joy1579 - Through broken glass
Through broken glass

my icon and banner are commissions from my friend sentimentaleidolon oh but i did make a master list since i started writing Mysme stuff Master list

446 posts

Retrouvailles (part 1)

retrouvailles (part 1)

Jumin Han x MC fanfic (1391 words)

part 2 out now

over all summary: MC is the Singer at her Family’s wine bar called “retrouvailles”. Jumin Han corporate heir has fallen for her voice and decided to pursue a relationship with the Jazz and swing singer despite his usual distaste for romance. they face the challenges of press interference and hearsay, as they explore the waters of new romance.

chapter summary: Jumin Han has taken the first step in courting the lovely Jazz singer at his favorite hole in the wall wine bar,  “retrouvailles”. when MC seems less than thrilled Jumin doubles down on his efforts and seeks the reason for her apparent distaste. 

MC’s song presentation: PMJ’s cover of Feel Good Inc.

authors note: this is my first attempt at a multipart fic so if you like it leave me a comment or something so I know I’m doing okay! I got this idea on my way to work a couple days ago and couldn't get it out of my brain and I listen to PMJ jazz and swing covers WAY TOO OFTEN. I hope you all enjoy it!

Jumin Han swirled the dark port in his glass absently as he watched the singer on stage. MC Kang, as she was introduced before every show, wore a gold cocktail dress that complemented her skin tone perfectly. Her auburn hair covered one of her eyes to give her a more mysterious air tonight as she sang her newest swing composition. This was a piece Jumin hadn’t heard before though he had come here often, for the express purpose of hearing her sing.

He did not own the “retrouvailles” bar and it was not for lack of trying. How many times had he offered to buy the place for ten times its estimated value and still been turned down? Some part of him respected the owner for his resolute dedication to his family business, the larger part of him found the man irrationality and poor financial sense to be infuriating. Still every Thursday Jumin Han would slip away from the press and body guards to spend an evening sipping wine and listening to this woman sing. Her voice was a dark honeyed indulgence in his life, one he was somewhat embarrassed to admit he was becoming more and more reliant upon. With every passing week his resolve grew stronger and last week he had made his decision. He could not allow her to remain a simple voice that haunted his dreams as she had been recently, so he had decided to speak with her.

Last week he had taken the first step in his plan. He had ordered a dozen of the city’s finest roses to be delivered precisely when her show would end, with only his name by way of explanation. Her reaction surprised him however. she glanced his way and frowned slightly before she promptly turned away to retreat to the bar’s back room leaving the roses to be picked up by the pianist apologetically. He had not even had the chance to approach her let alone explain the meaning behind his gift. Rejection left a bitter taste in his mouth and he had to admit his distaste for it. Yet it was this distaste exactly that had spurred him forward, sending her a different bouquet nightly since. No notes adorned the subsequent bouquets as he had no doubt she was clever enough to put two and two together.

So it happened that he was here once again watching the stage lights dim as she stepped of the stage speaking jovially with the pianist, her brother and the one who was to inherit the bar when their father passed, if Jaehee’s research was to be trusted. Her brother nodded toward Jumin and her face darkened a bit before she turned to walk towards him.

“you know Mr. Han I’ve heard of you little club opening down town. I hope you know you can’t buy my talent; I don’t intend to sing anywhere else.” Her eye’s where stern, all business as she cut to what she thought must have been the heart of the matter. He understood now why she had been so critical. She saw him as competition, understandable considering his position at C&R. he was relieved to know she had not spurned him out of personal feelings. He stood from his seat setting his glass to the side to adjust one of the cuffs of his suit as he spoke.

“buying your talent was never my intention, and you may call me Jumin if you’d like.” Her expression didn’t shift as he had hoped it would. She didn’t sigh in relief that her family bar was safe from C&R acquisition for the time being or let curiosity light in her eyes as he had hoped instead he could feel the skepticism roll off her as she placed one hand on her hip.

“then what pray tell was, Mr. Han?” she asked emphasizing his name to show she had no intention of changing how she addressed him. “men don’t send flowers so diligently unless they want something. So what is it that you want?”. It was clear she was in business mode, cold and factual seeking the other parties’ motives to gain the upper hand in a negotiation. She was good he had to admit, the way she presented herself confidently as an impassive and immovable force was far different from the woman he had done business with before. He suspected she had hardened herself especially for this conversation, prepared herself for whatever offer or manipulation he may try.

