jedi-lothwolf - Jedi_lothwolf


221 posts

Augusnippets Day 2: Plotnic Bathing

Augusnippets Day 2: Plotnic Bathing

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: After Thalia's death, Luke had to help Annabeth with everything. In hopes of lifting her spirits and finally getting her cleaned off, Luke decided it was time to get her to take a bath.

"Annabeth come on." It had been a few days since Annabeth, Luke, Grover and Thalia arrived at camp. It had been a few days since they had lost Thaila. "You need to get up."

"No." Annabeth whispered. "I don't want to."

Luke sighed. "Please. You need to get out of the bed." He walked over to her with heavy, regretful footsteps. "I miss her too but you have to get up."

"No." The girl pulled her blanket up further. "I can't."

Sitting beside her bed, Luke sighed. "I know it hurts but we have to try. How about we start with a bath?" stretching his arm out to his little sister, he tried to get her to take his hand.

A little hand grabbed his hand softly. "Okay."

With a soft smile, Luke picked some clothes for her and went to meet her. He helped her put her shoes on and waited for her to stand up. "Annabeth? Are you okay?" He asked gently.

The girl started to cry. "I miss her."

"I know. I do too. Here let's try this." Grabbing his bag, Luke put her clothes in it. Then he slowly picked her up. "Is this okay?" The girl nodded and snuggled into the boys chest. "Okay."

The walk to the big house wasn't a long one. Knocking, Luke waited for Chiron to open the door. When he did, Luke informed him that they would be using his bath. Chiron nodded and led them to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "Let me know if you need anything."

"We will, thank you."

Once in the bathroom, Luke put Annabeth down and locked the door. Then he stopped up the tub. He let the water run warm and put some soap in the water. The boy hoped that a bubble bath might help Annabeth start to feel better. "Okay." He started, still looking at the tub. "You ready?"

When he turned around he realized the girl hadn't moved since he put her down.

It was like she was frozen. Annabeth might not have been physically hurt but her mind was so damaged it paralyzed her. Luke knew he needed to help her, no matter what. It didn't matter how people could see it or how uncomfortable he might be, Annabeth needed him. She couldn't do anything on her own right now. Luke knew Annabeth needed help. He had been making sure she ate, drank, and got up to use the bathroom. As her older brother, it was his job to be there for her.

"Okay. Do you need any help? I can help you." Once more Luke offered her his hand. This time she just looked at him for a moment. Then she slowly nodded. Carefully he removed her shoes and clothes before picking her up and placing her in the warm water. "How's that?"

Annabeth nodded. Shutting the water off, Luke let his sister soak in the water for a moment. It had been so long since they had gotten a chance to bathe. Sure they had gotten to shower but there was always something about letting the water seep into your skin and bones. The hotter the water, the better. However for Annabeth, the water was lukewarm.

Trying to see if Annabeth would wash herself, Luke looked around the bathroom. He hadn't been there before. The walls were mostly just white with some gold trim. After a while Luke asked "You doing okay?"

Annabeth stared at him. Sighing, the boy grabbed the sponge and put some soap on it. "I've got you." Taking show shampoo in his hand, Luke started to massage it into her hair. She seemed to relax as he washed it out. Then he grabbed the conditioner and repeated the process. Gently, Luke took the sponge to her skin. The soap had a fresh, earthy smell to it.

After cleaning her off, Luke drained the tub. Picking her up, he put her on the bath mate. He grabbed the blue towel and wrapped Annabeth in it. "It's your favorite color." Luke smiled. Annabeth tried to.

Looking on the counter, Luke found the hair dryer and plugged it in. "Let's get your hair dry." It took a while before Luke got her blonde hair dry but when he did it was soft. Brading it made it easier to maintain so he did. Brushing her long hair would take energy that Annabeth wouldn't have for a while.

Luke helped his sister get dressed before tying her shoes. "Do you want to go anywhere?"

"Your cabin" Annabeth whispered.

Slightly chucking, Luke smiled. "Okay." He stood and offered his hand to her, trying to get her to walk. With a lot more force than she had used before, Annabeth took his hand and stood up. A wave of relief washed over Luke as they walked to his cabin. Maybe a clean start was what she needed.

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More Posts from Jedi-lothwolf

6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 13: Forced to Watch (alt prompt)

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Luke tries to spare Annabeth during The Titan's curse. Percy can do nothing but watch from his dreams as this happens.

    "The girl is of no use to us." A voice said. Percy still wasn't sure who was talking.

    "She can be used as bait for the half-bloods." Luke said. Annabeth lay on the ground.

    "The goddess will also serve that purpose. There is no need to keep the young half-blood alive. Kill her."

    Luke looked distraught. "No. The half-bloods have a personal attachment to her. They are more likely to come for Annabeth; especially Poseidon's son." He walked over to Annabeth. as if he would protect her.

    If Percy didn't know better, he'd say Luke didn't want her dead. However he'd ordered her death half a year ago. That couldn't be the case.

