Jumin X Mc - Tumblr Posts
The RFA reacting to MC texting them saying “I’m 110% sad”
so real talk I’m like 110% sad right now. its just a bad day I know and Ill feel better tomorrow. some days are just like that. but i could use some comfort so i wrote some comfort fluff. I hope it brings all of you some comfort too.
- Leaves you on read
- Rushes home instead of reply
- Let’s you sit on his lap
- The instant his arms are around you, you suddenly feel safe/loved enough to cry
- He hold you close gently rocking you
- Doesn’t say anything just holds you until you fall asleep
- Literally will not let you go
- will read to you if you need to be distracted
- gets Elizabeth to sit on your lap while you sit on his lap
- lap-ception
- kisses your head
- and your nose and your cheek and literally just all over kisses
- The next day is searching for what made you sad
- It will not get away with that
- He will fire, sue, trash or punch anyone and anything that makes you sad
- And if nothing made you sad and it was just a sad day
- Well then he will do everything in his power to make the next day twice as happy
- Why? What happened? Do you need me? Class is almost over? Should I leave now? MC?
- Rapid fire short texts you can’t respond to fast enough
- Is at your side way too early for him to have finished class
- He brought you your favorite food.
- Turns on funny animal videos and cuddles with you
- Probably plays with your hair
- Asks if you want to talk about it and listens intently
- Really really wants to help
- Ends up crying
- You weren’t crying until you saw him cry
- Tells you how much he loves you through the tears
- You two fall asleep on the couch cuddling
- You wake up in the middle of the night and shake him awake so you can move to the bed
- In an instant he’s asking if you feel better and making sure you aren’t sore from sleeping on the couch
- Texts you a video of him blowing you a kiss dramatically
- Tries to cheer you up with jokes and memes
- If you tell him, you really aren’t up for jokes right now he’ll switch gears completely
- He gets that sometimes it’s not joke time
- Listens and sincerely tries to help be it advice or working his magic to fix it
- Takes you for a drive
- Truly believes in the power of loud music and high speeds
- Rolls down the windows and tries not to stare at how beautiful you look with the wind in your hair
- He takes you to one of his secret spots to help you escape from everything
- When you feel well enough to make a joke he is so relived and jokes back
- And then your crying and laughing and he has to admit this is better than the numb and lifeless look you had before
- He loves you
- He is calling you instantly
- “do you need me? I can leave if you need me?”
- Sings you the cutie pie song
- Is legitimately concerned when he doesn’t hear you giggle when you thank him
- He is on his way home before you can assure him your fine
- Once he’s home he’s ushering you out the door and onto his bike
- He takes you to his special spot in the mountains
- He explains that being in nature helps him when he’s sad so he hopes it helps you too
- Pulls out goldfish shaped bread for you two to share
- You lean against him and he kisses the side of your head
- You two stay their till night fall so you can star gaze
- He drapes his coat over you and suddenly your crying
- Burying your face in his chest and shaking as he holds you
- He tells you that he’s so thankful that of all the times he could have lived in of all the places he could have been of all the lives he could have lived he got this one
- He assures you that if he had to do it all again he wouldn’t change a thing because everything led him to holding you in his arms
- You can feel yourself giggle a little at how cheesy he is
- And he’s just relieved to see your smile even if it’s still muddled by tears
- Once you calm down you and he head back home to rest
- She’s worried
- She wants to help but doesn’t know how to
- She makes your favorite desert
- Puts in your favorite Zen dvd
- Covers you in a blanket and tells you, you can talk if you want but you don’t have to
- When she’s sad Zen makes her feel better so she’s showing you all her Zen stuff hoping it’ll help you too
- but you’re just staring ahead
- you aren’t even singing along to the musical number like you usually do (even when she asks you not to)
- so cautiously she pulls you against her in a gentle side hug
- and now your sniffling and shaking and she’s absolutely sure it’s her fault
- so she pulls away like she’s been burned
- but you have her shirt and are pulling her back because really you need the hug right now
- she’s hesitant but she hugs you again and you spend the evening crying on her shoulder
- she kisses your head once she feels you stop shaking
- but you don’t respond
- so she checks closer only to find you sleeping against her
- she carries you to bed and whispers softly
- “I love you MC.”
the RFA reacts to love marks left by Jumin/Yoosung
so its just two scenarios but i hope y’all enjoy them
the mark is a ring of bruises around your wrists from where he bound your hands last night. It didn’t hurt and honestly it might have been one of your favorite things about last night. Still the bruising was hard to hide even with the long sleeves you wore in the winter. so when Zen asked about the red marks you quickly yanked your sleeves farther down and tried desperately to think of an excuse.
“ah um what, what marks?” you stuttered scrambling for any distraction you could find “Jaehee! Did you get a hold of the party venue? Should I call them?” in a second though zens fingers were around your arm pulling up your sleeve to check your wrists
“MC! your wrists! What happened?!?” Zen gasped
“no, nothing. Nothing happened” you mumbled trying to pull your wrists out of his grip before anyone else could notice but it was too late zens outburst had drawn the attention of yoosung and jaehee who were already beginning to examine your wrists worriedly.
“that looks like it hurts!” yoosung muttered looking as though it was his wrists and not yours that stung.
“its fine guys can’t we just ignor-” you began before jaehee quickly cut you off
“MC we should put some ice on this it might swell” she fretted before rushing away
You knew you were blushing you could feel the burn in your cheeks when saeyoung pranced through the door with an icepack jaehee following behind him.
“where’s the injured angel” he asked in a sing song voice and you tried to will the floor to swallow you as yoosung waved sayoung over
“look at her wrists they look bad! What if they scar?” he cried as saeyoung made his way towards you. You felt your impending doom as saeyoung froze at the sight of your ‘injuries’ a smile breaking out across his face.
“oh my god” he laughed and you seriously considered jumping out the window. “someone had a fun night huh”
“I want to go home” you groaned as Zen looked between you and saeyoung bewildered.
“fun night” yoosung parroted confused.
“those are handcuff marks I wonder what our dear MC was up to” saeyoung and with that comment Zen had dropped your hands turning a bright red while jaehee had had simply dropped her head into her hands with a groan. You were done. Already halfway through gathering your things to leave when you heard yoosung’s perplexed voice.
“why would MC be in handcuffs” and with that you were out the door escaping from sayoungs devious laughter as fast as you could.
Yoosung Kim
You were late to say the least. You rushed out the door with little more than a second glance in the mirror as you ran your travel brush through your hair. Never again, you were never going to let Yoosung convince you to stay up that last ever again.
On the bus you let yourself sigh a bit in relief. As you brought your phone up to text Jaehee that you were on your way to the RFA meeting. You also reminded her that Yoosung couldn’t make it because of his final. As soon as the text was sent you pocketed your phone to try to straighten yourself out. You manage a little basic makeup and a high pony tail before you reached you stop. Hopefully this was enough since it was just the RFA at this meeting. you rush in and immediately begin to unpack your papers on the needs of your latest invitees.
“sorry sorry sorry! I know I’m late but I’ve gotten a lot of RSVP’s for the next party we just have to adjust one or two things” you begin rushing to make up for lost time. That is until you look up from your papers to see Zen biting his lip eye’s locked on your neck. You survey the rest of the RFA and start to worry. Jumin has the barest hint of a smirk, and you may have missed it had you not known him so well. While Saeyoung was trying his best albeit failing to control his snickering. Then there was Jaehee looking at you with pity and embarrassment. When she locks eyes with you she motions to her neck. Your hands flies to your own neck in response and you can feel the tail tell sting of a bruise. Oh. You scramble for your purse retrieving your mirror to look at the spot. There it was clear as day. A fairly large love bite. “Yoosung” you mutter in equal parts horror and anger.
A burst of laughter caught your attention from across the table, “did your puppy get a little wild last night MC?” Saeyoung quipped making you turn an even darker shade of red.
“MC I’m sure I have some cover up in my bag! I don’t know if it’s your shade though.” Jaehee mumbled as she dug in her bag.
“MC that’s not? Is it?” asked gently trying not to stare so obviously.
“of course it is” Jumin said smoothly still smirking ever so slightly
“shut up trust fund kid” he spat before turning back to you “MC you have to cover that up don’t you know – ”
“men are wolves. Yeah, no I get it. Zen please, just please forget it. Jaehee did you find any cover up?”
Jaehee shook her head sadly “no it it looks like I’m out” you sank to your chair defeated with your head in your hands.
“Yoosung is so dead.” You hissed quietly.
Meanwhile Yoosung felt a shiver run down his back as he began the essay portion of his final.
RFA and how MC gets them to sleep
I hope ya’ll enjoy these. do I need to make a masterpost? since I’ve got a couple of these now I don’t know. their all pretty recent so maybe its not necessary.
- You’ve gotten it down to a science at this point
- “darling? I can’t sleep.” You call from the door way of his home office “do you mind reading to me? Like you did that first night?” that’s what gets him the mention of your first night with him.
- “I, of course dearest” he says wearily placing a stack of papers to the side “just until you fall asleep though I do need to finish this”
- You frowned a little at that. He hadn’t slept much these past weeks and when he did it was fitful and short lived. Tonight he would sleep. You would be sure of that.
- “would you sit in bed with me? Just for a while? The bed is too big and cold for me to fall asleep without you.”
- “you have plenty of blankets my love” he said narrowing his eye’s at you suspiciously
- “it’s not about the blankets. I don’t love the blankets. I love you” then you saw it in his eye’s warmth, love and the tell tail signs of his resolve crumbling as he gave into your request. You didn’t like using his love for you like this but he had to sleep.
- “I really can’t say no to you my love” he sighed following you towards the king sized bed you shared
- “thank you honey bunny” you said pulling him to lay beside you leaning him against a pile of pillows so he was reclining enough to sleep comfortably but upright enough to read. Where he not so fatigued he may have questioned how you had planned it all so perfectly.
- You handed him the book you two where currently reading and situated yourself against his chest humming happily
- One chapter later and you could feel him running his fingers through your hair trying to see if you were awake
- You stayed still careful to count your breath to keep it deep and slow
- He sighed and settled himself a little before resigning to stay rather than wake you by leaving
- After fifteen minutes you could hear his gentle and quite snores
- Success.
- The next morning you woke early and shut off his alarm before calling Jaehee
- “mission accomplished Jaehee” you say smirking “he wont be in today but tomorrow he’ll be back to tip top shape”
- “thank you MC. when he pushes himself this hard it often falls to me to fix the things his fatigue lets fall through the cracks. One day of rest saves us weeks of mistakes”
- “a stitch in time saves nine as they say. Oh but I have to go if I’m not there when he wakes up he’ll try to go back to work”
- “of course, and again thank you MC.”
- Honestly if you could just get him into bed you knew he would be out like a light
- It was getting him to the bed that was difficult
- So you played the last card in you deck, the ace.
- “yoosungie? I’m going to shower and get ready for bed okay?”
- “sounds good!”
- “unless, maybe you wanted to join me?”
- “jo- join you?” he spluttered turning away from his computer wide eyed and beet red
- “well I thought, it might save time, and water and it might be fun.” With a wink you turned towards the bathroom where you already had everything prepared
- Honestly the shared shower was simply a bonus to your plan
- Call the fun times you shared a happy consequence of the plan.
