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Pit Magic

Pit Magic

This oneā€¦This one is going to start a little strange, and with a bit more world building than I let myself indulge in for my Tumblr ideas, but the set up is a bit necessary. As always there is no Canon to see here.

The first important note here is magic and how magic works. Magic here is both sentient and not. Magic does not necessarily have thoughts, but does have opinions about who and how it is used.Ā  With Spells powerful enough to leave remnants behind, those remnants do not work well going against their original purpose or used by people whose intentions are too different from their first caster. All magic, after enough time, can be corrupted (made to work against its original purpose- so remnants of a spell made to kill used to heal would also be a corruption) but even corrupted magic is, for lack of a better term, protective of anyone or anything that matches the vibe of its pure form.Ā 

This brings us to the Lazarus Pits. There is no recorded history of the Pits, with its mystical water that cures the sick and kills the healthy.Ā  No one ever recorded its true origin. The truth is the original Lazarus Water was a non magical spring in a cave system in what is present day Turkey, a location that was long lost even before Raā€™s Al Ghul began using the Pits.Ā  This cave was the home to a small tribe in the middle of the last ice age. An illness struck this tribe, nearly wiping out the entire tribe in a matter of hours. All except the daughter of the tribe's leader, who had a natural magic. Though grieving, her main intention was to help, to save those she loved no matter the cost to herself. Her magic reacted creating a powerful spell to revive her tribe and kill the illness that afflicted them. She gladly gave her life so that they would live.Ā 

The spell was so powerful it left long lasting remnants that sunk into spring water, turning the water of the spring into a healing elixir, the predecessor to the Lazarus Pits.Ā  The spell also changed the tribe irrevocably, making them heartier, slower to age and more resistant to illness and infection; these resistances and the healing that came with them passed through the blood of the tribe, which then passed to most of humanity as the generations flew by.Ā  Though no one had ever had cause to make the connection, the more of that lost tribe's blood that flows through a person's veins the better the Lazarus Pits work for them, the less the madness affects them.

By the time Raā€™s Al Ghul took control of the Lazarus Pits, the original spring was lost to time and the remnants of the original spell were hopelessly corrupted.Ā Ā 

This brings us back to what this is setting up for.Ā  Due to the nature of the League of Assassins, who their clients are, who their victims are, no one in living memory who had been exposed to Lazarus Water had come face to face with someone whose vibe matches the love and need to help of the original caster. This vibe check can only be done in person, not through surveillance equipment, or photos or reports.Ā 

Until Jason Todd attacks Tim Drake at the Titans Tower.

Stubborn, self sacrificing, loving Tim Drake. Feral, protective, willing to do anything for his loved ones. And he loved so deeply, so desperately.

The exact match of a girl so long ago who poured everything she was into a spell to heal the people she loved. Who died gladly, with no regrets, creating a healing spell so powerful that it changed humanity itself.Ā Ā Ā 

Jason Todd had broken into Titanā€™s tower, mind drenched green with Pit Madness, intending on hurting the little Replacement Robin. That is until he entered the room the Robin in question. The madness did not clear, instead it switched from Anger to ā€˜Mine! Protect!ā€™.

The Pit Madness in Jasonā€™s head screams that this is not a safe place for Tim (someone intending to hurt him had just broken in).Ā  Running on adrenaline, madness, and an overwhelming protectiveness, Red Hood scoops up the little Robin and exits the tower stage left to get somewhere safe (depending on which is funnier, he either manages to escape with a struggling Robin over his shoulder-no knocking out Robin, that would be hurting him- , or said Robin figured out that Red Hood was Jason Todd and went quietly for ā€˜Itā€™s Jasonā€™ reasons).Ā  Somehow Jason runs with his captured Robin straight back to the only safe place he can think of, Nanda Parbat.Ā 

Later, after he is not running so fully on strange instincts, Jason would not be able to say how he got from San Francisco to the League of Assassins in the middle east, but somehow he did.Ā Ā 

While not every Assassin in the League has had a dip in the Lazarus Pits, most have and every single one of them, from Raā€™s Al Ghul to Talia to Damian to the lowest Assassin who had been dipped in the Pits takes one look at Tim Drake and go ā€˜he is our precious cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pureā€™.Ā  It should also be noted that they do not want Tim to become an Assassin, not even Raā€™s; this really is a ā€˜we must protect the innocent boy from all the evils of the worldā€™ kind of situation (Which is hilarious given the age difference between Damian-who has declared himself Timā€™s personal bodyguard- and Tim).

So now Tim Drake has been abducted by the League of Assassins and they all want to give himā€¦hugs? Like Tim knows heā€™s a bit touch starved, ok, but he didnā€™t realize it was so bad that an actual villain organization would get concerned.Ā  And there is talk about how he needs to be protected. Yeah, they are not letting him contact anyone or leave, but they are also not torturing him or trying to kill him. It is a little strange that he is getting more maternal affection from Talia Al Ghil than from his own mother, who he is not even sure knows he is missing yet.Ā  AND Jason Todd is there, which means Jason is alive, so Tim is trying to get Jason to come home. Tim is also trying to figure out if this made his life weirder or not.

