The Oddyssey - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Everybody consider this with me for a second. I haven't worked it out just yet but...

Varian Wrynn Oddessy AU for the whole thing about coming back as Lo'gosh. HEAR ME OUT, YOU GUYS, HEAR ME OUT.

Feel free to discuss in the comments, I've mostly just been rolling Varian around in my head to "Suffering" and "Different Beasts" (shocker!)

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5 months ago

My headcanon is that Odysseus was actually a witty short king with nerd arms & Penelope fell in love with him being a bit of a smartass loser

& then they got Telemachus

& Odysseus got dad strength

He got dad strength, then war strength. Like- he was a pro using whatever weapons bc he was like a pro theoretically & had perfect postures or whatever but he just. Kinda sucked at brute strength

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1 year ago

Ok, hi, @camlannpod? ODYSSEY? OMG!

I’ve only just listened to the sneak peek, I’m about to dive into the episode… I’m so excited.

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1 year ago

Polyphemus is displaying an alarming amount of, shall we say, meta knowledge. Like, he knew that Odysseus had been there before, and that our Odysseus was not him? I don’t like this…

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1 year ago

Ok, loved the new @camlannpod ep, but…

Where are they going with this? Is it just a filler episode to draw out our misery and speculating over Gwaine? Will our main crew meet up with Odysseus and Ariadne? Is it a separate narrative totally? Only time will tell.

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8 months ago

so… im trying to find like animatics of no longer you and trying to find one that was like the most accurate

cuz like in the song tiresias like tells ody the prophecy rightt and its basically hinting the next saga

most specifically these three: I see the sacrifice of man I see portrayals of betrayal And a brother's final stand

and like, i keep seeing like very inaccurate depictions

<i look at them with an open mind of course cuz they were before the sagas or like the revelation>

...but i still think they couldve done like a small research to make it more accurate or something??

… cuz i mostly see like sacrifice of man being like polites' death-- but like that wasnt even a sacrifice???

protrayals of betrayals is pretty much accurate everywhere cuz its kind of hard to get wrong

and brothers final stand IS ALSO DEPICTED AS POLITES

and ladies and gentletheys-- thats where it gets me cuz it seems like they were looking at it from a very narrow pov, but the only one who got the most accurate depiction was our lord and savior gigizetz

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8 months ago
Still Obsessed With Epic. Honestly I Love The Newest Album And The Song Mutiny Really Gets Me. Such A

Still Obsessed with Epic. Honestly I love the newest Album and the song Mutiny really gets me. Such a talented lead it's insane how much emotion can be put into music.

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10 months ago

Febuwhump Master List!!

So I am so very late but oh well right? Anyway it was a lot of fun and I definitely look forward to next year! Febuwhump is one of my favorite Promt challenges!

Each fandom has a color which will be listed below! My favorites have a star beside them! All summaries/warnings are with the story!

Star Wars Rebels, EPIC the musical/the Odyssey, The Bad Batch, Star Wars The Clone Wars, Miraculous Ladybug,

Day 1: Helpless

Day 2: "I Love You" (Alt Prompt 2)

Day 3: "Bite Down on This"

Day 4: Obedience

Day 5: Last Words (Alt Prompt 7)

Day 6: "You Lied to Me."

Day 7: Suffering in Silence

Day 8: "Why Won't it Stop?"

Day 9: Bees

Day 10: Killing in Self Defense

Day 11: Time Loop

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7 months ago

Augusnippets Day 3: Thunderstorm

Fandom: EPIC/The Odyssey

Summary: When Telemachus was ten years old, thunderstorms became a common thing in Ithaca. He got used to them. As he walks around the palace, he learns that Odysseus had become terrified of them.

    Thunderstorms were a normal thing for Ithaca. Telemachus started to notice more of them when he was 10 years old. He used to fear them. Now he sits by the window and watched with lightning and closes his eyes as he listens thunder and the rain.