- You washed his hair with lavender scented shampoo to help you both relax and calm down
- And on the way out you hand him the pajamas you had prepared
- “you planned this”
- “of course I planned this” you chuckled kissing his forehead “noona takes care of her puppy”
- You could see his face darken and feel the shiver that ran down his spine at that and you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips at the way his eye’s seemed to cloud for a fraction of a second
- You pressed a quick kiss to his lips before pulling him to the bedroom where you sat him on the bed to towel dry his hair a bit more
- “I love you” he whispers and you smiled gently at him. Pulling the towel off his head you pulled him against you “I love you too”
- Laughing you pulled him to lay beside you before leaning over him to reach across the bed and turn off the bedside lamp
- With on last kiss on his nose you bid him goodnight computer game forgotten in haze of showers and cuddles (amongst other activities)
- He knows what you’re up to.
- But you’re wearing the cute cat pajamas he had bought you.
- and you had completely designed your bed time routine around tempting him to bed
- he had never even heard of bedtime yoga before you moved in
- yet there you where contorted beside the bed showing of how flexible you could be and occasionally smirking into the camera you knew he was watching
- so it wasn’t long before he found himself making his way to the bedroom
- “ready for bed secret agent man?” you quipped and couldn’t help a smirk as you saw his face tint a slight pink
- “are you kitten me?” he shot back and you had to cover your moth to stop the giggles
- “come on I’ve even got my paw-jamas on” you manage through your giggles
- “you’re doing this on purr-pose aren’t you?”
- “guess the cats out of the bag how’d you know?”
- “just a feline” both of your where lost in a fit of laughter at that point
- you pulled him to the bed and made note of the dark circles under his eyes as you pulled a heavy weighted blanket over you both before snuggling up next to him
- he had insisted he didn’t need it. “I don’t have anxiety, MC” he had said.
- Next day shipping and an extra good night of sleep later he admitted the weight was comforting
- Your rans your fingers through his hair and mumbled quietly to him about your day.
- You had found that the quiet talk down helped him relax as he curled into your chest
- This was the only time you ever saw him this small
- Wondered if it was a product of his childhood that he disliked sleeping so much
- Still you held him close and played with his hair absently as you recounted the story of meeting a stray cat on the way home
- After a while you ran out of stories and moved on to trying new jokes searching for the ones that drew sleepy chuckles from his lips
- Lulling him to sleep was simple enough. The hard part came after
- Falling asleep without waking him up was always a struggle
- He was a notoriously light sleeper
- One wrong move or strange noise had him jolting upright and alert
- Once you had startled him awake with nothing more than a yawn
- Perhaps it was his training that had him on such high alert.
- You hoped that slowly but surely he would learn to relax a bit more but you understood it could take years if it happened at all
- He knows he should sleep
- He just can’t some times
- He’ll lie awake for hours if you don’t help him relax
- On these nights you two have settled into a routine
- You make him tea and brush his hair
- “you know you don’t have to do that jagiya”
- “I enjoy it your hair is always so soft!”
- “are you jealous?”
- “I would be if you weren’t my boyfriend. That’s the thing though your MY boyfriend meaning technically your mine and by extension your hair is mine”
- “is that how it works?”
- You lean down and kiss the top of his head
- “yep that’s how it works”
- “does that mean your mine too”
- “always and forever”
- “your so cute jagi!
- After tea you both go through your nightly routines washing your face and getting ready for bed
- On good night you share a bath
- You lean against his chest and lay your head back on his shoulders while you both do a face mask
- in bed you ask him to sing you a lullaby as you gently trace patterns into his chest
- You hum along contentedly and smile when he yawns
- After while his singing drifts off and you can hear his breath get deeper
- he can sleep through quite a bit but you know that the second you pull away from him he’ll be up in a second looking for the warmth and weight of you
- so you pull the blankets tighter around the both of you and slip into sleep yourself
- you got to start early with Jaehee
- no caffeine after noon or it’s a lost cause
- after opening the café this got 1000% harder
- you lure her away from work by offering to watch a Zen DVD with her
- you pull her against you on the couch and hum along with the music quietly (she hates it if you sing along but humming is fine)
- slowly she starts to relax against your chest and you know it’s time to move upstairs (wink wink. Wait no. you both need rest save the winks for next time)
- “Jaehee?” you ask gently “how bout we head to bed? We have to open early tomorrow”
- She yawns bit but you can see the defiance in her eye’s
- “I should finish a couple more things before”
- “no” you say sternly pulling her toward the bedroom
- “but there’s still paperwork”
- “and it will still be there in the morning. Look ill work the morning by myself so you can take care of it then but you need sleep”
- She sighs but fallows you none the less
- “your right MC.”
- “it happens sometimes” you laugh winking at her and reveling in her averted eye’s and blushing cheeks
- (wink wink? No just one wink. You still need rest)
- Once in bed you snuggle together and just before drifting off you hear her mumble
- “I’m so glad we’re friend” “I’m so lucky to have you”
The RFA boys and how they express love
I swear someday I’ll play jaehee’s route and I’ll come update this to include her but right now I’m on the route of pain and sorrow and I don’t know how to stop. its only like day 4 of the “another story route” and I don’t see this shiz getting any less painful. if anyone wants to send me jumin or yoosung fluff it would be much appreciated oh and also is there an easier way to tag?
anyways without further ado. I hope you guys enjoy my take on how the RFA boys express their love.
If its planned: spoiling you he buys gifts. he loves your smile when he surprises you with a gift and you love the goofy grin on his face when he gets to spoil you. At first it made you nervous. You didn’t like the idea that he thought he had to buy your love. You didn’t want him thinking you stayed with him just because of the money, especially since you would gladly stay with him even if he had nothing. You confronted him about this after your first valentines together. You didn’t plan on crying though and the second the first tear fell you could see Jumin’s heart break. He explained that he wasn’t giving you gifts to make you stay, he bought you gifts because he would pass by something and think of you. He bought you gifts because even the thought of your smile made his day better. he bought you gifts because he loved you and not to make you love him. You launched yourself at him catching him off guard you tumbled to the floor together as you nuzzled into his chest. He laughed at your antics as he wrapped his arms around you in kind.
If its unplanned: physical affection He isn’t used to affection. Especially romantic affection so his tolerance is fairly low. He can tend to get swept up in the heat of his emotions so when he gets overwhelmed by his feelings towards you there’s only really one outlet. (wink wink) he doesn’t enjoy PDA however so more often than not he’ll whisk you away to somewhere private. The second his lips meet yours you practically drown in his passion and you wonder how anyone could call this man a robot when he his every movement was filled with love and heart. You suppose you could be the only one who has the privilege of seeing him like that and pride wells up within you as you lean into his embrace. You love him like this just like you love him when he sits at his desk working intently. Everything about him seems to call out to you and in this moment you hope he can feel it.
If its planned: games with you fun it this cutie pies middle name. he plans dates complete with games and roleplaying adventures (look at his valentines DLC where y’all played like it was your first date). He enjoys nothing more than seeing you laugh and play with him. Sometimes he worries you won’t take him seriously though especially after someone else treats him like a child. You always know this has happened because he’s not up for your normal games. He gets agitated when you call him puppy and cutie. This is your cue to remind him that being cute doesn’t make him less manly. You tell him you love his cute side because no matter how hard your day was he never fails to make you smile. You remind him you chose him. You chose him and no one else.
If it isn’t planned: takes care of you this precious boy is all about acts of service. You wonder if it has anything to do with his Kink desire for praise. He wants to do things for you. Anything! He likes to cook for you and help you study or teach you a new mechanic in your game. It makes him feel strong even if he can’t beat someone in a fist fight. The more he helps you the more useful and secure he feels. You assure him that he doesn’t have to do anything to earn your love and affection “you just have to be yourself puppy! I love you for you not what you do!” but you let him keep doing things because it gives you a good excuse to praise him and the look in his eyes when you praise him it far too good to give up. He gets all red and starry eyed you could almost swear he’s having an out of body experience. You’ll admit you get a bit uneasy when other people praise him because of this though, that being said you don’t want to stop it if it makes him happy. So instead you simply double up on your cuddles and praise when you get home.
If its planned: hand made gifts for Saeyoung a gift means nothing if it’s not personalized. When he gives a gift its always handmade or hand built maybe. Either way its hours spent to prove how much he cares about you. You can guarantee that a gift from him is more than the sum of its parts. He likes watching you interact with his latest gadget discovering all its hidden uses and programs. His favorite part is when he can tell its surprised you, he thinks the mixture of shock and mirth on you face is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Every gift he gives you gets increasingly complex, from that first robotic cat made to simply keep you company to his latest gift which even after 3 months your still finding new things the glowing long cat robot (extendo-elly the 4th) can do.
If its unplanned humor he loves to make you smile. His jokes and memelord nature wasn’t completely for show. He genuinely enjoys seeing you laugh. He’s constantly looking for new ways to have you ROTFL’ing. Once he sent you a meme completely in binary just so he could watch you translate it and face palm while you giggled to yourself. He considers the times when you punch him playfully tears of laughter in your eyes to be a rousing success. He learned pretty fast you enjoyed his cosplay that you always thought one of two things. You either thought it was beautiful or you had to practically bite you hand to stop your giggles. His showmanship only grows from there. If you’re feeling down, he makes it his life’s purpose to bring your smile back even if it means making a fool of himself (especially if it means making a fool of himself).
If its planned quality time Zen just wants to spend time with you. He likes being near you even if you’re doing nothing. When he does his strength training you do yoga, when he practices lines in the living room your sitting on the floor laptop in hand. He likes to be near you so he plans date’s where you can simply be together. Stargazing, motorcycle rides, even trips to museums if that’s what your into (though you might have to help him understand why that stuff is important). he likes catching glimpses of you while acting, hearing your voice while he’s chatting with a fan, recognizing your perfume as you rush past him for an onset project. It’s partly why he wanted you as his manager, the other part was that you where damn good at it. You could juggle the RFA party and his shooting schedule and the upcoming auditions like you were born for it. Honestly he was just so thrilled to be with you whenever possible.
If its unplanned praise let’s face it this boy is dramatic as all get out. So when he gets overwhelmed he can’t help but revert to those cheesy lines from his plays. He’ll shower you in praise and love and you’re always a little worried that one day he’ll just start spouting Shakespeare. he calls you princess and angel while fawning over you because he just can’t help it he loves you and if he can’t spirit you away to a nice private place when he can unleash the beast, then he’ll simply have to verbally drown you in praise and love.
a toast to family
a Jumin x MC ficlet (about 800 words)
MC goes into labor unexpectedly during a business party and is rushed to the hospital to deliver the newest member of the Han family.
again its fluff. all I write is fluff guys. the world is a sad place so I just wanna write happy, comforting things. let me know what you think also like feel free to send me your ideas and I’ll try to write them but again, I like fluff and happy endings.
It was a business party celebrating C&R’s expansion overseas. Jumin had assured you, you didn’t have to attend but you told him you were fine. you weren’t due for 3 more weeks you could attend a simple party. After nearly 9 months of your stubbornness and your mood swings he knew better than to argue with you.
So here you were sitting to the side as Mr.Han toasted to his son standing next to you. That was when the first contraction hit. You winced but kept your cool. You had read about false labor and so you dismissed the pains as nothing more than a false alarm. You distractedly clapped along with the crowd only half following the toast, so of course you were surprised when your husband stood up to toast to you and the growth of the Han family.
You stood at jaehees prompting but another contraction wracked your form and suddenly you were standing in a puddle. Something in your head rang an alarm bell.
False labor did not include your water breaking
Jumin was frozen glass in the air eye’s locked on your form as your used the table to help support yourself. Jaehee was at your side in an instant guiding you back into your chair as she called for driver kim to take you to the hospital
“Jumin” you called “Jumin honey I need you to come back to me” you said trying to break through your husband’s stupor.
