mikaelson witches. Mikael was an ordinary human before becoming a vampire) are the most powerful because Esther created vampires? Okay, but Qetisyah created immortality, a Bennett witch created The Five, Emily created daylight jewelry and the Gilbert rings, Bonnie literally stopped hellfire. They're powerful, how??? Also, Hope shouldn't even be that powerful at as young as 7. Come on, TO writers. She's 1/4 witch. The TO writers made her so powerful because she was the tribrid, but being part vampire and werewolf shouldn't make her magic so powerful. Especially since she was raised by Hayley for 5 years and her mother was a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Where did she get all that power??? LOL. This is why Hope Mikaelson shouldn't have existed. The first born Mikaelson witch crap was pulled out of the TO writer's ass because that didn't make any sense. I would have believed Hope was that powerful if her mother had been Bonnie. Bonnie is part of an extremely powerful bloodline, so Hope being so powerful at 7 years old would have made a lot more sense.
That's the power of white witches in tvdu! They get to love their magic, have their empowered moments and yet we have Bonnie be physically in pain whenever she casts a spell and etc.
I don't get why people say Esther is one of the most powerful witches: she isn't, she has never been and she'll never be. She had to go to Dahlia for a simple fertility spell that she wasn't able to do, she learned everything she knew thanks to Ayana and if I remember correctly, she was always channeling covens or witches. And don't even get me started on her being the "original witch", as if Esther had been the first witch to ever walk the earth. That title belonged to Qetsiyah if anything.
Though it's important to know that Dahlia actually doesn't have a last name, I don't blame you for calling her Hagen but that's her fanon surname, one made by TikTok and they're constantly changing it, but I do agree. The whole Mikael Mikaelson thing was done badly too, that's not how viking surnames work and they screwed up badly with naming Rebekah and Freya "Mikaelson", it should've been Mikaelsdottir but let's ignore this little ramble of mine and continue.
The Bennett bloodline was done badly, that's a fact. They're the creators of everything and yet they were used and discarded in an awful way. We're supposed to buy Esther is this amazing witch for creating vampires (by stealing someone's spell, mind you) when her modified spell had awful errors. The Mikaelson aren't even that powerful when it comes to magic; if Esther was that amazing at witchcraft, Kol and Freya wouldn't have been the only ones to inherit her magic.
Don't even get me started with Hope. Her character has been a plothole since the very first moment no matter how much the writers twist it, and it's very clear she only existed in the first place because she's the Renesmee of Tvdu (the Malivore plot was thought of way later, so don't bring that up) and I completely agree, she shouldn't have been that powerful. Klaus doesn't come from a strong witch bloodline and neither does Hayley, I understand they both descended from the original packs of werewolves but that only means Hope would have been feral and overpowered once she unlocked her werewolf curse, something that didn't happen.
If they wanted Hope to be so powerful just by being the tribrid, then Bonnie should have been her mother without a doubt. She's one of the most powerful witches in tvdu, she unlike Hope has a strong witch bloodline and it is what would have made the most sense plot-wise.
But we all know what the writers think about black women and having an important role in the series.
Why do you think Mikael was so angry at Klaus specifically? Why wasn’t he more angry at Esther, who was the one who cheated on him? And why wasn’t he a little angry at Ansel? Why did he focus all his anger on Klaus?
No idea about Esther, but Mikael was mad at Ansel.
He literally hunted down his entire family and him, brutally killing him and that was what caused the whole fight between vampires vs werewolves, as stated by Elijah in season two. He started a war between species that would last more than a thousand years just because his wife cheated on him, so I'm pretty sure he was a little angry at him.
Despite what everyone seems to think, I'm pretty sure Mikael abused Esther too, but it's not like he could actually "punish her" for it considering Klaus murdered her shortly after they became vampires.
And no matter how Klaus ended up turning out after he turned, it was just awful the way Mikael treated him, and while I do think he abused his entire family, I do believe Klaus got the worst part of it. But Mikael himself said he didn't know why he hated him, even before he knew everything: he just did. However, I think it may have something to do with how much Freya and him looked alike, especially as children. Nothing justifies it, though.
Honestly I meant it more in the TVD-way, like back when tvd was airing it still made the most sense for Bonnie to be Hope's mother and if I'm correct, all those Esther spells/feats weren't mentioned until The Originals (it's been a while tho, so I'm not sure, feel free to correct me).
