Well, I Think Ive Sat On This Picture Long Enough. Three Characters In One Picture That Will Not Be Named,

Well, I think I’ve sat on this picture long enough. Three characters in one picture that will not be named, do you recognize them? XP Who knows. Anyways. So I found this palette on colourpod and suddenly knew exactly what I’d be doing with it. I think I kinda cheated a bit though. I lightened, darkened, color dodged some colors so it’s not completely the same five colors anymore... but that kinda what you’re supposed to do with real color palettes anyhow though, right? XP But anyways, yes. Fluff. And a shipper looking on who I wanted to blur out because she gets too much attention in this picture (attention hog...) but in the end I kept her. The colors were a little muddy by the end of it so I used auto-contrast to make things a little brighter, and since it’s already been a couple weeks since I last touched it, I didn’t really feel like doing anymore serious work on it... which is a shame because I REALLY wanted to do CC’s character on the left more justice here (he looks so out of character oh my gosh XD but I headcannon this is past the awkward stage so let me dream) and take my little attention hog on the right there down a notch... I was even gonna switch the side the plate was on (that overgrown flat pancake leaning off her shoulder at an odd angle doesn’t even look like a plate with food on it, does it? It was supposed to have a pancake or several on it too ironically enough...) and had some layers to that effect, but I’m too lazy now to do anything with it. So sad. Well! There’s fluff. Achievement unlocked: Draw my OTP on a romantic dinner date! *cue PS3 achievement unlocked sound effect* Anyways now I’ll let you enjoy the fluff. Goodbye!
Oh but before I go,

A song that literally became the theme of my little attention hog there...
Thank you, @swordofpower, for introducing me to this ridiculous song and having me make it her theme song for this picture XPP
(I even made a gif of her twirling off in time to it. you need to play it to have this gif make any sense... XD then you’ll watch it mesmerized for hours.)
You’re welcome, tumblr. *bows out now*
Left character © CC
Middle character and the attention hog princess © Me
Palette «Candlelight» by Elisenel @ colourpod
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More Posts from Kazeharuhime
I made an art and I thought it was decent enough to put on the main blog so

So @thefandomingofmanythings/@i-am-an-orange-rug posted this height comparison thingy of the cast for Jajing Over Jonder (what are we even calling this thing anymore?) aaaaand of course my eyes homed in on Jaje and Rug and I immediately thought ‘how are they going to kiss is Rug going to have to pick him up?’ So I drew it. #is shame

Quickly thrown together, here’s “Conversation Hearts” as per @cielarose‘s request! She requested Phyrne (the girl on the left) but I just couldn’t resist doing some Ollinder and Phyrne fluff with a palette name like “Conversation Hearts!” Anyways. Thanks for the request! I thoroughly enjoyed drawing these two and hope I didn’t butcher Ollinder too badly XD Though I guess he’s technically mine now I haven’t really worked on him at all so still the same design basically. XD; Glad I still had those Ollinder refs kicking around. They came in handy! Phyrne © Me
Ollinder’s Design © CielaRose
Keep sending in those color palette requests, guys! Color Palette Challenge Post: http://kazeharuhime.tumblr.com/post/151594445920/big-thanks-to-tord-for-letting-me-use-this-for-a

@jessmkarts‘s OC Ella with Subtle Melancholy! Kinda mushy, kinda personalityless. I’m not all that happy with this. I wanted to put more emotion into it or do some kind of a pose but nothing was really striking me as I was looking at the refs... e3e I dunno if I should have asked for different poses or what but I had literally no ideas for this so I just sorta slapped something together... Sorry Jess, I hope you like this anyway XD; just a little disappointed I couldn’t have done more with it. But welp, at least I got it done right? XD Anyways, keep sending in asks for the color palette challenge, guys!!
Color Palette Challenge Post:
Finished: Conversation Hearts with Ollinder and Phyrne
Subtle Melancholy with Ella (Jess’s OC)
Still to do: Constant Rambling with Helen and Ambrosa, a request from CC (Helen is hers, Ambrosa is mine)

Concept art for a character I had in mind. No idea of her name, but she’ll probably show up in some minor story as part of @enjoliquej‘s collab project Zenith. Everything I know about her is written on the paper. XD Supposed to be the possible girlfriend of my other character Juan... I know, his name is so creative XPP anyways.

So I wondered if Kyzens (Wind Gaediens from my Aliens story) had facial hair that was also cloudy and curly looking like their hair and wings. The answer was yes XD So I drew this old guy with a giant fluffy cloud beard. You’re welcome tumblr.