“Mr. Han MC it in labor she needs you!” Jaehee shouted and suddenly Jumin was carrying you to the door. He had you in the car and on the way to the hospital faster than you could keep up. The whole time he clutched your hand and looked resolutely ahead trying to will away his concern. You cupped his cheek and turned his face to you.
“Jumin I need your help” you reminded him soothingly. You knew he needed something to do, it’s who he was, he hated sitting still. “I need you to time the” the sentence cut off as you hissed through your teeth at the next contraction but he knew what you meant.
“yes of course, can you squeeze my hand with they come?” you nodded and felt him shift to better see his watch “breathe my love,” he coaxed gently.
“we will be at the hospital in 10 minutes, Mr. Han.” Driver kim supplied and Jumin simply gave a sharp nod as you squeezed his hand to signal another contraction. Jumin was rubbing circles into your hand wait his thumb as he continued to try to sooth you.
“did you finish the baby blanket?” he asked stiffly and you could recognize his attempt to distract you like the birth classes had suggested. you appreciated his effort you really did but right now you couldn’t really focus on responding to his question. You waved a free hand to show him you couldn’t answer and he nodded again. “3 minutes apart” he announced as you felt the car speed up. “should I read to you darling? I have “the orphan’s tales” here.”
“I love you” you breathed. In that moment you remembered why you loved this man. It wasn’t his money or his fame. You couldn’t care less about any of that, because at the end of the day this was him. He was ever prepared, ever diligent, gentle and passionate. you loved him because he knew your favorite book, because he kept a copy in the car of all places. You loved him because he remembered every suggestion the birth classes had mentioned, including reading to you. You loved him so much and then another contraction hit you and you grit your teeth swearing that somehow someway HE would birth the next child you two had.
The baby was born and you were exhausted when you heard your husbands deep voice singing gently to the small bundle in his arms. A lullaby he had learned for the express purpose of soothing the baby you had just welcomed into the world. You chuckled softly at the words of the familiar song. Words that to any other parent, might have been fantasy, but with Jumin they were probably true.
“Hush, little baby, don't say a word, daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird.” You chuckled at the silly smile on your husbands face and couldn’t help the way your weary hand found his cheek.
“and if that mocking bird don’t sing?” you asked teasing him gently he turned his head to kiss your palm before finishing the lyric you had started.
“daddy’s gonna buy you a diamond ring”
cryptozoology enthusiast Jumin & MC
we already know he’s intrested because of his vampire and dark magic books
so when MC introduces him to mothman, siren head, the rake and slender man he’s curious
she’s in it for the spooks he’s in it for the info
she’s also in it for how cute he is when he gets all super cereal and into it
they start taking vacations in the countries and area’s these creatures are supposed to originate from to learn how the culture affect the mythos
he can speak a ton of languages and MC takes care of the internet research and technology aspects (she works the GPS and drives)
they both slowly become experts in cultural mythos!
it’s actually really helpful as C&R branches out into international busness
they write a book. MC gives the emotional down to earth view while Jumin gives the facts statistics and science.
the book sells really well partly because of the chemistry MC and Jumin have in interviews and how it shows a new side of Jumin to the public
then MC show’s Jumin the SCP foundation and he helps create a legit triple A SCP game, movie and book
all the proceeds go to upkeep of the website and further funding of the creative arts so that everyone can keep enjoying the SCP’s
this gives good publicity to C&R
a major portion of it is written off as charity
MC helps consult since she’s a big fan and now Jumin gets to see her at work
also she’s just so psyched to help this big creative conglomeration of really interesting stuff
Seven would absolutely troll them with pics of him with the creatures
“i totally met slender man once” “seven shut the hell up ... wait really?”
he dresses up as bigfoot for the book release even though Jaehee told him not to
MC laughed so hard she cried and Jumin and her too a picture with big foot seven (upon MC’s request)
she’s loosing it at the fact that Jumin is taller than big foot seven
Zen gets to star in the SCP movie one of the main scientists
not Dr bright
maybe Dr. bright
Jaehee is thrilled to be able to work with Zen even if its not directly
plus she gets to go to the premier!
Guys they could have so much fun together! give me your thoughts because I am honestly digging this idea that MC and Jumin dive headfirst into weird urban legends, internet creepypasta creatures, cryptids, old world mythology. all of it.
Guys for real I want EVERYONE’s thoughts. add something, disagree with something. write your own version, whatever.
i would ver much like more please!
Can you please write a sequel for mermaid MC with Jumin please? I loved it! Does she gets human legs when her tails dries? Does she grants wishes or can find treasures? Is she mute/speaks human language? Thanks!! 🤗
Part 1
Jumin let the mermaid’s hand go after cleaning her cuts. She nursed the sore spots with a worried frown. Her tail splashed a little in the large bathtub.
Jumin never used it, preferring showers for a more efficient way to cleanse himself. Fortunately, it seemed big enough for her to fit in.
When he tried to lay her down on some towels, she protested. She was quick to point to the bottles of water around the house, slapping her tail on the ground as if to give him a message.
She shouldn’t be out of the water for too long it seemed. Thankfully, she was happy enough. She wasn’t making much of a fuss, even when he applied disinfectant to her cuts.
Her tail splashed in the water again as she hummed thoughtfully, looking at her hands with a soft smile. Jumin sat back, swabbing his brow.
“At least they won’t get infected. That’s the most important thing.”
The mermaid nodded as she looked around the bathroom curiously. Her eyes lit up as she saw the coloured bottles on the shelves and reached to take one. Jumin took her wrist and shook his head.
“You should be careful with those. They don’t have anything edible in them.”
The mermaid puffed her cheeks out and pulled away, looking around more. Jumin crossed his arms.
“Do you have a name?”
The mermaid nodded with a smile.
“What is it?”
Her smile faded and she looked down. She fiddled with her hands, biting her lip.
Jumin frowned. “You won’t tell me?”
The mermaid looked at him with an apologetic look. She placed her hands on her mouth, shaking her head.
“…You cannot speak.”
The mermaid nodded, lowering her hands. Jumin sighed.
“Well, you can understand me. Better than nothing.” He got to his feet. “After you’ve rested for a while, I’ll carry you back to the sea.”
The mermaid smiled and nodded. She beckoned for him to come closer. Curious, Jumin leaned forward.
“Is something the…”
His words died in his throat as the mermaid leaned up to kiss his cheek. She sunk back down to the bathtub with red cheeks, smiling bashfully. Jumin blushed and pulled away, running a hand through his hair and clearing his throat.
“Right. You’re welcome. If you need anything…throw a bottle through the door. There’s plenty of them.”
The mermaid tilted her head to the side curiously as he marched out of the bathroom, placing a hand on one cheek to gauge how warm it was.
The RFA when MC is excited about how soft her fresh shaved legs are
there’s something truly magical about fresh shaved legs. for EVERYONE involved.
- You sneak into his home office wearing your black satin pajama’s
- you move to perch on his desk one leg extended and toe pointed as elegantly as you could manage
- “Jumin touch my legs they are so soft!”
- “Excuse me?”
- You spin so your legs sit across the papers he was just working on and sit front and center
- “I just shaved and used that new lotion you got me and they are so soft touch them”
- “No”
- “No?” you pout
- He scoops you up without warning carrying you out of the office
- “The office is no place for that”
- “wait, no. you were work, I just meant.”
- “you know better than to tease me” he said entering the bedroom with a mischievous smirk
- I mean he right
- You emerged from the bathroom towel clad and smooth legged
- Yoosung was in the main room enjoying a let’s play when you made your appearance
- “MC?!?”
- “Yoosung touch my legs” you chirp happily racing of to him and placing one foot gently on the table before him
- His hands are shaking as his fingers start at your knee and run down to your ankle
- He stutters an affirmation and you smile moving to sit next to him
- You drape your legs across his lap teasing him
- “MC this isn’t fair” he says burying his face in his hands
- You shift your legs off his lap and move his hands gently to steal a kiss from him
- “but your so cute when you blush”
- “you’re doing this on purpose” he chides
- You simply giggle and kiss him even deeper this time
- You two did not make it to the bedroom
- Mission accomplished
- BAM your leg in all its fresh shaven glory is posed upon the coffee table before Saeyoung
- Before you can even say anything he leans forward and lick a long strip up your calf
- “oh god ewww why?”
- “why not?” he asks mock sagely
- “I just wanted you to see how my legs where!”
- “soft you wanna see soft legs?”
- BAM HIS leg in all its shaven glory is posed upon the coffee table before you
- Revenge lick
- “augh okay point made that’s gross”
- Later you are both cuddling on the couch in booty shorts super soft legs tangled together as you watch a movie
- Saeran hates that he can’t tell which legs belong to his brother and which belong to you
- He thinks your both idiots who need to put on REAL F*CKING PANTS
- He comes home from a jog to see you in shorts doing one leg wheel pose
- Instantaneous nosebleed
- “oh Zen look”
- MC he literally can’t look any harder than he is already looking
- You move out of wheel pose to stand before him “I just shaved my legs and they are so smooth touch them!”
- his brain has ceased functioning
- You guide his hands to your thigh to feel your skin
- Then he’s moving on his own and his hand is too high to be innocent
- You give a shuddering gasp
- The beast is unleashed
- “Jagi do you even know what you’re doing to me?”
- You absolutely 100% know what you’re doing.
- She too knows the alluring feeling of fresh shaven legs
- Share with her your soft leg secrets
- Now you both have super soft legs
- You absentmindedly run your fingers along each other’s legs all afternoon
- FRESH SHEETS because you both know how amazing fresh sheets are when paired with fresh shaved legs
- You two cuddle all afternoon while watching Zen’s DVD’s
- That night, so many cute and spicy leg kisses
- Tangled up super soft legs
Mc spoils the RFA + saeran with their perfect bath
guys i love baths. bath bombs, I got a job at bath and body works because i love their products and lush doesn't have a store near me. baths are beautiful wonderful indulgent moments of relaxation and should be treated as sacred and holy times. so here we have MC giving the RFA their perfect bath.
also my master list grows with every new post so be sure to keep an eye on it.