“consider it a courtship gift” with that he saw her resolve falter and he smirked. He had caught her off guard and caused business mask to slip if only a bit. this game of cat and mouse was fun but he never was one to beat around the bush.

“I don’t appreciate the joke Mr. Han it seems rather tasteless considering you position.”

“it wasn’t a joke. I’ve enjoyed your performances immensely and I’d like to,” he paused for only a second to consider his phrasing “get to know you, if you’d be interested of course.” His voice was steady from years of trained control and he knew it betrayed none of the nervousness he felt. He had never been in this position before. He had never needed to ask for a woman’s time before, never had to fight for her approval. He was used to woman vying for his attention sure but MC seemed almost wary of it. As though he may be using her and not the other way around as he was so used to.

“I, excuse me?” her mask broke and he could see the confusion and nervousness in her eyes suddenly. On her part she had indeed planned for what she thought was every possible contingency. She had read every article she could find on him and they all pointed to one thing. Jumin Han was not a romantic. He had never been in a relationship that wasn’t later proven to be little more than rumor and circumstance. He was a loner, never needing anyone. So of course when she began receiving the daily flowers she had assumed a business proposition was on its way. She could never have imagined courtship as he so formally put it.  She composed herself as best she could after such a complete upheaval or her expectations and made a concerted effort to keep her voice steady “I had never considered that possibility” she took another moment to breath removing her hand from its place on her hip to take a more demur posture. “to my knowledge you have never been a, shall we say, romantic. I assumed the flowers were sent to persuade me away from my families’ bar, honestly I had meant to tell you that it would take more than a few pretty petals to break apart my family. Oh I suppose I’m rambling; may I consider your offer? We can speak after tomorrows show if you’d like.”

She prayed he would agree. She needed time to regain the upper hand if she could, to consider the way this could affect “retrouvailles” and her family as a whole. She certainly didn’t want the bar to fail because of a misstep with a man who was essentially both their competition and the most financially powerful man in the country. Yet on the other hand she wasn’t sure she wanted to succeed because of some trite dalliance either. Dating always had its complications but she could tell already that a relationship with the Mr. Jumin Han would be on another level of difficulty all together.

“of course miss. Kang.” He said an easy smile on his face despite the swell of disappointment he felt. This was not rejection he had to remind himself. Not yet.

“MC, if you don’t mind. Miss Kang sound to formal for my liking, especially if we,” he could see something in her eye’s a spark of possibility before she caught herself. “never mind. I suppose I will see you tomorrow then?” she asked tilting her head slightly and causing her hair to cover one of her eyes yet again. A shield to hide herself from him.

“yes, MC” he agreed warmly. he watched her sly stage grin return as she began to turn away before pausing to look back at him.  

“well goodnight then, Jumin”

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More Posts from Joy1579

4 years ago

i cant pass up the chance to win a piece of art from you! and even if i don’t win maybe someone will see my re-blog and enter themselves and win. Good luck everyone!!!

1500+ Follower Raffle: Entry Deadline June 16th

1500+ Follower Raffle: entry deadline — June 16th

Thank you all so much! This tiny little blog has grown so fast since last August 2019. I’ve been meaning to do a raffle for a while and the watercolor polaroids are very fun to do! So, here are the rules:

1 reblog = 1 entry

Must be following (I will check). New followers welcome.

Winner will be picked randomly and announced on June 17th

Will draw:

Mystic Messenger


Light gore

Won’t draw:


Intense gore

(I reserve the right to refuse a subject)

The winner’s art will be sent via Tumblr DMs and posted on the JMH blog. If the winner would like to receive the physical polaroid in the mail, there will be a small shipping fee of $3 (one ko-fi). Examples of watercolor polaroid pieces may be found in the #watercolor and #polaroid series tags!

If I have missed information or you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Again, thank you all so much for your support. After the raffle is over, I plan to officially open commissions too!

