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Interestingly Enough For Nearly The Whole Conversation Vader Keepseye Contact With The Emperor And Only
Interestingly enough for nearly the whole conversation Vader keeps ‘eye contact’ with the Emperor and only looks down/bows his head near the end of it. However in s2 e1 of Rebels Vader spends either the whole report/conversation looking at the deck/projector in front of him instead the hologram of his Master or looked at it only after a certain point in the conversation; I can’t remember.
There are some people that claim that people who are lying are more likely to keep eye contact with the person they’re lying to so they can gauge just how much you believe them instead of avoiding your gaze. And seeing Vader was basically denying that he knew anything about the possibility that Luke Skywalker = Anakin Skywalker’s son he might have wanted to keep an eye on his Master.
If not than, depending on what the Emperor allows from Vader, not staring at the deck/lowering his gaze could have been Vader’s way of letting Sidious know that he wanted to challenge him as the Sith Master. After all Vader’s the one that suggests that they attempt to Turn Luke to the Dark Side and make him an ally and the Emperor seemed to really like that idea.
I mean wasn’t he all excited when he learned from Aphra that Vader had been up to all sorts of Sith like shenanigans behind his back and basically told Vader that he had become afraid that Vader had lost all his ambition to be a true Sith years ago?
one of my favorite scenes in The Empire Strikes Back (and the Skywalker Saga in general):
Palpatine: “The young Rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.”
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More Posts from Jedikali
Yes! I’m still alive and ready to party!
Kriff you Joss Whedon and your BruTasha Ship!
Oh I have been distracted by new ideas and more often than not I’m tapping away on the keyboard one of those short stories for a collection.
The fan fic I finished the chapter for I have been working on it since 2011 and in that time my first Beta Reader moved two time zones away, she got engaged, married and had three child and I got engaged, married and now I am expecting my first child.
So don’t feel bad, compared to me you’re doing much better than I am
I'm 1,587 words into the next chapter of one of my fan fics with that number is going to climb higher tonight. if you don't mind sharing how many words are you into the next chapter of WHS? And I will see if I can match you; by spreading it over my two other WIPs if it's more than I usually make my chapters.
I’m actually working on Driftwood at the moment. I’ve written 458 words of my 2500 word chapter goal.
(I’ve technically got a little over 1,000 words of the next WHS chapter, but that’s probably going in the bin, so it doesn’t feel right to count it.)
Good luck with your word count goals tonight! 💕
A Friendly Reminder for Star Wars Fans
GleTake a deep breath and then let it out.
Speculation in of itself isn’t bad but you can’t allow your preconceived notions or desires to give you tunnel vision.
When people heard that Domhnall Gleeson had been cast there was a lot of speculation that he was going to be playing Ben Skywalker despite the fact that Disney and LucasFilm both said that the Legends weren’t Canon and weren’t going to be used but it didn’t stop the rumors/speculation that Gleeson was playing Luke’s son even when it came out that Gleeson was playing a character named “General Hux’ it didn’t fully shut down the speculation just shifted it to “is ‘Hux’ his Mother’s surname name and if so why does he have her surname and not his father’s?” and “Why is he a soldier instead of a Jedi?” I think the speculation/rumors that he was Luke’s son died with the reveals that he was helping lead the bad guys and his Father was a former Imperial.
People speculated on who Finn was and some might remember or be aware that before the release of TFA someone was selling something on Amazon featuring Finn and gave him the last name “Calrissian” despite there being no proof or anything in the promotional material. The more reasonable speculation for a long time was that Finn is Force Sensitive or would be a Jedi because he was shown with a lightsaber in a lot of the promotional material and the jury, last I knew, is still out on whether or not Finn is Force Sensitive and if he is he is and if he’s not than he’s not; I’m not going to cry over it since you don’t need the Force to be a good person or a good hero in Star Wars.
Rey, there was and still is so much speculation about her origins that I’m not completely sure where to begin other than she was anyone from Leia and Han’s daughter to Luke’s daughter to a clone to a reincarnated Anakin Skywalker to being a descendant of Obi-Wan or a descendant of Palpatine. And speculation/rumors for why she was on Jakku ranged anywhere from victim of kidnapping, if she was a Solo or Skywalker, and dumped there or purposely placed there to keep her safe for one reason or another, usually because of the Second Jedi Purge if she was a Skywalker or Solo, to she was hidden there to keep her safe or if she was Luke’s than her mother dumped her there to get back at Luke for ‘reasons’ or her parents left her because she was ‘weird’ or someone was chasing them and they wanted to keep her safe etc. And then we learn in TLJ, FROM HER OWN MOUTH, that her parents were just the average scavengers on Jakku. But it hasn’t stopped the speculation that it was a lie.