The man didn't seem to want to budge. Percy wanted nothing more than step in and save her like she had done for him. However, he couldn't move. After all, this was simply a dream. All he could do was watch and hope that Luke convinced him to leave her alive.

"Leave the young maiden alone." Artemis argued.

    Luke looked over the goddess then back to the Titan. He whispered as he spoke. "Please, do not make me kill her."

    The Titan didn't move or speak. He just waited for Luke to get over his idea of saving Annabeth and kill her.

    "If you will not show her mercy" Luke kneeled in front of the figure. "Show me mercy. I ask you, do not kill my sister." The demigod's voice shook.

    Percy felt his blood go cold. Luke was begging for Annabeth's life and he couldn't do anything about it.

    "Kill the girl Castellan. Prove to me you can do it or I'll have to report your failure." The enemy's voice was harsher than it had been.

    Luke was faced with a choice; kill Annabeth or betray Kronos. Trying to help, Percy started to yell out to Luke and Annabeth. "Annabeth! Annabeth, get up!"

"Annabeth, could be a strong ally. Let me talk to her, maybe she will align."

"Take the deal!" Percy yelled, knowing his voice couldn't be heard.

"Kill that daughter of Athena!" The voice shook though the cavern.

Tears filled Percy's eyes and he saw that they also filled Luke's. This was never really in either of their hands. Taking a look at his sword, Luke raised it. He turned towards Annabeth. "No!" Percy yelled out.

Then he woke up, unaware of Annabeth's fate. Tears fell down his face as he realized there was only one way to find out if she was alive. He would have to go to her.

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 10: Begging for Mercy

Fandom: The Dragon Prince

Summary: Aaravos tries to argue with Cosmic Judges for Leola.

    Aaravos couldn't seem to understand why his daughter was being punished for giving the humans magic. The girl had done it out of love, not mallis. She was young and didn't know she was breaking some old code. 

    Standing in front of the Cosmic Judges, the startouched elf tried to plead his daughter's case. As they argued, he could feel Leola slipping out of his fingers. Would he really lose his daughter?

    "She is but a child!" Falling to his knees, he yelled at the judges. "Show her mercy!"

    The judges stayed quiet, cold in their decision. The girl had broken their code. It had been written to keep them safe as well as to protect their future. Now that the humans had magic, their downfall would begin.

    "She has broken the cosmic order." The stern one spoke.

    "She didn't know any better! I allowed her!"

    Leola tugged on her father's clothing, "Daddy?"

    Trying to calm his voice, Aaravos spoke. "It's alright. It will be okay." Kneeling down to his daughter, he tried to comfort her.

    Deep down, Aaravos knew he would lose. That didn't mean he wouldn't try. After all, how could he give up on his daughter?

    So the elf argued. He fought with all of strength; trying to have the judges grant his Leola mercy. Maybe it would be an act of mercy to him too. After all, what kind of parent wants to lose their child before they die?

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7 months ago

Codywan Week Day 2: The Wise Man's Fear

Summary: Cody is a very gentle man. It takes a while for him to truly get angry. However, when Obi-wan is shot, he finds it hard to control his emotions.

    There are three things every wise man fears: the sea in a storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man. Cody was a gentle and kind man. He had a good heart and few fears.

One of those fears was losing those he was close to. In a war, Cody knew it was likely; the death of a loved one. The man had already lost close friends.

Now on the battlefield, the clone faced the thought of losing his general. Cody should have known loving a Jedi was a bad idea. When Obi-Wan got shot, he didn't know what to do.

    Taking Obi-wan lightsaber may not have been the best idea. With the droids closing in on them, Cody made the decision to give them a chance they might not have. Switching it on, the clone walked towards the droids.

    He swung the saber into the metal droids. It was harder to hold then he expected. Cody was angry, it was time he expressed it. His brothers died around him everyday and now he was being faced with the possible death of the love of his life. He was tired of it.

    The saber sliced though the droids with ease, even with the saber being heavy. Cody knew why, the saber wasn't his. Still, he could feel it getting lighter. It was like the crystal was excepting him.

As the droids fell, he could feel his anger grow. Even so, it seemed to be working. With his brothers fighting back, the group of droids grew smaller and smaller. Soon Cody was standing over a pile of scrap metal, breathing heavily.

The clones around him had never seen Cody act like that before. Switching the saber off, he walked back to the main group. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

Still trying to calm down, Cody nodded. "Is Obi-" he paused. "Is the general okay?"

"He should be." The medic informed him.

"Good. We'll finish the campaign without him." Cody took a look at the lightsaber in his hand.

"Do you know how to use that?" One of the men asked. "It came some natural to you."

"Only a little." Cody said. He had spent hours watching Obi-wan practice.

The gentle man still felt the anger in his heart. Breathing steadily, Cody calmed himself. "Okay." Putting Obi-wan's lightsaber on his belt, the commander started to walk forward. "Let's move out."

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 11: Whumpee wearing Caretakers clothes

Fandom: The Clone Wars

Summary: While in a mission on a frozen planet, Cody falls into a lake. Obi-wan knows it's important to keep him warm.