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4 years ago

My RFA + Saeran NSFW head cannons

this is probably the only NSFW stuff I’ll write. its difficult since I’m not really into actual NSFW. ya know. mostly i just want my baby boys happy healthy and loved. I’m more about chaste kisses and platonic cuddles than anything else. still every once in a blue moon I have my moments so here’s my thoughts on the RFA + saeran 

oh also master list 

and I’m putting it under the cut for obvious reasons


-        Light BDSM no intentional pain

-        Mostly bondage and calling you his favorite pet

-        Treats you like his most prized possession

-        He is all about giving you everything you want

-        Is quiet and methodical at first but slowly loses himself

-        Absolutely gets off on your noise

-        Probably enjoys watching you just as much as he enjoys participating

-        Doesn’t intentionally mark you but the occasional love bite happens if he’s not careful

-        Takes his time, you get there several times before he even starts his part of the journey

-        He’s committing you to memory every single time


-        Loves when you ride him

-        Will absolutely mark every part of you that you let him

-        quick recovery, and multiple rounds

-        literally incapable of coherent speech

-        loves your dirty talk though

-        bites his lip a lot sometimes you worry he’ll bite too hard

-        he has a praise kink 100% all day everyday

-        shy about saying it but thinks the idea of getting caught is exciting

-        really wants to do what you tell him ;)

-        so much cuddling afterwards also more praise so much praise


-        he does not take off his cross necklace

-        likes when you sound frustrated

-        tends to stop right before you get their just to tease you

-        plays dumb until you say EXACTLY what you want him to do

-        probably still doesn’t do it right away because you didn’t ask nicely enough

-        it’s all a big game and he enjoys having the upper hand

-        wants you to say his real name. a lot.

-        He really likes when you bite his shoulder (it means he’s doing a very good job)

-        Probably wears the bite mark as a badge of honor (much to your horror)

-        after care is a huge deal for both of you expect lots of gentle reassuring kisses


-        stamina for days

-        he is into body worship you cannot stop him when he gets into it

-        zero regard for time and place, expect closets bathrooms dressing rooms all of it

-        he’s not into marking (his looks are part of his job he can’t risk that no matter how much he really wants to wear your love bites)

-        probably lifts you up against walls a lot

-        likes to hear your breathy voice whispering in his ear

-        is really proud of how disheveled you look afterward

-        kisses literally everywhere

-        he knows all your weak spots and will exploit that knowledge to tease you in public


-        follows your lead at first since it takes her a while to open up

-        bites her lip and tries to keep quiet if you top

-        hushes you and giggles at your sounds if she’s top

-        wants to give as good as she gets

-        likes when you kiss her neck

-        is VERY private, mention bedroom stuff in front of anyone and you’re in the dog house

-        likes when you go down on her best (probably holds your head in just the right place)

-        she does actually enjoy taking the lead once she’s warmed up

-        low sex drive if not encouraged (like maybe once a week if you don’t initiate it but don’t worry once you initiate she is down to clown)

-        bedroom only (except once in the office but she couldn’t relax enough to get there so yeah bedroom only)


-        he is dominate. Always. (submission is NOT fun for him)

-        Makes you promise he’s the only one you’ll ever be with

-        Bruises from his fingers on your thighs and bite marks on your shoulder

-        A Safe word is a MUST so is a safe signal for both of you in case you need a break or he needs to calm himself down

-        Light choking (nothing extreme and you talked about it before hand hence the safe signal)


-        He knows he’s rough and you have to pull him out of guilt tripping himself afterwards

-        “I would have used the safe word if I didn’t like it”

-        Lots of reassurance and cuddling as both of you come back to yourselves

-        Even after recovery you can see a bit of shift between “unknown saeran” and “ray saeran” in this area

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4 years ago

RFA + Saeran helping MC get to sleep

I do not often have trouble sleeping. in fact more often than not my depression is such that I experience hyper-somnia (sleeping TOO much) but every now and then (usually when getting back on my medicine and before stabilizing) sleeplessness will hit me like a train and I’ll spend 34 hours straight awake simply because sleep eludes me. so here are the RFA boys helping MC to sleep when she’s having trouble finding dreamland

also master list 


-        when he notices you having trouble sleeping he sits up and simply holds you against his chest in the dim light of his bedroom aquarium

