imbecominggayer - Pure Ranting About Writing
Pure Ranting About Writing

I started this account bc I wanted to learn how to write disabled characters. Now I rant about reading and writing.

278 posts

Dialogue Between My Characters

Dialogue Between My Characters

Jukka, in the gayest villainous pose: "I guess you can call me Actor ร  La Mode because I am an actor who is modern, fashionable, and delicious when topped in your dessert, hero~"

Yuuma, just tired of this bullshit: "So original. Great. A flirtatious supervillain with sex jokes"

*Jukka's laughter fades off into the distance*

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More Posts from Imbecominggayer

7 months ago

Writing Exposition And Info Into The Story

This specific post is for @loverboyxbutch who has asked for multiple things with multiple caveats so we have to absolutely get this perfectly answered!

Question One: Exposition And Letters

The quote: I was wondering if you had any advice about telling part of a narrative through things like letters or diary entries?

There are two different ways to incorperate diary entries and letters. It all depends on your formatting

You could have the person's letter be an actual quoted segment of the letter so the reader could physically read it or you could have the basic information be relayed to the reader by the characters.

Neither way isn't better than the other but they do have different pros and cons.

The benefits of quotes is the fact that it allows the reader to see the original writer's personality to come through in their writing. The con is the fact that this quoting can quickly get out of hand and the information is kinda under the emotion.

The benefits of characters relaying the information is the fact that this cuts down on flowing emotion. All the information is laid out there! The negative is the fact that this information lacks emotion and personality.

Objectively speaking, expositio is best gathered through story since it's more natural without having to do an infodump!

Question Two: Balancing Emotion With Info

Quote: "Iโ€™m not too sure how to balance the realism and emotion with the information that needs to be displayed."

Remember, realism in stories is less "factually accurate" and more "consistent within itself".

In this case, realism in information is "would this character say this" and "how would this character say this"?

Audiences hate "infodumps" because it feels like the character's personality has turned off and now a college professor is speaking.

So it's definitely important you maintain a character's unique voice and personality when reporting on information. However this can lead to some unreliable narrating.

Ultimately, a character's emotion trumps all else. If a character doesn't have a personality that would reveal all this information in an objective way then they will hide stuff or tell the information in a way that validates their own perspective.

However, in the case a character is willing to reveal information without trying to impress their ideology and beliefs onto your character you need to keep in mind what a character could reasonably know and care about.

Two characters could know the same information but prioritize others. For example, D might focus on the damn bread prices rising again while C is focused on the official's death.

Question 3: What Context The Reader Needs

Quote: "I struggle to imagine how much context the reader would want or need."

This is definitely the hardest thing to answer since this is a highly case by case basis but I will try.

The best universal measurement for what a reader needs to know is how much a character needs to know.

Your characters have information that the readers don't have and the readers have information that the characters don't have but readers don't want to know everything.

Readers need a little confusion and curiousity so they will keep reading and investigating.

The key is to get enough information out there that readers will be emotionally incentived to chase after the rest.

For Worldbuilding, unless this information directly impacts the characters then unfortunately readers just wont care about all the little details.

For future events, forshadowing and outlines are your best friend. You can also use an unconventional story formatting by having "flashbacks" be imbedded into the story as their own individual chapters.

For characters, you can use the "show, don't tell" method. Characters who aren't actively trying to deceive others will lay their personality on their clothing, their face, their room, their friends, and the way they speak.

I hope this was informative @loverboyxbutch . I genuinely appreciate your constant support and I wanted this to be an amazing post for such an amazing mutual :)

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7 months ago

Wouldn't it be amazing to know that you helped save a life?

If you would be so generous as to donate to this poor individual, I and the family would feel eternally grateful.

If you are unable to donate then please reblog as it allows more people to see this person's requests.

I challenge you to reblog this post babe! I called you babe which makes this an order ;)


Don't ignore appeal please please ๐Ÿฅบ, time is running out, my little son is very sick he can't breathe normally, He is breathing through a ventilator in the hospital


Donation a LIFE to US

My compaign vetted by 90-ghost, North Gaza updated and butterfly project line no. 406

My compaign link

Please don't leave my little son alone and donate if you can

Thanks ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‰

help the kids

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7 months ago Hello, how are you? I hope you are well. I am Celine from Gaza. I started this campaign to raise money to help me rebuild my family's life after losing everything in Gaza๐Ÿ˜ฅ. All that remains of our house is the rubble and our memories that have turned to ash๐Ÿ’”. My family and I barely escaped with our lives, leaving behind everything we owned. Now, we are in Egypt, struggling to rebuild our lives from scratch. The war left us with nothing but the clothes we wear and the painful memories of what we lost. We need your help to find a safe place to live, to provide for our children, and to start over. With your support, we can restore our hope and rebuild our family's future. Please consider donating to our campaign๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป. Your generosity can make a huge difference in our lives.๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿปโค๏ธ

If you would so generous, dear reader, could you donate to this unverified donation campaign? If their unverified status is a dealbreaker for you then I would reccomend looking into some of my other posts ^^

Always try to reblog since it provides more opportunity that someone who is willing to donate would be able to find this gofundme.


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7 months ago

shi, you called me darling, legally, I gotta respond.

Idk how to really describe what I'm going after. I'd say I'm more confused on how to describe the way the bodies are laying together? That sounds weird but you get it-

the cuddling is just between a couple who finally get a day off. (featuring her tracing his scars! :3)

doth that satisfy thou my liege?

Okay, I will have a post about how to describe cuddling out today darling ;)

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7 months ago

Very Urgent case life on the line ๐Ÿšจ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

My brother Ahmed ๐Ÿ˜ญin the hospital now can't breathe in the intensive care because of war there is no medical care and medicines.

He needs an oxygen machine to be able to breathe

Unfortunately, in the hospital there is no treatment for my little bro, and I am very afraid for him. Please, save my little life by donating as much as you can and Reblog.

My campaign is verified by 90ghost and northgazaupdate

Please donate and Reblog my pin post to save his life ๐Ÿ™


Unforunately, due to several co-occuring medical and financial emergencies happening in my family, I am in no position to be donating any of our limited funds.

That's why I need you to help them out either through donating to this verified gofundme or by reblogging the message.

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