Y'all I Feel Like Writing But I Have Legit NO INSPIRATION Rn...
Y'all I feel like writing but I have legit NO INSPIRATION rn...
Need some of you sweethearts to put in some requests for my dead inbox please. Cause I've got nothin' better to do and I'm bored outta my mind this summer lmao 🤣
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More Posts from Kimaswork
Is it too much to ask for a bf who would do silly things like this with me?
... or a bf in general hahaha

that one hualian edit x argenthill
Yall ever just hear the most out there shit and be like-
"You do you, I'll do me, and thank God we ain't doing eachother bro."
Thoma x male!Reader
He finds you sad about something and cheers you up the best way he knows how (you decide)
I feel like Thoma would be a good singer and would be a sweetheart and sing to you until you calmed down. He just gives off the vibe of a loving mother y'know? I love him so much <3
In your shared room you were laying on the bed with your arms curled around a pillow as if it it would grow legs and leave you. Your day sucked, to say the least.
Tsukumomono groceries hired a new worker who you had the misfortune of training. They were around high-school age but they had a very entitled attitude to them. But despite the immense disrespect they showed, they still kept their place in the business.
Because with all the rude remarks and snide comments they threw your way they were young and cute, which brought in more customers than average. So they stayed since business was doing so well, which made your days forward hell.
Today however, was terrible, much worse than days prior.
You were stocking up display shelves and pulling items in from the back, when you saw your coworker leaving on the counter chatting with someone. Leaning over you saw they were talking to people that seemed to be their age so you just thought they were friends and let it be.
Continuing your work, they got comfortable and louder, making it easier for you to listen in on them.
"So how's the new job?"
"It's not bad, I don't gotta do much. Just put up with the old man they stuck me with."
You clenched the cans in your hands but said nothing as you kept working. What could you do? It's not like you could go over and tell them to stop, it would outwardly look as if you were refusing customers.
"Damn, that's gotta suck."
"Yeah, the old dudes everywhere- Always stocking, cleaning, doing something. He's such a try hard."
You never hated anyone per sé, but at times like these you really did consider dumping the shrimp in your hands down this girls front.
"Hah- Fuckin' loser."
And that's what it took. Some were quick to anger, but not you. You were quick to sadness. Depression ran deep in your family and most medications didn't cut it, they helped but not enough. So by that point you spoke with Aoi and clocked out early.
Which leads to where we are now, with you on the bed trying to hold in anymore sobs as you heard the front door unlock. "____? ____, Hun, you home?" Thomas voice chimed through the air, making you sit up and clear your throat to respond with a croaky. "Here-"
Moments later, after hearing rustling and approaching footsteps, the door to your bedroom opened. "Hey baby, on the way home Aoi stopped me, said my boy had to go home early. What's wrong?" He pried gently as he sat on the bed. Tossing the pillow to the foot of the bed you made your way to your husband. Pulling him by the shoulders to lay down.
"Another rough day Hun?" He asks as you lay next to him. He places his hand on ue cheek and wipes away the dried tear tracks on your face. You nod in response. "Can you tell me about it?" You look down at his clothes, fiddling with the fluffy tassel he had on his left shoulder. He nodded, taking your lack of response as your answer.
"C'mere-" He huffs as he pulls you up and drags you both towards the headboard to cozy up. Thoma wraps the blankets around the both of you before pulling your head to rest on his chest. "My boy's been working too hard anyways, he needs a break." He says as he rakes his fingers through your hair, working through whatever knots were in there.
Nestled into his side you felt a sense of relief and calm wash over you that you haven't felt in a while. Before you had noticed the soft humming the was rumbling from his chest beneath you, you soon heard his soothing, gentle voice softly singing to you. His voice was softer than a feather and sweeter than a sweet flowers nectar. He relaxed you until your eyes shut and you soon drifted asleep on him, your problems nothing more than a leaf in the wind now.
Since I've already been called out (Fuck you too @zhonglis-little-slvt) here's a few of my works

A challenge. That was your solution. So many men in Sumeru wanted you for your beauty, so what was a young witch like yourself to do? Thats when you saw a stray cat in the distance and an idea hit you.
Putting up a notice on the commission board, you wrote that whoever could get a bell from a stray black cat, would be given the chance to date you. A simple challenge right? No.
For there was a catch- you were the cat.