- He has been so stressed its affecting his sleep
- So tonight your bound and determined to get him to relax
- He doesn’t usually take baths he’s a shower guy
- His bathtub is HUGE though (mostly because he knows you love baths)
- The water is so hot his skin is a little red but not so hot that hit hurts
- Hot water helps relax the muscles you point out
- you use a bath bomb that colors the water a deep purple with eco safe silver glitter
- it’s scented with cedar wood and lavender oil
- you even dimmed the lights and played cello music to create the optimal relaxation
- he starts soaking as you pour both of you some wine
- he asks you to join him saying that it would be “terribly boring” without you
- you chuckle and slip in with him leaning against his chest
- he tells you about a new cat business
- you tell him about teaching Elizabeth the 3rd to do the obstacle course you and he set up
- you mention that the water looks like the starry night sky and move to kiss him
- he smiles and catches your chin in his hand to deepen the kiss
- he thinks he will indulge in baths more often if you will be joining him like this
- he knows that girls like baths but he’s never really enjoyed them
- he gets antsy if he sits still too long and shows just seem easier
- so you decide to show him the light
- the bathtub at his place isn’t big but you can manage since there isn’t an easy solution
- the water is another problem it doesn’t get hot enough to be relaxing and certainly not hot enough to stay relaxing through the duration of the soak
- so you fill up what you can from the tap and add boiling water to bring the overall temp up
- you have to be really carful to not get it too hot
- you use a light blue bath bomb with gold glitter its shaped like a shooting start and has a tiny toy inside
- you do not tell him about the toy the toy is yours
- its smells like freesia and honey, fresh and lightly sweet
- you play the LOLOL equivalent of the LOZ great fairy fountain music
- he grabs your hand as you go to give him privacy and won’t meet your eyes when he asks you to join him
- you share a bottle of cold cherry flavored sparkling water
- he tells you about the upcoming LOLOL event and you laugh at his animated hand guesturse splashing around
- you give him a bubble beard and when you kiss him you pull away with half the bubbles on your own face
- as great as the bath itself was his favorite part is towel drying your hair because of how messy and super fluffy soft it becomes
- broski neglects himself when work gets bad
- he can get nasty
- you draw him a bath with the hottest water possible
- you use a bright red bath bomb with black and gold glitter
- it smells exactly like fruit loops
- you also add several rubber duckies (one looks like him and one looks like you)
- you were not planning to join him really
- but he splashes you and I mean you where wet already so when in roam
- you too may or may not play act with the rubber ducky versions of you
- you pour Dr. pepper into those plastic fake champagne flutes and toast to honey buddah chips
- you have to ban honey buddah chips from the bath
- you share memes on each other’s phones
- and play soft 8-bit music as background noise
- you wash his hair and hum a lullaby
- he tries not to get sentimental about a childhood he never had
- but you can tell he’s getting a bit sad so you squish his face and say “my name is Saeyoung and I deserve love” you have him repeat after you while his face is squished until his laughing again
- you wrap his hair in a towel hat then laugh when he forgets and his hair dries all crazy
- bath time becomes a really happy routine for you too
- he is familiar with baths they are good for your skin every once in a while
- he’s read all about the benefits, the pros and cons, what to add what to steer clear of
- he insists warm not hot water “zen hot water feels the best” “it can irritate our skin jagi!”
- you concede because he’s basically a human furnace anyway
- you choose a dye and glitter free bath bomb
- but it does have seaweed extract, coconut oil, and Epsom salt
- it smells like rose, lemongrass, and mahogany
- he puts his hair in a bun to wash separately (what’s good for skin isn’t always good for hair)
- you both do face masks during the soak and there’s something you really enjoy about seeing him in a face mask
- it’s one of the few times he looks genuinely silly
- you talk about the new part he just got and he admits he’s nervous
- “it’s a romance Jagi what if I can’t act it properly because I’m too busy thinking about you?”
- he either drinks bear or lemon cucumber water depending on if he has an audition tomorrow
- if he drinks beer he shares the can with you since he’s trying to cut back for you
- if it’s the lemon cucumber water absolutely runs the bottom of the ice cold glass against your neck to see you shiver and shudder
- but then you wiggle against him and he’s starting to have a hard time controlling the beast
- this girl needs a tropical vacation bad
- but since you don’t have the money or time you decide a staycation will do
- bath water is hot enough to steam but you give it time to cool a bit before she gets in
- you use and orange, yellow bath bomb with gold glitter that looks like the sunrise
- it smells like guava and mandarin to give it a tropical feel
- you play ocean sounds and quiet ukulele music
- you make chamomile and lemongrass ice tea sweetened with honey
- she chats idly about all the benefits of such a drink and debates whether to add it to the café menu or not
- you can’t help but chuckle at her workaholic nature as you turn to kiss the tip of her nose
- you even move a laptop with its webcam covered because everything with the RFA hacker has made y’all hyper aware of the vulnerability of technology
- to the bathroom counter so you can watch Zen DVD’s while you relax
- afterwards you paint her nails and discuss new cakes for the café
- she’ll admit it’s no trip to Hawaii but it was very relaxing
- boy refuses to admit he needs some serious TLC
- but you coax him in if you say you want to share a bath with him
- you bring fresh flowers into the bathroom and make sure everything is perfect
- you use a deep red bath bomb with black glitter
- its shaped like a skull and he enjoys watching it fizz and bubble before you two get in
- it smells like a bouquet of gardenias, roses, and lilies
- you play nature sounds with gentle harp music
- you make sweet hibiscus tea to share with him
- he tells you about his latest therapy appointment and you ask him idle questions
- “did you end up planting all the tulips?”
- “maybe we should build a bird house! Or install a flower box on the window sill!”
- “are you gonna dye your hair again? Or let it grow naturally?”
- A lot of your conversations used to be one sided since he was so unused to make his own decisions
- So conversations where you gently guide him to find his own ideas are helpful
- Especially in safe and relaxing environment like this.
- “I think I’d like to keep it bleached until it grows out” he says cautiously
- “I think when it grows out on its own it’ll feel like the last of mint eye being washed away, and I hope I’ll be better by then. I hope you’ll stay with me until then.”
- “always and forever” you assure him kissing his cheek and giggling at his light blush
Roof Top Affection
this is just me venting via
Jumin x MC ficlet (1400 words)
MC struggles with feeling of emptiness that compels her to visit the roof of the penthouse despite the dangers, when Jumin is alerted he is not happy. (I don’t write angst guys this doesn't have angst it has like two seconds of sad and then a whole shiz ton of fluff)
also if your interested feel free to check out my master list
If you leaned forward just a bit, you could see the street below. If you closed your eyes and focused on the wind in your hair you could imagine you were falling. If you sat here long enough, you hoped maybe you could let go of the tightness that had somehow lodged itself in your chest.
It had taken incredible planning to get here. You had watched the guards for days before you sneak away. They wouldn’t have stopped you of course, but they would tell Jumin and he would worry. It isn’t that you wanted to worry him. you had simply been so stuck recently. Between the guards and the reporters, you felt suffocated, before you had married Jumin you had been a nobody, invisible to practically everyone and you had reveled in the solitude of it.
Now you sat on the edge of the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the city just to find a second of mock silence. the wind was loud and cold at this height it whipped around you as dangled your legs over the edge of the roof. no one could see you up here unless they were looking and you weren’t unfamiliar with heights like this quite the opposite actually. You sought them out regularly, they felt safe to you, as though your worries where tethered to the ground and through little more than mere distance from earth you could leave them behind. So it was fitting than that your ultimate solace came in this admittedly foolish game of chicken. How close to the edge could you bring yourself before the fear of falling drew you back inside. This was the farthest you had ever come, sat on the ledge legs dangling off eye’s closed and simply feeling the thrill of being so close.
“Mrs. Han.” Came the booming and authoritative voice of Jumin’s most trusted body guard “please step back from the ledge carefully Mr. Han has been called and will be hear soon”. The pseudo silence you had chased was shattered and you noticed the noise of the city suddenly still you couldn’t bring yourself to stand just yet, you gazed over the edge one final time. You could hear the heavy foot falls of the guard coming to retrieve you and you sighed. You put your hand up to stop him and stood of your own volition meeting him halfway. “I am to - ”
“escort me back to the penthouse to await my husband? Don’t worry so much I understand.” You smiled up at him and saw his nervous and melancholy frown. As he nodded and followed behind you as you made your way back inside.
“Ma’am? May I ask why you were up there?” he pressed gently only the barest hint of hesitance in his voice.
“of course you may, the real question is will I have an answer for you.” you said teasingly trying to lighten the mood at least a little. If you could convince the guard it was no big deal you had a better chance of convincing Jumin. You didn’t want to lie however “the wind up there is exciting. The view is breathtaking. Honestly it just, calls to me like a siren. Do you know about sirens? Jumin read me a book on mythology once and it talked about these creatures that sang so beautifully that they drew unsuspecting sailors into rocky waters, I think the roof is my siren. I know it’s dangerous but when I hear that melody, imagine that feeling, breathe that air, I can’t say no. I don’t plan on doing anything bad though so you shouldn’t worry”. Okay even you had to admit that sounded worrying. So much for playing this off as something trivial.
You reached the door to the pent house quickly and he sat with you stiffly until Jumin rushed in. you could see the immediate relief on his face when he saw you sat safely away from any dangerous ledges. You also saw the relief crumble behind a cold anger as the body guard moved to his post outside the penthouse door. Jumin sat in an armchair to your left and you watched him run his hands through his hair in exasperation trying to find the right words.
“It’s not what you think” you say cutting him off before he can speak, “I wasn’t planning to leave you. I could never leave you, I love you. I just,” but you trailed off losing your words at the sight of his hands shaking, the lost and broken look in his eyes.
“Just what MC? what on earth could have made you do something so reckless?” he said reckless but you heard the meaning behind it. Stupid, how could you do something so stupid, and how could you blame him really. You had known from the beginning that it was stupid, stupid and dangerous and breathtaking.
“Jumin I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. do you remember telling me about the threads that wrapped around your throat? They strangled you, held you back, hurt you. I have them on my heart they constrict in my chest until I can’t feel anything at all, but up there the wind and the quiet and the chill it helps. Their still their still tied around my heart but they loosen.”
He looked at you and you could feel his fear. The ever confident business man was nowhere to be seen in that moment. “you helped me untangle my threads MC. I want to do the same for you” you had never heard his voice waver like it did when he spoke the next words “but I can’t lose you like V lost Rika.”
Your heart froze and you moved from your spot on the couch. You knelt at his feet, held one of his hands securely in yours and leaned to meet his downcast eyes. “Jumin, I’m not going anywhere. Not now, not ever. When I go up there I do it to feel something, not to stop feeling everything. I’m not Rika you won’t lose me.”
Without a word he pulled you off the floor and into his lap. You wrapped your arms around him mimicking his tight hold on you occasionally raking your fingers through his hair soothingly. Slowly you could feel him relax feel him unwind around you as you gently and quietly chanted your love to him.
“I’ll build you a sky walk. Clear flooring and handrails. You’ll be able to be up there and still stay safe, but you have to take a guard next time.” You chuckle a little at that, he had always been a problem solver, of course he would find you a way to feel the city beneath you safely. “MC? please talk to me when you feel that way. I hate to imagine you suffering alone”
“anything for you love” you purr nuzzling your head into his neck before sneaking a kiss onto the skin there. The next few days he stays home from work to be with you. one day you take him up to the roof and sit with him feeling the wind in your hair and leaning against him. he admits it’s nice but it makes him nervous none the less, having you so vulnerable. He asks if you want to see a councilor after reading that thrill seeking behavior is linked to depression you agree on the condition that he attend with you the first few times. It helps him as much as it helps you, and though you don’t attend long you learn how to better cope with the periods of emptiness. In the meantime, an observatory is built on the roof and a skywalk is added these become a major tourist draw despite being open to the public only on the weekends. During the weekdays you enjoy planning for the upcoming RFA parties while lounging on the skywalk, with its crystal clear flooring and guard rails you often feel like there is nothing above or below you. Jumin often joins you for lunch relishing the view and your ever growing cheer.
RFA boys witness panicky MC take down unknown
imagine panic hysteria and the fight reflex from short sweater clad sweetheart. yeah. it does not look bad ass, she is probably crying and shaking and calling for help. she’s has no fighting training what-so-ever all she has is fear and unadulterated desperation, sometimes that’s good enough though.
oh also I’m putting this under a cut because seven’s bit has spoilers because, its hard to avoid spoilers with him okay!
and last but not least check out my master list and leave a comment please!
Jumin is so proud of you for protecting yourself, he will hold you until you calm down and assure you that you did the right thing.
- When he made it to Rikas apartment he could hear your crying and burst through the door without a second thought
- The second he saw you in a panicked frenzy repeatedly kicking an unknown figure that lay on the floor covering his head he was shocked
- It was impressive he had to admit, the speed and strength of your blows was astounding considering your size and soft spoken nature
- He almost felt bad for the man who had unknowingly provoked such a surprisingly violent response from you
- Almost
- Once the initial shock had worn off he pulled you away from the slightly trembling figure on the floor soothing you with gentle words
- He wasn’t sure the man on the floor could move but he planted the heel of his shoe on the man’s hand affectively pinning him to the ground none the less
- “the police will be here soon my love your safe now”
- “I panicked”
- “but you did very well, I am so relieved to see you safe.”
