kazeharuhime - Art Stuffs
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Concept Art For A Character I Had In Mind. No Idea Of Her Name, But Shell Probably Show Up In Some Minor

Concept Art For A Character I Had In Mind. No Idea Of Her Name, But Shell Probably Show Up In Some Minor

Concept art for a character I had in mind. No idea of her name, but she’ll probably show up in some minor story as part of @enjoliquej‘s collab project Zenith. Everything I know about her is written on the paper. XD Supposed to be the possible girlfriend of my other character Juan... I know, his name is so creative XPP anyways.

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More Posts from Kazeharuhime

8 years ago
Big Thanks To Tord For Letting Me Use This For A Color Palette Challenge~ Couldnt Reblog The Original

Big thanks to Tord for letting me use this for a color palette challenge~ Couldn’t reblog the original because it had a swear in it, but here we go. So how it works is you my followers send me an ask with the palette you want me to do and I do it. Get asking!


Conversation Hearts with Phyrne and Ollinder for @cielarose

Subtle Melancholy with @jessmkarts‘s OC Ella

Constant Rambling with Helen and Ambrosa for CC (offsite)

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8 years ago
So I Wondered If Kyzens (Wind Gaediens From My Aliens Story) Had Facial Hair That Was Also Cloudy And

So I wondered if Kyzens (Wind Gaediens from my Aliens story) had facial hair that was also cloudy and curly looking like their hair and wings. The answer was yes XD So I drew this old guy with a giant fluffy cloud beard. You’re welcome tumblr.

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8 years ago
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.
So I Said I Was Going To Do A Post On Scourge And These Sketches Arent The Best But *sigh* Here We Go.

So I said I was going to do a post on Scourge and these sketches aren’t the best but *sigh* here we go.

So in the Lands of Seven, a collab/open world between me and CC, one of the seven races was invented purely by yours truly, and that race is the Scourge. They are a race of short (thinking maybe 2-3 feet tall, maybe up to 4-5? not entirely sure how tall they are yet) troll/dwarf-like people, with gray skin and rock-like or brittle hair. They dwell in volcanoes and mountains, using the light of the lava to light their way. They are also equipped with enhanced night vision, since they go through a lot of dark in their mountain homes, but they do need a little light to see by. Renowned for their cruel, coarse and dishonest natures, Scourge are a strong people given to the work of mining and inventing respectively. Because of their light-sensitive eyes, Scourge rarely venture outside of their mountain homes in broad daylight. Because of this, not much is known about Scourge from the outside. They are very protective of their land and do not welcome any outsiders. Outsiders they do let in are often tortured and killed unless they can be used as slaves. They particularly hate the Avian people, claiming that they stole Scourge technology and called it their own. Because centaurs are useful in the mines for hauling loads difficult even for Scourge to pull, they make a habit of kidnapping them and keeping them in the mines as slaves. Recent strides have been taken to keep the centaur population alive in the harsh mine conditions, seeing that kidnapping is a risky business, particularly if they do not want to start a war with the centaurs.

And that’s all for now! I think I missed a few details but oh well, good enough XD

Oh I also forgot to explain who Trunt and Flint are... well they’re Scourge. Characters in some RPs me and CC have been doing with the Scourge in their mine with the centaur slaves.

Trunt is a secretly kindhearted Scourge trying to survive in the mines with a good heart in a bad environment with a bad upbringing. Whenever his kindheartedness is seen at work, Trunt often is picked on for being too soft. He’s rough around the edges, but Trunt is secretly very kind and has a soft spot for a certain pony centaur he picked up one day, and consequently rescued from the hands of eviler Scourge, named Sturdy. He wants the best for this pony and to make sure he’s safe from the hands of other Scourge who want to harm him because of his smaller ‘useless’ size and all around timid demeanor (being natural bullies, they tend to feed off the fear of their victims).

Flint is one of the council members of the Scourge’s government system. As part of it, Flint works with the other members to see that things run smoothly and efficiently in the mines. She is in close contact with the boss of the mines, Lot, who desires to maximize the efficiency of the mine and see that the most work gets done. Lot is in charge of everything over the mines and wants to see to it that the most is gotten out of it and the most work be done. He is the one in charge of getting more centaurs to help Scourge work to be faster, managing the schedules of working Scourge. As the toughest, strongest and most intelligent of the Scourge, he is the one that underpins all the operations that go on in the mine. The council members are his fingers through which his wishes for the mine are executed.

