imbecominggayer - Pure Ranting About Writing
Pure Ranting About Writing

I started this account bc I wanted to learn how to write disabled characters. Now I rant about reading and writing.

278 posts

Thank You! Normally I Finish The Requests The Same Day I Get Them But Since It's 9:36 Currently And I

Thank you! Normally I finish the requests the same day I get them but since it's 9:36 currently and I want to sleep, I'm going to save it for tomorrow ;)


What Do YOU Need Writing Advice On?

I know I posted this a couple days ago but I am an unpopular tumblr account who barely gets interactions so constantly posting this question seems inevitable.

Again, ask me whatever you want. Anything. Heck, ask me to continue one of my previous series that you had an emotional attachment towards for some reason???

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More Posts from Imbecominggayer

6 months ago

Writing Advice Requests

So far I have done(from newest to oldest):

Writing Historically Accurate Dialogue For: @melda0m3

How To Reinvent Cliches For: @stabbyapologist

How To Avoid Perfectionism In Writing For: @madmadhuman

How To Write Cuddling For: @12-cluh

Writing Exposition And Info Into The Story For: @loverboyxbutch

How To Put Your Imagination On The Page For: @melda0m3

Genuinely, It was incredibly fun to do all of these and I can't wait to do more in the future. Feel free to make repeated requests and all that fun jazz.

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6 months ago

I am unfamilar with Harry Potter so I can't do anything character-specific HOWEVER I can do a general guide line thing

I just want to ask for some details from you, @stabbyapologist

Basic gist of what your OC is like since I don't want the FBI to break into my room if your OC is underage

Are you only searching for advice on whether or not the concept is interesting or cliche or is there something more you are searching for?

To reiterate, I am exceedingly willing to do an entire post about this. I am only asking these questions both:

see if you are okay with my lack of fandom knowledge

What exactly you want since I want to give you the best

What Do YOU Need Writing Advice On?

I know I posted this a couple days ago but I am an unpopular tumblr account who barely gets interactions so constantly posting this question seems inevitable.

Again, ask me whatever you want. Anything. Heck, ask me to continue one of my previous series that you had an emotional attachment towards for some reason???

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6 months ago

How To Reinvent Cliches

Warning: I am going to be talking exclusively about Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows. Luckily, I never watched them or interacted with the fandom. There are no spoilers!

From @stabbyapologist we have our first non-mutual request: "Should I, or should I not, make the oc try to seduce Severus Snape as a bargaining to stay alive so Bellatrix doesn't torture her anymore? Is it interesting or constantly used?"

To address concerns, OC is NOT underage and the story is particularly dark so we won't be talking about anything relating to that.

Again, like I told this person, I can't give character-specific advice. And for the sake of getting more interaction, this post won't only apply to this specific situation :)

Interesting AND Cliche?

I can't say personally whether or not this counts as cliche since I don't read harry potter fanfiction HOWEVER I can say this: Your stories will always include tropes so all you need to do is to reinvent and reuse tropes in an interesting way!

When giving advice on tropes I think this is an important one:

"Think of your story like a closet where the characters are your clothing and the hangers are your tropes"

Tropes are the foundations that shouldn't be physically seen until someone is doing some literary analysis.

To reiterate, what makes a trope lack intrigue is whether or not it's handled with care by the author. If the hanger is just thrown into the closet and is not holding up anything, it's a poorly laid out thing.

You can practically use whatever tropes/hangers you like as long as you are able to disguise them underneath characters and worldbuilding.

If you can make your OC trying to seduce Severus Snape into a natural extension of this character and their circumstances then the development is going to seem natural and logical :)

How To Reinvent Tropes?

There are various different ways of revamping tropes so i'll just run through some common ones!

Change the expected ending. If it isn't required to succeed, having OC fail in seducing Severus Snape would be an unexpected plot development!

Bring It Back Down To Earth. This is when the author understands something to be inherently fucked up and writes it as fucked up. By having your OC acknowledge how horrible and humiliating this situation is, you have not only limited possible romanticization but also changed the trope's aftertaste.

Plot Twist. In general, using tropes as plot twists can definitely work. Since I don't know your story all I can do is spitball. Severus Snape is revealed to be evil? Bellatrix wanted this to happen?


We covered the fact that tropes can be interesting regardless of their "constantly used" status and we covered some common ways to reinvent tropes!

So @stabbyapologist, have I given you good advice?

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6 months ago

Hi, Dirty American Here doing my due for the imaginary Europeans. Make sure to get your disgusting EU citizen friends on this shit!

Time to shout out my most active mutuals in order to gain more reblogs from my biggest fans list:

@loverboyxbutch (thank you, please be a EU citizen for this)

@melda0m3 (I can't wait to do some more requests from you :3)

@blargh-500 (You are a reoccuring entity, please interact more)

@expected-unexpected (The secret underdog)

Special Shout Outs Who Should Reblog If They Want TO Be Apart Of The Club:

@madmadhuman (welcome to the family, you get pats if you want)

@differentnighttale (you are very very very special to me :3)

@12-cluh (love you, why don't you have the underline?)

@lavenillrose , @creatrakers and @procrazedfan (for being my first true mutuals)

(Ps. Thank you to literally everyone else for all the support, I trust that you can give these people support as well)

Hey, if you have half a minute and care about the LGTBQIA+ community in the EU, I'd suggest you take a look at this initiative to ban conversion therapies in the EU.

1 million people are required to sign, but there's barely 100k. The form takes less than a minute, it only requires your ID, name and surname.

Please, help spread the initiative so that it can reach the goal ASAP!

Hey, If You Have Half A Minute And Care About The LGTBQIA+ Community In The EU, I'd Suggest You Take

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6 months ago

I'm sorry for not being considerate enough. I deeply apologize. I was just trying to make an eye-catching statement due to the fact that I am a small-time Tumblr account who needs to make BIGGER things in order to get some attention to the things that matter, like banning conversion therapy.

I thought it was fine to make a joke like that since reblogging doesn't cost anything and only takes one click which is rather lack in time consumption.

I genuinely apologize if my ":)" was seen as passive aggressive. At the time, I was trying to use the emoticon to signal sarcasm within the statement.

If anyone has any thoughts on my procedure of address, please let me know so I can improve in the future in relation to my audience.

Hey, if you have half a minute and care about the LGTBQIA+ community in the EU, I'd suggest you take a look at this initiative to ban conversion therapies in the EU.

1 million people are required to sign, but there's barely 100k. The form takes less than a minute, it only requires your ID, name and surname.

Please, help spread the initiative so that it can reach the goal ASAP!

Hey, If You Have Half A Minute And Care About The LGTBQIA+ Community In The EU, I'd Suggest You Take

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