He tends to let his emotions run away with him so I imagine he goes through stages. Worry, relief, anger and then if you can calm him down he’ll be able to logically get you out of there
- He heard glass shattering as he tumbled through the door to Rika’s apartment
- He had no plan, when he entered he just wanted to make sure you were safe
- So when he saw you standing in the corner hands covering your mouth clearly shaking he rushed to you not even noticing the figure crumpled across the room
- You immediately spun him around when he reached you pointing out the unmoving figure on the floor.
- “I, threw something and, and, I think it hit his head. I panicked Yoosung! Is he okay? I don’t want to hurt anyone. I didn’t mean to hurt him. he scared me!”
- You were talking a mile a minute and Yoosung wanted to hold you and assure you everything was fine
- But he knew he had to be strong first
- He crept over to the figure and heard it groan in pain
- And in an instant he was kicking the figure, worried you pulled Yoosung away
- “Puppy! No! oh my God! He’s bleeding! Yoosungie please please stop”
- You were clinging to his arm and pleading with him when his eye’s met yours they felt so empty, this wasn’t the sweet and cute man you had fallen in love with, this was a stranger.
- “Yoosungie you’re, you’re scaring me” you stuttered as his blank and cold expression bore into you
- Slowly, haltingly his cold gaze broke and you watch him come back to himself again
- Suddenly he was pulling you along and you two fleeing the apartment
Saeyoung (warning spoilers!)
Look Saeyoung is torn because on one hand yay you can protect yourself that’s a huge deal since his life is dangerous on the other hand the person you just destroyed was someone he had not planned on seeing ever again and especially not on the floor of his maybe almost sorta girlfriend temporary apartment. He’s got a lot to figure out right now.
- He could hear your yelling from down the hall
- So when he kicked in the front door of Rika’s apartment he expected to see something terrible
- He did not expect to see you tazing his brother while you screamed like you were the one being hurt
- Thankfully his training allowed him to disarm you without hurting you
- It was clear you were in a panic as you shook and spoke a mile a minute about how his brother had broken in through the window
- As you shook and hurriedly tried to explain yourself he took care of the man you had just tazed into oblivion
- Slowly you calmed down as you watched him hand cuff the man and leave to get ice for his bruises and muscle cramps
- The following days were long, hard, and very confusing.
- Saeyoung assured you, you did nothing wrong, but at the same time he agonized over his brother’s injuries both physical and mental
- He nursed his brother through fights and pain and heavy resistance and you did everything you could to support them both.
- The RFA was thrown into chaos at the revelations the capture (rescue? No one is really sure at this point) has brought
He is concerned more than anything, you may have physically protected yourself but he can see the fear and tears. He knows you aren’t okay and knows it will take a lot of TLC for you to feel safe again.
- He can hear your shaking stuttering sobs as he pushes the door open quickly
- And there you were using a coat rack to beat a figure on the ground
- there was suddenly a sickening crunch sank to your knee’s sobbing
- he panicked thinking you were hurt scooping you up bridal style and sprinting out of the apartment
- once at home his hands flutter over your form never touching you but scanning you for injuries
- he sighs when he sees there are none. Had that crunch been from the intruder?
- You’re still crying though and he can tell that you are shaken.
- He holds you all night listening to your concerns
- “I don’t want to hurt anybody! Oh God I’m such a bad person I think I broke his arm zen!”
- “hush princess you’re an angel you didn’t do anything wrong”
- “oh God what if he comes back Zen?”
- “then I’ll be here to protect you this time. I’m never letting you go again.”
- He runs his hands through your hair and holds your hand while he makes you tea
- It’s a lot like the stories ending but more intense since you were alone with unknown longer and therefore more shaken
RFA + Saeran and MC on a snow day
so where i live it does not snow often. it gets cold but we don’t usually get enough moisture to get snow. so as much as i would love do do more snow activities tis but a futile dream. maybe when i move. i don’t know. point is i don’t know much about snow day activities so a lot of activities are repeated but hopefully each character is different enough for everyone to enjoy.
oh also so I changed my ask box so y’all know i do take requests for mysme writing. my only current rules are that I don’t write for V and NSFW stuff will be kept vauge. oh but i do LOVE writing for jumin so def hit me up if you got anything for him.
and as always feel free to check out my master list!
He spends it learning about what other people do on snow days so it’s a little bit of everything
- You know this man has a real fireplace because that is classy and cozy (at least I think so)
- Imagine sitting on the floor across from Jumin with Elizabeth between you two
- Your take turns teasing her with toys as she jumps and plays towards one of you then the other
- When you do go out you’re in super warm clothes and even then he’ll have his arms around you to keep you close and warm next to him
- He is not prepared when you pull away from him to run through the snow like a child but he chuckles watching you practically frolic
- Until he see’s you tumble into a pile of snow and rushes to help you out
- But when he gets there your giggling like a mad woman and you pull him down to kiss him in the snow
- “have some fun with me MR. Han”
- “if you insist MRS. Han”
- You show him all the commoner Snow day activities
- Snow angels, snow men, snow ice cream, maple syrup snow candy
- At the end of the day your curled against him in a big armchair by the fires he’s reading to you while you both warm up
His day is all about fun fair play with intermittent kisses and cuddles he’s just happy to be with you
- This boy may not have a fireplace but just imagine curling up with him under a heated blanket
- Also he loves snowball fights. He goes all out building himself a snow wall to hide behind and creating a war cry before popping up to pelt you with snowballs
- You sneak around and tackle him into the snow peppering his whole face with kisses
- Y’all try to build an igloo
- Y’all fail to build an igloo
- You build an entire family of snowmen to live in your collapsed igloo
- You and he name each snow man and even try to make them a little snow meal
- Then you start sneezing and he notices how red your nose and cheeks are from the cold
- He rubs your hands in his and breaths on them to warm your finger
- Eskimo kisses while sipping hot chocolate
- This boy makes the absolute best hot chocolate complete with whip cream and red and green Christmas sprinkles
- you put your cold hands on his face hot blushing face and laugh when he lurches backwards its less fun when he does the same
he might take the snow fun a bit too far. But hey you both had fun so it’s cool right?
- he didn’t know it was snowing until you dropped a half melted snowball on his head while he works
- he makes a freaking snowball machine gun, his cat robot fights by his side
- you are out numbered and out gunned but he refuses your surrender you are now a prisoner of snowball war
- he DID make an igloo (for snowball war prisoners) and you and him bring blankets and watch movies on his laptop while all cuddled up together
- igloo make outs, until Saeran comes to check on you two
- not only does he stumble into some ridiculous booby trap Saeyoung made
- but when he finally makes it through you guys are making out and he tells you two to get a room
- “we have a room! I built it myself!”
- Saeran calls Saeyoung an idiot but does tell you to come inside before you catch a cold
- You make you and Saeran tea, Saeyoung tries hot DR. Pepper (spoiler alert it’s not good)
- You make soup for everyone and you all have a movie night
Romance. He will romance the pants off you. quite literally. It wasn’t his plan but he’s not complaining.
- Boy legit does not get cold so he lends you his coat
- But it’s so big on you, like floppy sleeves and knee length big. He thinks it’s so cute.
- And then your nose and cheeks all flushed from the cold.
- He’s dead, you killed him. Zen doesn’t live in that body anymore, now only the beast remains.
- He’s afraid you’ll catch a cold so he keeps you inside the rest of the time
- you and he absolutely go sledding (he’s not gonna miss a chance to hold you that tight against him)
- it’s hard to control himself when y’all tumble over each other at the bottom of the hill and he ends up laughing on top of you
- you nose scrunched with your laughter at the crash and pillowey snow around you
- he sings you “walking in a winter wonderland” as you two get take out from a nearby restaurant
- hot showers (interpret that HOWEVER you want wink wonk) to help you both warm up
its cozy and warm and peaceful. You spend most of it in shelter watching the snow fall from inside.
- snow days are actually really good for y’alls business because everyone wants hot drinks when its cold out
- she bundles the heck up. Coat gloves scarf hat boots earmuffs hat all of it
- she looks so cute all bundled up you just have to kiss her nose
- after the café crowd dies down you make her a drink and you two sit letting the drinks warm your hands as you watch the snow outside fall
- she gasps. You know what would be perfect for cold weather like this? molten lava cake!
- You gasp. You know what would go perfectly with that? fresh snow ice cream
- You both get to work and make what is hands down the best dessert you’ve ever shared
- It won’t work in the café obviously but your both glad you got to enjoy it together
- On your way home you hold her gloved hand and she kisses your cheek
- You spend the night watching DVD’s of Zen’s past Christmas plays
It’s all about balance on this day, balance Saeran’s two different sides and balancing him and his brothers sometimes oppositional personalities.
- Hot tea with all his winter flowers (you know he’s planned his garden with flowers that bloom at all different times)
- you and he try to catch snowflakes on your tongues and make snow angles
- he probably gets irrationally angry when something knocks a tree branch and dumps snow on his head
- you calm him down and promise you two can gang up on Saeyoung in a snowball fight
- you two forgot he had a snowball machine gun and end up hiding behind a snow pile
- you call a truce once Saeyoung runs out of ammo and drag Saeran inside so he doesn’t catch a cold
- you make him chicken noodle soup and snuggle with him until he’s warm again
- you hear Saeyoung come in and Saeran tells him that if Saeyoung dares touch him with anything cold he will personally throttle Saeyoung with an icicle
- you hush Saeran gently because that’s not nice besides Saeyoung knows better you say sending a harsh look at a Saeyoung who has a large snowball melting in his hands
- Saeyoung decides that he probably shouldn’t go against you and Saeran together (clever boy)
the RFA bois react to empath MC
so in this context im gonna say MC is an empath in that she can feel other peoples emotions. they feel separate from hers though as she’s had a lot of time to learn to compartmentalize her emotions separate from others. she can also promote emotions to other people but not force them. think of it like the difference between being near a small campfire and wrapped up in a blanket in you house. if your feeling sad she can help you feel a little better help you not slip too far into depression but she cant solve the problem. if your surrounds by cold sadness she can be a small campfire to warm up next to until you have enough strength to make it home. some people can tell the difference between her promoted feelings and their genuine ones but its difficult and often takes a lot of practice.
I might add jaehee and Saeran a bit later. if you guys want me to leave a comment. otherwise i’ll probably move on to my next project.
oh and master list
Curious, defensive, once he accepts it he’s thankful that you can understand his feelings so easily
- He doesn’t believe you at first. At least he says he doesn’t but you can feel his curiosity
- You tell him to ask any questions he has and he does
- “Can you make people feel something?” Sorta but not really, I can promote or encourage feelings but not force them
- “Can you tell when people lie to you?” it depends on why their lying. I can fell maliciousness and that can tell me if their lying.
- “Have you ever used this power on me?” You can feel the anxiety behind that question. He doesn’t want his love for you to be something you created. You don’t have to be an empath or a mind reader to see that concern.
- I can’t turn off feeling other people’s emotions that’s how I knew how much you were hurting. “you know that’s not what I’m asking MC”
- You sigh defeated yes, but it isn’t what you think. I didn’t make you love me; I could never do that. there isn’t a point if those feeling aren’t genuine. I tried to calm you down, make you feel more safe and secure. You were so anxious I couldn’t stand to see you so hurting like that so I tried to encourage peace
- You could feel him processing that, you watched as his grim and serious face slowly melted into the gentle smile you loved you could feel his warm and soothing love
- can I show you something? I, I’ve never done this but I want to try to make you feel how I feel about you.so you can understand “you may”
- you instructed him to breathe deeply. The way he did when he meditated (a hobby he had begun after reading about it in a book about Romanian vampires)
- it’s easier if your empty and open. A blank slate to receive what I’m projecting are you ready?
