just-some-troglodyte - Just Some Troglodyte
Just Some Troglodyte

I want to believe that most people are good

205 posts

Would VALVe Be A Maker Or A CPU?

would VALVe be a maker or a CPU?

i ask because Steam is a thing

More Posts from Just-some-troglodyte

2 years ago

a metal logia would be cool.

i can imagine that it/they may have a naming convention similar to zoan fruits... examples being: metal metal fruit model TITANIUM, metal metal fruit model copper, metal metal fruit model lithium, metal metal fruit model tungsten, metal metal fruit model mercury, etc. etc.

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2 years ago
The Red Hounds An 18th Founding Chapter Experiment To See If The "Lunar Wolves" Geneseed Itself Was Dangerous...
The Red Hounds An 18th Founding Chapter Experiment To See If The "Lunar Wolves" Geneseed Itself Was Dangerous...
The Red Hounds An 18th Founding Chapter Experiment To See If The "Lunar Wolves" Geneseed Itself Was Dangerous...

The Red Hounds an 18th founding chapter experiment to see if the "Lunar Wolves" geneseed itself was dangerous... they are currently operating in the Imperium Nihilus the Armored Saints were a 19th founding chapter what was an experiment to see if the "Word bearers" geenseed itself was dangerous... it is the Viridian Dukes are an 18th founding chapter experiment to see if the "Night Lords" geneseed itself was dangerous, and they're in a similar græy area of loyalty as the Marines Malevolent... the Viridian Dukes are currently operating in the Imperium Nihilus

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3 years ago

sleep with doom and kill your god

Believe In Satan And Fuck Off

Believe in satan and fuck off

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3 years ago


Somebody please draw Ame as this

Somebody Please Draw Ame As This

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