Back in Gotham, Batman is losing his whole mind. He has video from Titanā€™s Tower of The Red Hood abducting Robin, now one has heard from either since. It has been weeks.Ā  In addition no one has reported Tim Drake missing. It has been weeks and there is no one outside their nightlife that would notice if Tim disappeared? Bruce has been trying to get in contact with Drakes for all of those weeks (in between his frantic searching for Tim himself). The messenger he sent to find them, one of the Justice League undercover, was told essentially not to bother them about Tim, just talk to him directly and refused to listen when being told he might be missing.Ā 

Listen when Bruce gets Tim back from wherever he has been abducted to, he is going to be concerned about the implications of his parents actions. Right now he and Dick are scouring all of their contacts to find their missing Bird. Crime is at an all time low in Gotham, in spite of the Bats not patrolling.Ā 

There was precisely one(1) Arkham breakout since Robin went missing. Instead of the normal round up, where the various Rogues all had time to get to their preferred battlegrounds before being gently (and until that breakout none of them would have ever considered that the Bats were actually being gentle with them) recaptured, with fights that served as enrichment in all of their enclosures the four rogues that escaped that night were all put down fast, and with broken bones to would put them out of commission for months, by an impatient Batman or Nightwing.Ā  Neither have time for the normal crime fighting until they bring Robin home, they are on a Mission. Ā  And everyone knows not to bother the Bats on a mission.

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More Posts from Ilikeancientarchitecture

Tim would be drinking energy drinks and coffee, but Alfred had those confiscated.

Bruce: You know you can die from that, right? Jason: *smoking a cigarette* Thatā€™s the point. Dick: *drinking alcohol* Weā€™re trying to speed this up. Tim: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*

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Was reading a PJO/DC crossover fic and it inspired this cliche Batfam idea

Basically the mist is failing due to the increase of alien and supervillain attacks and people basically being unable to ignore the strange occurrences around them, both Greek and Roman camps made the decision to come out to the world.

Justice League have a meeting, with some League members being secret demigods or Legacies and trying to establish boundaries, which gets heated because Batman doesnā€™t know a healthy boundary even if it hits him in the cowl because these are children dying Diana, which results in a demigod League member going, ā€œā€”and what do you know about training demigods Batman?ā€

Literally in that same second they get a call patched through by Oracle, saying something is happening in the Cave. Batman connects the call to video chat and in full prominent display all of Batman associates (re: children) have glowing symbols above their heads. With the knowledge of Greek symbols for their pantheon Bruce simply turns around to the shocked faces of those around him, eyebrow raised, and (internally smugly) goes, ā€œSeems I know enough.ā€

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Eleanor(Dani)and Dante(Dan) are 5 and Danny is only 19.

Jason,Tim,and Cass aren't going to like the math.

Cloning is the result so they aren't using lethal force then.

On the other hand they have family on two different clans. Grandparents in a threesome.

An aunt and 2 other parents.

The Addams are kinda cooky and spooky.

Turns out the Nightingales are in charge of the Court of Owls, but it lost its roots.

They are going to take advantage of that.

At least their family is nice. More to add to the family registry.

dcxdp #29

Idea of that Jason, Tim, Cass and dick are all failed Danny clones that were saved by Clockwork. These are the people specifically I think would really fit the best.

Clockwork gives dick to the Grayson's. Jason was switched out with a stillborn. Tim was adopted to be the Drake heir and Lady Shiva made a deal with Clockwork to pull one over on David Cain.

I think it would be reasonable if it was older Danny when they find out, but it would also be hilarious if they were Time displaced and Danny is still in high school.

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okay, so this is 100% based off of a line from one of the DCAMU films. I don't quite remember which one- possibly Batman: Bad Blood or Son of Batman, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, so Dick has a line in that film about "if you take the cut, you can take the stitch" and at least one other person says it to him at some point in the film, annoying him. Or something like that; again my memory is foggy. THE POINT IS, I have now applied that to Annabeth because of course I did.

Annabeth remembers everything or almost everything she hears in canon. Apply that to this situation: she 100% either overheard Bruce telling Dick or Jason: "if you take the cut, you can take the stitch". OR Dick or Jason said that in a somewhat joking/exaggerated manner to comfort her over a minor injury by convincing her to act "like Robin".

Dick and Jason would be Annabeth's model for "big siblings" before Luke and Thalia, Dick especially given his age. Consciously or not, when she became the "big sister" of the Athena cabin, there were things she modeled after Dick, as well as Jason, Thalia, and Luke.

So imagine before they know Annabeth is alive and a demigod, somehow one of the younger bats meets one of the younger Athena kids in one of the many infinitely weird situations the DC verse finds themselves in. Malcolm maybe, maybe someone else.

The younger bat is in civilian clothes and trapped with the Athena kid, who is attempting to give them first aid. The bat has to endure it because they're trying not to give the civilian persona away, and they have no idea the Athena kid also is trying very, very hard to pretend to be a civilian. Until-

"if you take the cut, you can take the stitch"

says this grey-eyed stranger, half-joking, with the EXACT same inflection and tone as Dick Grayson.

"What did you say???" the bat-kid demands, half-convinced they're hallucinating.

The Athena kid smiles.

"Something stupid my big sister always says. Gods, it drives us crazy."

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