- He nods and you start. You pour every ounce of energy you have into showing him how much you love him the warmth in your face when you catch his eye, the tingles in your fingertips when he kisses you, the giddy bubbliness in your heart when he makes those silly dry jokes of his and last the hunger in your blood when he smirks at you.
- When you stop sending him your feelings you can feel them mirrored back at you with their signature Jumin charm.
- His face may not burn but he’s never found it difficult to fight a smile before he met you, his fingers may not tingle but they twitch with the need to hold you, and he feels that same giddy bubbliness when you laugh at his jokes, last but certainly not least you feel the aching need for you when you glance at him slyly
- You laugh at the cosmic ridiculousness of it all, you two felt so similar yet so different two sides of the same coin.
- You wouldn’t have it any other way
Embarrassed, thinks you can mind read, tries to not think anything naughty thinks EVERYTHING naughty
- When you tell him he turns bright red and you almost choke on the embarrassment he’s feeling
- Why is he so embarrassed though? you don’t get it feelings aren’t embarrassing
- “so you um you know all my thoughts?” oh okay now you get it he doesn’t understand
- No I can’t read your thoughts I just feel your emotions, like if your happy I can feel your happiness or if your sad I can feel that sadness
- “so um can you feel if I feel um like nope never mind no its nothing I’m going to go study”
- Now you’re curious so while he’s studying your focused on him searching for something anything beyond the pure embarrassment he’s feeling
- Slowly you can feel a small piece of his emotion a wavering flickering determination to hide something
- You don’t approve of spying. But he was acting so strange you were worried. So you watched him for the rest of the evening as you scampered around doing everything in his power to stay busy and avoid you
- You can’t keep avoiding me forever Yoosung what are you so afraid ill feel that I haven’t felt already
- That’s when he locks eyes with you and you can feel his need ;) at the same time that his face flushes a near impossible shade of red
- “MC can you feel when I have naughty thoughts?” He blurts clearly a little panicked
- You can’t help but giggle because you can feel his nervousness under laden by the obvious thoughts he’s been trying not to think
- Only when you think about them really hard *you wiggle your eyebrows at him*
- And now you’ve broken him he’s a puddle of embarrassment on the floor you should probably stop teasing him now
- Yoosung listen if you’re worried about me thinking your weird, or not feeling the same way myself. You don’t need to. Honestly most of the time I feel how sincerely you love me, how much you enjoy being with me, how much you cherish me. Every now and then I feel you get a little needy and to be honest, I feel the exact same way. I love you of course I feel that way sometimes.
- Then his lips are on yours and your drowning in the intensity of his emotion
- How can such a cute and innocent looking boy feel so, hungry. You have to admit its intoxicating
- you hold him tight against you and try to make him feel your love the way you feel his love right now
- you don’t know if it comes through but you figure you probably have the rest of your life to keep trying.
- At least if the devotion and love you feel from him is really as strong as it feels
- You know better than anyone that feelings can change in the blink of an eye
- But you have no intention of letting this go
skeptical at first, he jokes about conspiracies and magic because they seem so far fetched to me so you’ll have to prove yourself.
- when she tells him he doesn’t believe you
- “prove it what am feeling right now” he said teasingly
- Skeptical? You replied blandly it didn’t take an empath to figure that one out
- Saeyoung laughed at that and you couldn’t help the bloom off love in your heart
- “okay that wasn’t a good example” he joked “how about this what’s Saeran feeling”
- “emotionally exhausted, a little depressed, but mostly apathetically curious
- ... it’s the best he’s felt in a while to be honest but it’s getting better” you said solemnly
- You felt his heart sink the all too familiar weight of guilt he carried quickly pushed aside to focus on more pleasant things
- “that would have been a better example if I could fact check it but it seems right” he said with a glance to his brother lost at the computer in the corner of the room
- I can try to affect your mood would that prove it? You offered
- He brightened instantly at that “oh yeah! that’s a good idea bet you can’t scare me”
- “I can’t force emotions but I can promote them so let’s try it out. First it’s easier if you clear your mind and start with a blank slate” you instructed
- “my minds always a blank slate” he quipped giving you his signature goofy grin
- you couldn’t help but laugh for a moment and you felt his pride swell at your giggling
- after a moment you calm yourself down and begin to focus on proving your point
- suddenly he’s stiff and trembling in front of you
- “I don’t like that” he whispered stopping you immediately
- “I’m sorry did I push too hard” you fretted
- “I, don’t, I believe you just don’t do that again”
- “of course I’m sorry” you promised worriedly
- “I haven’t felt like that since, never mind I just don’t like it”
- “here let me try something else something better”
- This time you sent warmth, comfort and love. the feeling of stepping inside your warm home on a cold winter day. you can feel him beginning to relax into it and you hope this makes up for your earlier faux pas
- “I recognize that feeling you’ve done this for me before”
- you caught me I did this a lot when you were with me at Rikas place I didn’t like you feeling bad so I tried to help usually the calls helped with they didn’t I did this
- he pulls you into his arms and hugs you tight you can feel his adoration and gratefulness
- “you’ve been helping me since the beginning. thank you”
instant belief (because he has psychic dreams after all) probably falls more in love with you because you can completely understand his feelings
- now he knows why you believed him about his psychic dreams so wholeheartedly with no hesitation
- no one had ever believed him so quickly and honestly it meant so much that you had trusted him
- then his eye’s glint and he asks if you can feel what characters are supposed to be feeling
- you almost laugh at that but he’s serious
- he thinks about how helpful that would be for his career, how easy it would make character analysis
- you almost wish you could when you see how passionate and ambitious he is
- but you shake your head and explain
- “I have to be with the person”
- He nods at that but you can feel his confusion grow mixed with curiosity so you continue
- “and if there’s multiple people I have to work harder to focus on just the person I want to read.”
- it’s in this moment that clarity dawns on Zen’s face you were so good at isolating people’s problems focusing on exactly who you needed to. the reason you were always so focused on him and his feelings was because you worked at it. You had practice.
- You could feel his admiration though you weren’t sure what thoughts a brought it you had started talking and now it felt like you couldn’t stop you had never told anyone about how your power felt and now it was pouring out of you
- “It’s like being in a crowded room and trying to isolate one person’s voice from all the others. it can be overwhelming because people don’t have inside emotions like they have inside voices. when something exciting happens in a movie, sometimes it feels like the whole theater is screaming.
- “that’s why you hadn’t heard of me before we met. You avoided the theater because it was to emotional?”
- “I couldn’t get into the story because the actors never felt genuine and I got a headache from all the people in the crowd it was easier to watch things at home where I couldn’t read people so easily”
- “but you come see my plays now?”
- You blushed at that averting your eyes “your acting is different. You actually feel the part. You make it easy for even me to believe you. if it’s you, I think it’s worth the headache from the crowd. If it’s you I think I understand how the crowd can get so worked up.”
- He lunged at you and in a flash your back was against the couch as he loomed over you hungry and full of adoration he leaned down to whisper in your ear
- “can you tell how I feel right now?”
- You shut your eyes tight and nodded face red with embarrassment.
- “then you must have some idea of how much I love you. still I’d like to prove it, if you’ll let me Jagi”
Jumin x MC and the fate of C&R’s cat projects
this is the first thing I’ve written in literal days and its scattered and short and honestly I’m not to happy with it. it feels less then great. actually it feel a peg below adequate if we’re being honest but I’m forcing myself to write because when i got out of the pavilion they said to force yourself to do something that made you happy before because it can help. so ya know, I’m trying because i want to believe it will get better.
okay without further ado Master List
MC takes over all Jumin’s cat projects
o She gets some help from Jaehee at first to learn more about organization, scheduling and other job necessities
o Soon MC is on roll not only finding ways to make the cat projects profitable
o But also finding ways to connect them to actual charitable organizations so what isn’t profitable is written off for tax purposes
o Jumin has never been happier he can see his wife at work discuss cat projects and grow C&R
o The chairman is also impressed and Jaehee doesn’t have to worry about Jumin’s crazy cat projects now
o Zen is Not modeling for the cat projects themselves but MC and Jumin plan to venture into allergy medicine research soon (MC convinced him talking about all the cats that don’t have owners because their perfect person is allergic)
Jumin and MC foster kittens
o The devote 3 interconnected rooms to the kittens and their mothers
o Them and their children help socialize the kittens to prepare them for adoption
o On stressful days Jumin goes into the kitten’s rooms and lays down on the floor the kittens love him and crawl all over him.
o He likes to watch MC bottle feed the especially small ones that the mothers tend to give up on
o The first few adoptions are REALLY hard on Jumin but MC thinks it’s probably good for him to learn how to open up and let go like this
o Elizabeth is still his number one kitty and she even takes to helping the newer cat moms wrangle the kittens in and groom them
o The install a special cat door to the foster area that only lets Elizabeth through that way she can come and go as she pleases
Jumin and MC create cat café and adoption centers
o The café portion and the cat portion are technically separate but café patrons can watch the cats play romp and explore through the glass and a series of tunnels, shelves and walkways that connect several enclosed play areas around the fairly large café
o MC helps create recipes for the café that all look like cats or kittens. She also designs cat healthy cat treats shaped like fish or mice for customers to feed to the cats
o Jumin connects them to shelters and charity groups all over the nation to get shelter cats that may have otherwise been put down into the cafes
o The café cats get a new lease on life, veterinary care, treats, meals, toys and attention
o Many are adopted and the ones that aren’t become welcome lifelong café employees
o Jumin and MC spend most dates in the café
o When everything has run smoothly for a while MC starts to organize cat handling classes for children (and seven) so that people understand how to care for bond with and avoid hurting cats.
MC absolutely wears cat ears to work
o It started small cat paw earrings only but after a week of seeing her desk name plate read “head of feline enterprises” she got bolder
o Cat paw earrings and a cat charm bracelet
o The next week she added a cat yin and yang necklace
o Then she switched it all out for cat ear headbands that matched your hair
o It looked like you legitimately had cat ears and you were thrilled
o Until you showed Jumin and his face tinted red and he called Jaehee to tell her neither of you would be in today. (hard wink)
o The ears became a daily thing after that if for no other reason than that you really enjoyed how hard you got to see Jumin work to stay professional in all your meetings
jumin: “I can’t decide which idea I like better. the thought that you need me so desperately you could never leave, or the hope that you never needed me at all and chose of your own volition to stay because you wanted me.”
this quote brought to you be dream jumin who visited me last night said this and then promptly bought the mall i worked at so he could renovate it into really weird apartments. thanks jumin that was a weird trip.
my good mysme route includes

so I have FEELINGS and rather than deal with them like an adult, I’m going to write about what my perfect MYSME route looks like. Major spoilers so it’ll all be under the cut. I really just want everyone happy and healthy.
this was really really fun to write and I’d love to hear other peoples thoughts on the perfect MYSME route since it’ll be different for everyone depending on what they want their MC doing.
my MC is a caretaker/mom friend TM (like me) she likes to work but gets bored if she has to do the same thing everyday plus Jumin is my favorite so i chose to have her marry Jumin and use all the free time she has because she doesn't need to work a job to take care of the RFA.
1: Jaehee and zen becoming best friends Jaehee helps him take care of himself as well as using her connection at C and he encourages her to chase her dreams.