-        after a moment he asks if reading to you would help and you shrug because it’s worth a shot after all

-        so he reads to you quietly and while you would normally fall asleep easily to the lulling of his deep voice tonight you found it impossible

-        he notices you still having trouble so the next day he researches something he had read about briefly in one of his new age books

-        “hypnotic bedtime stories”

-        He read that a monotonous tone and slow speed was best so he bought a book hypnotic sleep bed time stories and resolved to try tonight

-        He made you warm lavender milk (a recipe he learned from a maid/nanny when he was young) and drew you a bath to help you relax

-        After he read you the sleep meditation stories

-        It worked like a charm and before he knew it you were asleep in his lap hand wound tightly in his night shirt


-        Poor baby can’t even help himself sleep what do you want from him

-        Usually he just plays LOLOL till he practically passes out

-        Still he wants to help so he’s trying

-        He can’t decide if chamomile tea or warm milk is better for sleep

-        Mix em. milk and tea is good right? (thank God he got that one right)

-        He rubs you back gently and wraps you in the softest comfiest blanket he has

-        He tries to sing a lullaby his mom used to sing to him but he can’t remember all the words and ends up humming most of it

-        He gets a little flustered when you forgo the pillows on his bed in favor of laying your head directly in his lap

-        He runs his fingers through your hair gently trying to calm himself as much as you

-        if none of that works he does actually have Tylenol PM he can offer you

-        But he really hates for you to take it since it probably isn’t good for you


-        He doesn’t have trouble falling asleep. His trouble lies in staying asleep

-        So at first he doesn’t know how to help and has to look into it

-        Then he tries a couple of things of course putting his own unique spin on them

-        He starts with binaural beats

-        And a star projection on the ceiling for you two to watch together

-        When you mention difficulty getting comfortable with headphones on he tries isochronic tones since they don’t require headphones

-        And he switches to a northern lights projection loosely synched to the tones and music

-        Even if this doesn’t help you sleep you really enjoy simply relaxing and cuddling with him while you watch whatever projection he’s designed for you that night

-        Slowly you learn counting helps to keep your mind off the more complex thought keeping you awake and he designs one final projection

-        HBC bags and cans of dr. pepper floating down a river as though you’re watching from below the water

-        You giggle but he’s randomized the HBC bags and soda cans so you can’t memorize the pattern and it actually helps a lot


-        His solution to sleep trouble has always been to exhaust his body until he physically can’t avoid sleep

-        So of course his first idea is to tire you out (wink wink)

-        But when this doesn’t help he’s a firm believer in diet and health so he looks up foods and drinks that can help

-        He finds several salads that contain many of the recommendations and he makes you chamomile passionflower tea with a splash of warm milk

-        He sings you every lullaby he knows and after nights of sleeplessness despite both of your best efforts

-        He begrudgingly picks up some sleep vitamin supplements only a little hurt that he could not fix the problem

-        You can see the tinge of shame in his voice when he tells you he’s sorry he couldn’t help

-        You hug him tight and tell him he’s helped by bringing you the sleep aids and that even with the world’s strongest medicine you’d never get to sleep if he wasn’t beside you

-        He feels better and with the vitamins and his gentle singing you get some of the best sleep you’ve ever had

-        And as you sleep soundly he holds you close and breathes a sigh of relief


-        Ever the pragmatist she assures you that routine is the easiest solution

-        She cites several studies that explain that the body thrives on routine as a means to signal when to sleep and when to wake

-        She helps you keep a strict unwavering dedication to your bedtime routine for a week

-        Before she concedes more drastic measures may be called for

-        So she begins to create what she hopes will be the perfect bedtime tea for you.

-        She tries different amounts and strengths creating a new tea every night until she finds it

-        The blend of chamomile lavender passionflower and valerian root

-        She sweetens it with raw honey and warm milk to create the perfect bedtime drink

-        She’s not a huge tea fan but even she enjoys a sip of this before bed

-        Later she adds it as a take home and self-brew option for customers who may like a bit of bedtime help

-        And as much as you hate to admit that the routine helped your sleep a lot you do because between the tea and the routine you’re out like a light in minutes


-        This boy knows the struggle of no sleep.