Being a witch, a chaos witch in particular, you weren’t restrained to any rules in the magic world. Other witches like Mona, are bound to astral magic. But you could use any kind you wished with bor limits. Chaos was yours to wield and that involved having all the magic arts at your disposal.
There were many attempts made as men dashed, leaped, and chased after you. Some even resorted to traps, of which you were displeased with as you occasionally tripped just for the fun of it. You snickered as you watched the men exasperatedly groan as their traps were found empty or torn to shreds.
In full honesty this was more for your entertainment, but having the males leave you alone was a major bonus.
One day you saw a tall male with large fennec fox like ears wander into town. He gathered supplies and stopped by the board, most likely because your commission was the talk of the town. His ears perked as he saw your picture on the commission,Like all the others, your beauty captivated him, and that was when he decided to take part.
A few weeks went by as you tricked the men of the city. But only one caught your eye. The green stripes in his hair mesmerized you, seemingly glowing in the darker areas of the underground market.
You saw him disabling traps that once were laid out for you. Seeing him do this made your heart melt. He seemed to really care for the condition the cat, well, you. He was rather kind, kind enough that he tried to feed you at times. Unlike the other men around, Tighnari, as you had learned was his name, was a sweet soul. As you observed him work and continue with his duties when he wasn't gaining your trust. You found he was both a forest ranger and a healer of sorts.
His smile was like a sweet treat. His voice smooth and calming to your ears. You knew he was the one when he kneeled down before you and gently pet you, not even going for the bell that laid on the collar.
You leaned into his hand, enjoying the attention of the sweet man. It was at this moment that you had made up your mind, you'd choose him.
The only problem? You only had to get him to take the bell. The challenge you once set for the men was now a challenge for you. He didn't even seem interested in the bell, only you.
Time and time again he seemingly didn't notice the bell. No matter how many times he stroked your soft fur, gentle fingers grazing the collar, he neve took the bell.
Growing mildly impatient you sook him out each time he returned to the city. As he was in the markets, you found him and sat beside him. Only moving to follow him around the area. You nipped your sharp teeth at his puffy pants to get his attention.
Your efforts only brought a smile to his face every time he gazed down at you.
;&───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───&;
After nearly a month of trying to get him to take the bell you grew impatient. Deciding he was the one and you were going to have him.
In your natural form you decided to approach him whilst he was in the city collecting supplies. If he wouldn't take the bell then you would just take him, simple as that.
But before you could even get in a word he turned from his trade and saw you. "Why hello there, you must be ____." His cheery tone took you by surprise. It was still so early, yet he seemed to have all the energy in the world.
"Yes, that's me. And you are Tighnari, correct?" You asked, if only to keep up a more formal appearance rather than admitting you had essentially stalked him while in cat form.
"Correct. Can I help you?" He asked, his sweet smile curling his lips. "Ah, yes." You replied, clearing your throat as you put your mind back on track. "I was um..."
God, how were you supposed to ask him out? Technically this was your first time meeting. Speaking with him only now seemed difficult.
His head tilted and his large ears flopped to the side as he looked to you expectantly. You cleared your throat once more. "Ahem, I was wondering if you would perchance go on a date with me?"
Your hands clasped behind your back as you looked to your feet bashfully. Hearing a snicker you looked up to him.
"I was wondering how long it would take for you to ask!" He chuckled, leaving you confused. Was he so confident in himself that he knew you would want him? Or was there something he knew and you didn't? Before you could say anything more than a soft "How?" He began to explain.
"Your scent, I knew you were that cat. Despite the form you take your scent remains the same." He states matter-of-factly. "O-oh..." You mumbled thinking you should have seen that coming.
"So is that a no?" You inquired sadly, feeling your hopes begin to fall. "Of course not! I would love to go on a date with you." He chirped. Heart soaring you looked up to him. "Really?!"
He responded with a nod before setting his hand on your head, giving it a gentle ruffle. "Of course, I'd love to." You grinned from ear to ear as he spoke his next words. "I'll pick you up tonight around 7, sound good?" Words falling short, you nodded happily.
"Alright then, I'll finish up here and see you tonight." He said as he waved you goodbye. You returned the gesture as you waved him off and returned to your home, preparing your best outfit for the night.
;&───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───&;
That's all for today, wrote this while in the psychward lmao.
Send in a request if you have any ideas for me to write!
Have a lovely day babes ❤️