    "Cody!" Obi-wan sled over to him as he fell under the ice. The thickness of the ice was hard to see under the snow. One of the men helped the jedi grab a hold of Cody and pulled him back to the surface. They dragged him away from the opening.

"Are you alright?" Kenobi asked. Cody didn't answer at first. Suddenly being submerged in freezing water had taken his breath away. He just listened to Obi-wan talk. Talking to the men, he told them to find a place to shelter them from the harsh and cold winds. They agreed and went to find a place to set up camp for the night.

As Obi-wan wrapped his clock around the man, Cody finally snapped back to reality. "Obi-wan?"

"Yes love?"

"You're going to get cold" he shivered.

"Oh I'll be alright. Let's get you someplace a little warmer. Then men are.teying to find cover."

Cody pulled the cloth closer to his body. It made him feel a little better. While he couldn't feel the clock's soft texture, he knew it was there. After all, he had felt it many times before.

Helping Cody stand, Obi-wan pulled him close. "Let's find the men."

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 6: Ship Wreck

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: The Princess Andromeda crashes on the coast of Oregon. Now Luke must find a way off of the ship before it sinks.

    Luke wasn't sure what had happened. Maybe Poseidon had finally gotten ahold of The Princesses Andromeda or maybe it had just been an accident. That didn't matter right now. The ship was sinking.

    Running out of his quarters, he looked down the hallway. Water was already starting to trickle in. As a wave hit the ship, Luke slammed into the wall. He felt the jolt of the ship, as if it had hit something.

They had been on the coast of Oregon the last he knew. More then likely they still were. There are places on the west coast that the ocean meets cliffs. Standing, Luke made his way up to the deck of the ship. When he opened the door he found that he was right.

They had crashed into the side of a cliff.

The man knew he needed to make sure others could escape. Losing his whole army would be detrimental, at least that's what he told himself as he ran below deck. Knocking on doors, Luke quickly but calmly, tried to make sure everyone was aware of the situation. He paused before Chris's door before just opening it. That man could sleep through a hurricane.

Shaking him awake, Luke informed him of what was going on. "Shit okay." He said as he pulled his shoes on.

"Get above deck. See if any of the ledges can hold people."


Running back to his room, Luke grabbed his shoes and Backbiter. He shoved the sword into his belt and closed the door when he left. The water had already made its way through most of the hall, the carpet being soaked.

Luke could smell the fire. Most of the time the smell of smoke did not bother him. That night, it attacked his lungs in a way it never had before. It burned. Still there was one more door to check. Letting his shoes get soaked, he forced the last door open. Inside a young half-blood was trying to stand. The water had made the door hard to open.

"Come on." Luke offered her his hand. She took it and they ran out of the hall. The water was up to his knees now. As the ship shook, it took the man's feet out from under him. He fell into the water. "I'll be right there!" He yelled after the girl.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

Steadying himself against the wall, Luke used it to get up. With the water at his knees, it was difficult to run. Still, he pulled himself to the door to go above deck. Slamming it behind him, a wave crashed into the sinking Princess Andromeda. The wave sent him to the ground once more. This time the ship started to shift. The deck was no longer even.

Looking around, Like tired to find a way out. Most of the rock ledges looked to smooth. All but one.

All he had to do was make it to the ledge. Using a wall to stand, the demigod tried to climb his way to the cliff. It felt impossible. The weight of the ship was pulling the vessel into the water faster and faster.

"Come on!" Luke heard a voice yell. It was Chris. "Luke come on!"

"I'm trying!" He yelled back, frustrated with the way things were going. Looking around again, he found a rope that have been tied to the side of the ship. He could use that to climb his way to the side and jump to the ledge.

The problem is getting to the rope. As the ship sank, the deck became more and more steep. It felt like rock climbing and Luke wasn't even on the ledge yet.

Still, he found his way to the rope. Wrapping it around his right arm, he started to pull himself towards the side railing. As another wave hit the ship, Luke slipped some. He yelped as the rope cut into his arm. The light yellow color that the rope normally was started to be covered in red.

Despite his injury, the demigod continued to climb the rope. He found himself at the side railing ready to jump within a minute or so.

The jump was a lot further than Luke had anticipated. From further away, the distance looked shorter. However, it was his only way out. Sighing, the man moved as far back as he possibly could. He readied himself for the jump. Looking to make sure the next big wave was as far away as it could be, Luke decided he had to jump now.

As his feet left the ship, the ship started to sink faster. Missing the ledge with his feet, Luke caught the rocks. His hands felt like they were on fire. Blood dripped from the rocks as he pulled himself onto the ledge.

Sitting down, Luke rested his back against the wet rocks. They felt cool against this body. Looking at his hands and arm, he realized just how much they hurt.

After a moment Luke Castellan and looked around. Everyone he cared about was on a ledge against the coast of Oregon. A brief wave of relief washed over him. Now they just had to figure out how to get off of the rocks and back on solid ground.

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