-        In fact, he doesn’t really sleep at night (as opposed to daytime naps with you on the couch) until he’s decently into his recovery

-        So when he helps you set up the bedroom for optimum sleep it’s for BOTH of you

-        He fills the room with fresh lavender and valerian blooms so the whole room is scented with their relaxing scent

-        he absolutely has a gentle rain sound effect machine too probably hooked up to surround sound speakers so it really feels like the rain is all around you

-        he has a small aquarium where he keeps fish before he transfers them to the big garden pond (his therapist suggested it may be therapeutic to keep a pet but advised him to start small) and he leaves its gentle low light on

-        most nights are spent leaning against each other watching the fish and chatting quietly until one of you drifts off

-        if you are still struggling with sleep he will brush your hair gently until he can see you relaxing

-        if it’s very long he may braid it so it’s out of the way while you sleep

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4 years ago
Listen I Cant Stop Think About This Scene With One Change

listen i can’t stop think about this scene with one change

aang just f*cking lights shiz up and lobotomizes the fire lord

earth/ metal bending to get into the skull

firebebding to cauterize the wound

water bending to heal what he can

this thought haunts me

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4 years ago

Hi there!! I love your hc so much! I was wondering if you could write hc of rva+v and saeran with MC who’s really sensitive?? Like she will cry if you raise your voice, and when she sees cute stuff. Its fine if you don’t want to, thank you tho!!

okay so thing is i don’t write V he hits a bit close to home for me so rather than put myself through the ugly self analysis i just regulate that to my councilor sorry! that being said I am more than happy to write the rest of the characters for you. I hope I did your request justice and you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!

The RFA + Saeran with super sensitive MC


-        It took him some getting used to which isn’t to say he disliked it. It was reliving that he never had to guess how you were feeling. You wore your heart on your sleeves.

-        He doesn’t raise his voice often. More often than not what gets you is the ices in his voice when he’s frustrated. The curtness of his words and the cold calculation in his eyes.

-        He notices your shaking hands first and how watery your eyes are second. The first time it happens he shuts down completely frozen by the thought that he had hurt you, or scared you.

-        Slowly he notices this happens often and he learns what to do to calm you down. He learns that your tears don’t all mean the same thing. Sometimes you cry when he gives you the perfect gift or when you are introduced to the kittens you foster.

-        He falls in love with your happy tears and vows to hold you when the sad tears come.

-        Look he has no self- control when it comes to buying you things and I absolutely think he has a silk handkerchief dedicated to drying your eye’s

-        You have to admit its soft and cute (royal purple with a small Elizabeth the third on one corner)

-        His comforting is gentle and calm. Slow and methodical. He hushes you his thumb rubbing soothing circles into you hand as you pulled yourself together. He was ever patient and loving. A strong and stable force you could rely on.

-        Honestly your sensitivity helps him soften up considerably since he learns to be more connected and aware of things that may hurt your feeling (and by extension other peoples)


-        He gets it. Sorta. He understands tearing up when people fight or fling mean words like mud. he gets that way too and he definitely sympathizes with you when you mention people teasing you for being so sensitive.

-        The parts he doesn’t understand is why you cry when your happy. The first time he saw it was when you met lisa. She was so small and cute and she was yours, well yours and yoosung’s but that just made it more emotional!

-        He rushes to you searching for anything he could do to help he’s talking a mile a minute asking you a string of nearly unintelligible questions to find out what was wrong. Once you explained that they were happy tears he looks a little lost but definitely relieved.

-        He can get a bit carried away when he gets jealous and while he doesn’t technically yell his voice gets darker and rougher. He doesn’t do it one purpose of course and the second he hears your breath hitch.

-        When you get down like that wipes away your tears with his thumb and apologizes he works hard to make his voice quieter and gentler as he whispers an endless string of reassurance and love. Anything to make up for making you cry.

-        He has an entire YouTube playlist of your favorite “faith in humanity restored” videos to make you smile after bad days since being sensitive can make the world seem harsh sometimes.


-        When he’s frustrated he tends to snap at people and that can sometimes include you. In the beginning he was so focused on his work he didn’t notice your sniffles and soft breath catching on the knot in your throat

-        The first time he saw you cry because of something he said was through CCTV when you left with tears in your eyes. he was sure you’d never come back. When you did come back he apologized quietly guilt clear on his face as he refused to make eye contact.