Flint is the owner of a centaur named ‘Freedom.’ Deciding that that was too assuming of a name (and because Free was thought to be generally annoying), Flint renamed him ‘Idiot.’

After getting sick on the job, Freedom was sent to Ambra and Helen for healing, where he discovers the blind and deaf centaur Helen to be exceedingly beautiful. Together with Ambra, Helen conspires to keep Free longer than his allotted time, making him appear sick even after he has gotten better to extend his stay with Ambra and Helen down in the Scourge village in Ambra’s medical office.

Edit: Finally got around to breaking the sketchdump up into pieces. Silly tumblr. XP

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8 years ago
Well, I Think Ive Sat On This Picture Long Enough. Three Characters In One Picture That Will Not Be Named,

Well, I think I’ve sat on this picture long enough. Three characters in one picture that will not be named, do you recognize them? XP Who knows. Anyways. So I found this palette on colourpod and suddenly knew exactly what I’d be doing with it. I think I kinda cheated a bit though. I lightened, darkened, color dodged some colors so it’s not completely the same five colors anymore... but that kinda what you’re supposed to do with real color palettes anyhow though, right? XP But anyways, yes. Fluff. And a shipper looking on who I wanted to blur out because she gets too much attention in this picture (attention hog...) but in the end I kept her. The colors were a little muddy by the end of it so I used auto-contrast to make things a little brighter, and since it’s already been a couple weeks since I last touched it, I didn’t really feel like doing anymore serious work on it... which is a shame because I REALLY wanted to do CC’s character on the left more justice here (he looks so out of character oh my gosh XD but I headcannon this is past the awkward stage so let me dream) and take my little attention hog on the right there down a notch... I was even gonna switch the side the plate was on (that overgrown flat pancake leaning off her shoulder at an odd angle doesn’t even look like a plate with food on it, does it? It was supposed to have a pancake or several on it too ironically enough...) and had some layers to that effect, but I’m too lazy now to do anything with it. So sad. Well! There’s fluff. Achievement unlocked: Draw my OTP on a romantic dinner date! *cue PS3 achievement unlocked sound effect* Anyways now I’ll let you enjoy the fluff. Goodbye!

Oh but before I go,


Well, I Think Ive Sat On This Picture Long Enough. Three Characters In One Picture That Will Not Be Named,

A song that literally became the theme of my little attention hog there...

Thank you, @swordofpower, for introducing me to this ridiculous song and having me make it her theme song for this picture XPP

(I even made a gif of her twirling off in time to it. you need to play it to have this gif make any sense... XD then you’ll watch it mesmerized for hours.)

You’re welcome, tumblr. *bows out now*

Left character © CC

Middle character and the attention hog princess © Me  

Palette «Candlelight» by  Elisenel @ colourpod 

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8 years ago
HELLO ALL! This Is My Super-belated Decembird #1 That I Took Forever On XD; Hopefully I Wont Take This

HELLO ALL! This is my super-belated Decembird #1 that I took forever on XD; hopefully I won’t take this long on all of them, or I won’t have a whole lot of birds drawn by the end of December! o.o I decided not to use the prompt list because THERE’S SO MANY BIRDS AND PICKING ONE FAVORITE WAS TOO HARD. So I just went to pinterest and found a random bird I thought was cool and inspiring and wanted to draw and 9 days later here’s a marker-rendered birb! XD A scarlet ibis or so  google said. Doesn’t quite look like the other scarlet ibises but maybe it’s an adolescent or something?? I don’t know XD Either way her’s a birb. Merry Decembirbing!

For those who don’t know what Decembirb is:

http://theworldoffandoming.tumblr.com/post/154276674003/virginiagreeneart-virginiagreene-hey (yes that’s a link to my fan/miscellanous reblogging blog for those of you who didn’t know I had one)

Reference picture: http://lyonnaise69.l.y.pic.centerblog.net/2c9d6df8982cad43ba0fae65ddb8d86c.jpg

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