19 posts
George Washington, The Man Who Led America Through Its Revolution For Independence From Britain And Became

George Washington, the man who led America through its Revolution for Independence from Britain and became the First President of the United States.
French and Indian War:
Row 1: Colonel George Washington, Colonel George Washington (Hat), Colonel George Washington (Sword Scabbard), Colonel George Washington (Hat and Sword Scabbard).
Row 2 (Virginia Regiment): Colonel George Washington, Colonel George Washington (Hat), Colonel George Washington (Sword Scabbard), Colonel George Washington (Hat and Sword Scabbard).
American Revolution:
Row 1 (Open Coat): General George Washington, General George Washington (Hat), General George Washington (Sword Scabbard), General George Washington (Hat and Sword Scabbard).
Row 2 (Closed Coat): General George Washington, General George Washington (Hat), General George Washington (Sword Scabbard), General George Washington (Hat and Sword Scabbard).
Row 3 (Open Coat; Cloak): General George Washington, General George Washington (Hat), General George Washington (Sword Scabbard), General George Washington (Hat and Sword Scabbard).
Row 4 (Open Coat; Cloak): General George Washington, General George Washington (Hat), General George Washington (Sword Scabbard), General George Washington (Hat and Sword Scabbard).
call-me-casual liked this · 10 months ago
slopofpaws liked this · 10 months ago
More Posts from Jedirhydon

Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi of the Jedi Order; Jedi General of the Republic Clone Army. Jedi General of ARC Commander Zeus and the 101st Legion. Jedi commander of the 101st Fleet and Grand Admiral Whitney Thomas. Son of Obi-Wan and Siri Kenobi; Twin Brother of Katelyn Kenobi, and Eldest Brother of Miranda Kenobi. Stepson of Duchess Satine Kryze, Eldest Half-Brother of Elisa Kenobi and Anya Kryze. Husband of Zarina Kenobi Née Fett, Taylor Bosworth, and Sierra Sommers; Father of Thomas Kenobi, Sofia Kenobi, and Jango Kenobi; Father of Kimberly Kenobi and Orion Kenobi II; Father of Harry Kenobi, Gwen Kenobi, and Zoey Kenobi. The former apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Master of Zayla Secura and Thomas Kenobi. Known as The Protector.

Yorktown-class Aircraft Carrier, USS Enterprise CV-6, of the Eagle Union faction of Azur Lane. Sister Ship-girl of USS Yorktown (CV-5) and USS Hornet (CV-8); Half-Sister Ship-girl of USS Wasp (CV-7).

For Free Day for Sabine Week, I offer a selection of micros for our favorite technicolor Mandalorian in my own AU!
-Rebels Season 1
-Rebels Season 2
-The Force Unleashed
-A New Hope
-Galactic Civil War (two designs for the 3-year gap between IV and V)
-Empire Strikes Back
-Shadows of the Empire/Return of the Jedi
-Battle of Endor
-Wedding to Ezra (armor and dress)
-Mandalore the Defender
*credit for my pixels here
I raise my wand in honor of Maggie Smith! Rest in Peace, Dame Smith, aka Professor Minerva McGonagall, among other incredible roles.

Dame Maggie Smith (1934 - 2024).

For Jedi June, I give you the Old Jedi Order, naturally as a companion to my NJO collection.
Characters under the cut.
Row 1: Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Saesee Tiin, Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, Depa Billaba, Stass Allie, Anakin Skywalker
Row 2: Oppo Rancissis, Eeth Koth, Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Yarael Poof, Yaddle, Coleman Kcaj, Coleman Trebor, Micah Gillet, Tyvokka, Syfo-Dias, Jocasta Nu
Row 3: Qui-Gon Jinn, Tholme, An'ya Kuro aka The Dark Woman, T'ra Saa, Tera Sinube, Cin Drallig, Anoon Bondara, Ima-Gun-Di, Tsui Choi, Pablo-Jill, Eno Cordova, Sharad Hett, Cere Junda, Feemor
Row 4: Rahm Kota, Hala, Arligan Zey, Ronhar Kim, Voolvif Monn, Foul Moudama, Roron Corobb, Tiplar, Tiplee, "Bob", Jaro Tapal, B'ink Utrila, Baylan Skoll, Jerec
Row 5: Quinlan Vos, Siri Tachi, Luminara Undili, Bant Eerin, K'kruhk, Nejaa Halcyon, Qu Rahn, Kento Marek, Mallie Marek, Kelleran Beq, Ferroda, Roth-Del Masona, Lissarkh, Jazer R'inoka (OC)
Row 6: Aayla Secura, A'sharad Hett, Ferus Olin, Jax Pavan, Bultar Swan, Sian Jeisel, Lorana Jinzler, Tarr Seirr, Ameesa Darys, Falon Grey, Rissa Mano, Serra Keto, Nahdar Vebb, Bardan Jusik
Row 7: Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Etain Tur-Mukan, Trilla Sundri, Zule Xiss, Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy "Scout", Whie Malreaux, Cal Kestis, Caleb Dume, Ephalline "F" Kinema, Sha'a Gi, Kalifa, Jinx, O-mer
credit for my pixels here.