Moving on to TLJ I don’t remember too much about FAMILIAL rumors except the the average “Rey’s going to be revealed as either Luke’s daughter or Leia and Han’s daughter”. BUT when LucasFilm shared the first line of the TLJ novelization and it contained the phrase “Luke dreamed about his wife” it seemed fans lost their minds and people seemed to hope that the novelization contained the proof that Rey’s parents were nobodies that sold her for money and are now dead was all a lie only to have those hopes dashed into billions of pieces as soon as they opened the book and it’s quickly revealed that the entire first chapter is all a fantasy dream where Luke never left Tatooine, married the girl he had a crush on, took over his uncle’s Moisture Farm and the Empire won.
Now we’ve reached Episode IX and the speculation about the new cast members. The moment fans saw that they were looking for a woman to play a character that seemed to fit the role of an assassin they immediately started to speculate that they were bringing Mara Jade into Canon, Disney did it with fan favorite Thrawn so they no doubt would be doing the same with Mara, and when the news hit that Keri Russell had been cast for a role the speculation grew a little stronger.
We will have to wait until promotional material is released or maybe until December 20th to learn exactly who Ms Russell is playing and whether or not she was hired for the above role or a different role.
Please, don’t just assume that just because they’re looking for an actor/actress with certain skills or backrounds or have certain features/characteristics that they’re going to be playing so-and-so. It’s better to keep hopes and expectations low so you’re not disappointed too much if your favorite character doesn’t make the cut: it’s better to have no expectations and be surprised when they do show up than to get excited about the possibility of your favorite character appearing only for them to not appear.
Some Star Wars Things to Keep You Awake at Night
If ‘Amidala’ was Padme’s ‘Political Name’ and ‘Naberrie’ was her true surname and any person on Naboo serving in any Political Office used a Political name during their tenure in Public Office than does that mean that Palpatine isn’t the Emperor’s real surname and if it’s not than what IS his real surname?
In TESB Vader offers to finish Luke’s Force Training, overthrow the Emperor together, end the destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. Fast-forward to RotJ and Vader tells Luke that the Emperor will show him the true nature of the Force and that the Emperor will be his Master from now on. Why the shift in thinking? Is he just saying words just in case the Emperor was watching them? Doesn’t Vader know about the Sith’s Rule of Two: one Master and one Apprentice? Wait, he would have to know since he’s been a Sith for 23ish years but if he’s saying that the Emperor will be Luke’s Master . . . .
Oh, I think I see now, he wanted Luke to live and having Luke replace him as the Sith Apprentice was the only solution he could find to keep his son, the child he thought was dead for 20 years, alive.
In the second Rush Clovis Arc Captain Typho had a medical droid called to tend to Clovis’s injuries and the medical droid put Clovis in contact with Dooku at Sidious’s request. Does this mean that ALL the medical droids in Padme’s building have hidden programs that have them report to Sidious? Is it just her medical droids? Did she get treated at any point in her pregnancy by a medical droid that would have reported her condition to Sidious? If so did he have the Droid tell her that there was just one? If things didn’t work out with Anakin was he going to take one of the twins and if Padme was alone and drugged she wouldn’t know possibly that there was two. Did Sidious have other Droids spying on Senators?
Dooku left the Order after TPM and Qui-Gon’s death but at some point Sidious reached out to him and converted him to the Dark Side BEFORE TPM as he was responsible for Sifo-Dyas death about the same time as TPM and ordering the Clone Army. How did Sidious meet Dooku and why did he convert him to his side and just how many other Jedi were converted to the side of the SIth, not just during the PT time frame, but in the decades and centuries before TPM?
Did these secretly evil Jedi recruit Barriss Offee to their cause? Barriss did mention she was hanging out with some Jedi that had a certain view on the War. If so did they ask her to frame Ahsoka for the Temple Bombing?
If Maul hadn’t been killed on Naboo would Dooku have stayed in the Jedi Order and if so what role would he serve? Would he have voiced concerns about fighting in a galactic war? Would he have tried to divide the Jedi Order in two due to the war?
Or would Dooku have still left but Maul would have filled General Grievous’s shoes since Grievous possibly a replacement for Maul?