2: Jumin promoting Jaehee to a delegation position where she hires and trains several assistants to do her job rather than get drowned in busy work
3: Seven and Saeran living happily together with a therapy service dog to help with Saerans medicine, panic attacks, and both the boys self care.
4: seven owns a toy store while saeran tends to a garden and play area in the back for kids who do not wish to go home right away (no matter what the reason is)
5: yoosung seeks grief counseling and begins his journey of moving on after rika
6: rika gets arrested and sent to a mental health rehabilitation center where she receives INTENSIVE therapy for and extended period of time
7: v realizes his codependent nature and also receives at least some therapy before he even considers getting into another serious relationship. his councilor advises him to avoid rika and he listens. meanwhile he reunites with the RFA and begins to rebuild the broken trust there.
the end result is that jumin learns to express himself and empathize with jaehee. he marries the love of his life. yoosung learns to motivate and live independently so he is not so swayed by outside influence or so reliant on others to motivate him. he want to improve himself, for himself. saeyoung gets his brother back as well as very tolerant and gentle pet trained to help calm them both down. he is out of the agency and doing what he actually loves, building and creating things that make people happy. zen becomes good friends with jaehee who reminds him how much his acting affects his fans not simply because of his looks but because of his skill as well. she actively cares about his health and happiness motivating and empowering him to follow his dream. jaehee learns to delegate and manage people to get consistent results without being overworked. she hires multiple assistants for jumin and every one has received glowing reviews thanks to her meticulous training. consequently she has far more free time and is planning to open her own cafe after training her own replacement. because she leaves Jumin amicably C&R readily invests in her Cafe and she does very well. V is learning his own self worth as well as becoming okay with the fact that he cannot control everything, and by extension if he is not in control he is neither to be praised or blamed for some things (such as rika’s actions) he is very slowly rebuilding trust with saeyoung, jumin and yoosung as well as the rest of the RFA though he will not be taking the leadership role back. he gets his eye surgery and opens a painting studio. his paintings and photographs are still regularly auctioned off at RFA parties. he learns to be more open and honest so that secrets are a thing of the past. Saeran tends to a garden and playground behind saeyoungs toy store where many kids play and enjoy a safe environment. he has a therapy service animal that helps him remember his medicine and can help calm him down in the event of a panic attack. the dog also helps him sleep (waking him up if he has a nightmare) and reminds him to take a daily walk since exercise and sunlight are integral to his recovery. Rika his arrested but thanks to jumin pulling some strings is given the extremely relaxed sentence of 30 years in a maximum security mental health rehabilitation facility. jumin arranges for her to be sent to the best possible facility in the world which happens to be in england far from V, her family, and the RFA. she gets the treatment she needs while the RFA heal from what she’s done. mc often visits each member to deliver snacks, lunches, dinners, or anything else that she’s made in her free time from hand knitted scarves to pottery she is constantly dabbling in knew crafts personalized for each member. she often brings huge amounts of cookies to sevens shop to hand out to kids and leave any left overs for the twins. she becomes the mom of the RFA checking on every member daily and making sure everyone has everything they need to be happy. once things have settled down and the members don’t need her as much she feels a little lost, until she talks Jumin into fostering kittens. her and jumin will have kids eventually but they aren’t in a hurry.
EVERYONE is getting better
retrouvailles (part 1)
Jumin Han x MC fanfic (1391 words)
part 2 out now
over all summary: MC is the Singer at her Family’s wine bar called “retrouvailles”. Jumin Han corporate heir has fallen for her voice and decided to pursue a relationship with the Jazz and swing singer despite his usual distaste for romance. they face the challenges of press interference and hearsay, as they explore the waters of new romance.
chapter summary: Jumin Han has taken the first step in courting the lovely Jazz singer at his favorite hole in the wall wine bar, “retrouvailles”. when MC seems less than thrilled Jumin doubles down on his efforts and seeks the reason for her apparent distaste.
MC’s song presentation: PMJ’s cover of Feel Good Inc.
authors note: this is my first attempt at a multipart fic so if you like it leave me a comment or something so I know I’m doing okay! I got this idea on my way to work a couple days ago and couldn't get it out of my brain and I listen to PMJ jazz and swing covers WAY TOO OFTEN. I hope you all enjoy it!
Jumin Han swirled the dark port in his glass absently as he watched the singer on stage. MC Kang, as she was introduced before every show, wore a gold cocktail dress that complemented her skin tone perfectly. Her auburn hair covered one of her eyes to give her a more mysterious air tonight as she sang her newest swing composition. This was a piece Jumin hadn’t heard before though he had come here often, for the express purpose of hearing her sing.
He did not own the “retrouvailles” bar and it was not for lack of trying. How many times had he offered to buy the place for ten times its estimated value and still been turned down? Some part of him respected the owner for his resolute dedication to his family business, the larger part of him found the man irrationality and poor financial sense to be infuriating. Still every Thursday Jumin Han would slip away from the press and body guards to spend an evening sipping wine and listening to this woman sing. Her voice was a dark honeyed indulgence in his life, one he was somewhat embarrassed to admit he was becoming more and more reliant upon. With every passing week his resolve grew stronger and last week he had made his decision. He could not allow her to remain a simple voice that haunted his dreams as she had been recently, so he had decided to speak with her.
Last week he had taken the first step in his plan. He had ordered a dozen of the city’s finest roses to be delivered precisely when her show would end, with only his name by way of explanation. Her reaction surprised him however. she glanced his way and frowned slightly before she promptly turned away to retreat to the bar’s back room leaving the roses to be picked up by the pianist apologetically. He had not even had the chance to approach her let alone explain the meaning behind his gift. Rejection left a bitter taste in his mouth and he had to admit his distaste for it. Yet it was this distaste exactly that had spurred him forward, sending her a different bouquet nightly since. No notes adorned the subsequent bouquets as he had no doubt she was clever enough to put two and two together.
So it happened that he was here once again watching the stage lights dim as she stepped of the stage speaking jovially with the pianist, her brother and the one who was to inherit the bar when their father passed, if Jaehee’s research was to be trusted. Her brother nodded toward Jumin and her face darkened a bit before she turned to walk towards him.
“you know Mr. Han I’ve heard of you little club opening down town. I hope you know you can’t buy my talent; I don’t intend to sing anywhere else.” Her eye’s where stern, all business as she cut to what she thought must have been the heart of the matter. He understood now why she had been so critical. She saw him as competition, understandable considering his position at C&R. he was relieved to know she had not spurned him out of personal feelings. He stood from his seat setting his glass to the side to adjust one of the cuffs of his suit as he spoke.
“buying your talent was never my intention, and you may call me Jumin if you’d like.” Her expression didn’t shift as he had hoped it would. She didn’t sigh in relief that her family bar was safe from C&R acquisition for the time being or let curiosity light in her eyes as he had hoped instead he could feel the skepticism roll off her as she placed one hand on her hip.
“then what pray tell was, Mr. Han?” she asked emphasizing his name to show she had no intention of changing how she addressed him. “men don’t send flowers so diligently unless they want something. So what is it that you want?”. It was clear she was in business mode, cold and factual seeking the other parties’ motives to gain the upper hand in a negotiation. She was good he had to admit, the way she presented herself confidently as an impassive and immovable force was far different from the woman he had done business with before. He suspected she had hardened herself especially for this conversation, prepared herself for whatever offer or manipulation he may try.
“consider it a courtship gift” with that he saw her resolve falter and he smirked. He had caught her off guard and caused business mask to slip if only a bit. this game of cat and mouse was fun but he never was one to beat around the bush.
“I don’t appreciate the joke Mr. Han it seems rather tasteless considering you position.”
“it wasn’t a joke. I’ve enjoyed your performances immensely and I’d like to,” he paused for only a second to consider his phrasing “get to know you, if you’d be interested of course.” His voice was steady from years of trained control and he knew it betrayed none of the nervousness he felt. He had never been in this position before. He had never needed to ask for a woman’s time before, never had to fight for her approval. He was used to woman vying for his attention sure but MC seemed almost wary of it. As though he may be using her and not the other way around as he was so used to.
“I, excuse me?” her mask broke and he could see the confusion and nervousness in her eyes suddenly. On her part she had indeed planned for what she thought was every possible contingency. She had read every article she could find on him and they all pointed to one thing. Jumin Han was not a romantic. He had never been in a relationship that wasn’t later proven to be little more than rumor and circumstance. He was a loner, never needing anyone. So of course when she began receiving the daily flowers she had assumed a business proposition was on its way. She could never have imagined courtship as he so formally put it. She composed herself as best she could after such a complete upheaval or her expectations and made a concerted effort to keep her voice steady “I had never considered that possibility” she took another moment to breath removing her hand from its place on her hip to take a more demur posture. “to my knowledge you have never been a, shall we say, romantic. I assumed the flowers were sent to persuade me away from my families’ bar, honestly I had meant to tell you that it would take more than a few pretty petals to break apart my family. Oh I suppose I’m rambling; may I consider your offer? We can speak after tomorrows show if you’d like.”
She prayed he would agree. She needed time to regain the upper hand if she could, to consider the way this could affect “retrouvailles” and her family as a whole. She certainly didn’t want the bar to fail because of a misstep with a man who was essentially both their competition and the most financially powerful man in the country. Yet on the other hand she wasn’t sure she wanted to succeed because of some trite dalliance either. Dating always had its complications but she could tell already that a relationship with the Mr. Jumin Han would be on another level of difficulty all together.
“of course miss. Kang.” He said an easy smile on his face despite the swell of disappointment he felt. This was not rejection he had to remind himself. Not yet.
“MC, if you don’t mind. Miss Kang sound to formal for my liking, especially if we,” he could see something in her eye’s a spark of possibility before she caught herself. “never mind. I suppose I will see you tomorrow then?” she asked tilting her head slightly and causing her hair to cover one of her eyes yet again. A shield to hide herself from him.
“yes, MC” he agreed warmly. he watched her sly stage grin return as she began to turn away before pausing to look back at him.
“well goodnight then, Jumin”
Retrouvailles (part 2)
Jumin x MC fanfic (1122 words)
Part 1
over all summary: MC is the Singer at her Family’s wine bar called “retrouvailles”. Jumin Han corporate heir has fallen for her voice and decided to pursue a relationship with the Jazz and swing singer despite his usual distaste for romance. they face the challenges of press interference and hearsay, as they explore the waters of new romance.
Chapter summary: Jumin and MC have arranged to meet for a non-date to discuss the possibility of a future date. MC explains her concerns and Jumin see’s a softer and more genuine side of her. one he hopes to see more of.
Retrouvallies feature song presentation: lady armstong cover of Mr. Brightside
authors note: sorry its short and not much happens >.< i really think its important that MC explain her fears and that Jumin hear her reasons for wanting to keep everything on the DL also like i got really lost in Jumin just experiencing a younger and more lively crowd since its not his normal scene, also i hope y’all are enjoying reading this even a quarter as much as i enjoy writing it. I’m sure i look crazy speaking MC’s lines to myself as i drive in my car alone to work but its fun. oh also the name of the bar is a french term that refers to the feeling of reuniting with a loved one after a long time and is directly translated to reunion. IDK it just seemed classy and feel good.
Retrouvailles was far busier on Fridays than Jumin was used to. Absent where the familiar faces of the regulars that came to enjoy MC’s singing, replaced instead by a slightly younger crowd eager to celebrate yet another work week passed. For all the class it held it was easy on weekdays to forget that Retrouvailles was still a bar that come weekend, it’s nights would be filled with a slightly more wild clientele focused more on venting the weeks frustrations than winding down quietly. if he were being honest he would say he preferred the more relaxed Thursday crowd of familiar strangers, he had never seen eye to eye with people who worked to live rather than lived to work after all. The raucous chatter aggravated a headache that had started from a difficult business deal only an hour previous. He raised his hand to rub at his temple when a waitress approached him.