    It was a stormy night when the boy learned his father was scared of thunderstorms. Penelope has gone to visit Ctimene; someone Odysseus wasn't ready to see again after telling her about Eurylochus.

Listening to the storm, the prince walked around the halls of the palace like he's done since he was young. Stopping in front of his mother and father's room, he felt as if he should go inside.

Without knocking, Telemachus opened the door. Inside Odysseus sat in his bed. His sword was in his hands and his knees were to his chest.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Telemachus asked.

"They're coming." Odysseus said, his voice shaking.

Walking more inside the room, Telemachus approached his father. Odysseus jumped back, surprised by the movement. "who's coming?"

"The Gods." The king said, whispering. "They have come for me."

"It's just a thunderstorm." Telemachus approached his mother's bed and tried to sit down.

Odysseus swung his sword at his son.

"Dad, it's okay. Can you put the sword down?"

After a moment, Odysseus realized what he had done and pulled his sword away for his son. "I'm sorry." As he started to cry, Telemachus sat down with him.

"It's okay. Can I see that?" He gestured to the sword in his father's hands.

Nodding, Odysseus handed it to him. Then Telemachus put it down beside the bed. "The Gods won't get you here. I promise."

"You can't guarantee they won't." The king said softly.

"True, but it will be okay."

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be. I'll be right here, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

Telemachus remembered what it felt like to be scared of thunder when he was little. Now his father was scared of it for a very different reason. Still, he knew that it was a hard thing to be afraid of. Only the gods can control thunderstorms after all.

"Okay." Pudding his knees back down onto the bed, Odysseus tied to relax.

"You know, I used to be afraid of thunderstorms too. I got pretty used to them. No one is going to hurt you here. You're home."

"I'm home." Odysseus repeated.

"Maybe try to sleep?"

"Yeah." Laying down, Odysseus closed his eyes. Telemachus went and sat by the rocking chair that was by a window.

"Thank you son. I love you"

"I love you too, Dad."

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1 year ago

I've been reading the Odyssey, and one of the things that drives home that it takes place and was written in a very different time is how they have servants/slaves to bathe and clothe the rich.

I'm sorry, and I get that mentalities have changed, but I would find that so embarrassing. Like, bro, you're a physically and mentally totally healthy, fully grown adult, and you have other people wash you? I grew out of that when I turned five, my dude.

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6 months ago

my roman empire is lowkey the dog that waited for odysseus to come back for like 20 years, was the only one who recognised his master in disguise and was too sick and tired and old to get up and greet him. And exactly because odysseus was in disquise he couldn't go to greet the dog and the dog FUCKING WIGGLES HIS LITTLE TAIL AND DIES ARGOS YOU WILL FOREVER BE REMEMBERED

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7 more days now… i will go insane. entirely bonkers even

Friendly Reminder That 10 More Days

Friendly reminder that 10 more days

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LOOK AT THEM!! gonna sob rn

When Does A Man Become A Monster?
When Does A Man Become A Monster?

When does a man become a monster?

( Yes I know that it's supposed to be "whose") (the following is just a rant because I'm so normal about this)

Something i wanted to take into account with the second image is how Odysseus veiws Penelope and Telemachus ( Particularly him). At the time that the war ends Telemachus would be roughly 10 (i think Penelope would likely be in her 30's?) But he doesn't know that version of them. All he knows is what he left them as, ex. "I look into your eyes and I Think back to the son of mine, You're as old as he was When I left for war" I think this adds to his inner turmoil.

one last thing Is that this is not a finished design of odysseus, It's just simply him in armor. The reason he does not have a helmet is a nod to book 6 of the iliad in which astyanax cries when seeing his father hector with one on ( I like to think he would've Reacted the same to Odysseus, And he takes it off out of sympathy) ( I am referring to mainly the musical version of him there)

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6 months ago

Do you ever think Oddy’s crew is the chorus behind him, all of them lost at sea practicing music…or am I just insane, or has everyone already known this..

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11 months ago


based on this poll

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1 year ago


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