jedi-lothwolf - Jedi_lothwolf


221 posts

Augusnippets Day 9: Hypothermia

Augusnippets Day 9: Hypothermia

Fandom: The Dragon Prince

Note: This takes place during season 6

Summary: What is Callum had fallen into the frozen sea on Rayla and his way to the Starscraper?

    "Ice water is cold." Was the first Callum said when Rayla pulled him out from under the ice. They must have found a weak spot in the frozen sea or maybe it was just the mage's luck.

     "Of course it is you dummy." Rayla pulled Callum forwards, trying to get him further from the hole in the ice. He was still coughing as he tried to act like everything was fine. 

    The wind was cold against the teens skin. Even with his clothing, the wind chill clung to his bones.

    "Are you going to be okay?"

    "I'm going to have to be." It was unfortunate but true. There was no Callum could go. They had caught fire to the frozen ship. There was no point in going home, it would just make their trip worthless. So they had to go to the Starscraper.

    The wind bit at his fingers until they started to become numb. Callum shivered with every step. He refused to tell Rayla; she'd worry too much. The elf would try to help him; which as much as Callum wouldn't have minded, he didn't want her to get hurt.

As they walked, the prince started to feel more and more tired. His breathing quickened. "Can we" Callum shivered, "take a break?"

Rayla walked over to him. She brought her hand up to cuff his face. "Callum you're freezing."

"Nah, you know what that feels like more than I do." Then he leaned into Rayla. "You're really warm." Callum whispered.

"Come here." The elf picked him up. "I'll carry you the rest of the way."

"You don't have to." The human mumbled.

Shaking her head, Rayla pulled Callum closer to him. Hopefully they would arrive at The Starscraper soon.

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More Posts from Jedi-lothwolf

7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 3: Thunderstorm

Fandom: EPIC/The Odyssey

Summary: When Telemachus was ten years old, thunderstorms became a common thing in Ithaca. He got used to them. As he walks around the palace, he learns that Odysseus had become terrified of them.

    Thunderstorms were a normal thing for Ithaca. Telemachus started to notice more of them when he was 10 years old. He used to fear them. Now he sits by the window and watched with lightning and closes his eyes as he listens thunder and the rain.

    It was a stormy night when the boy learned his father was scared of thunderstorms. Penelope has gone to visit Ctimene; someone Odysseus wasn't ready to see again after telling her about Eurylochus.

Listening to the storm, the prince walked around the halls of the palace like he's done since he was young. Stopping in front of his mother and father's room, he felt as if he should go inside.

Without knocking, Telemachus opened the door. Inside Odysseus sat in his bed. His sword was in his hands and his knees were to his chest.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Telemachus asked.

"They're coming." Odysseus said, his voice shaking.

Walking more inside the room, Telemachus approached his father. Odysseus jumped back, surprised by the movement. "who's coming?"

"The Gods." The king said, whispering. "They have come for me."

"It's just a thunderstorm." Telemachus approached his mother's bed and tried to sit down.

Odysseus swung his sword at his son.

"Dad, it's okay. Can you put the sword down?"

After a moment, Odysseus realized what he had done and pulled his sword away for his son. "I'm sorry." As he started to cry, Telemachus sat down with him.

"It's okay. Can I see that?" He gestured to the sword in his father's hands.

Nodding, Odysseus handed it to him. Then Telemachus put it down beside the bed. "The Gods won't get you here. I promise."

"You can't guarantee they won't." The king said softly.

"True, but it will be okay."

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be. I'll be right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

Telemachus remembered what it felt like to be scared of thunder when he was little. Now his father was scared of it for a very different reason. Still, he knew that it was a hard thing to be afraid of. Only the gods can control thunderstorms after all.

"Okay." Pudding his knees back down onto the bed, Odysseus tied to relax.

"You know, I used to be afraid of thunderstorms too. I got pretty used to them. No one is going to hurt you here. You're home."