“Mr.Han? if you don’t mind MC has actually saved you a booth I could take you there if you like.” Jumin felt the smallest hint of joy bubble with in him at the thought that MC had set aside space for him, he wondered absently if she had made the arrangements to secure them a quiet area so they could talk. He nodded politely as the waitress led him to a booth just to the side of the stage tucked away from the bulk of the crowd. She had thought of everything it seemed as he spied a dark bottle of wine already chilling in an ice bucket ready to be served.
As he sat, the waitress poured his glass of wine and spoke gently “MC has selected a Douro red port for this evening and she asked me to tell you that she will join you after the show begins if you don’t mind waiting.”
“of course thank you for showing me over” he could see the waitress blush a bit and absently wondered what MC would look like blushing like that. He shook his head slightly to refocus himself and sipped his glass as he watched the crowd from afar. Soon enough the music began and he shifted his focus to the stage. MC was not singing tonight he knew but Retrouvailles was known for its live music every night and apart of him was curious as to who could take MC’s place on such a big night. They called themselves The Lady Armstrongs and they were good, but he missed the smoky velvet that was MC’s signature.
Half way through the second song he heard a familiar voice just behind him. “miss me already? You look a little bored.” She teased her voice cutting through the sound of the bar to ring clear in his ears.
“I’ll admit it’s nice to hear your voice again”
“carful now Jumin or that silver tongue is gonna get you in trouble”
“oh really” he countered in the same teasing cadence “it’s served me well so far” she chuckled and the sound of her laugh rolled over him like gentle waves.
“you certainly are confident” there was no bite in her words he noted, as she sat down.
“I see no reason not to be” he replied, and it was true he knew his worth, his strengths and weaknesses, he had come to terms with them all and found no point in playing at insecurity.
“good point.” She laughed resting her forearms on the table between them leaning forward slightly to begin pouring herself a glass of wine “oh! I see you’ve already tasted the wine do you like it? You seemed to enjoy your port yesterday and I know this is supposed to be one of the best of its vintage”
“it’s exquisite, thank you” he smiles lifting his glass in a casual toast before she took her first sip of wine.
“Good” she sighs, a bit of nervous tension relieved at his words “ah I um I thought about your, offer”
“and your decision?”
“surely you must know that a relationship with you comes with a lot of baggage” she sipped nervously at her wine eye’s locked on the table between him.
“baggage?” he prompted. If this was a rejection he would make her say it clearly, he deserved that much at least. She was watching the wine swirl in her glass as a means to avoid his gaze which was locked on her.
“I’m not a media darling, Jumin. I like the spotlight but only when I sing. I’m worried about what would happen if word got out that you were dating me. What happens to C&R or Retrouvailles? As much as I’d like to pretend that it would all be sunshine and daffodils, I know better.”
“so your saying no?” he asked. He understood her hesitance, she was right about the media complicating things. He had seen it with his father far too many times when his father would fall for women who were using him they would twist the media to suit their purposes. A story leaked here a picture spread there, a scandal rarely affected C&R too much, but Retrouvailles was small and a scandal could put them out of business. Still he had to fight the disappointment in his voice as he tried to make himself the impassive emotionless man so many claimed him to be. He could tell by the look in MC’s eye’s he had failed though.
“that’s just it, I don’t want to say no.” it was then that she finally locked eyes with him and suddenly her cheeks were a ruddy red but her hand was on his trying to keep him from pulling away as he had been about to do. “what I want to say is, can we get to know each other privately? I mean would you mind terribly if we kept our names out of the papers?” something in her tone felt so raw he knew there was no way he could refuse her even if he wanted to.
“I wouldn’t mind at all” he could see her shoulder sag and hear the smile in her voice when she spoke again.
“thank you” he wasn’t sure he had ever heard someone sound so genuine in his life. Later if he was asked when he truly fell for her, he would cite this moment. The genuine smile and gratitude she offered him for something so immaterial and inconsequential wrapped his hear in emotion before he could even decipher its meaning. He could feel her hand still on some part of him registered the smile that crept on his face without his permission. Had he ever struggled not to smile before her? He didn’t think so.
can i talk about the rarely mentioned loss of identity that comes with a relationship with jumin han?
like if you were seeking any kind of recognition for your skills, hard work, passion, or talent before meeting and falling in love with jumin you would have to basically give it up to be with him
and not because of him either don’t get me wrong he has some controlling tendencies that both of you would have to discuss but the real problem would be everyone else
let’s say you were a passionate artist and your art while not national aclaimed was fairly popular then you marry jumin and suddenly all the news stories about your art refer to you as wife of C&R corporate heir Jumin Han. there’s whispers about how you probably got the gallery opening because of Jumins influence and that the only reason you can stay home and create art is because Jumin provides for you and i bet jumin paid for your lessons and that’s why your as good as you are
the same goes for ANY career even remotely in the public eye we even see this with jumins mom when zen mentions she was a singer but she was more famous for her marriage than her singing don’t get me wrong jumins mom may have been a gold digger i don’t know but i can absolutely see how upsetting it would be to put so much time and effort into something only to have all that work be dismissed because of who you love.
just some thoughts
Retrouvailles (part 3)
Jumin x MC fanfic (1215 words)
Part 1
Part 2
over all summary: MC is the Singer at her Family’s wine bar called “retrouvailles”. Jumin Han corporate heir has fallen for her voice and decided to pursue a relationship with the Jazz and swing singer despite his usual distaste for romance. they face the challenges of press interference and hearsay, as they explore the waters of new romance.
Chapter summary: Jumin and MC enjoy pleasant conversations while enjoying wine and music. before parting ways they make plans to meet again and exchange phone numbers.
Retrouvallies feature song presentation: lady armstong cover of royals
authors note:so this is just me indulging in their dialogue cuz i really enjoy writing it. honestly the dialogue is one of the main reason i wanted to writ the fic seriously there’s something very appealing about old timey formal jumin han. I have the plot pretty much set out but i have no idea how long it'll take to get there ya know? like i know what i want to happen but sometimes it takes a bit of working to actually get it to happen. anyway i hope y’all enjoy this cute little back and forth between them cuz i really had fun writing it.
The night’s music seemed impossibly quiet as Jumin felt MC trail her fingers along the ridges of his knuckles.
“have you ever heard of palm reading?” she asked suddenly. he smirked a bit and nodded splaying his hand out before her so she could run her finger along the lines of his palm instead. “to be honest I don’t know much about it really, but I have a friend that can fake it, like a parlor trick you know.” he chuckled at that before curling his fingers around her hand.
“I’ve read a little on the subject of palmistry. I’m sure I could teach you at least a small bit” he didn’t even try to hide his smirk at her surprise.
“do you believe it’s accurate?” she asked dubiously.
“as accurate as any other fortune telling method”
“you know Jumin that isn’t an answer” she chided coyly
“I believe,” he paused for a moment brows creasing in thought as he drew a thumb along a line on her palm “fortune telling, prophecies, fate, it all seems like an excuse. a means for people to accept poor circumstances and lack of motivation.”
“you don’t believe in fortune telling, but you know about palmistry?”
“you must learn about something before you can form an opinion on it” he remarked settling his eye’s on her hand in his. Her hands where warm against his skin and he wondered if her warmth was indicative of some inner light that he lacked.
“well then humor me? what do you read in my palms”
“well the most common belief is that the left hand maps your potential, what God has given you, while the right shows what you do with it, your choices.” MC’s eyes were locked on his as he explained each line and what they were supposed to signify. he ran his index finger over each line as he did and he could have sworn he felt her pulse quicken under the pads of his fingers. as he finished his explanation she glanced down at their connected hands.
“may I be honest with you Jumin?” she asked gently
“I would prefer it” he responded brows furrowing in mild concern.
“when I brought up the palm reading, I may have been looking for an excuse to hold your hand” Jumin didn’t know what to say to that it was a strange thought. that someone would invent a reason to touch him so innocently and yet he couldn’t find it in him to be mad. In the midst of his reverie he registered the final notes of music fading as the nights show ended “I did enjoy the lesson though maybe next time you can tell me about how tarot cards are supposed to work” MC added tilting her head to catch Jumins’ downturned eyes.
“I’m not nearly so familiar with tarot as I am with palmistry” he admitted pulling taking another sip of wine to hide a bit of annoyance at his own lack of knowledge.
“then I suppose we can learn together. Unless, perhaps there’s another subject that you’d prefer?”
“recently I’ve been reading about vampires” he said ready for the same teasing chides he received from several of his friends when he mentioned his latest choice of reading material.
“spooky.” She commented raising an eyebrow “you know I once heard that the reason they didn’t have a reflection in old mirrors was because silver reflected the soul and since they were undead they had no soul”
“modern mirrors don’t use silver” he mused moving to poor himself a bit more wine. It really was a fantastic vintage.
“exactly!” she chirped. “so doesn’t it stand to reason that a vampire in modern times would have a reflection”
he chuckled, no one had ever humored his more outlandish interests like this. “I can see your logic but I raise you this counter” he said letting a smile creep across his face “your right about past mirrors using silver and about vampires lacking souls, but if a silver mirror only reflected the soul why would chair, walls, and art be reflected? they have no soul.” He enjoyed this banter. A back and forth of ideas and logic even in regards to such fantastical creatures as vampires.
“good point though I’m sure some would argure about art having a bit of soul. Also in Dracula I believe that Dracula’s clothes were also reflection-less which implies even objects touching the vampire are rendered invisible to the mirror”
“truly a curious mystery that requires more research” Jumin teased. his smile held a lopsided and easy going confidence. MC laughed at that, a joyous lilting sound that had Jumin chuckling before he even realized it. he liked when she laughed at his teasing jokes and made note to tell them more often.
as the night wore on they continued to talk quietly occasionally pouring each other a fresh glass of wine until as mc poured for jumin she found the bottle empty.
“it seems our time for this evening is up jumin” she said holding the empty bottle by its neck and shaking it slightly to listen for any remaining liquid.
“had I known we were limited to one bottle I would have taken my time a bit more. savored the taste and good company.”
“sorry Jumin rules are rules. One bottle of wine for a first date”
“so this was a date then?”
“I suppose that depends on if you’re comfortable with the woman paying for the first date. I’m sure we could work something out next time if you are but I’d like to treat you tonight”
It wasn’t the first time tonight that Jumin had felt a bit taken aback by MC but nevertheless he found himself wholly in foreign territory. he was so used to paying for himself and to others expecting him to pay for them as well. certainly he could afford it after all. money was no object in his life, and yet MC wanted to treat him. He was quite sure that his wealth vastly outweighed her own, making money all the more precious to her still she wanted to spend it on him. he would let her this time of course though he vowed to repay her tenfold at their next meeting if she would allow it. “that sounds perfect shall we meet after your show on Thursday? perhaps I could take you to a late dinner.” He offered.
“I would love that. oh here I should give you this” she said taking a pen from her purse and scribbling a number on a small notepad.
she tore the page out and handed it to Jumin as she stood. “call me if our plans change okay?”
He was about to reply when he felt her lips on his cheek and froze. She had kissed him, just a peck on the cheek but a kiss none the less. For his part Jumin Han did not flush the light crimson that MC did but he did wear a sly smile for the better part of the next two days despite a weekend business trip he had been dreading for the first time in what seemed like a very long time he found himself looking forward to a social excursion.