✨Award-Winning✨ Meme Dad going through his Tumblr phase WAY too late. Too many ideas and too little follow-through. My love language is roasting you. Not entirely sure what's going to be here but I guess we'll find out together!
20 posts
First Time Sharing A Voiceover Challenge On Here. I Might Have To Do This More Often.
First time sharing a voiceover challenge on here. I might have to do this more often.
thats-pretty-asexual-of-you liked this · 1 year ago
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How am I supposed to enjoy the Dungeons & Dragons movie when all I'm going to be thinking when I see Hugh Grant on screen being the bad guy (?) is, "Oh dip, Benoit Blanc's husband is in this."

POV: you're me having just finished the Barbie trailer
Give a person with ADHD some free time, an internet connection, and something they should probably be doing instead and Rome could ABSOLUTELY be built in a day.
My mental illnesses manifest as being a paladin main.
Objectivism is a shit philosophy and Atlas Shrugged is a shit book. These are some of the things I've learned from both John Green and Mike Schur.