"I'm home." Odysseus repeated.

"Maybe try to sleep?"

"Yeah." Laying down, Odysseus closed his eyes. Telemachus went and sat by the rocking chair that was by a window.

"Thank you son. I love you"

"I love you too, Dad."

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6 months ago

Augusnippets Day 14: Gifts

Fandom: EPIC: The Musical

Summary: Some crew members make Ody and Eury flower crowns.

It had been Polites who said they should make a gift for their captain and second in command. A few crew members tried to figure out what they give them. Eventually they discovered a nearby field that was over run with flowers.

"Do you know how to make flower crowns?" Polites asked. The men looked at each other, something nodding and others looking lost. "I'll show you!"

So Polites grabbed some flowers and sat down in the grass. Slowly, he instructed his friends how to make a flower crown. After a while, they finished their crafts. Now they had a variety of flower crowns that were all different colors. The crew just needed to find their officers.

Eurylochus and Odysseus had been talking when Polites walked up to them. "We have a surprise for you." He said. From behind his back, the man pulled two flower crowns out. One was mostly orange and red and the other consisted mostly of white and purple. "We made these for you!"

Surprised, the two men smiled. "Thank you." Odysseus said, taking his crown. Behind Polites, the soldiers seemed very happy that their gifts were received well.

Gently, Eurylochus took the orange and red flower crown and put it on his head. He smiled and looked back at the crew. "Thank you."

The men smiled as they pulled out their matching flower crowns. They walked up to Polites and gave him one. Since he had taught them, the men wanted to give him something in return.

Perimedes handed it to him. It was almost completely white and yellow. "Oh thank you!" Excitedly, Polites let Perimedes place it in his head. Odysseus smiled at the small gesture. Adjusting the crown, the king knew he preferred the soft feeling of the flower crown then the metal of his real one.

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 4: Amputation

Fandom: The Bad Batch

Summary: Hunter knew standing close to Separatist tanks was dangerous. He didn't expect the one he was next to to blow up and he definitely didn't expect the damage to take his arm.

    Hunter knew he shouldn't have been so close to the Separatist tank. While he wasn't sure what had happened after he heard the tank explode, he knew passed out.

    One of his few memories involved a medic taking. "Put a tunicate on his arm, he's going to lose the limb anyway. If it gets much worse, we're going to have to do a field amputation."

    The clone remembered thinking, "did he just say 'field amputation'?" Trying to argue, Hunter tried to sit up. He found he couldn't move. Then the world went black.

    When he woke up, he was in a medical bay. Wrecker sat beside him on a chair. Tech was in the chair in the corner and Crosshair was sitting at the foot of the bed. They were talking about some memories from their cadet years.

    As Hunter stirred, he startled Crosshair. "Hunter."

"Yeah" he said quietly.

"Hey! We thought we were going to lose ya!" Wrecked yelled. He stood up and went to hug his brother.

Reacting to the situation, Tech also stood up. "Hugging Hunter is not in his best interest. He is still healing."

"Aww okay." Wrecker pouted. Then he sat back in his seat.

"What happened?" Hunter asked.

"You were injured by shrapnel." Tech began. "The medics brought you to the service location they could find. While there, they made the decision to amputate your left arm at your shoulder."

That couldn't be right. "What?"

"Your left arm has been amp-"

"I think he knows Tech." Crosshair cut his brother off.

"Are you okay?"

Hunter's arm was gone. Moving the blanket, the clone looked at where his arm should be. After a moment, he put the blanket back and just stared at his brothers.

"Are you okay." Wrecker repeated.

"I don't know."

"Losing a body part is a startling process. From the initial trauma to learning to cope with the loss of the amputated limb, it can take a while to fully heal. However, they should be able to fit you with a prosthetic." Tech walked over to Hunter as he talked.

"Something tells me this is not what he wants to hear." Wrecker spoke. He looked at Hunter, "do you want some alone time?"