Like I'm pretty sure the writers didn't already have in mind Hayley was descendant of the woman who made the werewolves curse the moment she was introduced, and when the writers introduced Inadu and her connection to Hope it did make sense, but I still believe Hope should have had a witch mother, whether it was Bonnie or someone else from a powerful bloodline.
Nothing about why Hope is a powerful witch makes sense, considering the Mikaelson and Labonair bloodline.
Her paternal grandmother wasn't the great witch everyone thinks, she went to her sister for a fertility spell, was always channeling someone and out of her seven children, only two inherited her magic gene. Hayley and Klaus both descend from the seven original werewolves bloodline, but that only means Hope should have been a crazily overpowered werewolf destined to destroy them all, not the death to all witches.
I get why Klaus was her father, due to being the original hybrid, but Hayley? She was a good mother, don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing her but the writing, and it's obvious neither of them had a strong witch bloodline. But do you know who did? Bonnie Bennett.
She should have been Hope's mother, it's what makes the most sense plot-wise.
Hey! I hope your having a wonderful day <3
I was curious to see how you feel about those stories where the OC is significantly more powerful than the Mikaelson Family? Like the ones where people just add the OC as a Scarlet Witch. I honestly don’t think any of the Mikaelsons would react very well to having someone significantly more powerful than them in their vicinity. As shown in quite a few episodes. Let alone one of them being romantically involved.
Hi! I'm fine, how about you?
I'm not gonna lie, these kind of stories are hard to read most of the time, especially because the powers these ocs have are practically never executed well. Why do they have that magic, who gave it to them, how do they even manage to live having that much amount of power? If people are so desperate to have their ocs be the next Wanda Maximoff, at least try better. Make their parents a god or goddess, perhaps both, someone like Thor, Loki, Freyja, especially considering the Mikaelson worshipped the Norse deities.
I honestly don't see any of them reacting well at all, especially Klaus and Kol. For a thousand years, they believed themselves to be the most strongest beings on earth and often were proud of it, knowing it meant they were "untouchable" and the few who dared to go after them were easily dealt with (excluding Mikael). We've all seen how they reacted to their parents, Bonnie, Dahlia, Inadu, Lucien, and all the people who came close to killing them, so imagining them having to deal with someone who is in Wanda level, who can warp reality and create life from nothing would be an interesting dynamic.
Trying to kill this kind of ooc would nearly be impossible, but knowing how prideful the Mikaelson are this would not stop them at all. I can see Elijah trying to negotiate some kind of truce should the need arise, and I can easily see as well Klaus and Kol trying to seduce her/him to put themselves in their good side if they've run out of chances, but this would likely be the last option considering how much it would eat them inside to have to "yield" to someone who tried killing them/is more powerful than them.
However, Kol was also absolutely terrified of Silas, to the point where he tried to kill his sister to stop her from waking him up, so it's hard to determine with him. It's very likely in my opinion, that he sided with this ooc if he got something from it, some sort of protection or escape from his family - but this alliance would prove to be very short, as all the Mikaelson are cockroaches who can never be truly away from each other.
Rebekah, on the other hand, is a hard guess for me too, considering how short her time on both shows was. Someone more powerful than her family, than her brother, who often abused her? Depending on which Rebekah we're talking about, I can see her trying to charm her way into this ooc's heart to have a defense against Klaus. But TO Rebekah would without a doubt stand with her family against anyone.
Any Mikaelson falling in love with this person, however, is unlikely to happen in my opinion. As I said before, I can see them - all of them, to be honest - making this person fall in love with them to have her/him "under control" or to have a secret weapon, but love is a very different thing from manipulation or lust. I can easily see them developing a toxic relationship that lasts through centuries if they do happen to fall in love, and being some sort of "frenemies" with the Mikaelson, but all of this is hypothetical, of course.
Thanks for the ask!
I just realized something. Why did they call esther the “first witch” when she learned all her magic form Ayana….
classic Julie plec…

Listen, I think Joseph Morgan did a good job as Klaus and I genuinely can’t imagine anyone else playing him, but the fact that Klaus isn’t half Native American makes no fucking sense. And don’t get me wrong, i’m aware how rooted in racism the TVDU is, but still. Make it makes sense. You can’t.