-        Those days were rough on you as he tried constantly to push you away only to apologize stiffly when he saw you hurt. Once you’ve been together a while it gets better though.

-        He’s perfected the art of spinning your emotions on their head the second he sees your eye’s tear up he starts working to make you laugh.

-        A meme, or well-timed joke can have you laughing even as the tears stream down your face and he truly believes that kind of duality is simultaneously divine and so utterly human that he prays he gets to see it every day for the rest of his life.

-        “Going from crying to laughing that fast and hard happens maybe five times in your life and that extreme right turn is the reason why we are alive, and I believe it extends our life by many years.” ― Amy Poehler, Yes Please

-        If it’s serious he’ll hold you in his lap and rest his chin on your head so you feel completely surrounded by him. In these moment he lets you cry yourself out simply holding you quietly.


-        Zen doesn’t yell. Yelling is not a strong enough term for it. This man is used to projecting his voice through entire theaters so when he gets worked up enough to lose control of the volume of his voice it can be legitimately frightening

-        Your covering your ears and squeezing your eyes shut just to stop yourself from outright sobbing even though his screaming isn’t directed towards you at all. When he hears your choked sob he spins on his heals

-        He kisses away your tears like the hopeless romantic mess he is. Also your kisses fill him with a bubbly sort of warm happiness so he hopes you feel the same way.

-        From then on he tries very hard to keep himself under control around you. He’s a passionate and fiery personality but he never wants to upset you like that. It still happens sometimes but they are fewer and farther between every time.

-        When he sees you crying over a panda cub on a zoo date he can’t help but chuckle at you. Your so cute he’s not sure he can breathe and he certainly can’t see straight because all he wants is to kiss you silly.

-        He compares you to the princess from the princess and the pea saying your sensitivity is proof of how observant and soft hearted you are. It shows how much you care about people. “you really are a princess!”            


-        Is surprised and stiff at first she’s mentioned before that she’s not great with emotions but she desperately wants to help you so she tries. Problem is she’s trying really hard to be a good “friend” and the fact that your clinging to her tightly and crying sniffling into her shoulder is making that difficult.

-        *pat pat* there there (don’t do anything gay don’t do anything gay) *kisses you* (damn it)

-        She’s not sure why she did that really. But your so shocked you’ve stopped crying. She cant decide if that’s a good thing or not until you break out into a giggling smile. You wipe your eyes and say “if I knew crying would be the thing that got you to kiss me I wouldn’t have hid away so much”

-        From that moment on you didn’t run and hide when you felt yourself getting a bit weepy because every time she noticed your tear glazed eye’s she’s smile fondly and use her apron or sleeve to wipe away your tears

-        She asks you what’s wrong and listens patiently as you explain holding your hands in hers. When you’ve worked through all the emotions she gives you the smallest peck on the lips and makes sure to fix whatever she can.

-        If she can’t fix it then she’ll offer what advice she can and remind you that it’s okay to take a break if you need one. After all you are the one that taught her the importance of breaks after all so she wants to return the favor if you ever feel overwhelmed.


-        Your sensitivity drew him to you to be honest. It gave you a kinship though after mint eye he was a little hesitant to admit he was cut from the same cloth so to speak. The way you managed to thrive and grow and be strong despite your sensitivity is what gave him the courage to leave mint eye in the first place

-        Listen this boy loves you. So much so the instant he sees you crying he’s fighting tears too. On his bad days this can cause him to lash out. Better to seem angry than weak right. Wrong! now your crying more and he feels guilty. (he’s still got a lot of left over shit to sort through okay but he’s working on it)

-        He swears at himself and pulls you against his chest where he holds you so tight you can barely breath one hand on the small of your back and the other on the back of your head so you can’t pull your face away and see how angry at himself he is. (it would be very counter intuitive right now)

-        He’s not good at feelings okay, but he’s willing to step out of his comfort zone for you.

-        Not to mention he understands the sensitivity to certain things after his childhood and time at mint eye he understands triggers all too well and even though it’s not exactly the same he’s not about to fault you for being sensitive.