"Yeah." Hunter didn't look at them. Instead he kept looking at the ceiling.

"We'll be nearby if you need anything." Wrecked touched the end of the bed as he spoke. Then Tech, Crosshair, and him left the room.

Trying to process what had happened to him, Hunter continued to stare at the ceiling. He knows Tech knows what will happen next but he's not sure if he wants to know. Prosthetics had advanced significantly over the years but they could never truly replace a flesh limb.

The amputation was to save his life, Hunter knew this. Still, he wondered why it had to happen. Why did he have to be so close to the tank that exploded? Why did the shrapnel land where it did? Whatever this cruel twist and fate had been, Hunter knew he had to live with it. After all, he had no choice.

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 6: Ship Wreck

Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: The Princess Andromeda crashes on the coast of Oregon. Now Luke must find a way off of the ship before it sinks.

    Luke wasn't sure what had happened. Maybe Poseidon had finally gotten ahold of The Princesses Andromeda or maybe it had just been an accident. That didn't matter right now. The ship was sinking.

    Running out of his quarters, he looked down the hallway. Water was already starting to trickle in. As a wave hit the ship, Luke slammed into the wall. He felt the jolt of the ship, as if it had hit something.

They had been on the coast of Oregon the last he knew. More then likely they still were. There are places on the west coast that the ocean meets cliffs. Standing, Luke made his way up to the deck of the ship. When he opened the door he found that he was right.

They had crashed into the side of a cliff.

The man knew he needed to make sure others could escape. Losing his whole army would be detrimental, at least that's what he told himself as he ran below deck. Knocking on doors, Luke quickly but calmly, tried to make sure everyone was aware of the situation. He paused before Chris's door before just opening it. That man could sleep through a hurricane.

Shaking him awake, Luke informed him of what was going on. "Shit okay." He said as he pulled his shoes on.

"Get above deck. See if any of the ledges can hold people."


Running back to his room, Luke grabbed his shoes and Backbiter. He shoved the sword into his belt and closed the door when he left. The water had already made its way through most of the hall, the carpet being soaked.

Luke could smell the fire. Most of the time the smell of smoke did not bother him. That night, it attacked his lungs in a way it never had before. It burned. Still there was one more door to check. Letting his shoes get soaked, he forced the last door open. Inside a young half-blood was trying to stand. The water had made the door hard to open.

"Come on." Luke offered her his hand. She took it and they ran out of the hall. The water was up to his knees now. As the ship shook, it took the man's feet out from under him. He fell into the water. "I'll be right there!" He yelled after the girl.

"Okay!" She yelled back.

Steadying himself against the wall, Luke used it to get up. With the water at his knees, it was difficult to run. Still, he pulled himself to the door to go above deck. Slamming it behind him, a wave crashed into the sinking Princess Andromeda. The wave sent him to the ground once more. This time the ship started to shift. The deck was no longer even.

Looking around, Like tired to find a way out. Most of the rock ledges looked to smooth. All but one.

All he had to do was make it to the ledge. Using a wall to stand, the demigod tried to climb his way to the cliff. It felt impossible. The weight of the ship was pulling the vessel into the water faster and faster.

"Come on!" Luke heard a voice yell. It was Chris. "Luke come on!"

"I'm trying!" He yelled back, frustrated with the way things were going. Looking around again, he found a rope that have been tied to the side of the ship. He could use that to climb his way to the side and jump to the ledge.

The problem is getting to the rope. As the ship sank, the deck became more and more steep. It felt like rock climbing and Luke wasn't even on the ledge yet.

Still, he found his way to the rope. Wrapping it around his right arm, he started to pull himself towards the side railing. As another wave hit the ship, Luke slipped some. He yelped as the rope cut into his arm. The light yellow color that the rope normally was started to be covered in red.

Despite his injury, the demigod continued to climb the rope. He found himself at the side railing ready to jump within a minute or so.

The jump was a lot further than Luke had anticipated. From further away, the distance looked shorter. However, it was his only way out. Sighing, the man moved as far back as he possibly could. He readied himself for the jump. Looking to make sure the next big wave was as far away as it could be, Luke decided he had to jump now.

As his feet left the ship, the ship started to sink faster. Missing the ledge with his feet, Luke caught the rocks. His hands felt like they were on fire. Blood dripped from the rocks as he pulled himself onto the ledge.

Sitting down, Luke rested his back against the wet rocks. They felt cool against this body. Looking at his hands and arm, he realized just how much they hurt.

After a moment Luke Castellan and looked around. Everyone he cared about was on a ledge against the coast of Oregon. A brief wave of relief washed over him. Now they just had to figure out how to get off of the rocks and back on solid ground.

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7 months ago

Codywan Week Day 5: Only One Bed

Summary: After being sent on a diplomatic mission, Obi-wan and Cody settle into their room. The only problem, there's only bed.

Funny story about this at the end.

Obi-wan and Cody stared at the room before them. It was a nice room. There was a mini fridge, a bathroom, a bedside table that had a lamp on it, and a desk. There was only one problem, there was only one bed.

When the Jedi had sent Obi-wan on a diplomatic mission, they sent his commander with him so that he wasn't alone. After all, he was being sent to a war zone. It was fitting to have Cody there. However the council partially sent him for the company on the long days if travel.

The two spend a lot of time together, but one on one time like this was almost rare. I'm truth, both enjoyed being is such close contact for the few days they had spent travelling. Now they could have more close contact time.

"I can sleep on the floor."

"I can't ask you to do that." Taking off his shoes, Obi-wan sat in the bed. "We'll be fine to share a bed."

There was a nervous feeling that flooded Cody. It wasn't a bad feeling at all. "Okay."

Slowly the two settled into the room. The clone took off his armor and set it down in the corner and the Jedi removed his lightsaber from his belt and placed it on the bedside table. The two changed into comfortable clothing. Then they got into bed.

The blanket was soft. They laid an awkward distance apart, both men wanting to hold the other. It felt like it should come naturally to them. After a moment, Cody decided to shift, trying to see how Obi-wan would react.

As Cody moved, Obi-wan did too. Shifting to be closer to his commander, he grumbled about the room being slightly cold.

"Just come here." Cody smiled, holding his arms out to his Jedi. For a moment, Obi-wan hesitated. He wasn't sure why he did. Then he inched closer to the man.

Wrapping his arms around him, Cody pulled him close. "Is this better?"

"Yeah" Obi-wan said, surprised. Cody always did run warm. It felt nice, their body heat being together. It felt right, being so close. Trying to resist the urge to kiss him, the clone looked around the dark room.

Then Obi-wan got closer to him. His head rested on his chest. Looking up at Cody, his eyes lingered on his lips. The man noticed and waited to see if anything would happen. After what felt like a minute, Obi-wan leaned into his commander, kissing him.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before the Jedi pulled away. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I-"

Interrupting him Cody pulled him back into a kiss. "It's okay." The two looked at each other for a moment before Obi-wan laid back down.



The next day, the two got up. They didn't talk about what had happened the night before until the day was over. "So, what now?" Cody asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we going to talk about last night?"

"I've wanted to do that for a while now. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable."

"I don't." Sitting on the bed, Cody rested his hand beside him. "I like you, a lot. I'd love to date you, but I can't ask that if you. You're a Jedi."

Obi-wan crawled onto Cody, his legs on both sides of the man. "Don't worry about that. I'd like to be your boyfriend." Then kissed him. The two fell to the bed. Maybe sharing one bed wasn't so bad.

Funny story: I was gonna do hurt/comfort. My only note was "You have til August." I went to write it and figured out I didn't have any ideas previously so I changed the prompt. Next to the "You have til August." I wrote "It's August." I just think it's kinda funny. That's all.

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